Newspaper Page Text
fit* ijucna §irps.
pi !■ I
- East Adverting Medium in
this Section of Pa.
Circulates In tle Most Solvent
and HLelitibft Pariici* of the
Terms nf 4clvarttinß the r.s Hmsa ctab
lj*hM hy the I *rc:Kß Association of Uoorf-iu foi tlu
Billf* for aAvortluhiß nro duo nr tbn first appear
ancr* of the. or v. her. presented* ex
cept when otherwise contracted Icr.
Bates and Rules' or Logr.l Adver
Sheriff Sales, each levy *
Mortgage fl la Httlea, en. li levy ' •
Tax Collector’s sales, ouch lc*y.... ■ - 4 - uu
Citation for Letters of Administration and
Guardianship ;•••*• **',* * ’ 4,1
Application for dismission from A 'iniuist.ra-.lou
Guardianship and •Executorship • . c.W
Application for lrar* to ,• 1! tanl nr cne Be; ... •>.■
Notice to dob tore and creditors...... ... *•”
T.arid sales, Ist pqv.are r s 4, eaeh addilurM.
Sales of perishable property, per o<lUAre !.**•
F.stray notice, (>.i day;). .- ,1* ''
Notice to perfect serviek iXu
Ku'es ni si to I'm'• ’.'.“to r ...
Hides to establish 1< t, psprr: , per Brpiar*.... n..h
Itules compelling tilleii.. in'im
Kul os to perfect services m cuvorso cascb.... in.un
Application for Homestead .••••••••. 20 .°
All Logal Advertisements must be paid for m i*.d-
Sales of land, kc., ty Administrators, l xemtorß
or Guardians, are roqu.ud by law to be held on the
First Tuesday in tho month, betveeu thj hours ot
ton in the forenoon and Hir e in ihe hivoruoon, at .he
Court House in the couuty :n vrlrcli tho property is
situated. , . .
Notices of those sales must oe given m a public Ro
sette in the county where the land lies i* there be
anv, and if there is no paper publiahcu iu tho county
hen in the nearest gazette, or the one kavng the
argest general circulation iu said county, A y < t aya
previous to the day of sals#
Notices for t.lio sale of pi rsor.r.l proper.y r.-u.-t be,
given in like manner ton days previous to and j day.
Notice to the debtors of ef- u.iors and mi eb*te
must also be publi. lusl •((> cays.
Notice that appi- .i s nn '‘ ill be made to the < urt of
Ordinary for Lc.i.v to See laud, <:v., must be pr.bJish
ed once a week for 4• t. s
Citations for Letters of Admiiiisiruiion, Guan.ian
ship, etc.., must be published do days—tor Dismission
from Administration, Guardianship and. Axeeuturship
40 days.
iiules of Foreclosure of Mortgage must be publish
ed monthly for four months—for establishing lost
papers for tne full space of three months--for com
pelling titles from Executors or,
where bond lias been given by the deceased, tile ruli
space of three months. .
Application for Homestead must be published twice.
Publications will always be continued according to
these, the legal requirements, unless otherwise or
dered. ||| |f LJ , , Uf
" E. M. IB CT,
>. L. WIS SOM, M
B®“Calls rn iy be left at mv resi
dence at all hours of the day or
October Bth, 1815.-ly
taS* x A. x r *4iO HA y
fll HANKFUL for past favors I rospect-
I fully solicit a con tinnance of the
patroiia'4o o: the good people of Ma
rion. Price- reasonaVde, and extra in
ducements offered those at. a distance to
visit my office. Rooms on Lamar St,
two doors from It C Blaek’s-Shoe Store.
September Btli.
Iffll ■ I I II .1 I I UIMHIWIiriH ~ I'll Mil TlllllHIHI
Ea sel A dve rtisen tuts.
COI .UMBUS. - - Ga
First Cliiss Accommodations
Supper, Lodging and Breakfast ...... SI,OO
Single Meal, 50c, Bed, 50c 1,00
Board per day 1.50
Board per week 7,00
at all hourefß;
140 & 142 Bboad Street,
MRS- S- F,. W O LD RI U G iff,
Board per day, - - $2,00
Single Meal ... ,60
Lodging, - - - ,50
Nov. la-ly L. I. HARVEY, Clerk.
