The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 08, 1874, Image 2
|uniKin inquirer. Tin: J Till EM A Sit Till; JIIMJF.M. i no following 1H ihn lull which till* I,- ol Georgia b<m | hr*-* (1, pud which (tKOKGIA LKGISLATl'KK. RELEASED! 1874. s.Mty , COI.I M III .S, «*l SUNDAY I' Kill* PO.HITl % I We are forced .1 Iu-j i busi.iOHH to r«rtk ' th) f -'l l tueut. Toe aJ^rJisiBK aid rater* printed lu thin inane uj: adliuiu l lo, and where Hubs- 1 i,* arc not paid Mindly in u>iv*iti e tbu f,fituwiug prifi-M will be iusiittod on : **dl II .u • daye bo tnk«n tip f Representatives : An Act to j tomcivm unimpaired the right j of trial * y juiy. W’t.erass, Tho bnpreuio iJoiirt of the j Statu having In Id and decided in the to h : 4 Hiiiionnci!- Huf j t_*<I Oc»rgm K'porta that, in criminal 8 b lipiiou caaea, 'lie jmy tonal take the law uh given the ' Mo I in pnrtnut Leg lalttfloit - J. I*mi Appointed Judge Munrnar County Court, Keene Craw* ford, solicitor. ANOTHER Ml R1>C IIKR It AI LCD IX ALABAMA. ■ I Ovrn-ep* >nd**uce l.n |U r- r *-.1 rtun.J Atlanta, (1a , Feb. 8, 1*74. THE W liATUElt. DEPABraiENT of War, \ Washington, Feb. 7, IF*74. > Probabilities.— For Sunday —Atlantic and Gulf Staten, rifting barometer, north and went winds, and noniewhat lower temperature. uctly Daily., Huonay Sued .y and Weekly. Mon.Lily nil ifuribera. l.OI* IN M Next Hiind.iy we w 1 1 of L huh Macon, ai d eba, tern of a new, po» atory t»y t Look out lor it, and h. Tin* LogihUtare has only eighteen more d i}h of the forty allowed for Uh amadou, of private | a the fl >or be briefly ATOM. . o.ieli de flic >-t >ry publish the fir-, netful mid thrilling he name nuthor ind in yuur oid r them in charge by the court, thereby d«- I uyi g to the jury tbeir lawlnl right to j ditle I rum the conn hh to the law ; lire i' u 1. Ho it eiiaoifcd i.y tn* General | A HHiijhly of the Stale of Georgia, That 1 being reduced, and a numbe l'** d< Onions of the Supreme Court above 1 c ,., ze i H admitted to noatn . •• ued are not the law ; but on every , trial for every crime or offence m ibis ,he P^ediuga to-day mu it ate, the jury shall be judges of the lav j t »ld. % slid the fac'M, as held and decided by the 1 Henute Supreme Court of this State prior to tin j The special order being 1 said rerited d«ci-Iona, quire insurance com pa turn S»c. 2. Hen further enactod, lh«t 01. n * Him tri d of all criminal cases, tii counsel -lisll have the right to rend and argils the Case to tlie jury. ."*0 •. It. He a further#riHcted, That ali I-i**h in 1 oiilli t with this act are hereby 8pe«*|ul to Enquirer and Sun. ! Tuhkkoke, Ala , Feb. 7.—Keeling, who j murdered Graham near here a short time 1 s>nce, hua been released on thirty-five j .. I) I V ! hundred dollar** haii by Judge Meuefee. ' Jl Aill d li j The price of human life ia declining, ami j . ! another murderer braves outraged justice 1 Nkw York, February ■juantity o new o h ft e constant y j hnf j rnrh6H the laws of Alabama by his Adgor and A i go. house. Our people are ii d gnant, and | threats are made that the people will take the law in their own hands. The price of j human lives ia declining here, and murder I will soon be at a preminm. Justice, j INTELLIGENCE. fit A pear Ht your *rmory to-morrow j (Monday) night at 7J^ o’clock promptly. , for regular Monthly Mce lug and Drill. B* order of the Captain. ftth8 It J. J. CLAPP, 0. ». I MARKETS. Attention, Columbus Guards! WEAL ESTATE ACENTS. ELLIS & HARRISON, Real Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, \\7 ILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO TUB BALK. V> RUNT AND PURCHASE of RKAL ESTATE. In the City and country, and will advertiao th- same (at private sale) FREE OE Oil A KG H, unles* tl** property is »old. For 8ale. CITY LOT No, dot, on McIntosh street, with three dwelling'* on the anme. Will bo aolu toKother or separate, at a low Qgure, tor cash. CIGAR N E W : TCBACCO STORE. iCinars and Tobacco a Specialty! TI.I.I'.LItA 1*11 TO ESQl'IREll. . ''ibliahing j collateral rep Hied at ouco. Wo propose price of the ttuuday pup bers on the day i tin ..flic • to n Mar.: . •wU Becuetauy Riohahd.ho.n Ifp reoilucilou of the public tl United 8tut oh during the n January—the first tuonthly sin that kiud for some time. An old law of M»ryuud, wm • unrepedud, preBcribes me pu n I “boring a hole in the toiigU" ' for oouviuted in 0'im'iMii scoi.l-, >m woman has been arrest, d slid 11. Baltimore us a lualmi in . nnforoumout of the law in hint 1 hu cveut worth noting. made to printing Wash- balMn Allusion has heretofore bee the ouormous cost of the Mi.n of Houth Carolina, wliich w.i» >.,D.'» f Giio last yoai! It is accounted for in mm way; The money woul to u “" comern call ed tnu “liapublicdu Printing C ..up.uiy," which was ooluposed of theCleik of Hie Huimto uud Clerk of to House. It did not go diretly from the 1' ury to the printorn, uud pncably bin A small poit.OU of It wout to taolu ut nil. Tur. conviction of George O. l'.v ms, of ParnmyIvnnin, of n huga f iml ,:,kI om- bezzlouieut, is not regardud as a s • .' . torv termination of tli • case. | is in Misted thAt home d tcuunm if v . which was desired, but 1 1 I let b. found, welt'd impl cite ollu r t*t ; *ti . Ill 1 ai- in PeuuHylY.inla, anti 1' is b. Iiov.