The daily Georgia citizen. (Macon, Ga.) 1859-1861, September 03, 1859, Image 1

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THE DAILY GEORGIA CITIZEN. VOL. 1. ML ID BUSINESS CAIIS 11 iirri'oitu OOMPANIE . The Hartford Incorporated 1810. OAPITAXi 80100,000 The Springfield, Capital $160,000. The Alunkhmoll, Hi N|irin;lip|<l, Capital XQO,OOO. With a large surplus securely Invested. Polkta* In the above first Class G* uqUm l-miei, and lew M- promt Uv adjanled by K. J. JOHNhTuN *CO. j 4 It* 16—'t! A (rent. LANIER & ANDERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Maoou, O-a., PRACTICE In the count h* of the Mtc<m Circuit, and In the CouuUesof Sumter, Monroe itn<l Jones; also In the federal Court* til Savannah. I,AN IKK At ANDERSON have also recently become the A tent sort he following Insurance Companies : THE At OUftTA INSURANCE ANI> HANKING COM PAKY of which W. M. D’AnUgnac I* President, ami U. F. McCay Is Secretary. And the ALABAMA EIRE ANI> MARINE INSUR ANCKCOMI’ANY. Montgomery. of which T. H. Watts is President, wid A. Williams is Secretary . El re risk *and risks on slaves taken at usual rates. aPr S3—tt SPEER & HUNTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Maoou, O-a., Offire oa Trlangalar Block, Corner of Cherrj Street and Cotton Atrnne. YYT E have associated as pari item In the practice of I.*w in f ft the counties of the Macon and adjoining Circuit*, and j e le where In the Suite by social contract—also, will attend t he Federal Courts at Savannah and Marietta. ALEX. M. SPEER, feblft-ly SAMUEL III’NTER. W. C. M. BUN SON, Attorney at Law. MAOOKT, GA. Hoforenco* s Gev. .1, E, Brown, MlHedgevlllc; J. B. A W. A. Ross Macon, Ga ; Hon. Wm.L. Yancey, Montgomery, Ala.; Hon John E. Ward, Savannah, Oa., Hon. Beni. 11. MB, La ‘'•range. Oa. •cc. 10— Iy* OFFICE.—Over Mtnhrrkrr A Co’s Driij* Store. INSURANCE RISKS. TAKEN FOR AUGUSTA INSURANCE &> BANKING CO. AND Alabama Fire Marine Insurance Cos. by LANIER A ANDERSON. ptMf Agents, Macon. M. H. FREEMAN, M. D. HAVING returned to Macon, offer* his Professional icrvi ces to It* citizens, and the surrounding country, and is prepared to treat their various disease* with innocent vc e tahle re medic*, and hopes tliat In consideration of uie. tact that he give* no poison, draws do Mood, and never dstray* the constitutions of Ids patients, he wtli be liberally patioidzed bytho afflict and. jar* Particular attention will be given to Plantation, and other practice. tar Office at the Drugstore of Dr. M. 8. Thomson, to whom hu refer *. }an. 7—ly PATTEN & MILLER (Lute PATTKN, UETTON A C.) Commission Merchants SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. O. PATTEN. A. J. MILLER. July t, 188.—ly SPIRIT (i \S For the NEW FLUID GAS LAMP. ALSO Burning Fluid and C AMPHINE. For sale by ZEILIN & HUNT. JOHN KNIGHT'S STEAM, SASH AND BLIND WWW 9 3d Street, Macon, Gj HAVING been burnt out, I hye rebuilt mjr Eetab UtHimem.wun superior facilitiei for the nann acture of every article In the bustneaa. aprilfi— tf Samuel H. Washington, ATTORNEY AT UW, Macon, Oa. WILL Practice In all the Counties of the MACON CIR CUIT, and in the Counties of Washington, Wilkinson and Laurens. .. . __ Office next to Concert Hall, over Payne**Drug Store. DR. A. PIERCE, HOMOEOPATH Office In W'aNliingfon Illock. Medicine Cases, and Book* on Domestic Practice for sale. Macon. July , 1868. —ly T J. C. EDWARDS Real Estate Broker, WILL give prompt and personal attention to Buying and felling Lands and tUv property, Examining TltW*. Ascertaining the value of Real Estate, ft curing Property. and all bum new pertaining toaxemnal Ktl Ke; it** Agency (mri In 3d tory op stair*,ln Dr. mrohcckeft building, oct. KF-tf ! NOTICE. THE s .bscriffr* have Opened a House In Macon, on the cornet next below the ** Brown House,” and near the Passenger Ih pot, for U • Purchase and Sale of Negroes. A go*d supnlv. of likely Young Negroes, kept constantly on hand and for *le. Purchaser 1 anaTrader* an* Invited to call and examine for then.selves. Macon, March 11,’6!.