The Savannah evening journal. (Savannah [Ga]) 1852-185?, November 03, 1853, Image 2

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Thursday Afternoon, November 3, 1853. See Ai’ml and la*l pages* The tVml In r. lly Common consent of mankind, the weath er is nt alt time* an nllowal-lo topic. Tho ■ “weather” breaks tho ico at an evening party I or soirees, whon two timid people of opposite i genders, are thrown in juxtaposition, and both 1 feci it a duty to talk, neither knowing how to ‘ begin. It is the exordium of most conversa tions, and tho theme of constant discussion. Did we not havo this precedent before us, the weather for a few days past, has been varied enough to justify mention of it; we havo had all sorts of weather. Clear anti cold—cloudy and close—windy and dry —sloppy and slushy boisterous and biting, (as on Sunday last) — while to day opened with torrents of rain, fill ing the streets with pools and lakelets innu merable, and making almost a Venice of our goodly city. Tho ulinnnacs t II us that we may soon expect clear bracing weather, and we hope they may bo correct in their divina tions, for tho weather of to-day is any thing hut agreeable, putting almost a stop to business, dampening tho most exuberant spir its, and turuiug all geniality of soul into dis contented grumbling. The fc’ext Fair--- \V lin t *ltnll It be Held ! A correspondent of the Augusta Constitution nli*t proposes that, that city bo selected as the most suitable place for holding the next, and all j'uturi Fairs of the Southern Central Agricul tural Association. Now, we had been thinking somewhat of having the show in Savannah some of these days. Atlanta has had it— Macon has had it, and Augusta has had it. Would it be any thing but right, that wo should have our turn also, in the course of time? We think not. There’s so much more to he .-t en here than in any inland city, we are satisfied that \i.-ilors tu the Fair would prefer going a little out of iho way, in order to avail themselves of the peculiar attractions which wo could offer them. There are hundreds and hundreds of persons in upper (ieorgia, who have never seen the ocean, nor a ship, nor a steamer; and who would avail them selves of such an opportunity as the Fair would afford, to come to iS.tvaunah. Resides this, it is time that Savannah ami tho up country wi re getting better acquainted with each other the holding of the Fair here, would greatly promote that end. On the score of convenience in get ting here, wo need only remark that the Central, and Waynesboro Rail Road.-, with the Charles ton boats, could pour Into our city altim.-t n- large n crowd, as tho (ieorgia and South Carolina Roads could send to Augusta. And as to ac- i commodution, we could bread, hod, and house 1 as many people wo think, as our sister city could. Augusta has gone to some expense we know, to have the Fa : r there, and we are willing she should retain it, until she indemnifies hci self; hut after that, wo think it no more than right, just, aud generous, to give Savannah a chance to entertain the up country, and our merchants a chance to form acquaintances. Can Augusta object to this? Wo think not. We havo no sort of objection to having the next Fair at Augusta, and oven the next after that, if need he. Rut wc should be sorry to see any arrangement made which would forever debar Savannah, from participation in the pleasures, aye, and tho profits, arising out of (ho Annuel Foil.- us tlio Ototo. I'midi Cfliuliim holds her show a limy* in Charleston -why not Georgia sometime*, hcr’s in Savannah ? AI la lit n and Asa lan la. A remark of ours a day or two since, that there was no such bank in Georgia ns tho At lanta Rank, we learn has given rise to erroneous impressions -some readers thinking that we did not know of tho existence of tho Atlanta Rank, and others supposing there really was o such Hank, Tho idea wo intended to convey was, that Dye’s Mirror, (in a notice of which our re mark occurred) had spelt tho name of tho Rank incorrectly. Wo have soi n somo of its paper, and it hears the name Atlanta—not At lanta. The error may ho trivial, but in a Rank Mirror, which vaunts itself on its accuracy, there should be no errors at all. We think it highly probable that the word Atlanta is a corruption of Atalanta, adopted be cause it is more easily pronounced ; and that , Atalanta was the real nnmn given by its foun ders to the city now known as Atlanta. No such name as this occurs anywhere,to our know ledge,in tho records of the past, while. Atalanta is a prominent name in anciont mythology. It was the title of two progressive damsels—wo man's rights women—of that ancient period. Roth were celebrated for their fleetnoss of foot, and the first of that name for horoxploits in tho chase. It was she who first wounded the cele brated Calydonian boar; and she was famed for hor skill with the bow. The last lady of that name was more beautiful and more fleet than her namesake. She was c""jtantly bored by despairing lovers, but had a summary way of dUpofing of them. Those who aspired to her hand were compelled to run a race, and if over taken by the lady before reaching tho goal, they paid the penalty of death for their presumption. Man}’ fine fellows were thus di: posed of, when one Hippornenes triumphed over the cruel I t -, in the following manner. Venus presented him With three golden apples, which he dropped upon the course when pursued by Atalanta. The dam sel, with that fondness for apples for which the rex has been noted even from the time of live, stopped to pick up the treasures,and her .-tutor was thus enn hied to reach the g".il fir .-t. Atalanta then gave way to melancholy . then to hyster ics, then to bad conduct. .'lie and her lord spent a miserable time together, and at last when she had desecrated one of the tempi* in hor maducss, Venus transformed her and her spouse into lions, and harnessed them to her car, where, according to the legend, they still do duty. We suppose Atlanta takes her name fmin tho first damsel alluded to above, a:.d there seems au appropriateness in bestowing the title upon a city which has sprung up as it by magic from the wilds and forests that surround her. Aift’ At the distribution of premiums by the American Institute, on Wednesday evening i there wore only two gold nodals given. Most of the premiums wero diploma.- ami W. lister’s Dictionaries! This last is a skillful dodge of the publishers of the dictionary to bring it into notice.