The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, January 31, 1874, Image 1
—Lr £^X£s£3EI \ Columbus AND Ar XD-A-XXj“2" '<)],. XVI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY mwq-uirb»- ALFRED R. CALHOUN, Proprietor. TERMS commission of two from the Senate and j OK Tjn6 two from the Houro to be appointed with | kllY WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY i P° wer to »PP oin ‘» receiver with power Uhl j i to lease, etc. Governor authorized to issue bonds similar to the Nutting bonds to meet interest. The roads mentioned are the Macon & Brunswick, Brunswick & Albany, llainbvidge, Cnthbort & Colutii- J bus. North <t South, and Cherokee liail- $8 00 | roa ds. Two hundred copies were ordered 4 00 ! printed. 2 00 j Various gentlemen, that wera never heard of before, were invited to seats. uio BUSINESS. One Atlanta house reports one million dollars ss their Hales lust year. Muscooke. 7fiC. tro months, in advance... months, ireo months, onth, “ ElKEI.v Enquiukb, one year 2 00 dav EsouiBEit, one year 2 f>0 hat and Wr.Eti.v Enquiukb to other, one year 0 00 KORG IA LEGISLATURE. I THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. (ON ORKNNION A L. Somite. ('handler, from the committee, report ed favorably on the bill to facilitate the execution’and the protection of certain public works at tho mouth of tne Missis sippi river. Davis, of West Virginia, objected to its present consideration, and the bill went over. Mr. Carpenter spoke over two hours on Louisiana affairs. During his speech, he Btated his intention to introduce to-mor row a now election bill for that State. Mr. Mortou followed in a hitter speech. He said it was a measure of blood. Jle will conclude to-morrow. The Scuato adjourned to Monday. House. Kesolutions were reported for u Court of Inquiry on the charges against Gen. O. O. Howard. The Committee ou Military Affairs to day reported a joint resolution instruct ing the President to conveno a military comt of inquiry of five officers to inves tigate the chargos against General O. O. Howard. After a lung discussion it was passed, with an amendment giving tho accused the right of challenge. The rest of the day was given to pri rate bills. Nominations, etc. Nominations—Z. Elijah, Postmaster at Pensacola. Confirmations — Holbrook, llegister Land Office, Iiouisinna ; Lemee, itecoiver Public Money at Natchitoches, Lu. Kellogg: vi. Wnruioutli. Washington, January .“»().—The Repub lican has tho following New Orleans, January 29.—It is re ported that Gov. Kellogg has issued u requisition upon Gov. Shepherd of the District of Columbia,for H. O. Warmoutb, growing out of some criminal transactions connected with the State Treasury while he was Governor. Waaliliigtou Keiuark*. The Cabinet is routine. The Committee ou War Claims heard the case of J. <fc T. Green, of Jackson, Miss., whose cotton mill was destroyed by military order in 18G5. Proposed New linn king: Un. Washington, Jan. 21).—In the House, Maynard, of Tennessee, from the Com mittee on Ifauking aud Currency, report ed a bill to amend tho several acts relat ing to the National currency, and to es tablish a free banking system. The first sections amends tho thirty-first section of the law approved 8.1 of June, 1804, so that banks shall hereafter not be required to keep on hand any amount of money whatever by reason of their respective circulation, but the moneys required to be kept oil hand at. all times shull be de termined by the amouut of deposits. The second section repeals the second proviso of section 21 of the law passed July 12, 1870, for tho redemption of the three per cent, temporary loan, so far as it restricts the amount of notes