The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 03, 1874, Image 1

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Columl )us
NO. 28.
t.t OlK.I V SEWN.
p.m-.j. —Mr. James Neal, jr., of Flat Shoals,
ILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY Meriwether county, dropped dead on
Friday while walking in hia garden.
—In ITtf'.t, tobacco waa the atuple pro
duction of Georgia. Then tbe entire e>-
portation of oottou did not reach 12U0
baiea per Meanou.
—The Brnnawick Appeal learns that 11.
I. Kimball will soon return to Georgia
and meet face to face all chargee that
4 ,M> may be made again*! him.
* 00 —The Uomc Journal reporta more
75o. Hmall grain sown in Houston county this
2 (mi winter than for many year* before, and
r |() say* that the cops seem to be generally
' j doing well.
Ethridge Jackson, condemned
i advance..
<elva n ion the,
nontha, “
o month*, “ »»
month, *'
i t F.syriKER, one year,
unit KnwCIMB. one year.,
nw and Wmiy Esqvu
•thcr. one year
..fH 00
•'* death for tho murder of his wife, has
been sentenced by Judge Hidden, of Kau-
1 ~ * * the
KORfdA LEGISLATURE.; ^K. 000 ''’ ,u ,mug u
ftunnto blfin Altendanre In the
House Tl»e «apttnl Keiuovnl
<|iieat Ion ‘Mllll Us e*’—Fro*
posed Judiciary Reor*
icon I ant Ion, Re., Re.
»l rorre«|M<n l< ii*'<* Kn>|iilrer and Nub.]
Atlanta, January 01, 1874.
l'lio Senate was not in session to-day.
10 attcmUuco in tho House was quite
-doubtful if thero wm a quorum at
A number of members are off on
of absence.
It bus leaked out to-dsy that theCouati-
tional Committee will report an nmand-
• moving the Statu capitol back to
die. To be offectunl, it must
. . -cosaive Legislature* by a two-
voi-. and then be ratified by the
'i uttre in hardly a chance of its
:> by this Legislature, though it will
ly comtnaud greater strength than
Convention proposition. Homo will
for it to disconnect this excitiug lo-
ipiostion from that of a Constitutional
Thu IIouso did but little to-day, and
mostly of a local character. A rese
ll to prohibit the introduction of new
ittor after the GtU of February was ta
re the bill to ropeal the act
muling tho Usury law and the adverse
rt of tbu committee thereon.
The bill to pay off the judgment against
Slate obtaiuod by Ur. Boswell from
Superior Court of Muscogee county
nttomling small pux case*) war lost,
bill to provido for the appointment
■oijuty 1 reusumr of Mua.-ogoe county
tbo County Comur'MionerB, was with-
I'be Finance Coinmitloe having report-
adversely to tho bill to authorize the
ivernor to draw his warrant for $-,800
unpaid iutorost for five yonrs to the
de University, tho bill was lost.
following were among tbo bills
[To ratify Ihc issuing of bonds by lb#
Ry of Athens to tho University, to the
leant of t>26,<)00; to exempt from jury
by sevorul volunteer companies, includ-
| the l.aG range Light Gnarda ; to in-
i Southern Land Manufactor-
| and Labor Company; to facilitate the
baaaa of Courts of Ordinary, by allow-
l the Clerk of the Superior Court, or
I Bubntituto whom partios interested
i preside in the event of the
|»ntial absence of the Ordinary; to
tho sale of liquors within tbreo
of Antioch M ilo Academy, in Stew-
I 11ouho showed its temper on the
of aiding the people to prohibit
l of liquor in their localities, when
to do so, by requiring one
Ad dollars for liquor license in
, Floyd county.
