Newspaper Page Text
rw« cfm* or 1 boob ranrr/»«.
Wiorttaightfiduraa, or myogg,. M. fa-
to aa alarming eitrtt. M*
civilized natioua. It ia commonij «ap-
f w * d Un •*>-
aflhetad, mil the truth ia that a Urge
portion at every ixunmtinity ia More or
Ira. troubled with imparieet virion.
Myopy among aebooi-ohildren and ri
lag in ihto and other ecmntrtoa has been
thoroughly mvcAtigatiwl by Prof. Her
i iaan Cohn and a number al other ami
Dent oculieto. • ftttMftra] mdi
imire •chol. a _ _
Prof, fftfih citea among the principal
cauaea g-y'TJh fib'ito -cfiti .traotitef
eriw>ol-l-ncite», Imd writing and lied
ty|Hk The
< special m tlint faff; Wl for remedying It
which tile following are the moat im
■wrtant: •
"Thnm-nAißijHiaaißpwutote UramM
•f ——/W W»X* detomtoe
<hto by tbMMMMtekeAlof toe <Bto •»
the priutrra do, for that regards the
shank of the typri trhtote Mi tan
know ,lot AlWf llWttt to Mtot hy
a .|MciaJ measurement of the
ter. I have adopted as the dMM of
tong tiraw
most rcgffiaaJK&yhMriridM irriahaft
in both the Roman ami (lertnan alpha
l>eta. I have found that the n in pearl
type ia about tiirae-ono-bundredths of an
inch high, in ftowl
ty-fifth of an meh, tn brevier aliout one
twentieth of an inch, ip tong, primer
<>m--M-venteentii of an inch, agd in picaßftW M *itoh. Wri Itoto 1
hitherto no dr-fin
•ma) IsaUmuMdJjj^ajrhten abouhi yv
I -eriuiUeoTor lb« gy**- , JR 1 * ■
ilistanoe al V, M* » .Utter Os auv )<rtl
ular aiae can Iwikea does not afford a
guide to it, for it does not at
all with the distance al •tateh Write
distance in
that letters wßch are lea. than a milli
meter and a half (one-eeventeeutW 1 riftfr“
high win
piffled tatoMto toer toa* evtoi ownttattr 4
journairtWritobke oontalti
nonpareil, or lotitoMnHi. d’ affil write.
«m-t«.nty-j Wft- °»
the tertebewhs rwpwud by the «choot
•uthontifttoe badh prteted. The at
tlcer. should go throtftf evygy ■dlrift I
book with millimeter ruh Intftrfy hand*,
and thrmpfarg!) its w*Mh letter* are
less thfiVtttmnmter Btfd r%altnlrfh.
and should give the preference
ealabiiahmenta which de not use letter*
of lees than Hto mWltototar* fttoe-tMr*
Th» tbitaMa voiwuee
to earn or to to well kaowp,
the comporiW* often toheri thin
lead* ta*eMi»tt» iiMa as that the
•hull not touch. F.veyy one hßOvp-HMti
legibility is improverf*by riftrtit; ft*
iarker the print end the oieemr lief
tt ■to*’* l «Mer to the reading. ,*m itoea are Hdm (dgether, or
he printed ‘solid,’ the eyes
womne tgH bee anas toe oou
Baal ia laeaened. Tlie Hnga tanii to mi)
xigetow, and the effort t» .spirals tiaeni»
u 'ta4rto,lyasnn the evil abcuU be,
<nd< rtftito-toitoana daisy. Wegtect m ‘
this melter will result hi everybody>
wearing glaaem, and in seriously imped
ing the piirfAttuaßoe as all the world's
work, eapt'ctiMy thtoe branebait WfPft
psriicatoftpastotoM teeakerciae to good i
eyesight. In the matter of printing, ae
pecmlftrmtoemw etotod tor. Therein
no rvas<® why amakl|yp*S <* torpewar
rangvd in lines iwaite)Wito RtW*'
betwvea UenJ aiould be tolerated, and
ti e pitbile should stoutly refuse to
couuteiianico the use of any aohool boow
or (Mtraniae pap-<g and peripdkQala that
an- puAtf wQtiMl regard totbe«taft
iuterMa W TOff Itff<leata' or reaJlers'
m > u<Ji> JA I
Tftdtomftata Utas to ihrmi* to And I
manfftteTla ArtM* I
aaye to eagy. The edu
wbmau morn mtomdgpL;
morewßfiTto aan bar own Bring and
enfoy H and Jsa» d»*l* to teka up
with the rwO dt w % ,«■<• jft*
the atoft. Btoe totem'
hkely to “throw heraaif away ** m the
daa that she must gwbafaMMeAtorybgpv-
Fbe dm did not ouataaaaß upon the tact
that the whole number to tanth. among
dtaaTlift tftftytoM4Mfrra>hfch Hhan
antes ton aanitary veins to education.
