Muscogee democrat. (Columbus, Ga.) 184?-18??, October 11, 1849, Image 3

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jr. & J. HAVE JUST RECEIVED AND OPENED THE RICHEST AND 3IOST EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF MM3 MIJ SMI HUMUS, That the) hu\c ever been able to exhibit to their numerous patrons. Tiie LADIES will find the stock of DRESS and FANCY GOODS all that the most refined and fastidious taste could desire, such ns Silks, Alapacas, Delaines, Cashmeres, Merinos, Long Shawls, Mantillas, Embroi dered Laee Capes , Bonnets, Ribbons, Ginghams, Gloves, Ac. Ac. of the -most fashionable styles and patterns. 1 he Genti.emen will find a splendid assortment of French, German and American Ci.otiis, Cassimf.res, Vestings, Hats, Cars, Cravats, Ac. Ac. And last, though not least, the Planter can be furnished, as usual, with : -a choice assortment ot every article desired tor plantation use, such ns NEGRO LINSEYS and KERSEYS, NEGRO BLANKETS, Negro M ooi. Hats, Negro Brogans, Osn ari kgs, , Sheetings, Shirtings, Ac. Ac. All of which have been selected with great care, by an experienced pur chaser. and will be sold at the fairest market prices. The undersigned, thankful for the liberal custom heretofore extended to their house, are detcr riiiiied that nothing shall he wanting on their part, to merit a continuance of the public patronage, v . Columbus, Oct. 1 !, [4l-tf] J. & J. KYLE. II E € 11 A J* 1 C SA IU A K. # Statement or the Condition or the Mechanics’ Bank, Aigista, Ga. and its Agencies, On Monday Evening, October 1, ISI9. IJ ABILITIES. Capital Stock . $ 500,000 00 Circulation, - 528,591 00 Amount due Depositor*, • . •*... IS-1 5)69 .‘III Amount due Banka, - - - - - . . . . . (j 81.3 2.3 lliridcnd unpaid, • . 31* 00 Dividend declared this day, • 30,000 00 fund and undivided profit h, 122 576 83 Balauic# with Agencies, - • , 1.008 11 Total Linbiliti.., $1,378,190 56 ASSETS. ftpreir, --------- $254,499 77 Notes of other banks, - - 100 060 GO Amount due by bunks, gyjj Kiehanjr* running to maturity, 417.1012 60 Natea Discounted running lo maturity, - 310 303 10 Bill* and Notes under protest, • ...... 4 060 00 ** “ lying over, - - - - . . . 3.318 25 ” > 8,595 32 u in judgment, • 15,191 21 Os which is considered bad and doubtful, . . • 14 768 82 Bfcal Katato, : : : : i * i j . 72,793 36 Basil* #f tha State of (ieorgia, > > i > i : 68.522 5C •• of the City of Auguata, ) ii : i j J 8.751 7*. 0 . . , ... - 97,274 27 otook in other Inutitutioni, J : : i ; : 14 296 80 , T’.’* 1 jy l *. . : t t t __ SL3*H,I9O 56 UWK OE-GKOKOIA—RICHMOND COl/VI V ~ ~ ~ r ~‘ ~ * r r cpi.'gcd, Artrn,., (inuld, and Milo Hatch, Cathie, who keintr .worn a., that ,h. ..M.d .. a c0..d0"...d ..u.c'.om ot tho condition of the Mechanic.’ Rank and .1., on Monde,, Oct.U, ] U 9, and which they beli<*\e to be just and true. (Signed,) * •warn to before me. thin Ith d*\ of October, 1049 ? a r.nt'i i* i r. PEMKERTON, Nat.n Fttbße. ( *. I.Alt"i, cT^eT* List of Stockiioi.dkks in the Mechanics’ Hank, Alcista, Oct. 1, 1849. Sh.irrt. | y. Admin, 5J ! KoUitn A. Allen, guarJian us Mary K. Walker, GO | J It. Bulklev 00 F*4tr lllndgct 75 K, J. Brown,r.tate of 1 Alfred Baker 500 Ju)tn Bale, 50 I **r S. Beer.'*, 30 lata* Or vnn 72 I James 11. Bithop, 01 Isaac Itrvan 75 l.duia Cress, 40 j Clark J. Cuok 50 Mi*a Sarah W. C uinniing, 35 | Ciaarge B. Cnrhorl 100 J iMfi W. l)av tea 5 iaha Deviton, 100 Hillary R. Frazier 0 Inertia* Gould 400 Mra. Jane Holden 1 lira. Martha Hughes, 4 J. Meigs Hand 10 Kdwanj flftttkell, 50 William June*, 15 G. B. I.vmr, fr ilie n• 0 | >|j*i June 1,. Summers,.. *SU Mri. Klir.shath R. Miller, 15 rM v Moore,estate of. G Thanaaa S. Metcalf, GGS Jas. McDowell, aerent Theological Seminary, 04 Jlmaa 11. Mniwell, 30 Wain K. Metcalf 104 Mr. Celia fi. Me tin If. |'o Mm WSir.a Roger* Metcalf, 100 Them** Neehitf 35 . . Total ntitoher of Sim res, t'oncliiioH of IMAK OF ST. MAUI’S, CD23^ 2JZ22Z3I-L2. il*o.’2 m ’.Qi£2<±<3£> ii A S it*E N I) Ell E D T II E GOVE It N 0 It. _ iijUl. 1.1 ABILITIES. ‘Capital Hock, --------- ?! 131,375 00 ■Nate* in elfcnlation. - * - - - - - 210.020 00 IVrßbirm due IV odors, ....... 77,118 57 287.138 57 Profit* undivided, ....... 45.061 35 Jli\idei)ds unpaid, ........ 