Muscogee democrat. (Columbus, Ga.) 184?-18??, October 11, 1849, Image 2

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EE DEMOCRAT. ! W. W. ANDREWS. Wf ft* po**ihh : that tittle emanatiay hr/ the Veopte.and uniform tMapp/icrtfiox (e //.” Miinxiii}, <J f. ; . !!>- aic so crowded ‘ I.on oldiged lo lav over fWPW^Tnkiin* > ••!’ imv.-l’ ami many cimimtuiii cations designed loriliis is.-ue, among wlii.-li is a letter from our Sl!'any ( 'nr re-p ->n !*nt, n r im |> ter of lie •Wiir-|)alli,’ also several local items of interest. In due time we lmpe to clear the gui lies. F.vrn \Co pins —l’* i • ‘its desiring of preser. Tiiigthe re marks of Mr. I’eahody in this of the De tnocmt, oil tin* Strawberry Culture, can be supplied with extra copies ot this paper by calling at this otTice. Georgia i:u;< no\. As near as we can figure oit the returns, Got. Towns has been re-elected ly about three thousand majority, and tin* Democrats will have a majority of 5 oil joint ballot in the Legisla ture. We l ave room this week, for the (hi. bernatorial vote, only, In our next we will publish a complete list of the Senators and Rep resentatives, elect. Kleetion in .lluscogco* As we antii j tted, the Whigs have carried the ( day in old Mm mgre, but by a mini id majm ity. Tin* irul-yrr.ilrn! Democratic candidates could not shine. because of the tart. That the next L"gisbiflire have to elect nine Judge*, one of which is lor thh district, and of course it became necessary for tin aspirant for that station and his friend-, to mal e it an element it: the contest. The Wing party was therefore rallied, dad the victorv gained for the whole Whig ticket.— Hut for this contingency the result might have been different. Maj. II >m nd might have succeeded had not the election of a Judge rode over every other (jues tion of local interest. A* it wan, however, we do not think that the people j ut a veto on the Railroad project, as may he supposed, abroad. I; they had so meant, Gen. Bet hum? would have been returned.— True, he had a majority over Howard, hut he was much longer in the field, and had other advantage* which tins M ijor luid not. ‘flu* latter should not therefore, deem the It ii!road camp ir/ inli v.7 by bis defeat, hut should with reuewe 1 vigor. W'e nre sure that he will bo sustained by a large majority of the people ol the city. Os the successful candidates, we have hut a word to say. Col. Leou.ird is an honest mid intelligent gentleman, who will not permit the interests of the district to sutler in his h inds. Col. McDoflgald is an experienc'd and tulenlt and legislator, who may he ‘ relied on to do good service in behalf ol the people, i llis associate, Mr. Wooldridge, is a novice the law-making hu ine>~, hut no one douhts In* imegri t v and sound judgment. II • will probably make a good business member. At all • •.cuts we are disposed to ‘ givehima lair show mg before we pronounce a ver ilict against him. Only mu* thing wo rcijuiri* at his hands, that as the representative ol the cumin/ inter est. he \\ i!l not throw any obstacles in the way of our cUtj impro\cmei.ts, hot will, to the extent ol his pow- ; er, aid Ins colleagues in earning out the wishes of a majority of thu citizens of Columbus, in all matters J in which they alone are especially interested. W inti:i;'s Miu..—The experiment was made this morning at \\ inter's Mill, in the presence of several gentleman, to test I lie speed of grinding corn, w i'h one pair of stone, which resulted a* follows : One bushel in sij iy-tirn scmmtx / or at the rate of sixty bushels jirr hour , nearly, and that 100 without heat ing tin* meal any more than at the ordinary rate o: Is per hour ! The wheel us- and, is ILcIiV Centre Yen? Wv'ur'dr. n**ro i'u* w'no ran : I Surgical Ori:rati o \. —The important operation 1 of Lithotomy was performed oil the .'M inst. by I)* Craig, of this city, on the person ol a son of Mr. Nix,of Girard, aged Id years. The stone wis ex tracted hv “ liat is called the bi-lateral section, un i measured t | in lies in circumference. The little patient is lining well. We congratulate Dr. (Taig on the CRuij.Vte sucres* which has crowned this capi tal operation in his hands. With a little more expe rience added to his .-readiness ot nerve and scien tific skill, he bids fail to take as high rank as the high est, in this department of his profession . Mav the laurels won in this field of benevolence never wither on his brow. CoNV TNO We HIT !m|>)>V ll> ll'lllll that Mi s. M itchell ot Montgomery, (’a. Alii, who was injured lasi week by the upsetting f the Stage near I’leasant Mil, (!a. is convalescing rapidly. She is now al her sisters, Mrs. !\laj. John Mite hell's, in Harris Cos. and will, doubtless be able in a few days to travel homeward. Fir r Ci.iss Ilornt.s.