The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 10, 1874, Image 1

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NO. 84
hwelve mouths, in advance $8 00
lonths, “ 4 00
t'hree mouths, *' .......... 2 00
bit' month, “ 75o.
Feebly Enquirer, one year 2 00
IrNiuY Enquibeb, one year 2 50
IrKiuY and Weekly Enquirer to-
f yethcr, one year 3 00
Advertising Sates.
I \\Vek, Daily, Ul W)
5 00
Month, “ 8 00
lion an mlvertisumout in changed moro than
in three months the advertiser will be charg-
rith the cost of composition, foreign advur-
s must pav as do thoso at home.
Auother movement, one which the also,and therefore Ido not expect any such
peoplo of Georgia had supposed was des- rovolatious from him. All he wants is,
tined to mark Kimball forever, is tho big first, to gather up a few of the remnants
hotel iu Atlanta. It was ouce tho scene Q f wbnt he scaMeied around, if possible,
of enthusiasm no beholder can forget, and, second, to try to make himself ap-
After Bullock and Kimball bad fled tho pear not so bad as he has been painted.
State, and Govornor Smith, thou the con- He is full of vanity, fond of popular up-
didate for I he high office he holds, con- plause, nnd nothing would be more agree-
gratulated tho peoplo of Georgia that tho a bl 0 to him than to tell a fair tale iu his
thieves had been driven from the temple. „wu vindication which the public would
Those who heard the rapti.r rus applau e receive nnd no one dispute,
on that occasion will bo prepared to be- i p )U t it is now too late for him to gather
lieve that Hi Kimball, a few hours ago, much of stealings that wore once afloat,
on this night, recoived tho compliment of Nearly the last cent has been ‘gobbled up’
a serenade. To his and their credit, bo aud there iu nolhiug more in that line to
it said, that Senator George Hillyor, iu be scattered; and ns to his vindicating
the name of Atlanta, protested agAinst i himself,or making a favorable impression,
tho barefaced impudence of the affair, j he " havo a very heavy load tototo, and
Georgia legislature.
LcgiOutevo Action—Muscogee Conn-
I i} .Bo'i-veniiiiSolicitorConfirmed—
HIi .>» imbxll in Atlanta-Abor*
| tlvc Merennde—Wbot He
Hast Answer.
.Torrcapoiuloucu Enquirer ami Sun.]
. Atlanta, February 0, 1874.
Ktbbee introduced a resolution
Ihat it shall be the duty of ull committees
m claims are presented against tho
Itato of Georgia to report tho same to
|ho Senate and have tho same recorded
i the journals of both houses of the
oral Assembly. Taken up and adopt-
A bill was lost to authorise the Schofield
Iron Works to issue boudsand be granted
banking privileges.
uossage was received from the House
Notifying the Senate of its concurrence
i a resolution of the Senate to inquire
jrhy the pro rata shares of the school
lund had not been paid to the several
Iu Executive session Capt. J. F. Pou
is confirmed as Judge, aud lieese Craw-
rd ns Solicitor of Muscogee County
Air. Jones, of Burke, chairman of the
immitteo on Agrioulture, submitted a
oport and asked that tho House consider
ho memorial from the State Grange, and
piasted that one thousand copies be
lered for U30 of the House. Agreed to.
Senuto resolutions in regard to a navy
J at Brunswick, and in relation to the
ndebteduess of Foster Blodgett, were
louenrred in.
Mr. I’eabody moved that the Governor’s
essuge in regard to the unification of
olleges bo read and referred.
Rev. J. J. Hickman was tendered the
;e of tho hall on Monday night to loc-
ru on an Inebriate Asylum.
The House went into the consideration
if tho Augusta A Summerville Railway
Mr. Tutt offerod an amendment, but
oepted Mr. Peabody's substitute, which
substantially the same, leaving the en
re matter in tho hands of the City Coun
1, tho latter having the power to repeal
.©'ordinances granting franchises as to
io use of steam power, etc., within thirty
»ys after the passage of the bill. Unless
'pealed within that time the bill becomes
The Committee on the Constitution re-
mnnoud a reduction of the homestead
• ope thousand dollars realty, and five
androd dollars personalty.