I Kill to provide fur tho manner of
utility and municipal bonds, Jkc.,
o the special order for Wedues-
II to allow the Ordinary of Ter-
Duty to hire out the county con-
amended by adding Webster,
Iph and several other counties, and
| bill to re irgmize the Ju liciury of
.o, tutrodu ed in tho llouae by Mr.
is an important one, and aims to
be complaint that the Supreme
■ overburdened with work. It pro-
I for tho appointment of two more
Judges; also, for tbe ere-
k Court of Appeals, to be com-
—Don Levy and Mrs. Bukos, on trial
charged with the murder of old Mr.
Dukes, were both acquitted in Macon uu
Satin day. So was James Green, of Jones,
charged with poisoning his wife.
—Tho wooden-horse circus was circuit
ing in Talbottou last week. Ths Stand-
art/ calls it the “Flying Jinny . but Gor
man will give some feminine name to
everything—thinks there is no attraction
without it.
—Macon sent a strong comuiitteo to
Atlanta, on Saturday, to lobby in behalf
of the extension of the Macon .1 Bruns
wick Railroad to Covingtou. We suppose
a strung committee will bo nooded to put
tbo job through.
—A permanent organization of the
Brunswick and Albany UailroAd Company
baa been effected, by the election of J.
DeNoufville, of New York, as President,
and a Board of Directors composed of
four New Yorkers, W. B. Lowe, of Atlan
ta, and B. G. Lockett, of Albany.
—The Macon Telegraph report* tbe ar
rival and adventures in its city of u young
Atlanta husband in search of hia erraut
wife. She was found at the passenger de
pot, about to start for Eufauia. The bus.
band demanded of her money and paper*,
but she said she had none, and took uono.
She gavo up her pistol on demand ; said
that she left because her husband gut
drunk and treated uor badly. They start
ed back together on tbe Atlautu train,
Madder and perhaps wisor people.
<JF.\k.KAI. HEW*.
—An Omaha paper innocently ray* thnt
night achoola aro the order of the day at
that place.
—lu 1831 tbe Siamese twins, Chang
and Lug, were arrested in LyniitieU,
Maas., on a charge of assault and battery,
and fined #200.
'-Senator Gordon, of Goorgia, nays tho
Mob.le Register, is fast earning a* on via
life a name in Congress ns he did upon
the tout oil field.
—Tho Minnesota Legislature haH taken
action looking to tbe assimilation of the
Chippown Indians with the people of that
State, and becoming citizens thereof.
—Strawberries ripening in the open
fields, in January, are one of tbe wonders
of thia mild winter. They am gathered
by the cup-ful, fully ripe, in parts of Ma
ryland bordering on tho Chesiqionko.
TKI.r.URAPHHJ noti:n.
—A driving storm commenced moving
things yesterday morning at Philadelphia.
—Tbo steamer Alliance was burned,
and steamer Glancu* injured by tire, nt
Boston, yesterday.
—The priutera of several of tbe news-
paper ofti •«** of Indianapolis have struck
for an increase of from 1'-* to ’J.’, per cent,
in their wages.
—An engine exploded her boiler iu
front of Htaffvilln station, Toronto, on
SiUurduy, killing two firemen and badly
damaging the atntion building*.
—The Kansas Legislature voted unsuc
cessfully for a United State* Senator on
Saturday. Tbe fourth balloting in joint
couvontion of tlm two houses was as fol
lows : Stover, 27; l’lotub, 25; Phillips,
1G; Harvey, 22; Hudson, 18. The reat
—A fire in South Norwalk, Conn., on
Sunday burned tho old bolol, Hopkins
livery and sain stable, including the car
riages, the At<p* util ‘o and all its contents.
Loss, UU0 A man named Slaver was
arrested on suspicion that he wav tbo in
The Mil|» « mpenlers’ Hirike I
pension of the franklin
Hating* Hank.
PaiLADiLPnta, February —Tbo ship
carpenters and caulkers now on a strike
have determined to make direct contract >
for repairs of vessel*, a* well as building.