for circu lation. i The third section provides that Nation al Banks shall, at ail times, keep on de posit in the United States Treasury, in lawful money of the United States, a sum equal to tivo per cent, of their circula tion, to be held and used only for the re demption of such circulation. The liftb section amends sections thir ty-one and thirty-two of the national bunking law, by requiring all banks to keep their lawful money reserves in their own vaults, ut their places of business. The sixth section requires tho names of the chartered members of the various banks to bo printed on their notes when- L>ltl Day Unde In a Defeat—An Honest Committee--Legislative Action- Hi* HiiftincMN. oi*l OomspouJouce Knquirer and Shu.] Atlanta, Jan. 29, 1874. FIELD DAY OVEtt. ihe held t’ay is over in the House, the oke of cannon has died away, and the j invention has been killed. Let it rest, this juncture agitations in the State uld bo avoided as far as possible. >storn Georgia voted solidly against it. principal support of the measure from tin* eastern portion of the ib A OOOD THING. Uji.,: of Troup, gut oft’ a good ng tin* nor day, and offered a timely juke to a very ridiculous custom. Af- • a dn/eu personal friends of tho inern- rs had been invited to seats ou the offered a resolution declaring ats ou the tloor were full, and )ro was no room for anybody else. JUDICIARY COMMITTEE. I'hem are some things about this Legis- uru to bo strongly commended. The lauce Committee deservos the highest list* for their action upon claims against i State. The multitude of demands v^ no chutioe with them, and the lob- iht.s less. Not a single job has succeed ing a claim lias been “lobbied” 'oiigh. As specimens 1 give these : Ion. D. A. Walker was one of the of the State in 1882. Ho drew a ift on tho Treasury for a portion of his ary, and traded the draft for a negro, e holder did not present it, as he pre- red to wait and got “good money.” presented it after the war. There io uc funds to pay. Ho was too patri- 0 to make a claim before the Bullock jistature, but, to use his own language, ted for an “honest” Legislature. He nd one, mado bis claim and lost it. ,’olonel Peterson Thweatt has a claim his services as Comptroller during the :. Ho received his pay regularly every arter iu either Confederate or State easury notes. Instead of spending, he kept his State Treasury notes safely, now wants tho State to pay them, ev State officers received their pay in same manner. Home used the money, d olhers did not. Colonel Thweatt nta the Legislature to pay all tho State Is held by officers who received them in meat of salaries. The Legislature ,uka there is no greater reason to re am these notes than any others paid out State to citizens, who may have Id them, lie and they will have to bear tie loss as well as other holders. The bib before the House to require reign insurance companies to deposit ty thousand dollars in Stato bonds he re doing business in the State, seems to vq the strong support of the Grangers, have a majority, and it will pass pro- jbly, but it will fail in the Senate. The a insurance companies are themselves >sed to if, as they see it will drive ml companies from tho State, and at 1 same time cause them to be shut from »er States by reciprocal action. The Judiciary Committee will olso re- »rt against the members who claimed ley were entitled to per dieiu and mile- ;e, though they did not servo, because oy wero declared ineligible by military inmissiun. They say they were lawful- | over the same shull come into the Trenail- elected and are ontitlod to pay. Senate. Various committees presented report THE GALLOWS. A VIlilKO IICXU IX MOXTMOMF.KY, ALABAMA. Special to the Enquirer amt Sun by S. and A. Line. Montgomery, Ala., January 90.