The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 12, 1874, Image 1
Columbus AND '^V' TIATT.V En [)L. XVI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1874. NO. 3B terms or TUB _ Y , WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY LFRED R. CALHOUN, proprietor. months, in advance $8 00 onttas, I, months, month, -,,Y Esqdibeb, one year )\V Enquibeb, ono year i nnd Weekly Enqoikeh to- tlier, one yonr AdvcrtiainK Kates. ■ 1 yo 4 00 2 00 75o. 2 00 2 50 a 00 20 00 22 50 25 00 42 00 itlovo id with the privilege of a change throo months. For yearly carja a liberal dis- vvill he mado. Weekly rates will Invariably ho one-third Dally. eu un advertisement is changed more than in threo months tho advertiser will bo charg- th tho cost of composition. Foroign adver- ninst pav as do those at ll tmo. I0RGIA LEGISLATURE. on iukI Ilrunnwick Knllrond Ex* n.toii l'ussotl tlio House—New lli'ils in the Senate—Rejec tion or Bill Concerning; Sul© of Fnrm Pro ducts Recon sidered. linl Correspondence Enquirer and Sun.] Atlanta, Feb. 10, 1874. Senate. 'bo Senate reconsidered its vote of yes- ,iy passing the bill authorizing the nary of Talbot county to issue ngo bills; and receded from its nmend- ts to the House bill relative to the action of game in certain counties— ibis bill may be regarded as passed, resolution was offered to raise a joint mitteo to investigate the conduct of iV. Wrenn while General Ticket Agent lu Western & Atlantic Railroad. HLnong the new bills introduced and im the lirst time were the following : By H Crawford, to provide for the aubstitu- of State bonds for railroad bonds in iin cases where the State has endorsed I the railroads; Mr. Brown, to provide the building of a new capitol for the ; Mr. Crawford, to aflow the Mor- nts' and Mechanics’ Bank of Colutn- to issue notos as a circulating rnedi- Mr. Harris, to authorize any county ho State to regulate the manner of of liquors ill the county; Mr. I iter, to provide for tho keeping of in- ) persons convicted of capital crime; Poavy, to authorize the Governor to 0 or farm out the convicts of the pon- tiary. ^_uo bill to amend the constitution in ># rei ce to tho amount of Homestead |iuption8 was mado a special order for iduesday. House. ’ho House reconsidered its vote on the to prohibit tho sale of farm products 1 jr dark. ie following bills were passed : ) amend the act incorporating the h Georgia Railroad Company. f > provide for the extension of the Ma- and Brunswick Railroad to some l on tho Georgia Railroad. ’ho following were lost: 'o amend the Constitution so as to pro- 3 for biennial sessions, o tax all dealers in deadly weapons, ji •° amend tho act changing the appor- iiueut of Representatives, he bill to incorporate the Water Works pany of Columbus was withdrawn by Peabody. •boro is a strengthening disposition to ry along with the work of tho session, l I thiuk that, considerable progress 1 bo made in tho next few days. Muscogee. The Confederate Forces. a the November numbers of The '(•'fie and The Land We Love, 18GB, an orest ng and important correspondence published between Dr. Joseph Jones, ‘etary of the Historical Society, and • S. Cooper, ex-Adjutant General of ufederate States. From that source GEORGIA NEWS. —The Fair grounds and buildings at Fort Valley were seld on Saturday last for $708*50, —The citizens of Clayton county, in public mooting at Jonesboro’, have asked the Legislature to create a Oouuty Court for Clayton. —A man calling himself Norris was ar rested lust Sunday, iu Atlautn, on tho charge of counterfeiting nickles. Some moulds and a quantity of metal were found in his possession. He was taken in out of circulation. —The editor of tho Griffin News makes it a point to inquire of tho leading plan ters who visit that oftico us to their pios- peots, and they all concur in the determi nation to so pitch their crops tho present year as to be able to control