They guarantee (hut all work shall bu
o( t«o Ja.l--. of 111. Siipr.uia Court [ j, m0 ,„ , tl— ,
manner, as they are
composed of skilled mcchanica of every
ship yard in the city. Tbair offer is as
follows : Bil’s for mturial* to be presented
as purchased, without uddiug profit to the
saute ; wagt-s four dollars per day, u
owners have been paying heretofore to
the firms ; every article used to he weighed
ami measured by tbe captnina of owner*,
of AppooU r.touiuieuj it. th« ca»e | BrtUll g ,l but „b.l i. i.|iiar«l,
So Hi. Supram. Court. A. the bill BB( | bouc.tlj u,«d.
Tbo Fraukliug Savings Fund suspended
thia morning, displaying a plaiard which
read; Closed by order of tho United
States Court. A large number ol people
bad money in this Institution, from the
feet tbet il allowed a larger rate of inter
est than moat other saving funds, and
msny of these have felt the pnnic with
greater severity iu consequence of their
failure to obtain mouey due them, 'lbe
give the customary * fee# p-1 cbnrch of the Holy Trinity. Institution
«•* * ■ <*
dren bad funds iu the institution, and it
Inch hack Uisgrsptmd from W«»b- in **»• interest of the latter that »uit
, on Thunciay. to a tuemt<sr of was brought. About the first ol October
*'» Lo*i»LlBr«, tli.l h. ... «ur. tu Dir.cton
-**•'*• ** •“»*•• two .nfuroim . bj.lw «U-h pio.idM
a e li-t of Senators, constituting a ’ , r ,
ly. who would .npport him (, ' r • Dotk * ut thre " * ur ,1 *“
th Green, having stocked mourner- withdrawal of sum* exceeding $-.'••». ti
mer* with ell »-jiti *d fi«h, now positors who ba-l previously given noti- «
that frog* should he reared fur 0 f withdrawal were unable to obtain fund*,
.t lle urgi* tl.U tb. butid...U , K . 1U g„. U..U0., .ud
^~ant pools that ahoun<l in every 1 K . , ,
y of tb. Statu .ould Ml; b. .took- ! •*<•» '•« d.UIU*i by b.lon plM.U IU
frogs, and a rca-ly market found. ^ bankruptcy.
I Northern District of Georgia, and
r the Southern District; said Judges,
| as a Court of Appeal* in tbair re-
DUtrictu, to have primary revi-
•invW ell writs of error from the Superi-
«<N*ct. end their deeialono, if uneni-
> he final in diKpoaing of said ap
i hut if uot unaniumua, or if the
amend the Constitution, it
lx* paa-ted by a two-third, vote of
rces-nYc I- ‘giftlaturcH, and thou rat-
tha people. Ml'acoou.
is said that Mr. Cushiug uow pro-
:• hi* alleged letter to Jeff. Davis a
Mr. Davis, as has already been
ed. declares that he has no recol-
of baviug received such a letter.
Wasuinoton, Feb. 2.—In tho House, a
large nuuibcr of bilU were introduced
and referred.
A joint soloct committee wa* ordered to
investigate tbo affairs of the Diatrict of
A resolution to pay mail contractors in
tbo South for service prior to the war waa
offered by Mr. Young, of Georgia, but
A resolution instructing the Committee
on Appropriations to inquire iutothe sub-
ject was offered by Honor, of Yirgiuia,
and adopted.
Articles of impeachment wero presented
by White, of Alabama, against Judge
Busteed, and referred to the Judiciary
The Attorney General ha* relumed.
No nomination.
No executive Nesaion.
The Judiciary Comuiitteo will take evi
dence this week regarding Judge Bunteed,
and endeavor to roach the report upon
Judgo Durrell to-morrow.
The debt statemout hss decreased one
anil seven-eighth* millions. Coin in tbe
Treasury, eighty-fivo and three-eighths
million*. Currency, four aud soven-
eighths million*.
rreliminary business unimportant.
Morton concluded his speech on Loui*-
iann.and upon conclusion the Senate voted
to lay the matter aside, and took up the
Bankrupt hill, which wa* disenased to ad
Tho House bill for the trial of Genoral
Howard was passed.