—Tom Sankey, a negro, who, nearly two years ago, through jealousy, killed another ne gro, hoN just been lauuched iuto oternity. He ascended the scaffold at 12:50 r. m., aud aftor singing and addressing the crowd, tho trap was sprung at 1 r. m. Ho fell with a dull thud that could have heeu heard fifty feet away. From the nature of tho fall, a scarcely perceptible convul sive movement made by the victim was observed, after it was reasonable to sup pose that his neck was broken. An im mense concourse of negroes were present, but only a few* were admitted. The housetops and walls, however, were crowded with people. Sandy Mkklin. A TFKIllltl.r. ICAI'I'Ol.n W€EXE. A Murderer** Head Torn from III* Body by ii Hangman'* Hope. San Francisco, January 29.—A large throng collected to-day to witness the huuging of Marshall Mortou at Martinez, tho capital of Contra Costa county. The crime for which ho was sentenced to death was the unprovoked murder of Valentine Fischlor, uear Antioch, several months ago. After lie had taken his placo oil the drop and had been asked whether he had anything to say, he at once entered into a full < oufession of his crime, but charged tho wife of his victim with having insti gated ii. After his spiritual advisers had given him their last word of hope and comfort, the trap was sprung amid tho solemn silence of the multitude. The body fell four feet and rested but a mo ment iu mid air. To the horror of even the most harden ed man who gazed upon the awful acone, the head of the criminal separated from the trunk, and the two parts of the body fell to tho grouud almost at the same in stant, but two or throe feet apart. The rope with which tho hanging was d was much too thin for tho purpose, aud the force of the fall was more than suffi cient to whip tho light oord through the neck like tho cut of a citueter. To those who stood near enough to hoar the horrid suap of the rope as it made its way through the tlosh ami broke the bone of the neck, the souud was more sickening than tho wight of tho headless body, and many a stout-hearted man closed his eyes aud cars ns ho turned and rushed head long from the spot. Mrs. Eisohler, the widow of tho mur dered man, has not until now boon defi nitely connected with tho crime for which her paramour lias suffered death. A short time aftor the murder she became a rav ing maniac, and is now in tho Asylum for tho Insane. THE 1VNA1 BEU1TH. NO. 2(1. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. MISCELLANEOUS. BANKS. Nkw York, January 90.—Arrived out: Divl(l6IUl NotiCC» New York, Mayall and Lot hair. T' ’ flc! u'rin^Co mpan y 1^° thill ^liy Homeward—Chili, Lalsia, Graf Klot two somi-tuum *1 divi-h-ndi of A p#»r cunt., tt it after April 1 LOTTERY. FOURTH and Trautettor. Boston, January 80.—Tho steamer Glaucus was burned and scuttled to save ; the hull. Value of the freight, $250,000 ; j vessel, $200,000. ~ MARKETS. ’ 1*74, t'.NllY JORDAN. BY YEI.F.OBAPH TO F.XQt'IRF.K. Money aud Ntock Narkch. London, Jan. 90.—Erie 42}a42j. Paris, Jau. 30.—Rentes 58f. 15c. New York, January 90.—Stocks active. ■ Money 5. Gold 111 J. Exchange—long 484, short 487V. Governments dull. State bonds quiet. Provision Market*. i p Nkw York Jan. 90.—Flour dull and j date heavy. Wheat quiet aud declining. Corn j J**”' dull and nomiuul. Pork steady; moss 1 | $10.25. Lard heavy; steam 9 1 l-lfi. Louisville, January 90.—Flour quiet aud unchanged. Corn firm at 70a73. Pork $15 37}al5 50. Bacon firmer; shoulders 7.j; clear rib sides 9a9j ; clear sides 9ja9.J. Whisky quiet at 9GVa‘.»t. Cotton Market*. Nkw York, January 90.