Newspaper Page Text
■ omr Im. “ i.
BaaigsiaWe i
Oh l* U t» *“» »»y ■•W-UMble tor
||^K ; . w txruUiMP** >' •* eame. |
Bnw Columbia Adierthrr Is the
S OBclal WiMet««nij.
H. irraiaUew InrrradnE Ball) Ir
K Colombia. Llotolo a«d
■ Jrffrrson roam les!
M .’,.||.f..r vlvwrtHt«t flret
.. _f the ail vertto-m.'Ot.
Ml ■■•.• mhh trMwmui wtu r- wnt
u|*xi Uh following term*.
BE . <Mk ui advaaw 11 **•
■■ . «xU In nlvux* to-
■ January Mth, IMI.
Mi ■' F. G herrtiv that th- »<lvcr-
,. ,1 un> of tlrr Or Unary And Sheriff
K ,_..*! fr>m fh.* Chronicle and liur-tl-
K .i.dtm to the Columbia AUvertlse*
M Gau D DaMBT. Ordinary
BB B. Ivey. Shnff
H jlary b«rf ap*ttr*ef hang*
H 1 Ht>y matebed her other hair,
■ Xud ev*»> lUgbt beiore ah-
■ Kite Imaf«*«■ <* a
H Mll’l wreUrer.
■H S'in* renehine.
■ Gumkm bo-.aMng
■ E.-g»-**U «l Uurube.
■ Preuare your g*r.Ww*
■ F r uera busy plowing.
BM twffduat want* a circu*.
WeM»"laU>wn mark*
■ N-w MhoUra coming to
Sara 8.-rnharvil dl(>« anuff.
MM bup-rlor Court next uxjuUi.
MM Drummer* are on tnetr round*
HB Are you going to the Inaugural'
■M If frrn C" tn the r»o*. don't bet.
M (>a> married Mull-* am ail prettv
|M o*l wretlww rtIAW »Hh yet.
■ 1. -day la Washington* birthday.
BM V «»tber* ride* an old gold hoi*'
■M The “lak- ' hear Gru etown la high.
SB A while COW called on um Saturday
M| < bro aell» very taut In thia "ecth.n
MM w e want a oorrewpondent at Kiokee.
MM Heavy mall" from hern to Liacolnton.
|M I r<«iuat abouudr Übvb » rnati h gan»ft
|H Sq*lreNrel i* **- h e. of the Plea yum*.
gj| Somebody Fhould luilld a few oratag.-e
M| I'Mtereon * Brtrtg-*l#g.*t*; to have a ;> o.
M| H-retoal nrewre.-. U<Unto heart m b-o-
MM Judxaß ha« our thaatr* f>* a men* "f P~
MM < ’tv laahkMiai’H* Join lb- I! S. and L C
19 'or aialcniv h, 00-us the beat 111 Gvuigl*
Ml II ■ no • air |,..1. L.pldl . go.wu.g *.<"
■9 .S.aiii every hi"ie<hi b an ha* a plan-
M| V. -AaitU ar- pi-pai u>x tor lUclr ->pi
MH I tm Curry can out whistle th' wander
MH I rliu yxsir vtrvre and nw liushre killed
S' ike resent uuW
MH u ir worthy o-siucil is iu'l« ""Ilin "! '"it
MM Mire Wilaor. ”( Thomson, Is the guret of
Mamie Harnmai
■fl .Spimg taahkHis will b-».u ai [»«i . Ilk"
£■ win- tire been Inown to net a man
ih« »by be »i« bbni.
MH lire Cha mmx Miss Emm.i larnite spent
srek at Mrs M li,Hstib.w's
■fl Eh,isl baskets aie nia-te to Imitate birds
|K ste. with white rueebuds for eggs
■fl Woo composes rsir omnty Board of
KimsiM? Cao anybody inform us?