- I th it i' is kept oohooalml for the purj, >.• ol uhluhltng theta. Tt i« OOUHiderod oltno ingtoii th it lucre will h of the Nitloual eurreticy, t * * Hie > x tak'ng i*Cff>,nOO,t)0O from Hie I■ • lion <1 Jbukt nod giving »» l<> Bouth and Wont. Hat Him «•; " g pi nimbly bit a s|o*v one. and n 1, 1 cuiu the utnrcucy for the hc ioiii necdii g it. The fate of cveiy ..ihc. Oial pr position before C-nigr. .. aldcred doubtful. Rkvkls, the fl. the 1). A. Bennie from the S , 10be <1 “Jack of all Iriules candid ite before the Mi-sm 1. ( ture, the other day, for the . ill Priuter, but w m badly t o.t. n the Mississippi legislatoiH I• 11 \ the roiiultlsiou til it not every tied lor a seat ill the Seuti'e ol Btates is qiiditlt'd to make a g.. and probably they are “ Gone to Euiioi'K The N. I'initl of Handily lest s..y > “ Among the pmsciiger- on ihip Bial.i of Aiabam i, wnml port for Liverpool, on the I'.oli the Non J.fb'ison Davis. I roc led by his physiman to t al\ - uge. Ilia disease, wo learn, is the heart. NVe tmirurol.v tru- vovHge may give him now 111«• remains here, nod is stayini; Daiis' niece, Mrs. Stumps." Our exchanges of the State press, which have commented upon this bill, have con demned it in the moat unqualified man ner. They take the ground that it will relax Hie stringency of the law in criminal cases, that it will encourage crime, and that it will make the Judges more “figure heads," giving to the jury the abstilutc find arbitrary <1 ‘termination of the oa»*e. If we were ooiiviuced of this, we would i >iu them in emphutic opposition. Hut we observe that it qualifies the power of juries by making them jmlgesof the law oid tile facts only to the extent that they \ ere such judges prior to the late decision >f the Supreme Court, which the bill seeks m oven rule. Now, the questions itriee, o wluit exlei't were the juries judges of •nth the law nndtho facts prior to these locisiouH ? Was crime permitted to es- •ape pnuihhiuout niP^ more then than now? Wore the Superior Court Judges more ■igilio hcada then? Wo coufosH our iu- itildty to answer these questions in n pott itive manner, and uutil we have tuori* light oil the subject, we shall ailsoeud olll • pinion of the t*ill before the Lei'islatUI'O. The primary object of nil la * ahoulil •o the enforcement of strict jiittioe, and •v e have a crude idea that a judg- and j tl ry 1.lining at thiH object alon** . mi d ol- iun r attain it if they wore left eutirely r*rs to deeide each case strictly upon iti Merits, than if they were hampered at in’ aivetm d by some deciaion made bj rhi dish jurist Homo throe lined.ed years g 1, or by Judge Lumpkin sum tw« nt* /iniia ago, upon crtHua , resenting point- ujinewliat simikir. We know that a hug • roportion of the ciisea Unit go bilor* •nr courts-- pt 1 haps a m -j »«i 1 y of them— • re 11 nt decided upon their intrinsic met Ln in v>ew of all the circuuisbinueH hear eg upon them Fnquomly important esiuuoiiy ia oxc u lu 1 by ho.ue quirk 01 h * “pleadings." Ofivn aouio binndor of MgenoioH in Georgia to d< p .sit a curdy with the Comptroller General to t ie amount of $. r »0,000 before taking out license. After some little discu-.-ion ac tion on the bill was indefinitely post, pound. ilouae h 1 I s were read uti I return d Tiie following bills worn pat-sed : To fix the salaiy of the C! * k <>f the enpenor Court at j§j 1,CM). To relinquish certain lauds and proper- f .• on the coast to the United .States Gov- j e nuieut for light-house purposes. House bill authorizing Athens to issue J i venty-five thousand dollars in bonds to the University. The folio *mg weie introduced . Mr. Ktbboe—To titumid tlio act pre- | scribing the mode and iimiiner of incur- | pur ding towns. Mr. Simmons—To proscribe the mode and manner of applying tor homestead in riain Mr. Andersou—To regulate the p<r 1 em of members of the Legislature. 1 Mr. Mtt'.ox—To prevent the dostruo- ou of game. Mr. Cain—To require purchasers of FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE id. February 7.--Genoral Sickle t ok his final leave of tlie* Spanish got eminent to-day, and placed Mr. SicLn l i charge of the Legation as principal. T lie F.iigltali Fieri tons—Tlic l.tberu Triumphant Money mid Block Market. | New York, Feb. 7 —StookH active and 1 strong. Mouey 4ho. Gold 111& Ex 1 change—long short 4^8. Govern ments strong. State bonds nominal. New York Bank State hi nt. ' Loaus increase t|B76.bUO ; specie de- i or ease $l!2<i,L00 ; h gal tenders increase j *1J .,UU0 ; deposits increase iJ7,b75,tM)l). I New Tobk, February 7.—Money easy i 4 «.». Excnange closed dull and hoavy at 4s4j. Gold firmer ut 1 l}-ill|. Southern London, February 7.