Newspaper Page Text
V A. A. & p. W. ALLEN,
\ attorneys at law,
Ma y 1, 1847. 9—ts.
List of Letters,
REMAINING in the PostOffic*,t Bair.bridgct
Quarter ending March Gist, 1847. .
liuri i-!, Littleton Junes. Seahrnn 1
Burn*, Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, Leroy
Rnifcr, Joseph Lewis, Wiley
BWWitt, Wiley Lassiter, John
lUewitt. D B I.andingham Peter £
founts, Jonah Lassiter, Mrs Mary
M il, James W Lockw pd, Isasc 1)
Barrow, D C Lam, Mrs Lnrancr
Belcher, Daniel Lewis, Capt l*vid
Kelt, A T T.orett, John B
Cassel,Wm II Mclntyre, G A 4
Carmack, Wilbur A 4 Mclnnis, David
Crowly, Alee’r Marshall, Joseph
Croel,.Jesse McElroy, Lamuel W
Cjlmnr, Louis McDaniel, Mor R 2
Conner, Misses Mor S A McElroy, Ilev A
Dorsey, Miss Jane McElvin, Elias
Douglass, D B Mi lore, James
Downs, Joseph Merrill, T J
Evans, Alfred £ Mills, Archibald
Emanuel, David Neal. William R
Earnist, George L Neel, William
MFairclotk, Wilson Pettis, David A
HFvrgusrfi, Malcom Pearce, Stephen G
- Reeves, J II £
t-Jk M ( ires M Vciy, John
Phtfld ‘Rawls, William
™ Griitfu, B M Rudd, Arthur
Garren William Shephard, D Lyman
Hartis, Juba Shaw, Elijah 2
Hutchins, Asa Smart, Edmund
Hagur, Ishom Sloan, Nancy
Herring, H W Seward, Luther
Harrell, Francis Thornton, D T
Holmes, Charles Thomas, Hezekiah
Hudler, James J Tarr, Elisha
Hines, Thomas Wester, Elias
Hutchins, Miss Marv
In Irwin Superior Court, April Term, 1817.;
JTMIE petition of Hamilton W. Sharpe, respect- j
fully sheweth, that James A. Knight Os said
county, made and executed to your petitioner, his J
certain promissory note in writing,bearing date,
the thirteenth day of January eighteen hundred
and forty six, whereby the said James A. Knight,
promised on or hclbrc the first day of January eigh
teen hundred and forty seven, to pay to your petition
er or bearer, Four hundred Dollars for value receiv
ed, with interest from date; and that to secure the
payment of said sunt of money in saidprontissory
note mentioned, as well as for the further consider
ation of Four hundred Dollars, hy the said Hamilton
W. Sharpe, to the said James A. Knight in hand paid,
the receipt of which wasduly acknowledged. He, the
saii James A’ Knight, then and there,made,executed,
and delivered to your petitioner, his certain mortgage
Deed, his own proper hand and seal beijfgThereto
atlixed, and bearing the same date with the above
described promissory note, and the said James A.
Knight, by the said mortgage Deed, did then an®
there grant, bargain, and sell, unto your petitioner,
his heirs and assigns, all that tract, or parcel of
Land, situate, lying, and being in said State and
county of Irwin, and known and distinguished, in
the plan of said county, as lot number Three hun
dred and thirteen, in the Fifth District of said coun
ty, containing Four hundred and ninety acres, more
or less, with all the rights,-members and appe/tenno
ccs to the said lot of land, in anywise ■>upiu wiuii g
or belonging, to have, and to hold the said bargained
Premises, to his heirs and assigns,
tfrTmsMTTHKw ttttft lirhruf fmxrvcr. I
All of vybich the said James A Knight, for himself,
his hrir, Executor ~ and administrators warranted
unto your pe'.ilioner—follow ed hv the proviso that if
the said James A. Knight, his heirs, executors,and
administrators, shall and do well ami truly pay or
cause to be paid unto your petitioner, his heirs and
assigns the said stint of money, in said promissory
note mentioned, on the day and time therein appoint
ed, w ith lawful interest on the same according to the
tenor of said note, then the said mortgaged Deed to
be void, and the right to the property thereby con
veyed, as the said promissory note to cease and de
termine, else jo remain in full force and virtue. And
your petitioner avows that said promissory note is
now due, and remains due and unpaid, and that he
hasreceived no part of” the principal or interest
thereon. Wherelbre your petitioner, prays your
Honor to grant him a Rule Ni Si. calling upon the
said James A. Knight, to pay the full amount of
principal and interest due upon said promissory note
into the Clerks office of the Superior Court, in and
for said county, on or before tlw fltjst day of the next
Term of this Court, or showlaJiSe why his equity
of redemption, in and to said niortirnged premises,
as well as all his right and title thereto, he forever bar*
red and foreclosed.