— Exchange. It is time that the system of advertising at Fairs, was broken down. At the late Fair in , Augusta a good deal of it was done. We men tion as a single instance, (though wo could give others) that a piece of handsome Rrussels car peting was placed in the Dailies Department for inspection. What business had it there: It wus not of Georgia, or of Southern Manufacture: perhaps not even of American Manufacture. Then why was it sent to the Fair ? Simply a ,‘a’cari of advertisement/’ [Correspondence of the UnUimorn Sun.] Washington Matters, 1 “It is not belieVodthat the Christian powers will become involved in war. A general war in 1 Europe, involving, of course, revolution and ; civil wars, would -hake the institutions of tho , world. Rut I have id doubt that It would bo beneficial to the interests of this count.’yln every | respect, provided we adhere to our own wise and , traditional line of policy, in regard to foreign ’ • nation* and their iuvolvments. i 1 notice some few preparations in relation to , the coming session. I hear that Mr. Disney, of 1 j Ohio, one of the prominent candidates for the: speakership, is here. From Col. Orr wo have ! recently heard through a speech to his consti tuents. Mr. Snow, Into member, from New ! , York, is hero, but not as a candidate for tho ! clerkship. The friends of the “hards” congratulate them- i selves and the Union democratic cause upon the , j course of Mr. Gilbert in communicating to the j 1 National Intclligcn or tho admirable ad lress of the democratic convention. Tho case of tho ! “bards” is now laid fully before the public. The ! story told, in the address published to day,gives • us a solemn warning against the tendency of tho barnburner policy towards violence and oivil war. Tho administration have determined to con tinue the war against the “refractory officers;” — that is, men who have not embraced, and per haps not understood, tho President’s plan for producing democratic harmony. To balance accounts with the “hards” of New York, tho President has sent the bow-string to some con ditional office-holders inßoSton men who main tain democracy by use of abolition associates. I learn that tho orders for turning out, some por devils of this factiou went to Roston yes terday. Rut tho abolition element in the democratic party will not mix kindly with tho rest,and is j opt t” .‘■our. The next, “indignation” is to come, not from the hards, but from their au’agonists, the freo-soilers.” M onnoiti sh. Iho New York J'-i/mnc devotes a column to a con.-i icration of tin* evil practices of the Mor mons. Trying to reform them, it says: “Ihis can he done by gentle example and : mild teaching -or at the worst by strong rc inmisf ranees, but not by force. Christendom ha- been spitting at the Jews for eighteen hun dred years; it has deprived them of all tho or dinary a venues to honor and success, and yet the Jews flourish as a sect. So will it he with Mormonisin, if persecution seek to eradicate polygamy and kindred errors.” The Cuban ion. Iho Washington correspondent of the N. V. Journal of Commerce says: “ Alter some further inquiry into the rumors concerning the interference of tho Rritish Gov ernment in the a (fairs of Cuba, 1 am convinced | that the Administration havo been led to place reliance upou them. They have indeed, some additional evidence of the truth of the rumors, withiu a day or two. “ Rut it may be doublful whether Spain will agree to such an interference, even if it has j been attempted by tlm British Government. Ihe inhabitants of Culm would ho willing to take the African apprentices, but that they will ■ ! consent to the abolition of slavery, is not to be j believod. The attempt to put tho scheme in force, would create the lung talked of revolu tion in Cuba; and the Cuban proprietors would U ** uw iUcuibulvu iiuu Hie arms ot a neighbor ! that recognizes slavery where it exists.” J.’ *.?'* Stewart of the Marble dry goods store New York, has bought the Metropolitan Hotel in that city for $550,000. It is not known whether he will keep it open usa Hotel, or con vert it into stores. y’ ts” I here is a secret society in New York called the Southern Aid Association whoso ob ject is to raise funds to pay tho expenses of pas- i sen gore by the “underground Railroad.” It held a meeting on Thursday night last; repor tors were carefully excluded. Older Ilian tli<- limit mis. An archedaequeduct has recently been dis covered in Jerusalem, uuder the pool of.Solo mon, covered by a regularly built keystone arch which was beyond doubt built by Solomon; I showing that tho arch which was supposed to • bo invented by the Homans, was known aud ‘ f used a thousand years before Christ. Don’t \\ ulk so fast. “I havo often used,” said Grotry, a singular stratagem to slacken or quicken the pace of a walking companion. To say you walk too fast • or too slow, is impolite, save to frien j; but to sing softly an air to tho time of tho walk of your companion, and then, by degrees, either j to quicken the time or make it slower, is a atrat- I agoin as innocent as it is convenient.” I)rnth of n Veteran Msn-of-Wnr’s Man In Knglnnd. On Saturday last, William Scarlet, nn in male of the Cockcrmouth Union Workhouse, j died there in the 80th year of his age. He was an American by birth, and had been a >ailor in the American commercial marine, but was pressed into the British naval service when a young man. Whilst in tho Royal na vy lie served under Howe and Nelson, and was pre.-ent at six general actions, including those of Copenhagen, the Nile, and Trafalgar. Be sides these lie was engaged iu a great number of actions between single vessels, expedi tious, cutting out affairs, Ac. He received a J"'”si"ti of Is. 7d, per day, but deemed hiiusulf ! entitled to a higher one, and petitioned the ! Admiralty accordingly, lie appeared before the board somew hat intoxicated, and, on being j told that his petition was rejected, and that he ought to led grateful to Id - King and country tor what ho was receiving, replied, “R n the King and country.” For this offence lie! was struck off the list, and, after a long strug- j gb* with ty and tho infirmities incident j to age, was compelled to solicit parochial re- I lief, and be aim* an inmate of the Cockernioutli ! I nioii, where he continued until his death. rumk-rtinrt /a,J et >V /f , o, T lie l< igtii Spirit. Mr. Herndon, postmaster at Glonrillo, in forms the editor of the Religious Telescope, nt < D tie villa, Ohio, that having, aooording to-the laws *d \ irginia ••pend and inspect'd his pa. per.