—In tb- hold to-day, 21 Couservativea, 18 Liberals ! and3 Homo Rulers were returned from' twenty-two constituencies. The Conser vatives have gained one seat. Sir Chan. Dilke was re-elected iu Cholsoa, Burt, the workuian’H candidate, whs elected iu Seransal by 27.1 majority Baron Lionel de Rothschild is defeated in the city, standing at the bottom of the leotious ' bouils quiet and uotntniti l'rot liiou Markets. Niw York, Feb. 7.—Flour dull uud heavy. Wneat quiet and heavy. Corn dull an 1 nuchiugod. Pork hoavy at fl<> 10. Lard heavy; steam 11-1G. St. Louts, Feb. 7 —Flour quiet and un hanged. Guru lowe*; No. 2 mixed t'.lr; List track and in elevator, lit); bid-, close. Whiskey firm at 08. Pork no sales. Bacon quiet; clear Bo. Lard quirt roll. Ireland Inis returned iu all 11 member "f whom 28 are Home Rulers, 17 Come vatives and 8 Liberals. IGndatone RcfclRnerl. It in reported that Gladstone bn* s- nt hi* resignation to tho Queen. London, February 7.—Tito Daily Tele- Cincinnati. Feb. 7—Flour quint nod tinch.iugcd. Corn quiet at 80(5/fi2i’ Pork dull and nominal. Laid steam 1*. kettle 9j( closing quiet and steady. Ba con quiet and firm; shoulders 7; clear rit»s^ ; clear sides b. Whiskey in good demand at. IfBo. Imported and Domestic Cigars Ever Brought to This City ! which I offer (or «al«* at prke* within reach of cv« rj ti uly. ('all anil c .nvluce you n lies that y«.u ran huy from iue a lietter Ci|?ar for loee mousy thua ov*»r lief-.rj offeroa in ikt-t c.ty. LOUIS BUHLER, feb8 if WeBt of BogalrBr OfBco. New Groceries AT H. F. ABELL & CO.’S. J j CaCII Blow, t'ink Eye and Hu eett Potatoes; 1 Will «. Voilow, ( uts.11 I Pulveiizt-d Sn.ais , New York, Now 0rl"H s and HoriUii ttyrup*; Ih»*t hran e • I Family Hour; har^aio, interest ou t A DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT. with tou acres ground, In Liu wood, one mile trom l*. W. K it. depot; a very coimorlable aud desiralde liom» HOUSE with fl?e good rooms, within 200 yards of South**esteru Kallruwt dei»ot, ona-haif o.*re ground. JOB PRINTIKC. Letter Press and Card Printing: For Rent. A STORK HOUSE lu the valley of Talbot county, at a cross-road, three miles of the Chalybeate diriugs. A very dosiraldo location Hoods uud Grocery business. i«*I*17 ELLIS & HARRISON, AGENTS FOR GEORGIA SOAP FACTORY OF ATLANTA, GA., W ILL sell theso excellent Soaps of ALL grades to the trade at FACTORY PRICES, freight added. fi.rin pruJ.icl. 10 kucp a hook iu Urn;'* il»e °l>>"'on of iho country i 1. .11 1 ,i.„ has nronouuccd its* It dtronalv advetae t«> oll- Gladstone. He will comply with the cision, ns he is bound to d n I mill clinical I the jui\ • I • has been chased, and the name of the party mg, and whou purchased. Mr. ItHMier—To mak- ci.n. nml res- i !•«* Ihn ooustilutional procodouls »6i by ldoniM * ii,»rH in certain cases. ! Foci, Melbonruo aud others under similar Mr Erwiu— A declaratory act repealing 1 circumstances. lh«*y mot Parliament witl State aid to railroad compauiea. H r "N u i The lull repealing the act changing the . u P on imes of holding the Superior Court of | iwether county was lost. . It tl.i- j Du. A' III) l.KNDEItIN, circUmstauccH attending the | oisontng < I a uuudn'r of persons at Am in, lndnua. by tn 'hiniu* (Uftretolorc 11 • •• n11 .n. *1 by t• • 1 ograpi')* reports that their hIi'Kicsn «m* oouiis) mod by eating the meat *•(' a hog which h .d been drooping 1«*r > • nu* Urn before it was k lied, but w:ih sti.; m •;• •«»t order. Thu meal of this hog \* *, i v.m iuod, and wh* found to be (• H I ' . 11 v iug trichina •; even th < b.>n . 011.0 ed them. It win found, loo. ti c . ; i, the meat had not killed nil .1 them Tnreo of the persons who no. . • the n. t will die. Tiltrv wero SBV >- d oth rs mo t, for whobe rucovary there is . hope. | ri nioDM ir.s. W. J. CHAFFIN. This gentleman, in addition to lii magnificent stock of stand.t,d ! .• Um. 1 ! musical mstiumoutH, aims to k ■<q> on hand the latest daily, weekly and m .n'hl , j publications, keeps on hand u g I sup ply of siaudanl tuioks, and et this tinu j he ha" prcpuied huuself with Huitatile iioeumontM for th. of Saint Valentine’s day. We lm*e 1* cetved fioiu hirnfor notice "li, V 1J . j a home j >urual of fashion ti:. v tllus ; rated, uud published week y iu New Y ok | iiMlUHel of a mere toi h ouutur gives tnu oppo Ion advantage which d. " iiiet'ilieM both the ju 1 ou couviuutd that olio Hid 1 ■vnmgud uud ought to It ivo re ,.o l.iey find some general rule • .g wliich luterpoHos a barrier ui.d cnn. ,a is them to withold it. Wo do no .{ niw wnetlmr the loll before the L"giilu ina.-wil remedy tins or not. Hut oui 1 I n it that the nearer each ease is biougln within the juris,lietiim and 10 the duets iaii of the jury upon its merits, without r'll’aiiglement with any previous et-e or r iling, the more likely will u trilmnul seeking to 1 lull and iiupurtial jinititot.e ii'iih to entry out this intention. Of course, if I be lull becomes a law, 1 here will be a need of greater care and li-. iiunn.dioM in the selection >1 jurois, nid the .fillers having anything to do .Mih their .