— ‘)ur travelling friends nre requested to notice the advertisements in to day's paper ol the proprietors ol'the Washing ton Hail Macon (la. and Victoria Mouse, Char. le>t*n S. C. From personal experience, we are prepared to recommend those houses as belonging to the first class ot Hotels and every way worthy of public patronage. All that is wanting at >’ e ‘Hall” is the supervision of an ac compli:! ... L.un.. i to overlook the Ladies'de partment. Victoria House this desidera tum if “ up;’ • h V better house cannot be found ‘ e'"een ‘lit- city and New York. Ai o' j;;u \\ . me pleased to learn that Hugh Me bean, ’ ! •> has t'eeii. tor two rears confined in prison, under the charge oi murdering one Watley, in Kussel county, Ala., has, at length, after a second patient trial had before the Russel court, held last week, at Crawford, been acquitted of the crime ul -1 edged, and discharged. At the tirst trial. McLean was convicted of murder in the seroml degree, but the judgment was, for cause, ret aside, by the Su preme court, and anew trial granted, with the a foresaid result. The Jury were notout 1 5 minutes from tfie box. before the rendition of the verdict, which was received with much applause by the pub lic. Portrait ox itrst pack. ... This is a likeness of an intimate personal fiend of the Kditor. who has for years heen principal manager of Mr. I*. 1. Barntmi s Museum in New \otk, and who is now one ol this most respectable merchants of Broadway. By his energy in the management of the Museum the annual income oftho estab. lishment increased, in,a short time, from STOOD to 827,000, and when he relitnpiished the busi* ness, tire Proprietor presented him a magniticent Service ol Silver, in token of his appreciation of the rare skill and faithfulness of Mr. H. as a manager. In his new voiuitioit of merchant, (ns senior of the firm nf Hitchcock & L“:idhetter. 34i Broadway) he is, already on the high road to opulence. The following is the published ot principles oi the firm, as sot , back ol their husine-s cards : >Uf ‘ - ‘*'••• !;-< policy Oar <■;<!, J”^ ,ueul Equity. Our faith is ‘Doing to otherslfcJ&*’™ ul ‘ 1 havt ‘ others do to us.’ . Our terms are cash anil no variation in Our rtu'oin is to show our goods Iree!y---treatS every one politely blit urge no one to purchase. Our h •i;>e is to secure the patronage of the .public by adhering to these principles and giv. undivided attention to our business. Men with such principles, backed by pecu liar industry, tact and method, cannot fail o! sue ces*-* This houe is already a formidable rival ol Stuart's and is bound to prospet exceedingly. Corim:. was llie Wvturiipka Stale (•uaiduiid iiD’ tli Montgomery Gazette, says the la'ti'r, that alluded to the caudal extremity. of Mr. Reiser's Linen lining 100 short for Senator ial honors! Our Suh-Kditor made the error, w hii li we Ii asten to correct for him, not lieing w illing to see the ‘Guard’man shorn of any ol Ids laurel s. Central Rail Road.-- We say but the simile truth when we declare that, on the whole route between this city and New York, there is no rail-road liiat can compare with the Central Road from Macon to Savannah, in the elements of speed, comfort, and accommodation. The ears are oftlu’ lirst class; the road is in tirst rate older and the coil rotors and managers are gentlemen. We can sav tire same also of the. Macon and Western Rond from M ir on to Raines. \ ills-. Hut llie Lord deliver us from another pas sage over the route from Charleston S. C. via Wilmington ('. to the Potomac river ! This whole route needs immediate renovation. The filthy Steamer ‘Wilmington’ should he sunk into the depths ofihe sea. The various Rail Roads must he renovated arid connexions made at IV. lershurgh and Richmond, or else the line, will he ahan l ined hy all decent travellers. The change from the cars to the splendid steamer Ihilimore, going nnt , and from the Steamer Jessup to the Cars on the Central road coming south was superlatively agreeable ; something j similar to the | assage of the weary traveller from the deserts ill Z iliara to an Hden-like O.i ----1 sis, where flowers Ideom aad rivulets sparkle on the pathway ! %r fiije, after a journey of near three th uisan I rnihv through seven Suites of ihis glorious I nioii. we arc prepared to give it ns our opinion that Ceorgin is a Model State, the Central Ronda Model mil.way and the man that provides dinner lor travellers at the 9(1 mile station a model tavern keeper ! Mi.'Rnr.R.—A man of the name of Madison M. Jones, from Monroe comity, Teiin., was killed nbmit 0 miles North of this city, on Thursday night last, l>y George \Y . Kvans and Martha Stevens. Minns is a son of a woman familiarly known as “Old Mrs. Kentiick,” who has for several years kept a grocery and house of illfaine, on the Hamilton road. On the night in ijoration, Jones sojourned with “Mrs. Kentiick,” and a difficulty arose ahmitthe payment ot his hill, which she thought he meant not to s'tile. He however started to the wagon cainp near hy, I” 1 got the money, when lie was followed hy F.vnns and Ins mistress, the girl Stevens, anil killed, being tirst knocked down |iy the woman, a ml then stabbed sever al times by (ieorge. The latter made his escape, ’ hut was pursued hy our City Marshal and Deputy, with three others, and captured, six miles W est of | Crawford, Ala. lie and Martha Stciens, after ex amination before the Mayor and Justices Quin and Howell, on Friday, were committed to jail to await their trial at the Superior Court. On Friday night the rookery occupied hy the parties was raxed to the ground hy order ol Judge Mynah, who issued the usual summary pro.