-tf STUBBS Jk HARDY. DR. 4 . .1, ROOSEYEI/r, HdMfKl'VrillC PHYSICIiX, Office and Residence, Corner Walnut and Ilrd btrerli, Moron, (ja. jan.Sl-ly OR. H. A. METTAUEB, HAVING speot a portion of three successive year* In thl* <ltv, during which time he has limited hi* practice al no#t .exclusively to Surgery, now respectfully offer* hi* ser vices to the citizen* of Macon, and surrounding country. In all the branches of hi* profession. Office on tha Mouth asst corner of Ad and Cherry streets, i over Mr. Aaher Ayer’* Ne#focery Store. aep 27 ts L. N. WHITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ! MACON, GA. OPPIOI next to Concert Hall, over Payne’* Drug Store anl— ly i,t;o\ inn t. not ai., Attorney At Law, Griffin, Oa. OFFICE on Hill Street, between Woodruff's Carriage Re pository and Ueulintn'a Furniture Store. Get. Id—ly Reference, L. T. DOTAL. DR WM. F. HOLT Will attend promptly, A LL evils left either at hi*Office ,owr Bowdre A Auder sou’s store, or at his residence In Vlmsvllle, opposite March 11—ly* DR. COMINGS May be found AT hla Office, in thb Medical College, every day, from 10 to I, and from 3 to 6, F. M., when he is uot profes lonally absent. March 11—3 m A Political, Anti- Buchanan, Anti-Krotvn, ( ain |ai <* n Acuspa per. 1 BROWN’SgjfHO TE L, Opposite the Pts.rnper llrpol, •war w :> w 9 w • K. K. BROWN, Proprietor, g WT Meals ready on the arrival of every t’raln. aprltt—tf GRANITE HALL OPPOSITE THE LANFIEK HOUSE. ffITHK Subscriber has opened the I*ove Hall for (he aecom -1 JL modaUon of Day Boardfets and Transient Customers > This House Is now ofibred a* Inferior to no other flrt Clan# Ho ld In the South, aud from Its central location. Its and airy moms, offers great Inducement und accommodation* to Families and Transient persons, ‘1 he public may expect from ; tills House, all the luxuries and comfort* to be found In any other hotel. B. F. DENSE, apr 16 -ts Lrtenfthe Floyd House. Land Agency. rpilK subscribers are prepared to make locations 1 Laud In all of the North-western Hiatts—lows, Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Territories of Nebraska and Kansas, and solicit consignment* of funds or war rants. For terms apply to LONGLEY, Macon, Ga. JNO. B. DWlNNELL,Lodi,Wisconsin aprlT d-ts 0. B. RICE, | TUNER AND mn REPAIRER OfPIANO FOSITZ3B, 18 Permanently located In Macon, t# Names may 1 : beleftat Messrs. Virgin's and at K. J. Johnston A 00. | t.ovß—if Exchange on HEW YORK FOR SALE AT THE MANUFACTURER'S BANK. ! mar 29—ts FRESH GARDEN SEED. KNARD A (’ASTLKN have lust received a large and isl selected Mock . f FKkSH (iAUDEN vEKD. of all kinds, warranted to Le the growth of I V SS which nre eauul In quality and us cheap In price as any that can be found else where. More under Ralston's Hall. fob 4—ts Legal Forms. H INES* NKW EDITION of LEGAL FORMS, for sale . by the single copv or quantity. Any one wishing a copy by mall, can have it a.-ut by enclosing the subscription price of the nook (TWO DOLLARS and FIFTY CENTS,) 1 and six three cent iiostiige stamps. |n:vll-tf J. M. BOARD MAN. SILVER FORKS, SPOONS, &C., Received by late arrivals, \f AKINO the largest and best stock ever offered In Macon, ill Wutranted of sterling quality, being ‘.'•JMOOtkhs tine. Also, a fine lot of war ranted “ U. >. Coin,” i lower pi ires mar 26 62 K. J. JOHNSTON A UO. j I{iil>lmm* Shoes.^a. ALA Rf! E assortment “f Geiit'saial Ru*lie>'. A. ••, L- ‘!•■ Slipper and Sau- <W Rubber Shoos yf Good, ear's celebrated patent. Ju elviienud for tab low by MIX A Kill'll.ANl> __ -Oofct BOOTS & SHOES rU MENS’ Brya and Youth'.