-election hhoidd be required to de.i ivo great eautlol). As the powetH ot 1 ie juror arc extended, mo will he his re- t > ..i-ii.ilitu s, mid no should his quallAea- lo ishe carefully weighed Per il Ip-, l ie .ha go will Hceuro bitter petit piioi-s, and if so, will not uunc capacity an I integrity in the jury b 1 eoinpoiiHute fir a division between the ju y uud the lodge of powers lately rxereis. i exelu j sively by the latter ? A I.All IK \ XIAVH. — Hon. Richard \V. Walker is properod as the Democratic candidate tor Governor, tic is .me of the at lest tueii in the Slate The Alabama and Chattanooga Rail Road t.ridge over Gutf Creek, near A»h- . dm, w .h brokeu ilirougli, a few days • v*. byoueof the oara striking the two- IlolINC. The following bills uoro introduced : Mr Peabody, to amend the charter of he Light aud Piieuix M.nufaotttring CouiphDy. 1 he special order lining the bill to re paid the uct of 1870 gran mg certain ,.riVil.gMH to the Augusta and Hummei- v He Stient Railroad Oompiuy, wuatukeu Mushts. Lithniu mid Peabody support ed the bill. Mr. D11 Bose opposed the bill. The luinoiity report «>f the Judiciary Cnmniiltue was adverse to the passage of the hill. itie debate was not concluded when the Houh-) adjourned. I'AY OF MEMBERS. The Finance Coiuuiiltue lutve agreed ilieir report to pay m.-mbers #100 inl and the division of the Liberal party od ! Hide isstios—such as tfio E luoa'ion act. j female suffrage, the PermiHHive bill, Are. ; I the not unnatural displeasure at the vio lent language against the S )cioty Used bj tlie supporters < f Workingmen a candi dates ; and, lastly, a want of taot and sympithy shown by several members ol the Administration. According to the latest dispatches, font hundred and eighty-four members of P..r- liument h .ve been returned, of whom two hit died and fifty-five are Qouservu- lives and two hundred and tweuty-nin. Liberals. The Liberals have ousted twnu- tv-seven Conservatives. F.n ropeuii X«tM. Steamsiiip Ambassudor, loaded with a I section of the Brazilian cable, broke from ; her moorings at Woolttsh yesterday, and ■ itnilly, and no mileage. This includes 1 was carried some distance up the Thames, pay for extra sessions. Clerks of the Before the crew succeeded in securing Hutt o mii I Senate, tjGHi), and Speke an anchor her whole stern was adrift, aud President, ^11 Ml. Ibis will save .*700 i she fouled, with thirty-two colliers, sink- Louisville, Feb. 7.—Flour firm, snpor- flno ?4 10, common quiet. Provisions quiet and firm. Pork !*tl1 21(8)11 17. B eon—shoulders 7jj. clour tin 0^, clear 04, packed, sugar cured hams 12f(SH2L Lanitierce, 10j(&.H0j keg. Whisky a will fui-1 i“ iet Ht Colton .llarUHn. New York, February 7.—Dolton firm; upl Kids lb; Orleius HJjJ. Futures opened as follows: March I either resigned there- I 11 l7-32al1$; April It*. 8-82(18 j; May • submitted a formal defeat. Not ! 18 17-82al8jj; June 17 1-82. the field lost, but it is lost most Livekfjol, January 7—Ncm. — Cotton Tlie result ie to bo attribuied | tncludtug l,OOG f"V Npuculation aud ex port. decisively. Mr Bruce's unpopului uiNtng uplsudw, nothing below low middlings, shipped February aud March, "2d. Latkk —Sales of uplands, nothing bo low good ordinary, shipped February and M null, 7jd; do. shipped M.ireh und April 7 13-lGd. Sales include 8,200 bales American. Nr.w York, Feb. 7.—Cotton net receipts l ,120. Futures closed weak; Rales 11.700 hales hr follows : February II 8-IOaln^; March Ijj 1121-82; April 18 7-82; May 18 11-18 18 23 82, Juno 17 1-18; July 17^ 17$. Cot tou freights to Liverpool, ste.m |a Received This Day: r*KV«H FOX eu\ r KK RF, SlIt.K CRACKERt Fre«h I’r*pared "UiOard, 1 roi* a Di& kw II Gherkins, PreBeiv.-a, all k ud^. .OIlILLAhD'j* ItRlOlIT GOLDEN AND DARK Cetnury Chewing Tobacco. Durham Smoking Tobacco, fln<» article. Finn Meal i»nd Orlte, at mill price* fit Louie Pearl Grits aud Uutphiy. O.xstH delivered promptly, free of ilrayage. ROB'T S. CRANE. f"t'S [febldSn] Trusteo. Assignee's Notice. In tlie District i n In tlie mat < r J. A .V W II. B.inkrilpts. rpills In to gj FOR SALE AND RENT. For Rent. m rjlHK SMALL DWELLING SECOND ft , dojr uortli of Mai" Public School, Jack son struct. Apply to f.d,5 tf C. J. FREDERICK A BRO, For Rent. LARGE ROOMS, with side cutr.i parlor and kltrhen. Tart Ins ca family ou very rwisounblo terms, llou-c Is well located. Address Ja2A if . . For Sale. lies, with USf a bo ,rd witl. if preferred nurd - PEABODY JL BRANNON For Rent, O NE of th« most couiforiaine Owellltign In Wynuton, the residence of Thus, yyjggfl U. RAGLANI), Agent «iDY, > In natikruptc). adji.ilgod I< ukrnpi For Rent. | ^ NICE KKMDbN' E ou Eorsyth a ill Earlys fin. at f 18 ]>e 0. St'Ll.tVAN, nt the place. four dollars per annum 'ihifiyy Homs*" is also rev keeps up the high staudai l ot uud iliu->tratious adopted hy V Tuis weekly is one of the l.