-ess, in such cases. II kkfeiii an i1 a ite. Those who use patent notes in music are invited to examine the “lles pei ian Harp” anew music hook hy Dr. Win. Houser, Jelferson county, Georgia, on sale at Robinsons Hook store. \V e are not a oonnis seur in tli divine art of music, and cannot there, lore judge of the merits of this work. \\ e hear it spoken of, however, in terms of extravagant eulogy. ,Sec advertisement. New Cot ion Steamer Wyn.nton. —Our esteemed friend ('apt. ('. Cadwallader, has just completed a tine new boat, bearing the above name. The following arc her dimension!) : Length on deck, 150 leet ; hicadlh ol beam 29 feet ; depth •>t hold 5j led ; height between decks I ! feet. The hull was built with the best matei ials, under the direction of ( apt. C. and what is leiuarkable, notwithstanding the extra size, of her timbers, and the large amount of fastenings, she only draws 20 inches water, i light. The engines were built by Mr. T. K. I,ili'h, of the following dimensions; two cylin ders, Hi inches in diameter, with (IJ feet stroke; two boilers 08 inches in diameter 2-1 J feet long. The IV. is furnished with a flue Doctor for sup plv ing the boilers ; n lire engine and all the nee. esstiry accompaniments. Also, a pipe tor con veying steam into the hold in case of lire. In lining her out, (‘apt. C. has spared neither pains imr expense. Wo feel confident our southern friends will do her justice when she arrives at Columbus, for which port she leaves oo Thurs day next. The W. is intended for a regular packet on the Chattahoochee river. Pillsh'g Com. Jour. Or!. Capt. Cadwallader is expected here on or a bout the Ist Nov. and is laden with Flour, Hope Bagging Ate. for Hill. Dawson vV Cos. We mi. 1 derstand that Capt. John A. Morton will lake’ command of the ‘ Wynnton” on her arrival, and ply her as a regular trader between this city and Appuluchieoln. Stii.i. Another — The new Steamer Mary owned by Berry, Meilian and \\ inter was to leave Pittsburgh for ibis place on the 10;li inst. She is a light ifrauglit boat (2-f inches) L>o feet long, 22 feet floor, //old, 2 feet 17 inches cylinders, and 0 feet stroke, and is designed for the Chattahoochee trade. A Covin., must WF.u m.snr.veo.—The Cham lieis (Ala.) Tribune, thus speaks of the “ improve ments ” of Mr. John G. Winter and Sons, in this place and Montgomery. The “ first speaker “in the dialogue has done the Winters justice and nothing more. Such enterprise as they have manifested cannot fail to benefit the public as well as enrich them-elves. In truth, those gentlemen h ive not yet received the credit to w hich they arc entitled, in view ! of the valuable additions they have made and are now making to the productive industry of the cities j mentioned: *• How John G Winter lias improved Montgome ry and Cnlumhns exclaimed a gentleman, in the sireet. t'other morning. *’ I’roeiselv,” said another; ! hot he is very selfish, and besides lie shaves ‘em all | to the hone.” “It makes no difference.” replied the first speaker — 14 he builds fine houses, large facto- ] fries, a !,|s to taxable property, grinds their wheat, makes huekets and tubs, improves town lots, casts piill-wlieeis atnl makes window sash and flooring hoards! A man of enterprise and judgement like ties, will always shave the dullards and sluggaitJs who sepia! in the shade and talk polities. He will grow richer while they grow poorer!'* We said nothing. ” Fi.oripa War. —A dispatch from Gen. Twiggs, r date of 2;M Sept., s.i\> that on the 1 Stli lie had a tvy’iii with the Chiefs of the Florida Indians, at Charlottes flarhor—that they disclaimed, for the tia all unfriendly disposition, and will surrender the [ erpetrators of the outrages, sometime i.i October.— Gen. Twiggs seems to have confidence iu the assur ance* llru* given them. IBDM@®(@l[i EHEMtgMTT- The Stkawjikruy Culture. —VVe would refer our readers to Mr. Peabody's notice, offerring his acclimated Strawberry for sale. Also to his edito rial article, on 4th pajre, for some account of his mode of culture of this delicious fruit. Indeed we think that our country friends will do themselves an essential service by possessing themselves of the enlightened practical suggestions of our associate Editor in the various departments of agricultural science, which they can do, at smail cost, by sub scribing for this journal. For $lO, five copies of the paper will he sent for one year. Important Decision. —A case involving the ques tion ol the liability of the subscribers to the Green* vilie and Columbia (S. C.) Railroad, was decided at the latter place on the 3d in>t.., which is ‘worthy of notice. The Railroad company sued a party* for non-payment of instalments on their subscription, and the defendants plead that the only penalty al lowed by ths charter was a forfeiture of the tdiare*, and that therefore, the company could not sue at law. The court decided against the defendant*. The case (says the Telegraph.) will