The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, September 25, 1878, Image 2

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mm. '«■ ■iLUIJLBSfgMBB THE POST. WKDNESDA Y, SEPT iff, 18W. R. L. HICKS, KD1TOU A XI) PROPRIETOR. IK P. Ificl* is the rryntor agent for the POST in Johnson county, authorized to re finer subscription*, receipt for the tome, and fit mo he eon tract* for odeeriUiofj. All due* ffhonld Itc paid to him. lieu. J. If. Blount's Apjiolnt- mifatib I will address flu: #copk' of the Sixth ^on^rc.xsiouMl District** follow*: NIUodgcvHlo, Saturday. Sept. 81 *t. iflff«rBO#raie, Wednesday, Vtwyen, X*w4*y, T&Wtots, Wednesday, October A'nvingloi), Saturday, •> Irwlnton, Wednesday, ft Rubihi, Wednesday, /CtiiHoj), Wednesday, f Mc»4Um|Ic, Tiimtoy. » Friday, T$wn*w ■2$rti. GOtli. 2.1. ntii. Olh. imii. 23rd. 2111 li. 1st. Ja»;ics Jf. Buhxt. The ncimurn, Di»#rjN Ga., Sept. *1, 1878. Ptin$))Mi)l< to ad jotinmunit tlio Com mittees mot in Dm Ootjrfc House nt li A. M. , Col. 0. S, Guyton, the President calling Dm meeting to order. In Dm absence of Gapfc. It. Ar Stanley tlio Secretary, R. L. Hicks was requested to act as Sec retary. In ns much as Dio Committeemen hud hoot) instructed at tlm previous mooting to make full reports at the mass-meeting to assemble on next Saturday the (‘48th inst.), not many roports wove presented. However, Cnpt. T. U. Roiyo Clmirman of the SubcoMimitUses for Dm Dublin Di#- tyict .relate that his District would do iw much as any other in tho Ooun- ty—poilmjw more. Favomblo re ports wore tna4« from other piatyiota. Owing to Dm fact that oyrango- nmnts for proem ring a. speaker and hand hod not town completed, «nd in ordor (hut there might in no event ho a failure in this respect, tlm Pres- ideij/, op motion was instructed to go or mid a man to Atlanta or else- Whore to procure a speaker ami band. A lottor was road before tljo meet ing fvom Col. Blount in answer to an invitation to bo present, thanking t)m brnly for tboi* hospitable invita tion. but stating with regret that ho had so ntudo his appointments llutt jm could not possjbly bo present;. Tlmro being po other busjnoss hofore flip mooting tlm body to adjourned to pmot again next Htuurday at 11 a. m. • C. 8. (Jtiyton, R. L. Hicks, Prppidont. , Hooretmy. Ifon. »Lm»«a if. Mmmt, [Atlanta Constitution. ] „ .TJiP nmmimnus ndmiimtiun Ifpn. Jhnlos IT. )l|onuf by t|}p pun- Vontjtm of tho sixth district, which nssoniblod in Milledgevillo voslorduy. Will Voeoito tlio hearty endorsement of ’pvpry (Jomoprat ip t||0 stato who isgtajl fumiiinv with Mr. Blount’* oaroor us a reprosomttjvp In congress. It was nqt necessary to nominate him for tho purposo of endorsing his record; That is perfect and needs no omlorsomont, hut his/ ranominu- tiop is ft high and deserved oumpli- riiont to his nhillty, It js hilt fair to suy that among nil whose names made up tho roll of the house of represeu- tivos of tho forty-fith congress Mr. Blount, is conspicuous for his effi ciency and industry. In him tact, prudence, foresight and experience nre wedded to abilities of a very high ordor. He was one of the moat in fluential members of tho Georgia del egation, mid served his const it neats and the pooplo of the state with a seal and fidelity that never knew ahatement. It Is not too much to say that no member of the forty-fith congress was more influential on the floor or In tho committee. Mr. Blount has served in three congress es, and was never hotter able to rep resent tho interest, of tho people. Tho Tiondon Lancet has Imen in vestigating tlio cause of the self-pos session of criminals upon tho scaff old, and has come to the conclusion that the prevalent belief that capital offenders moot their doom in a con dition of mired or paralysed amend ment. is groundless. They retain every faculty, taste, consideration and even fancy, and mentally and physically during the hist fow* hours of‘their life, and in the immediate presence of cruel death, are self-pos sessed and tranquil. The reason assigned is that the mind has reached a “dead point” in its tenshn, the excitement. !s over, and it has boon released from tho tensiou of its effort for self preservation, and almost re bounds with the sense of relief that comes with certainty, oven if the cer tainty is only one of death. Dublin, Ga.., Sept. 21st, 1878. m. Poet: I