< ail are good. Pi a nk Leslie't Ch itn ’■ ry ( well established lh«»t to (O n would bo to echo the fn*o nl> • meets on every bund. Tie /. Cabintt, piit-lisb«d by H-m haai-, New Yolk, though II 1. ha ciou, luQllts the patron t ot the V i.u ifnl end t-vny 1 itiR uiHi.-o Harpers UT Xight, 1 he Ledger aid sli u,> f° rigu patdieations oie lor - gem U UiaL Liam* d psasf. A s rm vn, e keeping on hand m h ttnisio and uutsiool '11'triiu 0 Uiaka ibeRe a spesily ny their ►t.tnmry, or stand od ** hu*« rerfiv d Ir mu them />, , +ul i,j .\Jut,e pntihsbed w«1-1 \ end one ot mo b*-«t pabli .*>u kmd Tbe Induetiial M t!< 1 tthn •byut, HS it IH MMi.etit . 1 obnmo «nd uimur«ctu'i**r -h Appleton t Journal e«.kl\' 1 COQi* ; aud all 1 be publlca' v n< . Our readers eb* « ,1 ,. Uf(lUr stores, prove tue falsi! * HgBiost UH that We “Ve abiding, bec.sui-e %*« are not —Th® cav® of the Atlantic lloM.l (m ubitfh we adudi .l beau decided lu tlie Sup., BH.b County in favor of the v®rdi C ( is for su fous ot 1, ‘ Jhe ease wifi b* c «. Iho bspreics Court. - I’he Montgoinury Advertiser at Bat- ay publish's a 0.1 rd ot Jtohrrt Tyler, loUUiMiig his withdrawal fl »:u thnedi- ul at iff . f that paper, lie has been iiuuiud with it for several years, ami t'diiui lals have boon able and spirited I’ll** Huntsville 1 adept mlt nt says; \Yo lotto leal 11 tluil tlie Logo ostabliwu- it, kuo\u as Flint Factory, in this my, and owned by Thomas McFar I. was ilestruyuil by tiro h few days ••. Vi u ail* uuable to asoeit un the uri- ;ii* of tho tin*. Mr. MeFurlaud's loss is I ueavy, as there was uo iusuranoo on tho ! propel ty. -Iu theCirouit Court of Montgomery, 1 SupenuUmdoiit npoud made sppluatioti <T m luaudiiuus to oompal Auditor Smith u> draw wurrauta for the support of the ublio aohools. The Auditor pit ad that • ho 1 nulling Act, passed by the Leg- .slature at us late sessiou, forbade the hawing of wurrauts for tho purpose to tho State. Notes. Ill K mb.ill is dll'* here to-morrow, and is expeon d to make revelations. APPOINTMENTS of MUSCOGEE COUNTY COURT —J. F POU APPOINTED JUUOB-—UEK8E CRAWFORD BOLICXTOR. Atlanta, Ga. Fob. 7 1873. To tbe Sun tf- Lm/nircr. Appointments lor Muscogee county Court—Fou, Judge, lteese Crawford, Solicitor. Muscogee. U.OULIA M'AVk. » —Jim nml Issue Head, near Kingston. Ga , raised twelve bales of ootum oil' fourteen acres »f land. — Dr. Jesse Boring has established astdf. sustaining Orphans’Homo, near No reruns, having purehased two hundred acres of land tor the purpose. — Uov.O. W. D *w, rector of St. George’s chiirob, Guilin, has resignetl that ehatgo, with a v*ew to the ncoeptiMice of 11 call to a church ut St. Joseph's, La. —Several boys of Greensboro', Ga., were on Monday last fined $1 each for disturbing religious worship ou the Sun day previous. An example of that kind of thet and damaging othe n 011 the Colliers wc Several of the tin soverely injured. A Collision of trains occurred on tin Great Western Railroad, near West Aril ton Station last evening. Several pas sengers killed and iujtired—number yet unknown. The Communists are still awaiting trial. Sic Iloria has resigned his position in the Italian Cabinet. Tho Hague dispatches from l’ennig report cholera decreasing in Action. A recouuoitering party of tin* expedi tion have been attacked by the Acheuose, aud twenty wore killed and wounded. V ,.j i Htdge Smith thereupon docided tbd the ( j ,, "nuiiiug Act was uiiooustmitmual. The •tinsel for the Auditor take the case 'I ' ‘ 1 11 *" J to the Supreme Court. Iho Supreme Court of Alnh«m\ has "• • tfi m d itie julg'uei.t ot th*> eonris be- j tow iu the 1 oliotig cases frmu th-* 4'h s •' v • su.. ti L Comer et al vs B H l 1 Usou, I on Eutadi; Samautha C. I : MU .« et alt V-*. N It De Sy bil h ur. I has reversed tUe judgiu a the to loAiug : Lu^ortiug «ud Expor - i. \V. g Company of Ge >rgi« vs. Mr. 11, .,i i( j he *'t a‘ % fr. ru K it »nla; Jnu>s \Y. • Hokiiui v>, •istuO'* A. Y’onge, adui uistra- — The lust number of the West IN AN its announces the discontiuuaiiceof the papor, for want of sutticieut patronage. We are sorry for it, but wo are not sur prised at it when we notice the slim I arutzemout, nuoiiut of advertising pttrouage which it | climbed dowi received from tin* business men of the ! NEW YOU li ITEMS. New York, February 8.—Stonu contin ued nil Friday night. Travel is much iui peded by Snow, wliich is six inches deep on a level. A letter containing $11,000 iu bonds, but no address, awaits the owner at the Brooklyn post olfice. Fiidnv the driving wheel of the ongine upon tho elevator road broke. Jas. Itca- gm, fireman, was badly scalded. Th* llook ladder was sent for, and brought down to terra Jirma amid ooitsiderabl* itch passengers us had not vT uu bed do wu tho pillars. Itoagau isth* ^ fiist person injured oq tho Elevator road. * ,1 Edwin Booth, the woll known actor. —The lessees of the Western *v.Atlantic h „ ,. . . r , 1 , .. < , has c«nsed to he filed a petition of vol- Kuilroud hud a meeting in Atlanta on I ri- ! 