be taken up to the Court ot Appeals. .'lcchanics mid their Tm luccr*. Our opposition to ’iio pohey of making nf/fmes mechanics, and nr.;rentes operatives in cotton facto ries, is the result, of a deep-seated conviction that the perfection of mi Hi a measure would he the se verest blow which the “peculiar institution” of the South can pnwihlv receive in the house of its frien Is. Its effect, we believe, will lx* to alienate therefrom a large and increasing portion of the citizens of the commonwealtlt; wl*. have heretofore pivcu warmest support a id thereby weaken a system within, which not all the batteries of fanaticism from without ran assail successfully. This is our deliberate opin ion. which as a native, and citizen of the South, we have formed, with prejudices and feelings as adverse to abolition fanaticism and tendencies, as the in >*4 ultra Soul hern man within the limits of the Gulf States. It j- indeed, Irom a conviction that the (’niton. Rice and Culture of the South is a* dapteil to Alliran since labor alone, that we have gathered our strongest arguments in favor of the institution itsell, and the same reasons induce ns to oppose the jo/u t/. now advocated, of a tliicr ut 7 ol this species ot l.ilitr to mechanical and mamifactur- imlT pursuits. W ith all our warmth of respect lor the s\ . tcni <i < it exists, ami as it scimih detiiuned to ex ist. hy the Great Author of the human race, we are mi v\ iliintr to see a t rainier of its legitimate field of op eration to a different sphere, where it will come into ruinous mmpetion w t 1 the skill, labor, arid ingenui ty of the poor white <• iti/ n. ‘i’his is the sum of our otlence. on this topic, ami lor which, I'ifih,” a cor respondent ol tin* Macon Telegraph, denounces, ns as preaching ‘’abolitionism ol the deepest die.” So ah.-urd a charge from an anonymous source, is un worthy of any tiling more than our special con tempt ! fiiv-thihle s< orn is i!ie only fiftii r answer we have t* jjive to such pitiful scribblers, who lor, lack ol a good cause or eood argument, deal in rail in': ace 11 sat ions and contemptible sinner. I nis same 1* 1 till, who is said t> he a Macon law yer and a FowE'tlul mm in his own estimation, nl ledei's that one ol our articles ‘‘had a direct tcnd ui cv to create a had teelinu between the slave holder and the lazy indolent mechanics of the coun try, w ho have left their own homes ami settled us, to make a fortune u ilhnul shill, indusln/ or mer it .” Hear you this, mechanic*? Is this the char acter you hear in this community ? We had come to a different conclusion, and have aimed to maintain your {food name and interests unimpaired. Hut, per haps. we have been mistaken, and it is “love’s labor lost,” to interfere in your hehall ! What say you ? We have desired to see all the mechanic arts pros per in the South, as one of tin* menus of deliverance Irom tyranny and oppression, but if ye arc all ‘’without skill, industry or merit,” and a set of ‘’lazy and indolent” tellows, our desires will fail of gratification, and the policy we now oppose mav he* come the work of necessity. That time is not, how* ever, yet, nor will it ever come, if the mechanics of the iState will he true to themselves and timely re sist, as men, all encroachments upon their dearest rights and privileges. I*. S.—Since the above was written, we notice that onr cotcmporarv, tin* Columbus Tunes, lias copied “I'ihbV article from the Macon Telegraph, and endorsed the same by a commendatory preface ! We would respectfully impure of our neighbor, it we umler.-tand him also to endorse the inclination of ‘•Ribb, * that we have advocated uhali/ion doctrines, ! or if he meant to charge that, we have raided the question involved for **r hr/vion., j r ,i’ purposes.” Much as we would dislike to renew a controversy withour: coteinpoiary on innj sulije M, we cannot he silent w hen we i.hserve ulnt seems to he a toverf at tempt to inflict a stab upon us. under the wiim of another’s responsibility. Possibly, it would he quite as well to let old ifrudjes lie dormant, as well as present tears from successlu! rivalship. If he thinks otherwise, why so to it. While we shall studiously avoid aggression upon his rights ami leel inos, we shall, as herelo'ore, endeavor to euanl our ow n with more than usual punctiliousness. Verb, sun. sat. The Albany Patriot. The editor of this journal need not crow quite so lustily over the defeat of our friend Jackson. The I latter may have “'better lurk next lime.” In the late contest, he had scarcely a “white man's chance,” owing to the vi humus course pursued against him by the wire-workers of Raker. He was, moreover, necessarily absent, with a sick family, during most of the campaign, and when lie did take the field lie was prevented by sickness from keeping it, up to the day of election. Add to this the fact, so discreditable to the Albany Patriot, that they would not publish i Jackson’s second circular in time to suit his purpose, which was the refutation of the many falsehoods cir culated against him. and we do not marvel, at all, at his deleat. ft could imt well have heen