The organ. (Hamilton, Ga.) 1852-18??, February 15, 1854, Image 4

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standings and agitations in regard to sla very in the territories, and in such arqni sitons as might be from time made by peaceful negotiation, or by wars in which the perversity or infatuation of our neigh* born might impel us. The late comproin ise in this completely negatived the Mis souri compromise, and reinstated the South in the position and rights her peo pie enjoyed before the latter was accept ed, and without prejudice to her institu tions. .This appears to us to have been the opinion of Mr. Douglas when he foamed the bill, and the opinion generally . of the Soulhren press in commenting up on it; but a different sentiment prevailed at Washington among a good many who still thought that the Missouri comprom ise was in full fmce, and that iheAVdniot -Proviso as its chiel provision exists in the *rNebra-ka territory, and will continue un til abrogated by law. To meet and dis pose of such objections in future as well as to leave no loop-hole tor disafFeoted ag itators to crawl into or out of, Mr. Dixon, of moved an amendment, the adoption of which with the bill of Mr. Douglas, will forever settle the proviso, and release the territory from the interfer- j ence of other TfiarT its own occupants in the settlement of its institutions and the organization of its government, and will leave the people fiee to take th< ir slaves to it or not as they, and they alone, may choose or determine. We hear of opposition to those saluta ry measures, but with the administration unquestionably sound upon the subject, as v\e have every reason to believe it to be, and good sense reason and justice in the ascendant in Congress, we cannot be< lieve possible than it should prove formi dable or more than may be naturally ex pected from a faction in the last throes us j dissolution. -■ j == SBeani’ Boat Destroyed.—We u ruler-* Jp£an<Pthat on Sunday last the Steamer fcagle, belonging to H- J. Hall & Cos., Jnd Captain Lee, was burnt above Neal’s landing, on the Chattahoochee River The boat is a total loss—thirteen hundred bales of cotton burnt, all insured—four negroes weie either burnt to death or drowned.— Corner Stone. A second battle has been fought be tween Walker’s expedition and Lower Californians. The Americans were en tirely successful. Burning of the Steamer Alabama. —We Mast w’eek had to chronicle the burning ol | k the Eagle with loss of life—to-day we i * called upon to add another tet the fa jpl list. The steamer Alabama was yes ■H r” bales of cot llhat bofc Times. KPI'S to’ Feb. 10-J. B Wil- Wrs i 50; M. White, 3 00; Win. A P.V. i 00 ; M iss M A. Parkerson, by I Pliiend, 75c ; Samuel Tiuett, 1 50; W. W Goodman, 1 50; J. W. Gurley, 1 50 W J Darley, 1 50; J. T Edmonds 75c. J. B Shackleford in lull of acconnt $2. NOTICE. Mr. Editor, Sir —l notice in your’pa f per an Advertisement headed Caution, in which one Hiram Sellers says his wife Elizabeth Sellers, hus left his Bed and Board , and that he will not be hound for her contiacts, &c. Now, Mr. Editor, the said Hiram Setters lias published a pod-, * live LIE, in the plainest terms, and it can be proven by three living witnesses. He says she left his bed and board ; I say | it is a lie —he had no bed —and board, he seldom furnished ; as to paying any debts , of her contracting, he need not give him- J self any uneasiness, no person will credit him f<r a dime who knows him, let alone any other person in his name. He left her bed —and why ? because he would not work to support her, but bought a middling of meal from a negro, and the negroe s master found the meat in his use and he run away. Now he wants .s wife to go to him, and because she de clines living with a rogue, he wishes to Jrighten her; but there is some pure, hon est grit about her that will always control The good principles ol a virtuous lady; those principles, and an utter ahhorrance of dishonesty will not let her go. The only reason he could have for ad — ■ rising her is, she declines further de grading hersplf by following up a lazy, roguish scamp , who will not provide (or her. 1 consider the above due to my much injured sister; —let him reply if he wants to, and I will prove it for him. JOAB CAMPBELL Cusseta, Ala., Feb. 11, 1854. 