Thoy will also report favorably on tbe
•moral of the capital back to Milledge-
The immense crowd at the “Hi House" ;
received tho doinonatration iu tho same !
Now that Kimball has returned he
greots him as he did when ho loft. We
have never flattered him in his greatness;
we don’t propose to fawn on him
now. Wo give tho facts charged against
him. He speculated with Georgia money.
He has passed through bankruptcy. Crime
has been committed in Georgin. Is Kim
ball tho criminal? 11c fled in the night
when Kimball did. He comes back ns
the guest of tho “Hi House” and is re
ceived in the bridal chamber. To-day ho
has been clovnted to vie with Gov. Smith
and Treasurer Jones, two of tho most
conscientious officials in the South. 11c
proposes, it is said, to make revelations.
Of what is ho charged? He claims to bo
innocent of all criminal iutent. It re
mains to be s§en whether he is. Tho
Governor has given him permission to re
turn on the ground to got his evidence,
lie and Bullock have put our noble old
State under the charge of repudiation.
Tho ovidence is against him. Atlanta
must deal against him on her own ac*
The people of Georgia have a right to
know how ($85,000 of State funds were
used to complete the Opera House, when
his contract required it to be done at his
own expense. Atlanta alone is interested
in the mortgage left on the building,'and
misappropriation of city bonds issued to
remove the same, as she guarantied the
State to furnish nc&pitol,
The State desires to have explained tho
issue of bonds upon the following roads,
of which ho was President, iu addition
other illegalities.
Tho Brunswick it Albany Railroad i
ceivod sonic ($22,000 a milo upon a co
siderable number of miles moro than w
ever completed. On tho Bainbridge,
Cnthbert «fc Columbus Railroad ($000,000
of bonds were endorsed and not a bar of
iron laid to this day. The Cartersvillo A
Van Wert Railroad, when only a few
miles wero finished, from material be
longing to the State road, was eudorsod
to the extent of ($275,000. Afterwards its
name was changed to the Cberoke road
and ($300,000 moro bonds eudorsod, whou
tweuty miles wore hardly completed.
The mixture of his und Bullock's ac
counts with those of tho State, and tho
failuro to redeem tho lithographic bonds
with tho gold bonds, when engraved will
all bear discussion from this man who
claims all he did is justified by his con
science. The Atlanta papers which only
a few months ago, noticed tho falsity of
Kimball's bankrupt schedule have as yet
preferred no charges. This same sched
ule was denounced in Wall street ; but
Kimball in his interview with the Jlenild
reporter, claimod ns much t-trongth as
ever in that favored preciuot of wealth.
I will only add the ease of the Tennes
see Car Company, a mythical concern,
which was paid by tho State road over
l$t»0,000 of cars which wero never deliv
ered. E. N. Kimball was manager and
the paper given by Foster Blodgett, then
Bupeiutendeut, was eudorsod by him aud
his brother Hi. Did ho eudorse such a
paper without knowing tho character of
the transaction ? Hardly. Muhcogk
“ IIIK! ”
'I'lie Cline of Kimlmll—Coniiuclri
lo l»e Answered.
lb- Mas appeared iu Atlanta after near-
Ihreo years of absence, when bofullow-
l his chief to the North—tho fortunes
bis chief Bullock. Both fled from the
at indignation of an outraged und plun-
(re.l peoplo. He returns as the guest
ad occupies a bridal chamber of a hotel
'hieh bears Lis name iu onduring letters
iron, and over wbioh is .scattered,
monogram, with the invariable prefix,
in. Thu grand structure which repre-
ts nn investment of ovor ($750,000,
sold after Kimball’s flight, uuder a
eu of $00,000 upon the land on which
stands, and subject to the same for
15,000 to B. H. Hill, Goo. Adair and
b\ Thompson.
