The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 01, 1874, Image 2
q I munio, art and literature. It bM a beau- I (jKQ]{(JT \ I EGISI ATURF 1 l ^ 6 ^ introduced to charter a Water witnbiin (Bnntum. tiful original aonp; with jjiauo HCrompnnl- • ' J * J * ' Works Company in Colnnibua : COM Mitt S. UI.ORUKAt BTTNDAY rKBltlTARY 1, 1874. “ POSITIVE Wo are furred by the noeoBHity of our bueicesB to tnako the fulluwing amiounco- znent. The a-lveitiding and subscription rates printed in this ikruo will be vtriotly adhered to, nml wbero Mulwcriptionfl are not paid strictly in advance the following prices will bo insisted wonts “Like a sunbeam came our dor- j ' W. L. Salisbury, R. L. Mott, M. J. Uog/’ The Vox lh:mona, h amnioat ° n ® “ n< * Twenty Sicw Bill* CrMtforJi j, (; sirupper, J. Kltodes Dally Weekly Sunday Sunday hi id Weekly.. Monthly Bubuoribers.. Per Annum. *10 00 2 r»o 3 00 r, oo oo The North Carolina Legislature hag in- rtiueted the C'unpr* • •uteri from that State io endeavor in have n luw pnaaed fixing a uniform lute of interest throughout the country. Georgia is interested in the reported demand urn !•-• Ly Kellogg upon the Gov ernor of the Dn-tnet of Columbia, for tho delivery of Warmouth to answer charges of tun In I uiin 1st ration in Louie lano. If Warinonth is given up, of oourae Bullook arid Blodgett will bn, upon de mand 1 Built II suit,, in a leolure on “American Humor,” dubvornd in New York on Mon day night, claimed for the Sonth aud tho West “the honor of creating aud express- log that humor that is most oharaoteristio of tho life and habits of the American people." lie mao paid that in bin opinion “Murk Twain” stands alone as “tho moat original hummi-l America has overpro duced.” Onr of ofn Montgomery exchanges keeps repealing, every dsy, tho statement that its advertising int«-saro“ono hundred pur cent.” Ion than those of the other pa- pora of tho city. We advise it to oollect it;, aJveriiuux bill- in advance, else some (stupid arithmetical business man might claim that this was an ofl'er to do Lis ad- vcrlisiug for nothing. There are simph tonu iu this world who can't subtract 100 from 100 and find anything left. Tuinitx thiriu’ii, New York city, uot withstanding its holy purposes and lofty aspirations, became connected, on Thuri* day, with a transaction that would have subjected limn men to grave suspicion. Borne art ides of jewelry, stolon from a Htoro in Brooklyn, were found iu the safe of tho ohurcti. among tho saorod utensils! Forlanatoly fur the reputation of the ohuroh officiate, the man who placed them (hero acknowledged tin 1 not, but claimed tha r.rt;olc:. ns bis own. Hut the incon gruity of jewelry among tho plate of the church at ill needs explanation. Tr Bourn , from Washington reports, that lburo is likely to lie another disagreement between the 1'residout and tho Houate, couoerniQg me '>1 tho Kxooutivo nomina tions. It ia tlmt Ouu. Van Huron to be Consul at a port of Japan. Honators say that as Van Huron was removed from liis position as American Commissioner to tin) Vienna Imposition, under ciroum- ntnuoos casting much suspicion upon his olflciul ccindiiot, that mutter Hhould bo lolly iuvontigatod or explained before an otlior responsible nppoiutmont is given to him. Would it bo possible to tlud any tiling in I'iokoU's “areliiveH” clearing up ih^t perplexing mutter and finally dis posing of Van Huron ? Tin: hi A Ml. AUC TWlSd-AUAUI. Dr. Joseph Hollingsworth, late medical ulteudant of the biainese Twins, is now in Tbilndclphin, mui after oouferriug with the pbyalciana of that city, he has tele graphed to his brother, at Mount Airy, N C., to endeavor to procure the hodios of the Twins and have them sent on to Phil- h.lolpbi* fi r Noioiyifio examination. The hope is outciLaiuml tlmt thoir fumllies will couhent Tho Now York Herald, of Wodnosday, pnbllttbea a long letter from Mount Airy, 24m tilt., giving uniuy interesting inoi dants of the lives of the Twins aud their mental oliuiactoriatios. They weighed, jointly, I'lO pounds, Eng being the larger, and decided > the most utuiable, pleasant and communicative, t'liang was morose aud often quarrelsome. They formerly lived iu the Hiuue house, with their fami lies, but in l«t>7 they hud some domestio UiiiagretiOcnis, the exuot nature of which 1b not kuown, and dissolved their joint farming business aud took separate farms, about one iuil« apart. After this they lived regularly and without any deviation, three day- at u time at ouch house, aud each, while a' his own house, was tho ab solute iu filter of the movements of the oth er Snellv..v the agreement hetweonthem to which they mile-red with the strictest fidelity ar. : punctuality. By tho dissolution Chat g vetai; .1 t!u* plantation on which they uad lived up to 1S57, and Eug got ia3 u t of tho si vch. Eng then bought another plantation The couMoquonce was that ut tho close of the war Chang was left considerably richer than Eng, both were well oil. It la estima teu that Chung has left proporty worth $3. ,i:00, aud Eng *17,000. Both left their landt-d properly to their wives, aud their money to their children. Both of their farms are said to be- excellent and well stock ml, for they were capital farm ers. They were noted for their hospital ity and cordial welcome of their neighbors aud »:11 strut. ;crs. Their wives contrasted atrar.gel) wuh them tn sixa—Mrs. Chang weighing 17.'. aud Mrs. Eng about 300 pouuJ i. They u.