The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, June 15, 1887, Image 3

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DUBLIN POST. *S= DUBLIN. GA. JUNE, 15 1597 «rm 11.50 n veur in swlvnnce. To Mlnlnt«rs $1.00 per year. team - yUfeMBLIN POST AND dTMuuth Wkkkly Nswsone yeai. 2 25 Southern Fahm. Monthly “ “ 2 75 TBiMKintAHsasEKOiu" “ 2 25 Botrrmuc World. ‘ ‘ » 05 Atlanta Constitution, *' * 2 2o CuaisriAir Advotatk, “ “ 3 25 CaammAN Index, “ “ 3 35 renewals 11 “ 3 75 RmpimiartA a t the Post Office in Dublin as Second-Class Matter, . Good Cigars at J. T. Smith. French Candies at Bonghton’s. Ladies, don’t forget to call and ine the nice Seersucker Lady regg Goods, which are Superb in tor and Quality—at Y. H. Wynn’s, eap! Cheap!! ■fitnltz’s 4 A Tobacco at J. T. truth's. Best line of fishing tackle of all inds at Y. H. Wynn’s. Good Floor at Roughton’s for re dollars a barrel. * Coffin.t! Coffllns ! [Call on W. P. Lassiteb. What merchant sells the cheapest ? ' am surprised at such a question. )f course it is Roughton. That 30 cent. Tobacco at J. T. jmith’s—try i£. ‘Cedar Buckets at 30 cents apiece Rough ton’s. Timber men will find it to their Id vantage to buy their Supplies and Sft Ropes from Y. H. Wynne’s, as store is headquarters for these Is. ; :l fc Try J. T. Smith’s 25 cents,, To- k fnlHine of fresh Groceries at H. Wynn's. Bargains can be [ad by trading with him. “call on T). A. Smith for your Cold Soda water and Lemonade fidv. tf; Kerosene Oil 15 cents per gallon it Roughton’s. T. Smith sells so many goods sell Ffiii ause ho sells so cheap, and does rly. A question is asked “how is bat Rough ton sells so much oheap r than the other merchants ?” Why is because he knows how and when liBlfe I | Cal! on Y- II. Wynn’s for nnv- ing that you need, and if not in ock the goods will bo ordered and iat on short notice. I bought tobacco from Rough ton jr 30 cents a pound—just the samo rat the other merchant sell for 50 nts. iDon’t forget that you oan get the nest and best Italian Strings for 'Violins, Guitars, and Banjos; also Bridges, Foil Braids, Tail boards Keys and Bows, always on hand at “ rune’s Sugar sixteen pounds for ono dol lar. Whereabouts ? At Ronghton’s, of course. Always on hand, all kinds.of Am munition for itxnoach and wttt-zle i loading Guns, and Rifle Cartridges *4 Y. H. Wynne’*. A large lot of Can Goods at ltong ton’s. * Superior Apple Vinegar for sale by If; Wynne at 35 cents, yer gallon Calljon H. Hicks & Col ,for a free sample of Briggs hiunnbetter Liver pills and a descriptive almanac. fiood syrup at Roughtons 30 cents -a gallon. The prettiest, finest and cheapest Muslins in the town at Wynne’s Don’t fail to see them. If yon don’t think Roughton sells ■call and see him. Old chairs rebottomed in the la- seat styles with seats that will out fast the cane bottoms at Y. H Wyrnn’s. ; :v Wade Hampton Flour is tho best on earth. Roughton keeps it. The best Golden’J)iip Svrupat Y. H." Wynnes’ for GO cents, per gallon The largest and most complete Atock of millinery goods that were .ever brought to this maaket can be ^elected from at Y. H. Wynn’s 'The latest styles of Hats, Bonnets Ribbons, Laces, Embroidery, Fans etc.,etc., are always instock. Th department is superintended by Mrs. 6. E. Tillery. Call and examine his large -assortment of goods. Job work of ovory description done on short notice. Satisfaction guar&nted. Those who lovo their ease shauld sot foiget logo to V. ii. Wynne’s and huy one of those lovely Haui- • ick’s Wore they are all gone. Local Affairs. Judge Wolfe is in Swainsboro, Eighteen drummers in town Mon day night. Prof.J. H. Dailey, spent Saturday