The organ. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1852-18??, February 15, 1854, Image 2

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Et&r&ztn* sd by authority of the fusical Convention, t One Dollar & Fifty Cle. per Year loanee Two dollars, if not paid , Those terms tyill be positively iw he mot paid, charged and de imaei\ . •• OP ADVERTISING. ISSV-* -s a Advertisements not having the number n f insertion, marked on th*m. will he published til 1 ordered out, and charged for accotdingly. r NOTICE TO ADVRRTTSERB. * E p Std , ,U,yd n a t T t °”’’' ~and Gunrdian *’ Ba,w, "“ ,M c!*%?2ZZSr\*V*7*’ “•*•• T>elrr nd P'mf*ion from Guardianship, forty davg s wri f 5, r .’. e ' vew F^ a DlZi a Lnr U ' !r * o i‘/^ n , ,,n,nratlon ’ hirty day. months * from • /,dtnin,Btra Hon, monthly, for six Bof Mortgage, monthly for four Papers, three month.. e mlinwd until settled for FtbT 13, 18547 -Our musical friends for the non-appearance c this week. Circum r control prevented its i eretofore neglected to [nation of Judge Iver intment of Martin J. to fill the vacancy on Circuit. R3F THE VOLUME. number closes the second E Organ. Our paper is foundation, although not ould desire, nor yet as it were the fiiends of the ke that part in its welfare, lemen, they are bound tc necessarily, be done. t but paid expenses, with* out any remuneration to the for bs services. This should not be ! ■Uaboier is worthy his hire and if ■ervices of your Superintendent are of vantage to the members of the •ntion or the cause of Sacred Mu* |y withhold your support and influ s B hi* behalf. Many who are mem* ■that body, do not take the paper, jy others have, as yet, not paid v go ■ outset. But PT any tiling sol - but the moie ■ter Hfc tumult. Hie only paper established ■tales for the advocacy of H? system, it should not ■ ( i> hut mil sustained, nnd Han enviable position with Rations of ihe dav. Kv ■sectarian party consider End to support the paper Hs their cause, because a Hbe their duty to do so ; * 1 ■members of Ihe Conven Hund, by the same ties, to •upport a work of their own creating? Had our patrons and friends redeemed (heir obligations to us,* we would have lelt in duty bound to enlarged the paper, n improvement much nerded—and one that must eventually be done, in order to insure success. The lailure to enlarge is attributable only to the lukewarmness of thpse concerned and the remissness ol those indebted in forwarding their dues. We would suggest to the men.hers of the Convention the propriety of making a little exertion for the accomplishment ol this object; it would require but a few dollars. A Press is all that is needed ; -the-ld one con be sold to pay one half the cost of a larger. There is a sufficien cy of Type to print a paper four times as large as the Organ , It is with you to make the effort, — on yu all depends— and rightfully should , it is enough for the Superintendent to lose his labor, with out drawing his purse. He has already sacrificed a great deal, and it would be ungenerous to ask more. Make one bold effort and see what can be done; —let the Teachers take up a collection in all ‘ their Schools, end set apart the amount collected, tor that object—and that only Do not wait, one iot another to take the .lead, but let every man consider himself the leader, and work accordingly * We have had much to contend with iruring our short career, but have attempt. *d to act feailess and with justice towards all—and shall continue to do so. How far we have succeeded in accomplishing this object, is not 4or us to say; but if vie have erred, if, was an*erwr of the head : ' n d not of the heart. If offence has been given in any instance, it was unintention al —the offended parties should not have put themselves in the way—and as we are a poor hand at making an apology, we shaH it. We feeßunder many obligations, patrons for then liberal support of our en terpiise, hoping they will still continue • heir liberality, and, by so doing, place us under duty to make such improvement* in our little sheet as the cause and public welfare demands. MARRIAGE NOTICES. We have several times alluded to Mar* riage notices being sent us without a re sponsible author. We have one now from Cataula over the signature ot “ A Friend “ w hich is evidently a burlesque If u Friend was not acting an improper part, he would not withhold his proper name from a marriage notice. If a friend indeed, don your proper garb—if not, do not act the part of * 4 a W’olf in sheep’s clothing.’’ Ridicule your neighbors at your own rxpense, not at ours. You may be & true friend for aught we know, but we fear you are like our old aunt in the country—no d— great things, but are what you take us to be, viz: an animal of the species which Christ rode into Je-* rtjsalem. We consider it a matter due the parties, as well as the public, for all Ministers, Judges and Justices of the Peace, to send up the Marriages for pub lication-, and we will insert with pleas, ure. This much would be interesting, to our distant subscribers, who have form, erly resided in this county Public attention is called so the ad vertisement in to day’s paper of Mr. Til man Pierce, who is prepared to do an v work iq Ihe Carpentering line, from the runrting gears of an ox yoke to a Meeting House. From our own knowledge of his workmanship and business qualifications, we feel no hesitancy in recommending him to the public as a man of generous impulses, sterling business habits, and un tiring industry. SHADE TREES. We aie of the samp opinion the Irish* was w hen travelling, and discover’ ing a galfowsl exclaimed—•''sure, and this is convanient, the proper place to hitch a hoise is to the rack.” It is a matter of no little surprise to us, that our citizens will permit horses hitched to or near the shade trees in front of their dwellings or stores ; there is racks for that purpose, and if people will not use them, when you find a horse hitched to the trees, apply a knife to the bridle—if a sense ol justice and propriety will no’ prevent the intrusion,. It is shameful to see the manner in which the shade trees are mutilated by the horses; destroy the trees, and you destroy the beauty of our little burg. We also see the trees in front of pur office and the Masonic Lodge, I mutilated by knives—this has not been’ done by horses—the animals have longer ears. We would suggest to their moth’ | ets the propriety of taking the knives; away from the mischievous LITTLE fellows, and sewing up their pockets. LADIES’ NATION \L MAGAZINE. We have received the January and! February numbers of Peterson’s La.-* dies’ National Magazine for 1854. It is one ol those rich and chaste Maga. zines which should adorn the centre table ‘ of every lady. The reading matter is of that high order which tends to the culti’ vation of every thing pure in the mind of a lady, and fitting her for circles in which a vulgar thought never dare enter. The numbers before us are beautifully embeU lished with the choicest steel plate en* gravings, colored fashions for the month. &c. Each number contains 100 large i double column pages* and is under the Editorial management of Mrs Ann H Stephens end Charles J. Peterson. Terms—s 2 per annum in advance. — Address Charles J. Peterson, 102 Chest nut street, Philadelphia. PAPERS. We are often asked the question— “ What foreign paper would you take if you were me?” We invariably answer, not from favor or prejudice, but from a ! sense of justice, 14 if you want a good lit. | erary paper, take Scott's Weekly Taper. or the Saturday Evening Mail , both of which are published in Philadelphia; Scott’s is devoted to Literature, News Agriculture, &c. The Nail to Literature News and Temperance, as well as a gen eral reformation of the evils of the day.— It you wish a good Southern News and Commercial paper, take the New Orleans True Delta. But, if you desire a paper for the Georgia Home Gazette; and final ly never pass by The Organ.” If our friends will subscribe for either or ail of the above papers, at the expiration oftthe year they cannot avoid exclaiming—"*my money has been well spent!” and will not rest contented until they forward the cash for another year. INSTRUCTION. v The beginning of a structure is an im poitant matter for the.builder to consider; he must lava solid foundation if he cal culates to have a profitable And another important item is, he mils’ count the cost: not of the foundation on ly, but of the whole building, otherwise he may occasionally hear the mortifying expression as he passes along through life—* this man began to build, but was not quite able to complete the structure ’ To drop the figure, let the Teacher, first of all, carefully consider the kind of ma lerial of which his class or classes are composed. 2d. The amount of time he expects to devote to those who compose his classes. 3d. The object he expects to accomplish in those classes. All these things properly considered, he is prepar. ed to carry up the building to completion iT he has rhade* no rbisfake in preparing the foundation, and can flatter himself with the hope of meeting the expecta tion of those who have employed him. This may make the work of the Teacher very hard, and if he loses ight ol the three things hinted at in laying the foundation, he is very apt to loose his own balance, which will still add to his task ; especially if he forgets the kind of material he is at work with. Among the imporla nt duties of the Teacher, is to lay well the rudiments ot practical stu dies Another important task is, to pro cure a regular attendance of his pupils; in order lo do this, he 1 must endeavor to get his pupils to love him ; if he does not know how to do this, he lias not suf ficiently studied humlTi nature, and in this -ense is disqualified for his task and has need of being taught the rudiments of this important school. While the Teacher is determined to edify, he should study to please. Do not offended if he speaks angrily and harsh ; let it be an ex ception, not a rule; the pupils should never have a right to the idea that the Teacher is a cross teacher, but should be taught that mildness is a virtue with both teacher and pupil. A teacher should) never let his pupils get the advantage of him. Children will be almost certain to/try what sort of ma terial their teacher