The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 18, 1874, Image 1
,M«uiatig3^.j4^aMi^-..jtres^f.ngg~aCM hhhd Columbus .AJSTID JDJLUXSIT VOL. XYI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY terms OP Til K DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY BWQUmllB. ALFRED R. CALHOUN, proprietor. Twelve mouths, in advance $8 00 Six mouths, “ * 00 Three months, “ 2 00 Ouo month, 44 75c. (V,;ekly Enquirer, one year 2 00 Sunday Enquirer, one year 2 50 Sunday and Weekly Enquirer to- gother, ouo year 3 00 Advertising Hales. ?-|Uar*. 1 Week, Daily, *> jj |JjJ ‘ .. •• 20 00 .. “ ’ ’.* .*. . . . 25 00 l l„. uLovo is with tlio privllego of a chango , >. rv throo months. For yearly cards a liberal dis- , mnt wfll be made. Tlie Weekly ratoa will Invariably be oue-third ..rtho Daily. Wli n an advertisement 1s changed more than »,n • in three months the advertiser will bo elmrg- ,,l with the cost of composition. Foreign advor- tinors must pav as do those at home. GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. lleqiiironicnt* of a I.egialutor- Many Kill* I’assod-UiH'stlon or Ad journment. staying hero to cousiJer privuto bills, which, if they pass, will come up next session to bo repealed or amended. Why should not private bills be as carefully prepared as public oues ? The Legisla ture is not a city council. FREQUENT SITTINGS. House held three sessions to-day ; Sen ate two. Muscogee. ALABAMA NEWS. —Mobile has live oue-armed polico- men. —Gen. E. W. Martin, of Conecuh county, is proposed as the Democratic nominee for Governor. —The annual convention of the State Medical Association of Alabama, will meet in Selma on the second Monday in April. —An ordinance is pending iu the City Council of Selma for the issue of cortiti- cates or change bills to pass as currency ; amount $25,0U0, denominations 10 to 50 cents. —Several of the journals of Alabama are urging a “compromise”of the debt of the State with her creditors. This moans a scaling of the debt, on the plan adopted in North Carolina and Louisiana. —Cullman, on the South aud North railroad, is one of the rising railroad towns in Alabama. It now contains about throo hundred families, the majority of whom are Germans, and business is fast extending. —Tho State University of Alabama is reported to be still iu a very languishing condition. The waut of popular confi dence iu its management is shown in tho small number of its students, the attend ance not being large enough to compen sate for tho keeping up of tho establish ment. —jTho Birmingham 1 on Age makes tho following statement of distances on tho line of the Alabama and Chattanooga ltailroad : From Meridian to Chattanooga 2.‘>.i miles; from Meridian to Birmingham 151) miles; from Birmingham to Chatta nooga 14.1 miles; from Tuscaloosa to Birmingham 55 milos. —The State Grange of Alabama pays its Deputies as follows : All the money up to twenty charter members is retained by tho Deputy, except $15 to be sent by him to tho National Grange, aud $5 to be sent to tho State Grange. Tho amount received from the number of members between twenty anil thirty is equally di vided between tho Deputy and tho Grange organized. Not more than thirty nor less than thirteen con bo received as charter members. WASHINGTON. VI'.OItUIA NEWS. —Conyers, according to tho Kva miner, has enjoyed considerable prosperity re cently, fifteen brick business houses and a Masonic hall having been erected. —Tho Albany JVeics learns that all of tho saw mills on the Brunswick and Al bany ltnilrond have resumed work, having as many orders for lumber as they can fill. —The Griffin Star reports u scene in tho Suporior Court of Spalding county. Motions to distribute money being iu order, a contest between lawyers for tho ear of the Court commenced, and was carried on so pertinaciously that the Judge fined lirst