DAVIES & ROCKWELL, Atl’ys for Pet.
Whereupon, on motion yet is ordered by the Court,
that the said Jsmes A. Knight, do pay the? amount
of principal and interest due ami unpaid upon
said promissory note, into the Clcrksofiire of Superior
Court for saiii county, on or before the first day of
the next Term of this Court, or shew cause why his’
equity of redemption in and to said mortgaged prem
ises, should not be,forever harrediand foreclosed—
and that a copy of this Rule he served upon the de
fendant personally, or be published, in the Albany
Courier, once a month for four months—Granted.
A true extract from the minutes of Irwin Superi
or Court—April Term 1847.
May, Ist 1847. 9—mlm.
An Act to alter and amend Hie third .Section of j
K [institution of this j
‘h of the second Arti
rf-thfs- State reads tit j
operson shall be eli
rho shall not have
les twelve years, and
an tuuaouam ui inns state six yearif, and who hath
not attained to the age of thirty years, and who
does not possess five hundred acres of land in his
own right within this State, and other property to the
amount of lour thousand dollars, and whose estate
shall not on a reasonable estimation be competent to
the discharge of his just debts, over and above - that
sum—anil whereas said property qualifirativn is
inconsistent with the genius of our institution and !
the popular spirit of this age.
Suction 1. lie it enact*)/ by the Senate and t
House of Representatives of the State of Georgia, !
in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted j
by the, authority of the same. That so soon as this I
act shall have passed agreeably to the requirements j
of the Constitution, the follow ing shall be adopted in j
lieu of the Section above recited, (to wit :) —No per
son shall be eligible to the oliice of Governor who
shall not have been a citizen of the United States
twelve years, andan inhabitant of this State six
years, and who hath not attained the age thirty
years. Approved , December 25/ k 1815.
April 17, 1847-/-6m
An Ordinance.
J3ESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of tL*
“•*’ city of Albany, that from and after the passage
of this Ordinance, the Mayor and membersftf
Council, be and they are hereby exempt from road
duty for and during their term of office.
By order of Council.
April, 24 1817. B—lt.
Blanks of all kinds for sale at, this i
Without Seeing the Patient!!
THE subscriber, after an experience of ten years j
in the use of BOTAjNIC REMEDIES, has so j
far perfected his systeirf of treatment as to be able, 1
in a great majority of (chronic diseases, to effect a
permanent cure without ever Seeing’ the Patient,
restoring them to health without subjecting them to
the inconvenience ahd expense of long and tedious
journeys, or the cold charities of stanger’s homes |
and firesides. To many this may appear as unrea- i
sonable as it did to him ssme time ago, but facts
arc indisputable, and what to him appeared then a
mere chimera of the brain, is happily now a matter
of every day occurrence.
The undersigned has thus far preferred publish
ing the statements of others relative to the benefits
derived from his practice, thinking that course
comported much better with true dignity of feelings
than pure personal pulling in the papers, or the still
less reputable course to which some high-miuded(?)
physicians resort of egotistically sounding their
own trumpets bv the bedside of their patients: and
I see no good reason to change my course, but shall
continue to give such certificates, as - will disarm
doubt, and which, though some persons deem them
““easy got up,” are vet such as he will give any man
FIVE HUNREI) DOLLARS to procure their
equal in Georgia—equally well authenticated, un
der a forfeiture of a like amount.
The facts presented by hint ate such as he
| is prepared in demonstrate at any time to the sat
i islaction of the allictcd or their friends who may
: wish to test it. The Billow ing will speak for tttern
| selves:
Jones CorxTV, G.v., N0v.,23,1815.
This may certify that in the fall of 1841, my son
William, about l'j years of age, was taken with
nervous fever and was attended by Dr. Gilson lor a
long time; and, notwithstanding, all he could do he
still continued to get worse, so that when the fever
left him he had completely lost the use of his lower
extremeties, and could not walk a step, nor hear his
weight upon his feet; his leg became tramped and
drawn, and he sull’ered almost intolerable anguish
from pain; he continued iu this terrible state for
over three months, reduced almost to nothing but
skin and bones. At last, when all hope of his im
provement had vanished, I heard of the success of
Dr. Thompson of Macon, in treating diseases, and
concluded to try him. I accordingly made applica
tion, and although the Doctor never saw him, he
I soon restored hint to his usual health and strength.
| He now - rides about and attends to business as it
\ nothing had been the matter with hint.
Houston County, G.v., Nov 28, 1845.