* flue Calf und Kip Peg .god Boole Mens'stout Kip Hunting nml Mud Boots; Gents lasting Gaiters, Monterey, Opera ami ‘1 les, amt tin*’ (’nil Brogans; Genin', Boys, and Youths Patent and Enamelled Brogans; Mn's. Roys, and Youths’ California Kip Brogans, a large assorinunt. j,., t *4—tfj MIX A KIRTLANA). Co-Partnership Notice. WE will continue the Drug business at the Garner of See ondand Cherry M*. The name, and tityleof the firm will be ehaiifrd froiii ZEILIN. HUNT A Cl)., to that of ZEI LINA HUNT. Thankful forthe llheml painmagt- of the past year, we hope to merit the continued confidence of our lYlends, and citizens geuerally. J. HENRY XKILIX. Jan Sd —ts. LEONARD W. HUNT, IKTO-TICE. THE undersigned having bought the Interest of William Garey, will continue to manufacture Boots and Shoes at the oldNtumlin the latest ami most approved styles, uslngthr itest material In li'h line, will warrant entire satisfaction to all wh> may favor him with their patronage, lun. 14—ts J.H. WIVaEKS. Plantation Brogans. \ OW In store l he best assortment of Negro Shoes, we have ever offered In this Market. Men’s doubt*- soled peg and nailed black ami rusw’ts; *1". heavy single jaded hlaCk uml ru sells; do boys mkl youth-* black and russett*, all of walchw are sellingvqry low, MIX A KIRTLAND. oct.y.—tf CIGARS, CIGARS, CIGARS! •‘PUNCH CIGARS ” ■ 7UVE THOUSAND (Celebrated Lunch Cigars, I 10 *’ la I*n razo, De Mato Cigars. .lust received and for sale by Biiyj:* QUEER A FREEMA N. Tor Sale. MV PLANTATION■ItuatvdIn the Countie* of Bibb contains between Eleven and Twelve Hundred Acres ; lies well; is Free Oak and Hickory Land, and is only 16 miles from Macon. Stock arul i Imitation utensils can be purchased If desired. Payment* easy. March36tb. 1-59 if ANDERSON COMER. New Music. WO IIITNDIiEP PIECES New Popular Music, Forthe PIANO and Gl T IT A U.Jusi received by J*:ue"Si—if J. J. A S. P. RICHARDS. 336,000 SWEDES, g\ 1> •> o Bars of Swede* Iron, assorted from 1 \ fIV )Ou) to 12 inch* * whb* or our Importation, in store, and lor sale by CAKH ART A CURD. *!ec ;t tt TftWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. ITHKHCUSKANI) LOT,alJJro*ent 06Ctfo*b By J9fr f*. Roe ,Es i-. with Qaa, Bath Room and every convemcrice, or, the I .rick House or. the corner, occupied by Mr*. Colquitt. Po—easkn given about the Ist of June. For forma of sale Ac., call on UEO. W ROSS. Trustee for a Wd. 26—ts MBS. H. M. COLQUITT. Hals: mp* CASES of Had, all kinds, v 111 1* aold AT COST to 1 *Y Mrchau'* pu.cuaa ngby the Ce. •julyll -ts. .1. B. A W. A. ROSS. |T lour. A Messenger aud Georgia Telegtaph cr-pv. Choice Fruits. JUST Received. New Layer Kulalna, Languedoc, Mar sel lie*, und Prince** Almond*, Sweet Oranges. Choice C Bolee Vertv-ni AppleH. nt (novdtfj H. HORNE'S Fresh Hops, J ÜBT .ad for by LATIPS, LAMPS, KEROS] \E Oil Lump* just received and for side by -dec. 17—If JL A. WISE. mni Mibsiiiber has purchased the Right to Ruwand'a Pa ’ 1 lent Carriage* aud Spring* for Blank Account Book*, , wli!cl; He wUI but a*, work wbentnitnicted . f.b 4—ir DAVIII ROSS, BACON FOR SALE. tx.y iliidx I’fonr Sid*-*.—lust received al ,)Z-’- 5;- 1 f HAKI)KMA .S A ORIFFIN’S. ILLUMINATED SHOW CAROS poßKr.m'n*. K't<n' Isa 11. \\ Vl< IIU> \M JBWKLRV HKPAIHI D V r , 7 lTiTr hy *.JoimeTON * co. BLUE STONE, FOR Safe Ilk • ZKI.IN, HUNT A CO. ‘XI VI-rt Stoves! Jtoves! AT Great bargains U> close out remaining stock. H pr9—tf b. A. WISE, Cherry st., Maoon, BILLIARD balls. CIUS I.KA i'H KKS, Wax, Sc., alway. oa hand ands t sale at low prices, by -jdwJkwtf.: K. J. JOHNSTON * CO. MACON, <IA„ SKI’TEM I!FK 1850 100 BROWN LINEN GOATS A VT* $1,50 WORTH TH MIUISIIII fIFTY CUTS. Kill DO. AT’ TWO DOLLARS ! woutii THREE DOLLARS! Prices of All CLOTHING REDUCED. The Above Prices are mi urn E. WINSHIP. July 19, 1-51) nil. GEORGE PAYNE, WHOLESALE A KKI VIL Druggist&state Licensed Apothecary lor. Xnlberr) St. aud Cotton A ronuf, Maoon, G-., TS happy to Inform his friends, patrons and the public generally, that his Stock is now full and complete which comprises every article that should be found in a I First Class DRUG AND CHEMICAL STORE. Weekly arrivals of the Savannah ritean e. * enable hlm to replenish his Stock Wrntr, with Fresh and Choice Gooa which are bought with great Attention to> 1 and sold as LOW as at any Drug Establishment In deorgi riiy hUliiiih’ l*reN<-rl|>(lonN Compounded