I lie Atlanta papers seoin yet to fear his
ower and mako luino defenses for him.
lie Brunswick Appeal, alluding to Kim-
all. makes ono think that Georgia was Kju
10 criminal and Hi Kimball the great w bich hi
inefactor of tho State. That paper al
to him as the “great developer” and
no possessing “indomitable energy,” i
‘lie editor forgets tho groat developer and
itable energizer used Georgia funds
nly to accomplish his ends, and that to
be great injury of Georgia.
Nuch as this may yet result iu a mouu-
Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 8, 1874.
Editor Enquirer-Sun . -Of course you
have noticed that 11. I. Kimball has re
lumed, which is the principal theme of
conversation among the peoplo of Atlan
ta, and tho members of the Legislature,
and visitors to the city.
What did he come back boro for at this
time? Everybody asks this question;
every one lias his own views as to what is
a proper answer, while but very few
j kit- tc exactly tho real enuso. Tho truth
is, ho has long wanted to return, nnd
would have done so at uuy time sinco he
left, if bo could have been assured that
he would not bo arrestud ; indeed, noth
ing caused him to take his clandestine
flight but to avoid arrest and a criminal
prosecution, which he, no doubt, had the
very best of reasons for believing would
go very hard with him.
Not ouly dil he have interests here,
presence would have made ad
vantageous, but tho interests of others
huvo suffered because he was not on hand;
for instance, ho had a share aud a half in
the Lease of tho State Road, which has
been troublesome for tho lessees to man
age to their liking in his absence.
I D givon out and has often beon soid
to carry it up a mighty steep hill, whose
summit is so distant from its base where
he now stands as to bo out of sight.
Why did lie run away from the State in
tho night? Nothing but a consciousness
of having violated tho law making him
self amenable to a criminal prosecution;
atul ho 1ms come back only, since tho
imiual prosecutions, once begun are
about to cease, and ho thinks thero is no
louger nuy danger. A short time ago ho
wrote a letter to a personal friend here
proposing to return, if tho Herald of
this city would not advocate his arrest,
shown to tho editors, who gave as-
o that they would insist on his hav-
iug a fair hearing. (He always had a friend
and nnd defender iu tho Constitution.)
But the main cause of Kimlmll coming
hero now, is in tho interest of tho bogus
illegal, swindling, frauduleut bonds, is-
>r endorsed by the Stnto, at his insti
gation, during tho plundering ndministru-
f llullock, which the Blalo of Geor
gia bus, so properly, repudiated. Tho
Legislature is now in session and tho prin
cipal attorneys for those bond robbers,
Thomas L. .Suoud ami .Judge Loch-
rauo, want lvimball here for the moral
support which his unmolested presence
will give to their cause. Houry Clews
was tho Now York purtnur iu this bond
ing, of which Kimball aud Bullock wore
tho Georgia partners. Your renders know
that Clews was ono of tho rotten bankers
which wont under in tho late panic, Imt
recently he has been put upon a sort of
rickety foundation, aud has announced
that ho has ••resumed” business again.
This no uoubt, was the work of tho repu
diated bondholders. In their plan of op
erations to try to induce the State of
Georgia to pay their illegal bonds, it was
necessary, first, for the principal agent in
tbe pretended sale of these bouds to re-
sumo business ; second, for Kimball, the
chief operator iu tho issuing of this un
lawful paper, to come back here with a
bold face, nnd stalk abroad unmolested,
upon the theatre of his plundering opera
tions. To make this point iu, their pro
gramme. is why Kimball is hero. It is the
principal reason, and if wo would agreoto
to pay the bonds, it would bo monoy in
his pocket,
It is also rum .rod that Kimball has
been induced to return by ex-Govcrnur
Brown and others, formerly attorneys in
tho Mitchell heirs case, to testify ou their
behalf in tho suit which has boon brought
against thorn by Gen. Toombs, tho pro-
sent attorney for tho Mitchell heirs, upon
tho ground of their having taken advan
tage of tho confidential relation of attor
neys and clients, in advising them to
accept the terms upon which Ibo cuse was
settled. There may bo something in this.