1 day, uud re-elected the old managing 1 11 Diary bankruptcy. ollicers, viz: l-'x-Gov. Brown, President; ! The Grand Jury of Brooklyn this A. C Morrill, lieasurer; aud Lrcn. \N m. \ morning presented ten indictments Mcllao, General Superiiiteudent. No re- [ , tI ,, , , , . f ’ . * , t ,1 against Hill, ex-deputy tax oollecto", for port *»f the earnings ami expenses of the * , road has yet becu made public. j embezzling over four thousand dollars —The Confederate Monument at Allan- wh, *° ’ u ^ at °® oe * tn has been finished. It whs built of ; Steamer Newport from Fall river, fo* granite from Stone Mountain. Its height 1 Now York, was ruu into off Watch Hi!) is between seventy ami eighty feet, in , p wt ^,^1,, hy H Providouco propeller, form, an obelisk, cost about Ii I , . , »«H or Bl 'te.l Ibn.Udh tliB euergy »i.,J pat i lh« Newport hadly d«nwged. riot ism of tlie Ladies’ Memorial Ahmooih- I Snow storm of last night iuterfereil tion of Atlanta 1 he monument will be | somewhat with arrival mails here to-d«y dcdicated ou the 28th of April. , PhilHdelpeia mail was two hours aud for- —Letters to both the Griffin papers re- . ty tmnutos late and Ellentown througl ml five hours. Southern du-* at 8:11 port a ditfi-nlty at Atlanta, ou Tuesday i»etw**en Gou. Toombs ami a gentleman natudd Virgin, from Macon, growing out of a remark made by Gen. Toombs iu the argu meut of a case in the Supreme Court. It is said that Mr. Virgin threatened to Iroin j Gen. Toombs as soon as U« came out of tip* court room. But friends interfer ed, audit is pr.ibnble that the matter has been adjusted. He iry. — The Dadeville Ileidligbt m fewmotgigea h-veup t> “■ ll » f ,r -npplt*.- in iu * ty; aiso t!iat the farmer- that TEI.EURAl*ll 1C NOTE*. —The National Grange at St. Louis, this morning did not arrive until 12:41. WHAT THE INDIANS DEMAND. Chonton, February 7.—The Indian Territory council at Chowtow, Indian Territory, has just adjourned after a ses. siod of three weeks. Tbe result of tbeir deliboraHon may bo summed np as fo!. lows: They passed a resolution protest ing against territorial government H|)“. "i-.«- - -p'-1 : * compo.o.1 of moo nubordinato Gran^a,., i ,n „f their lands; prnto^iins auainat tbe de a constitution and by-laws which 1 »u . 1 ChickftKaw survey and all allotments, and •-•fused to entertain a proposition to allow adopted negroes to reside among them They appointed a commission of three persons to go to W ishington to effect n settlement in regard to the boundary line between Arknnets and the Chickasaw Na- j order. The Sixth I>egn yesterday. Oha l-oMon was ut selected by the Cotton Sta es f. ‘ place of meeting. Charleston * ' with great applause. onferred ; tiiuously the nex s chosen ilf Hail u * ve c* MU" D euty of corn aid live at home. 'Jbnt' cuuonraging. — I’he Grand L »dge I. 0. O P. of Als. b.iint dosed Hn ab»siou at Mobile on L'nursdav night. Pne follow-sng *>ffi -ers , •C Hie. te l and installed. Gr,*ud M.ster —Oreat preparations are making at ll L M I nut-, of M .bile. l)*u'v Charleston for the tevival of racing ou the * 1 I Master—C ' P. Sp .rreuh.Tger o , 0 i^sahiagtou Courre, on whu-h there rion, and personally urge Congress not to d Miitfomery. Gr*nd War.'on —D W h <s been 110 meetiug aince lMitl. Ih**ip, e Rthe Territorial bill. Thev repndia- .1 .i of M-.bile. G.»uJ 8«8-«m. S.nthO«riaii.»JoflkyOlnb»illiu«.igunit« v \v ,, , s,,,„ ,,f MGrand , * l< * ‘Denting on the 21th lust., and races 1, I„n \\ Cav e, of M ."lie j continue four days. I* * Dd , V G M. of HuMt-vii e was ,n ,he So " ,h H,u! 8 . ci a mp’-csentiitive to the Grand ^ h « represented. L dgeof thn Uuttel S-ates. —Over six inches of snow between New — - — j York and Washington, somewhat delaying DKPAHTMENT OF JUSTICE tr “’ D8, No<lc0ld * ,D 7 rt> p° rted - VN INVESTIGATION or ITfi IIE* C'OIID FO BE MADE. Wasmxoro.v, February 7.— l he House Committee, Mr. 8«ner, of Virginia, C'hair- I inaii, to investigate transactions of the Department of Justice, resolved upon LivniirooL, February 7, p. m.—Sales of | bgtween uplands, nothing bel<»w low middling. 1 shipped January and Febmary, 7 13-I8d; | ,nonl *' 'l" l.v sales of Orleans, nothing below low mul. | f«b8 tw I'big, sliipp.-d January and February, 8^d. New Oiilewb, Feb. 7.—Demand good; I middlings ll£; low tuiddliug* I l'|; good j !uinrc i MinFS!! Boston, February 7. — Cotton quiet and nominal: middlings 10$; lift receipts 74, gross 2177 sales 2'H); s uck 1,000. Savannah, February 7 —Cotton stonily and firuqmiddlings HA: not receipts 107‘J; ••xp-M's to continent 1388; sales 888; stock j Mobile, Fob. K —Firmer and higher; middlings llj; low middlings 14^; good ordinary I8j : net receipts 21*31; stock 87.347. Charleston, February8 -Cotton steady; middlings 11$ ; net receipts 1843; sales 13(10, stock 17,748 bales. Galveston, Feb. 8 —Firm demand ; good oiditmry l.'ij; middling Ilf? not re- I'fipts 2811; Great Britain 1710; Coast 1728; sales 3000; stock 121,238 bales. New Yotk. Feb. 8.