1,422 40 16,483 75 $407,007 82 RESOURCES. Hold and silver coin, ::::::: 121 545 21 Consent Hank notes, : : : : : : : 15 001 00 Cash balances, in New York, New Orlean*. and Mobile, : : : 71,510 87—208.747 08 Due from Banks and Agent*, : : : : : : 27.631 *.B Bill* of Exchange maturing, :::::: 80.329 70 Advances on Cotton, 3.340 86 Note* discounted, 97,238 96 Bond*, mortgages, 14.240 00 Stock in this Bank, 2.7G1 96 Real estate and personal property, : : : : ; 16.317 39 33.319 35 Suspense account, 3 890 14 Judgments, : : : t : : ; ; 2,582 25 Notes and Bills under protest, : : : : : ; 10,917 70— 17.390 09 •S 167.997 32 ro'nmbns. Oa. 0.-t 9 1849. CEO W WINTER. Cashier. NOTICE. MUSCOGEE RAILROAD A 'l’ a meeting of the Hoard of Directors, held on the 21st August last, an additional instalment of JU| 10 on the stock snbseribed in said Company was levied, to be paid on the lat day of November next. All concerned will please cal! upon the Treusnrer, at his store, on that duy. By order of the Board of Directors. R. A. WARE, Treasurer. Oyt. 4th. 1819. 40-tIN M. E. Pl,inlay ‘ V,ar “; Albert O. l'armel-e rj Edward I'adrlfurd winin in i*. itnihhoiif, ;;;;;;;;;;;;; j. <() William ltnhin*on, William S. it.diert*, * W . S, „V l‘. I!. Rolierl*, ’’’ ( M | Joiiuh Si'dei , ..'.'*.*****.* ->'r, John Smith Joel Siniili * j (iporjrr \V . Siiinnif rn, “ ’ ejj C'lmilce Smith W'iiiinm Smith j j Miae Mary Jane Sima, ’ * a^ Krnatua (*. Scranton * Atnury Sihley, rafale of *.*.*.!!!!! 3. r Henry Strickland, * •>!. Oritiv Tuft W illiam O Thomaii jy llenrv Tlkmiim *, jq Mrthit J. Tlminan. Trustee* Mrs. I.mann |). Martin, ‘*3o “ *‘ “ Sumh I*. Ilihhen, 34 “ “ “ Man A. *S 11 mme re, 30 “ Minn Mtrill 11. Metcalf. hi “ Mary E. Metcalf !.. <)| “ Nathaniel Ci. Mctrnlf, !.. 57 Trustee o r Mm. 11. A Thoinn* anil children, 45 “ Mrt. Ann Shim nnd children, 40 “ Mrs. Judith IJihlrr 25 “ Mm. Mary A. W. .Stamen, 2rt Jnuim R. Walker... 05 Hrh*ce® Walker,..; on m. whitrteid, ; 0 Still Later Receipts. TT. LYNCH'S IJ. S. Exploring Expedition to Deed J Sen, Jordan, Am*. Ahhoi’s llin'ories of King* rid Queens of England. Their rapidstile speaks enough for them. Mti**nl*v’s Ifit<>rv of England, Hnrpsr's Fd., Arc., Ac. Irving's complete w*rk; School nml Miscellan eous Books; .Select Novel*, l*uper. Inkc. Ac. At. 1. T. ROBINSON, Aeguw 24,1049 31—ts [R|] OD ©© © ©■'H H E) 1030 0) ©MTT □ JUIXIE W. HARRIS. THOMAS A. BROWN. 1 WASHINGTON HALL, Corner ot Second anil Mulberry Streets, MACO.\, (!EG. October 11, 1819 41— ts \frCTORIA HOUSER KING STREET, Chnrleston, S. Carolina. DANIEL COOK, Proprietor. a , rjpllis establishment has recently been j ’7 C -H- thoriiiiohly renovated and well supplied iLJLSLwith liandsome furniture, and every other appendage of a first class Hotel. The proprietor has had ample experience in the business, and is de termined, that tho.'oh his house is not so extensive as some others, he will not be excelled by even the “crack ” Hotels of the city, in all needful accommo tions for the travelling public. An omnibus is daily in attendance to carry passengers to and from the Railroad depot and Steamboat wharves. Charges moderate. i)AN ILL COOK. Charleston, Oct. 181!) 41—tl STRAWBER R Y PLANTS. MOYKY’S SEKDLIMi, (acclimated plants) §5 per hundred, or .*s2o per thousand. Large Early Scarlet, {s2 per hundred. Also, Victoria, Boss* PSnmix, Aberd.-eii, Buhire, and many oilier kinds—for Bale by CIIARLKS A PEABODY.’ Oct. 11,1849 41—ts, HARTFORD FIR!) IASI RAM I) 10IIPAM , A N 1) Hliilnnl'RciicLt Lite Isimi rnnee, C o?) 17AIRI) and LIFE risks takmi on fivoralde terms, 1 hv L. L. C’OWDERY, Agent. October 11, 1819 41—3 t Tailoring. rat HE subscriber wm!d respect!ully inform his ® friend*, that In* lias removed two doors below his old stand, (over J. I\ Illltos’ store.) an I is pre pared to do work in his line*)! business A V PRICKS to suit Ihe times. N. B.—Just received, an assortment ol line (’lot!is ami (’assimeres, &.r. U” On hand—a few English and American Cassi tneres, which I will make up at Cost. THOMAS KNOX. October 11, I*l9 41—2 f. Woo! HlsimsfiKlKi iEsg be carried on in crimed ion with’ lip (*tt>n Manufacturing by the subscribers in the N-'w Factory adjoining Winter’s Palace .Mill in the best manner, cither in Cloth or Rolls, as customers may > want—having the best of machinery'and long"V\pe rionced. they llatter themselves that perfect satislae tion will he given. N R. Cash will be paid for walnut's hulls, or barks from the nuts. BRIDGES & MATHEWS. j Columbus, Oct. 11, 1849. 