The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 15, 1874, Image 1
COLUMBUS STJlSriD^"2'- iV. K. CALHOUN, Editor and Proprietor. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 15, 1874. A QUESTION. r life had boon a barren thing— L, in'all*that fetter* tho free *oul, U \ud calm before the world'* close acrutinie*? i ™fl5b*tal. and, dar.zlod and struck blind, v ,, wranned it like u mantle round your heart, ' -: I i r r„ti, u-lmt fnllnw'il close liehllul atked of fate what follow’d close behind! Suppose sometimes it glowed clear, warm, and And lifted you above all common need ; .ntotiiiu'S it faded pale, and wan. aa l weak. And of your toilsome track look little hoed; _iU~that was good— TliV'srtc'rod tr'n.t, ko[.t cloau from alien l.anJ, l>y years of melancholy solitude, A,„l east them down-, costly glft-to stay Hut foi a little time the lessening light iding so much the purposeless, dark The solemn, droad eternity of night. if the bribe v nd you lay ad help oflleavei , .... ...» powerlos Vob'eiesi", dethroned—no reruge—n ,(>li Y< ,u not doubt the love and hel r And ask of Karth one boon-naught eUc- gnive! Mary h. KiltUk —Udluxy for February. THORNTON Oil, THE I1SHSBS OF QKEEGHQPEE! A NTOHY THE EARLY DAYS OF FLORIDA ! jjy ^IIE AUTHOR OF “ DUNOAN MINTOHH, “LOUIS MACON,” ETC. Written for the Sunday Enquirer. COPYRIGHT SECURED. CHAPTER U. AT SEA. Wbilo tlio Julia lay ho quietly nt anchor | in Tumps Buy, with tho fishers of the . . | Okeechopeo p iddliug about her, another point Burned the lazy waters beat upon , ^ of tor huU and more powe rful ! bolllivo lbo 1>“°P> 0 3avnd «' oru VC U bol l>- Hiobblos while us snow, or whisper through I riuainon , beoalmed out of sight ! loi “ nnd “"“less,” “H Morton. piuk shells that stud the beoch like the | „ li1na b „, ow- From her “ Yo3 ' I only saved one ; end, strange was the warning, 33 11 9011111lo >' 011 - thal 0110 was a girl I could hardly l»o expeoted from faces so j rough, were turned oujtho man who came | on dock. He was of medium heightb, ] and so splendidly proportioned that the I immenso strength of the man would not be thought of by one not accustomed to considering those reservoirs of strength —tho breast and shouldors. His hnir was long and dark, and his gray eyes t-cetuod brozod like his strong manly A black moustache shaded his short firm upper lip, without detracting from tho firmness of his mouth or hiding tho pear ly whiteness of his tooth, when ho spoke, llis dross while conforming to tho very peculiar naval costumes of that day, was nevertheless so far different from them as to gfcvo him moro freedom of limb, while it served though without design to show off' his magnificent form to advan tage. From his sword bolt tho silver handles of two pistols protruded, and from a chain that camo over his neck and hung in front a long dagger hung, liko a thing of ornament moro than use. “The cutter is ready, Captain Thorn- ton," said a tall brown bearded sailor, walking over from the ship's sido and raising his velvet cap as tho young Captain cuino up. Cuptaiu Thornton raised his cap to return tho saluto, dis. playing as ho did so, his broad white forehead and saying iu reply: “Have you selected tho men I desired, Mr. Costillo ?" “Yes, Senor." “Vory well. You, of courso, will tako charge of tho ship in my absence, nud I will not return till morning unless you sigual me.” “All right, Captain, and I will not sig nal you uuloss there bo actual danger.” “No, Mr. Costillo, sigual mo at tho shadow of danger, for Morgan’s ships nro near by, and they know I am looking fur thorn, and I doubt not they aro looking for me,” said tho Cuptaiu iu a tirrn tone. “It shall bo ns you sny, Captain, and may you have success in your mission,” said Costillo, tho first officer, os ho turned “Gracious powers! I have loved a thousand. Never saw a protty woman I didn’t love," said Morton, with a gay laugh. “Baugh! If I did not know you wore bravo as an eagle, I would thiuk you were unstable as tho wind.” “By ray word, I am captain iu matters of love. But pardon mo; goon.” “I was goiug to say Edward Thornton and I woro schoolmates, and served as midshipmon on the same man-of-war in the English navy. We became meu to gether, aud as we grew up I learned to hato him. llo was one of your good, gen