The prime movers in this conspiracy,
last night ventured too far. They made
a sa l blunder. They contrived nnd set
on foot a serenade to Kimlmll, which was
lo call out a speech from him. It was
supposed tiiat it would pass off quietly,
and givo Kimlmll a heroic triumph, with
tho eclat of a grand vindication of himself
—an assertion of his iunoccucc—before
an npplnudiug nudiouco, with music nnd
bannors. It pretended to come from
some hiee/tunii'*, whom he had employed,
and wiio felt grateful to him personally.
It was well contrived, and would have lmd
tho desired effect, if it hud boon carried
out ; but it miscarried, and was a dis
graceful failure. When tho band came
into tho rotunda of the Kimball House
nnd played an air, und Kimball was called
for and made his appearance upon the
stairway, the peoplo there assembled wc
indignant, aud manifested their fooling
unmistakably that tho enterprise broke
down at once. They called for Blodgett,
and Bullock, nnd “Fatty" Harris, and tho
“Chief Conspirator of the Bond Thieves,"
and otherwise manifested their temper ;
so that Kimball could do no more than
barely return thanks for tho honor, whou
he saw it was host to dssis*., and retired
discomfited, to bo consoled by his keepers
aud eomfortution as best thoy wero aide.
The propriety of the city authorities of
Atlanta having him at once arrested is
vary freely discussed. Hi sold the Kim
ball Opera House to tho State of Georgia
for a Capitol, and gave to the Stnto a
warranty deod, t-» t ho budding und gr<
thus corlifying it to bo freo from ull liens
whatever—knowing at the snmo time,
that tho Northwestern Mutual Life Insur
ance Company held au unsatisfied mort
gage upon it afiic/i lx had made, to se
cure the paymout of sixty thousand dol
lars in niormy >ehieli he had horrotred from
the Company; and Bullook, nnd’the at
torney on tho part of the Stnto appointed
by him t» (xamiuo tho Idle, knew it;
Still Bullock accepted tho title und paid
Kimball for the properly. That mort
gage is still unsatisfied—-not one cent
any authority, or a
“appropriated" to his
giving any equivalent.
It is freely talkod of by men of good
standing, who expect tho City Attorney
aud Mayor to commence a criminal prose
cution against him in both these cases, if
he does not settle them up fully.
More Anon.
THE HEX ATE AMD 1101*1!.
Merrimon presented n petition for tho
improvement of tho mouth of Capo Four
river, North Carolina—referred to Com
mittee ou Commerce.
Ilagau, now Souator from California,
wan sworn in.
Washington, Feb. 1).—Tho Senate bill
investigating district affairs passed. Ha
gan of California was placed on tho com.
mittoe ou territories. Merrimon of North
Carolina presented n potitiou of Hhip
masters and others of Wilmington N. C.,
asking an appropriation for tho improve
ment of tho mouth of Capo Fear river,
roferrod to tho committee ou commerce.
A bill for tho roliof of tho East Tennessee
University nnd appropriating ($18,000 to
compensate that institution for property
belonging to it occupied and destroyed
by the Federal army during the lute war
was taken up. Wadley of New Hamp
shire said the proporty was taken posses
sion of by Federal troops not us a milita
ry necessity, but as a uiuttci
nicncc, nnd lie thought tho eh
one. The bill was passed; ye
u just
10 nay
>uu- that Kimball, if here, would testify in the
to Hurlbert, who counted Bullock 1 matter ot leasing tho State Road, and of
it and Gordon in. Wo would suggest the frauduleut issue of State bonds, which
appropriate designs of an express vagou would be most damaging to some against
3 bronze filled with Georgia bonds, und whom the shafts of public indignation
riven by Bullock. It would add to the have not yet been directed. This may
lffoct to havo tho whole with the head and ! be so, but I hardly look for any such dis-
ir, )ud shoulders of Futty Harris, hovering • closures from “II. I. 1 think it safe to
hova. Foster Blodgett, Henry Clews and 1 assume that whatever ho might tell that
ke two Kimballs os nn angelic band. i would implicate others, would impale him
Bankrupt bill resumed. An amendment
abolishing registers in bankruptcy, reject
ed. An amendment authorizing notaries
public to take depositions, passed. Tho
tnnuudment authorizing assignees to
bring suits for sums less than ($500, unless
the Court having charge of the ease should
order otherwise, adopted.