41 3m Dying and Renovating L_2J •1 SlUb 11A ‘Jti ‘AJ7A Li A -10 W. S. THACKER MSfOUU) respectfully inform the ladies and gen * * lletnen of Columbus and vicinity, that lie is still at his old stand on Broad street., near the mar ket, where he is prepared to execute all work en trusted to him, in the various departments of Dying, Scouring and Renovating new and old clothing. Ladies’ bulks, Merinocs anti Satins cleansed of stains and impurities and colored to any simile. Also finished lo look and wear as well as new, Gentlemen's garments cleansed and dyed so as not to soil the whitest linen. Q.r All orders thankluily received and promptly executed. Columhns, Oct. 11, 1849. 41— If ITinJE rlAHj’i) A NEW MUSIC ROOK IN PATENT NOTES, By Dr. WM. HOUSER, of Jcllerson county, Ga. IK NOW liEI'OKE Till-:'. rglllis Honk contains 570 pug*!*; {51.50 p*r copy ; l‘in<r the and ohrapfst inns •’ !mmlc ever b<*f*rt‘ olforcd tlic Aim rican public. It in a co!h <•- t ion of INahn and Hymn Tunes ; Od.sand Anthems; .Sunday school, Infant, Missionary, Temperance, (-amp inccting, Revival, Moral, and Patriotic pieces; nnm**- roiis Scotch, liish, (iennau, and other beautiful foreign music ; many new tunes never before published ; a large number of the • ’< si tunes in tin.* Unit’ and States; and an exposition of the p. ineiples of music and of musical com position. ISAAC T. UOBINSON, hook-seller, is mv agent in Columbus. LEONARD P. BREEDLOVE, Esq. at Centre I*. < >. f Palhot county, The author’s address is, “ Spicer's ‘Piiniout, JrlD rson county, (*a.'* Oct. 11, 1849 U-lt TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS AND COUNTRY MEHCII ANTS. DR. J. N. KEEIjER N. BRO. most reßpcrtftilly Koiicit attention to tlu ir fresh stock of English, French, German and American Drugs, Medicines, Che micals, Paints, Oils, Dyc-stufls, Glassware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines. &r. Having opened anew store. No. 294 Market-st., with a full supply of Fresli Drugs and Medicines, we respectfully solicit country dealers to exa mine our stor k before purchasing elsewhere, promising one all who may be disposer! to extend to us their patron age, to sell them genuine Drugs and .Medicines, mi as liberal terms as anv other lions.* in the cit y, and to faith fully execute ail orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. One of tin* proprietors being a legular physi cian, affords ample guarantee of the genu ne quality of all articles sold at their establishment. We especially invite druggists and country merchants, who may wish to become agents for l)r. Keeler’s Celebrated Family Medicines, (standard aud popular remedies.; to forward” their address. Soliciting the patronage of tj *alers, we. r-specti'ullv remain, J. N. K EELER & BRO. Wholesale Druggists, Oct. 11, l vl9. ly N0.291 Market-st, Phil’a. KYLE & BARNETT, ARK NOW RECKIVINO TIIF.IR STOCK OF Fall & Winter i> n w ts o %% s 9 To which they invite the attention of their friends and customers and desire to thank them for the liberal pat ronage bestowed upon them during the past season, hog ging leave to assure them that no pains will he spared in their continued endeavors to please ail who may favor them with a call. (treat pains have been taken to procure the latest and most desirable styles of Goods—all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Sept. 27th, 1849. 39-41 Fresh Imported Turuip Seed. Norfolk, Swedish Rota Buga, White; i Dutch, Large Red Top. Long Hanover, For s sale by CHARLES A. PIiABODY, I At the Drug Store of .1. F. Winter & Cos. and from the Store of Peabody &. C 0.27 Columbus, July 5 1849. i $ Watches, Jewelry, & SOLWR wm r £, SPECTACLES, fine Knives, Fmiic\ Goods, Rcvoiviny I'istols, Rocket I’iutulr, Gun \\ iprrs, Bow dcr Flasks, At. for mile hv C. BUI NO .V CU Api I'd, IJI4O jr, if. Seed Wheat. (T OOD SEED WHEAT ran I# bought at W WINTER’S PALACE .MILLS. Oct. 4, 1819. 