at all hourswith care and neatnesa. Ill* stock oonsists in part of the following articles ; Drugs, Chemicals & Medicines, Dyes, Paints, Oils and Colors, Glassware, Syringes Modern Styles, great variety, Window Glass, Putty, Artist's Tools,Mechanical, Artificial and Natural Leeches, Fresh Hops and all other Herbs, Surgical Instru ments and Medicine Chests, Family Soaps, Fin 3 ntarch A Gelatines, Fine Cas tor OH for Family use, Wines A Liquors for Medical use only, Perfumery, Pomades and Toilet Articles, Gold .nd Sliver Leaf, Gold and Tin-foil and Artificial Teeth, Hair, Tooth and Nailbrushes, White Wash, Paint, Cloth and Flesh Brushes. TRIPOLI, a great article for cleaning Met al A Glass, Grass and Garden Seed, and all the patent Nostrums of the day. apr4— ly COOPER’S NOVELS. SPECIMEN VOLUMES of the new and bcsutSfullty Ulus trali-d t-dbiou <*t OOP KB** MIYKLb, can now be oven at the. Store of the subscribers, who ure Uie sole agent* for the work in Mac 1). npr-.b-tf J. J. A S. P. RICHARDS. B. A. WISE 1* now offering to the Public, on tlu; mo*t Favorable Terms, AMERICAN AND ENGLISH C3 m J r JT* •'-> 13 ■* W 9 Sliver and Silver-plated Ware, Feather Dusters. Klv Bruslies, Lamps, Caudle Sticks Briitania Tea aurf (-offer Setts, Chafing Dlshe*. Waiter*, Children’s Carriages, Boys’ Wag ous, Ctdar and Painted Tubs, Churn*, riggius, Buckets, Cocoa Dippers, Broom* Sifters, Brass and Enamelled Errsrrvimj Kettles Ovena, Pots, Spiders, Saucepans. Fry aud Stew Pans, Ail sizes of He cdelrated IRON WITCH COOK STOVE Which fa Wat ranted to give satisfaction, TIN WARE, SKFRIGKUA TORS, WATF.It COOLERS, Bath Tubs and Bath Pans ! ICE CREAM FREEZERS, WATER TOTS, Bug Steamers, AND Erm/fh * M<mn factored in the TIN DEPARTMENT! BASIL A. WISE, apr 7—sAw ts Cherry St., M .oou.G*. BOSTICK, KBI & CL Wholesale and Retail Doalerg in FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Opposite Ntrdhy P Wood y •mm >m + T-S .-m ARE now offering their entire Stock of DRESS GOODS, At price* tlut will compare favorably with those of any House in the state. Oot Stock of DRESS HOODS r All New aud Fresh, All being of this *eas)na purchase. Also* large and va I rled assortment of HOUSE FUBNISHIH6 GOODS | We keep constantly oa hand, a full supply of Carpet, Engs & Matting, At u Uiill. I NDKH tlie Udial price,. 011 l und ne tliu Oood* and HEAR our prices, „ . . „ iuly IP—lf BObTIOK. KEIN A 00. NEW SPRJp ILOTIIIM! €. WlUStfiP now receiving ASPLWf'WT) Stock of fine Ready Made Clothing, for thebpring Trade, nud luvlfo* the publla 10 call nd examine t.i march 86 BOOTS AND SHOES. vr thi: ■id, f THE BIG BOOT, No. 3, Colton Avenue, ta“ a- a - lll4H*k, Macon. Ga. T 11116* W..iiid re - . turn their thank.’ f v £ a and would mot respect I'm \\ d&fc solicit a continuance • the jiuCW same. We have now Instore if Mtmmß a large assortment of A , Am. ■RinaiißL*^) mostly manufacture!], t* our C . - ; .|S|vA (ig t/ WEEKLY /-#X Additions will he made, of all the diTewnt stvh* ami patterns usually Killed for lu tt slim- *i.w,, ami would invito tiiose wish- Ing to pmchase, to call and am! examine our nt..ek, is w,. niv pn pmisl to sell as low ns ;iMV house in the. citv or Mute Ct '?T tf MIX* k JUTLAND. NEW 8001 & SHOE STORE! muon, georgi a. —HT We are now opening a large and wi ll- M'lected Stock ot Hoots mill |a)||,t>N, lii the Sto-e on Second Street, next p. JiTTI Mis. Ihissau's, ami nenri\ opposite M i rtne un! Mechanic*'Hank Agom-ie*.— Stock inn mg been piurliaeed by one of our Arm pibkct fkom tux KAstkNK \1 ixrt Tt iiKna tor Cash, UV can offer <jrmt indutxmenis to*those who wish to I my for Cash. ‘Ye prefer small profit* inK-WA. ihtherthsn large ones on time, where the g<id aid solvent cu*toinen< pay uie lo** on <l".>d* wild to the doubtful one*. We shall keep e.>a*f;utly on hand a gen end Stock lor LADIES. MisskV, Men*. llß\ Youths', Hoys* and U'd dreu's > ear, and / ‘O !