Gordou of Ga,, introduced a bill to
amend the Iuternal Revenue laws. It
provides that ull provisions of law horelo-
foro existing in relation to the imposition
of stnuips upon written instruments, and
all penalties imposed by law for tho
omission or failure to slump such instru
ments as boar date prior to tho establish
ment of the Revenue distribution iu the
States engaged in the rebellion, bo repeal
ed. it further provides that tho timo al
lowed for stamping deeds, mortgages or
other papers which bear dale since tho es
tablishment of said revenue districts bo
extended to - day of - 187 . Any
Judge or Justice of tho Peace in said in
surrectionary States may attach stamps
heretofore required upon said documents,
and tho Commissioner of internal
Revenue shall bo authorized by Ibis act
to furnish stamps for such purposes to the
order of tho President or Cashier of any
National Bank upon a certificate of do-
posit iu such bank.
The Bill is prefaced by a. preamble de
claring that in the late insurrectionary
Slates, during the war, it was impossible
to proeuro tho reveuuo stamps required
by law to be attached to deeds, mortga
gers aud other papers iulcuded to bo re
corded. Roferrod to Committee on
Senator Gordon’s bill amendatory of
the revenue laws, will give relief to the
peoplo if it passes. It provides lor the
repeal of all penalties iuqosod for failuro
to affix tho revenue stamp to deeds, mort
gages aud papers of record in tho South,
prior to the organization of tho reveuuo
districts in that section and embraces tho
whole of tho Southern States.
It also extends tho time for tdumpiug all
papers bearing dale since tho organization
of these reveuuo districts, and allows tho
stamps to bo attuched in the presence of
a Judge of the Superior Court, or Court
of Ordinary, or Justice of tho Poico, no
oh to perfect nnd quiet titlos. Prominent
Republicans, it is said, will support I ho
bill aud tho Commissioner of Internal
of tbe commerce among the States de
mands the prompt and wise exeroiso of
these powers nnd duties. Carried—yeas
170, nays G4.
Representative Smith of North Carolina
introduced in tho Honso to-day n bill pro
posing to abolish all internal revenue
taxes on whiskey nnd tobacco, and to col
lect an equivolent amount of funds by
means of increased duties on imported
goods. Bill roferrod to Committee ou
Ways and Moaus.
The Committee on Privileges aud Elec
tions hoard Sykes vs. Bpenoer to-day.
Spencer claimed that tho Democrats
offerod to eloct him Senator if ho would
break up tho Court llouso Legislature.
His plea makes no illusion to alleged
bribery. Further hearing next Thursday.
White and Chandler represent Sponcor ;
Gen. John T. Morgan represents Senator
Distribution of Meeds.
Washington, Feb. 1).—Tho Depart
ment of Agriculture is more particular
than heretofore iu sonding out seeds, cut
tings aud bulbs. They are forwarded ou
ly iu oases, whoro thero is a plauaiblo as
surance thoy will be carefully cultiva
ted and some report mndo us to tho
result. Suoh supplies are sent post paid.
Thu Dopartmeut distributes more freely
by express, whou tho expense is paid by
Captain General Jovellar’s orders cover
two pages of tho official ga/.otto, stating
ho condition of tho insurrootion nnd
oasonH for ita continuance. Peaceable
citizens can live tranquilly uuder tho laws
us long as thoy do not infringo uu them.