40-11 Isaac T. Robinson, BOOKSELLER AM) STATIOKDR, HAS on hand and inconstantly receiving all kinds of .School and Miscellaneous Books, Stationery, &lc., which are sold cheaper than elsewhere in tin* city. P. S. Any work will be ordered from the Northern cit ies for responsible persons. AGENCY. Dr. S. S. Fitch’s celebrated remedies for consumption &c., .Shoulder Braces, Inhaling Tubes, Abdl. Supporters, and medicines. Oct. 4,1849. 40-ts ( OIiEMIB S FEMALE ACAOEKT., rgn III) lmallli of M rs. IKkntz lu’ing restored, ■* tlu* exercises of the Institution will he resumed on the Ist of October next. TERMS PI) R SESSION OF FIVE MONTHS I Primary department, - - - sls 00 Higher classes, - - - - 20 00 Contingent expenses for every scholar, - I 00 Modern or ancient languages, each, - - 12 OR Drawing and p ainting in water colors, - 12 00 Painting in oil, - - - - 25 00 Mr. 11., desirous to give every attention to the depart ment of painting, will devote the afternoons of Monday, Wednesday and Friday, to that branch, in order to faci litate the desire of several ladies who wish to attend to that branch exclusively. A class for the French language wili he formed, to re cite at night, whenever ten names are subscribed. When u pupil enters after the beginning of the session, the number of weeks of attendance will be counted each as one-twentieth of a session. Sept. 20, 1M!I. 38-ts Enquirer and Times copy 3t. Ail an* in* Urn tor’s Sale. be sold, at tlie Court House in Columbus, * * Muscogee county, on the first Tuesday in No vember next, within tin* usual hours of sale, under an order of the Iloiwahle the Inferior Court of .Meriwether county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, lot of land No. 219, situa'.e, lying and being in the 9th district of Musco gee county, containing two hundred two ami a half acres, more or less; sold as the real estate of Reuben \\ iltiams, late of .Meriwether county, dec’d., and Hold for the bene fit of the heirs of sail! deceased. Terms of sale made known on the daw This 4lli day of September, 1849. LEWIS W ILLIAMS, Sept. 7. tils AdniT. I>r, A. W. ColctssasPs Anti-f )v!-|) ‘p>ic and ‘Tonic Bitters. Warranted to cur*.* cirri/ ease of (’‘till and I'ever , Isivr ('am/'luinl, !)■/ /;• Piarrhu a , (chronic or acute.) tliscu peculiar to Peiniif s. iVc... Ac. Also a preventive to ASI \ PIC (’HOLER. \. See enicl<'j es around each bottle for jtarlieulars . Price §1 00 a bottle, or six bottles for $5. Prepared and sold by E. I). Coleman, No. 44J, Dauphin street, Mobile. For sale in f •olmiihiis by ROB I’. CARTER. Also. l)r. (’o’eman’s MIXTURE. Price S3. August 2. 1849 31 —ly Family Groceries. TOWNSLEY & ABBOTT raffl AY 17 in Sturt? anil will < onstantly keep on “ liainl, for CASH SALES, and at reducet! pri ces, a nood Hiipply of Fnmily (irocerins, consisting in part as follows ('incinnati cured HAMS. Georgia 1 do New Orleans. St. Croix and Porto Rico SUGAR. Loaf, Crushed and Pulverized do —Nmv Or hums and Florida S} RCP and West In dia MOLASSES. llavanna, Kio ami Lngnyra (TOFFEE. Superline New Wheat FLOUR. \ LSO— Salt, Corn Meal. Butter, Lard, Hats. Shoes, Do- | uiestics, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Split- , bottomed Chairs; Copperas, Saleratus, Ginger. Spice, Pepper, Indigo, Madder, Spanish Brown, Salts. Saltpetre, Sperm and ‘Fallow Candles, Fine White and Country Soap; Juniper and Cedar Pails, Buckets and Piggins. Corn and Straw Brooms, Shuck Mats and Horse Collars, &.<*.,& c. il r A large quantity <>! Slone Ware—Jugs and Jars, of from 1 gallon to 12. Likewise common and superior smoking and chewing Tobacco; Savannah Ilier and Apple \ ine gar, with many other articles too tedious to mention. All of vvliieli will be sold ala small advance for ('ash. Columbus, August 2, 18 19. 31—tlij COLUMBUS COTTON GIN Manufactory. ran HE subscribers, proprietors of the Girard fIN’ Manufactory, have row completed their ex’eii h’iv** building io iL> cii’ >t ('(diimhiis, and arc prepared to furnish A,N Y M MBEK ofthrir Itnpiuved ts often (ins, which max he wanted h\ the Pluilters in (ieorpia, Ala hamit. or the adjoining Slates. Tlu? repo Ini ion of these (l insi sso wo! lest nhl ih 11 *! .t hn 1 the propri*ior> de ni it tinneressnrv to say any t hing in lie? wn) ol I'eeoininendtilion. ‘rie\ are u;tn*;in(rd equal to any mannlMelured, ami in all case a to give entire sntjsluction lo those who nitty try them. fCr* OR I)PRS by mail,or given to onrirnvcll inpnpen’s will, in ever* i list a nee. he promptly and fa it hln IB a t tend ed to. TERMS ns ln> oral*le as rnn he given hv nn\ oili er Estahlisliiiieii l. IN ‘!’ TA \ LOR *A I*o. Columbus, tin. April 13, 1 T. ID. fij 15 Wr. rSnss?!i(nsC.s Liver and Dyspeptio Medicine, FOlt SALK BY .7. J\ WIXTER. and mu,. PA XVSOX iV CO. Coluinhns, (la. April 12,1319 15t!j For Sale. ONE LOT OF LAND, located nine miles North •>f Columbus—one hundred acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation. Tl •reis a dwelling house and other nut-houses f n the premises, and a line spring of good water, i will sell with the hind, farming implem'Uits. stock hogs and cattle—one thou sand bushels of corn—also, a likely negro woman, thirty years old. and a negro hoy fourteen years old. Ti:;:?.:-: Credit often months, final! notes and ap proved serurit v. Persons wishing to purchase, will please call ami examine for themselves. | have de termimdto remove West ward, and if the above prop erty should not. he sold before the fifteenth day of November twxt.t ie same will b< sold on the premi ses, at public mit-crv, to the bodies! bidder. JOSEPH HAMMOCK. I Sept. 29, 1849. 39 3t LODGE OF GEORGIA. Mutonic \of ice. riHIK several subordinate Indies of tie* State, are * hereby notified, that tin* )i. \V. (Lmiiil .Master linn set apart I'rid iy tin* i2(>l!i day of October instant, for the erection of a Monument, in the town of Oxford, to the memory of om deceased brother, the Rev. lunatiih A. IV. w. The s**ve;al s are required, sis far as th *ir convenience will permit, to be present on the occasion. All other Institutions of Ancient Free Masons, and so journing Ihothers, are cordially invited to attend. An Address in behalf of Kinory College, on the J/:fe and Character of the and -ceased, will he and divered by the Rev. |)r. Mka.xs. The r veral rvilronds have agreed to pass Brothers over them to attend the erection of the Monu ment at one-fourth the usual rates. By order of Wm. C. Duivson, M. W. (I. M. Macon. Oct 4, 8. ROSK, (i. serV. The several snliordiiiate Lodges will please take notice that the next timid enminithication assemble# in this’ citv, on Tuesday the 50th October next. 1 DRUG BUSINESS, (At tho late staml of I’ond & WilcoxA __q OUTER DAXFCRTIf <L ('ofl B | AVI.Mi purchased the Drug I!hfrtll -la lishment ol Messrs. l'onil Wilcox, would inform his friends mid the public, 1 hat they intend keeping on huud u pood > Medicines, Paints, Oils, and other articles usually kept in a I)rnr More, all of which will lx? sold on the most rciiMinnhle terms, i From Mr. D.'s practical acquaintance with tlie hnsinesp, uml his determination to devote himself entirely to tho I accommodation of his customers, he hopes to receive a ‘ ■ liberal share of public patronage. j L. DEC ATI/It jnil.xsnv. O. DANFOKTIT. I * Colmnhiis, (in. Dec. 27, lf)IB. ts i “*{ ■ *’ ‘ •’ ‘’ “ r ■ MSPPEWG'S , ©OMIDjEKISEB Syrup of SARSAPARILLA. : ! THE GREAT SOUTHERN PANACEA! f I !! E midersig ned, uho has boon for a ntnnher of yen rs f ” engaged in the business of preparing uml dispensing .Medic in s, sen ing a v>t an.omit oi various Compound* daily import'd on the people of this country, under the nutne of “10 x tract SursHpari'lbt,’ which in I net do not contain n particle of the \a I nahle r. - < I whose mime they hear, has heeo induced to manufleturc a PIMM and pow erful preparation lioui the. vcuunie Honduras SAKSA- I* .1 f{ 11.1.A I*oo Y\ combined with the roots of (Quern's Delight and l.eplandra \in'iitien y and would state thnt alter much labor, care and i xpeuse, he has sun ended lar beyond his e.xpcctulinn, in prodm ing :t .Medicine uosur- i passed lor its alterative, healing and restorative jutilities. It has for tin* last two years been used hv Physicians ami others in I his v Mini tv, with un parallel ed success, ami aI -a very I ii'ire union ut his been used Imre alone, it his never \et failed in giving entire sali-1 iclion. This val.i able I*rep nation is now oliered to tin* Med ienl Faculty and the public generally, as a safe and sure remedy far ail diseases arising I’m in an impure state of the hloo I, for Scrofula, chionie Rheumatism, Kniptioiis of the Skin. Tetter or Ringworm, Sealdliend, Enlarge- i on ut and I'm in of tin IJoaes and .1 oints, sin Idiom I leeis, f Lumbago, Frysipclas. (ton!, Paralytic Debility, W hile Swelling. Diseases aii.