lost in the city. Mr. R. W, Blaokshear visited Mmou last week. 12 SHILOH’S CATARRAH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Dipthorla Caker Mouth. By Hicks & Co., Dublin Mr. J. A. Peacock took a business trip to Darion lust week. The sympathies of the Post srq extended to Oapt. Henry in hi? misfortune. Mr. H. H. Smith has returned af ter a very pleasant stay of a week in Atlanta. Mr. Willie Ctirrell, of Cochran, paid a short visit iast week to friends and relatives in our town. 12 "HACKMETAOK,” a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. For sale at H. Hicks & Co. 1 Miss Edda L. Stanley, front the vicinity of Nickleville, spent Satur day and Sunday in town. Mr. Fonny Horn, has loft Laurens Co., and has secured a paying situa tion in Alabama. We wish him great success. Oapt. J, M.'Smith will soon qc- onpy the dwelling recently made va cant by the removal of Mr, J. A. Peacock. Hon. Joel.T. Coney lost qnito.a large amount of lumber, which was drying in a kiln, from fire, aud with difficulty preserved his mill buildings from the flames. We extend oi»r lieaetfelt sympa thies to pur Bro. Editors, Burch and Milner, of the Eastman Times, in (he calumity which has overtaken them. 14 SHILOH’S CURE will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping-Cough, and Bronchitis. By Hicks & Co., Dublin Ga Mr. Gallagher, of Tennille temporarily in charge of the Tele- gragh office at this place, Mr. Nor- rell having gone off on a surveying tour. Rev. G. 0; Thompson is in the city of Maoon, having bean appoint; ed by his church conference one of the visiting and examining commit- too for Wesleyan Female College. Rev. W. S. Ramsay fillod his ap pointment here on Sunday night. A Chicago man ate five dozen hard boiled eggs at one sitting, with in two hours time, and survived, He was certainly horn to bo hanged for nothing less than hanging will ever cut short his career. A Locomotive en {.he W, $ T. R. R, ran off the tract near the Dublin depot Jaat Saturday- afternoon and .the train was delayed of several hours until an onginenould reach here from TenoUie. .Nobody hurt. 8 8LEEP2LESS NIGHT, -made mis erably by .that terrible cough. Zhiloh’s Cum is the remedy for you. Sold by H. Hicks ifc Go, Dublin Georgia. See notice of Marvin-S. S. pionic whicn comes off next Saturday, at Marvin church. A very interesting order of exercises has bean arranged and an abundance of dinner will be provided. Every body invited. Mr. Shelly Wyatt caught one hun dred and thirteen cat Osh, weighing 101 lbs, at one time in a fish basket about 4 miles above Dublin ferry If all fisherman were as successful verily fishing would be a profitable business. Rev. W. S. Armisstead of Palatka Fla., an eloquent divine of the Methodist church, will doliver a so ries o’ summons in this plaoa, com mencing Thursday night next. Mr. Armstead has a wide spread and en viable reputation j»b a pulpit orator and will doubtless attract large con gregations. ir WHY WILL YOU COUGH when Shiloh’s Cure will give immediate relief. Pence 10 cts.. 50 cts., and *1. Bold by II Hicks & Co., Dublin,.'Ga. At a call meeting of the Confod orate Soldiers of Laurens Co., asssm bled at tho oourt house on Suturday the 11th inst., resolutions wero a- dopted in roferenco to a proposed reunion and grand dinner. Com mittees were appointed to perfect all nec6s.