This .may certify that iy daughter Mary, about
Hi years of age, had been attacked with chlorosis
and other accompanying difficulties, which contin
ued for a Considerable length of time, and appeared
to defy all usual remedies that could lie brought
to bear on it. She suifered greatly w ith painful
misery, till it looked like she would go into fits. In
thjssiiuatjoii, ami after relief was despaired of, 1
applied to Doctor Thompson of Macon, who soon
after, perfectly cured her without ever having seen
her. She is now as sound in health as anv lady in
Upson Countv, Ci.v., Feb. 5,184 G.
I i!o hereby certify that mv daughter, Ann Eliza,
was attacked about three years ago with Palsy anil
disease of the Spine , by which she was entirely
disabled, and lost the use of her lower extremities.
She w'as immediately put under the e.jj-e of Dr.
Kendall,, xvhoat tended Ifer some time, bm without
benefit. VVc then applied to Dr. Barker a Root
Doctor, who, after he had l refit- her case sometime,
concluded ilia; he. could do nothing lbs iter. 1V.,.
•then applied so Dr. Thomas, of Cnllodenvillp,
who attended on her eight months without the least
benefit, for she was left in a most deplorable condi
tion, fuoiveily hcLplurs. Wfiensver site was laid
I hen* she remained, without the power of motion by
the greatest efldrt of the w(ll. She was so much
reduced that she looked as if there was not five
pounds of llesh on the whole body, so that she could
be compared to nothing but a living skeleton, if
| such could be imagined. \V bile ip. this state I was
j induced to apply lo Dr. M. S. Thompson of Macon,
who, I am proud to say, by the biasings of Provi
! fence and his skill in the use of remedies, has re
| stored ker to excellent bodily health and the use of
her limbs,by which she is enabled to enjoy life, and
visit out in the scttlemt tit, without the assistance of
any one. But what surprises every body is, that
she has been restored without having beeiy by
the Doctor, and at the nominal enpense of twenty
dollars. WINSIIIF 8. I’AGE.
■The above cases, considering their character and
importance, will pot beyond dispute the fact of the
possibility of curing without previous examination
of the patient, which, together with the facility of
[ procuring medicines, since the reduction of postage,
| by mail, puts it within the power of every body, no
j matter where t hey reside, to procure relief from their
j various maladies, at a very trilling expense.
Persons applying “lor medicines ought to send
their symptoms and age in writing as correctly as
possible, when'’ medicines suited to their various
cases will he compounded and sent. Letters, to en
title them to attention, must be post-paid and per
sons applying from a distance had better enclose
the usual monthly fee of Five Dollars at once
. his charge being so small as to admit of but
slight risk in collecting. The poor of any county
in Georgia may have medicines sent gratuitously on
prescntatiipn of a certificate of inability to pav,
signed hy any Judge of the Court, Justice of the
Peace or minister of the Gospel ot the county in
which he resides. The alliictcdof the Itev. Clergy
will be exempt from charge,
Macon, April 24, 1817. B—ly.
New Goods! New Goods!! New Goods!!!
! ‘"THHE subscribers are now receiving of their New
: Spring Goods, consisting of the follow ing ar
ticles, viz.
Calicoes, French u slins, Ginghams, Boimetts,
llonnetßibbon, Plain and Plaid Cambric, Inserting,
(•Edgelog- dttjXftHirerflM, Shaded*
do, Green-VaUy, ScatKWl'coming Il’dk’fs, limn I
Stitched, &c. ’
Rent’s Cravats, Plaid do, Kid Globes, Ladies <>,.
Fancy Mitts, • SCjel Meed*. ;
Steel Clasps, La. Moselle,y
Fans, Silk Parasols,
sm msb, ms mmm.
Rleachcu Sheeting, jJlackst&ovdo. ‘
Long Cloth, Nankeen.
Linen Drillings, Brown Sheeting.
Plaid Cotton H’dk'fs. Spool Cotton.
Brown Cotton Hose, Black do.
j Silver Thimbles. Patent Thread.
Plaid Drilling G'ambroou. Tuck Pins.
Hooks and Eves.
i The public arc invited to call and examine for
I themselves. W. 11. HARRIS, Aco.
I April 24, 1847.
Lee SlierilPs Sale.
I4N the first Tuesday in June next, will be sold
before the Court House door in the town of
Starkviile, Lee county, between the usual hours of
sale, the following property, to wit:
Lot of land No. 178, in the Ist district of Lee
county, levied on as the property of Mark Cobb, to
satisfy two Justice court fi-tas; John Quigley vs
Charles M. Dinkens, and Mark Cobb,endorser, and
Micajah Felton vs Mark Cobb—levy made andre
rurned tome by a Contable.