Wasuimoton, Fell. 2. — Iu the Senate, a
resolution wa* introduced by Mr. Wrigbt,
directing the Finance Committee to in-
quiro into tho expediency of uboliahing
tho Intorunl Revenue Oflh'o and imposing
the duties of the Bureau on the Tmawary
Department. Agreed to.
Cooper's bill, introduced in the Heunto
to-day, for refunding certain Internal
Revenue taxes direct* the remimiou or
repayment of all taxes aiifiessml or collect
ed on or from citizen* In tho insurrec-
tionniy State* contrary to tho provision*
of Treasury Department circular No. Hi,
iMaued Juno 21*t, IMn.V
St. I on*, January ill. —A* the train on
tho Iron Mountain Ruilroad, which loft
here tin* morning, came in sight of Gad*
Hill Htation, 120 mile s below this city, at
4:iH>* afteruoou, it w*h signaled to
atop. The Mwitcb was turimd and the
train run on the side track. As tho train
•topped, conductor Alford stopped off to
ascertain what waa tbo mattor, when ho
w.-h confronted by a man wearing a mask,
a pistol placed to hia head, and ho waa
marched off. The engineer, mail and
express messengors and other train
were then seized by live masked aud
heavily armed meu, and nlso placed under
guard. Tho robbers then wont through
the entire train, and took from lbe pas
sengers about $2,1 <n» and a large amount
of jewelry. They also took from tho Ad-
amaKfpreva about $1,<M>I, and rifled the
mail*. Tho robbers then left in a south
erly direction, and after the rebate of tho
truiu it ataitcd south. The robbers left a
noto on tho train, which is now in pf*i-e*-
aiou of conductor Alford. The following
is a copy .
“lbe south hound ttaiu on the Iron
Mountain Railroad was robh.d here thi*
evening by five hoavily armed and
masked men, of dollars. The rob-
bur* arrived at tho station a It-w miuntea
haforo tho arrival of the traiu, and arreat-
ed the agent and put him under guard.
They then threw tho train on tho awiteb.
The robbers were all largo men, none of
them under six feet, all uiu*kod and start
ed in a southerly direction after they had
rubbed the train. All w , »ru mouuteil on
tiua blooded horse.*. There is hell of ex
citement in this put of tho conn try.
(Signed. * Jxo. A Mi'anxLL."
The robbers offered no violence to any
onu on the train, and did no harm tu the
CoKcoMn N. II , Fch. 2 —Coldu«t morn
mg of the reason. At Lancaster the tbor
uiouiotcr was I'l degree* hel jw zero ; a!
('•naan, at Cl iromont, 22; at Frank
Un, 30; ut Mere lith Village,
! Village, 32: at Rradford, :tO,
I city 21. ihe teinpor.iture u
atim*, end the hiromeler
Boston, Feb. 2. At 7 o clock this morn
ing the thermometer ranged from zero to
three degree* above.
t|l lllll.C .
(JrauikC, Feb. 2.—A sharp ahuuk of
•artbqu. * was distinctly felt at Farther
Point yct jriay aft« rnooo, anti it sh'iok
n ovel and everything Uioveatle in the
bouse* of thu v. tag--. 'I he shuck was also
felt at • U ten im • * below tbis city. It
appear* tu ha - .-- • • r lefrott the aonibwanl.
The thermometer iu this vlly was 20
degree* hubi* Zero thi* morning.
L'lilsTiSTlvxCLK, February 2.—A tire
iu thu • ity lust night destroyed over one
hundred bona--*, including the r-.-aiJ*nce
uf the Grend Yl»»er.
I Rkuu <m>. February 2.—A tiro occur
red this morning in tho basemeut of a
fine irou front building on Mum street,
occupied by tho Southern Express Com
pany, which at ono time threatened de
struction to tho costliest block of building*
iu tbe city. By tbo aid of citizens a large
uount of freight was removed from the
building. The remainder whs considera
bly damaged by water. The fire waa
confiued to tho basement. Damage to
the building, which is owned by Bonj.