• 4 mmrtH in. mentrnn .may
be made to a aaeibod foe seem tel a
mg the depth to the aea by mmus of a
gls«t tafotpakwd batow ftp* piwt and
»>n into »
ifioa The tuba, betag fall to air, to tow
-red into the sen. when toe air bnoonses
’rmpeaami and water trtaUee ia. the
quantity to water adaaite.itThßftjiftftoh
tor datum or avid sari fnjT AA*to7
drpto rnw be oadoulatad,
•tie to unto he eame. tom see dto>
Mto a draadfnl <M4 awt atos inaeaas te tow ’
S bettis st Dr. Ball's Ooegh Byvwr te lb* tosom ]
last hunting trip to England coal 9300,-
000. The Empreaa rises at sa. m. to
practice gymnastto ngd after bras* j
fast aanokes cigmtiClft ‘ * • *
▲ wn exchange refers to Mr. I
O. Forward, to Betair, that Hiate,
Mb was cured by 8t Jacoba Oil to
rheumatism - Rochuter (N. Y.) Sundan
’ So’ !’-• PH’
: ‘a Htoftszida^eiftdai^Wdr 1
York have organised a company to erect
at the Barner to BumiiteM ■■ 1 Tl ni.i
ninth ftWlbJ|te"*to amqsemmtyod-.
•led aflm tAaJiigp’ptito summer toimt •*
. tofTi th Otomtamr, •£« bnimte.
mauager to the Rvrniny f>i»/>atch, of
‘ Iftrli Be., wai urn adtolural gi. by three
appUratioos to 8t Jacol>a Oih—
(jfau.} fiatHrdau Evening ErprfSiL f
W - - I 11 "1
A wowi’irwwT ha. been raised tn the
Bhipka paar to commemorate the battle.
wMdr were fought thete during sh« late
war between Rnaaia and Turkey. It U
paid to W a wtothy toecnonal of the
thonaand. to Tivea, tdady of them the
- lim* to the hrwart turn tu the Apposing
Irmin, which VtoFloat in fCo trcnieud |
ous struggle of Buh-immi to turcu the
C«baamv«>Ssmsotbr. nerrv'i-nWiS,
tihoal bUoovery." It b, bowaver, aue.ptaa.l
xir» Dmx«»tt3S
——Unt r-
' nv«t on. rtenfl two
tiampa fnr Dr. PMeoa*. paruplilvt on Con«um>
f Mitetoui an»Winni. EtdribsteSStD'.
, the Stab- penitentiary. Most to them,
'W toys, areytteng mtifwu the North
weak Vast North. Who, having
from home reatrainte, have fall
en into bed comjiany and got into
ttenbfc teg. tbe« jkel
duct will shorten th?ir term., and, if
“ 'rtikv'lxfiavi'thctii.ilri-., pardon, them
«*<•’ •/: t. .71 ,r /'
I’rsars, 7*or sir-
witfteir fbm funs), aomptaluu.
"draggtna Sown," sos over .11 yes«, (furing
mueb of ths time suable to work. I paid out
bundrsd. of doUan without any benefit till I
tank Ikon txxtiaa to Ata. ‘ • Yavonta Aunzm
tbm, and I never had anythin* do m. »o tnnei.
good in my Ufa. I sdvtoe evarf ta** tad r r< !
Atea 11 M**> Bnu-v 11»u>m.* Mich.
S'ar'lhte CWrih •phrtrfli nta in the
Wtntur .amnton ji tft aaipMy
dlti<foa* on tnc flay
jBWPto Papers which deal with buaniww
to the state arv to he sent to the archive
1 'dßoe; Where 'they will be kefft tdebK
prartimfcra 'taring totata iMbikf Hnl
•rsvdreba wvh tiw diwSevlHrtsd anmag Wo.
charitable iua|tiutiuu» to,
tbrvs auunpa for Part Vll of nampblata honed
r— “■
* '■ bww froublfi' lifliout raising a new.pii.