tle kind—always right, whilo I was wrong—though I will say he had courage; that was in our blood. Wo woro both Lieutenauts at tho sumo time; and ho, taking advantage of my absonco, married tho woman 1 loved ”— “Did bho lovo him bettor?” askod Mor ton. OHArTER i. IN TAMPA HAY. Ou tho west sido of Okeehopee Luke, in tho centre of Southern Florida, tboro s a bay known of old as Mikasawkoo, whero dwelt a band of Indians, a branch f tho great Crook family, from which the bay takes its name. It was beautiful \ to signal the men who wore to man tho then—it is beautiful now ; for in tlmt glo- j cutter, ious'southern clime, whero tree and her- Six sailors obeyed his order, and tho bago are ever green, and flowers never cutter being ready, Captain Thornton de ceased bloom, and evon tho storms soft- | scended the ship’s side, oud seizing tho eu und grow tamo as they noar it, there is ; tiller ropes, ho headed tho cutter for tho but little change in the face of nature. ' shoro. ■duping hanks of emerald green rolled j down like billows to tho water’s edge, | nud then huug, reflected with tho flowers j hut jeweled their breast. To tho oust ■ ,nd south there is a swamp, hut at the •iLOUIS MACON! fcJOi’Y RIGHT 8E0UBED. CHAPTER XXXllt. Is tho Governor hero V" ho asked of servant that passed him. Yos, Senor. ilo and Sonorita Isabella ( aro iu tho casa on the opposite side." j Following tho diroctiou givou him, Cap tain Thornton walkod through tho wind- | ing walks till, hat in hand, bo stood be- 1 T j iK eanT, I.ONGENT, AND 111.ST. j foro an open door on tho opposite sido of : When wil8on and Black Neil hoar d the tho plaza. clatter of tho horso’s hoofs aud tho shout M * !. h L COmmftU ' ! of scout, they ran out, fol lowed by “tho chaplain." Tho moment they woro out Miriam, by daute," said the Captain, bowing. “Ah! you, Senor Cnpitan. Wolcouio ten thousand times. Enter; hero is tho | „ wondorful effort of strength, freed her sonorita, and I doubt not she shares in ftms . tb(m ba8ti i y severing the cords my joy at your visit. . tlmt bouutl Patsy, both rushed instinot- Seuor Valdoy commandanto of the gar- ivoly lo tbo door> tu clus0 and b „ r wbicb risou at Tampa was a tall dark complected , W#H , ho work of a second, man of nearly fifty, with a moorish oast : .... , . , of face, and a lino military bearing, ills daughter Isabella was a brunotto of the most porfoct type, not moro than eighteen | years of age, and her well fitting castillinu Patsy. “I don't know and 1 don't care. I tried to kill him when I returned ; aud failing, I left tho country and cume out to join Morgan. It was ho who made mo a pi- rat o." “Well, ho cun be proud of his job, for you aro a good one.” “I ntn tirod of your levity, Morton. 1 camo to this western world, and for tweu ly years 1 bavo helped lo make a torror the uamo of tho Brethren of tho Coast. Four years ago England sont this Captain Thornton out to punish mo for my trans grossionH, but wo met him two to one, and sank his ship off tho Isle of Pines"— “But tho Captain. What became of him ?” “ Not ono of his men lived to tell tho t do ; though I gave it to tho world I took him prisoner, and after soeiug him waste away till my vengeance was glutted, I shot him with tuy own hand, and all his tuon walkod tho plank to become food for fishes.” “And this young man is tho son of the Captain Thornton referred to ?" “The same.” “And why comes ho hero ?" “To uvougo his father, I suppose. Ho is rich, and has equipped his ship uuder royal ooiumis.»ion.” “Thou, by my fuitli, there is no child's play awaiting us in Tampa liny; ami I know not thut it bo prudent to invoke tho Suints of tho Sea to stir up tho wind," said tho light-hearted Morion. “You did not hoar mo out. I did not kill every porson on board tho ship." “No! 1 am glad to hoar that, though I costumo of warm colors served to heighten her youthful beauty. “Ah welcome, Capitan, my fathor tho Commandanto, and 1 lmvo good news for you,” exclaimed Isabella as sho rose and in both her littlo palms seizod tho Cap tains sun burned baud. “Be seated Cupitau and Isabella will whisporod tho excite 1 Thou, looking around her, sho saw iu a corner of tho cabin u houvy axe, which Phil hail swung in his stalwart hands many a day in clearing tho planta tion. Seizing it, Patsy stationed herself noar tho door, and waited to strike at the first object that attomplod to force an ou- tranoo. Mr. Troup, who up to this time had soemod asleep, now sat up in boil and looked about him liko ono who is trying ixplnin all," said Commandanto Valdoy j to rocall tho past, lie saw Miriam, and | motioning to a soat near his daughter and reaching out hi t arms, he, iu a voieo then turning togivon whisporod order to tremulous with fooling, cried: a servant for wine and fruit. 