Wiley Jones, T B Jossey,
Proprietor ('lerk
Zi’Slo Afco ‘'loubo
Sraithville, Georgia.
S®*Meals on tho arrival of all trains
Fare as good as the season affords
Price, 50 cents a meal.
Erown’s ZEEotol.
Opposite l*iMseH{/er
MACON, <4 Id O K O I /V .
Thia first-class and well known Hot< 1 has been
Entirely Rcnovati-d uutf Itctiticd,
in tho most elegant style, ami is prepared with every
facility to accommodate its old friends and the public
generally, it is
Immediately Oppnsito the General Passenger Depot
This Hotel presents unusual advantages to visturs
to the city.
The rooms are constructed and fitted up with a
view to the comfort of the guests, and the table isai
wa vs supplied with every delicacy of the season
Sept 24-1 vr _ Proprietor h .
UL~ French *T- •*>. 1-a.m-n
Pal lie Square, Aiuorii us, Georgia.
— §-
FS3i'TCII & j 2A c C", Proprietors.
§ ‘
Fu-si.Claßß Atcojau.viU.uoae, Swo Collars per dar
abvtrf?jc uio,
All persons desirous of availing
themselves of the boaeiitof tho Bank
rupt Law are notified that T am pre
pared to practice in that Court, hnv
fortns'l a :h”.
D. v. iioliu", of Aineiicus, who liar;
na-t much e:-T.orienco iu the practice.
Pee. 3rd-Ini. E. M. BUTT.
aMaTiw’s m
l or Ist Tuesday iu J anuary.
XITH Ir "be sold on tLn fav.fc Tuesday in
W Janui-.ry fc, 1.-c-Viro tho Court
House door, in thctuv.n of Bum a Vista, Mi
rion county, Georgia, between the legal
of sale, the foilowiby p. operty, to-wit;
East halt of lot 110. !:G2, in the .iu District
originally M-.• - ■-•. nov; Marion co\ nt.y, I.
ied on as th. property of Jae-;•)* ihu.aeil t; .
isfy a ii i> fvo:.i bl-a IVv iov Court < i i-Vc;
county, T. V/. iuirvey umn/o il-uiuß. anc;
William Boynton. Sold tj ye-feet tiller:.
A; tlio same time and place, Lot r.i land no,
58, In tho dill di.ot. of oriym-l!y Mnsuoyco,
now Maiioii county, coiL.niuvg 20L1 :eev .
more or Ic .s. Sold t:> sf-tisty a h ia ii-o>..i N--
rion Supcvicr Court, in favor of tiohe T.
Burkhv.lter vs John "Mimey.
Al SO,
At the same time and place, 400 bushels of
corn, 500 bushels cotton ; cud, 25 bushels of
peas, 3000 il s fo.uler, sold f<> satisfy a A .V
in favor of Flournoy, McGehe3 f Cos vi J.
A Story & B-VS3 -i ic j. Vy o-o prop
erty of J A Story, i.-nuod fi-ua the Superior
Court for said county; also. 400 bushels corn
as the property of B A htory to settle above
described ii fa
Dep’ty Sheriff.
Will be sold before the Court House door,
in the town of Buena Vista, Marion county,
Georgia, on the first Tuesday in. Januiu y
1870, between the leg&l hours of :>:Je, rhe
following property, to wit; four iota of land
nos, 34*, 57, 58 and 63 ip. ilie 4th dish gi oiiy
inally Muscogee now Mavion .county. . siid
land levied on by I>. In. Maadux. forme.-, i
i* t AI . ■ •. and j , bur
hundred bushels of com move or iocs, and
four bales of cotton, to satisfy an hi hi my
hand, issued from Marion Superior Court in
favor of John Butts vs Hilliard ( Burt, pro
perty pointed out uv plaintiff attorney.