-ul mauy childreu, all into.;.cent ami well educated, though •evotul of t\< .» nro deaf and dumb. The J: ... v correapoudeui Rays that the | rue. , of embalming their bodies xvi‘. impertuctly done, aud eanuot be re- Ltd uu to pt.m-i ve them ; also that effort* wore being made to induce the county authorities to order an iuqnest over the bw.>- , oMcneibly to determine the cause of their d*i»th. M W 1‘1 HI.KATIONft. It complained that our ettixeua are a feuding peoplo. Wo fear there is too much troth iu thin; but it is not be- they bi.vo j ; ot the opportunity of • : *1 '-uu latest periodical at their own doors, ’auu have a store that would u cr. ut u' y city, and W. J. Chaffin's pri-beuis facilities for ob- lilvraluro as cheaply and Now York, l-'roiu the lat- Ue have tecoived this week y which, for ita artistic "* v “ ,r thy of consideration. journal, has u number of capital songs, | and ia filled with a choice solectiou of ; general reading inaltor. Cody's fauly j Hook for February, though an old maga zine, is fresh and sparkling. Lippincolt for February, has a continuation of “Tho New Hy peri an,” quaintly illustrated, and good urtielo on)“Josephine and Mnltnni- son,” with several fine designs. All the articles are well writteu and tho dift'ureut departments are very interesting. The American Jiuilder for January is a maga zine that no nrtiseu whose work is iu bouso or bridge structure, can alTord to bo without. Its table of contents is varied and full. DA VIM AMD FOOTE. The Philadelphia livening TeU graph of Monday publishes a dispatch Irom Wash ington giving a report that Jeff Davis and Foote were arranging to fight a duel. Wo think that the absurdity of the report carries with it its own refutation. copied, two or three days ago, a sharp letter of Mr. i)nvls, iu which ho denouucml Foote as “constitutionally liar, ‘ Ao. To this Mr, Foote replied card published iu the Washing!* Chronicle, tho perusal of which reminded us of Mark Antony's sneer, “Old Cassius still!” We copy from it; not possible for the ruined itm! disgraced champion of disunion to say aught of me, or of my public career, which could in the least degree disturb ray equanimity, lie has cherished an un dying hut rod for me over since his own presumptuous arrogance, ou a very noted occasion, compelled mo to slap his jaws iu tbi-t city iu thu winter of 1817 -4H. Tho hostility thus engendered was after ward much heightened by my defeat of his treasonable u*pirutious to tho ullic • of Governor ot Mississippi us a so ces sion candidate in Ifiol. My omi- staut and unyielding opposition to him and bis nefarious sohoim-s in Bichmoud during the war of thu rebellion for three years was uot at uli calculated to assaugo his ouuiity. My free, hut unanswered, and I venture to say uiiansworable, expo sitions last summer of his indecent and seditious attempts to keep alive in the bosoms of his countrymen feelings of ir ritation and alienation, which ought never to have been brought into existence, have doubtless much inti lined the malignity which was slumbering in .tin; recess*-* of u heart, eapublu of all mischief. 1 rejoice to know'that the blighting curse ol Mr. Davis’ eoininuudation it never can now be I utmost oudouv tuy ill fortune to incur. But I bid this mighty man of Gath, who writes bo bins- , u< 1 * trouslv for publication in the newspapers, . w "° HOl ’V' that 1 do not live in absolute concealment: my ithereabout* may be easily found by him or Ins idol wing Gun Cede rules. Lie knows, as thousands of uthors know, that for full tweuty years I have stood Introduced la tin* House To-Dny l ive llnndrerl and Twenty- KlgYit In All—Weneral .Uni ter* and Kail road Bills. .Spec.a! (Jorri.-H|M»iiih nc« Kiejairc-r uud 8uu.] Atlanta, Jan. 2!», 1874 OUr.ATKK THAN IN THE HOUSE. A count of the Senate shows fil against nnd II in favor of a Convention. This is heavier majority than in the House. donate. The bill which passed the Senate giving to the company tho State’s interest in tho Atlantic and Gulf Railroad (*1,000,000) was reconsidered to-day, and so amended us to allow no transfer until tho company guaranteed that the road would t*o built through to Bollard, nnd the Stato indem nified against any floating debt. Iu this shape the bill passed by lit) to Standing committees roportod. Mr. Kibboe introduced resolutions in structing our Congressional delegation to use tbeir itillucnce ill favor of the Great Western canal, which was adopted. Mr. Wofford introduced resolutions in structing the Finance Com mil too to pre pare u bill relative to tho tax paid by Cx- prcH i companies. Adopted. Tho following hills were passed : To rcpesl an ant allowing Solicitors Goneral to collect costs from prosecu tions, where ignored by grand juries ; to repeal acts amending the charters of tho Georgia Railroad A Hanking Company nod Atlanta A* West l’oint Railroad Com pany ; to iimoud nn act (-retting county cjurls: to repeal an act relative to the tax on malt liquors ; to repeal an act of February 21, 1873, regulating tho manner of giving bonds of county offloors ; to charter tin- Direct Trade Union of the Patrons of Husbandry : to amend section 2000 of the new Code. The following bills for Mouduy: To define tho rights ual cases, making the well ns fact suranoe companies. A bill was lost to State from taxation. A resolution wus adopted that tho Geor gia Representatives in Congress use their ors to Hoonro pensions for d surviving Loirs of those who served in tho Mexican war. Senate adjourned to Monday. House*. On motion of Mr. Hudson, the Senate resolution requesting the Governor to i Browne, H. II. lipping, W. J. McAllistor, ! John Mcllhetmy, R. L. Hass, W. L. Clark, * T. E. Blanchard, G. L. McGough, W. R. ! Hrowu. ■ The charter provides tho city can erect | works if she chooses in preference to j those of the company, and the company asks no aid in any shape from the city. voru made orders if jurors iu crimi- judges of law as itrdiiiAUCA regarding in apt bonds of the to i (old to bun such satisf.iol to j,* 0 j furnihh uu itemized statement of thu , ly- 1 amounts paid to attorneys for foes in the wounded honor, and tbut, whatever yen- - tho State vs. thu Georgia National eral vinws I may ontertain touching tho , , , of nolllli.R m.cU (wiiah »« nmy nml ™*«». *«» '" k ™ "!'