52 w L Carpentering. I. PIERCE respectfully’ JL announces io the citizens of Hamilton and vicinity that he has located in ilamil- Bon, and is prepared to do all kinds of CARPENTER WORK with correctness and dispatch. He is pre pared with suitable hands and tools to exe cute his work in haste, and on moderate terms. Persons wishing any thing done in his line, would do well to give him a call. Feb. 14 1854. 52w4 . Sacred ilarps. We are authorized to announce ‘he name of WILLIAM W. GOODMAN . as a candidate lor Receiver of Tax Returns at the next January Election—lßss. Feb. 11, 1854. JEslray Police. Clei'k s Office Infeiior Court, ) January 21, 1854. $ 4LL persons concerned are hereby no tified that Elias D. Hines, of the 703d District. G. M. Tolls before Janies E. Holt, one of the Justices of the Peace for said District, as au Estray, one Hay Horse, about 10 years old. one fore foot w hite, and both hind ones, bob-tailed ; valued by Bos well Bat Aston, a free holder ol said county and District, to be worth sixty-five .dollars. The owner of said estrav is required to cpme forward, prove property, pay charges and take said hotse away, or he will he dealt with as the Law directs. A true extract from ihe Estrav Book. Wm I. HUDSON, Clerk. 4foi • Anderson X. Itoberts, BP BIJYTMS ‘P'S, Respectfully announce to the cit zoos of Harris and the adj ■ cent countie- that they have removed their Oihce from EUtrslie to Tai botton <a. where they are prepared, with all the facilities, for the executiou of every style of work iu their pto f-ssion. , Person* at a distance, desiring operations performed at their residences, requested to notify us hy mail. L, P. ANDERSON, G. ROBERTS. I take this occasion to return thanks for the very liberal patronage bestowed during she past four years, and will add in behalf of my present associate, M. Roberts, that an extensive practice lor more than ten years, in every department tho business, has won f.r him au enviable reputation as a practical and skillful workman; and mn now GUARANTEE with salt ty, that all oper atiung performed by U 9, in point of finish adaptation fy dwality shall he superior to mant — at least, inferior to none. L. P. ANDERSON. TnlWwtton, February 7. 1854 v2nslv I ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Bird Pruett . lafifcof Harris County deceased, are hereby requested to call ami settle immediately, and those having de mands ugains’ said estate ■’are hereby noli; ft* and ic prt-soirttlmm legally attested within ill .* time picscrTfied by la,w>. Wm A.' PRUETT- Adm’r. February 7. 1854. 51d40 AG RE BAH LEto au ordefe the Court of Ordinary of H irvis Couuty will lie -old licfore the Court House Door in Ham ilton, on the Ist Tuesday in April nexi, that part of the Brick House adjoining the Brick store of Bedell & Mullins, known as a Doc tor and Taylors shop, uow occupied by Dr. Wm. L ilamner, as a Medical shop, and hy A. J. Gordon as fa Taylor shop. Sold as the property of Dr. M- G. Jones, late of said comity deceased M. C. FARLEY, Adm’r. February 6 1854- tds GEORGIA l Court of Ordinary, Harris Countt. $ February Term, 1854, RULE NL SI HERE AS Sorting S. Jknkins, w w Administrator of Nathan E. bach elor, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismis sion from'said Estate,—lt is therefore or dered by the Court, that all persons con cerned be and appear at the July Term of tiie Court, next ensuing, then and there to show cause, if any they h ive, why said let ters should not be grauted. A true extract from the Minutes of the Court. Win. I HUDSON Ordinary. February, 7, 1854. 