1 “Miriam, my daughter, whoro am l ?" “You aro burning with anxiety to hear j “Hure, father, safe iu Phil's eubin," mo, Capitan, and I will notkoopyou wait- i 8 aid Miriam, as she laid his head gently ing,” naiil tho Sonorita, turning Iu lior ; baob un tbu p j|| UWi ulld , ms Uiug hunk tlio young gnost after ho had tukmi a neat. ; damp maB ses of Bruy hair, kissed bin “I am indeed Sonorita," ho replied in a j forollca(b tone of deep earnestness. . .. Uu t why alu I not iu our o«u bourn, “Then I shall plunge into tho mid- ... . . . . . . . 1 ° Miriam t ho asked, as ho rubbed hiseyos, dlo of tbo suhjoct. It is not one hour siuoo the Mikasawkoo whom ! I sont by your tv quest to lake Okeechopeo returned, lie wont to tho Bay, where he had often soon tho bountiful wbilo gitl who culls herself Julia, but she ' as if tiyiug to recall tlio past. “Hush, and 1 will toll you after a lit tle," said Miriam, wlimo ultontion was at tracted by tho sot*ud of oxeitod voices without. She whs stronger for tho dan thero ; sho had boon carried ft few days b or before her, i tbo centre fnthor's mind ow that sho saw her dear, and that since I mizzen mast—usolcss t tho water whispers its words of mystery, do tho softest zephyrs of middle spriog to tho blushing flowers on shore. Spain still held Florida, and at tho time if our writing tho tuail-olad warriors of hat now distressed land believed, though do Leon was dead, that in Florida ;hoy could tiud that prophetic fountain of youth—for which so many hoped, and to reach which so many died. Ah, me ! it is only by death wo can roach the eternal fountain of youth; and after all, though tho legend bo forgotten, the motive of the ohivulric Spaniard moves tho people t)f this lator duy. Ou tho great gulf, ut this time, tho buc caneers of Morgan hold sway. He hod K onquored au ornpiro to the south with is outlaws, and on the shores he had os- .ablishod stations for tho refitting of his ihips. Ono of thoso stations was at Tam pa, on Tampa Bay, near whore the town j wihU he could raise tho wind here, M of that numo now stands, though it has ^ OQ •• Ba jj t j 10 armed giant, Cuptaiu Co! changed for the bettor and tho worse since K , lte> 0H looked over tho waters, Low l glowing in tho hot sunshino liko an im It was May, and ono ship, with furled j mon80 ulirror . dls, rode at anchor in Tampa Bay. For 1 4t j f y QU cau « t ra j rf0 t, ko w iud ho can't, that time her hull was a model of naval symmetry, and as she lay, with Lor white thorn being no merchantman in eight- uf beautiful as tho plcturea of there floated, or rather hong, the black angels in tho old ohapele, and elm X akould flag of Morgan's buocaneere. b"’ 0 l;,lkJ hai1 * follow<ld 0,lt From ea. h sido of tho great hull, whoso j tot "bo 'vas portu woro opoii, twenty-four guns pro Was who? “Sho was Mary, tho daughter of Cap tain Thornton, aud tbo sister of this young man." “What! is sho tho white girl you have so- oreted ovt-r on Mikasuwkeo Buy, with tho truded liko tho teeth of a bull dog, and ou deck uourly two hundred men—the desperadoes of every nationality, hold iu subjection by tho iron will of their master and his subordinates—lay about the decks, liko alligators stagnant stream. . Back near tho holm, on tho high cpiarter , “NUist are you going to do with hor? dock, a group of officers woro gathered, ! “Idid not kill hor ut first; for Ithongbt the central figure being Captain Henry , 1 would disgrace hor, but sho hno grown Colgate, Morgan’s second iu command, tho surface of sumo 1 libers of Okocchopoo “Tlio same." and tho most dosporato and vindictive of that band of ocoau robbors, whoso dopro- dations had nearly destroyed tho com merce of tho civilized world. “Morgan is raising a fury in Cuba, i By tho way! you camo bore of your own selection, and, as 1 think, ou a foolish