otherwise, under the present system of party drill, by which men are driven blindfold into the support of party nominations,’ like so many rattle to the shambles, without thought or reflection as to the fate that awaits l hem. ’l'lie Patriot misrepresents Mr. Jackson, when it charges that he had ‘ secured the special support of a press in (’obiitihus.” We only gave him a show ing in onr columns, because the editors of the Patriot had not independence enough to permit him a place in theirs,we would do the same favortoanv gentleman similarly situated. As to our aiding Coi. ( 'lark's election, we have nothing special to say, only, that wo did not so intend it. Were we a little nearer to that coekadooilleiio's dunghill, we nihdit have succeeded hotter in ruffling his pin-feathers. As it was,lie was thrown into such awful trepidation hv the report of a lew random shots we made in lhat di rection. that he like to have died of the gnjicx, several weeks before the election ! Let him take care, then, how lie provokes a surer aim and more fatal arrow from onr quiver, llis insignificance is his best shield and defence, and we may not disturb his Senatorial ‘•otinm cum dignitate,” unless he invites notice by his present superciliousness or his future aspirations after a seat in Congress 1 When such an “avalanche” of degradation threatens, we will he suie te “stand from under,” and no mistake ! From California. We are indebted to onr late townsman, \V. T. Terry, now at Sail Francisco, fora file of the “Alta California,” from August 9, to August 31, inclusive. There is nothing ol special interest in these papers. The election ol Delegates to the Convention at Mon terey, on the 31st August, had taken place. The object ot this convention was to frame a Slate Con stitution. The whole number of Delegates was 66. San Francisco was improving rapidly in every re spect, not excepting morals and religion. Six Churches bad been organized, one of each of the following denominations : Catholic, Baptist, Pres byterian, Methodist,Congregutionalist and Episcopal, besides a Chaplaincy. Four Sabbath Schools, had also been established. On the 31st August, the ship Humboldt arrived with 326 passengers, in 101 days from Panama. Messrs. Faber, Peters, Lemon and others, Irom this city, were on board this vessel.— ‘ What & time the boys have had 1 TOTH FOR GOV Fit \ OH. 1847. 1819. t ■* ~s r “ “ counties. Clinch. Towns. Hill. Towns. mg 106 IGO <‘oo 000 Baker 246 425 273 540 Baldwin 317 315 357 300 Bilih <,02 665 634 734 Brvau Jl2 69 m. 8 000 Bulloch 34 362 23 4<>3 Burke 690 370 464 313 Butts 243 354 264 411 Camden 69 IB! 000 000 Campbell 251 609 311 653 Carroll 362 705 421 889 Cans 731 131! 905 10 1 C'iiu ilia in 776 632 666 736 Chuttoogii 350 426 000 in. 51 Cherokee 691 977 000 iu. 300 Clark 616 437 584 451 Col.h 713 975 883 1089 Columbia 489 282 30l 2-0 Coweta 7.58 645 m. 50 Ui'O Craw ford 361 451 377 •!’ I Dndr 63 236 COO COO Devaior 391 385 419 390 Dehrtlb 759 990 832 lUI 1 Do<dy 317 517 311 515 KWrlv 152 3< 8 114 457 175 110 202 121 Idh.-rt 9. .6 171 995 195 F.m iint'l 195 269 000 tu. 167 I- N it * 417 <ll 419 697 1 lout 569 600 738 759 I'i.r.Mlli 453 657 4'.*6 753 Fr mkliii 351 1032 389 974 <ii iner 297 786 283 837 Gjfttin 121 33 91 33 Ii 796 !3| 761 123 (i vimjett 746 71 1 in. 60 000 II dier.slitlin 4 16 78 1 322 771 II dl 527 683 542 635 I lutt rock 1.6 321 412 311 Harris 7.85 409 m. 307 000 11-urd 355 452 3.55 486 11’ifiv 588 878 910 895 n<*-Mtoti ov7 687 s<*B 681 I win *',6 813 000 090 J t il *rsop 519 93 430 107 Jones 406 143 090 m . -J8 I .ii ti re ii s 455 22 537 58 Lee. 3.20 206 330 219 LiieTi \ 18.5 142 153 H 6 Lincoln 267 175 2*2 172 Lowndes 422 355 419 430 Lumpkin.. .. 5.40 973 5.50 935 Macon 383 321 in. <•<) Olio Mu.list,n 356 3(535 2;'4 87.5 W;.i,,ii 150 470 000 m. 40 Melrilnsli 135 117 79 182 .Meriwether 73J 792 7'< l J,84 Mtinroe 6 ‘.B 670 782 1.50 -Montgomery 2*34 27 (.1,0 .000 Morgan ...” 333 28H m. 104 0(0 Miirmv 502 949 793 1177 M uscogcr. 1089 1858 1<:30 057 N**w toil 913 4 12 910 510 OJotlmipe 470 I -2 COM 306 I’.lidding 2*7? 7.'l 860 507 I*i ’ e 737 03.5 719 895 I'ula ki 2*19 307 215 399 I* it t nfi in 383 37 1 31.5 L ‘iliiiii. . 59 299 2 ! 3: 4 Hi* hitimid 679 488 739 512 Seliven 195 222 000 rn. 27 Sirwnrl 907 736 m. 174 000 Simper .571 466 <‘62 .577 *ln Unit 711 613 796 7*86 Ttilinf-rro 3< 3 63 in. 259 000 ‘l'n i mill 2*91 ~6 317 96 Tell), tr 183 162 173 2*19 rii'.im.s 411 330 416 311 Troup 1083 433 in 650 000 ‘I ’ w il’ J 267 411 330 893 I'nit.n 300 713 000 000 I ll**, n (ill 356 620 423 W ii liter 63 * 770 000 n, 180 W.tllon 336 731 000 in. 2*0.5 Wan- 205 295 000 000 Warren 575 995 595 417 Washington 612 558 57 2 592 W*M,e 62 81 000 000 W Ikes 491 313 440 822 \\ ilkinaon 383 513 382 507 41,931 43,220 Tim Next Jedokmiir.