Also, Fractional lot of land No. 277 in the 2d
district of Lee county, levied on as the property of
T. 11. Moreland, to satisfy three Justice court fi-fas
viz; D. D. Sturges bearer vs T - H. Moreland,and
others, vs said Moreland—levy made and returned
to me by a Constable.
May, Ist 1847. Bids.
! lyfl RS. GARDNERS would respectfully in lor if
I the citizens of Albany, and vicinity, that the;
j arc prepared to execute any work in the above busi -
: ness.
! Also, Gentlemen’s Leghorn ami Panama Ilat
j bleached and dressed.
They may be found at their residence on Wad -
j inirton street, sou ill of the Methodist Kpisqop 1
I Church.
April lU, 1547-6-ts
fJAHE banc of childhood, and the certain prerttu
sor of litany dangerous diseases, hallowed IV
remain long in the human system in great numbers.
Thousands of Children dir annually J’ om \
!Forms !
The season is now close at hand when they be
come most troublesome to children.
Dr. WOODRUFFS Worm Specific.
Is a safe and efficient remedy for worms, Try it.
It is as good as best, and cheap as the cheapest.
Mr. Joseph Shippzoy, of Muscogee county, Ga.,
says it brought away 200 worms from a negro child
belonging to him, in a short time.
Mr. John J. Little, of Whitesville, Ga., says, 1
gave it in one case and brought away 50 worms. In
another ease,it cured his negro woman of Tenia or
Tape worm.
Mr. Thomas Boyd, of Coweta county, Ga., says, I
gave it to a negro boy who was in bad health; it
brought away immediately, 30 worms! He was
soon well, and remains so up to this time. “
January, 1817.
Griffin,Pike county,Ga., July 12th*. 184(5.
Dr. Woodruff—-Please forward immediately 3 do/
ah of your worm specific. We have calls for it doily
f end it without delay. Kcspeetfully,
Talbot countv, Ga., Dec* 12th, 1845.
Dr. Woodnuh—l have recently made trial of your
worm specific in a very bad case, with the happiest
efleet. I think more of it than ever, and believe i:
will doinbO cases in the 100.
For Dysentery. Dinrrliei. Griping. P.iin: ‘
Summer Ciitii|il;iiut of Children.
From the late lamented Captain Holmes, Gcorgi;
11 eg intent.
Brazos St. I ago, July 24, 184(5.
Dr. M. WoodruU—Dear Sir— I owe you anapol
ogv for not acknowledging before this the reeeiot
a box of youi Dysentery Cordial, which you h; * N
kindness to send me while in Columbu-. tor tin* v |
of my corps.
I have found it a most valuable medicln
only regret that I have not a supply of it.
ever my men have followed directions i ,r, ‘
variably found relief. We hav** - ulVerc ‘ : t tr
faring much from Dysenten winm- ••
wretched water v.v have to drink Vsn your < on -ai i
restoring all to their wonted health ami vigoi it
mv sincere thanks for your kindness, and he- •>’
es for your success, 1 am vourob’t serv’t.
ISAAC itOLIMKS, Captain, Macon Guards.
The Mother's Friend or Female Restorative. ]
A Valii'i’utoDlsc a tiry.
Females expertirv'Oti to become nmihers. v, i t
do well to make use ol the above valuable ptvttara
It relieves premature pains, crsuips. j< stly ft •> a
I*4'lll, perrons iri'itabU.*ty... Al.m!, va. ‘ >
btl'ifi prevent aiieftiou. - “4, * fT**
Tim ABOVE VALUABLE MI Dll'lsrjS roit f .W, ,:v
rtfsn, by <+. t‘ •Mt'teflftrH, rnrrkvt) If. *—
J. AV. 8 A ITII. ‘Thomasvi lit.
J. G. JOHNSTON, New to t.
ROBERT [Mi COY, Amerieus.
Albany, April 17, 18)7-(im
‘TRIE followiug ilescrihcl lots were sold i>n the
first Saturday in February last at • arsl al’s
.'lule, for taxes assessed on said lots, and were boitirht
in by the Mayor and Council of the city of Alba,
Nos. 34, 15, 47, 55, 10, 3(i, 43,88 and 30, on Com
mcrce street.
Nos. (j, 70, and 72, on Broad street.
Nos. 42,54, 58, and 70, on Bine street.
Nos. 29, 11,23, and 21, on Flint street.