HH I‘nlty im'w bracelets ar" of wIJLj kid.
palutedand nSiunted with (r +<
■jl lbs smiling Ben Dreter. and Editor Paul
ills Mirror. oalleil on u< Fuday knot
MH 1 J Clifford te> Gruvrtown's !»»"• mer
ot. H- twlls gosls at i Ire- figures
•' u • IX» Holaoiih.ik-has moved from
- [>!:«'• to a farm a b"» mile* distent.
■fl ,_ua export* one-sixth of all the Um-
I ~-ni alnisvl from the I nttedWtatea.
MH 1 nin.' tom tit*, two blue ji'.s sod a spar
-.v I- 'hat Lou Hatcher kiln'd lilday
Mm W nat I* horn.' without a ninb'lb'a butter
amt a gilt dodo tn the .Hhlnx room?
MH M Joe H Holder, of Warren count y. Is
piiu for a while with Or Robt. M Null
MH ' n "" bßilt fbhceln front of a rev-litem-e
lv.-i/, .is Ituprovre appealamw g"-a:
BHI Ih" -ingnix at the Mreh-allsl 8 b In Uno
"i m»«s a tn»t wh.-a-'ver > oil an .. t.~ ..t
MM During IHHO there wen-77 failures in this
with llabiUH-s an.. tetmg I- »:
MH twndimall th- W*» r*l from all
■ ! ii>. ' <"iui>. o.i «'!. <n.•; »
MH Mr A H Roetiock. of U-xingten. and a
"ru* recently.
MSB A fsd'lic straight r.w! from Harlem te
'll chiiriTi is nor 1. ni'ilrl. and ought te
marm at once.
MH IHrdlandMli A Co. th* great reed
'll ■ I Philadelphia, has our thanks for a
Biot “f K*rdeti re-si.
■fl While on a hunt theothre day. In South
Mlar'l:na.<<u E It Ib.rrey of th" G-vrgia
killed a fine buck
■j Imy silver mules anb |.<cs st raurhtemsl
rt.aracterleti. stni.,t 1;ll .c ar- ue«. te
MHiiaruc from ladles tMuifte*
MM Itm Ch<4r mewte »»er'. Fridav evening a’
■■Mr* Kwcwr a So new«pat»'i fiend is al-
to bernme a niitUber
MW Beall and 00. of Auguste ar" *• lllng gni
areri a. - ) .wote [wr iteai-n pajteaa r*«
pr*> tut In another column.
MW Eire* tsilh at proper ptente In an orchard
A tnwt la apprehended tn H'll'kJ "ill
flen eave a ti uU crop from being kilhd
MW T* l ' Auguste Hotel I* firsts lass in every
siert, ttei have a fine tar In rear of the
tWoptter when in Auguste
MW ( ' U| TV chased a Mind lark all da' Prldai .
I 'wed him al"»ut night (all H" made
<Mi of him B-Uurday Lucky John
M|9 All kinds of borne, including smld> and
bonis, are aJus*t Immedlatel reliev'd
the application of * mdullou . f wsla p.
tel rut surtane
fl Imo of (Ahad iireen a b»A - was aocldentlv
by hl a brother tile othei day. while
hunting H- t* probably dead hy thia
hliad tea colored man ami livre noai
John tirean.
MH ireivere W.wkly Th" Advoati~cr a*vs
Harlem will warn hate A S' lert choir,
1 versos graat mualc Shoulil see te 11.
Jar k Huas', ami Sal H i ks are no' u
*1 I'l'd m III' eel 'l l■■ White is a tad man '
- ar • ahk" The
BmBB •t- I ai.'sil' 1 ikH pslg''all iwsi r.y hini-'lf
t< 1 w nm» abrte the greae- out ■ f th
a trying i>an during the war and i>e
cuae lias Dr reportr*l him and t>ad him
»■ .eief aiai gagged ' tor It, be n lev mad
t hr Dr. ewar aiaee
MW (amywra Weekly : “There are seven ndr
'evwding at Harlem It takes ho- of
te k-s p Jack Hussey straigt ' s hn-
oUier two baendie U>e rvlltor "f th*' Ad
-rti-rr ■' Hetl-T so. bmth-'r W hite than
either nr us to iwwd the nomthned row
uf the entire Seven br keep us out of th"
■W'-aup He ycsidid when m it is ws-ikwi casi
Mhev-v aH >(l ns wants that M rente h<
you b, geg a csQuaJ'' m<«l with
H»s.t *iwtu4us ~ .
