The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, June 08, 1887, Image 5

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VOLUME IX. DUBLIN. GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY JUNE, 8 1887. NUMBER 4 Professional Cards. DR. W. C. GIBSON, Macon, Georgia. 35 1-2 COTTON AVENUE. Treats diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat. Nose, and Skin diseases. [mar 80 ly Dr. P. M. JOHNSON, 5* PRACTITIONER, Lovett, - - Georgia. C ATTENDED TO AT ALL J hours. Day and Night. ' mch<55 tf. ly ■ . ' . * ■ ■ Or. J. X,. LINDER [SIX MILS NOIITH of DUBLIN,] OFFERS his services to the public at large; Calls promptly attended l®, day < night. Ottice at residence, aug 20, ’84 ly. PUSH AHEAD. Up and on and do not watt If you’ve anything to do; Never bo a moment late, Drive ahead and push it through. Onward press without complaint; Never murmer, fret or scold; Lingering never made a saint; Vacant hearts no virtue hold, Every moment keep iu play Nerve and faculty and grit; Proverdence will haste the day ■ ‘' When with honor you will sit. —Reliqioua Herald. THE YELLOW BUTERFLY. CHARLES HICKS, M. E PRACTITIONER. Dublin, n - • Georgia. jt-20, y DR. C* F. GREEN, PRACTITIONER. Dublin, - Georgia. '"'IALLS ATTENDED TO AT ■ ' ■ - V V ALL . Otilae Obours. Obstetrics a specialty. Residence ' ’ ' ' ■ i i. —~ T. L. CRINER, ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR ': v AT LAW. • ' .; Dublin - Georgia. may 21 tf... FELDER & SANDERS, ATTORNEYS at law, Dublin, - - Georgia WilUpniotloe in the courts of tbs Oco neo, Of.mUlgee and Middle circuits, and the Supreme court of Georgia, aud else where liy special contract. Will negotiate loans on improved furm ing luiids. : ' . b. fcth, 885.-Gin. The LIVERY STABLE IS NOW’ KEPT FOR TilE ACCOMMODATION OF THE PUBLIC. When wanting accommodation in this line cull on me. W. j Nov! 24. '8C. HIGHTOWER, DubiiL, Georgia. m mm K INCHED & HARRIS PfilACOX, GEORGIA) BRICK sod their prices compete with any ‘ Yof the country. Are Manufacturers of FlftST-CLASS iRICK sod their prices co manufacturers’ iu this part §(o)§ Be sure and give them your orders and receive satisfaction in both, price and the quality of the Brick furnished / -o- For furtiier particulars apply to us * Or D. B. BLACKSHEAR, mar2 tf. Dotilin, Ga. G. IIIIISCHMAN IS NOW WITH Einstein & Lelnnan a’.i v.txx.t if, - geo no i a. Remember yon can get Dublin Poyr ami the Savannah Weekly News ono vein for only $2 25. It was nothing more nor loss than a yellow butterfly that brought Mr. Alston to the Rooky Glen. He was an entomologist. lie was also geologist; and if there were any other ologies into which he had not dipped, at Some period or other of his career, it was because they were not discovered at thut period of the world’s history. % * “It’s a pity,” said Mrs. Hobbs, his housekeeper, “that such a nice gentleman as Mr, Alston shouldn’t marry and settle down like other folks. T did have some hopes when M iss Blim, his cousin twice removed came here to make a visit with Miss osey Ames, the young lady from the city as had suoh lovelv blue eyes. But Mr. Alston didn't seem to take much stock in tier, and seemed dreadful relieved like when she went away. Then there was Miss Pris cilla Jones, the school-ma'am. Says I to myself, when I lieerd she\l took the doestriok school, here’s a maid for the master. But she didn't suit Ins idees no Way. Said she was a masculine woman. Some folks is hard to please anyhow.” A.nd while Mrs. Hobbs was pre serving blackberries up at the house, and mingling her sorrows with the syrup and her lamentations with the fruit, Mi;. Alston, with' his lunch neatly packod up in a tin box, and a pocket flask of sherry in his coat- front, was following up a particular ly brilliant and rare specimen of gold-wingod butterfly, which, ac cording to the best of his belief, had not yet been represented in his col lection, across inarch aud fen, down deep ravines and up brier-clothed hills. -V He caught it at lust* in his swift- descending and wily net, chloro formed it on the spot, and deposited it in liis case with'the same sense of triumph which Columbus may have experienced when he first sighted the shores of America. He hud lost hi* lunch-box; the sherry Husk has been crushed in scrambling up the face of i>a m’ost impracticable rock; his gar ments were muddied, hands lorn with thorns; but; what of all thisI^tho yellow butterfly was his. At the iittle hostelry near Rooky Glen ho stopped for something to oat; and then and there ho though* he would indulge hunscll in utiothei hick at the treasure. But, to his horror and annoyaace, tho waitress giyl, in cleaning out the hall.