— I Tim democratic Legislature, in prospective, lias already stirred up a tntmln-r of patriotic aspirants for the va cancy which will occur, next year, on the bench of the Chattahoochee Circuit. Among these already announced as candidates, we hear id tlie'-4>llo\ving: (Jen. J. N. IWtlmJie, Judge Sturgis, James Johnston, Esq., an I //on. A. Iverson, of Columbus, and Porter Ingram Esq., of //arris. ll niv many more will convene at M illeilgville, on the Ist Monday ot Novemlrer, like Imzzards around a fat carcass, we ate not aide to say. Doubtless, their name will be “/re/,i/i,and all ol the genuine breed of “lokey foltys,” without a single striped coon to poke iiis nose into the “flesh-pots of Kgyptl Well, we hope they will have a good time of it and not fall out by the way, because all, but one, is doomed in disappointment. The Lagrange Iteporter. During the recent absence ot the Kditor of this paper tli. 1 rolnms of the Lagrange Reporter were opened to a scurrilous attack upon him, personally, from the pen of “ Another Devil,’’ whom we suspect to lie no other than liis honor Judge Hill, himself! He this as it may, we now lieel entirely too good Ma tured to make any sort of reply to the calumnious assault. Indeed we look upon it as rather compli mentary, than otherwise, that tiie “ Muscogee Demo crat ” should have been tiie recipient of so much a- Inise from Hill's friends, throughout the State, inas much as it was good evidence that this Journal and its correspondent, “Civis,” had been frit in tiie canvas, and there was no other wav to destroy its influence, than bv attacking tlie respectability ofoor sheet and its conductor. The result of the election shows, how ever, that we and others did not labor in vain.— We have the promt satisfaction to know that the freemen of Georgia have not consented to place in the Executive rlmir, a man of the notoriously intem perate amt reckless character of Judge Hill. liis defeat may be viewed as a signal rebuke to liis own aspirations as well as to the party that placed him in nomination, aval it ought to lie a well remembered lesson for politicians, in all time to come, bow they support men ol doubtful morality and rectitude, for posts of honor and dignity in the commonwealth.— Dor ourselves, il we have contributed in any degree to a ronsiiinmalion so desirable, we are content even to take the severest lampomting which vindictive par tizans mav be able to inflict, without murmuring.— “ir'mry enough for one day,” to feel that the State Iras been saved from dishonor, and we nre now so full of that glory, that we would not, at this mo ment, inflict stripes upon the meanest puppy that might snarl and snap its malice at our heels. This is all the answer we have to make to the “ Report er ” and its correspondents. The Tariff of Hostage.— S. R. Hobbey, Ist Ass’t I’. M. Cleneral. has written a letter to the I’osl- Master at Wheeling, continuing the practise of charging double postage upon letters weighing over an once. He says that the late law of Congress oa the s object “ Adopts a rule for this country uniform with the one that prevails in Great Britain and Germany, to wit: To count the half ounce in rating postage, t iat is wlipn the letter does not exceed the weight ot halt an ounce. When the letter exceeds the weight oj is required to he rated by the ounce. For instance, if weighing less than an ounce not more than half an ounce, it is to he charged with two rates ot postage ; if weighing over an ounce, but less than two ounces, with four rates of postage, [no matter how little the excess, it is to be charged the same as if it weighed two ounces.] it over two oun ces. but less than three, six rates of postage, and so on.” Accordingly, a letter weighing the least fraction over one ounce lias double postage charged to it, in stead of one and a half. So unjust and onerous a a provision, it appears to us, was never intended by Congress, but if it were, no time should be lost in ejecting its repeal. Its (fleet will only be to com pci merchants, Bankers. &c., to make up their pack ages in the precise weights specified by law, or a fraction less, so as to avoid the tarifTon the fraction al excess. Tiie dishonesty of the law w ill thus make it a dead letter, without improving the revenue of the Department. Latest from Europe. The Steamer- Canada arrived at Halifax Oct 2. No news ofspei ia! interest.. Cotton mar ket dull Imt the prices remain the same. Sales of the week reached 2S.UIK) bales. Money plenty in England. Cholera on the decline every where. Hlnuaky.—Comoro, at the latest advices, still held out. ‘The Magyars, it is said, had also decided to hold out. Spain.—The new Ministers were assembling at Madrid. No notice bad been taken, thus far of Cuban affairs. Ifoi.LAM/.— The Dutch .Ministry have re signed and the King ir.ts accepted tiiei/ resigna tions, and “iven directions for another Cabinei Council to lie held. FitAlVrß.—The French Metropolitan Council had commenced its sittings at I’aris. The Pope was at Naples. Ti’ukky. —-The Turkish Government have come to the resolution not to surrender do - Hungarian, Refugees to either the Russians or the Austrians. MAItV LA M> El.t:* rtoN. —The Democrats have, trained one member ot Congress in Mary land. ■ • , n /,_. Rah, Road Convhn convention was held at Talladega, A iu., Sept 24ih to devise measures to connect the Statei s.ofjjip Tennes see and Alabama rivers bv means ad a Rad Road. The route proposed 1 allude ga and Benton conn lies* to H-lma. anil coil- Meeting with the Teiinejtsee ami Coosa river Rail Rond at Gadsden iu Chei4ieis couirtv. Convicted The ringleaders id the Vtor Mouse Rioters in New \ ork have been convic ted. E. Z. C. Jit.lson alias ‘Ned Runtime’ wa sentenced to 12 mouths imprisonment and a line of 0(1. Others to three and one month’s iniprOoiinieiit. i> 11: D, tu !