N-xt Tn"»d» y b> Jegwl «al*~Aav, haSng th*
Hr* 1 unMOte »a w*U aa Ui» HrM «»ay of
Marc*. Tita County Oauiutmiouem ale.
teokt their mtfubr meXrtnx on tM« day. at
whine ttma th,.y out the. e.adr» t for
'•ulldlna th- brurie adroa* BU Ku*-* at
JLpptta*. We Ih<» to meet a ff>«Mlly num
ber of propke In a tlendaare. aad triiat tbev
will IPienlly autau ribr to Uw*lr countv pa
per. Com- np hire »han. and heto um «tn<i>
wewaatWt more autxerrtlmt within tbe
next few weeka— twUp ua to get them.
Harlem Social C. anA M. Club
T*h* Wkrlern Social Lltrmrv and Mual
oal Club may rw.w tagaHialdemi a perma
r Mil organtxatlon. The club Weld Ita wcoih!
meeting I ant Thuraday night at tbe reel*
dene* of Mra W. H. Cuooer. Quite a gnal
ly number weraßn attendance, and after a
report from th- Secretary, the exvrrleee of
the evening were openwi with muelc. by
the cluh'a Gecinattng Vie- Pnwliler.t, Minx
Ma ml- Harrlxon, followed bv other" whe
touched tue Ivory with magical aceur*te
ne«M» t hen fuilowerf eom- pl-aaant and In
terretlng marling,Uffwe whlvhtheelub wa*
again loured to-u woe excellent mqele
one Hbould tall U> jolu the Harlen. hid AI L.
and M. Chib, that they may have th- plee
eum of parUHpntlng in the enjoyment* of
'heir Wwkly meeting". Th- club rneete next
Thursday night at Mr* Cooper"* '
Holl of cirnior.
In anett*»-rrAfl»nn tvMl he Tiemd the ad
vertisement of J. J. league, of Auguet*.
Thi* I* on- of the brag carpet house" of the
Booth and well may Augusta delight In
numbering Logue'* among her chief bu«l
iiea* ent-Fprises Ev-ry shade and gmd
<>f carpeting known can b- found at this
b'io»e. a* well nlao aa every variety of win
dow anaiies, lace ctirtaina, lanibrOQnlna,etr
This la also one of the loweet priced hovsee
In the Blab*, and ynu would ntudv your
financial Inteowthv faring Izigtl* at l«aat
a part of your patronage. If for nothing
elec, when In Augusta, call at lingua's and
examine his wonderful carpel exhibitor. It
will more than repay you for vour trouble.
You will itaiMr Logue one of the cleverest
‘g wtlenxn you ever met
Bead Keener's ‘Special Notice” In anoth
er column; It sneaks tor itcelf. No word
from us U uacmtkTy. Ibad and bo profited.
J. O. Mathewson and Co. bat* an aA In
the Advertiser you can't help seeing, even
In th*dark. Th- guano advertised by title
firm tiaa a tread reputation hr Sigh grade,
as 1a shown by publtahed analysis Tho*e
who have once used It will buy again. Bee
names of local agents at bottom of ad
The renown Georgia Chemical Worts, of
Augusta, also have a large advertisement
in our columns. <Aterlng tor sale their popu
lar and superior brands of homo made fer-
Ulli>ts. So popular am these urnnd- that
tbe demand can hardly be met. notwith
standing the work* are running night and
day. Once used by a planter he changes
for no other M B. Hatcher I* local agent.