-ing t/o.i, all in judicious use oil Mercury, exposure o- imjirudrm ein life, r lironie. cousli- j lutional disorders. Dyspepsia, painful affections oi the! hack and loins, .Neuralgic pains, Fever Sores; Riot* lies. I'implejj nil I liile*, to Kpping's unrivalled prepnrtion— j being a highly concentrated Extinct, presented in the form of u Syrup, to make it palatable. fTT’ is a certificate from a gentleman well known in this co*:, m tin it \, who his !•. .ii Idr a nuinher ot years a Justice ot the Peace in . his eity, aml his stalenient In*low can heeertili and to hv a great miiiy of our eiti/.eos. who ha ve see ii him when In was obliged to walk on mi lehes. lie is now entirely emed by the use of my Sarstiparilia— ('ohtnibus, \}r iI 22, 111 115. Mr. 11. If. Kppim r —Sir: Owing pin a debt ol gmti ttide*, lam induced to make a puli'.ic acknowledgment ot the benefit I have received from yon r in\a I liable prepaid lion of Sarsapai ilia. I had been, for m a rlv til ree \eai p , severely afilieted with i’hronic K hen not t ism, and those tormenting pains tortured me to such a degree that I con'd li ii cl no rest, nor could I walk without the assist ance of crutches. Not wit lislntiding l tried va r-ions rein - edict*, mv case, continued to glow worse every day —w lien fortnnatelv for me, a friend who had been in a similar sit uation and had been relieved b\ your compound S' yrup of Sarsaparilla, recommended the use of it to me, and t<> m v great astonishiiieet and p'\ afiet using a few Imtt'i s, I found my self'entirely re lie v id, an u ea u now walk with out in y crutches, and attend to I nisi a ess. I make this stale ment as an act of justice, hoping that others max he in duced to make use of the right medicine therein saving themselves lunch trouble, suli’ei ing and expense. I am. with gratitude, yours, A: c. AN DREW I*. J< >.\ MS. The following short c* nifi< ates are from some of the best an I most successful Pltvsit ians in this city : From Dr. Ho? well. I have used Epping’s Sai siipuiiiln, a nd believe it eijua ! if not superior to anv preparntion of Sarsaparilla now in use. ‘ J. J. liO.SU lil.k, ill. n. J uly o, IB 13 From Dr. (.*rimes. I have used Kpping’s*.iparil!n in cases of Tetter with success; l tlierclore rcruoi;.icnd the use of it to tili persons w ith discuses of the skin. July 5, l!!l') T. W. GRIMES, M. 11. Mr. 11. //. tipping —From inv knowledge of the com pos it ion of von r Sursapu i; 11 a. I lake gre a f p lea sure in s| a - ling ilia t I consider it one of the best prep ai at ions of Sit r i saparilla now in use. and in -II cases where remedies .f j dial class are desiicd, it is worthy of trial. ; Julyli, ll.’Ki ii. \. lill.l.lNG, m. i). 11. If. lipping —Sir: I have ued your Fxtract ofSar j saparilla ia several cases, and have no hosilalioti in slat ; ing that it is full y eijual, if not superior to a 115 of lha pro ! piirntions of that article in use. T ours. &e. July 7,10-ld W. K. SCUMM Y , m. i>. Voliintoors anti discharged SoitJiors, ■ v!io, retnrnt’d sick und dehilifnte j. front Mexico, rruil. I We have the evidsm eol Dr. N. iM .11 >, 11 ijist in gnished l*ii vsiiian of I'a/.w di, M uion count \ , <i.i who piescrihed F.pping’s Sarso par ilia in a ease of'extreme de j liilitv ft oil) exposure or impindencc in life—in fact tin* patient was not aide to nwo his limbs for some time be fore he commenced taking I'pping's rorttponnd condensed r,, P °J SnrsapuriHn. II • of mtr brave \ oluii leers, so many of whom have returned sick am 1 debilitat ed to their homes, lie D now completely cured. A not Iter ( Vrtilicate. 