is made of. and are apt to combine for- that purpose ; in euch case the teacher should be doubly on bis guaid; he should put on the whole ar mor of patience and fortitude, —and even with this, he is apt to be driven through the ordeal of trouble and trial; and if he can have a sufficient amount of self-con trol and dignity, he will prove victorious, in all probability, once for all, as he must do, to maintain his position; his power and influence over his pupils from.that time will be almost unlimited; while on the other hand, if the pupils get the ad vantage,: and find that they have sue. ceeded.i.n getting their teacher in a pas sion, and subjected to the loss of self control, they will be ready ever after wards ;tp take advantage of the ground thus gained. . Some persons conclude that by the ex*, ercise ol arbitrary power a correct di>ci pline can always be had; but we think, while the temperamen t of children differ, the exercise of power must differ ; for power there must be. but not all of one j sort. If arbitrary power is used, let it be with extreme caution and as a last resort; i it should be exercised with true dignity, and under proper sell-control. There is a power in kindness and manifest affec tion, — this is the great moral lever —a power not fully tested by a mortil being because it is a species ol immortality ; it spreads and inluses itself in so many ways, and by so many different methods, that we thick it in possible to over-estim ate it. The teacher, in most cases, when he commences his work in a school, has an eye to the permanency of hii situation. buHn th"i3 country, where the people gov. ern changes are inevitable, and the teachers prosprets of permanency does not always turn on his ability or success in teaching. Then, as the situation cannot be claimed as permanent, and his time be counted for one year at a time, we then say, lay out a good year’s work—make best of the time for one y*ar —never forgetting the foundation hinted at in the outset of this article.— We give it as our opinion, partly founded on experience, -that if the teacher will have his school prosperous, affectionate, vigorous and healthy, let him have vocal music under proper discipline, cultivated from 30 to 50 minutes every day in his school room, and these results will be very soon seen and lelt, and will need no illustration to set forth their accomplish ments. Scpr. SOUTH ERN^ECLECTIC. The February number of this valuable monthly is now on our table, and as usual, is filled with the most entertaining and useful literature of the day. The present number closes the 2d volume ; all who desire the first volume can be furn> ished at the price of one dollar, by addressing D. K. Whitaker, Augus ta. Ga. We know of no woik possessing gi eater merit than the Ecleltic, and there fore take pride in recommencing it to the public as a Magazine woitby the support of every gentleman and lady. Terms— s3 per annum in advance. The following are the contents of the number before us: Electro-Biology and Mtsmerism. Legislative Interference #ith the-Edu cation of the People. : J|. Memoranda by a Marine Officer: Ora Succession of Glasses tom Lite's Phan tasmagoria. y’ French Claim to the Discovery of the Electric Telegraph. - American Authorship, No. Vll.—Hen ry Wadsworth Longfellow. Usury Laws:—An Argument against them. Poetry. —ln Memoriatn. Angels Footsteps. They’ll Wake No More. The Death Angel’s Visits. Sorrow on the Sea. Miscellaneous Reviews. —The Me moirs, Journal and Correspondence of Thomas Moore. Lives of the Queens of Scotland. Doughs Jerrold and his Works. Varieties. —A Grand Game of Chess Miss Mitford; Eclectric Astronomy; A valuable Book; New Arctic Expedition Case ol Death caused by Fear; New Chinese Almanac. To the Reader. FOREIGN 2NTCWS. From Scott s Weekly Paper —Philadelphia. ARRIVAL OF THE ARABIA. one week later. Brilliant Victory of the Turks—The Battle of Citale —Four Thousand Russians Killed —Rtreat of the Russian Reserve Cotton Declined. The steamer Arabia arrived at Halifax on 4th, with dates to the 21st of January. THE TURKISH WAR. We have further accounts of the Citale, confirming the Turkish successes. It appears that the Russians were con centraiing a force at Citale, in order to attack Kalafat, on the 13th, but on the 6th fifteen thousand Turks marched out ol Kalafat, and stormed Citale, had a con flict with the Russians, in the field on the 7th. and resumed the battle on the Bth—ending, in the evening, with the total discomfiture of the Russians, who confess to 4000 killed and their generals, Aurep and Tuinot wounded. On the 9 h, the Turks having remained over night on the field beyond Citale, at tacked the reserve of Russians, and drove them back upon Krajova. with the loss of cannon, and immense slaughter on both sides. On the 10th the Turks, having razed the Russian fortifications, returned to Kalafat The Turks were commanded in this action by Selim Pacha, Zedlinskv. and Mehemed Pacha, one of whom— piobably Mehemed—is repotted killed. The above victories are officially an nounced to the French and British Em bassies. There is very little news from Asia. Letters from