^had flung away.a good portion of his treasures. ^ 1 “Ija, no!” said she. “It was on ly a lot of wilted yarbs/ati’ truck as couldn’t be'of no use to nobody. And when—”■ *&• " “Yarbs 1” he repeated, in a voice whose accent beggars description. “And truck! Well, girl, we’ll lei the botanical specimens pass; but the tit: box containing my yellow b n 11 e r 11 y-—my Kolias Hay a le— ! ” “Tin bpx!” vacantly repeated Eliza Jane. “Ob, yes, I do remem ber now. There was a little tin box and the lid fell oil, and thero was big yellow moth flowed out—” “Iu which direction ?” gasped tho naturalist. * “Towards Dunlay Woods,” said Eliza Jane, pointing with a needle pricked finger. And .Mr. Alston caught up his hat and darted frantically toward* th point of the (ompafi indicated. ' ten thous- “But-—” Ha ran in all directions, plunging his net wherever the gleam of a yel low butterfly lighted tho darkness of the woods, until, finally, a gold- plumed creature fluttered before him into a pretty garden on a dis tant road, and poised its wings on a cluster of vivid soarlat sweet-wil liams., You villaur!?: muttered 1 the' per spiring naturalist. “1 have you uow!” Just ns he was about to descend on the beautiful truant with the net his two arms were suddenly and vio lently pinioned to his sides from be hind, and a oieur sweot voice called out, in accents of indignation: “Leave my butterflioB alone! How dare you come trespassing into my garden, you— ynu.rufflanl” The naturalist turned around,— his net fell harmlessly to his side, while tho Kolias Haylo swam airily away into the srinshiue, like a float ing flowor-and found himself. vi8-a vis with a beautiful young woman whoso sparkling eyes, ori nsou cheeks and general aspect of indignation were as attractive as thoy wore startling. 1—1 am sure 1 beg and pardons,” said lie. “Twenty thousand would be no object!” cried the yonuglady. ‘You are a trespasser. You are destroy ing my butterflies! Leave the premises at once. Don’t you heur me ?” • “Milly.! Milly!” pleaded a gentle voice—and then, for the first time, Mr. Alston became aware that an elderly lady, in a soft, white dress with hair to match, was sitting oif tho lawn, beyond a full-leafed rho- dodenron *ree. Distinctively Mr. Alston took refuge at her side. “I assure you, madam—” said he “But, mamma, he huBiiV any business here.” j “Milly, my daughter!” repeated the soft tones. “And he was catching piy lovely pet butterflies,” cried tho girl, f*lo stick pins through them—the djirl iugs—and let 'them pine their lives away in anguish. Oh, it’s cruel! it’s barbarous!” By no means!” cried the natura list—“by no means! You mi sup prebend me alt.ogotbor”(nnd lie drew out bis bottle of chloroform), am no such barbarian ns your words would seem to imply. My speci mens are all mercifully despatched by means of this almosthetic mo dium. And yonder yellow insect iu one which 1 have long coveted for my collection.” Your collection 1” 'cried the young lady, breathing quick and fust. “Aud what iu a collection compared'with the free, bright life of these lovely creatures 1 Oh, can’t understand tho miscalled science which would butcher a score of butterflies to form a—collection!” Mr. Alston stoppod. “I beg your pardon,” he uttered humbly. “No, ono ever put the matter before the in this light. 1 [’ll think the subject over. Mean while, hero is my card, simply tod for a moment; then went up to | tho naturalist and held out hor hand, whilo the color varied exquisitely on hor olieck. Please forgive me,’* said she. “I The Star of Bethlehem. “No, I haven’t seen tho star of Bethlehem,” snid Prof. Pickering, of tho Harvard College Observatory, last evening. “I looked for it Wed- —I’m afraid I talked very like a ail— nesday evening when I heard that ly child. But I am. very fond of [some professor in Kentucky, un- butterflies.” known to me, had discovered its ‘^Soam 1,” Baid Mr. Alston, presence in the heavens, but I could “But I like mine - labelled, in a notseo it. Hooked for it with the Otise.” I naked eye. It isn’t there, aud the “And I like mine flying about the chances of its appearance are very garden,” njtprted Milly. “Won’t [uncertain, indeed. Astronomers to prove that I am a gontleuian, aud intend no_ rudeness.” “But it was rude!”cried Miss Milly. “To bounce iuto our garden without leave or license, and rush around pver our mignonette -beds and sweet-abyssnm borders, with butterfly neb, exactly like a wild Indian and all to catch my pets tbut are so tame they will almost sip lion ey from my hand.” “1 didn’t think,” pleaded the naturalist. “I never flopped to consider. Please forgive me—wen you !” “Milly, my dear.” said Mrs. No villo, who had been eluding tho card through her eyeglasses, “this is Mr. Ferdinand Alston, your eldest broth si’s college mate—tho distinguish ed scientist whoso articles wc havo so often read with pleasure and prof