—Cotton quiet, but firmer; sales of 1,785 bales ; uplands 10; Orleans 1G^. Futures opened as follows : February j locale 8-10; March 15'fal5j’ ad aft Jft80 Stockholders' Meeting. rpHK Annual Meeting nr tho Stockholm r* of I tlm Kugh> and I'henix Mnnur.trtuiing U.-ni- ininy will ho held tif the ollieo "f the I'oinpntiy , at 11 o'rini-k i M. YV.duosth.\, Ith F-hriiurv next u ut min Jordan, Jn'-'O iNv Sec'y A TreuiTr To All Whom it May Concern. T ICK copartnership of K. MY Kit * CO. iu thin day dissolved l.j ran Mai) consent. XS JEL1AM MYKU, of said firm, la solely authorized tos.-tlb? the nflalm nf the fin • firm, mid will continue ih- Bout Hu-i HU*'** busings nf mime place. F. MYKU A (a). .lantmrjr 7th. 1*74 dt-odlm A Notice to Shippers K OKNTUAL BOATS, from , will deliv hllRN MERCHANTS' & MECHANICS' Gran d Gift Concert. I^T Ttg* K °" THK OF THK Columbus, Ga. t Public Library of Kentucky. Does a General Banking Business,, —— lUrliaiiKc, Gold, Silver, Mtorkn, At, Over a Mjllion in Bank! : N|ierinl atu-ntion Klv.-u to Colin.-, j SUCCOSS Assured ! | 11 on*t, ami prompt rot nr vim made. I o | % IKbL DlfA\YIX(j» CIIHTAJ.N ,\r.w yukk0ormimi*om»snt: On Tuesday, 31st March Next l l American Exchange Xationat fflnnk. \ In order to meet ihe^renora! wirhand expoo- ■ . tatluii ul tho puhllo and lickot-hoidori!, for tho CAlflMAe n Aai!/ j lull nuyinentui the inn gnllicont glffa hihk\iu< • oAVinUo tIAKK* j oil for tho fourth Grand Gift (Concert of tho m i'OSli.S received In huium «*f v»« | Pu^bo Library of Kentucky, the lnanaKomuet , ha\a determined to postpono tho Concert an 1 I'eiitx and upuarih. i >8 r r. O N BROAD BTUKKT, FI l Y Of-* FO tin., .i MORTGAGE ViTK, in w lulled Ouo Hundred ,iud Fill- eu D-dlm hills. The note ii plljllhle to W. I.. Fill I. note in paid. Any pnnmn lindlug the ing the lillii ill I ■•warded hi ieokgi; \\. IIFI.MS >rial Districts so as to give a Senator to ivaiiuah, ^ngusta, Maoou, Columbus id Atlanta, exolnsive of the counties in tiich they arc situated. Mr. Hillyor -To require all railroad mipauies to charge freight by the ton BF.MOI.TTIOX.H AX D ACTIOX OF THE COXVEXTIOX. Chicago, January 80.—In the B'nai Berith Convention to-day a resolution was unanimously adopted iustrueliug the Cen tennial Committee to carry iuto operation a plan to unveil the commercial statue at the Philadelphia Exhibition. Tho Committee ou lteports reported a resolution deprecatory of the seutiments coutuined in the Felihale lotter, aud which have aroused some feeling. Tho report of the Committee on Uou- mauin wan read and unanimously adopted, and tho eulogiuui of the chairman on the success thus far of Consul Peixotte was loudly applauded. 'I’ho report recom- meuds that the President of tho Conven tion petition Congress askiug that the Consul ut Bucharest bo properly salaried, and appeals to tho members of tho Order to contribute to the Koumunin fund. Tho following telegram was forwarded to Mr. Peixotte, by Mr. Wolf. President of the Convention : “The Convention congratulates you. Tho confidence iu you is unbounded. We will sustuiu you.” FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. Notice to the Ladies. M RS. JOHNSON umt PERCY wifli to inform tin. I.iiiUom Hint limy li.iv- op,- I with *m ••Irpuit niNurtm ut of II I'M AN HAIR, umt Mill RENEW AND WORK u\ER Al.l. OI.DilAllt. OOMBINOS, ctu , in all the liMo-t 8t y lot. .-tor.. ‘ r nliovo J. H. Joid-h' .Iiy L-oo.i.i utoro. Notice. ilSji April 10[a j \ 1,1, jiornom »r., Iion-l.y n<itiilo.l nnt to ira.l.> lli r.-lti; May ldjalli lJ-’lli; jtiuo J7A»17J; -"V (or llmi- pronilmnry July 17 0-liJ. two 21 .i.iws, r.o Liverpool, January 90—Noon.