• «*<> havu arisen hctwcou liim aud myself iu I 'dul concurred in. the tuodo referred to, yet that, from ape- j Bill to protect thu interest of tho State oinl dofmenoo »« blm, I nlmll U nlK-Rolh- , tbo onclorbumeut of boudx of defmiltiug cr luducod to make ins an r.rct')>ltonal cum'. 1 . , , , , _ • .. The haldtual aUunmiaUa- oj ho,„A and i ™i!ioudw. was referred to the .Joint Coui- patriotic nun ha* no riyht to .skull- behind i milleo on Macon and Hruuswick Railroad. the hyimcrilioul pretaw» of ertmne pietp. 1 Tbo following bills wore introduced; H. S. I-OOTK. j yl r . Itogere, to provout ttie uso of dan- UKOIKIIA NKWH. j gnroiin olio on railroud triiinM. Mr. HuAttie, to eliaugo tho linos ho- — Kate Putnam is playing at Savannah. : — Pail ridges bring filty cents ouch in j Augusta. — -Augusta has Hunt a burglar to tho ; Pouiteutiury for twenty yeurs. —Five negroos in Tboninsville jsil have I rooeived vordicts of wilfnll murder. —Mr. WUtiugcr nml two tine horses j wore drownml near Cartelsvillo. Tho Adccrtifitr has heoti oloctod city Printorof Havanuah at *1,760. —Tho IJ. M. Coast Survey is about to oroel an observatory nour tho Exchange, in .Savannah. —i)ou Levy, of Macon, lias been fouud by a jury, not guilty of the murder of his fathor-in law. — It is probable more Macon people will visit Now Orleans this Mardi Gras than over before. — Mr. James Noal, ot Flat Shoals, son of tho Atlanta haulier, loll dead while waikiug iu his ganton. —A darkey in Talhotlon jail can pick four hundred pounds of cotton per day aud his teeth at dinner. — Charlie Willingham, editor of tho Rome ('ourier, colobrutml his 26th wed ding day last Wednesday. It is said Covington will subscribe *60,0t>0 to tho extension of the M. A H. U. It. We dou't believe it. Atlanta is holding meetings for the rolief of tho poor, who are said to bo suf faring greatly in that city. — Atlanta wants a bill passed by thu LogiNlsturo giving wholesale dealers a lien on nil goods they sell retailors. — Dr. Soars, agent of the, Peabody fund, lectured in Represent at iv.-w Hull in Allan ta, Friday night, on Public Schools. —Four negro prisoners escaped from tho Athens calaboose. Guo 1ms returned, ■ajing he had nowhere else to sleep. Mr. Charles 1). Owens has been ap pointed general agent ot the freight and passenger business of tbo Central Rail road. l ive bundled negroes ot B .i nesvillo have petitioned the Legislate!. not io al low the Halo of liquor within tii< • ami a half mile-, of tliul place. — At Ltiddnnoga, on the 2'.Uh. gold dust was selling ut ninety.six cents per put.; butter twenty cents per pound, and eggs at twelve and a bill cents per dozen. • -A strong protessiounl beggar, of tho Irnih extraction, iu the form ot a strong, healthy umu, has appeared iu Tulftottou. An oiler to run a plow was indignantly refused. —Atlanta is anxious to select a site for a new cspitol, aud has not yet settled Mr. Mercer— t o confer upon Ordiua- for tbo Opera House she agreed to pay ! rtes arul County Commissioners power to for, on condition tho capital was moved : j. rH nt authority to peddle without license to Atlanta. 11. M. 'Turner,colored preacher nt Sa vannah, retracts ho said utiout Gov. Smith in regard to Ins paving *8,000 to the Atlautu colored Vniveraity iu accord ance with thu instructions of the Legisla ture. He uow says Gov. S. paid it iu two instnlluieutN. the rccouunendatiou of tho grand jury ; to require Tax Receivers and Col lectors to make returns of all tuxes paid by colored tax payers, and to require the Comptroller General to exhibit tho 6ame iu his report. Mr. Mills—To provide for a registration THE NATIONAL CAHTAk. j of the voters in this State : to make it pe- ‘ “ ! mil for druggists, pharmaceutists and Washinotos, Jun. 31.—Iu tho House I upotbecarioa to vend or dispense arsenic, Hays spoke iu favor of civil rights to-day. | stryehuiue, opium, oolocyuth, cotton Several speochus upon fiuauce. ; tU * cr t»°L except under the order or pro- Tho debt stAtomuut will show an in- j script ion of a Hocused physician, crease. i McArthur—To exempt from jury Ledever, the AustriaO Minister lues boon J'dy telegraph operators, recalled. Baron Schwartz Sentura suc ceeds him. Har Cow promptly *er S wu« Harper, “«t.t ah klau Mv N&«t Jovrnu. sfiCund number No Stamp. R««|UlriHl vcyaufM. Washington, January 31.—Information having reached Mr. Stephens that oertaiu Kevunue officers in Georgia nro huutiug up records and tbrvatoning suits against persons who sold r»^al estato during the rebellion and did uot affix a revenue stamp to the couvevauce, ho yesterday address ed a letter to the Commissioner of Inter nal Revenue upon the subject. Mr. Douglass replied that all such proceedings { upon the part of the Revenue officers are - Leslies, is rival-1 illegal sod without authority, nnd that no • ■ l U * u# of A PPto*n-s \ vttimg Ush tver been lutde by hu 1V part- lh : b ‘* h Tk, ;““ ,u * x^ A W war con*™. THE SIAMESE TWINS. Tlic riilliidclpliln I*liyslcluii* Arrive in Aortli i’nrolIna-TheirMove ment* I'rlvatc nnd M.v*- torloii*. Wilminoton, Jan. 31.