their cotton next season and sell when they please. They can’t control it in any other way. —The Telegraph says that a railroad ticket agent, who sent off threo hundred negroes from Macon to the West last week, wus in the city Tuesday, hunting up more, lie believed Lu would get as many as he then had orders for, but re ported the enthusiasm of the uegroes on tho subject as decliuing. —Tho first race at Savunnah on Tues day—hurdle race, two miles—was won by Jim Hiuton, in 4:08. The second, mile heats, was won by Vortex ; time, l:58j, 1:51 J. The third, a mile dash, was won by Revenge, iu 1:7)7., The fourth, mile heats, was wou by Lady Washington, in 1:52J, 1:52. —Tho Milledgeville Union reports a strange accident: A colored girl, employ ed as a nurse iu tho family of Mr. C. \V. Comptou, was sent into an adjoining room to get some wood, nnd stooping to get the wood, on rising up she struck her forehead against a door latch, the force of tho blow bursting out an eye-ball. D Harris was sent for. and restored tho eye ball to its socket, nnd the girl now thinks she can see a liltlo with that eye. ALABAMA NEWS. —Edmond Jordan, a resident of Eto wah county, Alabama, died recently at the ago of 105 year; —The Criminal Court of Bullock coun ty, last week, sent threo evil doors to the penitentiary—two for threo years and one for five —It takes a passougor twelve hours to roach Tuskaloosa from Meridian, on the A. and C. R. R. Cause: bad condition of the road. —Tho important case involving tho constitutionality of tho late funding law of Alabama will be argued before tho Su preme Court of tho State to-day. —Mr. Robert F. Hall, an excellent young man, late foreman of the Montgomery *Journal, and prior to that of tho Eufaula Times, died at the residence of his mother iu Auburn, on Friday .night last. —The Tuskaloosa Jlladc and North Port Spectator oontaiu allusions to a discovery of Dr. Leland, which ho claims prevents yellow fever, or alleviates tho attack. Ho calls on all physicians to consult him on tho subjoct. —Tho Demopolis Note* publishes a sen sational report of a negro, while plough ing on tho plantation of Miss Carrie Go- ree, of Halo county, finding au iron chest containing {$1)0,000 iu gold and silver bars. “Too big a boo.’ —Chancellor Felder made another move in the Mobile contested election case, on Monday, but not tho final one. Ho fined Mr. Reid and his attorney, Peter Hamil ton, Esq., J$50 each for alleged contempt in appealing from his jurisdiction. —Tho Supremo Court of Alabama de cided on Monday that “when two persons fight willingly, neither of them can claim acquittal on the ground of self-defence. No person can cluim nuy degree of im munity for killing another on the grouud of ill health or less vigor th in the other, without reference to the intention with which he engaged iu tho combat." TELEG KA 1*11*1 C NOTES. —The Republican Convention at Hart ford yesterday nominated Henry B. Har rison for Governor of Connecticut. —The safe of Bramau, Dow &, Co. of llaymarket square, Boston wus robbed lust night of {$80,000. —A bill is before tho Military Commit tee of the House providing for a sweep ing reduction of tho army. —Tho U. S. steamer PowlnUtan passed out of Hampton Roads yesterday from Norfolk for the Delaware Breakwator to convey the Monitor Cououieus to Roy West. —Four hundred women have entered in the temperance movement at Acton, Ohio. The organization was completed yesterday, and work will bo commenced to-day. —N. P. Trist, formerly of Philadelphia, chief clerk in the office of Secretary of State uudor Murcey, during Polk's admin istration, and negotiator of tho treaty of Gaudaloope Hidalgo, nnd since the war postmaster nt Alexandria, Va.. died yes terday ; agi d 74. —Tho revenue officers, with a filo of soldiers, made a descent on a largo illicit WASHINGTON. CO N G R Kft SI ON A L I* ROC EEBING8. House. Washington, February 11.