Hart, of New York, is not very great.
The huKinenti of tho express company wa*
not materially interrupted.
A snow fell oil and on during last night,
and then hailing •!! tbe morning.
Loi isvh.i.e, February 2.- Deputy l\ H.
Marshal Wyatt arrived here last uight,
with fifty of the priHouer* arrested in
Henry county. While bringing them
down on tho Htenuier. Win. Sinootun, the
alleged leader in tbu Ku Klux depreda
tion*. escaped. Wyatt found no difficulty
in making the arrest, the prisoners offer
ing no roautaneo.
Farm, Feb. 1.—A newspaper of thin
city aays Prince Hismark recently address
ed aomo obiter vat ions to tbe Hritish Gov
ernment relative to tbe attitudo of tbe
ultraiuoutuiio press and hinhop* of Eng
land, aud received a discouraging reply.
London, February 2.—Liter dispatches
nbow there were fifty-nix Parliamentary
election* last week, resulting iu the return
of twenty-five Liberals and thirty-one
ConHervativc*. Additional returns show
no gain for either party. It wa* Dentil
Onslow, Conservative candidate, who was
elected in Guildford Haturday. Hia op
ponent was Guildford Onslow, Liberal,
who represented the borough iu the late
Parliament. Tho return of Robert Lowe,
from London Univeraity to-morrow with
out opposition, is regarded a* certain.
liaron Mayor DeRothschild, late uiem-
her of Parliament from Ilyths, i* very ill,
and i* report -d sinking rapidly.
A dispatch to the Timre from Dublin
says in spito of the short time allowed for
preparation for Parliamentary election*,
many home rulers have announced thaw-
solves as candidates in Ireland.
New You*, February 2.—Tho Cuban*
of thi* city have received by mail tho par
ticular* of tho capture and execution of
ColoufI MontauersN, a Spanish comman
der. The Colonel wo*, with six hundred
meu, convoying a train, which was at
tacked and capturud. Muutauoraa was
also captured nud his troops diapers*d.
He wa* marched tu thu beadquait.-rs ol
Gen. Gomez, who at onco ordered him tu
prepare for death, and soon afterword* he
wa* shot. Montanurss was recognized as
sspccially severe to Cuban prisoners.
News has beeu ul*o received of the
shooting of Hpsin-h hddicrs captured
noar Puerto Principe.
THE ril.lHI Sl l lll.l \. RllllRHAk.
Panama, Jan. 22. -Tho city of Pauarua
and tho Isthmus in geuural, cunttbiiea iu
a state of tranquility.
The U. H. stunner Wyoming left A.qnn-
w t»ll on the II lb Inst., taking with her the
filihnstcring atuamcr, Gcu. Hhurmnu, for
trial in the 1'uited Statu* Courts The
Golouibi*n *nthoritio.‘i did i.-.1 want to li t
her go oat of their bind-., ui.d think she
ought to hsvn been tiled lit a ColoiubisU
Court or held po**onsioii of. Thu ship's
paper* wore found on board when she ar
rived. Capt. Cushing ha* l»oen thankmi
by the government of Colombia for thua
ridding Central America of a standing
ruuuace to the country.
IKMitiS DSI l.ll ll.
At Bogtdi, mtb Arm riea, thu reaiduiit
llmialer of thu I'nitcd State*, Mr.
Hcruggs, while in the presence of a reli
gions procuH*iou which wa t passing, re
fused to lake of) Ins hat, an I thu* be
came expo** d to aomo insulting treatment
by some other* in tbs crowd, who regard
ed Scruggs r* fosal a* a deliberate insult
to the religion of th>< people.
DjUMurncxT or Wa«, »
W A*UINoioM, Feb. 2, 1*7 t >
/V«4'iiia/io. -Fur the Houlb Atlantic
coaat, continued northeast wind* veering
to soutbnaat, with doudine** and rain lur
the Western Gulf Htates and the Dblo
Money suit Mlorlr Mnrkut*.