—Physicians who loft Philadelphia to make autopsy of the Siamese Twins, at Mount Airy, reached Greensboro yesterday. They wore pro foundly mysterious in their movements, aud stated tlmt their proceedings at Mount Airy would be kopt secret until their return to Philadelphia. It is generally conceded that tho physi cians have agreed to pay a considerable sum for the privelege of makiug autopsy, and that it will bo done in tho most pri vate manlier. Tho Associated Press had engaged n special reporter to accompany tho physi- cianB from Greensboro to Mount Airy uud make a full report of tbo autopsy, but tho enterprise was abandoned when it was found that tho physicians wore determined to keep their movements aud operations strictly private. FOREIGN mmiGENCE • tAXAKA 'The Royal Lyceum Theatre,ftt Tnrouto, was burned yesterday. U.\ULA.VD, London*, January 31.—Tho city candi dates addressed their constituents to night. Baron ltotbokilil said, that iu his opinion, Mr. Gladstones promised remis sion of taxes would involve u loss of nino million sterling to tho revenue. Ho sug gested thu deficiency be mot by a system of licenses for all portions of England iu trade and commerce. Goshen declared himself in fuvor of tho integrity of tho Empire, by which ho meant no home rule, und n uiuiutainnuco of the prosont relations with the Colonies, lie hoped tho Aslmuteo war would not cost over a million of pounds. Ho favor ed tho advancement of tho working classes by their education aud the removal of hiirduUKuiuo taxation, Imt wus opposed to tho Govornmuut providing employment for them iu times of acuroily, because such reliof would sap the spirit of iude- ! peudonco. Win. IT. Smith, Couservutivo candidate for Westminster, ulso spoke nt a pub lic meeting, lie slated that during his recent visit to tho United States, lie had full opportunity to observe the universal ly corrupting tendencies of Democratic institutions, which tho Liberals sought to introduce iuto England, Several nieotiug speakers wero com pelled to atop on account of apprehension of disturbances ut Greenwich this after noon, whore Gladstone Speaks. The thoroughfares will be closed an hour before Gladstone couimencos. All troops are ordered to the barracks, latter. London, January 31.—Fully thirty thou sand persons were ou the ground at Green wich, this evening, when Gladstone made his speech. Much opposition was mani fested to the Premier, but the crowd in tho main was good natured. Notwithstand ing tho recent denial of a report that Gladstone was summoned before tho Court of tpioen s Bench for not standing for a re-election, a lottor appeared in tho 'Hines this morning circumstantially ilociaring that notice of a writ sued out of that Court was served on the Premier previous to the dissolution of Parliament. SPAIN. Bayonne, Jnu. 31.—TlurCarliNts Junta here have announced that the municipali ty of Bilboa have offered to surrender that city in a wook, but the Insurgents re fuse to grant more than four days before making an attack. TKI.r.UKAPlfir N’OTF.M. Tho B'lmi Berith Convention nt Chi cago adjourned yesterday sine die. --'The Free Thinkers’ meeting at Coop- ors Institute, New York, yesterday, was orderly. —Noialls, the French Minister, pic- seated his letter of recall, yesterday, at Washington. Mutual compliments were passed. A SI. Paul dispatch states that twon- ty men engaged iu chopping wood, near Fort Rice, Dakotnh, wero murdered hy Sioux ludiuus early in the week. —A judge at Harrisburg, yesterday morning, delivered a lengthy charge to tho jury iu the Ev.ius case, who, after be ing out three hours, letnrned a verdict of *18,5(171,360 for the State. —in tho Senate, yesterday. Senator Gordon presented a ntemorial i f the Gov ernor of Georgia, asking payment by tin* United States for tho use, ole., of the Western A Atlantic and East Tennessee Railroads, tho property of said State. —It was HHoeithincd in New York yes terday that iu addition to the *50,000 in bonds, Alexander D. Hamilton, the ab sconding City ’Treasurer of Jersey City, has also stolen $30,000 cash, belonging to tbo tax nocoiiuts. —At Cleveland, Ohio, at 1 o'clock yesterday, tbo fire wus burning, but under control. Losses estimated as lows : Worthington, ou building, from $75,000 to $80,(HK) ; on stock, fro $210,000 to $225,0(10 —insured f**r $!»;.,- 000. Koch A Goldsmith, on stock, $1 000 ; insured for $200,000. Adams A Goodrich, clothing, damage to stock by water uukuown. Origin of the tiro known. tueIveathek. Petautment of Wa«, Washington, Jnu. 31, 1874. Hrobubiiitic*.—For the Gulf States,areas Mr. McKibbeu—To prohibit managers j of light rain with risiug temperature. For of elections aud others tkau Tax Colloct- J the Middle aud South Atlantic States, or* to receive taxes. i partly cloudy weather, variable winds and Mr. Bacon-—To limit and regulate the | no decided ckango of temperature, assessment and collection of taxes by mu- ’•'4^'» tiioipul authorities in this State; to pro-; MARINl!i 1^ 1 KLL1GKNCK. kibit Macon from borrowing money. ‘ MARKETS. Itr TF. MW RADII TO KKQl'IRI'.R. .Money aud Stock Market*. London, January 31.—Erio 45$a45;{. Paris, January 81.