—The House is legislating on Indian affairs. In the Committee of the Whole, an amendment to the Army bill, placing two additional members on the War Claims Commission, was passed. Bromberg, of Alabama, moved an amendment that the two additional Com missioners provided for in the bill shall bo selected from the Southern States, which was rejected. Cox, of New York, offered an amend ment that tho army shall not be used in aid of tho protended State Government, known ns tho Kellogg Government in Louisiana, so as to interfere in tho elec tions of that or any other State. Whee’cr made a point of order that the ameuilment proposed new agitation, and was not in order. Sypher, of Louisiana, hoped the amend ment would be admitted, for the Kellogg government had troops enough to thrash out tho robol Domooraey. ltnndall, of Pennsylvania—It has ras cals enough. Tho point of order was sustained, and the amendment was excluded. Tho committee then rose and reported the bill, and the House proceeded to vote on the amendments. Tho first vote was on tho iimenilmont offered by Young, of Georgia, extending tbe time for tho pre sentation of claims to the 1st of Novem ber, 1875. The nmoudmout was agreed to—yens 181, nays 101. AU the other amendments were agreed to iu bulk, and the bill was passed. Semite. Bayard asked that the resolution offered by Lim yesterday, calling upon the Presi dent to inform tho Senate if any officer of tho United States Army, on duty in South Carolina, lmd been instrumental in pro curing legislation in that State to reward him for services rendered, &t\, bo passed. A long discussion ensued. Mr. Bayard, in the Senate to-day, ex plained his resolution of yesterday, call ing upon tho President to inform tho Sen- ato whether any officer of the army had received money or fees from the Logisla turn of South Carolina for services ren dered the State, lie said he was morally convinced that. Major Lewis Merrill, of tho Seventh United States Cavalry, re ceived from the State of South Carolina {$21,400 for his agoney in securing the ar rest and conviction of persons engaged in Knklux outrages, and that tho said Merrill aided in lobbying the bill tlnou, tho South Caroliua Legislature giving {$05,000 to persons who should secure such arrests nnd convictions'. Air. llowo reminded Mr. Bayard that the Government, bad distributed {$100,(KM) among army officers for tho arrest, of Jeff Davis, whose offense was perhaps less than that of the perpetrator of tho ku-klux outrages. Mr. Scott defended Maj. Merrill as an accomplished officer, and believed ho de served the reward which he may have re coived. No nominations to day, and no execu tivo session. Tho bill for tho oquuliztlion of the N tionnl banking circulation was resumed and ocoupiod the entire day. No action country and drive tho raiding Indiaus within reach of North Platte rivor, and to take six days’ cooked rations nnd sixty rounds of ammunition with them. Spiritual Nose Pulling. Washington, February 11.—The Re publican coutaius tho following special. New Orleans, ‘ k February 10.—The Washington agent of the Associated Press sent Inst night from that city anoth er two column sensational dispatch on Louisiana affairs,which nil tho city papers with one exception, refuse to publish." Tho Republican, commenting on this dispatch, says : “The Associated Press managers seem to be indifferent how un even their Washington agent carries his brains after dark, or how much his palm itohea. If tho writor in the Now Orleans Re publican can give reasonable assurance that he is not troubled with catarrh, he may consider his nose pulled a la diBtanco. (Signed.) M. W. Barr. New' \ t ork, Fob. 11.