one and thou another of the at torneys ton dollars each, until, not fancy ing a distribution from that source, they quieted down. —A correspondent of tho Augusta Chronicle tfc Sentinel calls attention to a recent decision in Bibb Superior Court, in a case in which a guest of tho Brown IIouro sued tho establishment for the loss of a watch while ho was boarding there. Tho court decided that tho hotel was lia ble, notwithstanding tho fact (hat it had placards all over tho building to fho effect that tho house would not bo responsible for the loss of rnoiioy or other valuables unless placed iu the hands of tho clerk for safe keeping. LESSON FOR BULLIES. ix Pay' Stutcm A .Montgomery F<1 it or T lira* lie* of Them. sjiCCIhI Correspondence Enquirer uml Sun.J Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 10, 1874. It seems to l>o tho test of a good legis lator, at tho present session, to be to insert some comma or change n sentence in tho Code, expound some gramalicul discovery, introduce a dozen or more bills regarding cross roads groceries, and play a capital game of poker. Wo have too many members, and the grade of intellect is too low. Besides, there are too many gas bags. If the nurnbor was lessened tho result would be better legislation. The ability lo have a number of individ uals invited to seats on the floor is anoth er prerequisite to sound an able legisla tor. Senate. Dr. Mathews introduced a resolution to appoint a joint committee to get informa tion from tho Governor as to the claims of It. K. Hines, C. Anderson aud A. Hood for legal services rendored tho Stato in tho case of tho Brunswick aud Albany ltailroad. Adopted, aud Messrs. Mathews aud Jervis wero appointed on the part of tho Senate. The House concurred in the resolution and increased the committee to live, to which the Senate agreed. After being extensively discussed, the bill abolishing tho present school law, and providing for u general systom of education, was referred to a special com mittee of live, with instructions to report to-morrow. The bill to authorize the Governor to lease or farm out the convicts in the Penitentiary for ton years or less passed. In the afternoon session IIcuso bills wore read first, and Senate bills second time. House. Tho House refused to repeal tho Usury laws, or oveu to reconsider the subjett, by 75 to 7l) votos. liight! This kills that measure ! The following bills were lost : To re quire dealers iu fertilizers to furnish printed analyses, and mako it a misde meanor for an article not to be equal to tho said analyses ; to provide for the an nual collection of agricultural statistics, aud compensate tax receivers aud collec tors for tho same ; to prevent fraud in the sale of fertilizers ; to allow money to m&imod soldiers in lieu of artificial limbs; to amend section 1455 of the Code, mak ing it applicable to Muscogee nnd othor counties ; to adjourn, nine (lie, on tho 21st. Bills wore lost or tabled : To regulate the return uml payment of taxes on wild lauds ; to create the office of State Geol ogist. Bills wero passed: To piescribo tho manner of taking certain criminul cases to tho Supremo Court. [It provides for a trial at tho lirst term of tho Supreme Court thereafter, the cases of pew-^rs who shall file their bill of exceptions, but who are unable to give bail.J The bill to let or louse penitentiary con victs. [Giving power to tho Governor to farm out for ten years or less.] To fix tho fee for inspecting fertilizers at Savannah ut tiftecn cents per ton. To amend tho act to create a County Court in each county of tho State, except ing cortain counties. lo rogulato railroad charges on local freights. [It allows ten per cent, addi tional for handling local freights, charges to be pro rata as on through freights, with the additional percentage uamod. j To croate u Board of Commissioners