—Rentes 58f.l0c. New York, January 31.— Stooks active and strong. Money 4. Gold 111 j}. Ex change—long 484, short 487^. Govern ments strong. State bonds steady. Sew York Bank Mtatenunt. New York, Jan. 31.—Loans increased $2,376,000; specie increased $1,376,000; legal tenders increased $ 1,000,000; depos its increased $600,000. I*rovi*lon Market*. New York Jan. 31.—Flour fnvors buy ers. Wheat closed quiet. Corn lc better. Pork quiet and unchanged. Cincinnati, January 31.—Markets gen erally quiet und steady. St. Louis, Jan. 31.—Bacon strong nk 7jo for shoulders, Oc for clear rib sides aud for clear sides. Other articles unchanged. Cotton Market*. Liverpool, January 81—Noon.—Cotton fiat; uplands 7^; Orleans8j; sales 10,000, including speculation und export. Later.—Uplands, nothing below low middlings, shipped January uud February, 7 13-U>; Orleans, nothing below Rood or dinary, shipped February, and March, 8 1-10; sales of 10,000 bales of American. New York, Jan. 31.—Cotton dull and nominal; sales of 171 bales: uplands 15^; Orleans lOj. Futures opened as follows: February 15; March 16jal5 10-10; April 16 13-82.1 10 1-10; May 10A; June 10 27-32. New York, Jan. 31—Evening.—Cotton —net receipts 2,000; gross 8,205; dull and nominal; sules Irl. Futures closed steady; sales 15,200 boles, as follows: February 15; March 15 17-82, 15 SI-10o; April fo 1-82C; May 10 16.82alOAc; June lOjr; July 17^al7 New Orleans, January ML—Cotton quiet, uomiuul aud unchanged; net re ceipts Stiff7 ; exports to Great Britaiu 0,- 2!)ff, France 1028 ; sales 8000, last even ing 4000 bales. Augusta. Jan. 81.—Cotton receipts 110; sales 874. Savannah, January 31.—Colton—net receipts 2,703; exports to Great Britain !; sales 1,024. alvkhton, January 31.—Colton—Net receipts 2,Kill bales; exports to Great Britain 2,558: salos 3,000. Baltimore, January 81. — Cotton—net receipts 267; sales 141. Charleston, January .‘5!.—Cotton net receipts 232; sides 000. Boston, January 31.—Cottou ; net re ceipts 328; sales 200. Mouile, January 31 —Cotton, net re ceipts 8,407; sales 1,000, AMUSEMENTS. tween Stewart and Webster counties. Mr. Matthews, to authorize the trustees uf the Upson county camp ground to sell real estate. Mr. Willis of Talbot, to authorize tho Culinary of Talbot county, to issue bunds iu tho similitude of bank notes, not ex ceeding $5,000. Mr. Fort, to designate tho holidays to be observed iu tho acceptance nnd pay ment of bills of exchange, bank checks nnd promissory notes. Mr. Sims, to give tho Ordinaries of this State concurrent jurisdiction with tho county judges to enforce court contracts. Mr. Peabody, to authorize tho Ordina ries and County Commissioners to levy a t.i\ to supplement tho Public School Fund of the Slato. Mr. Butt of Marion, to provide that tho Governor appoint a Commissioner of Ag- rioulturo at a salary of $2,000, with a clerk at $1,200. Mr. Hamilton, to more effectually ool lect money prescribed by law as a penalty for keeping any gaming table. Mr. llogo—To authorize the hiring of a certain class of convicts to private citi zens ; to amend section 1,421 of tlic Code by striking out ouc quart uud inserting one-hulf gallon; to extend the provisions of the injunction law of 1870, and nets amendatory thereof lo motions to dissolve injunctions and certain other motions; to authorize compensation to attorneys nt law who preside in the trial of cases in stead of the presiding judge, uud to pro scribe the method of enforcing it: to pte- Horibe the method of collecting the foes of masters in chancery, auditors und arbi- t ralora. Mr. Calhoun—To provide more effectu ally for ties collection of costa of Justices of nho Peace aud Uoiistaiblos in criuiiual Springer’s Opera House! ONE MtiHT ONLY! 5th Avenue Theatre Crtinatifln From New Yolk. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 4TH, WiM lia jMc-suntuil AuKuatiu Daly'i (treat Society Play, in '■ ncta, entitled Divorce S Act 1. Oh< n in Murrix*.. A<’t '11m Mrifo lie.on. A<t Tho Curse ol Interference. Act t. Tho Law Itetuliutea. ActThe Divorced. Tho uhove piny w ill he prcHented with all that attention to <.rti>n nml c it nil that Inin made it elaowhere n fnAhlonnhle succour, and accorded the eudoocment of both prenH and public. Hodervcd nets ft 50 ; (icuernl AdinUtioii, $1.00 ; ScntH can now he sociirod at W. J. Chaflln'i. tX LAIMKD LETTERS. Colon Hits, January .'Mat, 1874. Tlic lollowiujr i» the lint of unclaimed letter* r. maiding iu tho l’.mlurtloe to thiri tint •. Rirlie mr« II II .1 W Relit ley 0, ' Rildeli II Mini A, Bird T .1 J :c in moan C Juunlnxhain W Kvrago mins I Fiehcr li Full!love L Gallon J T ilawkiua nil Heathen H I Hoard uirn W IliKddon T .McCarty minn M McKamie A K, t Mobley C, o Morague misH A 1 Sownmn D W o mi*ri L, 'J City Tax Sales. W ILL bo sold on the FIRST TUESDAY IN MARCH NEXT, In front of tho AUCTION HOUSE OF ELLIS A HARRI SON, in tho City of Colutubus, tho following doAcribod property, all situate l lu the City ol Columbus, levied on to satisfy sundry 11 tai. for taxes duo said City of Columbus for the year 1B7J: North part of lot No 571, containing about one-sixth ol an acre more or less, with the liu- provements thereon; levied on as the property of Airs Eliza Aunerro. Amount ol tux $17.25. Lot No 215, containing half an aore more or less, with improvements thereon; levied on as tho property of M Barringer, deceased. Amount, of tux $72.60. South part of lot No 120, containing one- clghtu ol un acre more or less, with Improve ments thereon