A. Y.\ Dj
On the first Tuesday in February next will
be sold at the Court Mouse door, in the t
of Buena Vista., bullion coant;-/, L< r>. i;*-n the
1 igal hours of sale and to the higln-.-Aand best |
bidder, ope bay horse named Logan, and one
bay mare naiu'-d Mary, levied on as ikei-nr)-
<u*ty of Wiley Wyatt by virtue of a mortgage
fi fa, issued froiu the County Court, of said
county, in favor of O. Bulloch vs Wiley
W vatt. This December 2, 1875.
Dee. 3-hOd. Detnity sheriff.
Kctico in bankruptcy*
This is to give notiee that on the 77’.h day
nfNovember, A. D., 1875, a warrant in Biicl*:-
ruptcy was issued again-'* the et;ite of i!: 1-
iiiird Z urt, of ibu na Vi.-tn, c<-ualv <>f Ma
rion and State of (h*o.yin, wiio has b- . ;i ad
indgen a Bankrupt or, In.- p C‘ - e a- 7
t hat the paytner.t of my and and ; i. ry
of nnv propcrl.y belongirig to u.iio ibu-krupl,
lo liiuj, or for his use, am! Ihe imwsb i of
Properly by him, are forbidden by ’aw; that
a Meeting of the Creditors of ihe said Bank
rupt, to prove their Debts, and to <' <•;?'
or more Assignees of his Estate, will ’ i. : i
at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be hobien c.l
Arnericus, Ga., at Ihe ofiiee of l! j he Mr,
before S. Wi. e Parker, Esq., Repystur. on tin
eighteenth day of December, A, i),, 1875, 10
o’clock, a. m. W- 11. SMY i>,
Dec. 3 2t U. S. Marshal as Messenger.
By virtue i the authority in me vested
by the last Will and Testament of Charles
J. Baldwin, lute of Marion County Georgia,
deceased, and by virtue of an order of the
Court of Ordinary of said county, I will sell
before the Court House door in the town of
Buena Vista, said county, between the lawful
hours of sale on the first Tuesday hi January
next, lot of land No, 26, and lot Lo, (ex
cept 17£ acres in the north west corner] In
the 25th District of originally Lee, now aid
county of Marion, containing three hundred
and eighty seven and a half .cres[3fe7$■ acres]
more oriels. Situated upon said rutth-meni
is a large, commodious frame dwelling house
(built since the v/ar,)besides t outhouss,
about 225 acres of said land cleared and ir. a
high state of cultivation, bid a nee in the woods
Said settlement being the place, ami consti
Miting a part of ihe plantation known a tlu*
Baldwin lands, and this tract of acres
wns set apart to the widow of sain • • uised
as dower, and, she having departed tins life,
the same is now being sold for the payment
of debts and for 'ijatributiou among the lega
tees. Terms of sale cash.
.1 M. GILL, Administrator,
Willi the Will annexed of Charles .1. Bald win,
November i5, 1875.~40d
We desire to correct the report, circulat s
by the stockhohlers and managers <-i the .so
called Grange Warehouse, to wit: That our
Warehouse is a branch house oi Messrs
ilarold, Joimson & Cos. business, and that tne
combination is for the purpose of breaking
down tho Grange Warehouse. We deny the
aspersion and pronounce it false. Trusting
that a simple denial is sufficient to correct
the leport and reprove the authors of it, we
arc Respectfully,
Amaicua, Ga-, S.-pt. 22, lt>7s,
J' ' 4.S
JX. DEMOCBATIO 3? 7 ."ST A.7^237?..
[WRITT-'-I for. THE A2GUB.]
Confession vs i’.einr; ..round Guilty.'
l!i ZEi’IA, 4j
Georgs nnd Delia Jones wore i.q.
:<on and daugiil. •
Mary Jonea. Gcorga i/as a JySe
fellow cf about seven oumrr.orsjand
ILb sister Delio asv/eet little yi-* of
five summers. Their parents 1,/ed
in good society, contiguous to schools
and all other advantages, of which
good society consists.
At a dining that had been prepar
ed by Mrr;. .Tones, a large collection
of their neighbors, with their fandlir ;
had assembled to enjoy the loAivitit s
of the day. During tho day, while
] tho children were all out at play:
some of tho boys engaged in tho pray
cf marbles; others in roily hole; the
girls amusing themselves by jumping
the rope; gathering flowers, and eth
er play:;: George threw a bah which
accidentally struck the oiti man's due
horse in tho eye and put it out. This
very naturally created considerable
excitement and aroused the attention
of the old folks in the house.- Mr.