-,'and found them to contain abolition sen tiincnts, he has rot used to deliver them as ad dr.-sso I. aud has publicly burnt them in pres ence of a uiagi-ji.itfi. It appears by his letter that the penality for circulating such papers is imprisonment in tho pcoitcnttHiy for not less than one nor more than five years. r'?- The marriage of tho Emperor of Austria with the Prim e.-.- Elizabeth of Bavaria, is fixed for ”lth of April, ISSI. • ”**” A decree in the Monitinr prohibits the exportation of potatoes, l oans, and other pulse ! ( h ymm s up to the 151st July. 1854, which probably will tell oil the prices of these vogc- ; ’ tables in England. rtf- A Correspondent, writing from Tours, 1- ranee, on the 7th inst., states that tile wheat crop is good, but that it is very short: that the vine* area failure, and the potatoes indifferent: tlmt on the whole, there is considerable diffi cieney. Savannah journal. Thursday. November s, im. An Indian Hermit emi. A letter fro u Santa Barbara, California, ; says : ‘ We have now in Santa Barbara a great curl- I osity; it is an Indian woman who has lived for eighteen yours alone upon the inland of Sau Ni- ‘ ch'das—a small island about forty-five miles ! from this place --during which time she has not . seen the f.iro of a human being. This island ; was once peopled by a tribe of Indians, to whom j tho North-west tribes were hostile. To preserve j , the remnant of this tribe from destruction, as { well as with a view to Christianise them, the ! Padres induced them to come to tho mainland I eighteen years ago. After they were all on j board the vessel sent for them, this woman j .‘■•wain ashore to look for her child, which had j j been left, and a storm springing up in the-'l night, the vessel was compelled to put to sea; on j ! returning, she could not be found. She win i I known to be alive by those who at times visited ! , the island for Hie purpose of hunting otters, ! from the marks of tires aud from foot-prints in i the sand. On being approached the other day she tuani i festod much joy, which she betrayed by signs of I the most significant character, and at once com menced packing up hor few articles of furni ture. Whether the sounds which she utters are words or not has not yet been ascertained.— The man who found her is familiar with five or six Indian languages, but ho was unable to un derstand a single expression; it is more than probable that she has forgotten her native tongue entirely. Her clothing consisting of skins of birds, sewed together with the fibres of some tree or plant. Her food has been shell fish, seals, and a small bulbous root, similar in appearance to an onion, but wholly tasteless. The needless with which she stitches her gar ments are made of the sharp bones of a fish.— She had two hooks made of a bent nail and sharpened by friction upon a stone. 11 <-r lines wero beautifully twisted from the sinews of some animal, probably a species of fox which abounds on the island. Her age, as near as can be estimated, is about or 00. Her features are quite masculine, and her hair of the color of dark brown, and very fine. This is quite retna:kable for an Indian; their hair you know, is always jet black and coarse. In some future letter 1 will give you a more extended account of this marvel of the I'.Mh century. She is truly an object for the re flect : on of tho philosopher and tho inspection of iho curious. Hrtnur on Dt-mi, Miss Bremer, in her “Homes of the New World,” alludes to this popular actress in the following manner. While at Mobile, Miss Bremer says : “Iu the evening I went to the theatre, to which I was invited by the theatrical manager, who had the politeness to place a box at my dis posal during my stay in the city. I saw an amusing little piece called “Jenny Lind in Heidelberg,” which was performed with much humor: and 1 was greatly pleased with another piece, “The Daughters of the Stars,” in which a very young and highly gifted actress, Miss Julia Dean, caused me, to my surprise, to shed tears, f have never seen any acting iu which so : much pathos was combined with so much fresh ness and truth to nature, since I saw Jenny Liu lat the theatre at Stockhollnn. * * * I have been repeatedly at the theatre, and al ways amused by the young and promising ac tress, Miss I’. I met her one evening, with a number of others of the theatrical company at Mis- Lc Vert's. They all appeared agreeable and well hied people, and young Miss J’. was more beautiful in a room than on the stage, and as modest in dress and demeanor ,*my of the young Puritans of New England. {She is ac companied ly, or rather she accompanied her father, who also is nn actor of merit. It is evident that actors in the New World take a j higher position in society than they have yet done in Europe. A Sailor's Gratitude. A seaman named Black, has been discharged from the Rounder, 5(1, Captain King, the lucky j fellow having coiuo into a fortune, it is said of £(>0,1100. During the fitting of the ship, aud i since his return to this port, Jack was frequent ly aninmatv of tho excellent establishment the i Devenport Sailors Home, and, being not less ) wayward than others of his class, Lieut. Bar nard, the master, hud frequent occasion to place the sailor under restrictions as to his ex- j petiditure, and this saved him from the waste o| his hard earnings, for which, in his reosona- ■ 110 moments, lie was always thankful. On j hearing of his good fortune, Jack proceeded to j his friend at the Heine, announced the fact, and solicited Lt. Barnard to become his future guide, and protector of his money, offering ! i him al tho samo time, command of a yacht, j which it was his determination to keep, with a salary ol £SOO a year. The Lieutenant hesita- j ted, hut, on Jack’s earnestly urging his re- I quest, at last consented, stating at the same time, that he should he quite content with half the proffered income, if it were guaranteed for three years. A bargain was at once struck, n lawyer brought, and u bond entered into that the agreement might assume a legal form, and i Lieut, Barnard has left with his sailor friend for Leith, to be present at tho installation of j the lucky tar in his newly acquired possession. ; Plymouth Mail, Arrested on Suspicion. An individual with a superabundant pair of whiskers and “a love of a moustache” was ar rested yesterday on Lake street by tho police on suspicion of being “a suspicious perton age.” His hirsute appendage was found to bo move able, and was taken off by the officers. He gave his name ns Rood. Upon searching him, a few suspicious articles, including S3O in i Atlanta money was found upon him, and his clothes were stained with blood. He was lock ed up for examination. —Chicago .Journal 26th. Tlie Hankft. The Philadelphia Ledger thinks it “useless to say that the money market is easy when the ‘ New York city banks are weekly narrowing their discounts at the rate of one or two millions per week. The hanks have led tho public into j trouble, and are now using the most reckless • baste t” retrieve the ir improper steps, seeming- ; ly quite indifferent at the pecuniary suffering j ot the mercantilecouuniiuity in consequence.