51m6. HOTEL, By P. B. HALL, Hamilton, Ha. THE subscriber has purchased the a bove establishment, and is now fil ing it up ip the finest style for the accom modation of BO \RDERS and TRAVEL LERS. I Its Table will at all times be supplied with the best the country affords; his servants will ever be in readiness to give their attention to those who may favor him with a call. He ho >es, by courtesy and a strict atten tiou to the comfort of his customers, to mer it a liberal share of public patronage. PLEASANT B. HALL. Hamilton, Ga. Jan. 18, 1854. 48w8 (C/* The Columbus Enquirer, Times & Sentinel, and LuGr.inge Reporter, will copy 6 weeks', and forward accounts to this place. u . B. H BPr JP 4m. *?fc Jhany , SURGEON DENTIST. H \S removed his location to Auburn. Macon county, Ala. He will attend to all calls iu his line at the residence of persons throughout the counties of Harris. Jllerriwether and Troup, in Georgia, as well as through the country adjacent to Auburn. Jatv. 23, 1854. 49wlv ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. AGREEABLE to au order of the hon orable Court ol Ordi ary of Harris county, will be sold before the Court House door in ihe town of Hamilton, Harris coun ts on the first Tuesday in March next, be tween the usual hours of s<le, all the uegroes belonging to the estate of Stephen Hanks, late of said county, deceased, to wit: Sam, a man 29 years old Jesse a man 32 ; Faii_ nv a woman 23 and her child I \ear old Henry a hoy 8; Georgian a girl 3; Jesse a boy about 4; Gracy a woman 21 and her child Mary about 6 years old ; Rena a git I about 5 ; Jane a girl about 5; Willanna a house girl 14 years old. Sold for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors of said deceas’d. STEPHEN L. HANKS, Adm’r. GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY JACOB’S CORDSAIi. CHOLERA, ) FOIL AIT, C CHOLERA MORBUS DYSENT RY. W ~ XKvXlt a < BILIOUS CHOLIC, DIARUHCEt. ) JkL; Jt * (CHOLERA INFAN TUu ALSO, ADMIR ABLY ADAPTED TO MANY FEM ALE DISEASES. MO SI ESPECIALLY PAIJVFUL MENSTRUATION The virtue* of Jacob’s Cordial are too well known to require encomiums. Is*. It cunsjhe worst cases of Diarrhoea. 7th It Cures painful Menstruation. 2d. Ir cures the worst forms of Dysentery. Sth. 1 1 Relieves pain in the back and Loins. 3d. It cures California or Mexican Diathoee 9 lk. it counteracts nervousness, despondency, <lth It Relieves the severest Colic. 10/A It restores irregularities. •sth. It Cures Cholera Morbus. 11/4. It dispels gloomy if Hysterical feeling 6tli. It Cures Choltia Infantum. J 12/4. Its an admirable Tonic. • < A FEW SHORT EXTRACTS FROVI LETTERS, TESTIMONIALS, &c. I have used J tcob’s Cordial in my family, and h ive a most . effirien* and in my judgment, a valuable remedy. Hirvm Warner, Judge of Supreme Court. Ga. Ii giv's pleasure io being able to recommend Jacob’s Cordial—my own personal ex perience, and tho experience of my neighbors aildjfrieuds around me, is a sufficient guar antee for me to believe it to’be all that it purports to be ; viz: a sovereign remedy. Wm. H. Underwood. Formerly Judge of Superior Court, Cherokee Circuit. 1 take geeat pleasure in recommending this invaluable medicine to all afflicted with bowel diseases, for which I believe it to be a sovereign remedy—decidedly superior to any thing else ever tried by me. A, A. G sulding. Dep. G. M. of G. Lodge of Ga. This efficient remedy is travelling into celebrity as fast as Bonaparte pushed his col umns in to Rus-ia, and gaining commendation .wherever used.— Georgia Jeffersonian. For hy Bedell &. Mullins, R t urner, and A. F. Johnston, Hamilton; J. B. Foster and A. W. Wynn. W aver/y Hall; Wm. B. Strmvbridge, Ellers ie ; L. & vV. H Jackson, Cataula; Win McCartan, Cochran's X roads. T. J. Hunt, tVhitesville, and by the princi pal Merchants and Druggists throughout the St ite. . v 2 41 \ 1 HARRIS SHERIFF SALES. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in i March next before the Court-house I door, in the Town of Hamilton, Harris county, witoin the legal houis of sale, the follpwin.g property, to wii: one lot or par cel of land containing twenty aeres, more or less, in the twentieth District of Harris ! county, known as the Tan Yard Lai and dwelling occupied and owned by Thomas Kimbrough—the number not known—ad jacent to the Town of Wbiiesvilie. Levied upon by virtue of a Fi. Fa. issued from Harris Superior Court, iu favor of William A, Slaughter vs. Thomas Kimbrough.— Property pointed out by the defendant. ELIJAH MULLINS, Sheriff. January 26, 1854. ALSO , AT the same time and place, will be sold a negro girl about twenty years old, by ihe name of Elizubeth levied npon by virtue of a Fi. Fa. issued Irotn Harris Inferior Court, Daniel Saudfnrd, vs. Elba H. Threlkeh); also two small Fi. Fa’s in favor of John B. Hardy and William Dunston. vs. said Elba H.Threlkeld. Levied and returned tome by a Constable. ALSO—At the same time and place, will be sold. Twenty acres of Land, situate in the Twentv Second District of'said coun ty. (the number not known), adjoining she Lands of Zechariah Ware and Wilkinson Sparks. Levied upon by virtue of a Fi. Fa issued from Harris Superior Court. Collins Roberts, vs. Blake Carter, the same being the place whereon the defendant recently livid. ALSO—The lot of land whereon Thom as Morraan now lives, the number not known, lying in the Eighteenth District of said county; levied upon by virtue of a Fi. Fa. issued from Harris Superior Court, in fayor of William Williamson, vs. John Ba tter and Thomas Morrnan. ALSO—At the same time and place, Lot number ten, whereon William John -on uow lives, Lot number forty, his Stable Lot, and uumbers sixty-eight anti eighty three, all situated in the town of Hamil ton. Harris County. Also two Negro Wo men, Cely. about thirty-two years old. and Dtlpha, twenty-one years old. Levied upon as. the property of William Johnson, to satisfy four fifas. i sued from Harris Su perior and Inferior Courts—one in favor of U iley, Banks & Cos.; D. F. Fleming & Cos.; Havilanrl Harral & Cos.; Kosevelt Hyde & Clark.—Property pointed out by Plaintiff’s Attorney. DANIEL H. ZACHRY, Deputy Sheriff. January 31, 1854. JYOTBCE- A LL persons indebted to the estate of * -!a. John C. Harris, late of Harris coun ty, deceased, are requested to make itnme tnadiite payment; and all personshaving demands against said deceased, will render them in duly attested within the time pre sorted hy law. A. J. GORDON, Adin. January 30. 1854. THE Southern Musical Convention will hold her Semiannual Session at. Cedar Creek Church. Marion County, to commence on Thursday before ihe sth Sab bath iuApnlnext. The Poachers Meeting to commence ou the preceeding Tuesday, aud hold two days before the general Con vention meets. A full attendance is desir ed ; ample provision will be made for en tertainment. By authority of the congregation of the above named Church. NOTICE. WHFiREAS My wife Frances Ligon formerly Frances Philips, has left my bed and board without just cause, and 1 having proposed to take care of, aud sup_ port her at home, which she relues. These are therefore to caution and warn all per sons from crediting said France s on my ac count, as I secured to her aseperate estate, and I do not feet bound for the payment us the debts which she may contract. P. HENRY LIGON. Jan. 23. 