Nos. 03, 00, 08, 79, 84, 82, and 05, on North
j No. 71, on Statifstreet,
i No. 44,0n Resilience street,
i And by an Ordinance passed by Council, the (hr
j mcr owners of the above described lots aregi ven tjn
| til the first day t/July to redeem them, by eornii”
! forward, payinvflic tax and cost, and twenty |t e
! cent on the tax and cost. By order of Council,
i March 31st., 1847. *
. JAMES A, NEWMAN, Clejk. j
April 10, 1847-G-12t
J4N the first Tuesday in August next, will be son
; before the Court-House door in the town of \ p
| cima Dooly county, within ihcttsual lioutsof sale, thr
i lbllowing)ir*pcrty, viz;
Lots ofland, No. 130, Bth dintrlict, No. 95, 5l:
district, No. 40, 2d district, ol l'ooly county.
Also,on llu: 4th Angus’., in the town of Albany
Baker county, No. 339, 7th district, No. 67, 27tl
district of Early, and No. 213, 13th district of Le
county, (lying'near Starkviile.) The above land
will be sold either at the time above mentioned o
before at private sale, for cash, or on twelve month
credit with approved security, by applying to th :
undersigned by letter or in person, near Haleyondak,
Seri ven county, Georgia, WILLIS YOUNG.
April JO, 1847-6-tds
- . . f,
! OERSPNS in'lebleW to the Courier Office, tot sulil
* seription and advertising for thepast year will
confer a great favor ‘On the suhxcriber by paying uJ
speedily. By reference to our terms and rates of
advertising all can seCvery readilythb amount or
their indebtedness, Without further dinning. Thus*
howevetywhdprefer having our Hills poked at them)
wifi have their wishes gratifiedat thcensuings'cssiotj
of rte Superior Court in thq counties Os Doom
Sumter, Lee, Balter, -Early, and Decatur, of
the South-Western Circuit. Thomas, Lowndes!
| Irwin and Telfair, of the Southern. Mr. John P|
Harvey isour authorised agent do receive and re,
ceipt for all the office for the past rear.
April 10, 1847-6-rs
THE subscriber having pur-
Lchased the Hotel in Newton, ree flMjfcjl
llJJljJjScetilly kept by .Mr. Brock,ispre
pared to accommodate the trav-**™®****
elling public with the best fare which the country
will alibi'd. During the ensuing session of the Su
perior Court, he will be prepared to accommodate
all who may call on him, on the most reasonably
terms. His table, his beds, the servants
and the arrangement of his stables, shall all be such,
as will ensure the approbation of those who may
patronize him.
rates or hoard, ■
Man and Ilor.'jc per day, $1 50
Man, 1 ()0
Horse, 50
Dinner, breakfast and supper, each, ,25
Ldoging, 25
Newton, Ga.. April 17,1847-ts
niontlisafter date application will lie
to the honorable Inlet ior Court of Lee counts
when sitting tor Uriiinary purposes, for leave to m
the negroes belonging to tlie estate of Martha Mar-1
ren, late of said county deceased.
E. M . WARREN, Adm'r.
Mgrch 27, 1847.
t;bOllCIA, Sumter t'euii*//,
jVOAU Meek applies to me for letters of Dismis- I
-sion from tlie farther liability on the estate of
8. I'd)son, deceased.
1 bese are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to land appear at my office, within th# time pre
set bv law, to shew cause (if any they have,)
why s lid letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office, this the 21st day
of J An., 1847.
ED. NUNN, c. c. o.
Jijh. 23, 1847.
G bjy ItGI.A. Sumter County.
Y WHERE AS Wm. Simmons, Administrator ot
IChartes Simmons, late of said county deceased,
ai’lffijp- to me for Letters of Dismission from said
‘ are tltercfore to cite. stimitAins and admon
islijßil and singular the kindred and creditors of said
deißused, to be and appear at my office within the
tinjß prescribed by law. to shew cause, it’ any they
balß why said letters should not be granted.
Nm-cu under my hand at oflice, this the 7th day of
Novlmber 1816. E. NUNN, c. c. o.
Nfiv. 14 1846.—6 m.
n:'* i■ IV. Thomas t'oun’y.
1 i,ri Ft Si rick land, executor on tlie estate of \\ m
FeGell, dec'd, applies to me for letters of dis
mission iVqtn the estate of said deceased.
These areViieretbre Incite and admonish all and
iiigular the kindred and creditors of said deceased
IS’ and appear at my office within the time pre
scrfheil hy law, to shew cause (if anv they have.)
why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at other, this 10th lav of
‘unitary, 1847.
NEILL cKINNt .V ~c. o.
.'anuary 23, 1846.
utiGt l. T-emns 1 toot //.*
, “J. 'MiIGK Bivin, adrr.’rati I Fli Fn b. adu.'i’
on tlie estate of os’is Fti: .ijqilv .
:s‘ tor letters of ii - mission ! ruio s i ,i -natim .