t levied on as the property of J W Casten ( \V 1* Turuor, Agent). Amount of tax $22.00 South half of lot No 3H6, containing one- fourth ot un acre more or loss, with Improve ments thereon; levied ou as tho property ot Part of lot No 102, being store house occupied by .1 C Andrews; levied on us tho property oT Jno 1> Carter. Amount ol tax*2‘J1.25. Lot Nol&d with improvements thereon; lev. led on us tiiu property ot Mrs Mary Dixon. Amount ol tax $111.25. South part <d lot No 671, containing one- sixth of un a' merits theioui C Dawson. , Lot No hi5 with Improvements thereon; lev led on us the property ol J J Grant Amount oi tax $313.25. Uno-fourth of w ater lot No 20; levied on at the property oi l) \. .1 .1 Qruht. Atuouul of *"*: $15.7’ being dwelling situated between the property of 11 S Stockton on the north und Q .1 Golden on tho south; levied on ns tho property ol Vie- toria C Huy ties (Geo W Haynes, Trustee). Amount of tax $10 25. Lot No 2578 with Improvements thereon; lev- led on us the proporty ot r*urali C Hawks. Amount or tax $87.25. North part of lot No 353, holng 05 feet of north part running baek 147 toot lu Inches with improvements thereon; levied on us tho prop erty of .1 U Jordun, Turusteu lor Julia C Jor dan and chil i. Amount ol tax $35.26. Fart ol lot No 6'.)1, containing one fourth of an aero more or loss; levied on as tho property ( t A 51 Kennedy, guardian Min Shlrby. Amount of tax $17.25. South hull ol lot No 136, with Improvements thereon; levied ou as the property of A K La mar, Trustee, tor Catharine ll Lamar. Amount of tax $51.25. North hull of lot No 483 with improvements there..n; levied ou ds the property of Jason Lewis. Amount of tax$25.26, Fart of lot No 180 with Improvements tliore- on. being two story houses (routing on west side of Angle (or Dillingham) street; levied ou as the property of .1 Marclmls. Amount ol tax $13 25. Part, of lot No 17fl, with Improvements there- on, being store on corner Randolph and Ogle thorpe streets, known us Brass!ll s corner; lev- the property of Win A McDougald. AUCTION 8ALES. By ELLIS & HARRISON. DESIRABLE FURNITURE ! Embracing many Desirable articles. ju31 It ELLIS & HARRISON, AGENTS FOR GEORGIA SOAP FACTORY OF ATLANTA, GA., W ILL sell these excellent Soaps of ALL grades to the trade ut FACTORY PRICKS, freight REAL ESTATE ACENTS. ELLIS & HARRISON, Real Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, W ILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO THE SALE, KENT AND PURCHASE of REAL ESTATE iu the City uud omutry, and will advertise the same (at private sale) PREP OK CHARGE, iiiiIosh tho property is sold. For Sale. CITY LOT No. tk»l, on McIntosh street, with three dwellings on the same. Will hr* sold together or separate, at a low tigurc, tor cash. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY, situated in the ImniueoH centre of tho city. \\ ill sell ut u^nut bargain, or to an ucceptalde party an undivided A DESIRABLE BOUSE AND LOT, with ten acres ground, in Liuwood, one tulle from S. \V. It. II. depot; u very comfortable and desirable home. HOUSE with five good rooms, within 200 yard. For Rent. A STORK HOUSE iu tho valley of Talbot county, ut a crosb-l'oad, three miles of the Chalybeate Springs. A very desirable locution for a Dry Goods uud Grocery business. so pi 7 banks. 1.. SALISBURY, Columbus, 6a., * Does a General Banking Business, PEALS IN ISacliniiKc, Hold, Silver, Sion,., Special attention Riven to ,- 0||w tloiiN, nml prompt return, ' New York Oonncsroxbr.NT: American tlxehnnice SAVINCS BANK. DEPOSITS received In „ cent* and uptrarils, SEVEN per cent, (per itonuoi, lerc«t allowed, pnjulilo ltt j» uu , r , April, July nnd October, leompo„ nll ] ed lour time* itnntmlly.) DEPOSITS PAID OS DEMAND. DIRECTORS: W. L. SALISBURY Poinu rly of Warm** i,. A. 1LLQK8—Of Preer, lllgos A Co. W. R. BROWN—Of Columbus Iron Woikic C. A. REDD—Or C. A. Redd 4 Co. U. L. McUOUGH—Of John Mcdongh 4 Co. wt l* »««f CROCERIES. ** A. New Enterprise; wholesale Grocery and Provision House In Marshall, Ala. J. T. HOLLAND T AKES pleasure 1>» notifying Mvrchnuu Plantera of tU« autroundlug countn ib»i>, I, receiving a very largo stock ..t Qiocorbuai Parr o Paluier \V i J,i i W WPrido mrs M, PrnlHtt P R Redden 11 K, < Robinson C Boss in i n 0, c Schley mlss f Sears It sharp W L Simmons mist Smith U Smith P 11 Smith .1 smith J L, c S|iurliug miss Poliak •< . M, ihonmsvilt.., Charcoal for Sale Cheap. (y LARGE QUANTITY OP CHARCOAL ou id at tho Gas Works, lor salt* at Three cunt, a ltnsliel till tho prosoul lot U disposed of. Cheaper iu Wood. tel Ot LATE ARRIVAL OF NALAUA GRAPEk, 1.41 \ DON' LAYER HUN, LONDON LAYER UA1NINM, , nt No. Ho Itm Profuino & Hoffman. LOST! ^ WHITE POINTER BITCH, slightly formed. satisfactorily ii S. .SHEPHERD. Mr. For the .Mtiun, ot Thibet county. ef of .1. O. SAFE INVESTMENTS. cl nrticlo 1st of tho Coustitulion, prohib iting lottorieR nml tho sale of lottery liek- opeul the local protluce A". Executor, will sell t Public Auction, o BRICK STORE NO. UO It ROAD : iow occupied by Win. Bench. I will ofl'er the other li 'ash mid tho batauco ou I. nil also sell STORK t, for CASH or on n."