admire the way iy which •‘CYjiio’ in j'oar hist issue set out with his criticism of the articles which have appeared in yopr columns, written by Jacobus. That is to say, I ad mire the fricpdlg maimer ip which he sets out; but it appears to me before lie is through, he changes his concilia tor}' course. Now I write this article in answer to Critic through the purest of motives; and while I shall, as I think, convince all disinterested minds, or rather dispassionate minds that Jacobus is right ami that Critic is radically wrong, still I do Die same for no pique with Critic. True, Jacolms has not admired or raised his voice in servile shouts at the course .of A- U> .Stephens. Nor is lie bo-day more ready bo do so than at any period of the past. Mr. Ste phens is just such an impediment in the way of the success of the Demo cratic party as will be damaging to the best interests of the Southern people if enough of Diem take , the position toward his course that Critic joes. For instead of keeping himself within the hounds of party organisa tion, ns all good and true men should do, he, not only for personal aggran dizement announces to tho country thut he will not be governed by the action of Conventions himself; but in order to carry into operation this (what ho knows to be) hellish scheme, lie goes out of his district into the Seventh, where there is in tho field an organised democrat, an Independent and a Radical candidate and endorses the course of the inde pendent, and a*ks Dm ilmnoomU of the district to support him. Why does he do this? For the good of the country? A|1 posted men of sound judgoment well know that that is not tho crso. Ifo simply flees i fc for per- aonttl benefit, and distinction to him- solf, and tlmt at tile sacrifice of principle and his people, fs this to bo tolerated? I think I can say for Georgians outside of the Eighth district, that it will not be. And the Eighth district should he aqeomit- ablo to tho pooplc for their conduct in again Rending a man to represent then! in Congress, whoso principles are lilimteal to tl io best iutoppgtA of tho oonntry, Grille says Mr. Stephens-gives di rect ion tq tho action of onr Son thorn members, This is the "opsi dixit” of Grille, As authority, I ojlp Critic to tho assertion of Mr. 8., that he would not bo governed by anything agreed ujwm in domooratio caucus which did not comport with his ideas of right. If ho was giving direction lo things, why tho necessity for this assertion? 1 leave tho public to say why? As to Col. 11. ami Gen. ‘ Cook’s resolution to tho Ooondo appropria tion bill, I ask Critio and tho public to consult tluiCongrossional Uocord; and to ascertain thore if the moasure was not oarriod by Ool, B. ovor tlio objections of Gen, 0, But Critio says tlio greatest, error of Jacobus js ns to Excontivo Com mittees. I would say to ♦‘Critic” if ho has not yot loomed that Abram Hewitt has resigned lus place as Chairman of tho National Democrat ic Committee, to go book and read up. When Critic docs this, I feel assured that wc will have no further troublo about this muttor. As to the State Executive Committee 1 have nothing tq nay in answer to Critic. As to Congressional and County Committees, Critio is egtvgiottsly in error. Tho Ooniniitteos appointed by Congressional Coil volitions and for Congressional purposes. They are not tho Creatures of County Committees, nor can thoy bo amend able thereto. Thoy have exclusive nuthortiy to call Conventions for Congressional purposes and to this end they huvo exclusive authority to call mass meetings of the people. County Committees are Creatures of tho State and County Conventions, and are amcniablo only to State and County Conventions. They have exclusive authority to call mass moot ings for State and County purposes. That is exclusive from other Com mittees and I mean tho same to ap ply to what has been said relative to Congressional Committees. Jacobus. Mr. Spurgeon lias the rheumatism and emi’t preach. MEMPHIS, A Moving picture of Her Desolation. [Correspondence KurftrWc Amricnn, M/A.] Memphis, September H.