— Cotton —Sales of uplauds, nothing below good ordinary, shipped January and February, Tjj; ditto, uoliiing below middlings, ship ped January and February 7j: delivernbe iu January, 7 ; J. Nkw Orleans, January 80. Cotton firm, fair demand ; middlings l;Vj. low middlings 14 j, good ordinary 18j| ; stock ! 299,091. Weekly not receipts 02,995 ; exports to Great Britain 1810 bales, Continent 0029, Franco 17,580 sales l5,ooo. Providence, January 80. Weekly re ceipts 005 ; sales 2000 ; stock 13,000. Charleston, January 80.— Stock 57,(55 bales. Weekly not receipts 15,282 ; exports to Groat Britain 1197, Franco 389:* : sales 8400 bales. Nashville, Jau. 30. Weekly receipts, 8,287; shipments 2,820; stock 17,040. Galveston, January 80.—Cotton—Net receipts 4,571 bales; sales 1,750; .stock 117,980. Weekly uot receipts 18,838; exports to Great Britain 5,120, to Continent 2,480, to Franco 049; sales 8,850. Memphis, January 80.—Weekly re ceipts 10,785 bales; shipments 1.5,505; stock 09,970. Cincinnati, Jammy 80.— Broadstuffs steady. Pork nominal. Lard firm. Ba con steady. Whiskey higlior at 95. Mobile, January 80.—Stock 71,081 bales. Weekly net receipts 14,041 bales; ex ports to France 8,820; sules 9,000. Savannah, January 80.---Stock 102,727 bales. Weekly net receipts 17,554 balos; ex ports to Great Britain 8,022; to tho Con tinent 9,818; snles 8,997. Montgomery, Jan. 80.—Weekly re ceipts 577; shipments 090; stock 4425. Augusta, January 30.—Cotton, stock 20,000. Weekly receipts 7981; shipments 0087; sales 5009, spinners 380. New York, January 30;—Cotton easier; sales 2159, at I5jal0{; net receipts 508 bales. City Point, January 80. Weekly net receipts 340. Sp.lma, January 30.—Weekly receipts 1,235; shipments 1,851; stock 0,202. Macon, January 30.—Weekly receipts 1,051; shipments 1,5(2; sales 1.001. NT.vr.X §M*r rout, per nuiiuiuj In italhmrd, ()ii.iahl« |*f .((iininn, .filly uuil OHolior, <-oiit|ionn<t. r«l fonr lime* uiMiimlly.) DEPOSITS IMII) o\ Dl.fl AVD. DIRECTORS: W. |.. SALISBURY -Foimi-rl> of WamocX A Co. \. II.LGES-Gf Pr«*4*r, Co. W. R. BROWN—Of FdIuiiiIiUk 1dm. W„rk* Co. F. A. RE’DD—Of C. A. Jtmfif A (5i. O I„ MoGOUOli--Of Jolm McGuiikIi * <’n. Candy, Candy, Candy! Manufactured at No. 80 Broad St., AikI Solil nl Ih rent* In -5 Ih. ImiIh, hj Profumo & HolTuian. J',4 U . Diaries for 1874. ^LL SIZES, Sf> !cs .it ItimlliiK amt Price*. For .Halo by ile3l J. W. PEASE X. NibiMAN. CROCERIF.S. A. New Eiilui-|M-iNt WHOLESALE Grocery and Provision House In Marshall, Ala. J. T. HOLLAND T akes pi.M-ur- d imiif.iu- m i-i..u.h I * 1 u ii t • - i « ut i lie mu roll II III-4 «••III.: 1 > il.j ilw cKtf N. J. BUSSKY.^ G. OI'NIIV JORDAN. OPFir.K (if THK EAGLE AND PHENIX Maiitiracltiriiig Oomj* y, FoUimbiiH, (ieorn'in Paid up Capital, $1,250,000. TO INOl’I.OA'l'K THE 114H1T ME SWING ON THE 1‘AltT OF THE OPERATIVES, AND TO PROVIDE A safe and reliable arrangement for the beneficial ccctTaodftCnn if the earnings of aiTisnna pud all clh r clasocH, (hi** Company ha: e-itablished, under SPECIAL CHAUTUK FKOM '1TII*. STA1K OF GEOUG1A, A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, mull i til D('|II liimtits : Mtvuntngoi iiitliM’ Ini' 1. | Drawing until | Tuesday, tho 31st of March, 8741 They have already reallr.e.l Ovor a Million Doilars, Amt have a greni many Agents yet u* Ik a VOl'A l.l.V TASK FLACK ON THK DAY NOW PtXKD, AMI IK ANY UUMAIN UNSOLD TIIKY WILL 11M < ANCKLI.KD AVD Til IS IWUZKH WILL UK ItKDUGKb IN ritOPOHTION TO Til K I'NHOLD TICKKTH. ()nly 60,000 tickets have boon IsrumI and X» f OOO Cash GrifTM, #1, !