I'hese are tlierefi'le to i iie ami . ns all an
■ui.’ular, the iiin- r I am(creditors of said • ease,
> be am! aj'pear at my office within the rime pn
-'■rilied bv taw, to shew cause (i ’ ait v oav.- !
■ 1 sai i Inters should not he gran e
’ liven itinler ntv hand at otliei, tin - ■he 12' ’ j
•tit. 18-17. N ‘ 11.1 v;,-MN\ \
1 -
i\. ■ > ti <
| ti r ot’thr Tii'i •nr ( 'om ‘<i >•:. i<! niiitii \ w htii
; ‘ittiiiu i‘i ‘i ii 1 • urnvM> (anUarv terns,
I 17
herea • ‘is- r'r f i. (, ; liniuistratrix on
• ia i t. Nas I ’ I* isi !i lateo! said romuy,
ie i has a! ]’i 1 It : iviHTs <ii dismission from |
:n ail/ninistratit-i • fstaie. ihe kindred an.! j
| creditors of ‘-'•if >. re hereby eited and ad-
;■ siieu < ause*(i: any tle\ liave) why the j
| Snsau V at the September termuext. !
I o'” the ta.Hirl .d'nrilinary, for saiil tounty, should not !
j 1/ discharge I iVom said administration
J LAW, c c o
i January IF, 1847
U__ :
Ti 1 • .
\ kl. per ms i \ ■li. and to t'--. -siale of James N. !
|v im. tvarman, let are hereby requested to j
| Make payment, an 1 t l aving demands against
J Vi 1 “ *■ rest nt them as required ;
j ’ ASON, Ad’nu .
Fj r- *0 .1847-3
I l ’ 1 1 persons a tv'licrclißnotified tigains; trading I
i “it i promissory noteVade by me, anda given to
“'illinm Glratnn a ropttplj which is hereunto at
tached, ns the consideration i(ij s which it was given
ha- totally failed, and I axn vtCrnn'neil not to pay it j
Unless compelled hy lawl ROBERT G. FORD
(Copy of the Note.)
j One lay after date, I promise to pay William J.
| Gloalou Or bearer, the sunt of five hundred dollars lor
j value received. , , “ R. G. FORI). 1
November 25,1846.
Albany, April 17, 847-7-ts
/.tlaiinislrtitoi's Sjilp.
j BI7ILL be sold before the Court House door in
” * the town of HawkjjnAyille, Pulaski county, on
the first Tuesday in between tlie legal
hotirs of sale, the followittglands, to wit:
Lot, No. 44, in the sth district: No. 213, in the
Ith listrieo'and No. 207, i.t the Bth district of Dn
laslii county. Sold as the property of Benjamin
Jenkins, late of Sumter county, deceased. Terms
made known on the day of sale.
April 3, 1847-5-tds . ‘f
(U .OKGIA, Uee jj.’otilily
all whom it may concern: Whereas John G
-*■ Hooks appiiestqme fttr letters oladministration
oa the estate of Wdtllßtini.M. Bryan, late of said
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and !
singular, the kindred and creditors ol said deceased,
•to be and appear at tny office within the time pre
scribed by law, t h*ti anti there to shew cause (if any
they have,) why said letters should not he granted.
Given under tny hand at oliice. this 29th day of
March, 1847. ’ E. W. WARREN, c. c. o.
April 3, 1847.
C EVEN hundred wres if land in-Lee county, two
and-a-half ntilos nortj of the above
tracts of land joins Dr. Bond and
others, there are-360, actrci- >n cultivation, nnd 70
acres that the timber is cit round; there arc good
improvements; as to heafltt it cannot, be surpassed
in South Western Georgia. On the above premises
.are bushels of corn, and
xjutcr nTnertv 1 IHtuiu Jte to sell with the land.
‘V ?: - I WM. E. COLLIER.
April 5,4847-5-ts •
months after llate,application will be mafic
■*- to tlie Hodorable Irfferiif Courtof Decaturcoun
tyVwhen sitting for Orfiinaiy puriwses, for leave to
sell the whole oft he real efHte of Whitington Oliver,
late of said cotjnty, decbasi-i. *
J. *sAM , c. c. 0., Adm’r.,-
( { de bonis non.
March 27, 1847.
t.OUR months alter da ti application will be made
* to the Honorable th* Ulterior Court of Baker
county, when sitting for brdjnary purposes, for leave
to sell the Lauds, and Njkgries, belonging to the es
tate of S B Qrirnmeit, la It of said county, deceased.