,Fn»b»k M>*« »
to be A .UwrwjgUbred. Clucago autoa ul
bench warrant iu tip> 4iapo to a big nal ,
ary, and take. Atita
‘ Nearah th* tiH' phirvK swd Earn s4t>.
th® following To the |»«r»on who
w€U4lrtt fciit iim-m Mtili it the lon red retwr,
which it the •bon*«l re* e. and which the
m»d4U TtiWt'of.ih»vTrfiMMlral, *c will
fill •Makc«w«m«te»y laitio of Upjtirbrt*
•Ip abvl, •• «iU give #3O in gelu. The»e
prvmlwntf to beiWanlM os the irtth to Jan
•ary wans Thw aan twwta.l far • rrvmt"
uma tuutl ayod P. O. peter fur twenty #v
ceatai SO aAikpa, for wni' h thrj wQTreceive
'* ’’•PxM'b* Importer to J.wufiry ifob
talnlrtytne <*nrre<W Itlvwerv anitn.Hi. » and
poatoflre addres* of )>arUaa iriviag
Hpriaga, Miaalwippi.
Iximuasa ft. • *ft<wl population of
W,<m OMhlr Mmbar 13»,6&7 are
( * ol ‘Rs. kUu. .£;
’ C^3“ T * , ’*wve
mni 'fllmrx t sll n i«tf ' W>»Tb
mgs, but are no happier than Arkaßwm
boss that sell two pair for a quarter.
From the l<>lh of Oclotvi. to
-fc*. July^Jb^^iniiina Rocl
jEftjft# f W,''lX*jta#tofcjßpriie-l locus
lonen byElite A Co., of Bailey Bpnnga,
Ata., at the following rale*:
Same can refilled at , -4Jhb i
Five gallon, in anti-corrosive can.. 3,i'>
Reason a hie freight and express rate*
are riven by ail railroads, 'this water
ha. men known for nearly fiftv year-
brunay, a sera cure for Se»»fw,lnu. caie
to the Hones or Akio, and a dartaiyi d
t stroyer of the terrihie thir*t fnr mtoxi
* #*"qfcrmme. m> many
Fraeolnuna*. Ikeprira a drank
his diem for three days and
- * *
'trying it If yoed<>, drop a poetal
1 Rllia A Ou. ft will cost unit a OMit-
H to RiakteWft ' toW
ty, Va. tame rsges.lsitar dtaUtavew to
-' r.,.n orxhw- ttaal the
abort rrrp.toggtaa to the tsetirt nwg
be need hw food luatmri ad tiwuag tnraaa
<■»*!»- sru. >■■ r |e*tar s -
<Mi«bito •*■>**- .ilia i tain tear era tarns
theaa logg winter evaoUup. ...... „
Tnftaroou Appenl solemnly affirm,
that a Nevada fioflrt has a sunffower
It u isipoauble for yqsuaa.tamgar face-
mat tyffid'U Ttffiag;
Qtajrift t ftff* for aiAj/ £aper ant
for making printers' rptiera, . *
f jltiidai.. from itana^tattonWk>uM mats
i Marina] <;£ Wjyt and ba .rarad
,< iVti&aib*'' throw a eroohto
auadoN.U. i i 1i . .•. ij I
A»l> t’r-MritatSSr It. R ftM* onfttah
itoft. rtMgl>iw,)JCtags. lA-.
<7, It’raftrSkya-TWit - '
Tha t-dtatojlelt (X, Marataul, A4m*u wCJ
saudTlbsw ■jnwXro-Tbh’l- Bstis WM O«tar !
