The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, June 08, 1887, Image 6

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THE POST. W K!)N KrtlU Y J U N K * 1*7 M J. A. PEACOCK Editor. 4NSIilUilaWUWWWi*plMUtMB*MMWnBlB8MS3MF A Good I>ok Ijiw. The statesmen of Alabama haviug failed to legislate for the slioep kil ling dog, the county authoritea are going to attend to the case. The connty of Oheiokee liae already gone to work. Under the Chcrokeo law one dog ie exempt to each family. All over ia taxed $1.50. The exempt dog and the dog they pay tax on must wear collar*. Keeping a dog with out a collar subjects the owner to a fine of not lea* than $25. Putting a collar on a dog eot exompt that they haven’t paid tax on subjects them to a fine of $50. On the let of July they muatgo to the townahip trustees, report their dogs and get a license. Trustees are allowed thirty- five cent* por dog for collecting and iaauiog licenses. The tax realized ’ goea to the township school fund it this proves successful, Now Militia District. Nn!ice i« hereby nlvm that a new Mill lin iJii'li ict hiu lict n laid off and i nt.ibli-hcd in JooireiiK »'iunty, from tlie Utobtli and i:::txili District G. M. a- follows: Thu linuto c-THnnicncuil where the C* W. Sluwnti'a road croHW H tli«* J .m,u conn ty line, thence taking said county line lo the old diivuuimli road nl Pendleton's Greek, thence West up the said road to Pugh's Creek, thence North up the main North prong of sold creek to the Per* Juitnon Pond, thence North about one mile ns now marked out to the beginning corner. Said district to be known us Carter’s No. 14I2»1». district G. M. * John T Ddnoan, June 1, 1887. Ordinary. MARSHAL HOUSE. BA VAXNAII, OA. tt-tt-tt Itch. l’raiic Manpe. and hcmlchc* of every kind cured in <M> minutes by W ol ford’s Sanitary Lotion. Uw no other. This never fails. Hold tiy H. Hick* iV Co., Druggist Dublin, Ga. GKO. D. HODGES, Proprietor, for-! meriy of the Metropolitan Hotel, New York, and the Grand Union Saratoga Springs. LODTION CENTRAL. All parts of the city and places of iateresi > accessible by street cars constantly passing Year’s Support. t. r Hendrix. O. P. WlLLlNOHAi GEORGIA, Laurens Countt— Ordinary’s office, April 25th, 1887. Whereas appraisers appointed to set stpnrt a year’s support to Mrs. Nancy E. Wurren and children, out of her late bus- baud, B. P. Warren’s estate, have filed their award la this office iu terms of the luiv; These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all persons concerned to show cause, if any they have, on or befoie the first Mom ‘ in Ju HENDRIX & WILLINGHA: MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN STO, DOORS, BLINDS, EQOniiDII}G| the doors. Special inducements to those day in June next, why said award should ...... .. , . . ‘not tie mode the judgment of this court visiting the city on business or pleasure. nn d recorded. 4t, feb 28-tf. John T. Duncan, Ordinary. Commercial CollegSuxiHOTON.Kv. Chtapntk 0a* f ButhmiColleg* m W* World. — T—rrs* *WtM***ynj0*m *kggg fc ^fiSL u MfaNlmMt; CATCH ON! in Otmlan.tMnml Motlimlist Church Directory Boilino Hpiunoh 1st Sunday and Sat urday before nt 11 o’clock n. m. Dunr,m, 2nd Sunduy iu each month at the #X-111 a. m, and 7-!10 p. m* nnd Saturday be ,»pl. .ill b. followed,aud perb.pi, A,m 4lU 8 ' J " in time Georgia may get eome relief I Marvin 3rd Sunday and Saturday he from tbe great and growing evil.