The daily citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1857-1857, September 28, 1857, Image 1

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COURT CALENDAR FOR 1857. Revised ,l>y the Southern Recerder. Superior Courts. AUGUST. Ist Monday, Fiord Lumpkin 8d Monday, Clark 3d Monday, Forsyth Hancock Meriwether Walton 4th Monday,Baldwin “ Heard Jackson Monroe Pickens Taliaferro SEPTEMBER. Ist Monday, Chattooga Cherokee Columbia Coweta! Crawford Madisor. Marion} Morgan Terrell 2d Mondag, Cass Elbert Greene Gwinnett Sumter Twiggs Washington •2d Monday, Cobb Early Favette Halil Hart Macon Newton Putnam Talbot 4th Monday, Campbell Clay Emanuel Gordon Lee Wilkes OCTOBER. Ist Monday, Carroll Dooly Fulton Murray Paulding Taylor Warren Webster Wilkinson Tuesday after, Pike Wednesday after, Rabun 2d Monday, Habersham Harris Laurens Richmond Whitfield 3d Monday, Franklin Haralson Henry Jones Oglethorpe Pulaski Stewart Worth Thursday after,Montgomery 4th Monday, Catoosa Decatur DeKalb Houston’ Irwin Jasper Lincoln Polk Scriven Tattnall Towns Thursday after, Telfair Friday after, Bulloch Monday after, Effingham do do Appling Monday after) Cnff Appling, f NOVEMBER. Ist Mouday, Berrien Gilmer Muscogee Randolph Upson Walker 2d Monday, Baker Dade Bibb Fannin 1 3d Monday. Burke Spalding Troup Union 4th Monday, Calhoun Chattahoochee Thursday after, Mclntosh Monday after, Dougherty do do Liberty I Last Monday, Charlton I do do Colquiit Mon. after Liberty Bryan DECEMBER. Ist Monday, Butts Camden Jefferson Thomas I Friday after, Wayne 2d Monday, Glynn Sd Monday, Lowndes ,4th Monday, Clinch Miller after. Ware. J AH VARY. Mon sty, Ch |at lm FEBRUARY. ... Unn , a „ PLlt lit Monday, Claik f 12:.!. Id Monday, Forsyth Meriwether Wal,n, Monday .Baldwin iol „ tfuirroe* Taliaferro it A RCn. 2d Monday, Columbta Crawford Madison Marlon Terreli” 2d Monday, Cass K, Gwinnett Twlcgs wSyton hnrsday I y| onlg „ raer y 1 lel ” ’ 8(1 Monday, Cobb BT” Si 1 * Newton E£T Stt&L Friday after.Bulbcl: 4th Monday,Campbell Clay Effing m Eman j Gordon Lee Wilkes Last Monday,Charlton A PRIT Al KtJj ’ st Monday, Camden Carroll p,3, 1 ““ p'“ ,s, Paulding „ ® sab5 ab , un L Webster Sfn f „ Wilkinson Friday after, Wayne 2d Monday, Glynn Habersham Muff' 3 Richmond Whitfield Tuesday after,Mclntosh 8d Monday, Franklin Haralson Henry Jones Liberty Oglethorpe Pulaski Stewart Worth Thursday after,Bryan 4th Monday,Catoosa Decatur DeKalb Houston Irwin Jasper Lincoln Polk Towns' 1 Thursday after .Telfair Monday after, Appling Monday after, ! c tfee Appling f MA Y. Ist Monday, Berrien Gilmer Muscogee Randolph Upson Walker 2d Monday, Baker Bibb Chatham Dade Fannin 8d Monday, Burke Spalding Troup Union 4th Monday,Calhoun Chattahoochee Mcnday after, Hongherty Last Monday, Colquitt JUSTE. Ist Monday, Butts Jefferson Thomas 8d Monday, Lowndes 4th Monday,Clinch Miller Monday after. Ware FIRE DEPARTMENT. GUO. S. OBU!iR, Chief Engineer. H. M. NORTH, Assistant. PROTECTION FIRE COMPANY, NO. 1. Frank S. Bloom, Foreman. R Boggs, Assistant Foreman. E. J. Btow, Treasurer. Groror A. Durr, Secretary. A. McQurkn. Engineer. A. Pattrrson, Foreman Hose. Gro. Smith, Assistand Foreman Hose. ... .Regular Monthly Meeting on the Ist Tuesday of each Month, at 8 o’clock, P. M. Ocmulgee Fire Company, No. 2. Hrmry N. Ells, Foreman. R. 8. Frkrman, Assistant Foreman. E. D. Williams, Secretary. E. Isaacs, Treasurer. J. H. Gillon, Engineer. ...Regular Monti' 1 meeting on the Ist Monday iu • * •v month, st Q o’nififtlt, P Af, ■young America Fire ftomun", No. 3. J. D. Vaxvalkknbdro, Foreman. Chas. W. Ells, Assistant Foreman. R. W Evans, Secretary A Treasurer. William Groob, Recorder. Jamrs Kkrnan, Foreman Hose. Chas. Thompson, Assistant. Regular Monthly Meeting on the Ist Tuesday in every Month at 8 o’clock, P. M. Kook •& Ladder Go. No. 1. Albrrt G. Butts, Foreman, J as. V. Grkkr, Ist Assistant Foreman. Jas. Campbell, 2d “ “ Van Gbisbn, Secretary A Treas’r. Regular Quarterly meetings last Saturday In Jan uary, April, July and October, at 8 o’clock, P. M. West’rn. & Atlantic (State) Railroad. Atlanta to Chattanooga, 138 Miles, Fare sss. JAMES M. SPULLOOK. Superintendent. MORNING PASSKNORR TRAIN Leaves Atlanta, daily, at 9.00 A.M. Arrives at Chattnnobera. at 5.30 P.M. Leaves Chattanooga, daily, at 7.30 A .M. Arrives at Atlanta, at 4.00 P.M. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN Leaves Atlanta, nightly, at 9.00 P.M. Arrives at Chattanooga, at 5.10 A.51. Leaves Chattanooga, nightly, at 7.00 P.M. Arrives at Atlanta, at 2.10 A.M. PTThls Road connects, each way, with the Rome Branch Railroad, at Kingston, the East Tennessee A Georgia Railroad, at Dalton, and the Nashville A Chattanooga Railroad, at Chat tanooga. Atlanta & LaGrange Railroad. Atlanta to Weal Point, 87 Miles, Fare 03.50. GEORGE G. HULL, Superintendent.! MORNING PABSKNQBR TRAIN Leaves Atlanta, dally, at 3.30 A.M. Arrives at, West Point, at 8.45 A.M. Leaves West Point, dally, at 3.00 A.M. Arrives at Atlanta, at 8.00 A.M. EVENING PASSENOeR TRAIN Leaves Atlanta, datly, at 4.45 P.M. Arrives at West Point, at 10.00 P. M Leaves West Point, nightly, at 12.15 P.M’ Arrives at Atlanta, at 6.34 P.M. This Rood connects, each way, with the Montgomery A Wart Point Rail Road.! 41 ilk dailij (lilmn. VOL. 1. Georgia Railroad & Banking Comp'y. AUK list at Atlanta, 17 1 Miles. Fare $5.50. GEORGE YOUNG E. Superintendent. MORNING PABBKNGER TRAIN Leaves Atlanta, dally, at 8.45 A.M. Arrives at Augusta, at 6*oo r.M. Leaves Augusta, dally, at 6.00 A.M. Arrives at Atlanta, dally, at 8.80 P.M. KVRNING PASSENGER TRAIN Leaves Atlanta, dally, at 6.00 l’.M. Arrivesat Augusta, at 8.22 A.M. Leaves Augusta, dally, at 6.00 P.M. Arrives at Atlanta, at 8.00 A.M. OF“This Road runs In connection with the Trains of the South Carolina and Savannah A Augusta Rail*roads,at Au gusta. MicoN TTt i t]TTT) . Methodist Episcopal Churcii. rASTOR. Rev. James E. Evans. REV. W. F. COOK City Mission. REV. W. A. SIMMONS Col’d. Mission. STEWARDS. James Williams, •••N. Baas, P. Snlomnn Thai. Cater, J. M. .Tones R. A. Smith. TREAS’R & RECORDING STEWARD.—II. L. Jewett. TRUSTEES. Asa Holt, Ch’ro Tho’ Hardeman. A. R. Freeman limes Williams. Dr. ...McDonald B. F. Boss. T. A. Harris •• A. Wise. nrs, rvlceon Rabl>ath, atlQ’4a. m., andTVp.m. TW" Prayer Meeting every We’dnesdav night. rr sc rvice at the Factory on Sabbath a. m. Protestant Episcopal Church —Macon. PASTOR. Rev. Henry K. Reese. WARDENS. .Tames M. Greene, N. C. Munroe. VESTRY. Jas. Rea, L. N. Whittle. John B. Lamar Walter G. Hodgkins John L. Jones. IWService on Sabbath at Tn>s in the morning “ “ “ “ in the evening. IST Evening Prayer Meeting every Friday. Roman Catholic Ch -cK PASTOR. Rev. James Hassan. Pf Service on Sabbath Morning at. 7 and at 10K. also in t he evening at 7 o’clock. SHC* Week Days—Service at 7 •’clock, a. m. The Baptist Church. PASTOR. Rev. Sylvanus Landrum. DEACONS. Jackson DeLoache Dr. Win. S. Lightfoot, Thos. A. Ellis Geo. S. Obear Thos. .1. Else, Jonathan Collins, D. Win. Ellis, (Oglethorpe.) TRUSTEES. Robert Findlay, Ch’m Tackson DeLoache, Geo. S. Obear, Thos. J. Else, Dr. W. S. Lightfoot. TREASURER Tackson DeLoache, CLERK.—George S. Obear. Divine Service each Lord’s Day at 10X a. m., and Lecture and Prayer Meeting every Wednesday night, j Communion—lst. Sabbath in each month, in the after noon. VfT Conference Meeting on Friday night before the Ist Sun day in each mouth. Presbyterian Church at Macon. PASTOR. Rev. Robort L. Brock. ELDERS. E. A. Nisbet John -T. Gresham, Washington Poe, Edwin Graves Robert Carver. DEACONS. Edward D. Trac Tos. E. Wells. TRUSTEES. Chas. Campbell J. E. Wells, Edwin Graves, Tas. A. Nisbet, I.O.Plant. S3T*Service on Sabbath at 10 in the morning, “ “ “ “ 4 In the afternoon. “ “ “ “ }4 before Bin the evening. Lecture every Wednesday. recession of the Church meets at the Pastor’s House on the Ist Mondav night, of each month. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. .TAMES BUCHANAN, of Pennsylvania, President. JNO. O. BRECKENRIDGE. of Kentucky, Vice-President. Lewis Cass, of Michigan, Secretary of State. Howell Cobb, of Georgia. Secretary of the Treasur". Jacob Thompson, of Miss., Secretary of tlie Interior. John B. Floyd, of Va., Secretary of War. Isaac Towcsy. oi Conn. Secretary of the Navy. Aaron V. Brown. ofTenn., Postmaster-General. Jeremiah S Black, of Pa.. Attorney General. Judiciary—Supreme (Vnrt. Roger B Taney, Baltimore, Md., Chief Justice, appointed TB26—Salarv *5,000. John McLean, Cincinnati, Ohio, Associate Justice, appoint ed In 1829—Salary *4.500. James M Wayne. Savannah, Ga., Associate Justice, appoint ed 1839—Salary *4.500. John A Camnbell. Mobile, Ala., Associate Justice, appoint ed 1852—Salary *4.500. Jno. Catron. Nashville. Tenn., Associate Justice, appointed. 887-Salary *4.600. Peter V. Daniel. Richmond, Va., Assodate Justice, appoint 1841—Salary *4.600. Samuel Nelson. Cooperatown, New Assodate Justice-, appointed 1845—Salary *4.500. Beniamin R Curtis, Boston, Maas., Assodate Justice, ap pointed 1851—Salary *4.500. Robert C Grier. Pittsburgh, Pa., Assodate Justice, appoint ed 1846—Salary *4.500. Beni. O Howard, Baltimore, Md., Reporter, appointed 1848 -Salary *1.300. The Supreme Court. Is held In the City of Washington, and has one session annually, commencing on the first Monday In December. STATE OF GEORGTA. FH V JOHNSON Governor. Wm. Steele, Secretary Executive, Dep’t’mt. B. B. DeOraffenreid “ LudlllusH. Briscoe “ John T Pol hill Messenger. E. P. Watkins, Secretary of State. John B. Trippe Treasurer. Peterson Thweatt, Comptroller-General. ames A. Oro,en Surveyor General. John F. Condon State Librarian. David .T Rllev President of the Senate. Peyton H Colqulitt, Secretary of the Senate. Wm. H. Stiles Speaker of the House of Rep. Alex. M. Spear Clerk of the House of Rep. Wm. Turk Prin. Keeper of Penitentiary Reniah S. Carswell Ass’t. “ H. J. G. Williams Inspector of “ Wm. A. Will! ams, Book -keeper “ Dr. Tomlinson Fort Phvslcian. Dr. T. F. Greene, Sup. and Res. Phy. Lunatic Asylum. Dr. T. Fort, B. P. Stubbs and Dr E. L. Strohecker, Trus- Lunatic Asylum. Judiciary Court for the Correction of Errors. Joseph 11. Lumpkin, Judge. Term Expires 1857. Charles J. McDonald, Judge. “ “ 1862. I Henry 7j. Benning, Judge “ “ 1869. B. Y. Martin, Repot ter. R. E. Martin, Clerk. First District Composed of the Eastern and Middle Judi- Circuits, at Savannah, on the second Monday in January, md the second Monday in June, In each year. Second District.—Composed of the Macon, South-Western, and Chattahoochee * Judicial Circuits, Macon, and the. 4th MACON, GA. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1557. Monday in January, and third Monday in Jane in each year. Third District —Composed of the. Flip*. Coweta, Blue itulge ami Cherokee Judicial Circuits, at AUar.ton the 4th Monday in March and 2d Monday in Augmteach war. Fourth District. —Composed of the Western and Northern Judicial Circuits, at Athens, on the fourth Monday In May and fourth Mouday In November in eoclfjbar. Fifth District. —Composed of the Ocmd gec and Southern Judicial Circuits, at MUledgoville, on tlu- 2d Monday in May and November in each year. •Note.—The Pataula Circuit is attach®! to 5.1 Supreme Court District ; Brunswick to the Ist ; Tail • and. aj-i Judges and Solicitor*, Blue Ridge Circuit.— l. •.. lips. Solicitor General. Brunswick Circuit. Arthur K. <’<"!►.. Judgr, Wm. IT. Dasher, Solicitor General. Chattahoochee Circuit.— E II Worrell, Judge, Tiaddcus Oliver, Solicitor General. Cherokee Circuit. —T II Trippe, JudgeftJas C Lougstreet, Solicitor General. Coweta Circuit —O A Bull, Judge, L E Bleckluflfcolidtor General. Eastern Circuit.—W B Fleming, Judge, fuller), Cartridge, Solicitor General. Flint Circuit.— E G Cabannis, Judge, .Times K Lyons, Solicitor General. Macon Circuit.— Abner P Powers, Judged Theodo W Montfort, Solicitor General. Middle Circuit.— W W Holt, Judge, W R McLaw*, Solici tor General. Ocmulgr Circuit.— R V Hardeman, Judge, W A Lofton, eneral. Phloula Circuit.— David J Kiddo, Judge, David B Harrell, Solicitor General. Southern Circuit.