-ary arrangemonts, and a list of tho committce-mon will ap pear in our next issuo. Tho report of the mooting camo in too lute fur publication thid week. SINltlNOOF THE 8TKAMEH LAURENS. Tho Boat a Complet e Wrook--no I,Ives Lost #10.000 Loss no Insurance. On last Thursday afternoon, the 6th inst., about twenty miles bolow this plaoe on the Oconee river, Oapt. Henry’s boat, the steamer Laurens, was snagged and sunk. The accident whioh caused the loss of the boat was a nuavoidable one, and was due to no carelessness on the part of crew or captain. Near where the boat sank, the river makes a double bead, forcing two almost exact semi-circles,) and the view up the streams at that place as obstructed by the wooded banks. As the boat was steaming aronnd the lower bend, a largo tim ber raft was slowly floating down stream, jnst boyond the other curve. In this manner, boat and raft ap proached very near each other be fore the crew of either were aware of the presenco of the other. When the raft came in sight of the boat’6 crew, it was lying almost transversely across the river, and though the raftsmen were repeated ly warned by the shouts of the ex cited boat’s crew to get their raft in line with the river banks, they seemed unable to control tho move ments of tho unwieldy raft, and drifted directly down in mid chan nel, extended almost across the entire channol to meet the approach ing boat. Tho river is rather nar row at that point, but despite this fact Capt. Iloury and Engineer Graham determined to make tho effort to run around tho large raft, well knowing the hazardous nature of£ the attempt but being convinced that no other chance was left to avoid a collision, and save tho boat. Tho engineer pnt on more steam, rapidly approached and was round ing tho ruft, when, with a tearing, crashing noise, the sido of tho boat gave way and was rent open by vicious thrust from a largo log which projected some distance out from the raft and was lying unseen just beneath the surface of the water. A vory lurge hole was torn iq the side of the vessel and, the water ou taring rapidly, tho boat began to careen over to one sido and settled rapidly to the bottom, leaning al most against the bank of the river. In a very few minutes tho boat had become almost entirely submerged, tho pilatc house and top of the oab- in being alone visible. Oapt, Henry and his engineer es caped to the top of the boat Bafely, and, when the boat carceniug over came near thof bank, tho nogro ciew all sprang on land and ran through tho swamp like a flock Of frightened Annual celebration of Marvin 8. 8. Juno 18tli. Order of Exerdara. [TO 11EGlN PROMPTLY 10,80. A. M.] Mahc£— SoNiii-Auulvmary Hymn Pray Ik— SoNoj-Worthy Is the Lamb, Rbch xtion—Gifts—Master Ben. Pulton. Rkcp ation—Treatment of girls in heath- e n hinds—Misses Cora McCoy, Mut 13 Smith and Lena Parker. Bono -Wnosoovor will may come. Racr ation—WTint is tho use of caving?— Master Lonnie Pullen Recitation—What will you givo ?—Mis ses. Maggie Smith, aud Hawkings and Masters Hartloy, Watson, ltobt. Horn and Jim Pullen. Hesitation—The poor man’s penny— ^liss Lizzie Ellington. SongI—Wonderful Gxace. Recitation—Wishes—Misses Ellington, Bailie Webb and Guyton, and Masters LOnnio Pullen, Boncie Horn, Willie Eellnln and John Guyton. Recitation—Mind your own concerns— Miss Katie May Guyton. Sono—Who shall bo ablo to stand ? • Recitation—Praying for rain—Miss Em ma Hartloy. Rkcitatow—God is love—Misses McCoy, Mcrgm, Attaway, May, Webb, Elling- ton aid Guyton, and Mastors Kollam and Quyton. . ' Song—G|>d is Love. ADDRESg-By Rev. W, 0. Thompson. Song—T/fhat a gathering there will l>o. Mr. Graham, the engineer, en deavored to bring his heavy tool box with him from below, but the rapidly rising water forcod him to abandon it, and he was barely able to reuch a safe place himself. The boat was partially loaded wit barrelled rosin, and this of course all went to die* bottom with tho