- r in format ion apply t< n time. Titles guar- , HI, West side Broad c. e. noon eh. Amount of tux$125 26. Part of lot No 178 with iiuprovom r nt8 there- i, being store occupioil by H McUauly us it marble yard; levied on as tbo property ol Sarah MuUauloy. Amount of tax $87.25. Part of lot No 24t», containing one-rixthof n acre, moro or toes, with improvements thereon, being betwoen tho proporty of Mr. Howard on thu north nml Mr. Brumhull on thu south; levied on as the property of Jane E Stewart. Amount ot tax $29.25. No 609 with improvements thereon; lev ied on as tho property olLuoy Torry. Amount tax $45.25. Part of 1 t No 159, lieing 20 ft 10 inches front i Brond st. ami running baek 147 It 10 luehes, l which is lovatc/l tonument No 30; lovied on i tho property of.los.S W in tor, tr us too for Mrs U Vlotorio Winter. Amount ot tax $21.25. and miscullaneous property or F S ........ . J107.94. Two g<dd opera chains; lovied ou as the prop erty ol T S t-peur. Amount of tax $100. Two mot a file cases; lovied on as tho proporty of Henry McCauley. Amount of tax $96.14. Two counter show contents; lovlod on ... _ . ■Jlmpman. Amount of tax $197.94. Parties may settlo any of tho above before the day of sale by paying tho amount of tax specified above together with cost of adver tising. MATT. \V. MURPHY, Icl-)aw4t Marshal. Muscogee Sheriff Sale. \K7 ILL be sold on tin first Tuesday lu March TI next, l)»'lw*M‘u the legal hours of safe, in front of J Mis «t Harrison's auction house, tbo following property, to-w lt I side of Broad street, between Kiimlolph und Bryan streets, next innnodiatoly sonth of tin. lot known h« tint Curruixhi lot, fronting on said Proud street 7o I ot, uioiv or less, tliul running back e«.-t 147 ft 10 in., more or less, ou which lately stood the brick building known as the St. Mary’.* Bank biiildiiiir, whhli embraced store Iiouu'h mintbers I t. It', nnd 48 Brond stioet,, and comprising part of City lot No. 178, sold to satisfy ti fa. hinted from MitScoguu Superior Court Muscogee Sheriff Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday iu March VY m*xt. between tho legal hours of sale, iu front of Ellis & Harrison's uuctiou house, tha fol lowing property, b -\» it : All that tract or parcel of land situste, lying or being iu the Uouuty of Muscogee, and lit what is known us the Coweta Reserve, beg lining at tho c< ruer it lien* the express road cross' s tho couth ad, thence running aloug west s <t was know u iu 18tt3) to :li line lot No. 99, thence the northeast corner of It I'rotit iliut corner along id ion, containing 11 Joint logon's line i IVKY. MiorlfT. **;'*' J "I Uappp 11,mr, pub. »0«« lo be Mwanod .uUd L; 1 r.Lk 1., .lie, i, before u*. It The p»,do n o( tl botuls nnd change bills. Mr. Sullies To tcAuco thu tiqlcagu of mumhera and officers ot tho Creueral As sembly to ten cents per mile. BILLS INTlIODrCED. Already 528 bills have been introduced in the Houae, exclusive of many resolu tions, 120 having been read the first time to-day. Many are to change the Code. GENERAL RAILROAD niLL. Tho ono to M-hich 1 have referred has New York, Jau. 31.—Arrived Camel, Noruor, Dufieriue, Homeward, Gibuon, Wild lluoter. Rome Building and Loan Asso ciation. Series A. and B. 1 M1K 77th Installment Series A aud both Install ment Series B, will b.> due ou MONDAY, Feb ruary 2J. Payment will le nude to the under- dersigued at office of Merchants' and MocliaDK Rank. JOHN KING, fel Treaa’r Pro tern is hafidiCoii ;>• illustrated, and doQbtAiVwf with auooess P*ra*< A >uUua> ib»».. Bot bs ““ intri ’ Juc ' J 11 w i’ro»a enough Mechanios' Building and Loan ... l ° r 1 lCit I cover all, aud w ill no doubt be adopted, A8SCCiatiOD ,, , to COrcr Bit, »uu a iu ou uwuui ue auuuaai, * “ 8 »PPK>val. j aH it should meet the views ot all and au- New Turkish Prunes, New Currant*, lri*li Out Jlcnl, Kplri’d Trii»e, AimorcS nim cd Mrai, I'uri* Apple aud HTiic Vinegar, lluckwlieat Clour, llwef Tongue*, Choice llultvr. Extra Choice Young Ifywou, liupe- rlul, Idunposvster nnd Oolong Tea*, YVhilu Kerosene Oil, I reali Shaker Oursleit Need*, war ranted* ROB’T S, CRANE, ftbl (nI Trust#*. s there ore to cite and m.monuhall and the kindred and cr.ditora »»i said d.- c.ux-d, to »how came, (it uuy they liaifl,) wit mu the time prvacribed by law, why said letter# should uot be grauUd. Given under my hand official signature this January 3lat, 1874. P. M. BROOKS. Muscogee Sheriff Sale. \\*TLL be sold ou the first Tuesday in March next, bet ween the legal hours of sale, be fore the auctio.i house of Ellis k Harrison, Broad street, Columbus, Ga, the following described property, to- The south- and 50, lying fronting " - In lh* billiard toum»m*ul it New ■ ‘ wer ov,,r J' •>»g*nojr. d 0, Orplw*, . wtrtijr ^ tM ’*' vs*—y | ' wtT “ *“«“• | The fiiUawisg u, ^he iucoi|ior*toii in ( part of lota of land uutnbers 49 . ou the west side of Broad street, Broad street 40 fret and running hack street, with improvements known as the Southern Express Office, as the property of the Southern Express Company, to satisfv a ti fa issued by Muscogee Superior Court in favor of Martin Couuor vs. Southern Express Company pointed out b> defeu lent, oawii U 0. IVKI. Bhtr.f. i*roi*ei ty t«Vi o# ASSIGNEE’S SALE OK CROCKERY WARE AND House-Furnishing Goods ! M" MONDAY, FEB. 20, At the old stand on Randolph street, lictwocn Rroud mid Oglethorpe, To Sell off same at Greatly Reduced Prices. in brace.