Jones came out and to his great sur
prise discovered that his horse's eye
was cut. Tie began to enquire who
did the act. ITo one replied for some
time, when lit'ls George stepped for- j
ward Vsmcmbfaring the old story j
about Washington) and told his fa-!
iher that ho did it. No sooner had
he confessed than hisWather picket
up a brush broom (plague take the'j
things) aud gave him a genteel lar
Delia, during the time, of the ex
citement ran against a stand and
broke her mother’s tine bowl and
pitcher, no one discovering is. But
seeing her brother George’s fate she
thought that she would raise Wash a
lease, and raD out and told her mo
ther the sad accident that had hap
pened, and to her surprise received a
worse whipping than her brother.
The children then laid down a rule
that it was better to be found guilty
than to confess.
A Bold Bobbery.— A bold robbe
ry was committed in Blakely ou
Tuesday night 1 -mi. One oi the front
windows of Col. B. 11. Robinson's
3lore was prized open with a chop 1
axe, the store entered and goods to
the amount of several hundred dol-j
lars tel eu out. The robbers vrent it
i. j&vy on clothing and boots; took ail
the money in the drawer, amounting
to only a few dollars. Several racks
of flour taken, but no meat. About
half a box of the best tobacco in the
store was canned otf, but this they
found too heavy tor them, and they
dropped it iu the alley below the
stcro. Tho rogues must have taken
fright during their operations, as
they left several pairs of shoes on the
piazza and also left the chop axe be
hind them which they had used in
opening the window. No clue to tho
robbers has been discovered, and the
probability now is, they will escape
with their booty, free of punishment.
Our advice to everybody is, to keep
their gans in order, watch their pro
perty, and whenever they catch a
thief in the act, stop his plundering
at once and forever. This was a very
boid robbery, the store being in as
public a j iace as there is in town,
and everything being done through
the front window. —Early County
Eli Perkins in his element at last.
He haa emigrated to the oil regions
—a count ry noted for its great bores.
Campaign jewelry —Emotion ear
Uapolesn’s Twatmot of Ns oc;.srals.
lie was born, a king, if to command
the obedience of men bo the whole
art of kingship, which v. ay perhaps
be deuhted. lie sec;- 3in general to
1 a.vted on the plan of Frederick
'■ JkrArom; that U. be demaadmi J;>
11| but success from LX liouten
; ants; imd was careless cf the means
1 t..ey took to obtain it. Only failure
i lie never would forgive. It was a
! favorite saying of his that ho never
j judged men but by results, it was
I to bo purpose uiat itiuftsCßU
cellent reasons for his defeat by Wei
ilingtoa; Naroieon wanted victodc -
i and not e. pianatiom:. There is a
! foolish ftory, to wuish so eminent a
I man as Eoutiiey could giro credence,
; to tho efleet that admiral Yillencuvo
! was p-ssassinated by order of the Em
peror niter Lis disgrace at Traf
: alpar. There can be no serious doubt
| that the unfortunate commander
' committed suicide in dicer terror at
! the idea cf an interview with t’lo
' stern master wuooe plans ho had
| caused to miscarry. ICTis fair to add
j that those of his captains who were
j successful bad no r.eod to complain
| that tfleir services were insufficiently
j appreciated. Even Massena had
j acquired an income of $109,000 a
: year while his star the ascen
i dant. Sonit had $60.000 a year; jSfey
j nearly $150,GoO; DavousL $180,000;
| while Berthier, Prince of Neuchatel,
enjoyed a princely revenue of come
$270, coo. '".Chey wilt 1.0 Unger
j light,” Napoleon once exclaimed in a
moment of dejection, referring to his
Get.erals, “Jl have made them too!
rich.” It may be suspected that it |
was from motives of policy rather,
than gratitude that Napoleon thusj
j created the fortunes cf km Marshals!