beautiful 1 have determined to tnuko her my wife." “Couldn’t marry the mother for love ; going to marry tho daughtor by force? Well,Captain, that is according to our code, but, if 1 do not mistake, wo will find this young Thornton and his ship, the Julia, ready lo contest your right to enter Tam pa Bay, nud communicate with your frieuds, tho Mtkasuwkocs.” “Morton, thero is no talking with you sensibly. This fellow, Thornton, will bo a fern before tho storm when wo strike him. sails furled liko great wings, she looked j 0Urneyi " Ba ia Lieutenant Morton, afresh ; looking, fuir huirotl )ko a beautiful bird mirrowed in tho lim- 1 wators. At a distance sho appeared liko a modern clipper, or great pleasure yacht, but to the men ou her decks, she the vory perfection of warlike prop- ration. About her, throe rakiog-wusts, carding pikes and cutlasses stood in tho acks, ready for use iu a inomeut, and six pieces, now covered and run back of ft Uule dipper, jfrom the closed ports, were ready to burl g||n grow jng rich of thirty about it Morton?" askod Cuptaiu Colgate, with ft shade of unger iu his swarthy face. “Ob, uothing; I obey orders and only thiuk thut instead of being wuthin twenty miles of Tampa becalmed and in search might bo with Mor- tho dwellings of l ho “I hope ho will bo a sand bank, wo cun scuttor that, but a foru rises invariably uftor a storm." “My figure of speech may bo unfortu nate, but it i-; as good as your sense," said Captain Colgate, risiug and walking for ward. urth death, or echo salute to foe or friend, j dons of Cllbai " Ra j d Morton with a laugh About tho clean and polished dock throe | ,.Q row i„ g r j 0 h is not tbo great objoot o/.oo bearded sailors lay, lazily smoking i ^ j^ a •• heir pipes nud exchanging tho oft told j up baow that Cu P tain. At least 1 I, that never lost their intorost to tho | ievod once. “Wealth is a good thing, but revenge is better. Do you know why I asked Mor gan to permit mo to search and destroy this young fellow ? Walk to who believing them were ever ready peak of deeds equally marvellous tiud rue in their own experience. Two meu, nriucd with muskets, paced the quarter deck and forecastle as guards, though, at that moment, the shores of the boy und the distant gulf boro nothing indicative hostility. While this was tho case, the waters at some distance from tho ship warmed with canoes. Tbo fishers had come over with their frail crafts from Okeeohopee, aud they plied their vocation | 00u , d ’ g0] tbey filu “ ppud aud *,t d with joyous ahoute in tho wators that -Morton, you are au Engliihinau, teemed then, as now, with the finest fish tbe CaptuiD> i u „| cin „ iatu bjs coml , al the world. frank face. Tho snu was nearly down, and tho black flag that all day had hung so lazily tu tho mast now streamed out, aud tho mir rored surface of the mighty water wus broken up by tlio rising breeze. Captuiu Colgate soeiug tho chango gave his orders, and at once tho reclining fig ures leaped to their feet, au 1 tho Hills w *ro dropped and li d -d, and tho Hercules was headed under full suil for Tampa Bay. CHAPTER III. tiki: a lakh. Captain Thornton guided the oittor to before to tho Bacred Island, of thu great lake, whero sho is under tho ! 11,0 ui « bt uf tho a ‘° Uo ha ' 1 ba<! “ oaro of hor guardian, tho old priestess of 1 aH ouo bl a droum - whom I spoke. Hut sho is well and When Wilson nntf lis friends ran out, j strong, nud I was going to say, happy ; I”""* fr ""‘ fear - a "' 1 l' art| y w ‘"' tho i,lw ' hut a prisoner eat. never he lmppy. He | of nald ""K ' ba ll ‘ rin K 3UI ’'“ " bu ,lul * i told mo moro-that the white man, Col-; sUo " n “ Hcl * unpsmlloled boldness, they | gate, who gave tho girl tu tho oaro of Ibc fu,lml ,llal °“ rlo “ b “' J »' 11 * 1 » fr -’«’ priostoss, sent a messenger some days ! r «“- a, ' d “•«)• h " ald ">» ••latter of hoofs siuco, saying tho lime had expired, am! * oall8r ' 1,11 “ diod ,l " w " '>'<■ ; ho was coming tu claim tho beautiful I rlver - F rom the cmnp of Oskols, how. ; white girl, Julia, for his wife. ! ov “ r - w ' ith >noi"o"l-tily inoroasiog vio- Captaiu Thornton grovy ashy pale ; and j loU1 ' 6 . ll “ !r0 1311110 S' 01 ' 3 uf la M". 