hull. The rosin,’however has since been nearly all recovered, through the efforts of Norman McCall, Oapt. Henry’s faithful pilate, a nogro man of unusual size and powerful phy siquo. A post, or a strong pole, was placed erectly in the water and fas toned to the side of tho submerged boat. Down this polo Norman would descend, grasp a barrel of rosin in epe hand and bring it np to the top, bolding to tho polo with the other hand. In this manner 150 barrols wore aared, only about 35 being irrevoca bly lost. The boat is almost a total loss, it being donbtfal if oven the engine will be recovered. The Laarens was put npon the Oconee m 1880 and cost originally more than $9,000. The boat was the solo property of the Captain up on whom the loss will full with con siderablo weight, more especially as the river ‘is now in good boating condition and business is pressing. We loarn that C»pt. Henry has temporary secured the Totnmie Day, anu will run »hat boat until he can mako other arrang<.*fD»tjt«. THb Dublin Poht and thw S» annuli Nws, or Macon Telegraph Dinner- Tlxe public Is cordially Invited to attend. J. ij. Smith, W. B. Smith, .Sup’t. Ass’t Sup’t. ■ : ‘ Mrs. Lizzie Martin, of Buokeyo, daughter of tho late Jno. B. Wright of thiscounty, died on last Friday mghtift S o’clock of dysentery. Thecjeeeascd was about 85 yoar 8 old at! (ho time of her death; was a member of the Christian ohuroh, and a Woman of lovely Christian ohar.vcter. She leaves a husband oighb, jhildren, aud many rela tives ai d friends to mourn her un timely death. 1 he Georgia Midland. Tne grading ou the Georgia Mid land lias been completed to Griffin and jtno greater portion of the grad ing between Griffin and MoDouough i, Uecn finished. It is expected that,by the lust of next month tho track‘Will he laid as far as Griffin. jab Ion, Constipation, Dizziness, Lors tite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh’s Vo s positive euro. By Hicks & 0., its. Dublin Ga. INCENDIARIES AT EASTMAN The Times Office Dcstroyed-Loss $1,500—Burglars Busy. Eistman, Ga., Juno 11..-—Burch & Mllier, proprietors of tho East man! r lim48, lost their printing of fice,‘presses and material, valued at •1.500, by fire this morning at 3 o'clock. It is thought to be the act 4f an incendiary. ~ Mr. Burch is tho chief loser, but both parties sus tain considerable loss. There was np msuranee, ‘Can’t eat a thing." Hood’s Sarsapa illft is a wonderful medicine for creating an appetite, regulating digestion, and giv log strength. Bad Tried Four or Five Doctons, and Had Given Up to Die. Valdosta, Ga., Jan. 15, 1887, Mr. M. A. Briggs : I have boon sick for three years, hardly being able to walk. I hud tried four or five different doctors without any benofit at all. All the doctors told mo I was suffering with an affection of fclie heart. I was unable to walk or sleep, and had no appetite. My liver was also affected and gave me lot* of trouble. Jdy face and atom- acho were badly Bwolen also. I had gived np to die, when 1 was advised to try BRIGGS’ NtJNNBETTER TONIC PILJL8, and aftor taking fivo bottles 1 was so much better ] got more, and am now entirely well I cani truly say they saved m y life, arid I want the public to know it For sole by H. Hicks & Co. Notice. Tho public 1* hereby notified that I, tbo undersigned, am not responsible for any order, noto, or accouut given or made by any person, in n»y name since the 1st of April lk*t, or that may hereafter Iks mode by any one, os I have no agent, and have hud none since that time, I also forewarn any person Horn, trading for, or accepting any note give to me. Anynarty. or parties, having any !