*• i iljo-purt. at itirs house of liis mother, nn Ihe Itlili jn-t., Mr. .lons ii. I'KißiOr. ii“0:1 :(7, Junior : Ward n ul Tiiuiiy t iiurrli iu Coluinbus. tin. j Mr. t'ratioily i utile to llu* \triti iHmut four weeks nines. in llie presecoti'-n of n-oss-urv f.isiuoss, brine I ing with him llu* seed, ut it;-r ise w, iteve . pme ilieniselves inlu lever, teruiiiuiied talnlty alter an iiiues.- nf eleven titty a. j A Pastor, will) Iris iieen pleasantly ns.oeialrit wilti ! liim uve Ive voir- in :ti **o > I w irk ol *-(’tiri -Ia tut 11 is t'liurrti,” an il who is erenllv i 11 . i * bit’ll to him lor llie ! ati oit(I unt tilessiues of a eurvesMut mini-liv, toars ll:o-l ! grateful t eat ill) oil v 1 ■ lii - eon-i-lent ('ll i-li in di*|lort .enl nut enriusi zeal. Itmiue lieen er irioii-lv tnvored tu-. . ul lioit, iu lieing permilted In Tie with hull iu his lasi ! Ilnurs. 11l II ilislaueejof a diousal it miles from tin ir uii.tuiil | home, lie was vvimess to Ibo peni-elulness of tli- taller rnd, and etlli eoinliil'l the Itereaieil ii Ii hii he tins tel; won Hie ilia I ti is di-alli w a s Hu. I of “Hie tdessed olio | die in the I. orit, vvhoe works/halt follow them.” ..*••• v Mav llie rovenanleil prnmi-i sos “the I ntli ?r of ttie fatherti-ss and tire wuh.w',- t,’od ” l/e utmudanbiv folfitb-rt to tn-r who is desohoe, and her ret rll tulle ones, so i tin I ihonali lie shall mu ulniu in dn-m, ihev nay in God's Ciiod linn, lie reu dy logo In hin:. kt ■ D (’O ITON MARKKT. Till! news front I'kiropp, intlica tinjr <i tininess iti <!i<* (’otfon Alfirlvel ol Liverpool, has cnnsctl ;t slight, depres sion in prices liore, since our ia>t i|ito tations. On yesfenlav, prices ran,i/ed from i) to 1) ‘l-2. To day, about the same. Kt*<toipts to the preedit tune, near 3,000 Bales. NOTICE TO FI.OI’R DEM.ERS. Winter's Pa lace Milk COI.CMBCS, Ovt. ti. D*dP. rSNlll’S!’. MILLS will commence making Fluor ■L o| different (pi this, from fine In extra >u nr line, the last of next week, liefure the end of this month we shall lie in receipt nf live tlmnsaml liuslii'ls of prime wheat from Ft. Louis, anti ave v\ill then sell Fluor tn Merchants nt nr.e dollar per barrel on New Orleans priee, fur a similar quality. • As Fmiir cannqjlie imported Iron) Orleans fur one tl.dlar per barrel, merchants in this city, on the Chattahoochee River.and in tli - surrounding counties, wi I Is ml il to their advantage Iu depend upon tlie-o mills lur tli -ir 1 supplies. They will procure a fcslu r and more reliable article. JO. JRFFKUSON, Clerk. Columbus, Oct. 11. IS It). 41 t! CORN WANTED, FOR which the lUGHFST priee will be paid at WIN rFR'S I'ALACB MILLS. October 11, 1849 -11—ts fiimi FfFiiPM iulldluilli Mil tlmlllL Have taken the capacious Store recently occupied In L. J. Davies, nc*t door to their oW stand, under the’ St. .Mary's Bank, BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GA., which they have lifted lip in a superior style lor t lie exhibition and sale of MUSIC AHO, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, of every description, such as Nunn’s & Clark's and Chickcrinps splendid Rosewood and Mahogany (with and without the Jiohan aitachrnen's and patent tuneable reeds,) Guitars, Violins, Elutes, Bra.-s Instruments, Accc.rd.eons, Bows, Strings, &.e. (pp All the most popular MUSIC of the day, though not pcblisued here, will be received monthly, and sold on the most favorable terms. THEIR STOCK OF FILMS! M®m, is also very desirable and extensive, consisting in part of Plated Ware, Temper ance Jewels, Gold \.\d Silver “Watches, Jeweluv, Read Bags, Ladies’ Fa.\s, V. ork Boxes and M riting Desks, with numerous other beautiful, new and useful articles, too tedious to mention. IQ 35 WATCHES REPAIRED by a faithful workman. (pp Tlie Ladies are respectfully invited to call and view our improved facilities for the exhibition iind sale of our largo stock of goods. Columbus, Oct. 11, IST). [ll-tf] C. BRUNO & CO. N. B. Charles 11mm Importers of German and French Musical Instruments, No. 0* Liberty street, (up stairs) New York, will attend, personally, to the selection and purchase of Pianos and other goods for the house in Columbus. • C. 13. Si CO. , . RELIGIOUS NOTICE. Rev. 3lr. BALL, of'Rich niond, Ya. will preach in the Baptist Church, of this city, this (Thursday) evening. Columhus, Oct. 11th, 1810. C We are authorized to announce James Feeovso*, Esq., as a candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns, f Muscogee noiinlv, at the next January election. ip y~ \v e arc authorized to announce the name of Major E. J. If mi ix as a candidate for re-election to the offiee of Clerk of the Superior Court. [June 7, 1849. te] • J~f We are authorized to announce Francis A. Jarsos as a candidate for Sheriff of Muscogee county. Auoi.piiub S. Rctiierfobd will run with him as D*p ’ llt y. [June 7, 1849. 