for Chattahoochee county. To givo tho Atlanta University (colored; $8,000 in lieu of its portion of the agri cultural land scrip. Passed by yeas 12'J, Days 2. Bill to authorize the Ordinary of Chat- had in tow, on tho night of tho 11th inst tahoochee county to discharge the duties off Charleston. Tho weather was thick °f Superior Court Clerk was recommitted, at the time, and tho sea ruuniug heavy. Bill to reduce tho homestead was The Du t itor had not arrived ut Savan- tabled; and so was one to repeal all aid uah on the night of the 15th iubt. Cum- to railroads. i mander Braiue suggests that she may Both Seuuto and House agreed in Sen- j have gone ou to Key West, but it is Rte resolutions to investigate tl^p claims thought ut tho Nuvy Department that sho of Boatman, Johnson «fc Co. ! has more likely been drifted off shore, continuing the session. j aud is waiting better weather to put into The talk is still of continuing the ses-1 port. The Dictator is k Nion ton dft)R, but 1 know that mauy j sea boat, and one of the best of her class 1 northeast cox <• it r.ssiox a i.. llOIIMO. Washington, February 17.—Tho House is considering tho reports from tho Mili tary Committee of tho Senate. Five hundred dollars wore appropriated for a special clerk to copy the Buell Court of Equity documents. A bill establishing a military prison nt ltock Island was passed. The Wilshire and Gunter contest frern Arkansas occupied the balance of the day. Wilshire was seated on prima facie evi dence. A motion was made to reconsider, aud it was tabled. A motion to make the action final pro voked dilatory motions. After much filibustering, the House ad journed without final action. Mrunte Fenton presented a petition in favor and urged the passage of his bill to re form abuses in the customs revenue sorvice. Washington, February 17.—Leading bunkers nnd business men memorialize for a speedy return to specie payments nnd against an increase of the currency. Senator Gordon introduced a bill to repeal nil laws which deprived tho children of old soldiers of tho South of pensions because of participation in tho rebellion. It makes it tho duty of tho Socrotary of t'.o Interior to restore to tho pension rolls tho names of all who were dropped from tho rolls during tho war, and to all their rights under the pension laws. Bills wore passed relieving McMullen, of Teebc District, La.; detailing aboard of medical officers of tho army to inquire about cholera. Equalization of the cur rency occupied tho balance of the day. No action. Wunliliigioia Item*. Chief Justice Waite visited tho Presi dent to-day. No nominations or confirmations. Col. B. W. Frobol, of Georgia, deliver ed an argument in favor of water trans portation before tho Committee of tho House ou Bail ways and Cannls to-day, which tho committee unanimously order ed printed. Whitehead, of Virginia, Thomas, of Iowa, nnd Boll, of Georgia, wero present. Full Cabinet. The Gettysburg left for Pensacola, whence sho will take tho Iuterocoanic Commissioners to Aspiuwall. A change has been made in tho assign ment of officers on tho Howard Court of Inquiry, Col. J. J. lteyuolds, of the .‘Id Cavalry, faking tho placo of Gen. llolt. SOUfifCAROHNA. Spociul to the Enquirer uml Sun. Montgomery, Ala., Feb 17.—A das tardly attempt was made to-day by two bullies, named McDonald and Browne, to assassinate Mr. W. II. Moore, city editor of the Morning JVeics. Mr. Moore turned upon the villaiuH, nnd by well-directed blows drove them from tho room. They uro now under arrest. Mohawk. We have looked over tho Xeicx of yes terday, aud can find nothing relating to those men savo a short paragraph, which may have been the cause of the attuok by tho armed pair upon uu unarmed edi tor. Moore has given them a very proper Iobhou. This U the extract : McDonald suys a man ought to liavo oight wives, so that he could lake them four hotter aud four worse. DEATH OF COTTON JONES. Special to Sun and Enquiuuii. Atlanta, Ga , Feb. 17, 1871. John Jones, known nil over Georgia as Cotton Jones, was killed iu Atlanta to day by tlm ruuniug away of his horse, lie was nn extensive cotton planter be fore tho war, when ho was given his soubriquet. MuscobEE. FEARS Allot T A MONITOR. Washington, Feb. 17.