— Peter E Love, Judge, E T Sheftall, Solicitor General. S. Western Circuit —Alex. A Allen, J)idge, .J W Evans, Solicitor General. Tallapoosa Circuit.— Dennis F Hammond, Jidge, Herbert Fielder, Solicitor General. Western Circuit.-,J as Jackson, Judge, S 1* Thurmond, So licitor General. Judicial PircnltH. Brunswick Circuit —Appling, Charlton, Coffee, Ware, (’am den. Clinch, Glynn, Wayne. Pataula Circuit —Clay, Chattahoochee, Webster, Early, Randolph, Stewart. Toll,poem Circuit —Carroll, Coweta, Haralson, Campbell, Floyd, Hoard, Polk. Northern CirCKfl-Madlson, Elbert, Uncoil-. Hancock. Hart, Oglethorpe, Taliaferro, Warren, Wilkes. Rietern Circuit —Bryan, Bulloch, Effingham, Chatham, Liberty, Vfdntesh, Montgomery, Tattnal. Sli.lJlr Circuit —Burke, Columbia, Emanuel, .Jotiemon, Richmond, Scriven, Washington. Western Circuit —Clarke, Franklin, Gwinnett, Habersham Hall, Jackson,-Rabun, Walton. Ocmulgee CTrc,iit.-Baldwin, Greene, Jasper, .Tone*, Mor gan, Putnam, Wilkinson. Southern Cirarft.—Berrien, Colquitt, Laurens, Lowndes. Miller, Irwin, Pulaski, Telfair. Thomas. Flint Circuit —Butts, Henry, Monroe, Newton, Pike, Seal ding, Upson. Cherokee Circuit—Case, Catoosa Chattooga Hade. (Jordon, Murray, Whitfield, Walker. C'meta Circuit— Fayette, Julton, DeKalb, Merriwjher. Troup. South- Wretern Circuit— Calhoun, Baker, Decntnr, Dough erlv. Lee Sumter, Terrell. Chattahoochee Circuit.— Harris, Marlon, Mustaweo. Tnvlor. MiconCirfntit —Bibb, Crawford, Dooly, Houston, Macon. Twiggs, W orth. S’ue Hidgr Circuit—i'hcrnkoo. Cobh. Fannin, Forsvth. Hllmer. Lumpkin, Paulding. Pickens. Fnion. Towns. OFFICERS OF CITY COURT. HON. CLIFFORD ANDERSON Judge. WM. L. A. ELLIS, ESQ Solicitor RICHARD cr.Rl>, ESQ JOHN RILEY Marshal Regular Sessions—3d Monday in February, Mav, Ai glet and November. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. /'i/Y Rolls of Wall Paper, of new and elegant Style* •MMj just received and for sale low Also F>r* Board Prints and cheap Window Blinds, plain and fig ured. Side Light Papers of varionspatterns Call and examine. J. J. k S. P. RICHARDS mar2B- tf DZSOIi UTZON. THE Firm of CAR If A KT A % V was Ab solved on the Ist January 1867, by mutual consent Either of the Partners are authorized to settle up the old business of the concern. All indebted, will pleas*- call and settle at an early date, ns it is desirable to close it up immediately. W. H. BRAY jan3l—tf W. D. CART! ART. Soda Water T\ all its purity, sparkling and perfectly cold. All Syrups manufactured by the undersigned nut of the pure juice of he several fruits—and not composed out of worthless esse no . may be found at. HENRY HORNE'S Confectionary. maylS d—ts ICE CREAM, AND other REFRESHMENTS, at „ II HORNE S. P. S. DREAM sent to families by the half gallon or more, if ordered in time, and of the following assorted flavors: Ras berry. Strawberry, Pine Apple, Vanilla, Lemon, Maras quiim Sherbets. may 18—dtf FALL AND WINTER OTLOTHIIVG^. SAULBBURY k 00., are prepared to exhibit J% their customers a very choice variety of entirely new and most desirable styles of Fashionable Clothing, for Fall and Winter, among which maybe found any ar ticles suitable for a gentleman’s wardrobe—wrll madi* goods BXOLrrBiVBLT. They have also an assortment of Cloths, Cassini ores and Votings, of styles entirely new, which they can makelto order, In the best manner, and the shortest notice. rw- In boys’ and childrens’ clothing, they can off.-r something very desirable. ts Macon and Western Rail Road, ON \\D AFTRR, MONDAY. JUIVE IGth.thePas senger Trains of this Road will he run as follows : Leave Macon at 2.55 p. m. arrive at Atlanta at 8 o’clock, p. m. Leave Atlanta, at 5.15 a. m. arrive at Macon at 10.55 a. m. Passengers leaving Chattanooga and points on the Westerd A Atlantic Road by the night Train, will arrive in Macon, 10 55 a. m., and in Savannah same evening. Passengers from Savannah and points on Central Road by morning Train, will arrive in Atlanta same evening and con nect immediately with Train of the Western & Atlantic Road for Chattanooga and