M. B. Hatcher, one of our popular and
moat entatmrialng home merchant*, offers
tn the <SiHfv a variety of guanos. Well
known to our people, guanos handled by
him mav ho relied on aa tlrst-claaa. Rend
his advertisement In another column, and
don't forget the superior bran is represent
ed bv him.
H A. Cook's advertlaemon* «n*ak* In un
mi*tak*til«4UH run tor itself. No wont horn
us 11 reference bi the matter Is ms-di'd Jx*e
the big lUt and read what follows.
Th- Ktag guano, handled by Messrs.
Hardy and Roebuck, of this plum, Is said
to brta flrst-c aka article, and It must b- of
excellent standard else these geiiUemen
would not offer It to our noople. Ram! their
kAvertisainent In another column. A wvru
to Uie wise is sufficient.
Look out tor fire. ~
The roads are awful.
Mr. Brail y the ditcher, Is In the village.
Tbe reoaol rain* nis*.<ael,-« farmer
Tbe organ grinder met with poor success
here. ?
The old speckle hen te setting, and te
<wktested to hutch.
The burial of Mrs. Shockley, st her home
place, iu Appling, was wull atlendekt
Mrs. W.thinks I ought to ba
wet or dry, and threatens to put me at It.
i Brad ha* again drawn on that unshapely
i coat of his; with thin and hla boote ha blds
I deftsnre to the rnln and mud. . .“That old
I horse on yonder’* plain, he Is noted for nte
I fame, h* naa carried many a tiaaaenger, and
I now he’* ground up Into saHaengers.” The
above stenta. with the chorus “rye straw”
|te Jute’s favorite About every mher
iionse around here ha* either a Bertha or a
Bailey In It. nameaakes of Dr. Bailey, who
ranks next to ’'Little Alec.”. Every stran
ger that nasare tbrougti Appling expreaues
hte surprise at the else or the place, and
wonders why they don’t have a railroad to
extend thus far We. like the travelers,
wonder too, for there could hot b 3 a better
[>avlng branch In the Htete.
'■'■ -
Doni fail when you visit AiigtisU to call
lat Wm Mulhertn s Boot, Shoo and Hat
store. Their stock te complete and price*
areas low as the iowwd.
Legal A dvertinementa.
PeUtton f’r Latten of DUanssion.
i State op Geoiuua - Columbia county.
Whereas, Ike V Hnltera. Administrator
j on the esinteof John H. Trtppe. late of said
txiunty, deceased, appltea to me fur leUets
i of dtemikslon from said estate:
These are therefore to cite and admonteh
i all aucksmgular the kindred and creditors
‘ of said decvvwwd u> tie and ajipear at my o<-
! tice on or before toe first Monday hi May.
1 1881. to show calMO, if any they have, why
! the said letters should not be- granted.
Given under mv hand and official signature
I at office. this 7th ciay of February. 1881.
GKORGE D. DaRhEY. Ordinary
feblS 3m Columbia oiunty.
Pvtihox tor Latten of AdtolnUtr.tiou
Htate op Gtoinote—Columbia county
Whereas, G. B Lamkin apvliea to me for
Icdlere of Adniliustranton ok the- relate c.f
I R L Lamktu. late of sakt County, decease.!;
Three are therefore to cite and adtnonteii
1 all and singular the kindred ar si creditors
of th" scud d.v»»ec«l to t»< and ai«s«r at my
' office on or before the first Monday in
March. 18»li te show cause. If any they
have, why said letters should not be granted
Given under my hand and official signature
st my office, this 7tb day of February,
. HWI GEO. D. DaRHEY. Ordinary
tebfl Aw Columbia county.
applteatloß tor fitsts ption of Fsrtosalty
hTATW oP GkoaniA -Columbia county.
HMKierson N. Morgan haaapplied for ex
' eruption of personalty, and I will pare up
on th" same at 13 M. on th" »th day of
I March, 1 Wil, al tny office In ippllugi
iIEOBGE D. DAB'EY. Ordinary
feblS Im Columbia County.