!in a day. He was anxious to cstafa- j
lish as a support to Ms throne a pew- ;
erful aristocracy, which in splendor
and (to do him justice) in tka bril
liancy of it3 achievements will rival
the old nobility cf Prance. He forgot,
however, that though monarchy and
deocracy can exist and have existed
without prescription, an aristocracy
to be venerable must absolutely bear
tiie seal oi'antiquity. In none of his
projects had Cromwell failed more
hopelessly than in his attempt to re
construct the House of Lords in Eng
j land. • Napoleon, it is true, did not
j propose to confer legislative functions
on Ins nobles as such; novertV.effss
he intended them to be a privileged
class, and this alone was a more
! courageous than wise idea on the
morrow of 1789.
How Patrick proposes to get over
his - ingle blessedness: By proposing
to Bridge it.
A disgusted young man says,
‘ ‘When I find a girl who has got tho
stamps, 1 find one who does not want
Tom Ilood, the poet and punster,
is now accused of having been a cre
mationist, because ha said shortly
before his death that he was dying
out of pure charity to the undertaker,
“who wished to urn a lively Hood."
“Prisoner, you have been found
guilty by a jury of your own country
men of the crime laid to your charge,
and I must say that J entirely agree
with the verdict, for I" see scoundrel
written in year face.” tiere the
prisoner interrupted with, “That’s a
strong reflection, your lordship!”
whereupon the Judge, keenly appreci
ating the joke, commuted the sen
tence into transportation for seven
Problem in optics—can a cross
eyed man 03 natural-oyzcd ? 1
Kov; 1 0 GA Dm -
Tie leaned lazily against tho corner
of tho old postoffico building natl
looked lonely.
“i'au got a lien on dis bouse, Isn’t
you if” rmid U pompous lot king dar
l.oy who came out of the . .. Charles
ÜbteTf '
There was no reply. Tho discon
solate loosing negro who leaned
against, the wall only sighed heavily.
“Hullo, Sam !” exclaimed the ho
tel magnate, slush cook, or something
else, in a tons of recogtfl.ion, “what’s
Jo matter?’’
ibe <l/ most unlmppiest nigger in
do whole world, replied Sain without
the least emotion or movement of his
Been feated in do lection ?
Gal licked you ?
No, no.
Not toofache ?
No, no, no.
Been drinking?
You know 1 isn’t, when I long to
de church.
Been gambling, I speck.
And got busted ?
Plum busted. Wust you ever
seed; an besides beia a orphan I’m
fur away from home.
Well, it serves you right. You had
no business to gamble lessen yea had
a share thing.
Well, dat what do matter. • I waR
too Hi.tain.
Of what?
Of do lection. I was tolerable well
satisfied cf r sartainty, and I planked
up on tie publicans. Hr. /Smith, he
says ton. 0 j JL Ly 0 o you if do white
folks is two hundred strong and votes
t,uc way, and do niggero i3 five hun
dred si.rong and votes solid the other
way, when it comes to countin do
white folks is gwine to he ahead. I
don’t knew nufiin bout rifmetick, but
l jest bet him two dollars dal couldn’t
be so.
But how was you gwine to prove
I never stopped to consider cat;
but dis morning Mr. Smith he cum
to me, and lie cay, Jim, do lection
returns is all in, and de State is done
gone Democratic by seven million
majority, and dem two dollars is
mine. Course I couldn’t say nuCln
after dat; and flat’s how cum me bus
ted. —Vicksburg Herald.
When a stranger asked a Detroit
girl whom he met at a party, if she
was married, she promptly repTeu:
“Not quite, but I have sued three or
four chaps for breach of premise. ”
A tax-payer lamen‘.3 in rhyme a*
i .. O .
ill-oak, break, break,
At the test of 1 by rogues, O tovrn !
Ami I would (hat my tonguo could ulter
Tht thoughts that are weighing; me down.
O Tiril for tfle pilgrim b’hoy,
. That ho Lets with his comreta at play
0 well for that fortunate maa,
" Made Oierkof the Court t’other day
And the mibl’c debt roils vp.
And tax rate l-isaa to throe;
But O for the touch of an honest band.
And a voice to cry. “This shall not be!’