1 From !Mr. Oscar Ashton, who may he found at the Drv ! < 1 00 dSt or o ol Mr. (ieo. A . .Non is : Mr 11. //. I'ppin •/ Dear Sir; Having been for years past afilieted with Intermittent Fever, and taken a great deal of Mercury lor that distressing complaint, w jiliout experiencing anv ut relict’, and becoming verv J much debilitated amt finding mv skin all’- cfcil and it 1 v 1 sy stem very in’ ch deiauged, I concluded to trv some of your Stn s/ipnri//a, and on a cheerl*. iI v teslilv to it s vnlu ’ able properties, as hv taking a few hotths of it. I find juivsell cooiplctelv restored to health, and reullv feel ! better now than I hive done i’.tr severo I years paai; nor : have I It ‘d anv return <if 1 nlci tnilient Fever. I July M), Idl’d CFSUAU ASHTON. Fersons ingin a low se.cii.ot ofcoiintrv, who nrenoli ject to I otermit lent Fev *r and Ague, would do well to lake a bottle or two of i'/ipim’ s compound condenser! Syrup of Snrs ipnriiio e • eiv season, as thereby thev m entirely reli v c theuis Ives, and prev rnftV’ usual attack In eoue.litsioi', the proprietor cm mint re!min from rec 0111 m eit .ling his Sarsa pari! la to I 1 t-M - ami 11 ends of Fa m ii irw ho wish to preserve the he Mth, sfrcag lb a ml geor. looks of their children, a.- an KXCKI.I.KVr SPKI.VCS, SI MMF.K & FALL HUM 151) V. , ID a time|\ use of tliis article, nm; \nr’ii iu, ;ht saved from rliseitse, during the hot summer months, b\ purifying th.e Mood, w I icli enalile- ii 'asicr in l. ar ti e oppres-ivc heat. OEj’ I bis will cij'ially aj j!y to grown persons. This Sanaparil!;! i- ‘nt up in Quart Rottlcs, for Omr Oollur per amlis mm Ii cheaper than any similar article, firing ihtce limes ihe. strength ofK rnrnon 12x1 rads. HiKl’Ai: r.i) TJV I!. It. V-TPINC;, For sale hv Ii W \ iIM, J. F. WI NT Fit, Uf>T. (Airn;R, <). iDNR'KTII A CO And at < i recti v illc, h v M. D. M 1 .\'i‘ J. ii. j March I. 1H ID. ‘ I?) v ava *j r r Tfi <% i Ml'D TQV.m, j of nssl Asiarruaia .T3;? s'sjl>, ’ t Constantly 0:1 Ilmi-I, tit tho Marble Works of !tt ADDE.V & A l)A 12 S, BROAD STREET—NEAR THE MARKP.T IfOCsE. (OP Lkt mu sr, and t’ \ hvi Nd done in the best stylrj and on LOW LK Ti’.KMS than at any eslahlishmenti* this pari of the eonnt y. 191I 9 I tisler t'f l J ri> ■ and always on hand r ‘ sale. [Jan.. id—H New Books vZXsSiJk 300 W\v and p'ipniiir cli.-ip riblica-i lions, received this dav, at th** Xyw Loo\ Stop* I ‘ I'AAC T. UmhNMAN. I Msvl,l!l9 W Old Br- SAKS A 1* A 55 S Ii Is A . I ( At IHW r.XTKA. A hy “f’ otn- * lfc (');(* 9. !*. .lid it.y C.AII Pr. TANARUS.. |! u rxciJfK. Orttlnn!. TMv IB trn t wto forWi*fty ft ooilormr. R.l aftsWtn#* the ** rends, r 1 -infs, nnd if,* ; T t Mi.BjjTAft - 1 1 1 bat 188 l.:r ;>ari (nir.c* rmlu f.- b Mu; tt. ?*iib! c n o OKXU.’.VK OKitl’.vl. Ur. Jnrnb Towniwnd's 51u591 P* ri!la - ‘.lt it theOM la's liken,.., hi. ftmtly vm <i tnp*i, and ho •>iunniare r>rro iht* r mt of nrai*. /■nnt./.m .J,,, I W , l . i .Vrw r#r Ci^ \\ /^ipy Ok!) DJI. JACOB TOWNSEND, Tin: i .HKJINAi. • -VKRE& OP TUS Townse!t4 Sirsaparilim. Hid l*r Towunead iv a\v about 70 Vtai'9 of ‘'fe. ..J i)l of ips.i kmiu n a’ tfii uU'l /I J .VCf ) VKK Kft of tbs (,u:.vri <>um ‘A*.. /. • 7'OKA’iK.r/) a.iftSJMI/Jr /.. i” n* ie* w•: ••n.ap •• J i.> M:r i its m iatfiactr, ftt wlii< l iie- uis it i;ai bee )K- f • “f UlMfket. Xilft tfttf fttf* (iua*ri itsai tn liaise only e..• • • find prov.l .* worth luvi it* vain.* !i ft.ol r< !• 1 •*T ii-e en.- of uiaay, ne*rtst*s. aft UI.MO •non* v. i jfi .rn t„.*r.>is 1 f .4. >r* d.*#*•. nad uri4 from ife.vifi. |ir*icl-*i*i ?-*1 C’ “icellenr#* and wc.ndarfat iIKAMiMJ POWKH. Kfinwti t many y . * t>** in: ii. i. by his skin KiaM Mini expeii. Tn*, i.-.i.*(i an wh' . \vou!>i be of local |.\h!r i.ilvaatiu'e to 1:1 t : Ik. nl i. :: ill** i:,.:nus would ba f®^* nisliii to brinu it u t > n . v rtii noPre. when its ineslimaaka virtue* w mld bt* know a apj rev.nUai. This time tiax cuiM, Ih*- mean* iiii* -op'iihci! : an. i.vt) . ixh I.vh qr.i i.i.v.D phf.pjh.itwm inniiiil.-nUiUt*'! > th* Imueil scale, hii.l is called for throtifb mt the leittfl'i breiiivti ■!’ llw ;m I. t*s|iccmlly it 13 foaad i(|CK|Ki bit* ot il t 'e: • t:>: 1 t lifter ir.ii.ol). t'u'oke v -'ijig S. I* V..,i i’ sei.-l’s. it iai|irov*s with ‘ige. aad never ehtnvi -. .nil lor tin 1 beAcr ; bee .i.m* it is prepared an ssttm lifiC ptin ijil/• i .1 -:>il .t *:-•;n. Tic highest fcnowttfdfa of Phsiii'sirv, amt tiie ptievi ii, ooveries ot toe art. Imva ah <***•■ 1 r Mpc lii'.n in the nisi uftciitre of tii© Did tar’a men. coni ‘ is u inv u . . .1. il pio;iei'lies. uui souie piojmxtic* tvhich are inert •*r ii-v* | o -. . ii others, which if retained iu psa paring it i-r ii-'-. u ;u -* / < -a ami acid, which in ln juriouii *.O tlic sv-uun of ii - (mu-vrUeh of Sursuparillß are so nn'nti that t i 1 1 -I.r ev... •..