Optics Cotnrrf CoMMfflerowxiw
Columbia CiMinty,
Appling, Ga, February lmh. iwu
Notice Is tierwby given. thAl the building
of the bridge aenwe Big Klokre Crrek. at
Appling. Will is- let te the lowret bidder on
the IstTues'tav in March next. 1881 Hpe
| eitii'ation* te be seen in the Clerk * i Ace
By ordet of the Board
Ptaiion anti Organs
Aereoth annual holiday trade. Huperior
pianouand organ* All kinds of musical
InatruixMMita. *h-»'t rouate and music bouka
Twenty te thirty pre rent, saved In pur
.baaing st -The Music House of the Houlb j
G. O. Robtßßon, Augusta, Ga.
0.0, Bobtaeno and Q>. have |
reioliAloofsed the iskua- Ua4a by a Rina
th- b-W’ Inairunouita ala »naßar ntotwWi
of prodt than any d<wtorti> America.
jtST ABBlYteb, a mil supply of the
Having amnia storage, our friends and
the publg'wlilalways Hud guaisw In gorei
order. Out muons have been out of the
market for some years, t»ut we now oomv
la-fore the public with something ooou.
Ap|*y to OLIVER HARDY, or
W. B ROEobcM.
Hatlent, Ga , Feb’y
—i "■ ■ • ♦--we- awe
HA BI JIM . February 41 st. IMI.
To ths ttoopk.e of Columbia and and adjoin*
Ing countl'S:
After three years experience In the mer
cantile busloeaa, I’m convinced that the
only way to bring trade to Harlem and to
butldtip the pladMU to sell goods of all
kinds as cheap as they can be bought In
any other market. And this I
propose to do for tbe next sit months! I
have place at Harlem, and tny Im
mense stock must be sold by the first of
September. To convince the public that I
am selling "goods cheaper tlran any mer
cbast this side el Augusta, I give you the
following pt Ices to compare with the cheny>-
Fbot’B-White Rose, per liarrel. lf> M
Double extra, pet barrel, 6 SO
Family, per barrel, 5 00
MhAb -Bolted In white sacks per bust
< < -<i- Mixed, In good sacks, T7H
bit hit*. In good sacks, , an
Rica— Sixteen pounds for 1 00
Nopa- B.xleeu pounds for 1 00
BTAHCH-Rellnnd, Mltvert pounds for 1 00
MKAT-Whlte side, per pound, »
Nyhup—beet, per gallon, #0
()ATH-'eed. per bushel, 63
Copwef,-good, six pound* for 1 60
- 'Hugah Light brown, eleven pound* 1 00
Axle Ghbbsk, tier box, YX
Potash—box and ball. 8-13
Tobacco-sound, per pound, *>
Soap -good, thlrti*en bare, 50
Boots-worth 83 23. 2 «o
Nails—per pound, 4
Bbobb—worth Si 75, 1 25
Dky Goods at Cost.
I have on hand four different kinds o
axes, all weights. Also, Plows, Plow
Lines. Tinwabb. Cbockeby, Potwabk and
hundreds of other things that can't be put
before you at this time.
Above <;natations subject to changes of
the market Good for six day*.
Terms stbictlycabh.
Jas. W. Keener
Geo. Rttbtnson A (In.
Bhlp pianos and organ" b> anv point In
the Hmith on trial tor fifteen days, wtth
privilege of returning, free of all expense
<tf transportation. If not entirely satisfacto
«Q«rM MMI Flk «mi oagMMto* Ami
DiVID SON*. SauuJ*
Tin* MnaiC HouwC ot the MHutli
' G. <>. Robinson ot Augusta sell tn T>*xah,
I Arkaneae, Louisiana, Mississippi. Alalmiua
i Florida and every Houthem State north of
Georgia. Augusts can justly claim to have
' lb-- 'Music House of the Mouth."
Igsrire Cush tMntrwet*
With the boat manufacturers, a»l lar<e
i sales at the "Music House of the Mouth."