Ita for titay d. e u
tßj DffiftMMl •KicMM WUj JtwtToftß IMMJRIp,
ose mv i
-s-wyv..,, ! , low, dwpwtaa, nrrvoea pmatratsoa
- * aaWCI forms of nsMtai totality raßt ».*-*>
ttku>< i«»sM*» s rsmiaiiat Bur Tosno. Ito
only pr * stauon A taufievwtatntng Ba eotpa
oatrttit a. prooerttaj. D dhotain. bl<x»Hmu-.
iiuc, fat re-gnwrattdf etto life sa>lalnftMmp
srtirs. s Invaluable In s i en’-elHssi v»ndinne«,
wbelbti tha randt of nlisnattan narvoas taw
trstion. ovarwoch t> tente dteaaaa. ntaUtaUUft |
If rvsnjtlug jrop ptoiMnary oasnpjauita Cat
wdl. Itaatad A Co,, Nw 1A
, 'wrtfuei Atetakn., sa»» «e
U« toil sto t|o| t »ffi| tHtrn With b Btaltafß of hkRR*
AslUimJ *T • Mta* •* RfWMfttaJfl
•Mb. «44 wM*« Um i« ten t
■ ■Miilt ih> tarmpriai tib ftfalm ftM I toftlm buduft
'FF >wn| m ht|M bAlf a 4fttar Al «m urn* • rvftwt
•Mil ur|tiAd ibft I wee 4Md. i f»wu «F bmpa, but •
if i ■u ftftfcH—Rffi— ■mta JUt—ftwbeftm.
Levo Ir* • ta4U». wh«fi. ta ret Burprtae, T •om.
‘mu.M'iofoal tatlto, a»4 to-day I foal bmUmr itaaa far
ihr*« <4u * f-mt. I vrtta Ihto •**! «m aflblrttad
with 4>< Mtaeaf long* win labs pt £»xaa« Bam.** Aav
•aw, «u> I >w cio«vit.cwri thft Liwmor cab b< <tmb.
a pH ■• V <ar it baa 4o«a mbfr <«*o4 thaa all tb I
' . Mtour uftsia<3ta«a I ba*u lahau mom mt ftcbMea."*
■ A..?^?3mtt3PJ£?CEt rt Wa i
baiiiros.ol ctnwn. rwwood <am*u throe uhtorvou I
hcatf i,iMtr f.|r>u tn u nrvffi»«A.Mool. booh cover, tanrv
Srsllai .artv Saicsssl«a.Frvm. to.Molla. I
MlftßiMi u toAraotaol <-r Biftf rufuCtaioi. aftv< ooa
. i7*H4’4*‘ l >M«Im f’lataoforloa. UM u> raw
ifftftß’r* *« l**”' io|nw ’ ** ua **
tixskiMUwto Uftlfy . wM4ftr «*< too I
Booilf'ta L«bloe< OKGAfcM. aatWr.
I <Wmi3< parin' <3O Of<rvr4 vwto a vftff'Me
frvw arflage n *c’» pum*ncerv.Ylltidtrßir I iffiUuo(U« ,tao.k-
Pr&xirW, wiJatwT-.,. n«. J.*..,
1.1 W" ri-xattons do not reoerally coma on one
•tttrss taf Awaudtat tMtaMl4teiucr
1 fifhlHwind ■ they eutne a* the rain doratn w.rae
to-* liofta <»f the world—gently, but every day
Uimi u{ HR * dtacomftwta t» prrwnted bervahh:
n . ▲tt-iwdlng to popuUr smprewar ti,
1 A / Uvt paaltocr. UMoquiiiM-A mi. !
■ ma<f rifjp all flourfali at lEe
H \ zaamftMi amt aeeehMcmbk
X and which wcAweirite
,W BL inato* MOsrtfM.:
JUeMI \ Ibe tea . ten-r
\ la 1,.
to|MM \ uu tbvvo Sexi «*>•• >«
I x *
GT > X»Ma*Mtfu-aitb»*w.
I \ \ Traatiar m Um> i omit,
iZ ' si \ ' when ateew rwmsmsto
Ls \ 17 N t-ykes teruaKi rMSsr
rk r' Ibe 2 walised over the fence and U>e
MiA.Uk Tbs terrier prove-! too tnnrtr kw T-« -
-.»fflAfow Jtaa oArjauate ni« ofr anyyr
centlaAan tn a bn. amn>M>BA4 gim tar-Ts
'-■■iis dteewSMaee dßOufidnVane wuh flusud,
'■ ' l,, iWlllfthllE**O- l Wsg.irftG>-ato
" I lim a IsawTjly* ■
. werJL(MMff ijfibbil&(4
Im bo krjir tx -t satb rttswnre, drmtins te te-1
iwohtlby Smaddnrv The more be kirked
‘ biiMO SHwrm Otato- wwoti-. r »KM. ■ Mr
.L-’*' te'Harvey- -.AKtatewir to InumsJEcw
Why. <<4ta. tW.lasomd over two ib. ui-u.,1
M,a f* v <l Fflf l|l l*" Mhte • Us. wbo was außer
ln. inadfijlTy from rbeumeUssp. and wttV ttf
IvrlAnjr any Ix neflr‘whalevt-r yirl two telttWs
'•( NX Jacota Oik arcompllsbed wbai the m<»t
-ktiliul medical men tailed in doin< Me could
five] iwmwwtotiawtoato’wfca teve basis semi.