-- • fore Rt 11 °’ dock !l - m - COUNTRY MERCHANTS WHO CATER TO A TRADB THAT they are anxious to hold, cun have no bettor medium than our Fashionable Clothing. 'Macon Telegraph. State sip Good Advice. Prof. II. C. White, of the /University writes: ' “It I had an audience of the far mers of iho South, and had one min* ’ nte in which to giro thorn the beat ‘ advice my obsotration has suggested I should say : 'Rostrict your acreage. 1 Oultivato small bodios of land nnd gradually make them rich. Educate ’ your children to be industrious and oontentsd farmers. Advocato and encourage white immigration.’ If I had.a week instoad ef a minute 1 don’t think I could improvo upon ' this advice.” Gbthsrmank 4th Sunday and Saturday before at 11 o'clock a. m. Religious siirvices will bo conducted reg Having all our Suits made under Personal Supervision, and con sulting always the prevailing requirements as to Fabrics and Cut, we ulnriv by the pnstnr according to the .above I aro a ble to offer superior inducements to the trade in the way of Job Lofs " ' and extra drives, always the latest Metropolitan Fashions. Spe cial SiZOS in suits to fit fat, thin, sb tor tall nten. G. 0. Thompson, Pastor, r.TPtmy'.j-A":-.-. m t2|§ W. m m V7 : ": liP# mm Last March nt Nashville Senator .Sherman said of tho war: “It is uvor, tlmnk God I but the courage, bruvory, fortitude of both #ides aro now tho pride and heritage of uh all.” ly , At Springfield tho other day Iho same Senator Sherman said tlmt the | 'frequent appointment hy the present administration of “rebels’* to im-| portant foreign missions would load other nations “to conclude that it] was tho rebel cause that triumphod and not tho union cause. “ Furthor on ho reforred to the democracy as 1 -1 ho !«• ft. wing of tho new oonfodor- ato army.“ And yot there aro poople in all sections of tho couutry who condemn Blaine an a corrupt politicinn and concede that Sherman is an lionosL j man. Of tho two BUiue ia the purer and better ami braver man. OUR C.O.D. SYSTEM lias our most careful attention; rules for self measurement scut free on request. . Suits sent to responsible parties with privilege of ekftminalion;befoie paying. Money refunded in every case where satisfaction is not given. OUR SPRING & SUMMER SUITS, HATS—Soft, Stiff and Straw, Underwear, Neckwear, Fur- nIslilug’s &c., Excel ahjr similar Stock South. Prices always llie lotgest, consult us before TJuyiufc, 161 CONGRESS STREET - SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. B. II. LEVY & POWDER Absolutely Pure This powder uever varies. A marvel purity, strength nnd wholceomencsa More economical than the ordinary kinds nnd cannot bo sold in competition with tho multitude or low leal, abort weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in Mtin. Royal Baking Powder Co. , 10Q Wall St. N. Y. Discovered At Last! §§ll——(oOo) —-|1§§ c, c. c. c. 3vT ANTEIiS Newels, Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingil AND ALL KINDS OP BUILDING MATERIAL. LIME, PLASTER, CEMENT, HATR,| LATHS, PAINTS, OHS AND GLASS, And Builders' Hardware. MACON, GA. DIXIE WORKS, Foot of Cherry Street, feblC 3m. A CAE LOAD OFENOINVS JUST ARRIVED! WILL SEr.T, EXTRA CHEAP TO CLOSE THEM OUT. GEO R. LOMBARD & CO, Augusta, Georgia. and Large stock Engines, Gin and Presses, Belting, Packing, Oil Findings, Injectors, Electors, Inspirators, for immediate delivery. Engine, Mill and Boiler Repairs Pomptly done. Cost Iron and Brava Every day working 100 hands. H. IIIOKS&CO., -HEADQUARTERS FOR 1 Drug’s, Medicines and