—A special dis patch from Cincinnati, giving some de tails of tho womnn's movement against liquor doalors iu that State, says, at Waynesville, an order has been issued by its Mayor, T; T. Dodson, to tho Marshal requiring him to disporso all bands of women found congregating at streets or on sidewalks, lie declared his iutontion to have no more sidew'alk or soloou prayer meetings in his villngo, and ladios backed by the money of many woalthy temperance people, no less iletormiuedly ovinco their intention to hold just us many meetings, and offer just as many prayers us they think proper. Siamese Tulnu nt Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Fob. 11.—To-day, the b'lenn tho following facts for the ben- I ,llKt, cr - v ° n Bjno , u N “ ft . „ Y “ rk , 1 “ of those who ere not so fortunate as | 1 A ““P™ 0 . ’“ve preserved a file of the magazines. ; U ° n of th ,? dutiUory was_ effected, and l> facts are startling even to those who 1 50 - 000 B allHD1 c ' f “ as . b - 20 h “« slieads of Lard active at lower prices; choice kettle Sialic; steam 8j|n8}o. Cotton Markets. Livebpool, February 11, Noon.—Cot ton hardening; uplands 7ja8d; Orleans 8}u8;jd; salos 15,000 bales, including 2,000 for Bpeotilation and export; cotton to arrive 1-llid doaror. Halos of uplands, uothing below low middliegs, shipped February aud March, 8d; sales of Orleans, nothing below good ordinary, shippod January aud February, 8|Jd. Later.— Hales to-day 1)1)0 bales Ameri can. Hales of uplands, nothing below good ordinary, shipped Fobruary and March, 7 5-Kid; deliverable February and March, 7 13-16(1; deliverable April and May, 7jd. Lathi.—Hales on the basis of middling uplands, nothing below good ordinary, shipped March and April, 8d. New Yoiik, Feb. 11.—Cotton dull; salos 464; uplands lfiOrleuUH lfijj; futuresopon- ed March 15 7-16; April llialti 1-16; May 161al7-.‘)2; June 16 15al6 111-32; July 17 3-1G. New Yobk, Fobruary 11.—Cotton weak; sales 1,072 bales at ItialCg; net receipts 1,306. Futures dosed quiet; sales 16,100, as follows: Fobruary 15 3-16; March 15 13-32 al5 7-16; April 16 l-32al(i 1-16; May lOla 16 17-32; Juue 16 15-16al7; July 17|a 17 5-16. New Ohlbans, Feb. 11.—Firm, but in fair demand ; middlings 16c., low mid dlings 14J, good ordinary 13J, ordinary 10J ; net rooeipts 9,185 bales ; oxports to Great Britain 842, to Coutinont 200, to Frauoe 3,280; sales 3,000—last evening 6,500; stock 340,699. CiiAiu-ESTOit, Feb. 11. Cotton steady; middlings 15^al5j ; low middlings 14j|a 14J; good ordinary 14^; net recoipts 1,522. Mobile, Feb. 11.—Firm and quiet; middlings 15$; low middliugs 141; good ordinary 12$; not receipts 859; sales 1000; stock 66,922 bales. Gai.veston, February 11.—Firm; light BANKS. O. GUNDY JORDAN, Sec’y k Treas'r OFFICE OF THE , w bn tan co, but is LY VEGETABLE, THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. This unrivalod Medicine in warranted not to contain n Ringlo purtielo of Muncuiinr. or any in jurious mineral r 1 * * ‘ PURE taining thoso Southern Roots nnd JlerhR which nil wine Providence hint placed in countrici *ro Liver HiNeium* most prevail. II will euro (ill niMMuesniiiM d hy Derange* meiit of (lie Liver uikI lloweh. Simmons* Liver Regulator or Medicihe »»'• hy being sales 750. Savannah, Feb. 11.—Firm; middlings lfijJ; net receipts 220!); sales 1850. Boston, Feb. 11.— Quiet and steady; middlings lGj; net receipts 108; exports to Groat Britain 447; sales 800. U 1 be total number of deaths during ! —^ oat i ( at time wore 200,000. j vons, is an island • • Losses of urisoners. counted as total ft °d a quarter ticipated in the Southern struggle. 