111111 lll ° ! noticing it, Isabella Valdoy continued : Moi,od warriors fired wildly inn. the ; “The majority of tho Indians nr, Jarkuoss, ur ran, arms iu lend, in tlio di- j friendly to mo and my father, aud I doubt t 1(101 lun Larlos had taken, in tin, vain li ipo , nut wo can lay otrr plans to have them | of retaking him curry hor off uml bring hor to hor brother, llemombor, Capitan, wo Spaniards lmto tho buccaneers us much as you do.” “You havo not tho reason, Houoiitu, thut I have," said tho Captuiu with com proKsod lips. “No iny fathor is not dead at their hands as is yours, but they would treat him iu tho same way had they a chance. “I want to boo this Indian, thal ho may toll mo all," said Captain Thornton, Oxkoln himself, brandishing a torch, camo running towards where lho white | man stood, and seeing Wilson, lie ■ shoutnd: “The spirits aro against us! They huv« loosed this Hoont, and ho has gone from vuncing with tho speed of tho wind, and all my scouts arc back." “This girl will not oomootit." “Bring bor out. “Seo, ono of my men bus boon killed trying it," said Wilson, pointing to whoro “tho chaplain" lay. “Thou loavo without her." “I would rather soo her cloud. “Thou tiro tho bouse.'' Wilson, in his desperation, ngain op- pronchod the cabin nud called out: “Como out, Miriam Troup, or I will tiro the cabin over your heud, nud buru every soul of you!" “Then tiro the cabin!" camo back Miriam's clear and uuoqnivocnl response. Dosporato and wild, llcrdiok Wilson, un ler a protest from Black Ned, ftt once carried out bis threat, and iu thu time it takes to write if a lighted torch fl irod up on the roof of tho cabin, nml commu nicating with the di v* clap boards, it spread with wonderful rapidity. “Coiuo out!" cried Wilson again ; but Ibis time tboro was no reply. “Wo must loavo nt once!" cried a ! scout, dashing into the group with thu blood streaming from hin face. “1 won't loavo till tlio house is burned! If 1 euunot havo Imr, no other inun shall! ’ shouted Wilson. “Thou wo leave ulouo." Oskols had sonreoly spoken, wliou in a circle about them a chorus of tlerco shouts rouo, and unheraldod tho wuniors of Salvador Colorado dashed iu. Up from thu river came again tho gal loping of hoofs, and before Wilson could turn to tly a band of horsemen dashed up, and Wilson, felled by a blow, saw three mou leaping through tho lire and then emerging, L mi \ Maoon bearing in hrn arms Miriam, Captain Mason carrying out tho old man, and B illy bringing up thu rear, with Daisy clinging to him. The fight wus fiorco and short, ami Os- kola having fallen, his people broke nud sought suioty in tbo darkness. But ouo hour ago und scores uf men woro roady to follow ilerdiek Wilson, now lie lay bleeding ou the ground alone, for Black Ned had gone with tlio liidims. In tlio light of the burning cabin s startling tableau was speuddy enacted. “I havo caught you at last," said Ma son, looking at Ilerdiek Wilson, who had crawled to his knees. “Caught me! 1 never saw you hoforo you come here," answered tbo (rumbling wretch. Old Mr. Troup, with an intouso cxpios- skill, looked up at tho Captain. “Herdiek Wilson, you remember the Lawyers. •JOSEPH f. rou, Attorney at Law, l’raoii.c* in all Hi*t« uml Ftxlenil Court*. Offlt't) over atero of W, II. ILibartH ,t SAMUEL It. HATCH Fit, Attorney ut Law. J*- 1 * Wilt loll A K Iliac J. M. McNEILL, Attorney anil Coumiellur at Law. Practice* ill court* ..! G.-urau uml Alabaiim. INHKAM A CHAWf'OIIDM, Attorneys nt Law, Will pru.’tlrH iu tho State ami Koilcrul Court* of llljfcvi A Ci lllee < lull' St*. e, norllnvoHt jaS A. A. HO/,1 Fit, Attorney utitl CmiiiNOllor ut Luw, Practice* in Slute uml Pcilonil Court* in llforgia Mark II. llL*Ni>roRii. Loots K. Garrard. IILANHFOKH A HAKKAKIJ, Att«»ru«>yn autl touiiNollorN at Law. Office No. U7 Ur<iM<l Hln-iS, mi'r Will • ii A Kin- .1 as. M. Rumsru. Cm as. .1. Swot. IIt .NSFLL A SWIM, Atluriuytuiiiil Comwellor* !,.«)»•. Will jirnctko tlio L'mirl* • uml Alulmiuu. GUI.. < IIkiikI alioi'l, Coluiiilui L. T. HO WAIN (■, Attorney autl Noll«*ltor. Uuiikruptc;. OIIIld )J ovi i llroikn’ Is ii . sloe-, l ill urn I hi*, 1 PFAIIOHY A lilt A\NON, A t u * Murk, Rue. It. J. MOSIN, Attorney and t onnaellor at Law, molrIn Holin' Iii-iiiunco Cuiiniuli) I iiiMiim, hi-i «.-t7 IjrJ on I M..ij. ( IIAN. II. WII.LIAMN, Allorney at Lnw, t'oluinbiin, <*a. M III |irm tn i< in uny Court Olhc nvtti A«•••«* Jt MiirlniUi'H ntoio ; .