* 00.000, will l>o distributed uinong tliu lii kO«-iadd« J lie tlekotrt are iiriutml in coupona, of tcnth.i. and all fractional juirts will bo ropre.icnted in the drawing just ur whole tickets are List of Gifts. ONE OKAND FASII C1FT ONE UKANJ) CASH GIFT loo,'»0 ONE <J It A Nl) (’ASH GIFT ONE (#KAN1J CASH OJTT 2,'.,ou0 ONE <1KANI> CASH GIFT 17,500 DJ CASH GIFTS ^lo.uoo each IQo.ouO Mt CASH GIFTS 6,000 each l .u.ouO 60 CASH GIFTS cacti 40 CASH GIFTS iiUO each 40,COO 100 V’ASlt GIFTS 4»*o each 40.000 150 CASH GIFTS 300 Ouch 46,%0 260 CASH G lFTS 200 each 60,000 CASH < i 1 FTS 400 each 22 600 11,000 CASK GIFTS iu each 060,00o T( »TA la, 12,000 G I FTS, ALL CASH. amouiiLlmc to #1,500,000 The eliAnceK lor a Rill are hr one tu five. Price of Tickets. Win.If llckol- t.Rj.uo; llaho. fji.m); Tauilu, or each con poll #;,.ud; Klcvon Whole Tleketn lor *600.00 ; 223-4, TIckotR lor *1,000.00; llu \\ iiido Tiekot h lor *5,000.00; 227 Whole Ticket * for iiu, ooo.oo. NodlreounL on loss than *6oo.uo vortli ol Ticket)*. The Fourth GiltConeort will t»o conduetod In all roHpcelH like llm throe which have already been Riven, and lull parlieularHmay belearm-d from circular* which will be wont tree froiu l*ii oliico to all who apply tor them. < irdoi a lor ticket * and applications lor agon eleh will be attended to in tho order they are received, and ills hoped they will bo sent in promptly that there may Do nodisuppoluiaion? or delay In filling all. Liberal terms given t. those who buy to hell aRalu. All «Kents are peremptorily required to settle up their aw counts and rotora all unsold tickets by the isuth day of .March. 'I*no. i-;. nit \ vii.rm;, Agent Public Library IContucky.und Mnnu-.-r -.1 i Eli Coiict-ii., J'uhlic Library Building, Loulhvllle, Ky. [del3 d'Jlaw^w Tickets for sale aud prizes o.i-b«-d vitb>.n •IlM oai.t on prem-niaiiun bv Capt. C. A. Klink, Agt. Prize Ticket* *oM by me rushed without dli- WeSteru III.-Mil Piodlic-. •ity. I for o**h, bofoi t LOW FIG UK Hi HUppl.V H M viwh vll wh< . pay.Ik and will k-.- p 1 y lii-iaaioh. uli. IhkIi John D. Blackmar. ) Agent by appotntuieiit ol Gov. BrumleUo, B2 Broad St ei*». Columbia, i| n ‘ dec 14 tvl PKUFEC'l’ SFJ'CUITY. '1 lie ahdoIn ol (bo Company worn on the 1st of January, 1873 -M,704,459 J8 un<( arc Htuadily InorcaHing. Tbo ltOHervu fund is £297,700 92 j ~ - - - " All of whiob property ih m.civU.V 1 SACRED MUSIC BOOKS i*r.edged by Hut of tho (lenora! AhHOiublj j ^ f.ic U'.I piiiloctioii nf I>■ posilucH ; K.'il in j STANDAUD. aiMition, ly tbu hhokj ad. I bo Stoekbohl ora of tl-o (’ompany are mado INDIVID- ALLY JU'.Sl'ONs|BI.K n. pjoporli.m tin-ii ahaieM, f»*r tho integrity <J (he A Collection of Sucred IVIuai< tor Vl.d .-I THE RETAIL HOUSE I IoIIxlikI ,V ItnU.-c W1I.I, it K Ol'II.V I v .1 ( ha nr. V.-.H. .1 mil IIIU ..r Groceries aud Staple Goods,' j.’JH .11,,,, H.h|.t« I In n„. in. I, Co to Pomeroy’s, AT IH<<<HI IC S <, For Ferrii 4 Co.’a SuQar-ourod P y ; \ Harns and Strips, Ferris’s Mitd-our.’d N. Y. Bellies, Wrioht's Ne Plus Ultra ; Mince Moat, lar superior to Atmore's, : Raisins, Figs, Oranges, Lemons, Pro ; served Ginger, Jellies, Corn Starch, | Sardines, Salmon, Oysters, Tomatoe- ' IIVIIII I.-pnt D':t ..I It. HOTELS. Rankin House,, <»a. •(. \V. ltY.VN, 1'rnp'r. Frank Golden, Clerk. Ruby Kestaunnit, t> j j o.i- .. Christmas Eggs, Turkeys, Ducks and Bar and Billiard Saloou, chickens, wme. Milk. Bi l.lllEli.Vi, JN’l'I’iiiEST. I '•veil per cold. |" ■’ iinnm.1, • 3. 1)1; PUS IIS e»»n b>* wiliidr .« .rit/ivht h-tir,. 1 >.-*»•> (I A. lilii ,i(, e ,.f 1 "led I ID LES AN/I i;|:<it I.ATHlSH "1 this Department furniKlind up.a. ud.d'"-itioit, i Buumbach’s Sacred Quartetto*. b.v ! Baumbach’s Nev\ Collection, ng I Buck’s Moletln Collection, by Buck's Second Mototte Collection. • Trinity Coflection. Hn*!