Nashville. Passengers for Columbus, Amerlcus, and points on the South-Western Road wilt arrive in Macon at 10.30 a. m.,and leave by South-Western Train at. 8 p. m. Passengers from the South-Western, Road will arrive in Macon at 11 a.m.. ard leave by Macon A Western Train, at 3 EMERSON FOOTE. Superintendent m—neflp. LAN TEH HOUSE Macon G-a. LOGAN & MEARA, Proprietors. Tfl PROPRIETORS of this well known es- i tabllahmcnt, respectfully give notice that they are candidates for the patronage of the Travel- RRni ling public, and determined to omit nothing to de- ■Rill 1 serve well ofthelr guests and maintain the reputation 5338 —A ofthe House. FREE TRANSPORTATION Os Passengers and Baggage, to and from the House, by a fine I new Omnibus andß aggage wagon, which they have provided I for that purpose. Passengers will hereafter be at no expense ’ whatever for transportation of thom-Hves and their baggage either way between the Lanier House, and the Railway Sta tions in Macon. We oak a continuance of public patronage and promise attention and comfort to our guests. nprilS d—ly * MEARA^ Gras Fixtures. CIHANDALIEES, PENDANTS anil BRACKETS of all Myl.H, Just received and for sale by julyll—tf H. F. RODS A 00. PROFISSMAL p fIISISESS.SMDS HUNTER & ELLIS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA. Qffick on Cherry St. opposite the Gkokgia Trlkokaph Office. Will practice in Bibb, Monroe,Crawford,Twiggs, Hous ton, Macon, Dooly and Worth counties. To be found in their Office at all hours. , Afrf janfi-ly. I HR. H. A. MUTT,AUER, HAVING spent a portion of three successive years in this city, during which time he Ims limited his practice almost exclusively to Surgery, now respectfully offers his services to the citizens of Macon and surround ing country, in all the branches of bis profession. Office on the South East Corner of 3d and Cherry streets, over Mr. Asher Ayres’ new Grocery Store. sep27—tf David lioss, BOOK.BIHTDER BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, Over Geo. 7! Rovers tb Son, Got-. Third and Cherry Streets, Macon, Ga. jgil3—ly. LANIER & ANDERSON. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WI) BOUNTY LAND \YI) PRYSIOY AGENTS ! MACON. GA. Besides the regular business of their Profession they have for years past been engaged in prosecutinr claims for Bounty Land and Pension, In favor of soldiers, t heir widows and minor children. They have also obtained the correct forms and the rules for obtaining Bounties under the Act of Congress iust passed. _ feb24—tf Dr. .T. S. Baxter, CITT r*HVSIOIAKT. OFFERS his professional services to the citizens of Macon and vicinity. Office over B. A. WISE’S STORE. ianlT—-tf 0. BJHCE, TUNER AND REPAIRER Os YIA3NTO FORTES, IS Permanently located in Macon. may beleftat Messrs. Virgin’s and at E. J. Johnston A Cos. t.ovß—tf Opposite the Passenger Depot, • b mt *bl • tj m • K. F-. BROWN. Proprietor, , '<cate •- i ly on the arrival of every Train. •*i>rl.9 —ts ’ j, REDOING §§ HOUSE. MACON. ’ CSUORCarZA. H. P REDDING. Proprietor. aug2s—tf Dr. I. B. Coming’s, Offers his Professional Services as a REFORM PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ZO the Citizens n f Macon. Office in the Medical Col lege,on Mulberry Street. Macon, March 28—Cm L. W. WHITTLE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON. GA. OFFICE next to Concert Hall, over Payne’s Drug Store. janlO—ly Androw Wind, American, Orcadian k European \dvertising aEid Subscription OFteiCE. Vo. M3 Y4SU T STREKT, (N*-xt door to the Nassau Bark,) UP ST A IRS.) TVFWYOHK. novl-tf J. R. BAVIS, Land Broker. Collector & General A?r*t. Business attended to in any county in this State. Office corner Jackson and Ellis Street, Augusta, Ga. novl—tf DR . A . PY E , Office over Ellis’s Drug- Store, OPPOSITE “GEORGIA CITIZENV octll—tf fOHN LY©N, WILLIAM T. BLACK LYON & BLACK, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, Newton , Baker County, Ga. WILL give prompt attention to ail business entrust ed to their care, in the following counties: Sumter, Clay, Randolph, Early, Decatur, Baker, Cal - Dougherty aud Lee. mny3l—ly H>BT G. LAMAIt. j O. A. I.OCHHANB. LAMAR A LOCHS AYR, ATTORNEY S AT L AW, MACON, G A . OFFICE ON MULBERRY STREET. Having associated themselves in the practice of Law, they will diligently attend to all busiuess entrusted to heir care. maylO—tf Telegraph and Mess. copy. O. CAMPBELL. J. W. OAUT CAMPBELL & GAUT, UKUSUAL PRODUCE AGENTS, FOR TIIK PURCHASE. SALE. AND SHIPMENT OF ALL KINDS OF EAST TENNESSEE PRODUCE, Buoh as Bacon, Lard,Butter, Flour, Wheat, Corn, Oats, Fruit, etc. etc. KNOXVILLE, TENN. (Warehouse —At the River.) janl9—ly ALL THE YOYLLTILS IN THE GENTLEMAN’S FURNISHING D S 37 jMI 1’ 3VE 3*3 3ST T , IS now opening by C. H. BAIRD. mar2l—3m DR. C. J. ROOSEVELT, 40MCE0PATHIC PHYSICIAN OFEICE AND RESIDENCE Corner of Walnut and Third Streets, Macon, Ga. not*—ly Preserving Kettles. 174N AM KI.LP'D, Brass and < ’omposltlon Kettles for ma _iktug Preserves, all si/.es for sale ny juneit—tf NATHAN WEED. Lumber, Lumber. 300,()()() FT for i r; r b) plsnk an " aca -‘'"'* ASHER AYRES inar2i>—tf Concentrated Es<. Jamaica Ginger. V 8 A FTi and reliable family remedy for all t*owel uffW tlons, T>is;>e|isia, General Debility, ane the uialority of summer dltcases prevalent in 1 his climate, prepared and sold FITZGERALD k NOTTINGHAM. iunel d—ts While Lead, Zinc and Oil. r an/l LIL". Pure WHITE LEAD. • M"” r 8,000 lbs. French and American ZINC. 2,000 lbs. Blake's Fire J’roof Paint. lOOgalls. LINSEED GIL. Also, an assortment of Paint Brushes, just received and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS A SON. mays d—t Sugar and Coffee. 1"? lihds. Porto Rico Sugar, • ) 145 bbls. A B A (’ ("landedSugar. 40 do Crushed, Powdered and Granulated Sugar, 120 sucks common to choice Rio Coffee, 60 do pure old Government Java do. for sale by GKO. T ROGERS .V SON niav26 d—ts BOOTS & SHOES. ’|THE undersigned takes this methud of returning his K thanks to his friends and customers for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him In the past, and begß the continuance of that patronage, and be hopes, by keeping a regular supply of Boots and Shoes of a OOOI) (iHAIiITY, And attending strictly to his business, to merit a liberal share of trade from hia friends and fellow citizens and the country generally. J. C. C. BURNETT, Agt. Pole Leather, CalfPkln Lining, Binding, and Finding* always on hand, for sale cheap. aug9—tf ,:M F. in is NOW RECEIVING Her SPRING & >* I'OC‘K, consisting in part of SILK, BAREGE and ORGANDY ROBES, Beautiful LACE BASQUES and MAN ’ TLEB, Splendid Embroideries, Rib bons, Flowers, Gloves, Bonnets, Head-Dresses, Silk Ho siery, Dress Trimmings, &c., and respectfully solicits the pntronage of the Ladies of Macon, and the sur rounding countii s. All orders promptly attended to. _ laprl4d—tf Land Agency. rginE subscribers are prepared to make locations f Land i.i all of the North-western States—lova, Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Territories of Nebraska and Kansas, and solicit consignment* of funds or war rants. For terms apply to JNO. 11. LONOLEY, Maeon,Ga. JNO. B. DWINNELL,Lodi, Wisconsin aprl7 d-ts NEW RESTAURANT, AND Oyster Saloon. ISA ACS has the jdeasure to inform his friends Am and the public at large that he has opened anew Saloon under Ralston’s new Concert Hail , Cherry St. Maeon On. Where fie is prepared to furnish his guests, at short no tice. and at all hours, ihe choicest refreshments of the season, such as Fresh New York Oysters, Fresh Si Ml of every variety. Wild Game of al kinds, also a supply of f'RlTT—Forelsns and Ooniestlc, such as Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Ac.., Ac. Also, choice Wines, Brandie* and other refreshments. Families will besupplied with Oyster and I'ru B * Ci(*K, and other Dishes, at any hour. Parties, Balls, Ac., will be promptly furnished with Suppers, in elegant style,and at the shortest notice, ovl-lny Soap, C andles. Starch. &e. It k/1 boxes Colgate’s and other brands SOAP, ” “” “ HO do SjH-rmand Adamantine, (’ANDLES, #4, #A and #O. 80 do STARCH, Kimrsford and other brands, 45 do PICKLES, all sizes, 60 do assorted CANDIES, 65 do Ground Pepper, Spice and Ginger, 20 do Bird, 50 do Soda and Sugar Crackers, 40 do Tobacco, all grades, 25 do Choice Lemon Syrup, 30 do Claret Wine, 35 do Fine Brandy, 50 do Madeira ana Port Wine, for sale by G. T. ROGERS A SON. mav96 d—ts LEWIS H. ANDREWS, Book & Job Printer. Corner Third nnd Cherry Streets, Macon, On. _ mart.fim For Sale. Fit IvNrilnGerman and English Boohs and Tract a, at J. O. 0. BURNETT’S mar7-tf EXECUTOB’S SALE. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. W T IT,L le sold on the first Tuesday iu November next, by TT virtue of the last will and testament of William Kilpat rick. deceased, before the Court House door in Bibb county : 1189 acres of land lvingon Rocky Creek, about five miles from Macon—about 500 acres in cultivat ion, the balance well tim bered. There isaGrist and Saw Mill on the premises—agood two storv framed dwelling, and good out buildings, with a fine supply of pure spring waiter. With the Mills and plantation will be -old the privilege of cutting timber on 400 aens of fine land. The whole, well known aathe plantation and Mills of Wm Kilpatrick, deceased. TERMS.—One-half cash, and tne balance in 12 months. WM. G. KILPATRICK, Executor julylO—td of Wm. Kilpatrick, dec’d. New Candy Factory,and BAKERY. ORNAMENTEDCake,Hnd Plain,supplied to Families, Weddings and Parties,according to order. Candy by the Box, (assorted for Merchants.) of the best quality, warranted, and at the lowest prices. Orders for the aboveor for Drugs, Garden Seeds, Nuts Fruits, Ac. promptly attended toby J. H. A W 8. ELLIS, dovß—tf Cherry Street, Macon, Gft. Anderson & Son, Lottery and Exchange Office, IMacou, On. HANING purchased the interest of J. F. WINTER, In the alcove business, wo ask a continuance of patronage so 11b orally extcndell to him. Exchange forsale on all the prlnclpa Cities of the Union. B Vf“ Uncurrent money bought and sold. fW Gold forsale. apr24 d—flm MOLASSES. 25™ D “’ iwT Tennessee Produce. r S 3 hr urulenUftned I. prepured toei.cute with prompt - ■ newt orders for Bpcon, L.rd, Wheat, Rye, O.ti, Corn, Flour, or anyother Praducu of Middle Teunoue.. D. D. DICKBY, No. 6 College t., Naah.llle, Tenn. _ Oranges and Lemons. Oil PCX Es ( )rangea and lemons received every w>ek and +* l F for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS * SON. apr2l d—ts Negroes Wanted. FBHIE highest cash price w.l! m v, ' n NQ NEGROES, k ‘ . t t , tlon hanu- W. R FlJlLLli'S feb2B-tf. EH It CEMETERY. •m ■ m m ■ m m je: \\ T (M LD most reaped fully announce to the “ 1 . iti/v of Mact in and its v lei nit v, that be will undertake the GRADING. FENCING, and keeping in order, lots In RoeHRiXT I HH Cemetery. He will also undertake the ‘ Ifjlpry ‘ .Xloimiiient, anil .. Iron F?.ailings, nnd any other work that does not interfere witii the department. He has taken the Agency of Phll- Mp* Marble Mannfactorv. established in New Haven Conn., and will be ready at all times to exhibit designs of Monuments •<r other Marble Work that may be wanted, 111,104 “ ts A. BRYPTK. Carriage Materials. AVLt>, Hills, KPOKt>, HIMS, l~ -H\KTS, KIMH UU.I.HIII.KH,TIV> KOI. IK. KX IMI 1.1.K11 1.1 ATHKII, EiuunollM ('lothw varnish, Turpentine Japan. Drop Black, Ac. Ac. rnav26 d— ts LITTI.K A SMITH. KLUAH H. OAKHART. AABOft A. HOF. CARHART & ROFfT WHOLESALE GHOCEHS. DEALERS IN (FIXES, Liqi'ORS,^!^TOBACFO, SHEARS, AND GROCERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Macon, 6a. aug4 ts Empoßinn of fashion! TBHSOBIAL lEAB-aUARTEBSM MONB. M. LOH would respectfully notify his friends and the public that he still keeps an Establish ment at the old stand in the FLOYD HOUSE, for the purpose of accommodating all customers In his line of business. SB A VINO. IfAIR CUTTING J SHAM POO INO executed In the best style of the art. Also Warm, Cold and Bhwer BA TITS , at all times and sea sons, ready at a moment’s warning, at the reduced rate of 25 cts. For sale numerous articles for the toilet ofGentlemen, such as Razors, Shaving Soap, Hair Dye, Hair Oil, Prog ler’s Hair Invigorator, Milk of Almonds, Bay Water Hair and Tooth Brushes, Pomatums, Combs, Ac. Also Gentlemeu’g Wigs and Toupees on hand or made to or der, to suit all emergencies. Entrance on 3d Street, 8 doors from the corner of Floyd House Building. P. S.