1854. ‘ - 49w4 ADMINISTRATORS DEED* Throw Physic to the Dog’s* FIJLVI RMACHEft’B HYDRO EL ECTRIC VOLTAIC CHAINS, Producing instant relief from she most acute pain, and permanently curing all Neural gic diseases, Rheumatism, painful and swelled Joints, Neuralgia of tho Face, Deafness. Blindness, St. Vitus Dapce, Palpitations of the heart, periodical Headache. Pains in the Stomach. Indigestiou, Dvspepsia, Uteriue Poins Paralysis. etc. etc. These chains were first introduced iti the city of New York le-s than one year since, and after being subjefted to thorough trials in every hos| i(al in the city, aud applied by Drs. Valentine Mott, Carnochan, Van Bu ren and others, it was discovered that they possess strange and wonde'fu! power iu the lelief and cure of the above class of diseas es. and their sale, and the success that has 1 attended their use is unparnlcllod. j Previous to their introduction into this country, they were used iu every hospital in Europe, and are secured by patents in France, Germany, Austria, Prussia aud England ; ami also in the United States. “THINK CLOSE & PONDER WELL.” The principles upon which it is claimed that the Chains produce their marvelous cures are, first—that all Nervous Diseases aro attended and produced by a deficient supply of nervous fluid, and an agent that lesemhles closely electricity, or electro mag natism ; and second—that the electro mag netic chains, by being worn over and upou the part and organ diseased, furnish to the exhausted nervous fluid which is required to produce a healthy actiou through the en tire system. No disgusting nostrum is al lowed to he taken while using the chains, hut a rigid observance of the general laws of health are required. Brisk friction upon the parr diseased adds much to the effects of the chains, by increasing their magnetic power. ONE T HOUSAND DOLLARS, will be given jo any person who will pro duce so many well authenticated certificates of cure, both from intelligent patients and scientific physicians, as have been effected ny the use of Pulvermacber’s Electric Chains. ‘They never fail to perform w hat they are advertised to do, and no person has ever been dissatisfied who has given them a trial. IN FEMALE CASES, more than one hundred permanent cures of Piolapsus Uteri have been effected within the last year by ihe use of these chains. By applying one pod of the chain over the re gion of the abdomen, and the other upon the spine just above the hip, the usual sev ere symtous incident to that disease are at once removed- MODE OF USE. The chain should be moistened before u-e with common vinegar, and then one end of.the chain should he applied directly to the seat of the pain or disease, and the oth er end opposed to it* BE NOT DECEIVED! The Electric Ch.lins are not to cure all diseases; but for Nervous Diseases it is claimed that NO Medical Agent in the world has produced so many cases in the last year as the Elec tric I’haiti. j INSTANT RELIEF from the most ac ute pain, is produced at the moment of ap plication much more effectually than cau be produced by opium, io any of its forms. Call aud obtain a pamphlet (gratis.) J. S TEINERT, Sole Agent, 568 Broadway, cor. Prince St. J. F. WOODBURY, Agent for Hamilton. 2v46yl - - .v 1 GEORGIA: Harris County. tYilliam A. Hardy ap plies for Letters of Administration on the estate of Josiah C, Hardy, late of said countv, deceased •• • .* Phee are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. to ; show cause, it any they have t why said let ters should not be granted to said applicant. ! Given under my hand at Office, this Jan- ! uary 23d, 1854. Wm I, HUDSON, Ordinary 49.130 7 Business Cards. To my Friends & Patron*! HAV JNG sold my Hotel and Planta tion, I am oow prepared to devoti* my euu e'attention to the PRACTICE of MEDICINE. I recently been-fre quently asked when 1 would remove—lhavo no thought of leaving Hamilton. My pft* w roi9 w f pfeasei receive my grateful acy kuowledgnieuis for their very liberal pat ronage : and i now give them anew pledge . for the faithful discharge of my professional duties,— my Fees shall in uo case exceed lb 3 regular chargiS of the profession. Office—One door below the Planters’ Ho'el. Residence— Where \\ illi-im E. Farley. E-q . formerly redded. C. CARLISLE GIBBS, M. D. January 25, 1854. Ingram & Ciaivforil, ATTOR2HE7S AT LAW COLUMBUS, Ga. WILL practice in the Chatahooche, Circuit, and the adjoiritig counties Ofiiee. over the store of J. K. Rf.dd. & Cos PORTER INGRAM. M. J, CRAWFORU Jau. 11, 1853. 