*-Mem phis is in the very •midnight, of glooni, The angej of death has writ ten Ichubod upon her altars, and her high places arc rendered desolate and deserted. Along Die once gay and busy streets there is naught to break the silence but the rumbling of the death-car laden with jts argo sies of human freight. Nq funeral train follows in its wake—nothing of the dark, hut to some extent heart- soothing paraphernalia of death. Nearly every house is dosed, and it is only in the dead of night that you can recognize the city, as inhabited at ali-T-hy tho dim light which steals out from the chamber of the sick, the dying and Dm dead. It is, I think, safe to say that every inhabi ted house has been smitten wit}) the plngue-=-ucariy every one visited by death—end the end is ygt afar off. Among the sick the scents are often bitterly Jicnrt>rcnding.. xl have gono into ft room wlierb, 11 poll their lonely couches, four or five helpless creatures were lying, having seen-no physician, with none to hand them a drop of water, famishing, starving, dying in helpless agony of mind and body. I Jiuvo seen the mother almost in the last throes of death, struggling to roach her dying child and smooth its burning pillow. I have seen the wifo full helpless at her liuahand’s sido, as with all tho gathered energy which only a woman’s love could stimulate, she reached bis dying couch to press the last kiss upon his purplo ljps. And then, too, the darker side of humanity is sometimes revealed to us; but wo rcjoico to know that this is the exception, liet the rule, .even among those charac ters where wo might reasonably ex pect to find it manifested. I have known mothers tp }enVo their child ren, husbands their wives and byqfcli-; ers their sisters, and refuse even to extend thorn ii|o slightest offering of sympathy w aid; but tho cjyilfzmg iniluonces-wllitd). in pur ago >baVc been brought to-bear upon tlio WOrld have raised humanity out of slich dcgwulalien birliaVw'V ofnatnre/ ' , . ..;.r7" Calhoun 7'inttvt: A man who will read a newspaper three or four years without paving for it is mean enough to pasture liis goats on the grave of Ilia grandfather. At ftoaJos Mound,, near Galena, 111., a week ago, Henry Hour, a young man laboring under a. njjld attack of insanity, built a bonfii^of corn-fodder, and, divesting himself of all of bis sljiyt, deliberately walked into t'ljo burning mass, chanting at the same timelds own funeral dirge, • Ifo wi|s stilled by tho smoko and fell to tlio ground, his feet and logs remaining in the tire. Ho wqs found in that ponditidii and resum'd from the flames by his parents, stiff singing while roastjivsr alive. Both of his logs have heeii unipntatod and ho will prohulily die. Tlireo hundred apes, four feet high, “great lmitos and as savago as wild beasts,” have taken possession of Augurpnra, a vjffagp eight miles from Calcutta, mid having ojooted tho iifflfthitunts hftvo billeted them selves on the orchards and gardens of tho hamlet, whonco they direct various offensive strategetio move ments, night attacks and predatory raids upon the neighborhood. They attack phildren and ovon full-grewn women without fear, polocting always tho female and weaker gex* as':|tuv speoinl objeots of their viqlonpe, The viliogora dare not shoot one, tlio po lice are not strong enough to inter fere, and the Culoutta Ypluntpers.^ue. to bo paffpd out. , ■-rrr* A young lady living in Somerset shire rood a niatriniomml advertise ment in a London paper and aftor six months’ correspondence married the odvertisor, who represented him self to bo at tho head of a prominent ’firm of silver smiths, and invited all her relatives and frionds to visit him at his palatial residence, He got. tlio wedding presents, his wife’s luggage and £100 given her by her father for pookot money, took ber to a wretched furnished room and said if she didn’t like to share his homo sho could go about her business. She arose and wont unto Mr father and ho levanted with his plmidor. A correspondent of a North Caro lina paper savs that “a distinguished, memoer of Congress from Massachu setts, Speaker of the House, once had his wife’s sister at the same ho tel with themselves as nurse to their children. She hud to eat with tlur other servants.” The renomination of Col. Jas. II- Blouut was a fitting reward for the past eminent services of this distin guished gentleman, who has won for himself #)) -enviable reputation for industry, sagacity and fidelity on one of the most important committees of Congress. Ct4 Blount lias Men nn- tiring in his advocacy of the rights and nest interests of