h t|l« wi'UderfdlbVkwta d>i spacw perp iuv
te l^!7l :.x , «ESJa3S:«;
hr™* A (XmiUlu. librarian of the Union Ouhohr
l.'.Jirhry <»f thia citx 11** Mk»wio< ia Mr. Cot> -
lan lilndorwiuentr * r k T Ot!
~~ Vmiu.n Catholic T ib*aft Aibociatiox.')
AM Zhnrhnm .ftwl.
IHU AfBO, t*ep<. I*. IW*n I
t a'.
Vb. l-tktlbn lite As Amedy. iSaisrta ft I
ar* * ta ’? i?u
-i »' -a.
w w wW w' - W
|^px f z fey
;4 i
lliuxr»U.l t MUtla kM.
? o * '
' ■ • »
io Mffij&iio
.... fNS w
1? H.’joil* £F'r&w&Mßt i
'•T’r’/ ■••«■' »»• WM i
JIISMmBSK Frr jru* J'
■ »Uju CnTiT «r «MMf t
• w laMol J I.H.nTifc
‘ iim f« t <««rnaa aamM 1
’FRftM TW« MTRW, «(
~ BY TMBtt AFFuem.
(Imr atari axpiMt BtataMMta
from waiMneani |—mi
which ftoald cevriwee
the Meat ftefttoaL
r Fw Htaz CarftfoadN vfCgfiu
far Oe. fkAtatati'k Aval •*
. foM, Izrar f Mfttaßt aft FMMftM.
H • Ml riMkiftwa M toaaa
w f*wr swtaMU faraw. ate*,
. sftwatok rufarasahM » rvfnr* ft rite
tfwf BftofttodMy B/ffttaft; tow ate
wton sxvreiM teavAf to dateu, Ata
Thu boat ft Yto iwaß W *«*//aaw
ts in fbt fraafiwaWte takW
Duantnt, *W te cate, «as •*6'
dyW aßicfte.tof l/ftew wto, f«w
*»ra4rterj Mnt fir aftoc *<«•», »W
--MM ftonua/ivt /'ahh fa a»y afbrfSw
«f fto fdca«f ar /aa*«,
rid tin, w sit spaaMi
Statens tie. A ■ WCWBWCM A UM. ■»
••• arate Wk. rails. ■lsbla- rw.
I. 1
f'ram »r. «v W.«.4foHto as Ahaa
U ** - ’ T< * tekulaa I
L ar~s Ostae, toll*' V. >ta»a A tsta I <
Fka. 2. t Scaaaee. n>.lstei|teu. Fa
.lew *x -t u> M aiScly l« yes sea V. s ! -V-
I »ar wite < w awn. i.wsi«araw
u> —to w> «»• rs te. car ** ’te lwue- ike> ha. Sms
U>.v. ia aS WH.-> esatawl Sy ysssta war wtawsai
e -.i !<■■•»», l«A vte was lakes a»w yas
IM <—aaawp'us. I selleS » «a st tea ata StaarS w
th* rntiiv He taastov ta sa a ata nr as a seas
<■ aM, Aea* ..vyylmt u b» »taw. ten te. r«
.vwy A. ta Cta-Aer t tala, seateer tatav Whey
talk mM ate eoalS ta te-ekly te.. te te. te. Cte
, uxr*’W. asS vta ter luay. •waaawlr .tew
.1 tet. Im IX Wta »••». *te ate ta l -- tad saw
«».-a :w<aM te.te-a, <vua*-M *•< wy
yueum. of atai.- T vita aft k*ka totetai saMhataaa
Ute -w. aa.J tean laateteawaa. te. ewtia. •■< Sw
M •+> , „
0» A. lai .»TMte.- fte AMarr ate WV kte tell.,
(at. hjr to- I* - testa, w—lte teas ate aaarS MS Site
•te Sate itef— V. eteoe. t yte «•• «* V«er bates te-
Wtea| tea ass ass*, sta Star aw*, states teasyi
LeetaM 1 mate ia fte SteeriMa.tar °ta Tte —Me 1
e-'S '«ir-e TV as vta watatete aaaaatiaf te aba
p- med ssww-vi «ta pas aeMte ate Mate te oaras ,
t u nte. ata. •/ yte- rtaaoMteSa Bj I w..