1 tuolastie8 - 4 /' b ‘^{ els ,“ f " ,w *" d ■ fire available forces of tho Coufod- ware : ml" f 1 P ’ 'M Army did not, during the war, ex- : er, >' “’‘'o' 1 ls id 609,000 meu. I - —«♦*- -• The Confederate States never had iu -A Washington letter calls attention ■ lr J-'fenso more than 200,000 men in t( > ,he filct tb, ‘* « ot a l 10 ' 1 "; h “ ov or 1 field at one time , missing from tho department of tho >• From 1861 to 1865 tho Confederate i Comptroller of the Currency, where ladies actively eng vged were only (100,- i exclusively arc employed us clerks. great naval rondez- d four miles long and one es of prisoners, counted as total ftDt * a quarter broad, bounded on one *es on account of the United States Hido by tho Atlantic, and on tho other hey of exchange, 200,000. throo by tho Straits of rionda undine B ' The loss of the’Confederate Htatos : Gulf of Mexico. It has a population of 9000 hiv by discharge, disability and desor- ! souls. The houses aro of wood, with spa- >3, amounted to 100,001). cions piazzas, shaded by cocoa aud alra- 7 - At the close of the war the forco of on(1 Gees. The harbor is capacious, a Confederate Army was loss than 100,- i "’hero the largest ship can ride in safety. 0. j It is protected by a fort, has barracks, 8 - Out of 600,000 men 500,000 wero , wharves, &a. Cuban refugees make up a '} to tho service. majority of its inhabitants since the trou- These facts are taken from calculations ljIe8 between Spain and Cuba. , "itb groat core bv Dr. Joseph Jones, iIh M u*..ji . J - - 1 Seizure of Stills. Washington, February 11.—Supervisor Cobb reports to tho Commissioners of Internal Revenue tho seizure of several illicit stills iu operation in East Tennes see, with tubs of beer, mash, meal, wag ons, Ac. Several of tho stills were de stroyed, it being impossible to carry them oft'. At tho distillery of a man namod Campbell, au armed force of citizens at tacked the officers and took possession of tho property seized. DOMESTIC. VERDICT AGAINST I. O. O. I Cleveland, Feb. 12.—To-day, iu the Superior Court of this city,in tho case of Edward Lyle against Curaboga Lodge, I O. O. l'\, for libel, tho jury returned verdict for plaintiff for {$10,000. Lyle, it was claiinod, failed to deliver money en trusted to him for tho widow of a de ceased member of tho Lodge, and tho Lodgo issued a circular denouncing his dishonesty, Ac., whereupon Lyle entered suit for damages. Tin* I’copldN Clionp I'ruigiit RosmI . New York, Feb. 12.—At tho meeting of tho Cheap Transportation Association, yesterday, information was given that tho Peoples Freight Road would soon be built across the coutinont, whijh would bo managed in the interest of the people. After work is fairly begun, it would be completed in three years. Relief for. I lie Boor. The President of t he Produce Exchango has boon requested by many members to convene tho body to consider what stops can bo takon for tho relief of tho poor of case containing (ho bodies of tho Siamese i “ et ™ oi P t8 !,;W i ex { ,or . t ® w t° ... . ° , . . Groat. Britain 1 BOG, to continent 2.»<)(); iwins was opened in the presence of a' number of eminent medical gentlemen. Tho embalming process has not boon en tirely satisfactory in its results, owing to the fact that when tho bodies were sub jected to the embalming process decom position was already far advanced. But it is bolieved the main points iu interest iu the ease will bo fully elucidutod by au topsy. A number of modical gentlemen were present at tho college to-uight, and steps wore taken to commouco operations. Plaster costs of the bodies have boon taken to-day. Granger* v*. l*ntcntccii. St. Louis, Feb. 11.—The Grangers’ report from tho committee on commer cial relations endorses a resolution asking CongresB to restrict tho time and royalty allowed patentees, and recommends that seven years bo fixed for the patentees to enjoy tho solo benefits of patents, and that they be allowed 25 per coni, upon cost of productions. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. THE RKITIM1I ELECTIONS. London, Fobruary 11.