I’rbizonde, of the 6th De cember, say that Schamyl had organized a polish rifle regiment, 1200 strong. He has plenty of provisions and ammunition, and is organizing an army at Dagheston. The Abassians are in alliance with him The Hungarians and Poles, who had been waiting at Constantinople for em ployment, were shipped on the 2d of Jan uary for the army in Asia. Kalapka declined an Asian .command, but offers to serve in Europe, On the sth of January the whole of the allied fleets were in the Black Sea. England js actively- recruiting her coast. Volunteer Artillery and coast de fence guard : len thousand men are want* ed. Exertions are also making to man the navy, and two more ships are fitting out, but apparently o land forces. France. —Thfe Duchess of Orleans, on thp l()th of December, published a letter to the Duke de Nemours, refusing posi* lively to join the recent fusion of the Bourbon family, and holding firmly to her sons right to the Fiench throne. Mr. Mason, the American Minister, had arrived at Paris. The greatest activity prevails in the French Navy yards. The operatives are ordered to work on Sundays, and every ship is to be fitted for sea immediately. A levy had also been made of all seamen between twenty and forty years old, and all the Newfoundland fishermen are draft ed into the fleet. Stores for forty thous* and soldiers are ready for shipment at Toulon. THE LATEST. The London Morning Chronicle pub lishes the following: Vienna, Jan. 16.—Advices from St. Petersburg were preliminary indications of a rups ture with France and England, and the recall of the Czar’s ambassadors from London and Paris. This is authentic. A requisition has already been made by the Czar upon the different institu tion? throughout the Empire, to furnish contributions for the support of the ortho dox faith. New contracts have been completed to supply the Russian foices in the princi palities with provisions until the end of June next. The Russian Admiral in the Sea of Azoff has sent lor aid to Sevastopool. The presence of the allied fleetsiu the Black Sea has prevented the shipinent of 25 000 tfoops Irom Sevastopool. Egypt. —M Mariette. a French sa vant, has discovered the secret entrance into the Egyptian sphynx. GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. j A bill amending tlie laws for attach*’ merits and defining the manner of issu* ing them when the party has gone with out the State ; passed. The bill to incorporate the Columbus and Hamilton railroad Company was pas sed. The bill incorporating a raiLroad from or between Calhoun or MariettHo the Cop* per mines on Fightingtown Creek in Gil* mer County ; so amended as to incorpo* rate a railroad from West Point to Thom* a-lon, from Thomaston to Mdledgevflle ; passed. Lastly ing a two thirds vote to pardon, was passed by yeas 62 nays 20. A bill di-qualifying any person from being a comoetent juror who has -cruples on the subject of capital punish* meat, passed. From the N"w Orleans True Delta. THE NEBRASKA BILL. As this bill, introduced into the Senate f the United States by Mr Douglas, is likely to stir up the smouldering elements ol fanatical agitation upon the slave ques tion, we think ordinary prudence sug gests the propriety of making its inten tions more generally known to our read* ers. At present, all that immense extent of territory lying between the Bonders of Missouri and the Ricky Mountains, is known by the Indian name of Nebraska. The Indian title is still intact throughout every portion of it, and white settlements can scarcely yet be said to have an exis* fence within its borders. Except as a link in the great chain of civilization and for the extension of our empire towards the Pacific, there is nothing in Nebraska itself to engage special public attention, ngr any .advantage, agricultural or miner al,’ to be found within it superior to what is presented in many of the States of the Union. Portions of it, however, are re presented to be of surpassing beauty and great fertility, and for grazing purposes, it is nearly in its fullest extent admirably adapted. Whether any section ol IhiV extensive territory is capable of profita bly employing slave labor, we will not undertake to say, nor, indeed, do we re gard that aspect of the case as at all af fecting the principle involved in the of Mr. Douglas which merely goes to (he recognition of the right of the people of every section of the Union to go in and possess the land, with or without slaves, as their interest or their feelings may dictate. To a proposition so reasonable and equitable it is difficult to see what possible .objection can be made, for if it be once understood that acquisitions of territory, whether purchased by the blood or the money of all the people, are to in ure exclusively to the advantage of par ticular sections of the Union, it requires'’ no great gilt of prophecy to predict the day when extension of the limits of the Republic, as now constituted, can no longer take place. If we rightly cornpre* •head the principles ot the compromise acts when we supported them before the people in our columns, they were in tended to put an end to all misunder*