Tho entire island ia declared iu a state of
rebellion, and persons accused of sedition
will bo court-martialed, and other offend
ers bo transported at Jovcllur s discretion
Vigilance committees have been organ
ized in the intorior, who will act as spies,
furnish guides, aud serve as home guards.
Tho Spaniards think these orders will
crush the rebellion within six months.
London, February 8.—In the Parlia
mentary elections (I Conservatives nnd 8
Liberals wero returned. Four Conserva
tives were chosen for seats occupied by
Liberals in the late Parliament. Guin
ness, Conservative, and Mr. Brooks.
Homo Ruler, wore elected to represent
London, Fob. -The Press Associa
tion, nn organization having ith IiuhiI*
quarters in this city, and engaged iu the
collection nnd distribution of telegraph
iwwh in Great Britain, lias issued a din
patch stating that Gladstone in at variance
with his colleuguus in the Government on
the question of hiH resignation ns Premi
er. It is said he will request the mini <try
to rosigu immediately, while the others
desire to wait until the new Parliament nr
Rumbles. It is also stated in Homo dis
patches that D israeli has already ar
ranged his ministry. Tho l imes of thin
morning advises tho Government to ro
sign during the timo intervening botwoon
the conclusion of tho elt cl ions and as
sembling of Parliament. Five hundred and
nine members havo been chosen; seventy-
six of this number are Conservatives,
fins Cluytoi
(Special to the Hales
Waco, February 5.— On
last, night at ono o’clock.
Columbus, Ga. IBs peoplo
highly roapocted. Tho c
found tho follow ing verdict
jury, find that tlm deceased oanio to his
deatli by wouuds caused by the firing of a
pistol in tho hands of G. E. Situs." Sims
wonud proves slight. He is in jail.
Sllip NEWS.
New Vo
ivod; Holland,
Norfolk. February 0.—Capt. Crollen,
from tho wreck of tho Quoon of tho South,
ashore at Watobaprigue inlet, reports the
vessel going to pieces am] a largo part of
her cargo of cotton washed ashore.
* to
id its
Bills were introduced reducing postage
to two cents; repealing tax on whisky
and tobacco; bills by While and Bell, of
Georgia, granting aid to the Atlantic and
Groat Western Canal Compuuy; by Stone,
of Missouri, for construction of St.
Philips Canal; by Vance, of North Caro
lina, to incorporate branches of tho con
templated Southern Trans-Con tinonlal
Railroad under tho name and style of the
North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia
and Tennessee Railroad. It provides for
the consolidation of the North Carolina
Western, Wilmington, Charlotte nnd
Rutherford, and tho Spnrtinhiirg and
Union Uailroud.1. Tho bonds of the Com
pany at G per cent, to ho eudorsod by tho
nd | State of North Carolina nnd the 'I reasurcr
ms j of the United States.
Coburn, of Indiana, ottered a resolu
tion deeluring it to bo the sense of the
House that Congress should not adjourn
until some measures are enacted provid
ing for a reform in tho system of cur
>u tbe subject of transpor-
Money Markets.
London,»Fob. *0. Brio It j all j. (
New York, l’obrimry 0.—Stocks not
Money 4. Gold 111 ^. Exchange—long
INI; short 1S7.J. Governments strong
and active. State bonds stead
New York, February 0.— Mo
call loans 4n5. Exchange dull at -IH I. Gold
I2nl2.j, Governments strong. State
bonds quiet.
Provision Markets.
Ni:w York, Fob. - Southern flour
quiet; fi.70n7.H5; common In fair extra,
$7.85a 11; good to i hoieo do. Whisky
fairly active and steady at .*l. Wheal lo
hotter. Corn steady, 80 rt K3 for new West
ern mixed, afloat. Pork heavy, new mess
$H!j. Beef quiet, mess ($l()ulM. Lard
lower at 8 5-ir,. Rice dull and steady.