—The Secretary of the Navy to-day received a telegram from Commander Braine, commanding the U. S. steamer Juniata, dated Savan nah, saying that ho parted company with ‘rn* Convention—Forcible cut of tlie Situation — Appeal to Congress. Columbia, S. C., February 17.—The Tax Payors’ Convention met at noon. Nearly two hundred delegates are present. In his opening address, President Porter said that tho bad faith of tho State Gov ernment and public corruption and ex- travaganco made a reassembling of tho Convention necessary. Tho tnx payers are in despair ; they have no civil free dom, but are tlio subject of a plain and naked despotism. Tho preponderance of political power is in the bauds of non tax payors, who refuse tho tnx payers u fuir representation for tho protection of their proprietary interest, roprepreseut iug $170,000,000 of property, which is taxed ad libitum, without its cousont, by those who boar no burden, nnd enjoy the spoliation. Gov. Porter showed by facts and fig ure,that while the taxable property hud de clined from $500,000,000 lo $170,000^000, the taxeH line! risen from $400,000 to over $2,500,000. The people are virtually re quired to pay twenty times ns much ns beforo tho war. Tho bonded dobt is tre bled; the amount of floating dobt is unknown ; iho Legislative expenses have risen from $10,000 to $800,000, and the public printing from $5,000 to $380,000. lie suggested that the Convention should encourage immigration, organize the tax payers in every county, and memorialize Congress lor a redress of tho grievances by resolute words and acts. Tho Federal Government can do much to improve our condition, for tho Government is tho only power the wrong doors fear. Bancroft, the historian, had said that South Carolina founded tho Union under tho load of Gadsden and Kutlodgo and Lyiuh. She was tho first to answer tlie call of Massachusetts in 1705. Without her, n j American Congress would have been Lol 1. One thing the American peo ple may he disposed to remember against South Carolina, but there are many things they cannot afford to forget. Lot us ap peal to the Amotican p ople, aud if they have nature iu them they will heed and hear tho rail. Tho address was received with much applause, especially tho reference to im migration aud the part played by South | Carolina in tho war of independence. DoBolutions wero adopted for tho ap pointment of a standing committee, and THE FIRE FIEND. HEAVY LOSSES IX X. Y. STATE. New York, Fob. 17.—The Combination Rubber Company nnd C. E. Becker, win dow shades, have been burned in New York. Loss $250,000. A largo fire is raging at Sing Sing. Two blocks, including Olivo Hall, nro burned, aud another block was burning at noon. Engines had been sent for to Peekskill nnd Yonkers. Assistance at noon was going in all di rections to tho Sing Sing lire. The Sing Sing tiro wus got under con trol after destroying twenty-six places of business, principally on Main, Spring and Leonard stroets, and Central avenue. Most of tho buildings wero built of wood. Olivo Ilall was a new brick structure, four stories high. Tho lire originated from a heater iu Olivo Hall. Loss $125,000. FOREIG N~I NT ELL l (IENCE. Cl!II A. Havana, Fob. 17.—Seuor Mora, Chief Surgeon of tho army and President of a Bepublican Club, lnu been sent to Spain by order of tho Captain General. EXUI.AXR. London, Fob. 17.