«• in ess with the estate will communicate with. Mils, Carrie K. Omitoh Ex’trix, Estate C. B. Guyton, May 29, ’87. Dublin. Ga. or Atlautu Constitution, fer the small sum of $2.25 a year. Now .* tho time to get your county and a largo city paper for a umouut of uionoy. Salt Rheum The .ipmiloi of tlinil*' who suffer horn severe salt, rheuth arc Intlcsortb&bio. Tho oltfnualnff, iK-aliii#, imrlfylnn Influences of Hood's Sur.ui* parilla arc unoqtuUiQd by any btlwr medicine. •' I tako pleasure In rocoinmcudln« Hood’s BarsapariUn, for it lift* dono wonders lor me. I had wxlt rheum very severely, nflccthiR mo over nearly my entire body. Only those wlvo have suffered from this dlscaso in ita worst form can Imagine the extent at my afflict ton. I tried many mcdlclucs, hut failed to rocolvo benefit until I took Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Then tho disease began to subside, tho Central Railroad. O! add "Hit !Iii dm II run it» Dfflly u which arc Dally rvcon't S’ ri;i Stiindiii'il finln by <- run Is 80 minuite slower city Umt\ dell tin so irdinK (biuf Baviuittiih Lv Savannah. .10:00 ain 9:‘i0 pm. 0 40 pm Ar Milieu ... .12:35 pm 11 0» pm 8’45 pit* Ar Augusta... .4:45 pm 0 lfir nnt Ar Macon, .v. .4-50 pm 3 20 aid Ar Atlanta 0 00 pm 7 27 ahi Ar Columbus. .4-10 am 3 05 pnt Ar Montgomery 7 55 pirn Ar Eufnuln 4-32 pm Ar Albany... .10-08 pm 10 50 am * . Passengers for Bylvnria, Bimdersville, Wriuhtsvllle, liniletfgcvillb and Eutonton shotfid tako 8-40 ii m. train. Passengers for Thomnston, Carrollton, .Perry, Fort Gaines, Tnlbotton, Buena " My son lmd salt rheum on his hands and Vista, Blakely and Ulnytou shou’d fake the calves ot his legs, so bad that thoy would g.20 » m tmll*. crack open and blood, llo took Hood’s Bar- f, v Mlllen.. ...13*55 pm 11-15 pm 6-10 am •nparllla and is entirely cured." J. B. Stan- JjV Augustu... 10-20 am ll-ltl) pnt ton, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Lv Maeon 10-35 am 1060 pm inn i«> F*v Atlanta 0 10 nm 0 50 pm From 108 to 130 Lv Cohlm , )UH . „. l0 , )m J , .|0 nm «I was aortously troubled wltli salt rheum Lv Montgomery 7-50 am lor tlnoo yoars, and recolvlng no benefit from Lv Enfaula 11-02 am medical treatment I decided to try nood's Lv Albany 5-00 nrn 3-57 pm Sarsaparilla. I am now entirely cured of salt Ar Suvuuuoh... .5-00 pm 5-55 am 8-05 ant rheum: my weight lms increased from toe lbs. 1 sleeping ears on all night passenger to 135." Mrs. Alice Smith, Stamford, Conn. | ra | 118 between Savannah and . Augusta, Agonizing Itoh and Pain disappeared, and now I am entirely free from tho disease. My blood seems to bo thor oughly purified, and my gonoral health 4s greatly benefited." I.vman Allen, Boxton N. E. Church, North Chicago, in II you suffer from salt rlieuin, or any blood disease, try Hood’s Sarsaparilla- It baa cured j many others, and will oure you. Hood’s Sarsaparilla ridbyaUdniKRtiU, gl;itxforgs. Freparedonlj fC. I. HOOD A 00., Apothecaries, Lowell, Maw 100 Doses One Dollar SuAUvnmmh and Macon, Snvnmmli and Atlanta. Mttcou and Colunibus. • Train leaving at 8-20 p m nnd arriving r will notstopta "' . tit off or take •nvunnab and LARGE SALES * SMALL PROFITS HAB EVER BEEN IsfSL^ST MOTTOI :(o): ltomembor tlmt I givo you tho , , _ I Lv TonulUo BEST, FRESHEST'AND CHEAPES2 | ArHMflBon CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, Etc. I Lv Dublin I Ar Condor That woro over brought to thlB markot I Ar Bruton (0) Ar Lovett A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED £v WrlghtsvHlu STOCK OF SPRING CLOTHING, I Donovan <For Mon and Boys) Are being sold at astonishingly low prices! 