— 1 For tho last year or two the great struggle among the bank- lias been as to which of them . : could maintain the largest line of bills roeoiv- ‘ able, and so make the largest dividends. While I all banks were lending, all borrowers were good payers. The hanks suffered no losses, and of course made money for their stockholders, very fast. The utmost limit was at length reached, ; and now the rivalry among the banks is, who , shall lose the least in getting back to tho start- 1 j ing point.” A Long Fnri xv 11. Mi.-ses M. NN . aud ('. I*. NVebster. the only ■ survivor* of the Into Professor J dm NV. NVebster ; now in this country, bade a farewell to our shores yesterday, having sailed for the Azores, j in the 10. They have just paid the last melan- i choly riles over the remains of an idolized mo- j Hot, and a most cstimablo woman; and, hnv- I i”g moistened the du.-t <*f Mount Auburn with j •heir bitter and sympathetic tears, they now ■ I ve forev .-r the sweet scenes of their childhood, of home, friends and those many delightful n ssociiitions around which the heart always clings .-•> naturally and so fondly. They have uttered that last and melancholy word,/arc, ell. 1 he train of misfortunes which have render- j cd dark and gloomy tho paths of tboseyoung ! and beautiful ladies—for such they are—is ! peculiar and mournful. We will not name that j circumstance so dreadful, but ending in death, which deprived them of a father. From that ! event we desire to draw no veil ; and now, be- j fon* tho robes of mourning had been exchang ed: before the deep fountains of grief had been | dried up, death, insatiate and almost cruel, has prostrated the form of a mother. The grave lias closed over her, and she too, sleeps in eternal ! repose by the side of him who wont before her. The mourners in theiryouth and beauty, have now gone. Tho ocean is to separate them from 1 the sacred spot of home. They have bid a farewell to whatever was dear, never more to ; return. Such is a phase of life—more ofrba- j duw’e tLan of sunshine.— Evtloa Tima. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. [Transmitted for the Associated Press.] I Arw York Market. New York, Nov. 2. The Cotton market was firm to-day the sales comprising 2500 bales. Cliiti'lfMton Market. Chakkkston, Nov. 2 P. M. ! Cotton—Sales to day 700 bales at SJ to | 10$e. The market wus quiet—the extreme rates of Monday wero not sustained. Chnrlcston Municipal lOleetion. CIIAKLKHTOX, NOV. 2. The Mayor’s election, is a close one—tho re sult is considered doublful, but it is supposed that Hutchinson is re-elected. Tin* MlH'm House,Charleston. Chari.ksto.n, Nov. 2. Nickerson’s house-warming (of the new ho tel, tho Mill’s House,) comes oft'on Saturday. The pres* of your city (Savannah) are invited to be present on the occasion. Hemp. nSales for the past three or four days sum up tbout lOUO bales, all or nearly all of which was uked from store for a manufacturing house in Louisville. Prices paid range from Si lo to $l2O per ion. lt will not be sent forward immediate ly, but will remain in store perhaps till a rise takes place in the Ohio and freights get easier. These purchases were made in view of the al most total suspension of receipts and the small stock on hand, the party thinking it would bo more advantageous to buy now and wait lor a favorable opportunity to ship, than to defer it . until an improvement in navigation and pro bable further advance in prices.— St. Louis Err it illy Xcich. Notes Forged by IMloJogrnpliy. A discovery lias recently been made at the Rank of England, which will cause, it is under | stood, a great change to be speedily effected in i the character and general appearance of tile notes issued by that corporation. It has just been ascertained that, by means of photography, sue siinilies can he obtained, by a skilful opera- ; tor, with the greatest facility; and that fraudu lent copies of bank notes thus obtained, would pass muster, even with some of the most expc* j rienced judges. A correspondent of the Times ■ suggests the following method of detecting the fraud: “The watermark of the bank note re ; suits from a difference in the substance of the paper, and is only visible by transmitted light; that is, when the note is held up so that the ! light may pass through it, it being in the body of the paper. Now, the imitated watermark would be on the surface only, and it would be produced by a slight darkening of the front of the note, corresponding exactly with the tliiek ; or portions of the paper of the note it wus copied : from, and would, therefore, be visible by re* • fleeted light ns well as by transmitted light, and would be on the front only, and not on tho hack as well; and, consequently, by doubling a note so produced, so as to sec at the same time part of the buck and part of the front, tho fraud would bo at once detected, as tho watermark would not be on both.’’ Captain Ingraham in Ills Itoyliood. A correspondent nt Holmes’ Hole, sends us the following : —*• Uapt. Feter Daggett was coast pilot of the Congress frigate in ISIS, during the Into war with Great Britain. They had on board the Congress a midshipman, a lad of about 10 years of age. One day, while at sea, they saw a ship, which they afterwards took j and made a prize of. NVben the ship was dis covered in the distance, Capt. Daggett and the little middys were on the foreyard. Captain Daggett had a glass through which he looked at the ship. Tiie young midshipman inquired— • NVliat do you make of her, sir?’ Capt. Dag- I gctl took the boy under his arm and ran out to the end of tho yard, where they could get a bet : ter view of the vessel. • Oh, sir,’ said the hoy, ! j * I hope she is a frigate, and that we shall have | a hard fight, and that every officer over me will j .be killed. Thcu I shall be captain, and you j and I will take the two ships into port, in grand ! style.’ This brave little follow’ is now Command- ! ’ er Ingraham—tho hero of the Into affair at 1 .Smyrna.- Vineyard ( Edyartuicu) (Jazcttv. CA.\I)II)\TES FOR SHERIFF. To tho Voters of Chatham County: Fki.low Citizens :—I am a Candidate for the office of SHERIFF of your Coun ty at tho election in January next, and respectful ly solicit your Support. oetfi te ALEXANDER THOMAS. Mr. Editor:—Please announce Mr. JOHN A. STALEY, n candidate for tho officeof Sheriff of Chatham County, at the election iu Junuarv, 1854. >"* v 1 MANY VOTERS. BBLS. YBLLONV ONIONS and3o bbls, I N l Potatoes, lauding from brig Marthu Rodgers ’ from Boston, by [oct 27] J. A. BKONVN. )t'.-T received per steamer Augusta—A fresh sup ply of Pickled Pork, (eboier pieces) Smoked Beef, Beef Tongues. Pig Hams. Pickles in barrels, Pickled Salmon, Codfish if: Mackerel. Also, Potatoes, Apples, new Lemons, Raisins and Citron. For sale by oct 31 NY. (i. DICKSON. T EST received per steamer Augusta—A full supply of strictly prime Oofthen Butter and Cheese. Also, rhnirh Butter, 4 lbs. for $1; fair do., 6 lbs. for sl. For auleby [oct 81] \v. dmckson. VLNST POWDERS.— Babbitt’*, L Preston A Merrill s Yeast Powders. Just opened and for sulu by “ft 6 JAB.I r. CARTER A CO. S BOARS! SEGAKS!!—A lot of choice Scgara, just received, including J Prenado, Yeilka,Gift,large, medium aud small Plantation. Bustamante, Union, Regalia, Fcnomeno and Genuine Bio llondos. Call and see at the APOTHECARIES’ HALL, oot 8 \\ 1 1 INDIA FRI IT—a fine lot juat landing t ? from Havana, and for sale By j A BROWN. ®et 31 No 27 NVhitaker-st. lIM !£*~-.'>ou IJils. Litnc, daily expected per brio j Muzutlau. will be sold low if applied lor imme | diately. [oct 6] BRIGHAM, KELLY It 00. / (ARROW A\ CORDIAL.—IO dozen Carrowuv Cor- ! V .'dial, for sale by A. IMNAt'D. ! Q’T ”1 corner of Bay and Whitaker ste i I) I.TICI LES--a splendid a.-.-ortnient at all prices i f-r sale by (TiII!EDGE it UKOTJI Eli. I oct S / (OTTOX BI NS. -Burnt S Island and ’i~ V lor’s Patent 2faiv Bins. t<- - nil ord. : b'.r ,-nh- by C. II CAMPPIBU), oct 1 Agent for Manufacturers. ’ 1 7RESH BUTTER AND CIIEES<E. Ju i ..! 1 by .steamer Florida aud lorsalclw ccptl.-i HYLAND A O’NEILL. ‘FOOLS.—Mechanics’ T' . ; all kind-; :.• >„i. i I by liKo. \ McCIJ>KLY. oct -7 N<>. 1 p. Congress-street. t PPLES, POT iTOUB4OMOVB. • i Mils, landing tiom steamel*Florida, tor sale by i ’ • li. -I GILBERT, | NE “ RAIS IX S.- 3o whole, half and quarter b-'Xes Rc-L-ins, just landiuglroin steamer, by oct27 J. A. BLOWN. | / MISHKA HITTER AXD < IIKKSK. I I Landing from the steamer Augusta.andl'.r sale bv oct 27 11. J. GILBERT. * nAY HAY :: 150 boll* ,i"-t landi I “Keystone State,”aud fop tale by “<• Iw _ ( . L L LAM A It. I>t TTEU A CIIKESK.—A fresh supply of Butter I > and Cheese, rcceiv al per steamer Florida and for sale at the Emporium, by ct 10 SEABORN GOODALL. I 1 AY AND CORN ME A G.-25 bales East- I I ern May, 72 bushels Corn Meal, just received and tor sale by oct li C. 11. DCRYKE. I CABBAGES, landing this day from I M/[ / sellrs irginia aud Enchantress, by oct 31 .1 A BROW N. Ii 8T RECHI VEDAnother lot of V Bi el /in’s celebrated Boapsaud Perfume***, at the 1 *ept 30 A POT II ECARj Eg HALL. RUTTER,PORK AM) BEEF, i: n 1 ) ed per Alabama—New Pig Pork; also F. M. Mess Beef; and Strictly PrimeGosben Butter, for sale by sept -7 WM. G. DICKSON. VttD jMutrrttsrmtttls. Holloway'* Plilx nn admirable Rem- 1 j criy for IlllloiiH Com|ilninl a mid Imli ; tgest ion .•-The efficacy of these invuluublo Pills in the bile, indigestion, flatulency, sick headache, ner- ! ! vousness, anil debilitated constitutions, is no thorough- ! ! ly established In almost every part of the world, that ! j they now stand pre-eminent ud the finest medicine ever I I known for these complaints.and may be taken by per j sons of all ages and iu every climate. They vigorute | the body,streugthen the faculties of the rniud.iacreage the appetite, aud purify the blood. Those who suffer j from diseas s brought on by sedentary occupations ! may rely on these Pills giving immediate relief, and u Certain restoration te g<k and heulU). nov 3 ’ U S. MAIL LINE FOR NEW YORK. To leave Saturday, Nov. 1?, at o’clk, —M. MV The U. 8. M. steamship AUGUSTA, j Capt. Thomas Lyon, will leave as 1 y~T j*fL l> k° vu ‘ For freight or passage apply j nov 3 PADELFORD. FAY A CO. j S. MAIL LINE. FOR NEW YORK. To sail Saturday, Nov. 5, at 10 o’clock, A. M. The splendid fast going Steamship , q*. “f&L FLORIDA. Capt. M. 8. Woodhull, will ns nbove. For freight or passage nov 2 P,l> PADELFORD. FAY & CO. Fare Reduced. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. FOR PHILADELPHIA. To leave Wednesday, Nov. 16, at - o’clk,—M. The new and slpcudid steamship . K KY-ST’ N E STATE. Capt. Robert HiU’dic, will leave as above. ('at'iii Passage to Philadelphia S2O SU-erage •• do. 8 For freight or passage, apply to nov 3 C. A. L. LAMAR. RICE’S COUGH CANDY, THE mTII I'.WilV S!) Mil’ll ot*o and appreciating public, or harp bis n< trams iu the ears of jieople already siekened wit h tl .o flood of i | Haunting advertisements with which the news sheets - teem. in>r yet would tease them with invitations to i read the applausive language prefixed to cognomens 1 which never yet had real place in the catalogue ol mortal's names, but lie would respect fully refer them i to every other man. woman and child iu the city, rely- | iugupon theii houot unpaid for opinions. One thing ! ! lie would state, however.u ;< m his own hook, t hat who- : : ever i-< dissat stied with his bargain can call at the cor | ner of Broughton and W hitaker s<s. and have his : money refunded, t lie envelope being is such eases con- j sidered equivoloit to a note of hand and himself al- • 1 ways ready to discount. nov 3 ts * T. C. UfCE. FOR MACON, HAWKINSVILLE, AND other Landings. -, tirns The steamer ('HAS. IIABTRID(!K, j W Taylor, um.-ter, will h ave as al>ove. TllfS NIGH I'. Freight received at Johnson’s lower wharf. 1 iiov3J BRIGHAM. KELLY \ CO. SMOKED HALIBUT, Smoked Salmons Ac.---Just received per Steamer bH> lbs. Smoked Halibut, lot) do do Salmon, 2 bids Pickled do. 1 do Tongues and Sounds. 