4 Jy ■■ ■ -■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■” ■■ A. F. JOHNSTON. ‘l° Dry Goods Sc Grocery Deals .. South side #f the Public Sqoare^^ ~E, MB . Beali . Staple & Fancy S>ry Goods, East corner of the Public Square. Ilcdell & iiaiillins, DEALERS IN Staple 4* Fancy n it v ci on ns. Hamilton, Ga,—Brick Storb VV. L. Hamner, ” RESIDENT PHYSICIAN; Hamilton, Ga. Office one door above Bedell fy Mullins. MPr~ 4\ M RESIDENT PHYSICIAN, f Hamilton, Ga. Office South side of the Public Square Executor's Sale. AGREABLE to an order of the Honor able Court of Ordinary of Harris Couuty. will be sold before the Court House door in Hamilton, Harris Couti'y, on thiT first Tuesday in March next, between legal hours of sale, the following Lots of Land, to wit: Lot No. 2GB, lying in the 21st Dist. of originally Muscogee now 7 Harris county. Lot No, 21 of originally Troup, now Harris county, sold as the property of James Whitehead, late of said couuty dec’d. for the benefit of the Heirs aud Cretitors of said deceased. JANE WHITEHEAD. Exu’tr;l Jan.l7 1854. 48ulX^ EXECUTOR'S SALE. Agreeable to an order of^ll Court of Ordinary of Harris will he sold before the Court House door In the Town of Hamilton, on the first Tuesday iu March next, between the legal hours of sale—two Acres of Land, more or less, ly ing iu the town of Whitesville, Harris coun ty- bounded on the East by lan’ds belongin to Mosely, South by M. Hunt, West by La Grauge road, North hy P. L. Weeks Sold as the property of Wm. Norris, late of said county deceased, for the bent fit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. BKNJ. F. CLEVELAND. Exec. January 12, 1854. 47d40. i:stray Notice. Clerk’s Office, Inferior Court. ) A t . July 4, 1853. } JjL persons interested are hereby noti fied that Robert WeMeo; of the 707th District, G. M , Tolls before Wiiiiatn T. smith, one of the Justices of the Peace for s tid District as an Estray, a dark bay Mart , ol large size, with a star on her forehead, saddle marks on her hack, and a ring a— round her hind hoofs, about 12 or 13 years old. Valued by John I, D .vid and Jesse Cox, freeholders of said couuty and district, to he worth forty dollars. I he owner of said Estray is required to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take said mare away, or ehe will dealt with as the law directs. A true extract from the Estray Book. Wm. I HUDSON, CPk I. C. ADMINIS TRA TOR'S SALE. A.GR E E ABL Y ttfin order of the CourT"’* of Drdinary of Harris county, will he sold before the Court house door in the *® wn of Hamilton on the Ist Tuesday in Mar. h next, within the legal hours of sale, the .ollowing uegroes belonging to the E 9„ tate of Harri Ann Davidson, late of said county deceased —to wit; Amy, a good house girl, about 45 years old, and Moses a man, about 45 years old. Fold as the prop erty of said deceased, for the benefit of tbo heirs aud creditors. ALEX.N. JOHNSON. Admr, tiL.ICKS.II I TtnjYG. THE Subscriber would respectfully in form the citizens of Harris that he may always be found at his old Shop, on the Greenville road, 2 miles North of Ham-to ’i 1 ?"’' vhere he is Prepared to do all kinds off r CARRIAGE, WAGON, PLANTATION * WORK and HORSESHOEING in work.* 0 manlike manner, aud on as liberal terms as*‘ at any shop in the couutry.. Grateful for past favors, he solicits a continuance of the same, aud desires, the custom of all new comers. JEFFERSON JONES. January 12,1854. 47tf BLANK OeUOsT