January 30, 1847 J ‘
rjR. A. B. Hobbs, haiii/jj beconfe settled at his
recent location at Court Ground of the
third district of coumll would reepectfully Ih
form its citizens, and iKosJr of the adjoining coun
ties, that he is prepared ta'Jrrat disease in its vari
ous forms with innocent vdtttableremeuies j and be
ing himself well convinc Jof the superiority of the
new, over the old plan oft, eating disease, he wil
endeavor by every inean*£n his power to place it
in such a light that, of till fact, no room shall be
left for doubt; and thintaShat hja unrivalled suc
cess during his stay in thi i/unty is a sufficient
guarantee for the future. |f
In addition to his regularjrofession, he will keep
constantly on hand a. supjtr of family medicine.
Chronic diseases treated,a. his old rate—ss per
month where his personaßattutdanceisnotrequired.
April ‘Zi, 1817 8-—if.’ I
(wWWCT/ (araral fSitiwfiSviX}
A pi
i a'-’ Me-I'.’
i ‘-..i I-
- SI 7. ’■wHMMBMIiHSi
§ / 11 1 i; i,-.; etwWßfflWKirap
to the 111 nu c.t! •11 ■ I ill n i
• 11111 y< - >1111:1 - tin I>| I, iTBHHbKMB
cave in sell pat t ul in ii >2 .-ii- 11 I Nn.
I ‘'i. hi ito l .- millers ot M i ’ 1 1 ;i IlgißsßSM
■b-.-'-i J ll l l N HARRELL. Gu.MKhK
April 10. 1847.
T It .s* 111 1\1..11 SI N c;. H
Advkrtisi ai NTs II : rxrmliii” u>n lines, will I Q
conspicuously inscrici: ;u on (or tlie
insertion, an • < u.s lor eacli coniiniuintT.
advertis/i :ii . iim.u I wben hamted in, will t3Q[
in scried liu ior, dd n, and harped accordingly. 318
Annai xid nt lis t nn //(>\ with leave to chanflß
('very three month", w ill be published at one
per mouth per yc. t. provided payment be made
advam - .1 Ns
ot. (- iiiiii'. tin -imrle a..dress of htisinivD
ni I roicssh :.a; i •cnilcmen. oiciia nts. Factors, A. BB
w ll ■ • one year lor lift Dollars iti aiWn
‘•’ ‘•!* >’ •* dlars if pa\n.rut he delayed till tl
■ M'* r 1 • ear. If rclrreuccs 1 e added to tbfl
- 1 ‘ | chai/.r o! tilty (cuts will l.ff
; .;■!( .* * (•. ‘cm it nee *-i\ en.
‘• *• vs 1 **■ < • uv :iw>i or irrespon^l
•\ ill be *.!:-• ric wid-om payment in ud-1
• 1 oisiaciory reference civc-h to persons ini
his t*fiy. I
icrsohal advertisements < harged double our usua R
rates, if aiimitted.
For inserting (Circulars, le. of Candidates, 50
cents per square.
Foranuou. in tlie names of Candidate for anv
post of.profit o: onor, $5 each.
Blcriii s Salt s under regular executions and mort
gnL r * ii las on real estate, must he published 30
days, $0 r 0
iVrsonal property under mortgage fi fa must be
published (;() days. ------- 00
Tax Collector's Sales, ( 0 days. - - - 500
Citations for Letters ol Adm'r 30 days. 275
Notice to 1. ebtors and Cred. 40 300
Bales of T* isoiial 1 top.o( Ks. 40 “ 300
Bahvs of Land and Negroes. (JO 400
Application for leav< 10 m |1 Land 01 Negroes roust
bepublished weekl;. fur I iitonths. - - _ 500
Notice for Letters I'ismi>Mrv, by Executors or
Administrators, monihly for (> months - 4 50
Hy Guardians, weekly for 40 days. - - 300
Kstravs, two weeks. ] r*o
Orders of Court of Ordinary, to make title to land,
(accompanied by a ropy of tlie bond or
most puMi>to*u o raontfts.
jLCljr* All letters on business should be pre paid
and directed to the Albany Courier,” to insure at-
I tention. April 10, 1847. |
Congressional Globe and Appendix.
\ T the commencement of this session, expecting :
j that the debates would be useful and interest- I
1 ing (and they have come up to our expectations.) we
1 printed several thousand surplus copies, of both
| the Congressional Globe and Appendix, for the pur
pose ot supplying all persons who might subscribe
: during tlie session with complete copies of either or
both. \\ e will be able to furnish the back numbers
to all who subscribe before the 4th of next,March.
AVashington, January 28, 1847. /
Mill SlO It I liS j
Thk Conor rssroNAi. Gj.ont: w made up of thu
daily proceedings of tlie urn Htuwlof Congress, and
printed on superhAie doulil# royal paper, with small
type, (brevier and non pa iyr\.) in quarto form, each
number containing sixteen royal quarto pages. The
speeches of the members, in this first form, are con
densed; the lull report of the prepared speeches be
ing reserved for the Appendix. All resolutions, mo
tions, and other proceedings, are given i:t the form
of the Journals, with the yeas and nays on every
important question.