—A Conservative has boen eleoted to Parliament from Wij- ton Burghs defeating tho Liberal candi date, Right Hon. Geo. Young, Lord Ad vocate for Scotland, who held a seat in tho late Parliament. The Summing Up. Threo huudred aud olovou Conserva tives aud one hundred and eighty Liberals have been returned to the House from England; fifteeu Conservatives and thir ty-six Liberuls from Scotland, and twon- ty-ono Conservatives and forty-four Lib erals and Home Rules from Ireland. Much rioting at Chesterfield and Bomesly yes terday. Many polico injured. French fifeibmiNNion to Rismnrrk. A lotter from Paris Buys |tho recent suspension of tho greatest of French Catholic papers, I* Universe, at tho in stance of Princo Bismarck, furnishes striking proof of how complete is the subserviency of tho French Government to German orders. Tho weather is very tempestuous to-day on tho Southwest coast of Ireland, and some damngo done to shipping. THE~WEATHER. Department ok War, > Washington, Feb. 11, 1874.) Probabilities.—For tho Southern States, falling barometer, Southwcstly winds, higher temperature and cloudy weather. SHIP NEWS. New Youk, Fob. 11.—Arrived out, Mary Jones, Neptune’s Car, Magnolia and Esperanga. “markets. k'-pt i • •I), ring . ‘ hill.-) • loll.i ill ) tlu> llliquitlin.«| Until 40I.H nt tin* lli«IUHt niiil.1 its vir amt i and colvins Htbility. Kmirnnt jdiy MOST KKKKCTIMIj NPF.CIKH’ FOU DYSPEPSIA OR I \ DIGESTION. Ariiiod with tliirt ANTIDOTK, all clinmtoH aud rliutiKOH of water and food may l.e faced without fear. Ah a Hoiuedv iu MALARIOUS KEY MRS, BOWEl* COMPLAINTS, 1IKS TLKd.SN hSS. JAUN DICE, NAUSKA. IT HAS NO F.tH AL! It iN the Ctieapeat, I’lirent, and lleat Family J. II. ZEILIX & CO., MACON, OA., an.I PHILADELPHIA, i $1.00. Sold hy ail DrinrgiNt.s. RAILROADS. Central Railroad. uu ' SJ -li- iufi. Jim tin' city. Kill,!! Its etl in Ar ils emitted to and approved by (leu. S. ),, l jer * Adjutant General of the Confod- Army.—Mobile Register. The Troy Time* says: Recently, at a ^reh fair on Ida Hill, a Urge frosted Le was offered to the person who should le, s hearest to its correct weight, at ten !l!s “ guess. Tho pastor of the church , r {?fcd a young lawyer to inveRt a dime, he practitioner replied: “I’ll play you a ft mo of euchre to see who gets the cake, ut 1 don't understand the other game." reverence weakened. JOB PRINTING. Letter Press and Card Printing. JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF LETTER, BILL HEAD AND Statement Paper, ALSO, VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS Railroad Receipt Books, Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks, on hand. Tlios. Gtllloort, PRINTER and BINDER, Sun and Times Building, COLUMBUS, OA. Thomas Gilbert JOB PRINTER, BOOK-BINDER Blank Book Manufacturer, (Old Sun Office Building.) GEN'L STJPT'S OFFICE U. U. it. ( Savannah, Novmnhor 1, 1873. ( O N ANI) AFTER SUNDAY,*1 inutant, Parsongor Trains on the Georgia Gontrai Knllrouil, ItHhiauclieHuitd connect Iohh, will mn an lultowu: TRAIN No. 1,GOING NORTH ANI) WEST. Hoove Savannah 8:40 a w Leave Augusta u:u6 a m Arrlvoat Augusta 4:uu i* m Arrive at IVlIllcdguvIllu ]o:uu i» m Arrive at Fntonton ll:6fi p m Arrive at. Muoon— i* m Loavo Macon !<»r UoluinLua 7:if, i* m Leave Macon lor Eulaulu u:lu p m Loavo Macon lor Athmlu 7:30 p m Arrive at ( 'oIiiuiIjum 3:07 a m Arrive at Kul.iuln lo:U0 a m Arrive at Atlanta.. 1:40 a m COMING SOUTH AND LAST. Leave Alluul.i 1:00 A M Leave. GolumhUH 7.40 p m Loavo LuInula 7:‘26 p M Arrive at AlneoM I rum Atlanta ii:bu a m Arrive at Maeon Irotn • ’oIuuUmi- 6.00 \ m Arrive at Macon from Eulaulu 0:4f» a m Leave Macon 7:lf» a ai Loavo Augunta t»:06 a ai Arrlvoat Augunta 4;U0 p ai Arrive at Savannah 6:26 p ai TKAIN No.2, GOING NORTH AND WEST Loavo Savannah 7 80 p u Leave AugUHia S:U5 P ai Arrive at Augunta 6:66 a n Arrlvoat Maoon 8:20 a m Leave Macon lor OoluiiihMfl 8:46 a ai Leave Macon /or Kttfau) if:uo a m Lea vo Macon lur Atlanti u:l() a ai Arrivo at i)oluinl>u8 i;60 v >1 Arrlvo at Lulaula 6:40 p m Arrive at Atlanta 6.48 p m COMING SOU II ANI) EAST. Leave A Haul a 7:00 a ai Leave ColuiuljuH *i:30 j* m Leave Lulaula 7:20 a m Arrive lit Macon Iron Atlanta 3:4«j p m Arrive at Muoon Irom Columbus 7:3U p ai Arrive hi Alucon from Lulaula 6:10 p m Manufacturing