-. Crockery of every descrip- Crockery ; a full liim of Table uige lot of R< Hector, and Burners tiou, plain I ry, Silver Porks. V Lain pa. Limp Cliinin of ull kinds, and generiil stock . nousL-PURN18111NG GOODS. jAlao, a good IRON SAPK, which will be sold »sr Forties Indebtid to Mr. DuYore will please call and Keltic. Mr. ROBERT stock until cl ted out. <1 IRON ludebti ENNIS will have charge o ( th AMKS ENNIS, A-rignee. JOB PRINTINC. Letter Press and Card Printing. JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK SF LEXTER,, BILL HEAD AND S t ate m e n t, J? ape r, ALSO, VISITING and BUSINE^" 1 - CARDS All of wliiolt cun lie furtiihj 1 ,it,*«l ut nlioft notice, at t.ow Ua*hi g,p»><*slottY Railroad Receipt Books, Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks, on hand. TRos. Git.toort, PRINTER and BINDER, Sun and Times Building, COLUMBUS, CIA. THE SUN PR.XNTINO BOOK - BINDING ESTABLISHMENT, Oolumlau.*, Oooi-feia, MOST COMPLETE AN1> KX1KNSIVK IN TH K SOUTH. Modern Styles of Machine ry and Material, 13 WKI.I. t-UK I* A HKD To Executewith Accuracy and Dispatch BVKIlY DBaCHIPTIOX 09 Book & Job Printing BOOK-BIKTSIKTO, ■ Steam Power, running six of the most improved and be9t make Pre.tes, with constant additions to our already very large assortment of Elegant Types, Rules, Borders, and other material, and skilled workmen in every department, our facilities for turning out all descriptions of work, expeditiously and neatly, at the Low est Cash Prices, are unsurpassed by any establishment in the State. Wraen Iron, abrot.,1 will re els'® Hie vaillc attention at U the parlies wore present Xo traneart tlte bllMineMS, nn,I will l,e prompt ly filled. THOMAS GILBERT. Boutin for rush, hub urtb of Bncc.., LOW ElGUREd, nml will keep bit stork lull uj. purchased bin entire«{»,« less, and b»! purciisteiU; ‘"It 'b livet»U trjtll paid f Dissolution Notice. T llKcoparin.r*hip hcivlnrort. exts'lug hetweeu WILLIAMS l*E RCE k llODO, U this day dissolve) by iuudial ccuseul; Mr. J. W. Ilodo ro- tires Th" busiiirst- of th" firm will be settled by T. J. PKAKCK A CO. All partita having claim* against the firm • w ill proem thorn for paymeut, aud all who nro indebted to the firm are requested to come forward and settle, und save trouble. K. G. WILLIAM.**, T. J. PEARCR, J W. HOIK). Columbus. Ga., Jan'y doth, ls74. Iu retiring from the firm uf Williams, Paarce 1 ! Uodo, 1 tak.‘ jdesvura iu n-tuiiiiug thank* to my I friends and custom r-. for the liberal patrounge Dissolution Notice. rnHE FIRM OF THOMAS GILBERT & J. CO. hHH this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Tne busiuess will be settled up by THOMAS! (11T.RKHT tnwl n...,. i... ,1.:. the settlement of their arroaragos. THUS. DsWOLP, THUS. GILBERT. Columbus, Ga., Dee. 31,1873. > pay, In* is enabled to sell u» low MtU THE RETAIL HOUSE OP Holland & Duller IS N0M OPEN, with a full line of Groceries and Staple Good*, Jit—t* dlmj adapted to tha trade. Go to Pomeroy’s, at lino■ ai:ft*N, For Ferris & Co.’s Sugar-cured Pij Hams and Strips, Ferris's Mild-cured N. Y. Bellies, Wright’s Ne Plus Ultra Mince Meat, far superior to Atmore's, Raisins, Figs, Oranges, Lemon., Pre served Ginger, Jellies, Corn Starch, Sordines, Salmon,Oysters, Tomatoes, Christmas Eggs, Turkoys, Ducks and Chickens, Wine, Milk, Butter, Boston Butter, Soda and Pic-nic Crackers, Snaps, &o. 4»-Mr. T. C. Prioouon will he found at (Le count or, und will bo pleased tn wait on Ills tor uior customers und friends. The patronage »i tho public ia respectfully aolioite I. [dedo Italian Maooaroni, Cream and Pine Applo Cheese, Corn Starch, Albert, Soda and Fox Crackers, Family and Toilet Soaps, Sperm and Parraflne Candles, Liquors and Spices, Imported Wines and Cigars, Dried and Pickled Beef, Mocha, Java, Rio and Laguyra Coffee, AT H. F. ABELL & CO.'S, JaJS (in; ull Wm. .S. I'o* n. Pamlli. It. Baiinn* S. R. BALDWIN & C0„ GENERAL DEALERS IN Choice Family Groceries, Domestic Dry Uootl*, Notions, TOBACCO, Ac.. Ao Db9 AND PURE l,HH'tlR> DRY COODS. PEACOCK & SWIFT, N eeding money very much, and wniiis* to CI.OME OCT ALL WINTER GOODS R( fore Spring, offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS! LESS OK COST! Now ia your chi Again wo atk a! PEACOCK A SWIFT. FARM BOOKS. hcretof. them to tho who are determined ja3l lut ndr11, und reapocFully recnntnsud JOHN W. 1I0D0. T. J. Pearce Co., (Successors to Williams, Poarcs k Hodo.) Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 20 Broad Street, R ESPECTFULLY announce to their friend* and the public tLxt they will continue buaiuess at (be old *taud, where they will keep a good stock of Qrocerie., Plentetlon Suppiiee, Ac., Which will be told low and atrletlj for oa*h Sail ta I. J. FIX*Cl a CCS TIME BOOKS FOE PLANTATIONS AND FARMS counts with their employees. Price $1 50. The form is one furnished by a planter of much experience. Its use will enable a Parmer to save many timea iu cost duriug the year. Printed and for sale hy THOMAS GILBERT, 8UN JOB ROOMS, Columbus, Ca. The Book will he fetwarded by mall, on reeeipt of pike. Jsal dawtf HIDES. HIDES! HIDES I! WE WILL PAY THE Highest Market Price FOK Green i Dry Hides, Furs and Beeswax, GRAY & CO.’S, No. 2 Crawford St. jad2 ddni Under Rankin Hou«. M. M. HIRSCH, Oglethorpe and Bridge Streets. Hides and Furs a Specialty- Will Pay the II iff bent .Market Price for Hides, Furs, Beeswax & R a t) s All kinds Wrapping Pap er and Paper Bags on hand. Notice. Change of Firm. I HASH tUla day t.k.u eU.r.. -rMi ls.ffej'i Junk Dusmus, *oJ «I" ‘-'("IL, same iu style and manner a* heretofeie. i 'j r-^ fully solicit the customer, of Mr. ^ #|l favor me with their consignment*, ami * prompt attention in every rc *P£ c ^j rTXBs*U‘H. 0|l.lliorpe .i|j BriJ*, Columbus. Jan’y 27th, 1874. busskv, iv. JT. agent for American Cotton Tie Co 1 I.I, APPROVKD I'ATTKKSS ta ' n. COTTON TIN-. luinl.brJ in —I I- ' * .. In.... nsnrk.t ..... y _ t M l( >“%> it