0—-■■■ A full line of Groceries Always On Hand. If you want satisfaction in Goods and Prices cull on mo. | at 5-65 a m on passengers between Milieu. Councotlonsnt Snvnnnali with Savannah, Florid* and Western Railway for ull points in Florida. Tickets for appoints nnd sleeping catr berths ou sulo at city ofilco, No. 20 Bull street, and depot orflce 80 minutes before departure of each train. G. A. Whitehead, Gonoral Passongor Agent. J. 0. Shaw, Ticket Agent. TIME TABLE Off THE DUBLIN and WRIGHTBVILLE R. It. To take effect November 14 1880. GOING 30UTII. No.l Ar Donovan Ar Wrlghtsvlllo Lv Wrlghtsvlllo Ar Lovett Ar Bruton Ar Condor Ar Dublin No 8 A M ,r M 7 00 «80 7 45 2 50 8 10 3 10 8 40 8 80 8 45 8 31T- 0 15 *3 55 0 85 4 15 4 80 4 45 J 55 10 15 GOING NOHTH. 10 30 4 50 10 65 5 15 11 15 5 80 11 85 5 50 13 05 015 1210 010 12 80 0 85 13 50 0 50 1 80 7 20 W B TnoMAB, Pros nnd Gen’l Supt Nov. 14, .1880 tf. Ar Harrison Ar Tonnillo 10 A NASAL INJECTOR free with cnoli bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy Price 50 conts. By II Hides & Co. fobl8-tf III IIS IS FOR- flail fload Schedules. Augusta, Gibson & Sandersville. In effect Wednesday, March Oth, 1887, nt | 4 58 a. to., City Time. Sunday’s Pussonger train number 1 leaves Ban- dersville 5 51 u. to.; number 8 leaves Bun ders vllle 2 51 p. m. Returning number 2 leaves Augusta 8 14 a. m., aud number 4 leaves Augusta at 8 15 p. m. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT—Except I Bumhiv Local Legislation. N'llif U hereby given that the follow !«-/ 'lerwribO'1 bill will laj In.roducci tho July Hf.Mion of tlie leglilotoro f An ! act to provide for flic ragin',rat Ion of tin- j legal voter 1 <>1 [.aureno coguly, aud Rr SOtall ! proves penalty f<n Illegal voting and ' Htfnniptfog to vote illegally. [June lot, 1887. Lv 8anderfcVlllo Lv Young Lv Warthon Lv Clmlker Lv Hines Lv Mitcliel Lv Belle Springs lv Gibson Lv Avcra Lv Stapleton Lv Wrens Lv Matthews V-- Lv Noah Lv Keysvillo Lv Blythe Lv Bath Lv Heplizlbah Lv Riciimond Lv Gracewood " s Lv Adventure LvGary Ar Augusta Lv Augusta Lv Gary Lv Adventure Lv Gracewootl Lv Richmond pv: > Lv Bath Lv Blythe Lv Keysvillo - Lir N<wli Lv Matthews Lv W ren Lv Stapleton Lv Avera Lv Gibson Lv Belle Springs Lv Mitchell Lv Hines Lv Clmlker I,v Wm then IjV Young Ar Handersvillo Close connect ions ut Augiihtiv Connc rouil will) Central Sandersville. R. M, No. 1. A. M. 4 Ii» 5 08 5 18 6 40 550 5 58 611 6 20 6 88 0 45 6 58 7 10 7 15 7 27 7 40 7 50 800 815 8 22 820 885 000 No. 2. A. M. 718 7 45 755 806 8 10 8 86 8 54 0 Jl 020 0 46 0 64 1012 10 82 10 62 11 12 1120 11 40 12 04 11 05 12 44 1 06 118 h. Knot a ctlOD vb ruiiroud B. 6c T. r brunches No. 8. P. M, 8 80 842 4 04 4 80 4 80 4 54 014 0 81 5 40 6 00 6 80 0 50 0 58 710 7 34 7 40 8 07 8 27 8 87 8 48 8 50 0 25 No. 4. r. m. BOO 5 26 5 81 688 5 45 000 6 10 6 20 688 0 45 0 51 7 02 715 7 27 7 40 760 8 08 8 12 6 63 8 47 8 67 007 id West iff. at MITCHELL, President aud O IN ORDER TO MEET THE GROW ING DEMANDS OF OUR TRADE « WE HAVE BOUGHT DIRECT ' FROM THE MANUFAO TURERS, FOR CASH, A LARGE STOCK , OF TWO OF sW yhy: ‘r THE MOST . , MiM ■ ■ , ■■ ft* -vtVJ'**' Popular Brands . —Off— • ’ QUININE: (McK. 4c B. uni P. # W.) Now Before the Public. And in consequence of the low prices obtained by buying In large quantiles from first bands, for the cash,, we will on nnd after THURSDAY, JULY 30th, sell this very important nnd much Used drug in ONE OUNCE VIALS at tii« unparallod low price of 75 CENTS OlXXLO© HAIR BRUSHES, COMBS, J- 4^^777 .i r ^Kp. legant Colognes, Extracts, Soaps, Funoy Goods, Etc,,an entirely new itcok from Now York. —A COMI’LKTK LINE OF— X’XTE.H Drugs ami Chemicals ALWAYS ON ij AND. H. Hicks A Co’s.