New York, February 2.—Freight* dull
aud heavy; cotton, steam, .T-IGsjJ. Money
easy at AaG. I’.xchaugu dull at 4“t. Gold
Mi Uli ii Governments strong hut dull.
Statu bond* quiut and uonuual. *
Nkw York, Feb. 2—uveuing. -Stocks
quiet. Money 4. Gold 111 j. Kxcbange
—long 481, short 4871. Governments
atroug. State bonds quiet and nominal.
I'rovlMlon ItTnrkrla.
New York Fub. 2 Pork firmer; now
mee* $lt> 2.'». Heef; mess Mull. Lard
heavy at 11-IGafi;'. Tallow steady at
7 J*7 13-Hi.
I.oi ihmlle, Fob. 2.—Flour and corn
unchanged. Provisions quiut. Pork
$17. 27.* 1.1 .AO. Bacon ftjaU 7-1G; ■boul
ders '.^a‘.ij; dear rib sides '.tjal'j; *ugar
cured bams 12jal2j. Lard— '•’ja!', 1 for
tierce; lojsioj for kt*g. Whiskey :'4j.
Cincinnati, February 2. Flour qmot
and niichanged. Corn quiut at 7>8*t>|.
Provisions quiet; buyers demntid a rutluo-
tion, but bolder* are firm. Pork nomi
nally $ 17* AO. Lard quiet. Htnaiii *.*; ket
tle Bacon qmot at 7„ for shoulder*;
8? for ci«*ar rib side*; ‘.»j lor clear aide*.
Whiskey in good demand at
St. IiOt'iH, February 2.—Floor quiet
and unchsiiged. Com firmer; No. 2
mixed GlaGlj. cast of track wiai'Oj.
Whiskey steady. Pork firm aud iu im
proved demand.
Cwttoia Mnrkrla.
Livr.arooi., February 2, P. m. —Cotton
quiet and tiuchauged sides 12.inmi bale*,
including 1,000 tor Hpeculatiuri and cx-
SkIos of nplniids nothing below good
ordinary, shipped January, 7 jd; shipped
January and February, 7,'d.
2 P. m. --Sale* of upland*, nothiug be
low g«»o<l ordinary, shipped Februai.t and
March, 7 Cl-Hid; delivered February and
March. 7jd; nothing below low miilUling*,
deliverable March and April, 7 jd.
Halo* inolude 7,700 bules American.
f* p. m. Hale* of upland*, nothing be
low middlings, shipp'd March and April,
7 15- Hid.
Nkw- York, February 2.—Weak; sales
701 bales at loJaHi^c; nut receipts 1,202.
gross 11,41)0.
Future* closed steady *al**a 20,77iO
bales, a* follows: February 14
March 17# 13-Hi; April 17# 20-.’t2a|7> I • Hi.
May HiiJaHi 7-HI; Juuo Hi 23 32aHi 4 ‘; July
NonroLK, February 2. — Low middlmga
14i; net receipts 6,108 bales; sale* 7NiO;
stock 24,112.
Nkw O111.KANM, Feb. 2. — Rainy weather
restricts busiucss; middling* 17#^, low
middlings 142; good ordinary l.’.j, nul re
ceipt* 15,7*12; export* to Great Britain
10,767, France 7*,7(NJ; sslos 2,inn» la*l
evening 1,64M); stock 20li,02l.
Moiiii.k, Feb. 2 —Dull, middling* 16;
low middling* Itj, good ordinary IM,
net receipts 3,272; sab s (iOO; stock 71.-
Ai'orsTA. Feb 2.- Qmot; middlings
I4j; receipts GOO: sales G.'iN.