■*” :* large si, ck for Negro**. We Invite all who wlsii to purcha.eto call a<.d roe is, amt we will convince them that we i >v ano witi. sci.i. as i.ow a* amv hovsk in iiif Rtatv Our work l*guaranteed, and where it falls to give satisfaction, we repair free of ch-rge. We respectfully solicit a liberal share of public patronage. BEARDEN * G A INKS. REPAIRING. We have employed experience*! workmen, and are pro piredto Repair all kinds of work lu tur line with nes.tuiw and dosp tcb. Mai cli 26. *6o—lf o. c. mm k . MACON, OA. n m I - Tl _ I INVITE the ikttcnWffifof the Sporting Public and others, to their iarse .wlectWn of Double Guns &. Rifles, Pistols and Revolvers, Pocket and Sporting Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, Walking Sticks, nhih Si lime in. And every nrtlc'eto be found In the first claes Sportsmen'* Kmpoiluins. cither North or South. l;v a earcul attention to ImMnes*. mid hy keeping, alwnys on hand,a chelce assortment otthe Lest good* in our lln, we expect to receive a continuation of the llherul patronage here tofore extended to u*. HKP \lltl\4icirefullyattended to, as hereto- loci.W -ts | l. <-. 11. A SON. CARPETINGS! Floor Oil Cloths, MATTINGS, RUGS & MATS! A LARGE Stock, and a great variety of style* of the [ above goods, Jusc received, which will be sold at far lower figures, and give purchi set* a selection from the beat ever offered in Macon. Also, Satin, Delaine, Damask, LACE and MUSLINS Window Cbii-talna. WINDOW SIIADEC GUILT 00HNWIS ud HANDS In great variety Ibirclittsers will coq.*ult their Interest by examining my stock before buying. B. P. 11088. Macon, July 80,1868. --ts rortiumiiip notice. WR the uodersignod have thin day formed a limited Copartnership, uuder the name OF SUBERS & LEWIS, and have pur:hased the entire Stock of Dry Goods & Groceries, OF THK LATE FIRM OF D. F. CLARKE A CO., and having repleulnhvd the mime with IYKVV OOODM; wr will be nleiiauu lofck all the Customer* of the old firm, and respectfully solicit. ‘'hare of the purdk jiatronage. BAM L M. SUBERS, oct. o— ts KI). P. LEWIS, IP. 8.1 AII person* Indebted to ta the late ffrn. >f l>. *•. Clarke *(S. r*- r* .jncMed to call and as we aloneara auUiorlM4tTk-.l!ert the account*and notes due them, oct. w —ts 8. M.S.AE. P.L. Sewing Machines. K . W 1 Bf SHIP 18 AGENT FOR THE SALK OF BARTHOLF'S SEWING MACHINES, WITH Howe’s Pat. Shuttlo. He ha* thoroughly teifedthem, and confidently recommend* them to the public. They do nh kinds of work, from Thread Cambric to toe heaviest Kerseys. They aie less liable to get out of oider than most any ether make, on account of the vim pUdty of the Machinery. I hey make the double back stitch which show* the same on both sides of the work and cannot be ravelled. The put* .raud th hulls*especially are Invifod to call atsay Clotmmftortand examine tliem. jan.H- ts Highly Important Information! THE LADIES!! V ADIEB! W* areiviv? prepared show yon some of the I J most beautiful GOOD*, ever seen In this country, t which wears making sihJitiirn*daily. , . W. W. PARK Elt Is Bill in New \grk, selecting and send lug by every Steamer, U tho new and desirable thing* In Dress Goods, <Sz>c., oa they arrive weeklylrora Europe We do not ln *ltufoto say mat we shall be able to show you from this time, through out the season, one of the most desirable and elegant stocks of Goad* ever seen 1” *}’ city- We also guaranty to price you ev- ry thing as low a* any other House In Macon, or ’ *'Wean* determined to have tt said, that (not withstanding we have always brought the finest and most deMraola Good* to Macon) thin -eaua/t. In the seh-ctlon or onr Boring Stock, wc have surpassed all former effort*. Respectfully, Marl.-f W. W I*aKKEkACO._ PICTORIAL EDITION. 1,500 IHi’lorhal Illustration* WEBSTER’S DICTIONARY, TT ziabridfired. REVISED AND ENLARGED. JUST received audfo. sale at ®tc Methodist Depo tors, togethur with many other new and valuable bo< .a.— all aud foe. [Jium J J. W. BURRS. NEW GOODS. r KSuh.