—Tho Ministry bus resolved to resign. Gladstouo has gone to Windsor. Tho House of Couimous now stands: 340 Conservatives, and 300 Liberals and lliypo Uulers. Tho journals generally approve tho de termination of the Gladstone Govern ment to resign. Tho Times says only ono member opposes tho decision. Tho Now York Herald's London special says Gladstouo will advise tho q>uoon lo send for Disraeli. Important Discovery. London, Feb. 17.—Dr. Belie, nn Eng lish traveler, reports flint ho has discov- d the truo Mount Sinai. It is situated a day’s journey north-eust of tho villago of Akabfl, Arabia, nt an altitude of 5,000 feot above tho level of the Ron. Dr. Belie says ho found remains of animals that bnd been sacrificed, lie also discov ered Siunitic inscriptions, which ho copied. King DcimI. Washington, Feb. 17.—The Slate De partment bus advices of tlio death of Lunalibo, King of tho Sandwich Islands, on tho 3d inst. T E LEGR A I* 111C X Oi ES. —A boiler explosion at Catornn Fur nace, near Baltimore, killed three negroes. —Twelvo illicit stills havo boon destroy ed in East Tennessee, and ton persons ar rested. —Tho Philadelphia election at noon yesterday was very quiet. Tho voto will bo largo. Coutost regarded close. —John C. Johnston, night watchman in Hoboken, who was assaulted by a mob Sunday night for shooting David Bowie, is dead. —Tho trotting stallion Joe Brown won tho race on the ico at Ticouderoga, N. Y., yesterday, in throo straight boats, making the remarkable time of 2:27, 2:18;,', nnd 2:21. —Gov. Kemper, of Virginia, has par doned Pago MoUartbj, sentenced to be confined for lighting a duel. Physicians certify that further confinement would bo futal. —Tho Boston Adcertiser says the nomi nation of W. A. Simmons to tlio Boston Colloctorship is objectionable from every point of view, nnd ought not to bo con firmed. —Franklin B. Evans, the Northwood murderer, was hanged yesterday, at Con cord, N. 11. He made a confession, ad mitting to killing Goorgiana Levering, his niece, and of n young girl in tho fall of 1870; and in detail told the story of his useless, licentious life. —Dispatches from the N tho women's raid upon 1 spreading. Their number but they comprise a very u of tho fair sex. Tlio sale upon tho approach of tli opened again after they leave. —Forgeries regarding the Western Union Telegraph aud Wabash A. Toledo Builroad on Change canned intense ex citement and a general decline in values. Forgeries are represented as increase of stocks for repairs, and immense transac tions at declines followed. The managing committee are cudea\oriug to discover the swindler. SHIP NEWS. New York, Feb. 17.—Arrived—Egypt. Arrived out—Antarctic, Bognur, Invin cible and Persia. LondoS, Feb. 17.—Tho schooner liort- stine, for Liverpool from Tybee, is ashore off Bally. Cotton got off' and arrived at Queenstown. markSsT BY TEEEUllAl’H TO ILXqi’IKliR. Money anil Modi Markets. London, February 17.—Consols !*2a'.)2^. Erie 44j. New York, February 17.—Stocks dull. Money 4. Gold 12jf. Exchange—long 485; short 488$. Governmouts strong. Statu bonds quiet. New Youk, February 17.—Money easy at fan. Sterling quiet at 405. Gold in active at 124al2g. Governments steady, littlo off. States quiet and nominal. Froviniou Markets. New York, Fob. 17.—Flour dull aud de clining. Wheat dull; buyers favor. Corn (piict and unchanged. Pork firm at $15.- 87.jalG.OO. Lard firm; steam l).}. Tur pentine unchanged. Basin quiet at $2.45 u2.55. Freights unchanged. Liverpool, Fob. 17. —Breadstuff's quiol. Corn 3Ga31). Lard 44a4C. Cincinnati, Fob. 17.—Flour very dull at $G 00a7 15. Corn dull at 5Ua(51. Lard quiet and stoady; steam 8j; kettle Oal)^. Bacon steady; shoulders, Gj; clear rib sidos 8ja8j. Whiskey firm nt 05. St. Louis, Fob. 17.