Cincinnati, Fob. -Flour quiet and
unchanged. Corn good demand .V.irwfiou
for oar: GH&'Gfi for sholled.Pork nominal,
($I5 25(ii>50 Lard quiet, held steam 8;.,
kettle 8 l-HJ. Bacon quiet, shoulders 7o
cash, and buyer until •juth Feb. ; chair
ribM: clear si<
Louisville, Feb.
unchanged. | C»ru
($I5 50. Bacon qi
shoulders 7 j, cit
ed, Lard 8|(h*8J,
steam. Whisky 8
Flour ...
et. pork firmer II
and unchanged
i ml
lull ami lower
e; No 2 iiiiic
M. Whiskey
r. small lots?
inijt.d. _joIH.ii,
-Ilia15, .March I-.,i. C
Thin unrivalo.l Mmlirino .» w.irtuu...| „oi t
HiUiu .i si tie'll- pnrticlu of Mr.n< ium , .. r ,u.v m
lit of (lie
unions’ Liver Regulator or Medicine
;"'l> • Eei 'll >1 im|i<-in«>, nn.l l.y | . i„ K
Armed with this ANTI DOTH, nil clinml.-x und
. I. iiiKfrt or water and f-ud may In. fuct-d witlioiit
tear. Ah a llcmcdv in .MALAIUOI'S KKYKItS
.1. II. ZEILIN & CO.,
MACON, GA.. and I'll I LA Dial'll I
rice, 81.00. Sold l.j ull Druimlsts
8, oo_' at 1 Ga J net iu
Futures closed sic
bales as follows : IU
March 15 17-32.115 8
17 11.32a 17
of uplands,
miry, Hlii»|ra<
shipped Febl
shipped Mai
(•thing l min
nnuary nnd I
id Mai
"l A„i
tion and export.
Sales, uplands, nolhiug be!.,
difjury, hl.ipped Januarv 7 15- i
January and F,l„u.ry‘; r, p;
I Ma
and 248 Liberals, aud of tho Homo Rulers
ono has houu returned from Iho city of
low middling, shipped
March 8.
Fobru i v au*l
Cork, nnd two from the county of Kil
Later- Halos, upland .
hot Lmg below,
kenuy. It is probnhle.thnt lion. Edward
wood ordinary, Hlnppod .1
mid April 8 MG; delivi
ii in rv 8; March
ruble M ircli 7
Caldwell, Secretary of Slato for War, will
ho raised to the peor-igu.
15*10; do., nothing bolo
deliverable Mm-ch M
v low middling
\mnricaii; sides
Till: .NATIO.N'Al. OltAVOli.
Oilcans, nothing bchiw
tniddlir gs,
Sr. Louis, February 7. — i’Ue Nutlonul
deliverable February s ;j
Grnngn held Imt one business session
Moiiiix, Fel). 8. — Fir
icri.i l higher:
to-day. 3’ho axil of Stains was resumed
middlings 15‘,: low mi<|.
ordinary 13'.. net i . <.
1000; stock GO, 101.
CiIAlU.KHTON, Februm-v!
Master Porter, of Nebraska, moved that a
pts 2530; sales
CoimnitLoo be appointed on Statistical
rii ,, un ( .
Crop Reports. The Committee on Con
middlings I5 l *r»l5j : h w
i ddli - J 4 a
stitution and By-Laws was appointed.
II,: good ordinary II
»" 1 roc-ipiM
Several othor resolutions were referred
20..G; exports to Conti,.
H a 1 oh
to Committees ou RckoIuUoiih, and on
Constitution and By-Law--*. The evening
middlings lfJ-j net n
•H .l ;; /'mp
session was devoted to conferring degrees
. || ( If .0 to* 1 i 000
on Masters of State Granges, and their
Savannah, Feb. :• 1
nn n.idilliliRK
wives, they being the ouly persons to
receive it.