<•>» IS ervant ontorod with tho camp of tho red man's horse!" “What, on my liti half fruiitic Wilson. “Yos, on your hor ho carried your arms with him To sny Wilson uttered “a tho white yours il took you how bis fathor. I claiim-d, robbed h you killed his son his heart and then tried h lo rob Frank Troup ; pay tho money you ir.olf, and how, at 1 isl, drove \ our knifo into A liii i Hi" Offlu- • • |ti>*iili<ii Druggists. the styr ol I i Id- ’ll is a lie," I I doubt not A lie! L igliLfid a silver tray containing wino and spark- oath," ns novolisls put it when describing ling goblctw. ; such sccnos, would convey hut a mild idea “Do not hurry, Captain, ! will send for of tho villain’s profanity. Hu might tho Indian messenger, but first join me iu huva gono on, but Osltola hr-uighl 1»«h a glass of wine,” said Commandanto \ al* rage to a sudden stop, dey, motioning to tho servant. j “Tho white man m >y talk Captain Thornton sut down, and joined t„ slaves, but ho must uol dan his host, and whilo engaged in convoisa- hi H w „rds for run or my pcoplo, tion, the short twilight of tho tropics pass- | J001 , i,l to him too Ion d they found thomsolvos in dark- pay | 10 promised hus been slow while wo starving a promise, and Ionvo. Wilson - cooling dc i rM my “No I do not," soid Lieutenant Morton a white bench on tbo northern curve of frankly. “Then I will toll side." The two men left tho group of subordi uate officers that stood uuinterested ab juI them, and walking as far avtern as the Tampa lli\; and tho buuutiful craft, urged by tho stalwurt rowers, boomed to leap from tho water at each impulse of their oars. A large crowd of Iudiuus wns gath ered on tho shore, aud whun tho head of tho cutter gruted on tho white gravel und Thornton leaped ou*, and tolling his men 1 to rumain in tho boat, ho started in tho s direction of a garrison-liko structure that rose from au acclivity a few hundred yards ness. A light was brought and with it camo tho Mikattwkeu Indian whom Cap tain Thornton wished to soo. Tho Captain wa-T - about lo speak through tho interpretation of Isabella, when ho was stopped by' the unexpected nppoarancoof a heartless Spanish soldier “Capitan ! Capitan ! your ship is signall ing, and a largo ship, a buccaneer is com ing up tho buy. Hurriedly excusing himself, Captain r Thornton lint in band, rushed out, und hurrying across tho plaza be rushed I through tho gate aud iu tho direction of “I hero tho shore. ibc in. As ho ran ho saw tho darkness rut by “Wilson tho signal rockets from his own ship, uml hut I tell y ho heard tbosbou'ing of his men. He Colorado t reached the shore, but tho boat was not there. Ho shouted for his mon, but no response camo. A crowd of^Indians were uboul biin, and their voices rose in mur muring threats ; but ho hooded not this at tho mom out. “Have you Been tho boat- has the oiow loft ?" ho demanded of un Indian. “I know nothing," was tho reply. At this moment he hoard the rattle of ropes iyid tlm flapping of loosened sails. A few seconds of silence and thou a gun boomed from tho hucaneor ship, and a broadside from the Julia rang out iu re ply. | TO RE < ONTINUKD. J n this way to iniuLd We b iv, , ami I lie I , front Mason'.- I all the beau j stood reveab I Miriam eli knelt to liis: I seemed 111 In i ml failing, attempted tu d tins night her own. cried Wilson, risiug. at me, Herdiek Wilson ! Il isll the hhiek beard, and heavy tnoustaoho to) face, uml 1'iiink* Troup, ii v of b's Venn •* uionho »d I bo ( . It. I'ALJI Lll, Lie* Gn - iI.hh Shove Vi «w- I'hyno IT* HI Ill'll , wb'le Wil- id flier fell • deid. have bad plenty of d mger, id fighting, which lie did not Now 1 w 'I gather my peoglo “1 escaped b; my life, fatbi-r. you out l»'l I b refm iiiing ■ ,t to seek I repaying A. 91. UK AN NON, Mliolesule iui«| Itrtiill Heot«-i he had ma<b- a mi -take, suddenly, lie said : “I have been angiy ; tlm tdmd n forgive mo, und I promise Oikolu to doom every pledge h< foro six moro s Urug^ n»)J MeilJriur», Toilet Artletew hikI I'erfniiiery. Cotton Factories. ,t Stu bo brnfoii, ami COI.I M 1(1 s MINI I t( Il KING », hlil, liii;;*, uml .Sewing anil K lulling 'I lueiitl. ' ha while it is y,d ib'-k S Colorado and b’s braves will h* ground. Wo aro not strong on, risk fighting him, and (Iron he hie of white rifloH with h in." “You th'ok, then, we ought loavo ?" “1 do." id Inis j ugh I.) ! lunge iu tl.