—Flour steady for low grades; other qualities dull and weak. Corn firmer; white mixed G1hG2j; No. 2 mixed 00c. Whiskey steady at DG. Pork quiet nt $15 25. Bacon dull; only small order trade. Lard dull ; kettle 8*;; steam 8 jo. Louisville, February 17. —Flour quiet and unchanged. Corn quiet, unchanged. Provisions quiet, unchanged. Bacon— shoulders 7j, clear rib 7,5, clear sides Da Djj. Lard, tierce, at D[uD t ', keg l(l.|ul<>\. Whiskey 01 j. Cot (on Market*. REAL ESTATE ACENTS. ELLIS & HARRISON, Ileal Estate Agents AP-D AUCTIONEERS, \ITIU, ATTEND PROMPTLY TO THE SALK \V KENT AND PURCHASE of REAL ESTATE iu tlio City mid country, ami will mlvurliso the ■nine i»t privuto mile) FREE OF CHARGE, unless For Sale. VACANT I.OT OF I AND, being tho went por tion ot t 1m* “Nuiico lot," on Bryan s root, adjoin inn the louidcnco of Hon. M. J. Craw ford. Call noon ir you want a bargain. rob 12 tf CITY LOT No. 001, on McIntosh streot, with three dwellings on tbo miuio. Will be Hold together u. he, unite, nt a low figure, fur cash. Jh27 DRY COODS. ECONOMY VALUABLE CITY ■UNinetH Centro of th >argnln, or to an no KOPKUTV, nit anted in tlie city. Will Hell at 11 great eplablo party an undivided can bo Hindu to pay u larg,© H- UO]M 1101 or sun groum DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT, with ton gi onnd, in Liawood. one mil.- ti .mi S. W. It. ty coiufortablo and desirable) homo. Railroad dep. ■Cotton dull ; 1G{ ; Orleans For Rent. A STORE HOUSE in tbo vnlloy .» a cross-road, three niilen or Spring*. Goods ry binim-M. Talbot county, bo Chalybeate on for a Dry Do you know that you can Save Money by purchasing DRY GOODS at the well known house of JOSEPH & BR0.7 TIIKY AKK BULLING TIIKIR IMMKNhK AND VARIED STOCK 01 Foreign 3 Domestic Dry Goods BELOW COST! Their Spring- Stock IS UNRIVALED! MST Cull nnd bo convinced. By Ellis & Harrison. 75 head Mules and Horses 0 AT AI't'TIOX. WEDNESDAY, tbo2. r .thof U.-b’y, K7I. I will Hell at auction, without *, 7.. head Horses aud Mule*, mt ill h. r Coin ugl.t e. and the Livi FOR SALE AND RENT. New York, Feb. 17.- Hfllus 458 bales ; uplands 10J. Futuros opened as follows : February 15 5-1(5; March 15 13-32al5 32 ; April 1(5 1-1(5; May 1(5 IMG; June 17; July 17$ 13-32. New York, February 17.—Cotton oasicr; sales IDGl bales ut 10$uK5$ ; net receipts 1015D bales. New York, Feb. 17.—Future* cslosod steady; sales 17,150 bales, as follow : February 15 3-lGa5-|(5; March 15 13 32; April 1 Gal-32; May K»btl7-32; Juno 1(5 :»1 -32ul7; July 17 11-32." Liverpool, Feb. 17,—noon Cotton quiet aud stoady; uplands 8 ; Orleans 8$uj|; sales 12,000, including2,000 specula tion uml export; sales (5,500 A merman: uplands nothing bolov; lo.v middling, de liverable February and March 7J; do. do. deliverable Marcli and April 7;,. Liverpool, Fobrunry 17, 5 p.»m.- Sales uplands, nothing below middlings, deliv erable iu March, 71. Yarns ami fubrics at Manchester dull, not lower. Charleston,February 17.—Net receipts 15(57 ; salos 1000 bales. Savannah, February 17.- Very firm: net receipts 1853; exports to continent 4 G73, coastwise 324; sales 1201. Boston, Feb. 17.—Not receipts 27: sales 800. Mobile, Fob. 17.—Weak; mo-o dispo sition to sell; middlings low mid dlings 14.4; good ordinary 184; net re ceipts 1588; exports 107G; sales 500-- lust evening 500. Galveston, February 17.—Net receipts 2238; exports to Groat Britain 1321: coast- who 183. Baltimore, Feb. 17.—Not receipts 72. gross 378; exports coastwise 115; sales 2GG bales. Nenv Orleans, February 17. Nothing For Rent. SMALL DWELLING Hi ol Mai- Public Sch- IF.COM) . ,LJ,uJ show (but saloons is i not lar/. niued class are closed doing ; holiday. Not exports to Great Britain neut 1406. . .1. I- IIEDEIUCK For Rent. LARGE ROOMS (U if For Rent, , BAG! AND, Ag-nt For Sale. AND LOT i-u unit ttov febll iltf No. 69 Broad Street. PEACOCK & SWIFT fall attention to the foct that thny uro bi lling Dry Good9 of eve y description, Shoes, Hat9, Clothing, Ac., TO CASH IIt'l’Klt.S, li liiilOH U1 will he Huro to nlnase all who Will Hill