•it*- anti are lo>l in the preparation, if I*l •• \ ••• . ‘o served oy icientijic process, known noli j-. tu •• • ■ . .1 smu no the nne. ,Moreov#i, llie.c Voi.itilr firuici/o 1 . .: .ci. • . 11 v . rus ao exhala tion. under hoot, are tin* v:rv r.*-.nt . . niStiicai pro/in ius ,/ the root, which tfi>e to 11 1 . us Fur snle hv J. F. WIN ! MR & CO. July UUI,, 18iD. 2P tlstJ Columbus, U&. SP ■ - -3® rgMII-: hci ct'ii'oi ■ rxistins hctvvetn tho J it mi ere 1 e ned, under the 1i 1!•of J) )S j‘l *l i l.'ulAV MLL it CO. is tiiia and i\ dib.Hoived, hv mut'inl consent. I*. 11. WII.DMAN, J A .Ml - \V. lAtAIC. j< comwki.L. ColtitnhuH.Ciii. Mur* h I'd. ! ID i % ts II Tim Fotmtlry Old Stain), hv \V. U. RiiOW.N i\ CO. who renpcctfullj Nulieit 0 continuance of he patronage of the late £ib. Mch.22,i:Jl*J c IMiUer, &rr©FlW\'& : .: AT LAW, Vas!;e, Clarion t oiiitih <*a. 11.1, priu lice ill all ll.** conmies of the t ‘haltahaoaheft ’ uml udj lining counties 01 the South Western Firatit, TltAl). MT KI.IS, K. W. aiJLLSK. Fdi. 15, KMD 7 ts _ 4 ljiii US, \\ \ FCil .D'tVfiry, Music Poian, ” Accordeons. .V c. iV. .M 1 I*.\ lii I*. I> unit \\ arena trd. LO ‘ MN(i! AV!N(i nc-utiy executed. C. JTRt NO CO. Apl. ID, V ID 16 If Bagusrreoiyping. silisiTi!}irs ii.i\ iitn- 1 .:!* flup a room for’ the ah ivc l> 1 -q a *.s> iri,i eng’ig ! the services of Mr. GEO. S. COO.g, fee! confident tu.:! I.'.i :u>.-- >.i us lino as a:ir in the WORLD, cin !• • -s*i,*;ii 1 hv application ut tbo Rooms over S. Ik I*l RRMi.’S All those loud of tin* eit. fin see a fine collection of Specime 11 '. by < a! ! iig .1 - . fll- ;• a rare t liance lo seen 11 Mid 11 ■—. a- ‘ ■ r■. C< 1 spends hut a short time in this citv. Flease call and M* i.sTMR. & PURPLE. X. 11. I’ieluii s i.( u.'ults taken as well in •cloud*, weather ns in t It ur. July l*J, Pd ID 28—3 m THE FINE JACK, BOH PEDRO. AS in on jiurclmsed by ™ tho undersiryned, amJ va I ."?*wi'l si::::<{ during the summer at ,, . iar :•!•! M itchell, for ‘V ■ insurance. DON PE DRO is a prund-pon #f theoele- Nl^'~ , rrir V ftßs t -. il/ l a 1 J.v*';. ('olumbiiP, fourteen. i. • hi^’i, c-itd well piopftrtiftu- Mvery fiifeiitioM \v:!l ! •■ *: • *’tt to marcs scut, but th* - *uh *ti!•. r will in.: !. • ; ri- H-: aceidentF. ‘l’be iu sitrancc will he r\.-timed a : ; Is traded oft’, with* in twelve months :•>’ i putting her to the Jack. Ttreaty* five cents ji• ■ r day ciia.g and i‘.a keeping tnare, ttu6 !5 cents to the grotiin, each. E. JOHNSON. Sept, (k P-iD. SC ts iar, ie*, kail firANTKO, liatelv, THII/n P.ARRV.!.* f I yy talt, at WINTER’S MILL j Au-usl'J, tti. 31—if Rsjgs, Bags! Hugs! The Rock Island Furteir | S prepared to pun ht*e clean I.INKA HfcHP orOtl* I h>u It \(IS, mol v*ill pay dj e nts pci pound Ur On® I lundred Thousand pound*, delivered at the Mill#, the ('hattnhooe.hee r’Vf-r, ihr.-e mil** above Col tfttbut,in ijuuntities of not less than 100 pounds. O* Merchants mid Tiad**r* in ih# surroendi • £ ••••Ivy would do well to draw the a tten lion ot i heir customer* to the >i<! v anti ■_ eof 8A Vi Nd R AGS, and axuhaug icg inane for flood* and Wares. (’ASM *a ill alwavs he paid for Rues at “Ronb Inland Factory.” lly order of the iiouid, ViLOlDit: \V. WINTKft, Columbus, (a. March l, DM9, • ■ (hiunpaigHC, Fortrr. Fart Wiu. J lOlt soli-I,v J. F. WINTER & CO. r j • rJDII i.D and R *\V LIN:M.LD OIL, Paints, £ filas*. Fr •fe , !i r.xtrnets, cene. r.r ; superior < ‘ole*nn, |lf i.r, Tooth. Anil, Hat, Cloth end ‘ h*- Broshe*; Urn -1 mine. (’!■• :ide of I jdiitc \f., for sale hv i July 1 j J. K. YVINTKR 4 CO. | At;| RM f >NTIL*< after date application nrill bf .0’ t<> tli* t l.inorl uferr-r court of >1 . IV, Wl sn for fedu it | 1 m , t • c i . P*i*if k i mem July r.'ib. i•’u. Lor.Vitrrf’i >J*rjVej Stsf, g N .1 i r-* .od boltlen, for sale hv : 1 - I ..*V 12 J. r. WINTER J. CO. >!*.(4rLAV’S K.\GLA.\9.—55 refill. Test t-.y i. t. imteuiatoa. Ju. 9 r!bnllr Fnjrr Starks *f., JT’?*T i .r.i.rd k? I. T. ROBINSON, June *JI (feotfra and !Marrhr Itfdlrtßc. IjREPAnf.n far, ■ f-rai Juij j* / r s rfTEji * rw.