-rril - r having just returiictl Irom 1 New York, is ?w\v rc i\ii :i I'ull -t*’k of <tood.4, oonsisiing “1 STAPLE DRV GOO3S BOOTS Aim SHOES, MTS, UR HUMS. A.lso a, IT'ull Stock 01 FAMILY GROCERIES. All of which will he sohl ~1 the lowest tiviiv- nt the Store t'.irmerlv .x-.-uiii.-iI hv l!.,ss ltrother. HUNKY t’i.AKK. nnv. Ill—l v* WOOD S PREMIUM GALLERY. State Fair of 1857, Wierc ’ouenn procure aaupcrlor Pin irv In any aty’d that i-.ay Miit you. fancy, vlx* Portraits in Oil Portrait, in r*/,Ntol. Aqi AKKI.I, on Tin; IMPERIAL IHDTOGRAPH. W oolM'.y. 11l- “cnraial .ttrnllci to.-ill work .mruatrit to n.“’ oV'mT™™ onr “*"• dec. HI - Ice! See! Ice! Who would be without It? mm & frjijmm AKE working to establish on r(KTR\|)h in the tty “t Mroon, aiul t* have it svMcmaiLed that every Ik-dy can enj-y this LUX! ltY, with hut little, i.M ajHlnotrouhle uur Hiy I M ,„.„ , . m i„g !>),>. will deliver HK ut the resilience s those who mat U rlio He invite all who w'.fh to K KKP (OOL t,, tall •n.,’ I,u l > * ,| > theiiihtlve* with TioJu-: . and let u* enroll theiramine* on our Ice Boot as Kegultu t’, Momei- SI N I>AN S we will open our store I'rom < t.> H. A. M and free 1 *2, M., to |, r. \f M and Iront tt 7, r. M. Consumers in the Country. W will "iipiy you In any quantity dMlmt dollwml at ttiO Depot, and as low as the lowest. All orders front the CIO or (fount ry promptly at tended uu 1 URKKH A FREEMAN. x or i c e PLANTERS, tiaviun qj Mr. Thomas Bngby, K Negro Trade, J&v in Macon, I take thin method of Informing those that wl h to Purohaao or Soli Negroes, that the business will he continued at the OLD SCI'aNI), next door to Messrs. Adams A Reynolds Wav- House. on Poplar Mroet, w here the> ran dud, at all times, a likely lot of Virginia and Maryland Nejnois. at fair prices I will also pay ilhe.rul prleea for all Your* and likely Negro, a offered for sale. JAMES U. NOEL. Macon April T.ItKW. hswotim MASSER’S PATENT 5 Minute ICE CREAM FREEZER. Operation Sltttpl Result feiialu. rilllK Increasing demand, and the unrivalled tiopularityot A these Freu/em prove them to be the very best lee Cream Freezersiu use. Sole Agent for the United States, E. KKT HUM A CO., Manufacturers of Japanned and Planished Tin Ware. (mar is -:tm) 2H!t IVnrl birret. Si*v \ork. “W"a,r in Europe AND lU’ fTKR I>E( .ININU : NEW MAY IHITTER, BY STEAMKH. WEEKLY, l>imt I'i'Oiii tli‘ Slairy. HAVING made arrangements for a suyply of FuKsit Hr r tkii, to le received weekly, we are now prt pared to furnish the turtle and oonnuumtH at priceH to defy cun pet l lion. Our mot to Is “ <|ni'k .*!• nihl bmall Profit*,” and to carry II out we will at>H at Wholesale -.’fl ets m i lb. Retail .lit •• ‘ •• And guarantee a* *ood an arth-ie as any brought lo the city. Wc Invite all to come and mo us, wo will do what we p, online, may ‘<> OREHK A KKKKM AN. N, S. I* Rlllli & FI),, Have just received I heir SECOND SPRING STOCK FA9VCY DRY GOODS! PURCHASED by ore of the tirin within the laid two ! Weeks, ii aklr-jr tlieu - Stork full ‘d <• itnpiet, , among them are at v,ei-nllrei) new and very beautiful. In Dress Q-oods, We c n show you an elegant assortment, from the (’heapeHt to the Finest Public Mantillas, At l**c* Talmas, lnurs Krnbrr.ldeile*. amt fn fact altnoKl everything tout ncitnln* to ourilneof buslu N. s’ ITU DDE?. A CO. Marx >. April sflth. IW— t,. FOB s,\ LE. TJH Ewubsmber bavin* permanently located at the Horn, will ne.ll hi* lute realdmice, at present occupied by A. O. Butts, Esd. The house contains six rooms, with all necessary out buildings, a fine garden with a variety of fruit trees, •hrubbery, Ac. For terms, apply to K. K. HHOWN, Brown's Hotel. ALBO, The .arge and commodious Building on the corner of Uourt House Square und Mulberry street, known as the (Jlty Hall, at presen toecu pled hy Thus. S. Klljiatrlck, ns a Hotel. If not sold by the first of September It will be for rent. Also, two vacant Lots adjoin lug Mr*. E. V. Tracy’s, on Magnolia street. Also, the Lot* ill noted between College and (> rang* • Greets, containing half an acre each—known as the Todd Lota.