.■ana v— Ti"- ata maaMfiaatia rstia, saa<ti.
i*n». ta •*. teas. >• teyr—• IS ante, slteeagk
o . 4to-re ata ta e Mtaa ata I aas terlV ta aiww;
IU e/aa asrr ate r» *a *• «f ta
A tea UM ta Wi U-Si AMI State—
feel 0.. Ms. eta anrHata smutal. sta I anew saw
tok sLrtaerfeil (tear FtayStay wte me ter «.
aataakta. »- te *. ta aaaw teas aw* as tea |
o. <y- til faaVary »m ta aa« ataiais IS ta
lota Wlk yaatr Bme.rsmmee. Tea yeatatata ta
Al-m tel Ito left mrr fcta-.e. Via
... Ast ter te-mw »>teie... 1 |Sm*utea tamaa .
. j-gtew I*. IM of 1... ta MMSteeaata SlMb tisysSteer
wta~ I-' 1 •■' ua, eita.ll area a. So a. «m aatav
■LA. ♦‘l iMf Oftls CMWhlVlg Bksd BWW.Mg ftto hwrwif Mkri to- I
to-f etalrifVP , toteMto’ Vto* totohk toMgR Um« «hw NBR Or • <
V V toifv b M lrvhti.l tie b« tto Mhftv ftM Nftri Bto
’H |to to 11 iifttofti o«f« that Ibm r*w *ftM MBftt -%
.*4M« ft I 4 % n V*. nhe r»>B.»j Ito 4gMA *>BI
’ I Vriu BdNrt MtlhvwA kb»< W 4 «fa** bsAM
ftp* I bwtori «• S»»v BfttoV BMftbflf ft Thft* ••ft to
2*l M Wfriif JA Bftd to lh>* vtCAft't »ew. h»4 i hto Mh&
«tor fur*. •* willlWi m «*M ft Ms Mftft .
My A8 tbn WWdtoa »• FM a* to toaiftk ftW: a
•kfifttb. • ißforto* ftfto ihto »Mriftft M*ft4'
fttolft— - Ntoft ••* rhßMtarti *V»W toil bhto
NkAf »ft MAriw sf VM. wtoAhft to IWk-rwyrßlsß f. «r
BMftlF. I «• rftto fl»u»r%pto tae«9 MMtoft
htrheft BtoMdsA* M lbw nnMMVNWy »b» will «wrb far
toikh4 I ***• wrufato.
***** •WBMkXftV
Guard the System Ayamst
The Great VeptaMe SutatttUU
far Bercary.
They mH cum fihtHa Mi Fever
They w>H emt DmmHnm. —i’ < I
They wist cnre ahitmate c«Mtt-
’■ patUn. ieaviai the StMMth
and Mwais in a beaJtiry tan
they wfWqre Lfrtr CamjHtwt,
t hat frWlerenmwr at Can-
J- sumption.
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■f-M MT Aa nite kta ata kN- knew ta -. tall m>
ylm ' ti te. AiteMtataa da. Vtataiaaik rv-
, **v*ata tame am. etata.
toms era km Veto, rm Is.
' *TM Malpwl.»amae raawte bams.'
‘ o’tofa THE HARP-ETTE,
•WSi.BO.- -62.50
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toKfc F ’«yft WMlftri. h 2 > < •” a.»*ri.*n‘l • *B”s*ai«to- .
1 . b ; * *F— * Mvwttoß cw t lw .
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’WK KB<Mrrto.>]— n. Mam Mft wm/ •
~ ■—Wafyngte , r ,
F<i-Similes iLU- S. Treasury
tac *■* gaVA fiii La
mt rsr * w *
jKkrata imta mr -r .' 2L- -1-
TRUTH •gWUte&r.z
tef tear ta taw;, »W