< •mis Macon, el yen-, i fl. lr. 'I roup foi grew strong, hll’ l)g Motile- j.iM 1 IIII.IOv Troltp (.< tiled. s you can got ready, and The guards ou board tho Julia yawned “Yos, and all my family since before back from tho water. i they walked their posts, und the uui^ conqueror." Tho Iudiuus looked with undisguised terost they manifested wus in glancing “All right, but you aro tho only Lug- admiration ou tho handsome young offi- i»t along blue cutter that floated with linbrnan I ever met that I did not hate." ! cor, and oponod thoir runks with graceful ! 0 f Sumatra. Tlmv ears ready close by, or ,in watching the “Surry for your tasto, but go ahuud gestures to lot him passthrough. Doffing , hammodaus.* Tho oupital ompanion way that led to the Captain's Captain." his volvot cup, Edward Thornton, with eighty-six hundred h - - ... thousand inhabitants. Inlormutioii About Acliccn. Tbo Gorniau periodical In Ai:uan Juir/i gives some intcje.itmg information about Achcon. This country foriuHlheuorth- wostorn portion of Sumatra, and covets nti area of about, ight hundred geograph ical ini'es, and h belonging to tl Acheenoao are lull, vrungly built, and of a violent un.1 haughty temperament, though thoy are mu ;h in »re inU llig ut aud skillful than most of the other inhab- uostly Mo- has about 1 thirty-six The country geu- | “Just a the sooner tho si r or." “Will you stay with in “If you leave at once. J “Then I wdl leave," Wilson gave Lrs own f.tructiuiiH, und, ue-:ouq chaplain," he walked bn tho littlo log cabin, in wl of light had been extinguishud. “Opeu tho door," ho demumled, aftei ho hud uiado ou iuoffectual effort to pus! it iu with his hand. llo listened, but no reply eauiu. Open, 1 say, or I wili br | people It is bo • happy >itod out that minkod tho plat *h moi,i;i HAM Ltm < o, MnllllfAr|IIH-l* of Hll KKfl NILS HlltllTINGH YARN liOl'K A,-. COM Mill H. G A W. A .'Will,;-., Watchmakers. J. G. i'll A L.1I EJt.N, IIoiino «'nr|»oiitcr ami ltiiilder. JobLiiig <Iuin- nt short notic-. I’llUl* 1*11*1 -i t bnililitiK* eot.noxt toO. W. j.i!) , Os Confcctionors. 1. G. STKUPPICK, (!nn«ly NIunufftctuier I by ‘-tbo j U'”' nmiodly to j mil ion inhabitants yominoles are uom'ng up the river. They will ho hero iu P’i hor r , rod thru you e»c by no •-pt j" i mg l.««l) Tobacco, CiKars, &c. gono. “Better the Souiinolos that you," came front thu cabin <. i.ori.z, - ill 1*11,1 IflllilltlH'tl a nils bkt Miriutu, “.She's yer wife now, Wilst luuku hor ohvy mo from j respect 1 nily. ulm l:i;;h» I Foppt k Mu -pt >• pi, Htiuii like nts nud nhk ,1 who id do- cabie. Four in lb. afternoon, end .he -I am tvven.y year, older (hen you," light ,.|«iok s.epn, walked in the direction or , |ly iM but exceed,u« for- „ th , cbai ,,,„- wUo c , uw . waters eeemed tired out even by the qc- continued Colgate, us if ignoring his of tho sr P iar,., bhiuk-wallod building, tl j ( , Fopiier, eofi'w., rotton, tohneo.i end 1 ’ ■ion of the tides, that flow like the greet couipa niou’s remark. ; reaching which an armed gu.rd raised his 1 vogotables grow freely nn ! produeo ubuo- Irteries of mother earth. The gentle Morton looked ioto the Captain's face, flint-lock in salute, and then opened tho dent cropi;. t.old n> l j.r.,,-i.^uMoms freeze of the morning bad even gone tu au d the smile on his own hardened as ho massive oak-n d ,ors to permit the young ” uVjli*,rt"o. ."i under «,ui,- lieep, and tho long red pensnt hung | 0p lisd. Cap.aiu to outer. Ihu open doors discov- (,, r , the climuto very u .t'.-mt- , ai.,1 the angaid from the mainmast. The air was "Well, yes; ou impartial observer cred a s.piuro plaza anrroundod by flow- boa t seldom rites above a-l lieaamur, aden with the odor of the flowers on wonld say you had tho advantage of mo by era, and from tho centre of whioh » foun-; though there is_i, , frost— ihore, and the laden bees flying over at least twenty years." tain of the elooroat water tossed its liquid he ship homeward, seemed by their slog- "I wa s bora in Wales, and Edward jewels into tho snulight, and fell in o Thornton, tho fathor of this same Edward misty sprsy on tho dark green orsugo end who Is now seeking me, was a cousin of lime trees, making more resplendent thoir mino, and born in the same town — hardens of golden fruits. “ Yes; I am listening. 