The Appendix is made up of the President’s An
nual message, tin* reports of tlie principal officers of
the Government that accompany it, and all speeches
of members of Congress, written out or revised by
Ihepiselvcs. It is printed in the same form as the
Congressional Globe, and usually makes about the
same number of pages during a session.
During tiie first month or six weeks of a session,
there is rarely more business dune than will make
two numbers a week—one ufithe Congressional GJobe
ami one of the Appendix; but during the remainder
of a session, there is usually sufficient matter for
two or three numbers of each every week. The
next session will be unusually interesting; therefore,
wu calculate that the Congressional Globe and Ap
. pendix together will loalm-m-ai -WYi Iq-ypc
pages, primed in small type—bretier and nonpareil.
We furnish complete Indexes to both at the end of a
We have on hand the Congressional Globe and Ap
pendix for ihe lasi fifteen sessions of Congress, mak
ing together fifteen large royal quarto volumes, which
we will sell, unbound, for J4I; or bound, with Rus
sia backs and corners, for $56. Those who want
the back Volumes should apply for them immediate
ly, as they are in demand. Congress subscribed for
341 complete sets during Ihe two last sessions. The
proceedings of Congress for th<* last nine years can
not be procured from any other source; Gales A
Beaton having stopped printing their Register of
Debates in 1837.
We will endeavor to print a sufficient number of
surplus o-opies texsupply all that mey be miscarried,
or lost in the mails; but subscribers should be very
particular to file their papers carefully, for fear that
we should not be able to supply all the lost numbers.
For one copy of the Congressional Globo, $1 00
For one copy of the Ap|iendix, 1 00
For six copies of either, or part of both, 5 00
The money may tjp remitted by mail at our risk.
The safest and best way to remit is, to pay the
amount to the postmasters where you reside, and
take front a receipt, according to the following form:
“Post Ofhck, —-——, 164 .
u Received .from A dollars cents, for
the Globe,from which I have deducted one per
rent., and charged myself, in my account with
the General Post Office, viith the balance. The
Postmaster of Wash ington city mill pay that bal
ance to Blair and Rives, or to their order on the
back of the receipt.
“ , Postmaster.”
Washington’, October 15, 18K).
npilK undersigned having permanently lncaln ir,
Aibnrtv, Georgia, for the purpose rrfcnmlrg nr:
tho above busic-, hr will at all times h* pleased t.
egerute any work that he may tv fa vored ith. And
having served a regular apprenticeship, he led?
confident that he can give entire sntisfai ti< a < al
the branches of his business.
p. r. rr\r
Rcf ‘r r tiers,
ITott V.V cO'.vikk )
Pins .V Car kvi:k, ( ’ ’
‘■ arch < . 1817-3 m.
tll'.OKf.l.t, JnratU’ e nil’ *
npo ad whom it mhy concern : M hen a: f.m . ,
*■ J. Hardin applies to tne lop letters o A, xm'i
istration dr twins non on the estate ol > a ‘titi Jiai
din late of said eoanty, deceased..
These are therefore to cite and admonish *ll at .
singular, the kindred and creditors of said dm eased
to be and appear at my office within the time pre
scribed by law then and there to shew ray at (y any
they have.) why said letters should riot hr granted’
Given nude.- niy hand a,t office, this‘24th day <<
March, 1847. J. LAM , c. c. o.
IMarch 27,1847.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of Joseph
Jordan, late of Lee county, deceased, wir
please make immebiate pavment
Man lib, 1847. *
GF.lllKilA, Stmtrr County,
Joseph Wood and William H.
Philpot applys to me lor letters of dismis
sion from their further liability on the estate E per
ne I deceased
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and.
singulat the kindred and creditors of said deuased to
be and appear at my office within the time prescrib
ed by law, to shew cause (if any they have) why said
letters should not be granted. Given under my hand
at office this Bth day of January, 1847
t IN CNN, c c o
January 16, 1847
I3lank Interrogatories for sale l ore
Sumter Mortgage Sale.
“IRfILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June next,
v T before the Court-House door, in the town of
Americus, Sumter county, within the usual hours
of sale, the following property to wit;
The west half of lot of land, no 188, in the 261 h
dist. of originally Lee now Sumter county, levied
on as the property ol Sidney Few, to satisfy on
mortgage fi fa, from Sumter Superior Court, in peg ;
vor of Micajah Buckhannan vs said Few. Proae-f
ty pointed out in said li fa.
April 3, 1847-tds ‘
Blank Assumpsits for sale here