. anatds G O. Robmasi a- Oo„ of Auffuau. to
I soil supertar plsrxx and orirans al Imus
price than la paid by small dealers.
Wholesale and Befall
Gi ooerS !
Wines. Liquors. Segars
Tobacco. Wooden ware, Jtc.
M 3 Broad street, Asps’), #a.
■* ...w. 1 ,a,
«- n. t «• entail
BBALL & 00.,
/ POTSKuam 1
Wholesale Ihugfifi ts
ui fid's Finn nns i!
READ our price Hit and aerfd all your
orders tor DRUGS ami BEEDH to us. W
beg thorn* who have failed with oUter seed*
to give ovrs stria). We k»s*p micanmlsslon
stock. R 'liable send. flkr>relhd>lwmerchan
dise, si wavs find s market iiVIB PH w*ed»-
hh Mild by us, are iiopular IsAiiuw HELI
ABLE. (>nr pricv* for all •"*•! l« p*l»*r* I*
sc.each; 3 tor Bte.< 6 for •*<■. or 85c pel
■losespap-rs. Our pklce 10l Wssl In bulk !►
as follows: per qt
Early Valentine Ib*ans, NA'
Early Me*iswk “ ®c
Early yellow six week* Bren*. lk>c
Dwarf German Wax Benns, W'-rAct. 4dc
Larg- Lima or Butter Ihmm, NX'
Carolina or email Lima Beans, 50c
LB. in-
Extra early Turnip Reef, 75c Hie
Early dark bl<s*t " " 75>) l'<o
Bulat's <>x early rest " ? I,l* l*c
long Llood 75c ide
per ear q'
Adams'extra early Com, So
Evergreen sugar “ 5c 20>
White flint ” 5c «k
Gohlen Dent gourd Com
(earliest Held variety kmton
--yWtlk enormously Anu
grows oil any land) 5c 20c
per ox.
Extra white spine Cucumber, 15c
" long green “ 15c
Egif Plant, Isnre purple. 46c
Lettuce, Bulat's early prlw*
(hdad #k-
Onion set*, white and hit W>to4V
Hole’ s extra early J‘'*A*-. 40e
Extra Toni Thumb Pivta. 4dc
Mclsren's Little tv-in Peas, 43c
Esrly DkeO'Rouke 11 Bdc
Bishop's dik'hrf long (""I " to •
Champion of England “ to-
Black-eye Marrow Fat rt 85e
per peck
Bulat's choice early Boac Potatoes. fit'
h* r ox
Early long scarlet Badlsh. inc
•'* mmi let Turnip " 15c
■' bush or patty-pan Hquaah, toe
•' large smooth red Topytto, Bie
New early Acme Tomato -finret
(Variety known 40c
per lb.
Red or phrpb* ton Turnip, tor aprttig toe
Early White Flat Dutch. ” 4 «e
Earlv York Cat bafA i>'
" large York/’ fie
BulM's Improved lAtrf- lato
drumhead OlHsigc', IOC
Bulat's Improved large late
flat Dutch CalSMge, 43e
1 North Carniina Burwomte* '* gtto
i Early French Wlnulngatarlt4<»'
'• Jersey WnkeHobl *• 4' l c
Bulst’a early fist DUtfh “ Ik!
“ Drumhead “ 40c
" grrvw glsz/vl “ Site
We have a great than v varirtlr* In paper*
not mentioned above. Wh<«cvw you want
or any Information In regard to anod biial
n<wa. write to Us.
Postofflce «nd RxorMi >eK«la*
The postAgv on all merchandise Is ic per
ounce or lie per pound. NtnroM charges
on all packages from I lb up to 10 or to ItM
is only Me.
When you order seer) sent by mall, don't
forget u> arid for postage Pre*. Brens arid
< orn w-iah about U one. to U»- MtoL awl
Peas And Bren* In pk{iw* rtbrtit 1 ot earth.