Books. f ALSO Paints (all colors), linseed oil, Varnishes, window glass, putty, white lead, sash too whitewash brushes; paintbrushes, marking' brushes, glue (white and brown), Drop black, Lamp black, analines, machinists oil, lamps, lamp fixtures, lanterns, kerosene oil, matches; starch^ murijles; cream tartar, trusses, syringes, eye goggles, nipple shields, supporters, slice brushes, blucking,,cal : bolic soap, Castile soap, rubber ulpples shoulder braces, sal soda, alum, salt petre, sulphur; bi-carb’ soda, bluing, fixed oils, sssential oils, mustard, ginger, cloves, nutmegs, blue stone, copperas, flavoring axtracts, madder, .ndigo mud, spauish brown, breast pumps, Ashing tackle, razor erap3, razor hones, HorBfdrd’s Bread Powders, Patapscd powders, potash, sulphur ocp, mace, condensed milk, Liebig’s extract,of beef, imperial gruuum, plain and ejnoy candies, fruit jars, corks, oil cans, all sizes, from gill oilers up to O-gullon jack, fts, the celebrated iunnel-iipped measures, and a full line of the most \ • popular i Hi —Such as— . Hostetter’s Bitters, McLean’s Slengthemng Cordial,. Bradfield> Fema op Bitters AyeFs Cherry Peetoral. .Sarsaparilla and Yellow Dock, Sootlmi- Itegulator Darter’s iron, Tonic Parker’ Giugef Tonic, Bull’s Cough Syru Syrup, H.’sCordial, Indian Blood yrup, Groeu’s August Flower, Glob o:E:E?,a?.A.:nKr Eili-A. CTTRB. -o^.r,x< 03sr- /). A. Smith :*■* AND SODA WATER. i TilK ltICHEST HUMOUOUS BOOK of tlio AGli Is Editor O’Briea ltus rccoived an anonymsus letter warning him that h# visits Philadelphia ho will bo ahot. Ho hau already determined '•that bo wofild not visit that city. The writer of the loiter ‘ Intended. „3 0 „„ n . . . . , . . by Josiah Allen s Wife. JMiss Holly spent ,MO doubt, merely to create a sensa- M |, !ast 80rtson „ mi *i the whirl ot fiuhion Don. ] at Barhtogh, and takes off its follies, llir- HHffifijljif i tatlons, low neck dressing, pug dogs, &c., At K., W«t SUL. wore ««| deaths from yellow fevor up to June 1 mu, die renowned nrtisl of Puck. Will mu. .it u. i. .ii. s..- •Shiites eral new cases have developed, and j BU08., Pubs., Philadelphia, Pa. the board of health has declared the Eight years of careful experiment and painstaking research have resulted in tho discovery of an infallible specific for the cure and prevention of the most fatal and dreaded enemy of tho feathered tribe—Cholera. Aflor the fullest and fairest tests possible, iu which every claim for the remedy was fully substantiated, the remedy was placed upon the market, and everywhere a single trial has been all tlmt was re quired to prove it n complete success. The directions for its use are plain and sim ple, aud the cost of the remedy so small that the saving of a single fowl will repay tho cxbciise. Its effect is almost magical. If the remedy is given as directed, the eourso of the disease is stopped at oucc. Given occasionally as a preventive, ’ there need bo no fear of Cholera, which annually kills more fowls than all oilier diseases TitimnilS TifiinOlHldO ‘‘omldnod. It is true touame,^a Certain Cure for Chicken Cholera. No poultry i ximuouwuv | ^ cau t0 bo w Uhout it. It will do al. that is claimed for it. Por Bale By H IIICKS & CO., J. T. SMITH and W. F. LINDER, may 4 tf. DUBLIN, - GEORGIA. -FOR YOUtt- fever epidemic, and will allow tho ycmoval of {mtionts to tho hospital. iWEBSTER’S Ex Speaker Ketfer’e house was ewterwlth* other ntj»l»t hy burglars, or lie carried off a quanity of silver ware. The old