—Cotton firm; sales 1120 nt Hifo; net receipts 1120 bales. HIDES. WE WILL PA7 THE Highest Market Price FOR Green l Dry Hides, Furs and Beeswax, AT GRAY & CO.’S, No. 2 Crawford St. J*2J «l2m Under l»»nkmi IIiiun®, tt thiH utflee, < lute tr for Um> h hiiihU. Kx r For Sale Low. A SCHOLAR'HIP IN Tl.K MKDICAI. 00L- L^ilK AT KVAN8VILLB, INDIANA. nov6 tf APPLY AT THIS OFPICK. Rooms to Rent. J W’O ro»in>* ov**r J* K Johnston .t Uo.'s Hat 1 Store, H'litut'l" lor Ottlco or SI*. -|*in(r Rooms Apply to J. U JOllNaTO.N A CO. J‘»4 lm JUST RECEIVED A FINE 3T0CK OF letter, bill he a.e AND Statement Paper ALSO, VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS All of which can be furnbhed pritini.. short notice, at low Casu Uitka. Railroad Receipt Books, Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama Lega, Blanks, on hand. TLob. Gilbert PRINTER and BINDER, ’ Sun and Times Buildino COLUMBUS, UA. *' THE SUN PRINTING BOOK - BINDING ESTABLISHMENT, Ooltimbun, O-oorgia, IS O8IB or TUB MOHT COMPLETE AND EXTENSIV* IN THE SOUTH. AND 1IKING SUPPLIED WITH ALL TU* Modern Styles of Machine ry and Material, IA WELL PREPARED To Execute with Accuracy and Dispatch KVBRV DESCRIPTION OP Book 4 Job Printing ~AMD— BOOK-BINDING, WAGON MAKING. Wood and Blacksmith Shop. J. H. MOSHELL | j' A V tN0 taken Uoetchius'^UIat ksnilth Shop. 1 nr. e .'hoeing, I Keep cundtnutiy on hami n iai |;» stock of all (min of P 1.0 a 8 tn Renerd «»o, which will b in *l ,11 rke*[i as call bn found au> whore iu th< o icumanti'n all work donn, either iu the wood •roll line. Th • patronage of the public Is respectfully solicited. Ja20 if J. H. M08HKLL. I'.VcLA IM ED LRTTKIiS. Ooi.i'MUL’s, Yohuary 7ht, lb The following is the list of un 'laiun d letter naiu ug ill the Postoflice to this dale Masney W 1 Massey \V .Melb ide N HTY HOTSL, located. Troy, Alabama. Dwelling House and Lot For Sale. | OFFER for sal" tho houxu and lot recently o • cupled by Mr*. K. K. Owens, in Girurd, Ala rnis, apply t. fet.6 imu.1t d.(ards miss A V Inward turs It lloweii mre C ufi J diuiuions M file ky II C S ■ wan G j; Taylor J M. HiRSCH, Oglethorpe and Bridge Streets. Hides and Furs a Specialty. .,. 1LL „, Will Pay 1 lm Hlght .t Market Price for " xt * Hides, Furs, Beeswax & Rags. All kinds Wrapping Paper and Paper Bags on hand. ■KTUsing Steam Power, runnings of the most improved and best makt Presses, with constant additions ti our already very large assortment tl Elegant Types, Rules, Borders, and other material, and skilled workmtt in every department, our facilities tor turning out all descriptions of work, expeditiously and neatly, at the U*' eat Cash Prices, are unsurpassed bt any establishment in the State. WOrdors from nbrond will civ« the anisic nltentlon na II Mi, purllce were prevent So Abe bllelllees, nml will be promt,!. ly Oiled. THOMAS GILBERT. Dissolution Notice. I KIR .1 OF THOMAS (HUBERT! J. has thb day been (llflrtolvud b* iuu ui conpeut. The bueliiuoR will *>e pcttiei uih THOMAS (ilLUbn 1', tu nlioin tlioBi'ha.i: Ihidib agaliiHt 1J10 firm will preMuiu them 1 payment. Th"be Inuebtou >0 ih« flimioriu! scrlption, «<lvcrilsliig, )ub worker imok biL r«-qutHte<l to alve eaily attention t» Guardian's Sale. . iu the city of, Ga , 4.08.H shbrea ot •>k in lb" Naihville and Chattanooga Rail roan, tho property 01 Ruijauiio May, dereuHi.d t.i pay hfa, and for the purpose of distribution. Turnir GUbTAVUo DK LAUNAY, f«l*G wtd Guard.u Notice. I AVISO based t toluuibus Georgia. I 1 Change of Firm. [ HAVE th » day t.ik n charge of Mr. John M«*- bnffey's -Ilink Business, and will conduct the si*me in -tylenud m tniiir .a In retolore l r upecl nily solicit tbe ciibtouieia of Mr. Mthaffey to fa*o*- me uith their 0 u-igumetits, and assure all piouipt attention in eveiy rasp ct. M. M. HTK8CH, Oglethorpe and Bridge streets. CotumbuR. Jan’y i7ih, is.4. Ja2S Iw .'liustou mri J Wilhama Prof J .loh 80*: E W. IU E l 1 bus n >1 rs A. *• Wilson II, c J00nso 1 B 'V nu miss 0 Z, Wynn in as M nhytey A Minn mi-8 M aimhrough J,c Myuu D 11 UNMAILABLE LETtER*. Rethnne (l« n M. Talootton, Ga. Ulark • apt C I*, fioc eiy Hill, Ala C e ey l»r. I “ 1. R. BALDWIN & CO. GENERAL DEALERS IN Choice Family Groceries Donicstlc Dry Cooda, Noliona, TOBACCO, Ar., Ac. L» AN t) I'U HE LIQUORS 8h lion. t. Mu " 1II1*in- W, M< No aditre»s. . Midway, Alt MACHINISTS. MIX QUINCY ADAMS. THE fEXTC.V5I.IL KE.IOLITION TABLED IN BOSTON. Boston, tebrnary —In the M I'MPhn- recites several cases in which t®8 th® cotton pen tract, to which $71,000 have a'rcady bt »n advanced. MONOPOLIES. ILLINOIS Chicago, February 7.