We prepay postage on all srprdt (sod In
paper*. Addrea* your order* to
BEALL & C 3.,
Jka 18 *«n
</. Xj. it<2 tCO,
leao:m LowpaxEii
FUKMTURE of all Grades,
Nice Walnut and Ebabfterßete. Dreaafng C»*e, Marble Top, for Fifty Dollars and U p!
usut£'* n ' hC «*** l * *" e * araltUr ” V °*J Dt L. %'*“*'* *
The Largest and CHEAPEST
Crockery !
B. SMXXi&ifi & CO.,
•Carry* fall line of CROCKERY, CHIN A, GLASSWAKIk TIN’ «nd
cotton Planter.
Y HF Moro of thoae
IN T F PUhtete j |i u
1N 1 • -E ire than!
g MM
■tber planter* ÜBod.
BJfr-Ivito also agent for the combined Hinge and Roller,
Galen The SIMPLEST, BEST and CHEAPEST Mngv> for farm ga Ba
•ver invented Call and aee them at JOHN BONKS JI ORE’S,
Old aiand of John B >ne" 4 Co., near Express effioe, AUGCSfAJti A.
Opera House Garden!
Ben Neisz* Propri tor.
PtdlaiWphte and Clnclumitl Beer.
“C. JB. IPeSBB a €OT
Harloixi, G-n,
Bexley &*ocerieSj Boots, Shoos,
Dry Goods, Nolionsi
W«*are determined tojNO PBE UNDERSOLD by any houae In this sec
tion of the State, ahd at|all*tiinrß our a in abalt be to give entire Riitiafac
liou both in the price'Bml q'l.ibty of mir good*. Give na a call an(vbe
convinced of wbnt »e Mtv. For every dollar with at wo give FULL
VALUE. TRY US ’ jtnll ly
Clearance lSo.l©
—■ ' • • • ‘I—I I—■
In order to reduce Mock and avot I carrying good* over, t will offer my abick of CAR
PED*, amounting to 84 >.<>oo and over, all fruMh good*, now drelgne and coloring*, at
very n*dir*d prloe*, euibraciug a* follow*;
Royal Velvet Carpet*, Body Brannela do, Taneatry Bruiwel* do, Extra
and Imperial Three-ply do, Scotch ingrain do, Extra Super and Superfine
do, potion anil Wool do, Hemp and Vienna do; |, *, | and 4 4 Venetian
do; j' and J Stair Bru***!* do; Stair Rd I* and Fixture*, Napier and Cocoa
.Matting* t Plain, < becked and Fancy < an ton do; Cheap Stripe Carpeting)
H indow Cornioea, Ince Curtain*, Cretonne*. Lambrequin Shade and
Bullion Fringe, Piano and Table Cover*; Window Shade* in Scolloped,
Fringed. Pluto and <1 dd Band*, velvet Suf* Rug*. Smyrna Sofa Ruga, Vel*
vet and Bru**ela R'iy»; Cocoa lL»or M it*, Velvet do, BruH*cl* do, Smyrna
■io; SheepHhin Mat*, Cmml> Cloth*, Chromo*, Wall Paper and Borden,
Rnfliic Shade*, Fire Seieeiia, Carriage and Buggy Mat*, Cedar 1 beat*,
Star Oil Clotha and Crush. Mar Allgood* aokl fur net ca*b or city at
ceptauve. ,
Jas. c. bailiS,
Superlative in Its Attributes-
thin \*. i»t-l h m gtv-nl. ttur
‘ ME!3I
I* ui-■ in. iu "■> iiir ,i.Il I * i * -
.ii- . ■ \i. r . 11. i l l l * i bJRMm '*
o-rtifiealr I>f warriii'y i* given Jik '
purcbaaer We do not p. ddle tbtm. tbu*
we are enabled to *ell them cheaper than K *
fir* i cbiM* oiii patent tu*<bine» are told.
B*w *"
pi .
or *nte for circular* imi | rie«-» *'