W11.mi noton, Feb. 2. Hull, middling*
uominally 14 ^. net receipts 130; *tork 0,-
Gaevkhton, February 2 —Dull, with
light demand ; good ordinary I3|, mid
dling 16, 1 ; net receipts 3I(N» ; cxpori* to
Grunt Britain 7*371 ; isle* 180u ; *t«s'k
11 1,404.
Bokton, February 2. —Heavy; middling
Hi^o.; net receipt* 2 , sales 300; stock
Savannah. Feb. 2. Nominal, nothing
doing; middling 16|; net receipt* 4IG6,
export* to Great Britain 2.6G8; sales I'llG;
stock 08.47G.
Now Turkish Prunes,
Xcw XTirrnnle,
Irish Hal Men I,
N|ilrrd Trlpr.
Almor«'*« Minced .ileal,
••lire Apple mid Wine \ liiegur.
■luck** heal I lnur,
Heef Taiiifnea,
f'hwlre Halter,
While Kerosene
I rush aiiakt'r nsnlcii Needs, tvnr-
fcl#l bl Trualk*.
A Now Kntoi'|)riNo!
Grocery and Provision House
In Marshall, Ala.
IJjAKK* |>|.-.%hiii1-1 n>t|if) 1 i*k MwilIihii
Af.Oafl <M « III <m ‘1
II- h I* |-UI< IlM.-1 I
Ilollntx! A- llakcr
Oroceries and Staple Goods,
J-*-* ill in J a*ls|tt**#l lu IIip Irs Ip.
Co to Pomeroy’s,
For Ferris A Co.’* Sugar-cured Pig
Hams and Strips, Ferris's Mild-cured
N. Y. Bellies, Wright's Ne Plus Ultra
Mince Meat, far superior to Atmore's,
Raisins, Figs, Oranges, Lemons, Pre
served Ginger, Jellies, Corn Starch,
Sardines, Salmon,Oysters, Tomatoes,
Christmas Eggs, Turkeys, Ducks and
Chickens, Wine, Miik, Butter, Boston
Butter, Soda and Pic-nic Crackers,
Snaps, &c.
Aw*Mr T i*. I’aitMifcoa will In- rniiiul at llis
counter, aiitl will Im |>I«**<hI tu wait on hi* l«r-
«i»r '•ui*(o«ier« ami Irlewb. Tho |..-i(rom<Ke «d
llis |iul#llc I* ro-|M*-Unlly •olUMtei. («•-“-
Italian Maccaroni,
Cream and Pine Apple Cheese,
Corn Starch,
Albert, Soda and Fox Crackers,
Family and Toilet Soaps,
Sperm and Parraflne Candles,
Liquors and Spices,
Imported Wines and Cigars,
Oried and Picfcfed Beef,
Mocha, Java, Rio and Laguyra Coffee,
Dissolution Notice.
T’ 1 wVu3 a'm'.-.'Vk 1, iV.'k a Iloilo "iV II';'•*■!.%'
'"1 r ’' ! W,'iV
Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 9th A lOlh.
Return of lli*» Favorites'
Cal Wagner’s Minstrels and
Brass Bund ! _ , _ .. _
T. J. Pearce &lCo.,
Twonty-Ono Stars!
•ntoitlNanillr-r Pul.
U i**t'l J H kin |'liy I'
iv,i w vr Hob... 1
1 hr.#-- a. 'i ae- r..
w 11 > r k 1 *
Sjiringer’s fHi
4»\>. Ml.II I OM.l !
Wholesale and Retail Grocors
No. 20 Broad Street,
Groceries, Plantation Supplies. Ac.
Rankin House,
(,'<>) tl If) iml I.
J. W RYAN, l‘ro|> r.
I* 11 by Rusluiiruni,
Bar and Billiard Saloou,
Naw Yolk, f«b. i. Arrive 1 out, Ilea
ry .Stewart.
Chabi.bston. Fub | Arrive!, Guor-
gia Heilei), Livingstone, N#.IIi**, Jewel.