-'* <-t Turkvm rn.’h hn./k, u. Cloth, Iu U-. *IU- i »1.I- Hfi> I O’ivcr Ditscu k Co., Cha?. I.’NDLR THIi K.VNKIN iioURR. n)24 aUwlf J. W. HVA.Y, I'l ry for redemptioD Tho seventh section nuthorizeB bunks to be organized without curculalioo, on de positing in tho Treasury not loss than Mr. Cftiu—To alter aud amend the Sen- iu United States registered bonds and authorizes bunks already organized without circulation to withdraw their bonds iu excess of $10,000, 'Ihe eighth section directs the Secretary of tho treasury to issue at the beginning of each month, from aud including July 1871, $2,000,000 of United Stotes notes not bearing interest, payable iu two years Kto-td of the car load, when required by after date, of denominations of not l te shipper. than $10, in exchange and as a substitute Mr. WoffovJ To veguUto cant* of the for , tho !,nm « “““T.- ° f . % ” notes now in circulation, which shall be openor Court. caiicolleii aud destroyed and not roissuod, Mr. Simmons—Ti authorize tho Gov- andj any oxca.s of gold in tho Treasury ruor to axleud the time to examine tho i "hall he retainod as u reserve for tho re aange hills of the State ltoad. Keferrod <i«'uptiou of such notes ,, After a discussion, tlie hill was sent to prinauce Comuitlt:o. the Committee of the Whole, with tho Mr. Kibhee—Enquiring if (lie officers understanding that it would bo called up the law had proceeded against Foster for discussion in two woekR. 'lodged aud his sec.rities. — THE GRANGERS. lh»> sitting xucml)urH from Decal or ^re rotained after nuch debato. AXXL’AI* COXYfsXTIOX. Ih'j commit too to investigate tho in- ebtaffuaHS of Foster Blodgett os Super- St. Louis, January 80.—The annual utendent and Treanurer of the Western Convention of the National Grauge of tho tlaatle Kailrtiad snbnitted a report, aud Patrona of Husbandry will convene hero 00 copies wore ordered priulod. Their next Wedueaiay. Dudley W. Adams, solutions providen .hut the judgment President of the National Grange, ban lready obtained is for *20,021, which already arrived here. The principal buhi- tands good, :hough his indebtedness as ness of the Convention will ho tho re- SupHrinteiid&ut is largely in cxcoss of vision of the ritual and perfecting the hat amount, ^ bis bond is £20,000. His organization of tbo Grango. President oud us Traasirer and tho interest makes Adams states that there are between he total amount about £30,000. 11,000 and 12,000 Granges in the country, Mr. Mnrpbyicf Harris—To protoot the with nearly 1,000,000 members. The ses- uterest of theBtj’.e iu the endorsement si&ns of the Convention will probably bo t bondao! defaulting railruada A joint private Madrid, Juu. 30. A report 1ms reached this city that Gen. Moriones, command ing tho Army of tho North, has raised tho blockade of Bilboa. j AUSTRIA. Zurich, Jauuory 30.- Field Marshal! Baron Yon Gublewga, of Aiistrin, commit- j ted suicide hero to-day. TI.I.r.GHAI'IIH Dim RESTAURANTS. | OPERA HOUSE RESTAURANT, Ten-Pin Alley and Bar ! T UK <.tal.ti.hi A. J. IIOI.A Nl». DRUCS AND MEDICINES. .J. 1. GHIFFIV. IMPORTED ;Dris& Medicines, PERFUMERY —Two hundred cigar makers struck for ' old wages yesterday in New York. —The Htrobel Brothers’ looking-glass j establishment at Cincinnati was burned 1 yesterday. —Tho Committee on Federal Kelations i iu the Massachusetts Souuto made a re- 1 purl to-day that the resolution cousnriug ; _ , - A r w. ..y Senators, passed in 1872, should be re- A ^ *. scinded. AT KKIHCDD I'KIOIH. —Tho police arrangements for the mass Pr*acrl|iti»n<i c»n- meeting iu Cooper Institute wore that the f u || y prr|<nrei it «il iiuuo .) i nuiFKl.v, Superintendent would command in per-i j„ih deo.Uwly |. M ; Brs.i*l m son the control and ward detaebmont, and ! fifty patrolmen be in attendance in civ ilians’ dross, and tho reserves at all tho stations to bo held in readiness. Chickens, Wine, Milk, Butler. Boston Butter, Soda and Pic-nic Crackers, Snaps, Ac. T. (J. P ai tin r.o n will fie fimml at f lie c .loiter, al)<I will tic |»leus< <| o, wul. on III /.,/-. invr cu.