adage about honor between burglars aud Ohio ataiemcn seem to be open to occasional exeep Don. UNABRIDGED With or wUhout l**t«P< IndWU .A WORD TO THE WISE! BUY YOUR GOODS BROII] YOUPG I). fflYIm tjIAiJli 3 uuiuuu, J-uumu y i v*j#, j vs i Godircy’s Prycr’s Pile Uiutmeut. Ayer’s Bair V igor, uall’s Hair lio- Flower linthairon Trieophers, . dimmous’ iiivcv Kpgumtor wef Cure, DeYVee’e Cmmusttive, Safe .Kidney Cure, Ague m Oil, Uarling Oil, Minong Liuiineut, Volcanic Worimenl, Parker’s Sunto Worm Lozenges, Liuenziue, Bpaldiug’s Pried Glue, Tutt’s Pdls, B Wright’s Pills, Haver’s Pills, Ayer’s Pills, Gilder’s Pills,aA - Apple Pills, Jayne’s Pifi’s Peifected Liver Pills imiiiu: Root Pill Baley’s Chill & Fever Plronlis. Bitters/.: Curatipe, Tyler's 8yrup of Gum Arabic, Peruvian Chill Cure, Cuban On ill Tonic, Ilolumu’s Liver Pads, prow*, r’s Lung Restorer, Marslm-T's I'rr'pircd'Cubeb Rare FANCY G0.UD3. eleganr Colognes, cheap Colognes, Musks, Extracts/Magnolia B.i'l®*, Hair Dye, Beautiful .Toilet iioiips, Po omade, Plain nnd Fancy. Powders Combs (oil, Lnishe. styles) Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, OloL^v, Lrusues,.Bha\ ...g Brushes, Ladies’ Knives, Mulch Boxes, imu.llH.e ,tuk, Poci.ei ',pdfis>. i''tyiug Oat*l Hair brushes, Huir Oil. B.alh Bponges, BhuVing t Jin. B GOES A ND ST A T1 ONER Y. Legal Gap, Foolscap/ Bill Paper, Note paper, Letter paper, Envelopes (all sizes) sealing wax, mucilage, fancy l ”>x paper, ohmic boons, Tcdgtiv,, day-books, account books"pens, pencils, slates,'school crayons. Webster.’* spellers, Inks, pencils, slates, ink erasers, paper fasteners, ru jber bands ruie.^, auigie calendar pencil protectors, pen lloltleAi'.Arnold's W•••ling Fluid. A ini! line of the school bookr recently adopted by the School Bouid for the Pun io aCuool of Laiucuo county Hymn Books, and Psalmists, (jgj 1 ? We will order any hook mu iu stock nnd fumiak lime tu a'8hoft time uf publisher's piices, provided tho money is itu wiu, mo orers feb 18-lf - H. HICKS dubl: & CO., N. GliOitGTi. MAOAZINS HXPLBJ Best In TIi© World Fort ir IftTfffi or «m*n game—SX callteo. 40 grain* powder: S8 i cai. 00 gr.; 4» cal. 70 andfBgr. The atrongea* ahootliw r eal.Ugr.i m i — it ., Perfect aocuBc^gnarantecd and ttie only abiolutelr safe ride on tae mar-' SJdl^S 10 A T - T - A<Dn Gntlery. 8portta« ni*4T. r Gnllorr. Bporting mm Taj* met Hide*, world renowned. The tteadard ; gallerlea. All caUbre* from n to 4S. Mad* In HARLIH FIRE ARMS CO., - Hew Haven, Conn. Two tar,etc made with one of our a calibre TlOm. twenty eonateuttre abota • - — - — —■*- been Bred and no cleaning dnrtng the nearly eU the prlaeL at target m ltehee Administrators Sale. — IF lour Attontkm Is Inritsd to tho . obfiiiug Uto iktoii lssuo ot UiU wvik, you ^ A Dictionary o& Wy y« tqe of *n onler from the court of isary of loturtus county. Will be OM>ld befutw the court turn*- d«H>r in the iuwu of DuWi«. Laurens county, ou tho .first Tuesday m Jqly next, the under- . Mjftied half Interest in fractional lots of land. No. « containing 18 acres, No 147 louuiui&g lfis acres, and No 149. eon- faining 192 iicn-s. all in the l6t district of i-vid eounty Sold ns the property of the estate of S A. BromwoU dcosased for the Wnetit of heirs and oVodltors. Term* made known on the day of sale. June full 1887. J t- 111aee'Yell, Adm’r- 8. A. BraccwoU. l)«u*t Ust UaUfiht sprincr with your hlooil full of nupur- 7 ities, your digestion impuio'd. your appe tite i*o«»r. kidneys aud liver torpid, and