23te] . 1 r We are authorized to announce the name of Randai. Tillbry, as a candidate for the cffteo of Clerk of the Inferior ourt, at the ensuing election, in January <*-G MF f (01.M1L FRO( ELDLVLS. * ouncii Clintnber, Sept. S3, ISIS. . Council met pnrse.ant to adjournment—present, his’ honor the Mayor, Aid. Bard ii, J. B. Brookf*, l)ill, Hose suad. Jcjisun, Wynne nnd WoodrulK Absent—Aid. F. M. Brooks, t iayton. lla!l, Isee and Williams. After llie journal of i!* last meeting, Aid. I Id!st♦•:of moved to reconsider so much of the journal regards tli” res *1 n'ions permitting the construction of a plank road, for llie pH p- sc of an ani^^ieM —wl>ijcU \va*4 ;t<_**rc“d to. - ‘ Whereupon, Aid. Tlo’sLad “folJcnfing nrn MidmcntM. alter i . • words to collet*/ 4 “ cut of th* and ,;\;ttre nvo ceitfs on . ac!j • of cotton that may b# Mopped on sj.ji ri-ud from their respective wnrj*iiouM% :t.. i 1 1v*t s ild amount b- paid by those druys hauling cotton on said road. ’ ‘1 • s the last resolution on that aubject: “ And be it fii . ii- r r* *s. • and. lliat the alM*vc uaioad parties be requir’ and to run said road to the wharf, accord id-; to a plan submitted to the committee oil city improrai men's, ami that sid committ* * he instructed to auper iutend tiie iMime.’* Adopted. ‘l’he j ‘urnal t*f the last iin eling was (lien approved. IL Aid. Bard n : ILsnlvf and, That a committee of tvr !, appointed l>> It s :minr i’i • Mayor, for the |>urpoe of r. sup a (vuitraet b* t\Vreii the City Council of ('.,’u.< f tL’* on*■ jart ai.d Messrs. Ruse. Pcttan hr IL;e* - . Rtl reway 3c < * ::i! ; . li* S. Smith A. Cos. and C. S. <i- ii\v td 3C Ct- ttf t!. other part, for tiie oonatruo- I ii* it of a plat;!; v• j 111 1 :i i**i;i if at !!. S. Smith’s waro fioiis * and rimnin'; :<> t!:-‘ wharf, with the conditions and •pi it: - iii” ci ! contract fully set forth, and report iV > lit-Cm -.a: iis next regular meeting. Adnpud. \\ i!>**m is: 11 nor ihe .Mayo*- appo.nted Aid. Barden and Williams that committee. IL. VI. Lid n: hl)‘-in : represented to Council, by il, . j. , of tin* Ass'slant Ihigiueer of the Fire Depart ment of tin* city >f C*>!umb:is, that there are several of t!,,. r< i’. it ated .11 did', rent parts of the city that will not hold water, and wli.-r* as it is important to tho Halt - !\ of in*- p Gpeity of su'd city that said reservoirs slum'*l at a'! tim-’s l kept full of water, and whereat it is evident that th - p * smt arrungement with Mr. B T. !ve son cairn a he r*-.i and on with any decree of certainty lur hi:;.,-: and h. • p n r Idled on!) a pail of said rcserrwira r IL* ii ,; i *re r > ivt and. that tile committee 011 rngina v a : st* and hy th ’ chief ♦•n-j'neer, he insliue.ed forthwith to I inplov soini* cnuij t*. nt person to put in good order all of said reservoirs that are out of order, and that said committee and chief engineer be further instructed to adopt the best and most pr< per means to have all tho res *rvoi:s in sad city inmn diately filled with water, that are n- t aril cannot bo filled under the contract with Mr. J{. V. Ivcison, and rfjiort their actings and doinga in tho premh- s to Council, at its in \t regular meeting. Adopted. Bv Aid. Bad n : R- solverl, that the coinmittea o|k ( Oimnons b * instructed to e\ inline into the condition of th- v. I.arv* s. and if any repairs are found neceaaary lo !).- made,t!iat m and committee notify the ( ‘oluiubua wharf company to repair sad whaif before the businesH season ciiiniiiPiK” s. Adc-pt* and. By Aid. Holst* ad : Resolved, that the bridge commit t* -i- instructed to ascertain the best means of lighting the city bi’.dge, and n poi t the same to C,‘9i>ucil ss snip . us pructlcab e. Adopted. By Aid. llolstead: Resolved, that Tliornaa McCarty h** permitted to tianse r his retail lic.enso to M’ni. Di'g- • hail, by Ins giving bonds according to the ordinancaa £* lh-city. Adopt and. By Aid. Baiden : R* solved, that the committae on “hospital Im* uitlho;:// and and instructed to examine into th* roudiiKHi of the him.line of sard hospital, and 10 purchaa* such ait.eics of furniture as may he deemed necessary for tin- emforl of tiie inmates of the same. Adopted. By Aid. WoodruiF: Re solved, that the cumiuittea •tx coni 1 arts have the fence repaired around the aogra burying ground. \<!*>pted. B\ Aid. Wood :tl*: R solved, ti nt a committee Wi appo ntrd to ea’l tli** *s of the .Muscogee Asvluru for th.- |*vr. and b e wl ai the prospect is for the per iVeting of tin- j • lor tin- same, and report ut the next r< gu’.t •no )... Adopt*d. \\ !c rcr.jion Ins Honor tha M.t , ■ opp tlnh and Aid. Woodmif. Jrp.soii and Dill us that commit f. Tin- ho :d and n o mim ndaiion *'f Win. Diglian fam rt . r.•_*!}> •.1 *=. were pn s-ntrd to ('ounril and appiaTed. The ft.;* ving * • t.H,. > v.t ic presented to (.'ouncii: One in fa\or of B L-glcam, of §3O 00 *• •* N ptnm- I'ir* l.’o. No. 3, 27 00 “ .S. M. Ingersoll, 13 0% WJih'h w-re onhr* dto be paid. (Vunci! then adjourn* and l ii lkicsday. t!ie 2d Oct naxt, at 7 o’eik. j>. m. CAFA JX STHATTO Y, CUrk