Comply, Columbus, Georgia Paid up Capital, U,250,000. TO INCULCATE THE HABIT OF SAVING ON THE PART OF THE OPERATIVES, AND TO PBOVIDE A safo and celiabls arrangemont for the beneficial aocomul&lion f t the oarninga of nrti.incs and all either elasaea, thia Cumpany ban cntahliahed, under SPECIAL OHAUTEU FROM THE STATE OF GEORGIA, A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, in which tbe following advuutagea aro offered to Depoaitiira of either largo or amall amonnta: 1. PERFECT SECURITY. The iwaetH of tho Company were on the lat of January, 1873 $1,704,459 43 end are steadily increasing. The Reserve Fund ia $297,706 92 All of which property is spEoiai.i,v PLEDGED by act of tho General Assembly for the protection of Depositors ; and iu addition, by tbo aamo net, tbe Stockhold ora of tbe Company nro mado INDIVID- ALLY RESPONSIBLE in proportion to their shares, for the integrity of tbe Havings Department and its certificates of Deposit. 2. LIBERAL INTEREST. Rato allowed Heven per oont. por annum, compounded four tiuios a year. 3. DEPOSITS can bo withdrawn at ang time without notice. Depositors residing out of tho oity cun d/aw deposits by chocks. 4. RULES AND REGULATIONS of this Department furnished upon application, and all dosirod information given. 5. BOOKS CERTIFYING J >EP< )nl i X given to depositor*. o. AU accounts of Depositors will be con sidered s trie tig private and confidential. DIRECTORS t N. J. BUSSEY. W. U. YOUNG, tV. K. VAHHAMulUi. AbFKEI) I. YOUNG, Mac Arrive at MUloilgcvillo Aril vo at Latwntou Loav e Augusta Arrlvo at Augusta Arrivo at S i\ anna It Train No. 2 l omg a Him. Central Kallr-i id, stopping ■ :35 i . piu to oil. P. villo and Li Savannah and Aueu.- points on tbo s. W. li Tho Mlllodgcvillo n dally, ‘ SuntJayH execptoil.' 11 ly at w hole 'bnif? canni re lor M illedgo- r.. iu No. I lr. WM. UOGLKS, Gcnoral Sup’L KANDOM'll «T m COl.GHin N, U \. IIY TELLGItAPJI TO LN^M'IHFK. , Erie, oops Onl rvht It. Omaha, F. brimy 11.—Excitement over In lirm news is becoming great. There it no doubt but that in consequence of tho failure of ngcut* to provide for them, the Indians arc leaving their reservations f-»r tho purpose of providing for them selves nt tbo expense of settlers, herds men and ranchmen. Tho following is officially received by Gen. Buggies from tho command at Sidney, Nebraska : “Wheeler ari l Merchant, reliable ranch men, state that a party of Iudians drove them six miles last night. They aban doned their Lord and came to Sidney. This rancho is near Court IIouso Rock. Am I authorized to send cavalry to drive these Indians across the Platte. No news from Norton's party.’’ Tho commanding offieor at Sidney was ; j^ovisions easier and quiet Pork >1 directed hy telegraph to send out all his | Bacon—shoulders 7^7j, clear rib fi^ati}, available cavalry at Lawrence Fork as far clear 8j. Lard—tierce fijallj; keg DjaDM. as Rediugton ltanche. - \\hiskoy 0,»j. Gen. Reynolds, commanding at Fort j St. Louis, Fob. 11.—Flour in good de- D. A. Ruaaell, ha, beau iusirueloJ by tho | f ° r low gradea: Buperfluo winter »rm ,, ’ , ! 5 50. Corn easy, at fiOable for No. 2 Govorumont to Hand out two cavalry com-, mijod on track Whisky ateady at 96c. panics, under reliable ofiieers, to tbesame | pork dull at $15 50 for <jrder lots. Bacon place, tkcnco to tborougbly scout the! dull and weak; only small order trade. I AM now prepared to oxooute wttli neatness i and (lispatea orders lor PRINTING el ov- ory dororlptlon, vim: LETTFR HEADS, NOTE HEADS. BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS OF ACT, BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, LABELS AND SHIPi’ING TAGS, HAND BILLS AND CIRCULARS, SOCIETY BY-LAWS, I’AMI’IILETS Ac. LEGAL BLANKS. Western Railroad Alabama. oi *iaLS*2iXJi4_:4jLli_ 53] HOURS TO NEW YORK New York and ITcvz Orleans; Kail Line, Palace Sleeping Cam Sun Through irom Opelika to Lynchburg. U Kit" ItAIIdlO.U) OK ALMIAMA, Cotuuuea, <U„ Ncvriulior loili, I»7e. TRAINS l.KA A K OOI.I’M It I P PAII.V FOR NEW YORK, DAILY, Piefldolit oi iho S.v CH.Mtl.KS (IKEEN', null Bunk am) Trust (V MISCELLANEOUS. DIAMOND I^EUTAOLEfil (Tr ilt. I.KAVK iMIJ’MHrs 10 i in. .MUG Ojnllka 12:27 p. in., r.t Atlnnta 5:Iu ai WfiMilngtou 7.20 in.. N \ .1 via IMilladt'lphia ami Hal'imoru. Mi'i 1 piii(4 4'ars Klin Ilirou^li Opiililta to Ly mil luii'K. j THAIS'.