Newspaper Page Text
Editors anil Proprietors.
Tvo join .j. r aimu,; ; i:’ pi vancr. or
Three I oil vs : ■ !< cml’ ‘the veaf
3! ivlf J| j i® ft if*
tions per minute, which a pk'u-tioal gentleman
present stated would drive a
hour. This test has rumovedK.’ miubts on the
j minds of those who were sceptical. —
M e cannot dilate on the iiwortancc of this
greatest of modern with regard to
steam navigation: but this /wo may, that sit -e
the days of Arkwright nothfcig equal in import
ance to it has appettrcdjCml we expect it will
remain a brilliant of the genius and
the judgement
Ue undersyftjq tit at Mr. Psfrkhurst leaves by
the •• on a temporary visit to
„|,j o ,.t, we believe, is to lay his
■the Unut-d States; whose navy and commerce,
He feel confident, will bj greatly enhanced by the
Application which proftpse to revolutionise the
whole system of navigation.
I The following has) been translated froiS a
wrench paper:—Tlieji used to snv that cvey S'd-
Hpr carried in Ids cartridge box a marshalls I>a-
Might not onesav, in these days, that fcv
|Hr chorister crfrriesii his winiLpipe a fortune :
Imrrtfb"? example it roast.
About years ago, in a littlqeity of Italy,
■ Berganie, by a singular contrast, the eompa
wy at the Opera House was quite indifferent,
while the choristers were excellent. It would
Acaicely have been otherwise, since the greater
Hiart of the choristers have since become distin
guished Donizetti, Cruvelli, Leodo
■o, Blanche, Mari, and Dolci, commenced by
Bringing in the choruses at Rergame. There
Ivure, among others, at that epoch, a young man,
Acrv poor, very modest, and greatly beloved by !
his ci invades. Tn Italy, (ho orchestra and elior
■gfers arc w rso paid than in France, it possible,
won enter a boot-maker’s shop, the master is flic
■first violin. The apprentices relax themselves
■vfter a day’s work, by playing the clarionet, the
■hautboy, or timbrels, in the evening at the tliea
■tre. One young man, in order to assist his old
■Pother, united the functions of ( (jovister to the
■more lucrative employment of journeyman tailor.
iOue day. when he had tAon toNozdtri’s house
■i pair of pantaloons, that illustrious singer, after
Hooking at him earnestly, said to him, very kind -
ftjuv Ii vf <c, my good I
of the bridegroom that
gaily married, laws of this
made no joking. So much hkwft
ing married in tun. f
Sit at the wind'w. and look over the Wat top
V - H
your neigliboril? excellent, mansion, * which lief hasj
recently built and paid for, and sigh out f"0. \
that l was a rich man!” / |
Get angry with your neighbor,’and thiilj jjm I
have not got a friend in the world. Shedja tyir ‘
or two, walk in the'burial ground, Continual,’ >
saying to yourself, WJien shall Tbe buritmheriV;
igJAiitifftSff twrf’ V * 1 -wn
your kindness: and every hour in the day whisper
to yourself, “I wonder if he will pay that note.. j
Think every man means to cheat you.
Put confidence in nobody, ami believe every ,
man you trade with to ho a rogue.
Never accommodate, if you possibly can help ,
it. MC'cer visit the sick or afflicted, anil never
give a cent to the poor.
Brood over your misfortune, your lack of tal- j
ents, and believe atWo distant day you will come -
to want. Let the work house be ever in you/ ,
mind, with all the horrors of distress and poverty.
Then you will he miserable to your hearts con
tent, (if we may so sick at heart, and at
variance with all the world. Nothing will cheer
or encourage yon; nothing will throw a gleam ot
sunshine or a ray of warmth into your heart,
All will be as dark and cheerless as the grave.
Pome of the Representatives of the Legisla
ture are occasionally the subjects of a joke, prob
ably from their inquisitive dispositions. At the
table of one of our hotels on Washington street,
one of the “ wisdom,” who was in the hit bit ot
asking those around him, intoad of the waiter, to
wait on him, one day asked Mac, the gentleman
“ Can you reach them pertaters, sir?”
Mac extended his arm toward the dish and i
sat isfied himself that he could reach the pertaters, j
and answered,
“Yes, sir.”
“ And will you stick my fork into one of’em ?” j
asked the Rep.
“ 0 certainly,” said Mae, as he took the fork.;
carefully s abbing it into polatoe, where Ik.
- ... t
the Constitution.*’
af a civil ontbreakjbasfforbiddon, for thejirpsunt,
further .exportation of the grain. ~ ; . !
: Mr. O'Conhcdl had, just rjuitted on*iis’
Swyv to Italy. YIo is’not sy.lll jjjjt the London
[papers have represented, Kltten
tdauts doubt that lie will cvor"bo abm tiyagain ap-i
pesr in public, fife. , ..
| All the inhabitants of the town of. Egle!sa'ch„
jin the Grand Duchy of Hess Darmstadt; 1,400 im
|mutibor,.have requested permission to be allowed
Sto emigrate to the United States. *
J Frym Bremen flic number of emigrants has
{bora extraordinary, and in April and May will
: A 1
prcpl:ilons an: making for'migration to
the States Indeed, some districts are threat
ened with a complete depopulation.
