The Southern witness. (Monroe, Ga.) 1870-18??, April 27, 1871, Image 1

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fSk n ’ - 33' > fl VOL. 1. SOyUiKKN Will p6»lisheu weekly, 1 i BY H. C\ BILL INI t>.n. walker. <■> h. i>. h’das^B ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Mokkoe, ; > v Georgia" *%EkUi ■! — MITCHELL, BECK & CO., Would respectfully inform tiieir ohl cus tomer*, sirnl the public generally, that they are still carrying on the Carriage Making, Blacksmithing and Carpenter Work, in all their branches, at theeir Old Stand, Mon roe, Georgia. W. H» COLLIER. IJOUSE PAINTING, GRAINING, Marbling, Paper - Hanging, &c. Executed with neatness and dispaUh. Orders left at the firug Store of C. 11. Andrews & Cos., will meet with prompt attention. mar. 23 2m. JAMES R. WYLIE, WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Peachtree Street, ATLANTA, - - - - GEORGIA. jnii3l-Gtn. R. H, GOODMAN, Dealer in family grqce rics, Fruits and f • -i COUNTRY PRODUCE, Corner of Peachtree and Wheat Streets, jan 31-ly. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WILLIAMS, LANGSTON & CRANE, OOMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wholesale Dealersrln GROCERIES AND PRODUCE, 12 & 14 Alabama street, Atlanta, Georgia. tsr Full stocks of Grain and Meats always oil lialnl at as low prices as any other house In ottr city. jan 31-ly. A. B. JOHNSTON, A. J. CREWS J, M. BRAWLS. a. s. j. perry. tv. y. baker, WITH JOHNSTON, CHEWS & CO., Importers and IVliolcsaie'Dealers in Sta picaml Fancy l>ry Goods, Notions & Small Ware 41 lluyne street, Charleston, S. C. M. 11. THOMAS, M. D. RESIDENT DENTIST, Monroe, : : : : ; : Georgia. THUNDERS IIIS SERVICES IN THE X Practice of Dentistry in all the Most Improved branches of the Science. Teeth Extracted without pain,by the Nitrous Oxide Gas. Having graduated ill Medicine, and practiced the same ten years, and Dentistry live years, he claims a judge ment more mature than a mere novice. He is a citizen of Monroe, and feels re sponsible for all the work lie does. Ail work done at the rates of regular re spectable Dentists, Olid will take care of liis patients during their stay.witli him, free ol charge. He refers to those for whom he has work ed, in Walton, Clarke, Newton, Oglethorpe, Jackson, Morgan and Gwinnet. “These are his jewels.” I-ts. HW This space is intended for Ml’S. J* Frank, Decatur street, Atlanta, Ga., who deals exclusively in Millinery and Ladies’ Press Goods. Site Is too busy waiting on .ClAOMrtJ.' customer* to write an advertisement Jau3l-tf. IMPORTED VanJtmsens Royal Schiedam Sclmaps For sale liy ;2 .Jir? - ; J 4S ff ALSO THE LARGEST STOCK OF FOREIGN ANJ> Domestic Wines and Liquors, Os every kind, ever offered for sale in Monroe. Every article warranted as rep resented. No article put on the market until properly and scientifically tested. The best Liqrons for Medicinal pur- I>oscs constantly on hand and wnrrcntetl I’o'c. I-ts. ’ V Cast On S" "b '/.'E Where Seem a lojß- A ’j 1 . ever For its far 'J: ;• * i nave dreamed ti^H Os a weird and '^"'"-'^*l Breathing out its Bti^B^:. J ;^'£ , ''yv-? r ’! In the twilight's Gently to\ ept by gales ■ (When tlie A ■' And in mournful cadence Os its ow n dear native worlC^B||||| There's a realm within thy spirit^Hj Fill’d with grandeur and witli gHH Whore each tone is like a heavt-wailM And eacli earth-shell seems a tomb; And tlie flowers —a somber tinting Overspreads their ghastly forms, As if nurtured by the droppings But of passing thunder-storms. While thy calm, angelic features In serenest beauty sleep, Thy high thoughts, in vivid flashes, On our startled vision leap— Tis as if the keen, red lightning Should burst wildly from the fold Os a soft, white cloud of mourning Tinged with violet, blue and gold. There’s t tall plant of the tropics, That, amid its bristling spears, Puts forth one all beauteous blossom With each score of passing years; And our human race, dear minstrel, Is a plant of kindred power— Once in each score years it blossoms, And thou alt its glorious flower. “ WEIGHED IN THE BAvß||||f BY OLGA. flSgfgOTg (('otichided.l^HlHHHH And thin A • . the eiidfIHHHHH dream. Tim sweet fed! ' : ::' “^HHSSHIBHSSra pud shuttered b.i '.VM i I, 1 i b, df i ft, 1 1 .iV, ! it. :m t ibo ' a 11 ,^HBHBShhSHShhS ■■uhaioiis be had *?*. -•! e:une, with holier WBgBBMHBBaMg ooby can bnvj io^H from the struggle conquered, and w I his heart, went fo}l!^M/.'ii;*, >> '=-VV t i.•-! hi part in the great H'.. Three y'<-ars Gap'.,d.^HaHHnHSHß| leton, calling to bis 9'.. ' „ . ■! energy and u did. n^M never before deemed hM had worked his way s 1 in a large business^HßHßßß| had sought employment, i^B'. he had been taken into partn^HßH| the firm to whom the estabi^Hi§B| belonged, and which was one most prosperous and influential i>^K§ thriving city of . Gradually;’^® certainly, he was retrieving his fall™ fortunes; and added to the profits 111 derived from liis business, a httndsom* property had been left him by an uncle, lately deceased. With this money be had repurchased the family estate, sold for debt; and once more ho found himself a rich man, though his income was still far smaller one that It hud been before his losses. An idle life; however, had become so distasteful to him, that he resolved to continue the business in which he was engaged; and the senior partner of the firm with drawing, he became one of the princi ple and most cuergetio managers. No one was more delighted at his etjccsss than John Ashton, between whom and himself there existed the same warm friendship as'of yore John was no longer a bachelor, lie had married a very pretty and very amiable girl; and to their hospitable house, after the fatigues of the day, Laurence often repaired, sure of find ing a warm welcome and of being made perfectly at home, “By-the by, Laurence,” said John, one evening, when his wife had rctir ,1 in rcnce “Good* - *' l said, in looked up. There was a^K'l.L’;%,'■¥£/§>! then, with a ’K out her hand. “Mr. Carleton, is am delighted to see cd, vivaciously. unexpected meeting. AiHHH ing in—- ; or here only “It has been my time,” he replied. “I family Iras come here to neighbors of some friends of ‘‘The Ashtons, do you we are just opposite. Mrs, AshS a eharming Woman —so gentle ami fined. lam delighted that we are near.”