it.” Milly looked aghast. Shu bruits you come in and rest ? Mamma beokoning to roe tlie ask you,” “1 won’t intrude,” said Mr. Als. ton, “unless you invito mo*” “Then,” said Milly, sanoily, “con sidor yourself invited. But no but terfly catohing, mind ?” “I parole myself,” said the natur alist, solonaly. The yellow butterfly never was re oaptuml. In fact,<to this day Mr. Alston's famous collection is without Kolias Hyalo altogether. But Mr. Alston lost something besides tho yellow buttorfly, that summer day. He lost his heart. I couldn’t behove my eyes, Mrs. Hobbs deolated, “when ho brought that pretty, slim young erector here one day, mid said, ‘this young lady is going to^be your mis tress next mouth,’ And.she laugh ed, and says she, ‘show me where your master keeps his collection of butterflies!’ And says I, ‘Be you scientmo, Miss ?’ And says she. Not in the lease.’ And I declare to you, Mr. Alston has boon like adit ferent man ever since Mrs. Alston came here to lookaftoi tilings. I’ve hoard of folks drinkin’ tho Foun tain of Youth, and I do honestly bolieve.-mymaster has dono tbut same thing. But what he means when he says Miss Milly give him a sound scolding the very first time ho oversaw her, I’m sure 1 can’t think, for if ever there was a sweot-spoken young ludy, it is Mrs. Alston ! With a temper like an angel, too I” And to the day of her death Mrs. Hobbs novor solved the problom. New York Ledger. Sam Jones says: One of the pro feasors in Harvard University was a great bugologiat. He had all sorts of bugs the world evor saw ju frames, and ho studied bugology until he knew all about it, and had thous ands of specimens of different sorts of bugs. And the mischievous stu dents took the legs of ono bug, and tho body of another, and put them are doubtful about it. Many of them do not believe it will' come at all. 1 have received no ofliciul in formation from any quarter that the reappearance of the star had been notod by responsible astronomers. Should it muke its reappearance, it would be an important astronomi cal phenomenon, and would be ob- sorvod with groat soiontifio interest all over the world. Its value to as- tronomioal study nan hardly bo de termined except upon its reappear ance, “Undoubtedly it would be of great value, and Bciontists would probably bo onablod to ascertain its cause. Should it appear it would be ntado a special study at the Har vard University observatory. As tronomers havo but little uuthentio information about the BO-oulled star of Bethlehem. The only reliable data are those scoured by Tyolio Brahe, the celebrated Danish astro notner, in 1572, who discovered very bright star in Oastiopeia, wbioli was so brilliant that it could be seen with the naked eye in the day time About 1260 there was a similar star, and there was probably one about 900, but there is no oertainly that thoy were the same. From this aroso the idea thut thero is a star of Bethlehem which appears every 815 years or so, As to tho belief thut grout misfortunes will occur upon the eurth as n result of the reappear unco of tlie star, that is sheer uon- seuse. But just another word Tliore is no historical evidence whut over that tho star of Bethlehem is tho star which is said to have ap peared upon the birth of Ohrish. Tho Bible speaks of it ns the ‘Star of the East.’ This could not have boon the star of Bothlchom, us that did not appear iu [ho, east, but in the north.”—Boston Herald, Ben Parley Poor’s Wheelbarrow Among tho ituuunornblo things in wliioh lie exhibits pnrdonublo pride is a common wheelbarrow, upon which ho wheeled a barrel of apples of his owu raising, from Indian Hill Farm to Boston, a dislanco of thirty six and a half miles, in payment of wager made during tho heated pres idential campaign of 1826. It was an immense task, but faithfully per* formed and was chceiod by music, speeches and flowers—in fuot, it wua turned iuto an ovation, arid at the ; ourney’s end tlie apples were sold ] or a very round sum. The major on- ; oyed tolling how the people along tho road jibed and cheer him, how willing the farmers wero to oarry the procession bat , how orsistently ho refused. This por- ormnnee whirled Major Poore into promineoo end public favor which ho noVor lost‘—Philadelphia Ti mes. Growth of, tlie Churches. The progross of Christianity in this country is more marked than is ,: ; pc-iv..--....