1 The gate swung to behind the Captain, -• erossod n.6' Do vou know what and walking into tho garden, whero be cestors havo p&sHud into these animals. Ho crossed me. Ho you ha d been several times of late, he saw the Among lh» allies „f ,ho are the then puffing out 1... pistols, he tired doors aud windows llrwor ladon Bnrronnd- tdtTwfl'aml'lemou"] i jug the encloHuro, un«l native servants aud them when thoy go to war, ho ui w »» .. j Spanish soldiers, in picturesque ooctames able to regale tbem«olv«fl on tho tlonh of , _ .. . ( dering agenoios to ho osUblitbod for thei/ I and gay uniforms, walking to and fro. tUetr dead enemies. h drones to bo ready to fall on deck, ^ their proverbial industry wore beiug uone under on order they had decided to Revolt against. Four o’clock and the mon lounging on deck and the guards walking W their posts, turned, attracted by a quick firm step and the clanging of a Bword against tho railing of the compan ion way. ^ii oy©8 with ft softened expression,that it is to be crossed ?” “I can t say I do.” “ Did you ever love a woman ? “ Ever love a woman ?" “Yes. tor's ai 1 by putting I •* Hhonld-r to ti<« door. A ftf-r uuoth-r I utile uttompt ihov procuiod a log, ami iMing it ns a bailor ing rain, Lb-y soon huc-.m deU iu lurc. ij, in the door. Elated at llo*, “tho chap lain ran iu. Ho had hu-dly plac-d 1 is 1 the Hummits of mountains twelve thou- foot within the threshold when, in ihu in- sand foot high. Tho air is healthy in the 1 (bl)lltlcl b( , bl| ba „„ w a gina,,, hoturc hi mountain distrols, but not in tire plains , or on the coast. ebonml! with •»«"- He gave an agon--.ud cry of p. in, wild animals ; t aero are elephants, tigers, but it was too lute to rctrout from the buffaloes, rhinoceroses aud orang-outangs, terrible axo that descended on his head The lattor are never killed by the natives. w (t b „ crash. Wilauu, seeing tho fate of l »:zr hi. companion, sprang back <h alarm; —Veurzuolan journa s of tho 2Jfd ult. Contain a proclamation of President Blau- J ’““ WUh OokoU a. this moment nemo up and flHhfS, i -idcs, otc. Kij'ht About 1 thut you frcqueiil vote yours-li to your own Iioiiso. Advance Arms- To your wife when out walking together, and don't lot hor walk three or four yards behind you. Btouk Off lToyi'u; billiards, betting fitt'l Htayiog out Inio ui n/ghf, if you with Lo have a happy homo. JOHN HFIIVI'FFV. »••;% |«*r I ii Hu^h, II Itn-M, u%, i-1«-. uml ull Limi t Of JuiiL. C /rf.vcu Until .e asu OfumoKn .* i * #*;•» ColiunDu*. <Jh. Crocors. HAN’I. It. Itl/.i:, wildly into tho cabin. to be ‘Wo must hurry ofl ; tho enemy is ud- I information. J. II. HAMILTON, W liolcnttlo uml llolnil Urooer, .luiKti..ii of tnroklm, Worreu k Ogli-tkoi(.H i _No iliarge fur diey.a^o. All liindn of Conf.Mitionery ami Emil*, Stick L'untJy 1H emitn. Nu oliarKo for Loxio. j-1 Livery and Sale Stables. it.nii it; ruuiii-sox, Livery, Snl« nud Lu’liniitfo Nlablon, Culctiiorpc, North of Randolph Sr.*., ilW) ColunibiiH, Uu. A. ClAMHEh. LI vory nud Nnlo Ntnblca, Oolrtiiorpe St., Columrus, (t t. • i niv. u lo F-fding and Snlo I'lUtirulill- atl-‘liti I . I >f Hturk. tlonoa and Mill a bo r«I< i in liable* by th j Hotels. FLA M l .Us’ 11UTEL, lo C'oliiiiilms liuuk I’.ullilliiK. Boarding Houses. J III. JJO.HJ. ifOI NU, N-*. l-.-i IJto.i t on. i,i. Inn 1.1*. On,, by MRS. MAY MAN. Restaurants. II V It It IS G»l\n It I'.ST A l.' It A NT, No. 32 llroiul Ntroel. Tl.o l» t of F..i• i 11 und Uom - li' Ft i«: : t und Tin and Coppersmiths. Worker iu Tin, Sheri Iron, Copper* Order* linill |>: uiiiptly Htt-Ti l I 111. Ju7 N-i. 171. in i.'-l ^ tro I. Fresli iMeats. .1. W. I'ATIU Stulls No. 'fi anil 18, IM.• I n-nil Mi'iit* <>f < v- i v l vv. c. Toi*m:iiT, Fr«‘Hlk .tlciils of nil kinds. Kit *li Huiimii: • M* .it - . • i; . Mattross-rviaking, otc. Cun and Locksmiths. ; ii t.i Wll.LIASI HCIlOlltU, Dress-hlaking. Focti Sto.e. Barber Shops. i.niitaiv Boot anil ... >. LAW V. i. W. A. a- t'dicy, Jk ttoir. IV OUSSETA.IMmi . ifij ««'Si<oi-tul aiu . lioctlon*. HINES 1 k;R, AUorm-.y nA.nn i. . v., W":I; DOCTCNS. Dr. s. .i. ■ irsm Dr. John H, Carr: CIlin.lKOX AMI 1-11V- 10 n -■-a , 111 ,1 . i: CHATTERBOX FOR FOR SALE BY dei'flj J. W. PEASt' 4 NORMAN. • « 4