Hod whole Mem liable to 1» proatraUxl -but get yourself into good lobtalutng awo more word* and uearlySOOp mer* UluatraUooa than any oU»er Amarlcan I'lctlonary. A Gazetteer of the World weatalnlng «*ar SB.000 TtUaa, with their pronuneS- ■wsum onj a Y%»t Amount of oihw informAtlon* (rsoAnUjr Add#d J nod A Biographical Dictionary 1 ■ivinx prx>mmolAt)on of n«un»d brk»f DictA oonoornlnit nmptrlv No(«»d l’WWMt ?atIgus IaUos f.tving vslunblo InforUiAUGik ^ All in One Book. Wab*t*»'a Unahri.lgvHt XMcUcnary Is recommenit- •d hr the Suivrlntcndenta c.f Sjfheols J nit >uir — " SWg “ IcaJinc Colloce l'mat.U'iita of tha Ii L I Siaira and't^r..J*. It la Standard Au Ahorlty vrfth iho VniiOvi Dtfitos 8unffcl&o Opurt^ sn i in thu Gv vonmitnt Vrinttnr t'lUeji Ip oYt’iy (M>$ MflmroBtatu I imjIimw hsve l^u instil feu* ScboojAi And is ary upv& vLtioli besrty All tijo (WWW Lv'v’Ks sro bnspei. Get the Latest and Best. It U an tnraliiatila eMKi* 1 '.:. n in evrr> > vJ, an,I .1 l««nr Sp , Un. n Pages ana u o...ionh>a>aatMW»>Ma>aMM«M>wa TuUUbaJ by C. k C mihhum *: co * sjwtngnai 1 Mass.', U. L A, AND BEMADE HAPPY. ' . — nt(o)t£:— You May Not Believe It, But I Will Prove It By All Who Buy CoodsFrom Me. *—§ll(o)||8— MY Grocery Department is always being replenished wich Fresh Stock j ray Shoo Department is all Solid Goods and not PAPNR BOT TOMS. 1 want your patronage by merits. My Dry Goods Department is woll selected and no SHELF—WORN GOODS to offer y°»- Tboy are NEW and of the Latest Styles and Colors. Honest goods and Low prices my Motto. ? , • ‘ -' —g S (o)sa— TO LIVE AXE LET LIVE IS .1/4* CREED! -^I§(°)§l~ Rttmambor I expect you to be pleased when you buy. I have no 'Cut Priced or Jockrying to g®t your money. I an a stranger to you but you will soon become acquainted with mo nnd my prices. Mankind always socks'their best interest when their pockoUw*.Involved. My ft'tOhtls be wisoand spond your -TRltiB TREATMENT P *C£ Dra b TARKEY AN II PAL.EN the liberty to rctrr (ia proof of the »U».lii*f »» Phyt'.e.Un»> to th. follewing-turned well- t.uwn persons .ku hare trteti lhair Ttaalmeot: Hon. William O. Kelley, M.mtwr of C i‘gte'4. Tltila Rev. Victor L. Conrad, h.htor Luthenr ’Obterver. PhiU , Rev. Cbaa. W. Cuah LHlv-ort, N V.; Hon. William Penn N CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, DYSPEPSIA. CA- TAKKH, HAY 1'b.VER, HEADACHE. DEbiUTY, RHEUMATISM, NfcUKAt.GlA, ^ etl CAr.~ie ant! Xtthaui /ViWrrj. Savunnuti Dublin Weekly l Itt , 111, \ , I ! mly money to advantage, with me I defy competition, will compare with the < < t. My coot mark is l tuth price it Cheap. V ntra very truly. mar9 COMPOUND or.YQEN " b : r ’ ’• “ ' *0 t!.r -yura. liriitt, Sptu.*l .110*,.,iui Serve G*r.i;lU— M Nttv.vpu O mrra 1. urt.<lr• , ■ . :hJ rr.v Jp ifioie acuve 1 Lua r.unuin H^X’i of all hajiiviiy, IkMM rnen'.Aianci phy«i a’ -i r *' storetito a aute r-f intc^niy, Vj. 'v. aa<i iht nwr'rous ayitem, XiYi.IR’-Gyn'n.oT'ito. 1. , Jud B € H. P. Vrooman, TO " . ,ht oture kiiUly and eSt- by Lrt. whuA *'’« 10 all' \oeollf Itlf.o u to th.» resarkabtc t»raci»* agent and a rword of . range of chtv».< c«e»-*»ny of Own afur U.<m «Uu tr** lo any addre.i on appitcalnv id VAWU. Vi tv.... ” - • * o .,K*» , A thoaraadr of other, in every parr of tno nor^J. MPOUNO OXYGEN—tTS MODE Ol ACTION EiuLTS'”"tbe”iiitf vf aberok of two hundred p^oo. < OjJ Dr, gi.,Urv and l’alen. wbub give* lo all i*jouer» \ w • onadlo d*« by other pltyttttas*. U KEY & PALEH.I527-I529 Arch St, Phila., Pa —«