his constitu ents, and is .ever at bis post, calm, watchful and keenly on the alert to discover and thwart the mast subtle schemes of the Radical foe. Long experience lias made him familiar with all .existing political complica tions and flip precise status of pres ent legislation. Hence his services will heeqUni to that of two tyros who have yet to “jeara the ropes” at Washington, We refused to nominate Cot Blount in advance in tho columns of the Telegraph for reasons which have been frequently stated, though per sonally and privately bis ardent sup porters. ; But now that the people have spo ken through tbejr accredited repres entatives, we caff upon every Dem ocrat and patriot in the District with out distietiou of party to rally to his support, Colonel Blount will faithfully up hold the rights of all, without ros- S ect to race or color, and is, therefore, eserving of the unanimous suffrages of his countrymen. f .‘ ■ The glorious Gth District has ‘Set a noble example of barmoriy and un ion to the entire State which, we trust, will bo heeded to the utter dis comfiture of those marplots who style themselves “indcpenclcnt Democ rats.” A plague upon such Domoc- ucy say ytc.^-Macon Telegraph, In an editorial which appeared in tho News on the lCtli inst. in regard to tho women of Virginia and the Virginia debt, the name of the wife of Bishop Whipple W.oe mentioned as Vice President of an association to aid in paying off sue!) debt. We have been specially requested to slate that it 8liou)d have been stated that tlio wife of Bt. Rev, Francis N. Whittle, Bishop of Virginia, is tlie lady Vice President of said, associa-* tion, Bishop Whipple being a West ern Bishop. We make this correct ion cheerfully, especially as Bishop Whittle has several hpiiv relatives I'esiding in (jcoi’g|ii, =- Savannah Xctcp, Having tl|c Qltl 3Iaii, : - . ■« .. . - T - , Broken in Vermont ahfl routed in Maine, tljo republican parly Ingath ering itself up for a grand and des perate rally in Iowa. A mighty ef fort will be made to save that sanct uary of republicanism, “The child is dead, the mother is dying,” wrote the young physician, touching his first case of obstetrics, “but I have every reason to beffpvp that I will save the old man,” The East man Times 011 Blount. “A fine compliment to genuine merit, and worth was paid to lion. Jas, II, Blount on yesterday at the convention of tho Sixth Congress ional Dist, ill Millodgoviffo, lie hav ing received 30, the total vote of his di,striot, 011 tlio first ballot. Georgia hasn’t a more able, aotive and worthy representative than is found in Mr, Blount, Wc uro pleased to see this manifest appreciation of his services, and to know that ho is to bo returned to Congress.” Mr. W. F. Parker, of Nuslmr, N. II,, puzzles the doctors with an annu al attack of tlio moaslos. For twenty years they have broken out upon him, cn the sumo day of tlio year and at precisely tlio same hour, He ought to put his clock on. :: The city of London spent $137, 800 op jts reception to the Prince of Wales upon lps return from India. Tffo bills of fare and dniice pro grammes cost $2,795 and tho dinner and ball tiokets $1,720, ‘ A young man named Davis, a res ident of Montgomery county^ Ind., having been attacked'by'’ sorofula, and fearing to marry, killed himself. Ilis betrothed attended tM funeral, and strove violently to fling herself into tho gravo upon the coffin,’ An English onicoi' sent on a special mission by the War Office included in his accounts an item of 1 shilling for “porter.” The War Office sent him a formidable letter by-return of post to inform him that the Govern ment did «ot pay for his boor. He explained that the shilling was for the man who carried his luggage, and then received another note advis ing him that ho should have charged for “portemgo.” Whon he next jnade up his accounts the official charged 1 shilling G poueo for “eab- d>nge,” considering that that was the proper way to set down a change for eab hire, ‘ but he promptly received another wigging for making unau thorized investments in vegetables. TBimitEIiL & CARTER, G-a,- Gr R A N I) ANNO IT NO E M E N T. Wc tfffcr to rhe BuMic fx Large Stock of f DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, C10TH1KG, FANCY GOODS, JLard ware, {Jrockpry, lVoodomvare, . Saddlery HlanrxLess,, &o. 3 &o. Tflgqthi^ wifii a cniapiclc stock of GROCERIES of weyy kind.. A large Jot of Bagging and Ties. C5?”As wc trny our goods cyclusjvdy of Northern markers wte »rfi enabled to self them as cheap as any House in tlie South. «cj»; 2o-3m • MAAS & BROTHER, ^-DEALERS 1X~ MiEJKGi3:^L3srx)jS33 COCHRAN GA, AVe have just Received from New York and the Eastern Markets, The Largest and Best Selected Stork' El 9t Brought to this Section, and which will bp sold .at priep - AA r o invite, the Public to Call and See ns, as it is no trouble to Show Goods. Planters will dp weff to price at our House before buying else, wliprp, Pur Motto: To.Please and Suit Everybody. We Guarantee all Goods as Represented, MAAS <fc KRQ. COCHRAN Rept, 18-JIm. GEORGIA. On the Midway Railway, England, "’lien a traveller buys a ticket lie is given n bill of fiirii, on which lie ticks off wJuit lip would like for dinner or lunch und nt what vefresliinput station lie would like to have his mtud. lie «Jj#Sjji is^mBTO TOffffShe mt m ber- ^<>f lus. ticket to tin- bill, which' is telc- gnmjjcd on, and. when lie arrives he finds a tulilo spread for his jmrtv. Hie soup on the table and the other courses in readiness, nil at the usual hotel charges, Twenty-eight dishonest tradesmen recently came before the Paris Trib unal of Correctional Police, A coal merphaut for cheating in weight was, .fined $10 and imprisonment for a week; a grocer was fined $10 for sell ing goods of poor qualify; fifteen tpv- cru-keepors were fined $10 and im prisoned for adulterating their liq uors; nine milk-dealers suffered a liko punishment for watering their milk, and two bakers were fined $5 for using light weights. Miss Martha Atnlanta Lumpkin, daughter of ex-Governor Lumpkin, is at present visiting Atlanta, Ga., which oity was named after her,being first oaffod “Marthasviff'o,” and then “Atalnnta,” the second “a” being dro])ped aftor awhile,—X. Y World, Tlio Mussaohusetts Grcenbnckors have adopted a platform denouncing both political parties, attributing the nreseut distresses in tho land to bad legislations of tlio oast, demanding an immediate repeal of the resump tion not, opposing any issuo of inter- est-boaring bonds by the government unless the sumo are directly author LATEST IMPROVED AND BEST Family Sewing Ma,c.hji. The PHILADELPHIA has all tho latest-improvements, and is made of t he very best materials, using a loug, large, easily-threaded shuttle,; In 11 word, it. is THE Sewing Machine for Family use. . * Large, Strong mu) Light running, ’ ' Fully warranted in every parties • • lar, and retails for \. ;;.<7 TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS and upwards, Address, ’ PUiladeluliin Sewing Machine Co. No. J44 N- Seventh Street, Philadelphia, Pa, R. M. ARNAU, Sclsntlflo BlBoksmiths Southeast Corner Public Square, All work done warranted to please or pq clinrj ized by the people, favoring a labor ehnrgc. . ‘ bureau, and taxation of all hind BUGGY WORK A SPECIALTY.- whefcliej* onltivated or not, favoring a preserving of the public domain for actual tillers of tno soil, declaring that nows bo furnished all newspa pers upon equal torms, declaring against a poll tax, or taxing a person upon what lie owes, that is upon the full value of his property when it is mortgaged. After doing all this thoy nominated Ben Butler for Governor, Tlie Turks lost about 150,000 men killed and wounded during the re cent war, and according to the In valids Ilusse, something over 10,000, KEEPS ALWAYS ONHANlV . A Fine Assortment of Flows y. .••ft. «=ALSO— Wliioh Is superior to any plow of tho kind mafic In this country. With thanks for past favors, wo solicit the oonUuuapco jo 20, 1 y. of the same, 000 cartridge were flrcS by the Rne „.,, en «». v/v/v wuiuuuva wuu muu luc hub MS tffSt $ At Spicheren tho Prussians scored 1 Superc7vnski when ^hn A Berllnor taught his dog to howl ures are oorrect, the Russian soldior is a better ri,ot or movo economical | mt Xumcntf * * of ammunition than his Gorman cousin. However, the Russians cm- Mr. Bnek, of Meridon, Conn., has ployed artillery fire more largely made of fifteen grains of gold and tlmu usual, and a London paper si Ivor a perfect steam engine, which hints that, they might have used the will run for twenty minutes with tho bayonet after their armies surrender- steam generated from three drops of ed. water, 4