- ARRIVE AT t'GbUMiil r b \ I Fro. .Money Markch. London, Feb. 11.—Consuls, 81 44^. New York, Feb. 11.—Gold opened at 12^; exchango—long 185; short 488J. GovernmentH strong and active. State bonds quiet. Stocks active and feverish. Money 4 per cent. New York, February 11.—Money easy | ut 4a5. Exchange in fair demand at 485. Gold 112^all2j. Governments strong; considerable doing. State bonds steady. Provision Market*. Cincinnati, Feb. it.—Flour steady. Corn dull at 00(&i»2c\ Pork dull, with only a limilod jobbing demand; sales at {§ 15(g) 15 25. Bacon steady; shoulders 7c; clear rib aides ' loose, packed ; clear sides 8Jo loose. Whiskey firm at 90. Louisville, Feb. 11.—Flour quiet and Railroad Receipts, Bills Lading. Ac in book or loose, Blank Books of kinds, with or without print" heads, mado at si Giving my entire porson i Printing and Binding,lam tiers promptly at L )W CASK guaranteeing satisfaction, Mont kg 1 !»• The The 10:1" daily,' »* Georgia It. It. V. i Mail tnun i r New Orion its, at Montu »n tli'i, trar •m 0|i<>||ka rU Express tteiitioti b> Job j bled to HU all or- | PRICES, i A. It.It. and No delay at R. A. HA CON, Age Orders iro it parties wi i ahroa<l reel ro present. Change oi' Schedule. Af A lull stock of Georgia I^cgul Jilanks always on hand. and Al l ha lobO—It j unchanged. Corn quiet and unchanged. , Provisions easier nnd q ELLIS & HARRISON, AGENTS FOR GEORGIA SOAP FACTORY OK ATLANTA, GA., wvjr.v added. Mori bants will do v n»K eUewhore. They L hi coat, than othei «■> jalil voUwlw / vN AND AI TKH DK< I I I' dm i Tra m will r :;I> WKDN US DAY, KKKIGUT ANl> ACCO.MMODA'J ION W. L. CLARK ♦anted with the polariMCope, lh- , liiivu lieou found to admit fitter ••r rent, lean heated rays than any other pebble. They are ground with ^reat seieutilie ucrurary. re |reo from chromatic abL-rrutioni,, uud prodti^ brightneHi and dUtinctnoHs of vIhIoii not hnfotv ttuiued in spoctaeles. Manufactured by the pencor Optical Manufarturini? Co., New York. i»r Hale hy renpoiifliblo a8 PIJ t ,, * Q every rity In tb- W1TTICII A KINSKL, Jeweler# and Opticiiuu. i. nolo anoutH for Coluuibua, (ia., from whom th'-> un only b« attained. No peddlern employ,d. Do not buy a pair unlcHS you He« tbe tiaiiv ,irk_^ oct8 deodswly I?icttire Frames FRAME MOULDINGS. [ HAVE jUBl iriv-ivnl , print nrnty ol KlU- J TllltE UtAME MOEl.KINd?, which aru h.i .. au<) nrn |.r.'|i.irid !n MAKE El;* MEM tu onlei. W. J. CHAFFIN. aovlg tf EPPING’S BlTill' Notice to all Purchasers of this Excellent Compound Extract of Buehu. OEM) YOLK OIIUBR8 TO 1.. PIKBCE A CO., roluinluiM, (ia., and you will get the Genuine, Original K\tract. There NO OUTRIDE AGENCIES—KlTIlBE SPECIAL OK OMNKKA1.. I pni individually Sole l*rci»rietor. L. FIERCE. March .uh, 187.4. tt CHEMICALS—PURE ! FOK HOME-MADE FERTILIZERS. AT I.0W PRICKS. E. C. HOOD & BRO. j-'-i t M'l*> O’ WODI), WOOD! i tilled proini'fl.v by .ipjdii uii-- *f tho MUSCOOKa! MANl KACT’NG CO. D E S X M SO X 9 tt PATENT \H1PP1NG r A (i * OVER TWO HUNDRED MILLION'S have I Pen Bold within the p.nt lu year* withi ut o* mplaiut «<t »y Tnj »•*• coniine detached. They are more )V marking Cotton /tales than it use. All JSxpreea Companies «»•* any Tag th* m. Sold hy Printers III sinlliinrr* wcrynlio; w Wanted. will cive men and worooi I II AT WTUi PAY HI'MNENH r»»ir f4 to ^ ow n .ulRhtHU- rare i'hance for tUoae out of employ ng leisure time; girla nod boys iu , well a** men. Particulars ft J. 1.ATIIAM * («., Wi WiMhlUgtoa nt., R##ton, Alaaa.