1 do Halibuts’ Fins, 3 hbls Pig Hams; Smoked Beef, Bologna Sausage, <tv.. for sale at ALEXANDERS, nov 3 Cos Bull and Oongross-sts, Monuracnt-sq. tust rectT)Per steamer io übisTAppicario ts do Prime Eating Potatoes. 3do Cranlicrries. 5 boxes Lemons. Cabbages, Ac. GKO. ALEXANDER, nov 3 Cor Bull and Congress-sts, Monument-sq. I UST RKC'D, in store. 10 bbisCuunl Flour, u half do d0,5d0 new Buckwheat. 2‘> hags do and . 5 bids Self-Raising Flour. 5 kegs Extra Choice Goshen But ter. 5 boxes do do Clieo.-c, for sale low for cash at ALEXANDER’S, nov 3 Cor Bull and Congress-sts, Monument-sq. U r ATERS’ Atmospheric BreastCu|i—A few of these )y celebrated and highly approved Breast, Cups, just roc’cl and for sale by J. 11. CARTER A CD. nov 3 MUS I*A XG LI.VTMKN’T Ali apply ofvurinus .s.zes. just ree’d. as well us every variety of Pa tent Medicines always on baud at nov 3 J. II.CARTKR A CO. fVuKN< 11 CAN DIES Cvery variety of j ! I A French Candies, perfectly l’resb. for sale nt i COY3 fit RICE’S CANDY FACTORY. j 4 PPLEs—4O bbls for .-ale by 1 .V i 11. J. GILBERT. ! / (ANTON GINGER.—2U cases, forwilo by V J nov 3 H.I GILBERT. vJ ID. C A 11 1. , so i) A- i . foi sale by ( ‘ mv 3 II .1 GILBERT. 4 NUMBER one! POTASH. Ju i iv- U Y eeived l-y J. E DkFOLD, nov 3 Apothocaries’ Hnlb 4550 DOLLARS. GREENE AND PULASKI LOTTERY, Class No. 13.'. fur 1553. Will be drawn in Savunnah To-morrow. GRKGORY A M ACIIY. MANAGERS. Successors to J. \V. Maury A Cos. 13 drawn numbers out of 75 ! SCHEME 1 prize of $4,230 j 1 prize of S3OO 1 prize of 1,300 | 1 prize of 222 1 prize of b •> | 1 prize of 200 Ac. Ac. Ac. Tickets $1 —shares in proportion. Tickets either singly or bv the Package for sale by E. W ITIIINGTON, Bay Lane, Savannah, On, nov 3 \ ender for Gregory A Maury. DI’ING INSTRUMENTS a few caaea of ah perior quality, for sale by nov 2 ‘ J. 11. CARTER A CO. DR RALL’F, Magnetic Liniment—A new article and very highly recommended for Sprains, Bruises. Sores. Frozen part-and Rheumatism: also, go* and for Cramp and Bilious .Colic. Price only 2o cents, for by J. 11. CARTER A Cos, nov - Druggists. Broughton-st. L>RYANTS PULMONIC WAFERS—For Coughs, fColds, Ashinas aud Influenza, a large supply on lmnd. They are very highly recommended for the above dieases, for sale by .1. 11. CARTER A t’t>-. nov - Druggists, Broughtons!. IYOCKLAND LIMF..—I2OO casks Rockland Stone k Lime iu store and for sale iu lots to suit pur chu.ersby [nov2J E. W. 1U KER. nt LL’S SOAPS—Just received, n fresh supply of _ Hull's highly perfumed AlmoodSiup Variegated Bars, large and small. White Bars of al! siz<*. nud a variety of other fine Soaps for family use, lor sulo at the Apothecary's Hall by uov - * J. E. DkFORD. nR.BAI LE Y’f4 COMPOUND PASTE, a fine remedy for a eevtain disease, for sale by ! ‘ - JAMEB 11. CARTER A CO. Hay AND MESS BEEF i , Philadelphia Hay; 50 bbls prime Mess Beef tor sale by ‘ C. A. L. LAMAR, nov 1 fit / 1 l M DROPS— I.nuv- ; ,I, > superior l.einon. x 1 \auiila. Rose. Strawberry, Ra-j-berry. Banana, 1 and S<laGum Drop-; .d-o. Vanilla. Rush. Lemon and ‘ La orice; JOjubc I’jislc. Ju.-t received and for sale by i 1 l •*"!I \ B MOORK & (JO. VfAGAZINES FOR WOVEMBER.— >ll Harp. i> New Monthly Magazine, for November Putnams Monthly Magazine, for November. Received by (nov 1, Ct BBEDGE A BROTHER. i x I,!.- H Butter. M<gnr. .'•oda, Cup. Walnut and Fan cy (raekers; Ginger Snaps. Just received per steamer Augusta, and tor sale ty | W. GDU K 8 H A Y •—Prime Eastern llay in store, aud for sale . iu lots to suit purchasers. Apply to ‘"’i-’fl OGDEN A BUNKER. i / (OSIIEN HI TTUR AND CHEESE. ” J A freshsujiply of (ioslien Butter and ( hec-.-e ; just received j.ei .-’earner Augusta, and for sa eat tho I Emporium, by I <h’t 20 SEA B( iRNGOOT) AI T . j)R10 P Alt ATI I>N S FOR TltE IIAIU. Barry's Tricnplieroiis. Lynn's C’alharion. Jayne's .'lairTonic, Eau Lustrale. Jtowl.mdsGen. Maeassor Oil French. English and American Pomatums. Oils, etc. eh’., J. E. DkFORD. oct 11 Apothecaries’ Hall. J>IG 11AMS, SMOKED BEEF AND TQNGI EB.—lo Barrels just received oct IS HYLAND if. O’NEILL. ANTEH N HAI • 100 bale® prime Fk-tern i liny, landing from brig Tureolio. For sale by net 28 BRIGHAM, KELLY & CO. SY 141*PS.—Raspberry,Blackberry and Strawber ry Syrups. For sale, corner Buy and Whitnker strectMiy foot 20J A. BON AUD. fpAILLE CRAYON —u couvenieut piece of L inaehinery for sharpening lead pencils; for sale by_ (oct 8) CUBBEIKIE >L BROTHER. JELL! ed Jelly, Apples,Cur rant, Struwberry,Grange and Quince, f r sale by A BONA CD, oet 21 corner of Buy and Whjtaker fcts Special lloticcs. DR. GEO. F. COOPER, lIAB removed to the office lately oreu pied by Dr. Hurris, near St. Andrew’s i Hall. May be found utnight ut Mrs. ltemshurt’s, cor ; ucr Montgomery and Brougiiton-streets. nov 1 • AT I'lKSH's PRINTING OFFICE, No. ti, Whllak'e^-atreel, Cards are printed ut $a GO XOOO l! oc't 24 I in CARY & PERKINS, DAGUERREOTYPISTS, j Corner of Bryan-st. mtd 3lnrket-sqr., Savannah, and 107 Broadway, New- York. THEIR rooms iu Savannah are now opeu, where they are fully prepared to j ! execute al) manner of work pertaining to their art in the same style and excellence ad formerly. Time of sitting, at ail hours between ‘J o’clock, A. 1 M. and 4 I*. M. I*. M. CARY, [oct 28] J. W. PERKINS. I ReeeiTed at Mr ’ TOMB’S SHOW | BOOMS, 174 Brougliton-strcet, a few new style DRESS and MOURNING CAPS; also, Ribbon and Worsted Rigoletts. oct 25 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. THE Subscriber having been appointed agent for thenlfove unrivalled publication is prepared to receive subscriptions. Tho next vol unui will commcm-c on the 17th of September. GEO. 11. MITCHELL. oct 7 Succesor to F. Zoghaum A Cos. i WM. A. WIIEELKR .V CO, W HOLES A I. K Stationers’ Warorooms, | Sum mer a ml Fall I in port atious, 1 553. FRESH GOODST ?jf TI I E SUBSCRIBERS are daily receiving from Eurdpo', the most elegant and care j fully selected STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY ST A j TD k\ FRY. ever imported into the city of New York.— They have also on hand a complete assortment n( I AMERICAN CAP, LETTER. LEGAL CAP, BATH i’OST and FLAT PAPERS, all of which will be sold at 1 the lowest Mill Phiok-s. i Buyers from the Interior will find it to their interest t” examine these goods before purchasing elsewhere. WM. A. WHEELER CO., Nos. 13. and 15 Park Row, nug 24 Suios New York City. LAMPORT, BLAKEMAN & LAW, (I.ATK COKMSII, LAM POUT \ CO.) ?£’ Miumfuct urers of every vn l’icty of Cap mill heller Pa pcr. PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS & STATJONERS, An. 8 Pork Place, near liroatlvxty, N K W - Y o*l*. K . IURAM 11. LAMPORT, 111RDSEY BLAKEMAN, ug*2t ly HENRY W. LAW. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. pf~ . The suhseriher having supplied his office ‘ with a large assortment of plain, nrna 1 mental and fancy types, is now prepared to execute, at j short notice, nil orders entrusted to him in the best manner, and equal to any establishment in the Sout h. Pamphlets, Law Blanks. Circulars, Catalogues, Busi ness Cards, Ilat Tips. Bills of Lading, Visiting Curds, j Bill Heads, Dray Receipts; also Posters, Show and j Hand Bills, in Gold, Bronze, Red, Green. Blue, Yellow, ; and every kind of colored Inks, faithfully done at ! short notice and on reasonable terms. Orders may be I left at the Office, Sorrel’s Building, or at the Book i Store bn Market-square. J' lll 27 J. B. CUBBKDGE. BOOK BINDING. vjMpa Tlie subscriber is prepared to execute j Book Binding of every description at the | | u hor test notice. Blguk Books ruha] and Ixmnd to any j patterns. [feh’J] CUBBKDGE A BROTHER. * ! NEW SINGING BOOK PATENT NOTES: THE HARP OF THE SOUTH; j A NEW AND EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF CIII'KCHMI'SIC, R.V 1. It. Woodbury, [jr Author of the Duli imi r. Liber, Ac. This book embraces many new fea tures. is confidently believed, will he found the most comprehensive, attractive and useful work of In* kind ever issued, it has been prepared in answer ! i numerous calls from the South and West, and em braces the Gems from all the most popular round note hooks iu the country! together with much now music written expressly for its pages. By special nr i rangemeut, the light to use the favorite (imposition of IjOwcll Mason, Ksq., tin; cii.'Linjxuislioct composcrand editor,has been obtained,and a careful selection from his very popular works, the Handel and Hayden Society's Collection: The Boston Academy’s Collection; The Car olina Sacra, (of which last work alone, over 300,000 ! copies have been sold.) and others, has been made.— Selections have also boon made from the works of Thomas Hastings and William 11. Bradbury, Ksqrs.,as | well as from the other most distinquished American j add Foreign Composers. The choicest pieces have also j been inserted from The Dulcimer, by Mr. Woodbury, a work which has has had the astonishing snle of 125,- 000 copies in the short time since its publication. Teachers, Choristers and others interested, are in vited to examine this work. Ketnil price SIOO. For, wale by CUBBEDGK A BROTHER, 1 * ” l.v Savannah. L'INE SI RGEON S STONGE- A supplv of superior L Cup Sponge for Surgeon use; also. Chloroform Jn halen, and a large variety nf Instruments. Call at J. 11. CARTER A CO., Druggists, j nov 2 Broughton street. [ \FEW of those highly approved Electro-Magnetic Machines used withoutan v preparation, fbrsaleby ~ov - J. 11. CARTER A CO. pACTS TO BE REiUEHIBEREDI -1 Thai no Medicine ever olfcred the public, has j given better satisfaction than Hr. Tutt's I’irtoral Elixir, lor Coughs and folds. Every mail brings news of its success in some desperate ease, and the ccrtiti- I cates are so numerous that, it is impossible to give • them. The article ran he found in the city at JAMES H CARTER A CO., on Broughton st. who are the sole Agents, and where a fresh supply have just been j reived; t , nil UGS AND M Mint IAK S • \ very largo and fresh supply just received, of every variety 1 ol Drugs, Me lieiues. Chemicals Instruments, Paints, 1 Oils, and Gluss. Also a large assortment of Fancy . (okms, Hair. Tooth, Nail,Cloth and lial Brushes, Fine ! Eroneh I'otnadernnd Extracts. Tilotbottles, and every variety of Soap, just opened by JAMES il. CARTER A CO. ,|,,v - Druggist, Broughton St. M. rHENDERGAST & CO. \\ T 1 11 particularly to direct attention to the moat } elegant assortment of New French and British ! Ribbons they have ever s 01, embracing every novel- , ty in style. •1-1 Rich Genoa ami Lvon’a Velvets, for Talmas, i Scarfs and .Mantillas. Bl'k and Col'd. •'.-1 Superfine Twilled French tidies - Cloths for Tab mas and Mantillas. Fromh Merino, all colors; Rich I’luUl and Printed j d’Laiues and Cashmeers. oel‘J.") IVS Broughton-st, dpV St. Andrew’s Hall. | PLAINS.—A heavy article suitable I j for Rite Planters, at KKMPTON ,v VERSTILLK'S, 72 St. Julien and P.> Bryun-sts, (~' t 25 Waring's Range. SUNDRIES. I ‘ HnDS Porto llico and Muscovado Sugars I’ ’ 20 bags Rio CofVoe 25 mats Old Government Java Coffee 2 * bbls Crushed and Powdered Sugars 20 do Bidlimoro and K- i bis Canal Flour 25 boxes No. 1 Soap, 20 Lo’ -s Dale Soap 2a do Starch. 25 boxes Adamantine Candles 20 do Lemon Syrup, 20 cases Canton Ginger 20 do red and white Rock Candy 50 do sealed Herrings 25 whole .v half bids Nos. 1.2*3 Mackerel—new ! 10 do do do No. 1 Mess Shad —new 30 boxes Cheese, and 10 kegs choice Goshen Butter. All ot the above Goods are of the choicest quality, 1 and will be sold at the lowest cash prices, bv oct 26 J. A. BROWN. j POCKET CUTLERY—a desirable assortment, just > opened, by CUBBEDGE if BROTHER- , oct 8 Jnsurmiff. ‘savannah mutual INSURANCE CO. TjT'—Office, No. 118 Bay-street. This Com pa* aK. ny will continue to tuke Murine, Fire and Inland Nuvigationrisks on the most favorable terms. llenky D. Weep,.President. Trustees—Hein y 1). Weed, J. U. Wilder. 1. W. Morrell, N. 11. Knapp, Hi ram Roberts, E. F. Wood, Ileury I.uthrop, John W. Anderson, Juuies Mt Henry, Secretary. June 13 PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY. Hartford, Couu.—The undersigned, agents of the above Company,arc prepared J to take risks aguinst Fire, ou buildings, and thei* Con tents, on the most favorable terms, july 10 BRIGHAM, KELLY & CO. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE. Life Insurance Com- puny of .Yew York. ISAAC ABBATT, Secretary. F. S. WINSTON, Preshlent. Applications received by WM. P. HUNTER, Agent. Dr. R. I). Arnold, Medical Examiner. Iv jan FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY. iV. 12‘J PonyrcHS-Ht., Savannah, da. Equitable Fire Insurance Company, of London. Autborised Capital $2,500,000 Capital paid in $1,000,000 0. K. liAHECIIT. Esq.. ) Henry Ludlam. E.-q.. Trustees, N. Y. Rout. Dilu>n, Esq., j Farmers’ Fire Insitranee Company, Capital, ,$200,000. Granite Fire Incurnuee Company, Capital $*400,000. Knickerbocker Fire Insurance Cos., Capital $150,000. 