Break, break, break,
And go into bankruptcy:
But (lie tender grace of a e Sit thal’a dead
Will never come back to thee !
“New vsft hat’l dene?” cries the
St. Louis distiller to Uncle Sam.
“Done, you eld thief,” replies U. S.,
with arc in his eyes, ‘ talk about vat
you have done —you have stolen vat
after vat of liquor, and I mean to
show you vat is vat 1" “Oh, my—
so help me, py sbimminy,” begs the
poor revenue rat. “It is not ray
lauit,” declares the irate U. 6., “for
I’ve looked into it and seen the crook
ed stufi there, with ray own eyes 1”
(The guena \Uotu Ju’pju.
m -a
A. M.C. Kl SSr.LI , ImlKoi,
KIFI S A. Ul HSKIHa, A*koi inlf FTHKor
llu< * Vintiij Marion Cos., <■ •
r '
Urccbvr.romi;,i'.ig ’ Hones y.
1 , ci' -r ’.l/ a. man with a
ga: r.i ice".: hail and before :ui oatjng
efivd • ' ‘ h:. Ocutral Lla.!:ct, and
after along cutvoy of the .iaufls
he r and to iUv - ' woman;
'‘lain a poor man, flni I’ll bo
hor.eit if I have to Is l-vriod in
Pauperh Held ” •
“V.'lmft:, th j lnf.Jov i-.ov i” ask
ed Luo '-voaia'i reyarflii!'-; with sus
“No one raw me pick : 0 a twen
ty 'iolir.r bill licit} 'ey ti is stand
ear 1 ;’ ii.N .r.. ruing, tri, as I o*d
before j. will be honest.’'
“A t' dollar bill—pick
up I” she whiopered, bringing a
bland siniia to her face.
“I eappoce,” he continued, “that
some cne passing along hero could
have dropped such a bill, but it
seems more reasonable to think
that tho money was lost by
“Don’t talk quite, so loud,” sbo
said as she leaned over the stand.
“You are an honest man, nnd I’ll
have your name put iu tho papers
so that all may knew it. I’m a
hard working widow, aud if you
hadn’t brought back that money it
would have gone hard with iny
little children.”
If I pick up money by a stand I
always give it up,” he said as ha
sat down on one of tho stools.
“That's right—that’s honest,”
she whispered. “Draw right up
here and have seme breakfast.”
lie needed no second invitation.
The way lie went for cold ham,
fried sausage, buacnit and coifea
was terrific to the woman.
“Y es—l—urn—try—to—be—
vonc.-it” he remarked between
“That’s right. If I found any
money belonging to you I’d give it
up, you hot. Have another cup of
coffee ?”
“Don’t—care—fidoo,” he said as
ho jammed more ham into liis
Even courtships ha ro an end.
The cld chap finally began to
breathe like a foundered horse,
anu pretty soon after -that he rcse
from tire table.
“You are a good man to bring
my lost money back,” said the
woman as she brushed away the
“Oh, I’m honest,” he replied ;
“when I find any lost money I al
ways give it up.”
“Welil’ll take it now, please,’’ she
said, as he began to button his
“Take what?” he asked.
“That lost money you fcund.”
“I didn’t find any. I’ll be honest
with you, however, if I ever do find
any arc and here i”
“Yen old Bar uidn’t yon say you
found a $29 dollar bill here ?”
'•‘No, ma’am. I said no one saw
a; pick up curb a bill hero 1”
“Pay me lor ray porvishuns l"
she yelled, clutching at his throat.
I’ll be honest with you—l havn’t
a cent 1” he replied, as he held her
ishe tried to tip him over into a
barrel of charcoal, but he broke
loose, c.ud before she recovered
from her amazement ho was a block
away and galloping around like a
stage horse. —Detroit Free Press.
Tho little rascal was so trouble
some that Jones could stand it no
longer and quietly kicked him out.
“What have you be<n doing to aay
William ?” sharply asked Mrs. dog
gers, who quietly made her appear
ance. “i’vc V-toed an obnoxious
Bill, ma’am," was the quiet reply of
our hero; ami tne old lady went to
have some further conversation with
William about it.