—A 8pringfield ; dispatch sava suit has been brought again-1 th« Chicago Jk Alton Railroad by the At torney-General of State, for violation of the railroad law. The Attorney-General than I B. H. RYDER, SPRiNSSR'S OPERA HOUSE !j Engineer and Machinist, Wednesday & Thursday, Feb. II A 12. Return of the Favorites! Cal Wagner’s Minstrels and Bras9 Band ! investigate its setts House of Representatives to-day, f ftir an j nasor.tble compensation have ^ Oioq of Mr. tspeer f bom it* orgamution. Tbe Hon. John (Joiney Adam* a sp-eoh b-en eharge l by the company for paaaen T , l , ‘. eill call ip. Attorney General again.l tbe Philadelphia Centennial Exbi- gera aa well as freight, and demanda legal *' ' r '' lb * 10 L ' 11 Wednesday to for. , bitioo raaoltttlon instructing Congremot- ! damages. This ii the flrat proaecntiot. cf 1 up to - anch information a. may hedeemad { al R.preaentativea to glia it tbeir aid. II ; tha kind and the reanlt ia looked for uith 1 a -**** r r- j vu tabled by a rate of 76 to gA. j great intaraak Twonty-Ono Stars ! Everyth!’•? New 1 Four Comedian! UcuJ'd 8v th" Knur uf the Profeaaiou, CAL. WAGNER! Mr. fism Pric . Mr lotv nv Hooker. Mr. Johnoy Msck. I'he greateougami Datioe Arti»ti* -'I ««ri*. Green and dU’>". Pul* Qi irtet c—l‘r* f. h»xe. V»y.i**«t, J 1!. Murphy. Paul Linden. Mwin liar- y. Pr-t W. w. UartKkur’t cel*-brat"«l Orrbt lira .iid Hrtss c-m’ urice* ueual W II. 8TKI* KLaND, Om’I Agent. Agent. work in hi 1 ne with pro ptu* a* low a-* 8 milur work ran bo doue in tbe fioutb. Special at * uttun given to Mill Work and Repairs of ali kinds. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. neighboring cities. Ja23 defvUwltn PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL. Absolutely safe. Perfectly odorlet-s. Always uniform. Illuminating qua Hits superior to gas. Burns In any lamp without danger of ®x- plndlnK or taking fire ManuUdureti express ly to displace the use ot vol itlleand dangerous oils. Its safety un«le.'every posa b e test, and Us ported burning qualities, nte proved by lu Sheriff’s Sale. tho flrut Tuesday In March tlie legal hours of sale, in trout ol Ellis k Harrison's am-tion house, Broad btre t Colutnbus, Ga, the following described Part of lot i:4«, known as tho property of D. W 4 imrt. ageut tor wife, with improvements thereon. Levied on lorBiateuud county taxis for the y«a* 871. L"Vy made and reinrned to uie by Win. MnhatT-y, lawful constable. feb5 oaw4t II. G. IVKY, Sheriff. Railroad Notice. Bcf'i's Orrtcx North February *tb, 1874. tho old depot, south o f terminus. > <11%wU EPPING’S BUCHF Notice tc all Purchasers of this Sscel'aw Soapousd Extract of Euchu. JEND YOUll ORDERS TO L. riKUCK k CO. 0 Culumbns, (la., and you will ^et the Genuim iriginal Extract. There 18 NO OUTPIDJ LGBNCIE8—EITUBR SPECIAL OK GF.NKRAL 1 atu imUvidually Sole Proprietor. L. PIERCE. March -lh. 1878 t* Notice to Shippers. iiOtTfi from and after this te. will deliver I iidings old and no at. j cUent—dtructTy or Indirectly—has ever occur red ir«.tn burning, storing nr handling »t. I The lmraen-eyearly less todife an«l property, :h* fl**t Toe* *ay iu March i resulting irotu tLe use of oheap and dangerous l m-iTV, We- ?* the usual oils Id the United States, ts appalling. Ell ► a Harn»<-n'« auction I ThelnsaraneeCompautesai.dKtreJJouimls- •tote. In the c*t> >-f C-Mmubu*. fit . one b*tf Inter- Administrator’s Sale. \TTILi. be sold • » n-v . at P* ra: in the caet hall of I d ol' land m moer je i'is 19th district of Muscogee « rbe lwu"t| of the heirs *nd ere Itt- Sol t a# the property of Jolla J : _Meeehu is sloncrs throughout the o »untrv recommend the . the best sateguard when lamps 8e)d for | are used Send lor olrcular. Terms esub. I For sale at retail by the trade generally, and I at whMlesa'.e by the proprletore, CHAF.LE/% J H HASaldON, I PKATI a 00„ 10» Fulum 8Usst,Nsw Yo*k. | «j%ea dAwfft DRY COOD8. PEACOCK & SWIFT, \TBRIM vo MOVFY VERY MUCH, and wishing i> to CLOSE OCT ALL WINTER GOODS before Spring, offer CREAT INDUCEMENTS! To those who buy for CASH t W** nr" sslling many of our goods RBGARD- LE88 0KC03T! Now U your chance for bargaine! Aaaia we ark all who owe ue any thing to coine and pay. PEAOOCK k fiWIFT. SEEDS. MEED OATN ! And Groceries and Provisions, BARBEE & IVEY'S. J tM 41 w Otewferd Itmt FARM BOOKS. TIME BOOKS FOR PLANTATIONS ABB FARIS Kimble** any nue to keep accurt'.e^ j oouuts with their employe**. Frk» | M 60 Tho form is one furnished by a planter of ni«>t j xperlence. Its ush will enable a Farmer P)i«" '• many times Ue cost daring the yeer. Printed and for ealo by THOMAS GILBERT, SUN JOB ROOMS, Columbus, Ca. The Book will be forwarded by ms I. reoeipt of prioe. Ja-1 |4 »*^ DOORS, SASH, ETC. Prices Reduced to Suit tlie Tiiss Sash, Blinds and Doors, 8x10 eaeh ungluxed 6c, and glased 2*>c prr U- 10x12 - •• inc, • •- 2V- I -x 14 “ “ l‘jc., “ " M*J Lip eaeh 2c per light ad llt’oiial- BLINDS 60*; PER FOOT, m asurtog rfl » :fc '*ot over regular six s iu width. I panel doors, 1^ iu. thUk, 1*7 feet pl«iD, *, 4 “ •• \% •* 3*7 “ • Fifty oenta per nide for moulding d« irl e5:r *‘ R. R. GOETOHIUS & CO. CJorner 8t. Clair and Jackson S ,,M COLL'SIUfS, OEOBOi* Our Seventy Paeje lllustra ! ted Catalogue of DOORS, SAKFIXS, BUNDS, PTAIft JiAIT.H, NF.WEI.'. FANCY GLAHS, * l " MuilMto.iiy on.- ui. r..uR t. grceipt *'f sun-p. KEOGH & THORNE •JA k 2*Vl CANAL BTREKT. Jyll dkwly NEW YORK CI’-' J Wanted. w t will ,lv. m.ji .n* wwl *** *V ' THAT WILL PAT y, mu be pursued tu your c