1 New Y ork Al Erie Fire Insurance Cos., Capital, $150,000. j These Companies having a rash capital, safely in vested in loml and mortgage are prepared to effect Insurance against damage l.y fire, on all kinds of pro perty on reasonable terms. Charter Oak Life Insurance Com pany. HARTFORD, CONN.— Capital, and surplus over $25U,(i(K>. Alfred Gii.l, President.. ,las. <_’. \\ alki.ey, Se< *y. This Company will issue Policies on the Joint Stock principle, and upon the Mutual plan, ttiiiscom hiniug the henetiis of both systems at the option of the insured. -The strength, ability and well invested capital ot the institution are, in my opinion, unsurpassed by any Life Insurance Company iu this State or Union. [L. S.J Signed R. G. PINNKY, Comptroller of Public Accounts. State of Connecticut. For insurance in either of the above named Cona n* nieSj apply o. A. WILBUR, General Insurance Agent. and agent for the above Cos. Pr l't U Office STOVES! STOYKSTI CALL AT JNO. J. MAURICE’S, Nio. 10, 12 aud 14, Buriianl-strcft, HERE you will find ns good an assort there is in the city—which on ex t omination. will compete with any : and all afjjaßSn ’f *’ u “tn ranted to bake. Ik>H or roast, or the luiiehagers can return them. Having an over stock of LARGE COOK STOVES, those in wont would do well to call, being purchased last season at u reduced rate, 1 feel positive in saving 1 can sell any thing in the shape of a large Cooking Stove cheaper than those purchased this season. Also all kind.- of Parlor, Office and Hall Stoves oil the most neenmmodnlii.g terms and latest styles. Also. Tin Ware of every description. Cast Ir u Puuips for Wells and Cisterns. Lead Pipe of the various Callihre. Wooden Ware, of every description. Brooms. Scrubbing and Dusting Brushes, Ac. Ac, Glass Lamps for Fluid aud Camphine. oil, Ac. HOLLOW WARE of every kind. Having two of the Vest Plumbers in the United States. 1 am prepared to run M ater Pipes on correct principles, of the best material. 1 would refer to work done in the new buildings of Mr. Wnldlittrg. Mr W m Reuisliai t. Stoddards. Lloyds and Cireopelys, and numerous other building.- iu Hie city, oct 28 JOHN J. MAURICE. Yew hahdwahe me, r f MIK UNDERSIGN ED has opened a NEW 1 HARDWARE STORE At No, I II) Congress-street, in the Store recently occupied by Messrs. X. K. Barn uiu V Cos., ands now retching an cutirc new and well selected Stock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN embracing almost every article usually found in a Hardware Store. Having purchased his Stock direct from the Manufacturers in Fmghtnd and this country he is enabled *o offer his g- ods as low as they can he purchase Int the South. Ilerespretfullv asks of the patrons of the late firm of MeCleskey .v' Norton, the citizens generally, and persons visiting the city to give him a call aud be satisfied of hi- prices We., Get 27 GKO A. McCLESKKY . NEW STYLES. JUST received per steamship Augusta, anew refSL ty I** “f Black Alimni It at.-tor young men: also, •• ** M variety of Youth s, Uiildren s. and Infant’s llats and Caps, Ac., by n,t27 BELDENACO. \\fIHK SIEVE OR C LOTH—2 fuser, i T y containing all sixes ofl.i.e and ream- wovcnV irr t 21 to 80 inch width ; for snle t v 1 jDft. H. CAMPFIEI.D I J V. S T, UK< Kl ’ ,:n I KI: STEAMER— AhMa fj I ig Hams, 2do now Bologna San sages. 5 half hbl.< * ulton -Market Beef. 5 do Fig Fork. 5 bbls Pickled ( n* 1 ‘• ,,n |wrs. 2 do mixed Pickles. 2 bbls Tomato Catsup! Codfish, Mackerel, tickled Salmon. Smoked Herrings, longues and Sounds, Ilalibu. Fins. Ac. For snle at 401S ALEXANDER’S “Ct •_. corner Bull ,v Congres s-sts, Monument-sqr. DO l'BEE and Single Unrreld Guns, flint and percussion Rifles. Colt's and other Pistols, per cussion caps. Powder, Shot and Lead, Powder flask. Shot pouches, and any article used for Sporting. All i ust Received, and fur sale on Reasonable terms, by ; ,i_oct 2S No 11 Barnard Street. E. LOVELL. t( ) WOLF’S super'or Scheldani • I ‘ tsehnpps. a superior Tonic, Diuretic. Anti-dispep tic and lnviograting Cordial, espeeiallv reef nur o and <d to all persons r-siding in the Southern country; a j demonstrated preventive of Ague, Remittent in-d*liil | ions ever, for sale by a . boa ID. j oct2l ‘corner of Bay and Whitaker sts. SILKS. I l rT RECEIVED at 151 Congress-street, the follow *} ing very desirable SILKS, which for elegance of style, cannot be surpassed, if equalled, bv any estab lishment in the city. viz.: Super Bayadere Silk : do. Fluid do.; Plaid Satin do.; do. black tiro de Rhine. ALSO. A handsome assortment of black and colored Al pacas. De Lnincs, Ac. S. Cl’R KELL. Sept 20 154 Congress-street. SUNDRIES. A It <f C clar'd Sugar: 50 do j owd’ed do; t •/AO 1 1 lids St Croix do: 00 bbls H S an 1C Flour: 150 I'bls Balt, do: ISO do Lebanon and Etowah Georgia do; Dm bugs. 08 lbs each. Georgia do: 50 do Butter. Sugar ami Soda Crackers: 25 do Pilot Bread; 40 boxes Soda Biscuit; 150 bids Portland Sugar-house Syrup; 75 bbls N O do; 30do good eating Potidcc.*; *0 boxes Bonders it's ami S’s patent Tallow Candle.*: 75 do Adamantine do; 25 do Judd A Son's Sperm do: 50 do/. Brooms; 15 lbs No 1 Mackerel. 20b;, bbls No 1 do; 75 boxes while ami yellow Cheese; 25 bbls prime Lard: 50 kegs do do; Dm boxes ss, Bs, and pounds Tobacco, good brands, 80 do 50 and SsGrant A W illiams’ do: 150 do Smith. (.Vl | gate. Cruttnn. and BeadcH’s Family Soaps: 75 do Fide do do do: 120 do No 1 do; 50 do IVnrl Starch: 80 whole, halt, and qr boxes Raisins: 25 drums Figs; 50 boxes Herrings, just received and for sale, bv 1 WEB.“TER A I’ALMKS. MERINO UNDERSHIRTS 4fc DRAW. ± EUS.-—Now opening per steamer, n full assort ment of Undershirts and Drawers of Merino. Flannel, red and white French Flannel Shirts and Cndcrshirts for servant?; Ladies’ Merino Shirts. Undershirts and Drawers for Boys, Shaker half-1 lose. dc.. for sale cheap by [oct 11] 6EO. B. NICHOLS. I7IIiBROIDERIEB| Ac.) Ac.- French and I i English EMBROIDER ED GOODS, in Ladies* CufTs, Collars,Chemi/.cttes. Ilnudkerchiefs, and Undersleeves. Ladies and Gentlemen’s Plain Cambric Handker chiefs, among which arc some real Silesia Goods, at great bargains; HOSIERY for the season, of all kinds, in Cotton, .Merino, Wool spun. Silk, and Silk GLOVES, of all kinds—-feevend new makes. „ M. PKENDERGAST k CO., 178 Brough ton-street, oct 25 opposite St. Andrew’s Hall, west-side. \PPLES, 30 bids., landing from the steamer . Augusta, and for sale by oot 27 * It. J. GILBERT. ( Gi-NFI-.t TIONEKV. 20 boxes asserted Con- V_J dies, manufactured expressly for the Southern market. Ju. t received and for sale by 22 JOHN b. MOORL '& CO,