—Knight A Go’s, celebrated HAIR RZORNE RA TOR —the best preparation yet out for restoring the hair to Its original color, and promoting its growth, kept for sale. This article has been used by several gentle men of this city, with entire satisfaction, and Jn be recommended with confidence. M. LOH, may 26 d—ly German Barber. Leather. Harness, oak & hemlock sole leather. Ilrldlp and Upper LEATHER, Sheep, Calf and Ll nln* -Kl\S, PATENT SPLITS, AC. raaySG d-ts LITTLE A SMITH. NOTICE TO DEBTORS & CREDITORS APL persons Indebted to the Estate of Alfred L. Boren, luiv of Bibb eounty, deceased, are requested to call on the subscriber and settle the same. Those having demands again s na’il Estate will present them, duly attested In terms of the law. J. O. BUTLER. Executor. julf!4d—tf Corn. HIMIKFI) bushels Prime White Tennessee CORN just received and for sale low by Jnne2s d-ts G. T. ROGERS & SON. Boltins Cloths. DUTCH ANCHOR BOPTINO CLOTHS, different num hers, just received and for sale cheap by |une23—tf J. B. A W, A. ROSS. JOHN CLEGHORN, DEALER IN iffli liHIH SADDLES. HARNKSS, LEATHER, ‘llilllllllP RFBFER BELTIKE, O Saddlery Hardware, Etc. Etc. At the stand of the late Wm. T. MIX A 00. Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. aprli—tf Little & Smith, DEALERS IN Saddles &c, Harness Together with a general assortment of materials for Manu lecturers. mayS6 d—ts Pine GROCERIES FOR SOUTHERN FAMILIES. THOMAS HOPE At CO., No. 182 Chambers Rtrbbt, New York, (Established 1820.) Importers and dealers in all descriptions of Rare Old Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines. Finest Old Brandies, Superior Old Jamaica, St. Oroix and Antigua Rum, Oid Holland Gin, A every variety of fine imported and do mestic Liquors. <'liani|>arii<—> Max Sutaine, Moet A Ohandon and Mumm’s Imperial, Cabinet and Venzenay, Held ; selck and other Brands. : CJlarel and N nterne<lncluding Chateau Margaux, Chateau Lafltte, LeovlUe, Larone, Margaux * and St. Julien, Chateau and Hunt Sauternes. Hock Wines—of Johannesberger, Marcobrun ner, Rudeshelmer, Hockhelmer, Sparkling Hock and Moselle. v of all the choicest varieties, Elegantes, Re galias, Conchas, Operas, Pressed and Communes, t'oroig-n Fruitt-of all kinds, Raisins, Almonds, Prunes, Ao. Teas and Coftfees-all of the finest qualities. Hams and Tonfrnes M BurUngton, Virginia A Westphalia Hams, Smoked and Pickles, Tongues. (tONhen Kultrr—in Firkins, Tubs and Stone Jars. Forcigrn Pickbes—Sauces, Catsups, Sardines, Olives, Ac. Preserves—East and West India and Domestio.— And a full and general assortin’ ntof every variety of Fine Groceries. marT-ly BOOTS & SHOES. KIBBEE & BALL BEG leave to Inform their old friends and customers, that . they are uow prepared with u larger and more complete st ock of Boots <sz> Shoes Than ever; selected with care and taste, and offer greater in ducements to the trade than anyother house In our line. Call and see us at our old stand, 83 Murray St., corner of Church. KIBBEE A BALL, aug2B-d-ly. New York. THE LONE STAR INFIRMARY. One Mile South-west oj CuMeta, Oa. THE subscriber has opened an Infirmary for the treatment of Chronic diseases of every form.— From eleven years ex erlence in the Reform Practice, he hopes to give satisfaction In every curable case that may be put under his care. Rheumatism and Dropsi cal affections treated with nnp&ralelled success. Fe males nursed by Mrs. Frazier, who is a Lady of inoral worth and efficient character. „ 8. J. AUSTIN, M. D. References.—Hon. Joseph Bhaw, Stewart county, Ga 8. W. Parker, Oolquit, Ga. White A Helms, Cusseta, Ga. Jno. C. White, Mt. Andrew, Ala. Maj. E. Dean, Rockyhead, Ala. janß—tf] Coffee. iftStHT st ’ Do “ ta, ° “wwiM’ NO. 185.