---^..generally' supposed. In the last all'together, just like nature puts four years tho gam in 'churches was them together, and curried the hug 15325, at the rate of 3,881 a year, or to tho old professor, with his thick 110J a day, and represents in the ag glasses on, and laid it on the table, I gregate a large'appropriation of and said. “Professor, what sqyt of a money and effort. So, also, , dots bug js that?” Tho old professor tlie remarkable increase of ministers looked at it, > and turned it around, 6,694. The increase in membership and looked at it and looked at it, has been something like 408,000 and looked at it again, and said he, year, which is at the rate of 1,117 “Gentlemen, this is a humbug.” every day, ar 4G every hour. Tho And this is just what we mean by a growth of Methodism ^‘particularly religious humbug, llo lias got the enormous, A hundred years ago head of a Christian, and foot of a it had all told about 13.000 mem dancer, and the tongue of a tattler, bers; now it numbers 4,532,658 and the appetite of a drunkard, aad with 47,302 chujohea and 29496 ho lazir.ess of a shirk, aud you just ministers, not including local preach put tiim all together, and he is the j era. Tho total number of com mu ri finest specimen of a humbug you evei saw. OIIATANOOUA MAY GO DRY. An Excltf»ff : Battle for and a gainst Whiskey. Chattanooga, Tenri., June L — [Special.]-The prohibition cam paign was opened here tonight by Rev. Sam Jones. Several thousand people swarmed into the courthouse yard to hear tho Georgia evangelist iu his caustic tirade against whisky. The campaign is uow thoroughly opened, and the fight is on. It will be ono of the bitterest, most hotly contested battles over fought in the or s, leant* of all denominations in the United States is now T9018977, Puris, June 3.—There has been no repetition today of the distur bances made last night in front of the opera house m favor of Boulun gcr. Excitement has generally sub sided. The radical press today gain denounce tho Rouviar cabinet while conservative papers rejoice at the split between the radicals and oppositionists, as they hope that the split will result in profit for the con servatives. Scnoin, Ga., June 8.- [Special. J, Mrs, G. W. Bo won, of Senoia, made a most unfortuuato mistake Tuesday morning. She gave her little child, six weeks old, morphine instead of oalomel. In ono short hour the ohild was dead, despite the efforts of the physiciari, and the mother was heartbroken and almost crazed with grief.* By mistake a paper of morphine for tho mother imd boon dropped among the mudi- oine for the child, aud tho loving hands of the mother unconsciously administered tl)o droadful boison to her own child. The husband is' away but was telegraphed the sud accident. Mrs. Grant has just received from Gbas; L. Webster a check for $33 state. Tho prohibitionist will import j 384,53 us additional profits on the *1! tlif: leading speaker* in the |'* lt,B ( ’ CM - Grant’s “Memoirs.” country. She has thus received to date a total --r- ~ . of *391,450.53. TJw Ouancial suc- Job work of every description l A , , , . done on short notice. Satisfaction ct ”“ * f Gr “ nt 8 book u »>»precedent- giiaruutfd. | « ,<1 the history of literatuue. Freak ofii Lunatic. Albauy, N. Y„ Jane I-E. O.. Dieffenbadlier an escaped lunatio from Herkimer bounty, a large pow erful man,, pushed his way into the executive chamber today until ho was beside Govornor Hill's desk and. demanded an immediate hearing. Hi's actions created some uneasiness, but he was quickly carried away by a policeman without offering any re sistance. •' Gen.-Lawton Starts to ISuroRO. Savannah, Ga., June 2.—[Special] —Gonerul Lawton and wife started tonight on their journey to Vienna. A large number of friends arid citi zens were at the depot to bid them adieu. They left by tho Savannah and Charleston road for New York, whence they sot sail on June 8 upon tho Adriatic. . ;.||g “ Increase ol the Fever. Key West, Fla., .June 2.—The ef fect of the heavy rains during the past' forty-eight hours hiis already becomO muifost in an increase of sick ness hero. Six now cases of yellow fever are now being treated by the health authorities. ROST- MoYmST A M ENIT1ES. Hugh Conway, who has written » number of novels since his death, lias finally concluded to quit nod jrive living writers a chance.—New Orleans Picayune. A man may chin And a man may work For the temperance cauae all duy, But ho can’t go u flshin’ * And obMorvo prohibition, Because ho ain’t built that way. Cyprus Ceded to Ruglnnd. 1 Loudon, June 1—The sultan of Turkey has ceded tho island of Cy prus to England. The Dujilin Powf and tho Sav* annuli News, or Mucon Telegraph* or Atlanta Constitution, for the Hinult sum of *2.25 u year. N<»w is tho time to get your county paper and a large city weekly for a small amount of money. A guilolcHK country girl wrote to her adorer thus; “Don’t come to see me any more just yet, John, for father has been having his bools half-soled, and two rows of nails around tho toes.’* Those who love tlioir <?aso shauld tIOt forgot to go to Y. II. Wynne’s und buy one of those lowly II.uu mock’* before they uio all gemo.