— These lots arc mar the Wesleyan Female College, and are very desirable for dwelling*. Also two or three Store* In East Macon, for rent. Rosmiaaiou given on the Ist of October next. For terms, apply to * E. K. BROWN. July 80—ts at Brown's Hotel, Macon, Ga. Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, OAA Hack* Kin Coffee alt'” ‘O Back* Java and Lag. Coffee, I-J<# hid* Refined Sugar. ■J.'i ” Crushed and Pftwdeml, 10 “ hda New Orleuii* Sugar, 80 hid* New Orleans Syrup, 10 hd* New Crop Moliuwc*, 0- 0 bushels Seed Oats, 60 ’* Corn Meal, 2. CaksShoulders, Id “ Side*. tOO Hacks Floor. For sab- l-v Jan.tß~tf. AYRKS. WINGFIELD A CO. I )L4l\niU, I Nirnll Sawing, TurnliiK, Carving, Ilrackct and Or namental Work, Oct. IC—tr M.*lp lo order l.y T. * II WOOD. DESIGNS FOB. MONUMENTS -BY- Ftobt. E. Launitz, N EW YORK. K. J. JOHRTON, A CO., Agent, tune 18—ts Macon, Ga. CION FICTION AKIEH of all kind* at Wholesale and R / udl by O. H. FREEMAN A CK). march 18—ts Cotton Avenue. Gas Fixtures. CHAN HALIERS, PENDaNTB and BRACKETS of all styles Just received nd ft* sale by tilyil—tf B. F. ROftH A Cos. CROCKERY, Tvtrrr* r*err Coal Oil and fluid In ups. HOME A<;.\ IN. 1 ,ivcjut Relumed from Europe where I be igiit Tllo Ijnrpe.t tie Finest FANCY, BILT & WHITE CHINA vt'i hi this market. A! >a I* .• strNsk uftfonimox ami WHITE QIJANITE WARE. lirtlif !wt Pn'ifni. tlut ~n.fM..thl n.imtr. l w ..<l.l ml thea.lvidioo ,1,to my simple;, tmw on hand. Avltlcll l Hill Him* are prelcrable to ant thing in this Heetlon.— I hfcvw a good slock tiow on ham; ot \\ Miters in m tia, <„nl Oil La in pa, 4 anliii'v. Fluid I .limp*, Gohlcfa, TjtiiiHdcra, CHINA TEA SETTS, AC„ CHEAP I li'iv.u JW loißftHiAl. Oil. N". 1, t.i b.‘ li. r. In n fpw All I.nin- ch..|,!,, tor .luck liuncS K. l*. MoEYi.V. 1: v 1: it v ho■> y tOOK tt£R€f IF YOU . liny ’ ■AHHIAQE. -onagri, C W I Rorkiwny, • ‘Nj- *;> Buggy. Hurl, Wsjron, ■U'l'sev \\ m,An.’ Plnntnt:y: \Yagon, ihat win- f hi sLurni TKR, ami C A ST l .ONHKH, llmij any vt>u, can buy TIIK STATP, Ko to WOOimi FF A CO., 15 RIF kin, Oa. They keep : r,A ROE STOCK, ami SKLI, I O\Y, eppecialiy tor F AM3I ! prllttt quaidilii'N ! Ruaiif ities !! luunofiiß m, FOR th: Spring Trade cf 185f?, Oponing Kmtv Dav nt PARKERS. Mi. li'i—-tt’ Now is the Chance TO BUY SUMMER ELOTMI AT At Cost s) nd Less FOR OA!9 IT OISTIiY, NO IIUMBl'G! Our fHtlitty hi to have a FRESH STOCK Every Sea,son. C. H. BAIRl). |uly Bft Telegraph Building. SALE OF LAND. W 11. U lx- sold <*n the first Tur-*4i>V In October next, fore the ftaiut Houm-4 >nr in the town ot (’linton, between the usual lumra nf sale. - “ l unr Hunilr and noil Forty Arm of Laail, More or lun. ij log In aald county, nn< adjoining land* of N. S. GIOYI-r, Win. Reynolds, and other! The laud is Good, Go and m-o It. August I, I8&1 td*. ( B. If GREF N. PIANOS! OF Elegantly carved RootwomL aid all the plain varieties just received, and tor sal* on tndhest ternis. by K J.UOHNSTON A CU. |¥” Old Plano* taken In exchange; apr 7- sAwtr 33 O OTS. iii A FULL ussMortn.ent of Gent V flutjFrom h Calf f 2V Brods, nuiiip role, waited und wAti-i proof, of variou* kinds and iitiulltles, liothMwif ams peggi*d. Just re cel ved and for sale low by 11 X A Kill TLA ND. oct, H,— ts • T SUBERS & LEWIS, CHERRY STREET. sl ‘ColV,ia. UAV E lust received a large assort amt of Groccrios. PrV Good* and Crockery, which that will *e)l aa low aib Btwbo ught luihaolty. oct. Its Dissolution. ffIHK Law Firm of Griffin A Hunapn Is dissolved w | l alfouH-nt. The business of theifirin will be settled by ] either larty. The liooks will be fotnd In the bands of W. j C. M. Dun-eiii, at the offiOC over tbc|)rug Store of Hr. E. L- | Strohecker. IfiFL R. GRIPFIN. W. C. M. D( NSON. July lii-tf. New Butter. TUBS and lo Keg* new Butter received weekly, which Zl\f we offer to thtlrsds at New York prices, with vxpi-n cTadded. !may Bft| GREER A TKEEMAN. FAV S , |N large variety. Travelingu>d Reticule Baskets, Leather I Satchels, Ac., for sale by apr7-**wtf. K. J. JOHNSTOM A CO. j “Wrought Iron i