Corn Ma rket.— The corn markets arc receding
in every direction, and in some descriptions, that
of Indian corn for instanco astounding. The
price lias receded about 245. The rapid rise in
this species of food surprised many persons, and,
even in the judgment of the uninterested, exceed
ed the necessities of tho ease. Flour, like Indian
corn*has experienced a considerable fall, and the
i qxisting depression can hardly fail to be increas
es by the fine spring weather w# arc now enjoy
ing, which foreshadows an early and prolific
Corn. Market. Liverpool.’ have been
several changes in our market slijce the sailing
’of the Hibernia. Large imports of all descrip
.tklis of breads tuffs to all parts of the kingdom
hare bad the effect of putting down the prices of
all descriptions of grain ar;d flour. The fluctua
tions during the month aiyonnt to I shilling per
7 opounds on wjieitt. (> ponce per 40 pounds on
mis, G pence pJ!’ GO pounds on barley; 4 shil
in |s per on riee; pease and beans (i j
shillings S shillings per sack on flour;
2 loud oatmeal; 24 to 2o shillingsj
poi 4SO pounds, anil 10 shillings par barrel on
corn meal.
TfVithin a few days past a reaction has taken
I | c lee in pease of 2 shillings per quarter; on bar
| c*. 2 shillings ]ier sack ;nil Indian corn 5 sliil
j li:jgs per 480 pounds; on Indian corn meal 2
( t s jilings per barrel; and the trade generally has
1 ,mned morn firmness’ with some heavy trims-'.
flour at IST to 38 shillings per Imrel for
>• foe Pldhidi lulu* hikL JJ.;/iunoxc,
*his command tho Iford will be, uhleSs it should
C tA Wffttiwiiigj are the positions and move
ment** of General Taylor’s column, according to
ithh rast advices, as far as we can learn them:
General Taylor is quartered at Walnut Springs,
near JJcuutprey—General Wopl in domniand at
Buena Yicta —Ist Mississippi, Ist
Ohio, IstJudiana, Bragg's battery, and the squad
of Dragoons, tho latter now commanded by Col.
l'auntleroy, at Monterey—2d and 3d Qliio, Ist
2d Illinois, 2d and ,<sd Indiaima, 2d Kentucky,
Arkansas (Waltjfe, MAisbingtun^s
Urv at Saltillo—Kentucky Cavalry stationed on
’the line between Cmnargo and Monterey—lst
Kentucky, and one half at the mouth of tho Rio
Grande, slid the balance on their return march.
Virginia and 2d Mississippi on their march
Camargo to Monterey—North Carolina at Ca
margo—Massachusetts at Ma'tamoras.
Our wounded men are doing well. In one hos
pital, of which Dr. Ilijnricif had charge, out of
eiglit-yvwouuded men of the Illinois regiment, not |
more.tlian three or four died—the remainder
were fast convalescing.
TJeneral quietude prevailed ; the people of Sal
tillo and Monterey had returned to their business
and,seemed satisfied with the powers that bo.
If they could but feel assured of their contimi-
They have heard in Monterey of Santa
Anna’s arrival in Mexico, and those who affected ;
to know more of his movements than tWir
neighbors, would wink and say that there will be
no more fighting. ’
Dr Merrick loft.Moutery with the 1.4 battal
ion Kentucky Legion, fifty cavalry atfi tSvo com
panies of Texas Rangers, escorting a in tuber of
j returned wagons, ammunition trains, Src. Ac. to
Cilinorgo, under the command of.GqJ. 1 jlknnp.
Nothing Was heard of, much less seen ol Frrea,
on the rortti'iCnl H was thence couclndtd
he had fled, as we have already recorded in’one
of our preceding numbers, behind the Mountains.
The whole of our posts on lie Rio Grande, from
(Jafiiargo to Brazos, a/ in the greatest, possible
tranquility. jM- Belknap, of Genial Taylor’s
staff, has been detached to C unargo, as wo learn,
to assum/ command there. The l„t Kentucky
witrYomaiiunt Camargo until joined by
1 the 2d k whenjt is expiated they will return Ihjiueyj
tion, nevertheless, will not expire—-I will answer
for the triumph of Mexico, if a sincere and
unanimous confidence seconds my wishes. For
tunate, indeed, (feliz Ait terSC) jld unlucky
success of the enemy at Vera Cruz, if the de
struction of’ that place should'inspire the Mexi- .
oan breast with enthusiasm dignity and tho
generous - ardor of a true patriotism. It will’
undoubtedly be the means of saving the cofintryl
General D. Ronmlo Diez do la Vega, and tint )
Governor of the Department, *Dou Juan SotO, j
were at I’uente Naciomd on the 27th r ftßknd
• ■ DetwSeu
mmTJI.'W tr mid ot* with
ponding batteries and 2000 men, left the city of
Mexico in that direction.
On the Ist of April Snnfa Anna was fbleavfl
Mexico with an additional force of 2,000 men,
to direct in person, the military operations in the’
department of Vera Cruz, determined it is said
to dispute the territony inch by in-h, and resolv
ed to die “ before he would make peace” —Santa
Anna’s own words. Enlistments were going on
i in various parts of tho country
The army of the North had retired to San
Luis I’otosi. at which place it was stationed at
the last accounts.
Prom /he Washington Union.
Important from Calieorxia. .
Lieutenant Gray, of the United States Navy,
reached this city last evening with important
despatches from Commodore Stockton, to thu
Secretary of tho Navy, extracts from which we
are permitted to lay before our readers. Lieut,
Gray left San Diego on the ‘2oth of January, in
the prize schooner Malek Adel. At Panuni’, ho
found Major Emory of tho army, bearer of
despatches from Brigadier General Kearney to
the Secretary of War, and Commander McKean
of the sloop Dale, returning to tho United States,
in bad health. They crossed the isthmus, and
took passage in tho British Steamer to the Hava
na. Major Emory took passage in the New
Orleans packet, and may be expected daily.—
Lieutenant Gray took passage in a vessel bound
to Baltimore.
Ti e intelligence’ which he brings is highly
gratifying, as by the brilliant affairs detailed,
and the capitulation, tranquility is restorcdAo^
NO. it).