15i; not rocoipli. 1031 *
0050 bales.
iIm lilt: stock
Gai.veston, J'
t. Firm , fair
TKI.r.U It A I'll 1C KOI IS
demand ; good unlmmy
- James Gurrard, a well known lawvn
of Now York is dead.
15,' . net receipts ; 012
Britain 3300, continent i
stock 118,205.
Is to G
jvernment. Rules
iiolution adopted j
I r«» huh; n 1 the I
lion declaring it I
tutioual pnuor of
guluto oouimorco !
protect that por- i
ce which is utuung
op- |
ronoy; also, e
portntion, and for a
administration of the Gi
suspended aud the n
without tho yeas nnd na
Smith, of Ohio, movn
rules and adopt a r. h.
to ho within the consti
Lately the city of Atiautu has agreed to 1 Cougress by law so to re
pay this claim, provided tho Cupitol is not | among the States au lo
removed from here, w hich makes the j Hon of internal commor
Mayor nnd Council, and tho City Attorney i the several States from all unjust or
interested parties in this inattor. j preasive tolls, tax and obstructions,
And than it is said tint the city Has a 1 other burdens, whether imposed by n
just claim on him for ($30,000, which : road companies or by combinations the
H"iao how, iu some transactions, fell into i of, or by othor common carriers ; and j rometer, Northwesterly winds,
Kimball’s hands, and was by him, without that the present condition and magnitude I ally clear, dry weather.
Dr. II. Miller. I’rosident of tho Louis- '
isville, Ky., Medical College, is (lead.
—An exploding saw mill boiler at St. !
Louis, Mo., yesterday, killed I wo.
—Right itov. James Hinges, Roman ;
Catholic Bishop, died in New York Sun
day night.
—Yesterday at Hartford, Conn., was the
coldest day of the season. At 8 o'clock j
tho thermometer .stood 12 degrees be|.,w
zero ; at 11 o’clock, 21 above.
Fire at 87J,Broadway,oc upitd by C.
B. Rous, dry good s auctimur, and A. i
Friedman A (Jo., importeisof luce nnd
fine white goods, involving a loss id
—Jacob Weil and wife were found ant- ,
forated by coal gas ycslerd i mm no g in ,
a dwelling over n lage< beer saloon in
West Fbluidolphia. Hu was re-ussiluicd,
but his wife died soon after.
- An effort is making in New York to
induce the authorities !•» ahand-.u (he
prosecution of Minimal F No;ton, fugi
tive, ox-Custom llouso Coinmis inner, mi
condition that he make affidavits that
may serve in pending
suits. Norton fled to Ca
viotiou of Genet, and is reported D
now only ono of a number of Twe
mon in a hurry to turn informers, sh
the act be advautagooiis.
Western Railroad of
jps ,
New York and New Orleans Mail Lino.
faiaco Sleoping Cars Run Through from
Opelika to Lynchburg.
C0LUMIIU4. Ga., November 10th. 1H73.
i I’liili»<lcl|>l.i-t .ini| Multlinore.
coping Cars Uiin llirouuli fro
Opcliko fo l.y licit tin rtf.
Railroad Notice.
srsfri-.- .
iisa ;i i r I ’ ■ ■" ■
Rankin House,
(JoliimbiiN, (>iu
J. W. RYAN. FropT.
.Ear and
K(‘.st au runt.
Billiard Saloon,
\V. It VAN, l»i
eked by high pr
middlings II,
Ten-Pin Alley and Bur :
Dividend Notice,
rjui K
Notice to the Ladies.
j Wood and Blacksmith Shop
H a ”~£sjs E^’jsaa'iUij
Department ok War, •
Washington, Feb. U, 1874.)
J‘rob uhitities.—For the Houthoru and
Gulf States, rising temperature and l.a ^
AT LOW I'll I ('K -
E. C. HOOD (U 3fiO.
U HUM. It (HID 1 !
h Moi!:i;i.
1.0 > IM>\ I.A 1 I II I'ltiN,
All klullH of >l l>
, Ml ->(l
Proiumo & Hoffman.