HAH.ITV C - A. McQUEEN. [ ZZ \ ; -- I j !'j § 5 H ’’ j i:!r§ t;4 v ?; : } \ f "' > ‘ \ \ > i > ft’ i.) a. \ SC;'*. i • , a- . i t 1 £t’ ‘s|; rt ctjh ‘J 1 d.o St’ ; ,;o'o MACON, GA., MAOK*OTVK*.I fWr®n,ht I,i„n n.m„. „t „„ ilescriptiou, and for all purposes, ioth Plain &. Ornamental, From the lightest ocroll Iron ip to the heaviest Hailing usci Ha* lug an endlea* variety of design*, purehoatrs oaimot f H li to be suited. [ B. mg emir* ly of Wrought Iron their strength ennaot be qu. stioued, and tor fwauty the> cannot be suriutsard an* ” hen*. All kind* of Fanov Iron Work mad,* to order par ! ii* ular attention j aid In mak!: g ah kind* of Goometrical Stair Railing. Spring and Slimmer Millinery for X 0- 0* o * MRS. HOWLAND fa *>‘ w lvl, ’K her usual Stock of Klfgnnt • “Hsian Mi binary, to which she would c*’: i lie att< iition of bu> era, a* iu Klgam Vm 1 1 1 v amt tjualltv, It Is unsnrpasfM'd , luuong which an* French Flower*, —SUB— In all variety, Rb It and Vai.eU H'.es , Klt>b.ii, Klegant Head Dre.- -a. • ’-\lmi JAfIT and I’apo. Pat.ern Hats of ’ .ne ? * Braid ami Fancy Straw >’b in :tat .... „ . , Flat* and bonnets, Ijtdle* aim Mismn Hats. Equestrian* and Bonnets. Skirts, shawl*. Talira* < orsctU. I'iiMisTrimmings, Hair Pin*. Hair Braids Mpiendtd Ht'les KmbroMerle* in part Lace. H niton, Yhleticia and r ranch Muslin. With a variety >f other article* too tediou* to mention. Milliner* supplied ou the most reasonable term*, either whole-all* or retail. New Sty| of all Goods !ti her line, received weekly through the *miH*n ; orders attended to with . are and dir patch ts. MIDI k MM N c R orgrtß? WARD WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELERS, Have |u*t received and opened a large and splendid amort i'tlg urtl iles <H “ U lAie,r UOUil,,t,li * 1,1 l ,Krt <>f the fallow- COLO & SILVER WATCHES, Hunting Magic (lose. Independent fl. Ac. tor GENTLEMEN WO’bb \V 4T4JIIhM tor LAIHIS, rich and beautiful. Ml.\ l-.1l \\ \lt Kij-uch as Spoon*, Cun*. Gublet* Ac H SILV KH l-l.t rEh W Allfe. auck uViam, rnM JEWELRY, Consisting of DIAMOND and GOLD RINGS, PINS f. A- .. sp.iWing am gbt. it H,|'\LI.YrtTH|T!*IFATS,*YioUNB, Ff.UTI S OUITARS. KaNJUHjT MBUIUnLk. Cold TKNSond FKNCj . lulforand Violin STRINGS Awl wartc swirimentof KiNCV * J, Mi Ho>* Uk> .11 nierouH to pa nm Th i.kAil forthe p. ‘ <\ vu. ,th since they commenced he - it . Ui N'nanr. the same, and will itmrn nopn utogtvAsorl 1 .•h-tr cn touera, both lu thee'ylcAadfin. . - ?f* i.d price. H ■ a Watch ami other R. j drlng axaoiit . wit . ‘ *pd roaaor.iihle t mis. u a eepM—tf COOK STO VES I The Iron Witch The Iron Witch The Iron Witch Is the Best Is the Best Is the Best Cooking fitovel Cooking Stove I Cooking Stove: I have now on hand five sisr.e* of thin fook- ing Stove, which I warrant to be the bent linking Stove, and the most popular PLANTER’S COOK STOVE over offered in this market. Premium FLAT TOP AND IRONING STOVES at the LOWEST PRICES. Orders with a good reference, or the mo ney, will meet with prompt attention. July 7 11. A. NVMR, Macon, On. NEW BOOK STORE. Cotton Avenue. NEW BOOK, S . Ju.t received, ami f*r sale at the Methodist Book Depository, Tlie IMllar f Flrr. dr, Israel In Bondage, by Rev..l. H. it Knitiam, author of the Prince oi tb Ilouec or iMvid. Iliiii-rnnt bidr. Palllav the Potter. Haiti <>ow hide. < .olden Crnwr, byTtios. O. Summn>,D. D. Beside a yreat variety of KCLIOIUUa, SCHOOL nod OOLLJCOK lioOKs, Blank Hooka, stationery or ovary va riety. All wla cheap for tush. Call and see ua. may ft JOR3V W. BP KICK. Agent- CLiaUOTT’S GRAND WINE. i A NOTH** Supply of thatepleudld fruity tasting Cham , /V l>gnc received, Try itoncc, and ail other wlneaare pul ! In the shade. Knr sale at J HENRY HORNE'S. For Sale or Rent My UOpa£ ANI LOT, in the South Dart of the City, near Rcovllle’* Frnndry. Is offered fbr Rale or for Real. The Roum has three Rooms, with tire-places, large pa*u. kitchen, Ac. For teriua apply on the premises, J July;U—Bni. NAHOT PIERCE. i\ r (). j.