-tomor- an<l lii»n.l>. 1 fie -.i the puhllo Jh respcetlully I. piKJO Italian Manraroni. Cream and Pine Apple Choose, Corn Starch, Albert, Soda and Fox Crackers, Family and Toilet Soaps, Sperm and Parrafim* Candles, Liquors and Spice*, Imported Win» s end C-yar.s, Dried and Pickled Boot, Mocha, Java, Bio and Laguyra Coffee, H. F. ABELL & CO.’S. DRY COODS. PEACOCK & SWIFT, N ’ EKDIMI M'i.N EV \ J.R'i 'll ill ... I -s ,-i. I( LOSE OUT ALL WINTER GOODS II. fort ..IT. r CREAT INDUCEMENTS! "f . Home-Made Fertilizers! F.OTOIIS : \Y K -.^rr,',...: i , ,;;:;‘ 5.000 Ihb. Sulphr.te of Ammonia, 5.000 “ Muriate of Potash, ,000 “ Nilrate of Soda, 50 tons Noya Scotia Land Plaster, ;Fin* Cir-Mb-I,. u i\\.» ut \i.Ri;ii Mn.i.oVv 50 ton’s Ammoniated Flour of Raw l- I vi.i \»illiii» ili'-iMPt l" , , ,.f i,,., i.j *r 4! { : Bones, Ac., Ac. ... •1-dhI.c.I 7he lf tiro morr } nild.intf tattnn llnlcs than • ' « 1,1 r 1“ ’* ’’ 1 ,r " l , " ,c -'* u; THK WEAT1IKR. Depauimknt ok War, \ Wabhinotok, Jau. 30, 1871.) Prub'ibilUtee.—For the Gulf Slates, cold er and partly cloudy weather with light to gentle variable winds, except west of thu lower Mississippi, where they will shift to north with increasing force, hor tho South Atlantic States, oust to aouth winds with falling barometer aud a slight iuo ol teuiparatuia. PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL. Absolutely safe. Pcrfo Mly oilorlona. Always unlloruj. IlIuminiititiMT n" liitios mi per lor r-i rs*. Hums in any lamp v. iifiout danger "t ex- plndloK f >r taking fire '•!Hn<ilucture<l express ly to displace the u.-« -#i . .1 itdeaud daiiKerous oils. Its safety under evoi > pui>siMe test, ami its perfect burning qualities, are proved fiy Its continued use In over OOO.uOO lamllie-. Millions »f Mil I Ion s fiave been ruld and n<> ac cident—directly or Indirectly—has ever occur- red Irom liurninK, slorini?'»r handling it. Tho imtnonscyearly loss to life and property, ruflultlnu; from the use of cheap and daiiKcrou- oils In the United Stutes, is appalling. Tho Insurance Companies ami Fire Gommis ■loners throughout tlie country recommend tho ASTRAL *s the best safeguard when lamps aroused. Send lor circular. For sale at retnll by the trade generally, arid at whole.-ale fiy the proprietors <’HAI(LE,S PKATT * (?(>.. loS Fultou Street. New York. tvM Uxwtfut DRESS MAKIKC. Di'cnm Making. M RS. KOUARTY and Mr- R.\ U.OU n sj - i notify th<- Ladir* of and i I T, FIT AXII HAKK l.iDll S' 1>I» 4'IIII.I)Ri:V'N IIKISSKS II tb« latest and bfst *iyb-s. \\ ill uLo <h. M inq Ing for Kuibro.dery. Brunliug. I'ltilmiir. a , »i .1 I *i(M im» I "r« me If O I.S IT. 11> •* i ().. • Ati -.-uD al •’ t*- i*- t, I*I . .S • c-r* w.« • Attention for Ten Days! i PORTION • the Wanl.--. Jeweljy, ..4 l .\ Ol-.rks fc.v-n ivpui. «’ ** •- l-.'.ml with inn. U tt. • •.li-vtrled ..ut.. . • f • --Ml. at*! tuL • a w.n fh.-tr Alt.. l-» T. 8. 8i*KAR, A.: i". At RraHi!» ill's Mu. l.i'i \ • . champion FIRE EXTINGUISHER' <.■:«■(«■* hihi i:asti:kn u iii.u. OHAMPZOir ms SSTOTStRSHSRa: Tin* Cliamp-oi. S- If Art.ii.: K» a no for - Ut - t<>i« i:- iin I villi i- il»-- u" I* "erful -.-ll n. tu iv.-in,.- lull." a..rid. The Ktatieiiaij f»»i «v. till-. A.., superior t * atl ».ti FRAME MOULDINGS. ; - ..TV::.*^ ! IUUiIm.I bills to ,|„ I 'VW ' al-. an I tm r ; v -1 a 4;i>.it unit ..I I'tr mb MO. U.IN.I* .... ... • |.l to M \ R E i it A ME- t.. ■ 1 r. J, W, J. CHAFFIN. '-Id I r.-patid to^M