Hanannau, Feb. l. Arrivi'l, fiuneral
B«roes, Burn!!, Ferns. Haiiof, Wyom-
mg, HutiUviUe, Darien.
CaABijurroN. F ebruary 2. Sl.-aily
tiling l5sir#L low mi-Id lie g It-, g-#<#4 t#r-
dinsry 11. net ree<-i|.(* < ijh.rti to
Frauce 28*7; sales Ho, stuck 67,47o,
Notice to the Ladies.
^ 1.1. J ^ I - .• sr- rsl.y s-l.
Charcoal for Sale Cheap.
Bush. | nil |Ih# !■»*» Ml !•>( is din#*. I ef. < kw|-
Ten-Pin Alley and Bar .'
A I »:«»! \ > •»
Ntl.tGt (•Ktl l l.h.
M»IHM «.% I IN FIG*.
ill kinds ul M IS, *>tr., at Xw. to
Mruwl Slrn l.
Prolurao & Hoti'niuu.
Columbus, Ga.,
Does a General Banking Business.
I/K4U* I.V
Eirhanfr, Gold, Hllver, Mtorka, *e.
N per I * I i»tt«-ntl»H Khi'ii Ui fuller-
tl«ins, isrnl pronipt returns made.
ODPOSITII rrrelifd In niiuis of *45
crate mid a|»nitrd«.
MRYBN percent, (per annum In
lercat aIIowmI, pn> able 1st Junesri,
April, July and October, eompouud-
ed rwnriliuea nnnmslly.)
W. L. BAI.I8UUKY - Komerly ,4 Wsrsork ACe.
A. ILLUKK- Of I'rser, 11 If as 4 Co.
W. R. IIKOWN--OT Coluuiltu* Iron Works C"
C. A. RKIU> Of C A lletlil k Vo.
tl L MiOOlHill- AM Jol.u Mslloufli A
I. tit: MlV JOKliA V
Sn'I ATr.a
L>» Til R
Manufacturing Comp'y,
ColunibuN, Oeoi’Kiti
Paid up Capital, $l,2d0,000.
ssfu aud reliable arrangement for thu
honuficiui aoofunalatloa < t Gin earnings
of artisans and all ctk* r claaaes, tin*
Cnuipany ha* entabllshud, under
in which tbo following advantage* aro
ofiurud to DtqtoMitor* uf uilfier largo or
niiiall nmounta:
tho Company wero on tbe 1st of January,
1873 * 1,704,45V 43
and utu steadily inrr< aaiug.
Tho Roservu Fund is $2'.b',7G«# *»;*
All «*f which property i* rtmtai.i.v
ri.KixiKir by act of thu G«iiunU Assuu.l#ly
for tliu protoctiou of D« |M.#;ikif* . aiul in
addition, hy thu *anin act, (hr Slo- l.lodd
< ia of thu Company are made INDlYlD
ALLY RKHPoNHIllLB iu |#r«»poriiuii to
thoir *huru*, for thu integrity of thu
Savmg* D<-|>artmuX.t uml its octllfleatea , 1
Seven pur cent, per annum, ouuipoui»lu>l
four limn* a yeuf.
DEPOSITS con be withdrawn at 01.1/
litnr without notiri Depoailora ri Nidiug
out of the rat* 0*11 di »w de|M#*.il* by
Ul l.FLS AND KKGt'LATP »NM of tin
D#-|#artmetit furuiabed iqam apple stmn,
and all duaired informal mu given.
giveu tu de|MMilora.
AU aeeonnt* of Jtrj-wttors will l<r mu
riilrrol strirtljf jn irate and eanfiih «#hat.
Ill A WON II Si’ll lAtllA!
Picture l*'ruiaii»M
I It tv
VRtMfc I DIM,.*. > ,,
m |-i.|~»i.-H Wt M A K k VK t M Kc > ■ i ,
is. .1. hi:k*kv,
All KMT rult
American Cotton Tie Co.
*11 AKPKo\Kti I'VrrKKN* ok IMI'l.oti .