rrlve lGlh inst., u new ca«e of Spring l^rints, &c. jiii". I'KAmcK k SWOT. Apply I.. Mil I lu \V. (lAPKimn. P .In For Sale Low. SOIIIM.AK'IIIP IN THU MHD1CA1. I.U1K AT 1.VANSV1U.K, INDIANA, ii.ivli II AI'PI.V AT Till; CilTI For Sa!o. id For 3aie. T" K llOli: E \ N i* K< Mr. \\ . S. N l.riGI AM, I i A sophomore suvs he cannot under stand how any one possessing wind is generally known as a conscience cab ei.uu- | terfoil a five coni piece, and put on tho ; hack of it, “In God we. trust.” AMUSEMENTS. SPBIHGEB’S opera house WACOM kVJAKircC. Wood and Blacksmith Shop, J. H. M0SHELL I I A VINCI taken (ioetoliii!i‘ Ml u Lfi Hi .'hop, Feb. 18 & 19. I ItIO! Tlie Women vs. Tho I.iquor Saloons. Jeffersonville, Ind., Fobruiry 1(5. Tug women's crusade against the whiskey traffic wus opened to-day. The devotion al exorcises, at oi;;!*t different saloon-, wero received kindly and protected by tho police from tho jam of the crowd that con gregated at each saloon. Business was partially suspended and tho streets were lined with citizens of every class. Saloon keepers refuse to sign the pledge. Tho excitement over the movement in this city reached Louisvilh*, and this ovoning at least 2,0)0 people, mostly German-, from that city, ariivod here. Exercises ou tho street have been abandoned for to day. Diviuo services continue in tho sa loons to-morrow. liii'LEY, O., Fobruiry 1<5.—The erus.d- er.s are still moving on the enemy's works. One moro saloon has surrendered. Only one is now open, and that is a wholesale liquor store. Some saloon keepers who huvo been worsted are preparing to emi grate. tho monitor Dictator, which tho Juniata | r . . .' , i V, »T ‘ . . . . , . ! for tho appointment of a comuiittoo to <>t valuables. —Tho San Francisco Jlnlleti aro two or three thousand ou m •utilains of California, who bery uml violence. Tiny < mako a raid on some village Tie tuko to Washington gresa. Tho Con to-morrow. potition to Con- arrest in their totiut • 1 istne I —Tho Tyrone Herald ntion then adjourned until \ ono of our Gorman f'r day, how mue) says there iiws in tho re by rob- cisionally ud strip it •Wo asked tho other Wednesday &. Thursday, Tin: ROIH I.AIt ’ Wallace"si stubs, .II.NMi:, .MINNIE AND M M.'D, FORTK>Cl G, III. \ K K. .If Ml;'."'i).\ SI'ENCEK i Burlesque & Comedy Troupe. 1 '''sup-m/bV.Ihs BaruLol'l. ion'.'.Ini'/ >vi:i>.\ i.shA y, y-y t_,.a. 13:oin :! Or, THE WONDERFUL SCaMI'! A i- fill- 1 iin.l i-lPKrttit ON-, -li I *T! ■ \ • M .i.i.’ : TH CHS DA V, “The Field of the Cloth of Gold 1“ , I'ri'-r* Mf A'lliil-niun fl It.—. ..f N ..In f... title ut Ci'.illni ' Bunk .i or. , without **xtr.i cliilg.'. 1. l'l AiTThANK li. Dl i'll SON, slile MunuBir. VALENTINES. HOTELS. Rankin House, Columbus, (j a. ■J. \V. KY.\N. l>r..p r. Utthy Restaurant, Valentines for 1874 | Bar and Billiard Saloon, Under tii:: K \ w V KI1Y !.>>» Dili, h.- VALENTINES AT , I2."it, 30c, 5(lr, mi\ ! ;n RESTAURANTS. OPERA HOUSE RESTAURANT. Ten-Pin Aik and Bar THU WEATHER. lor winter use. much ; little i.i for ziokni B8.' "Sd-SC J - w - p EASE & NORMAN. J53S leaders of both be dies aro opposed to J iu the t —Tho Journal of Chemistrg says : A chain of compressed cukes of gun cotton tied around the tiuuk of a large tree and . „ w i i ,, .. . .. „ , . . oxploded, will cut it down instantly by the / a good | South Atlantic States, falling barometer, vi ^ louco ’ of its T ho cut through | lay south winds, cloudy, with the trunk is as sharp us that done by tho j so'id* ■ Debariment of War, \ Washington, Fob. 17, 1874. > 1 Probabilities.—For tho Atlantic and in: x x i s o x ’ s I'A T K N I Ml I P P I N (• I A (. s OVER TWO JM'NDKLD MILLION." I keenest ilowle A. J. ItOl.AMI. LATE ARRIVAL OF MAl.AGt UBAPI.S, 1.0 \ no V I. A V I K IK. S, 1.0V l)OA LWI.It KAIMX 111 ot M TS, off., at \o. *■ 11 road Si !•«»<* (. rrohiino & Hoffman, GROCERIES. A IV<3w Enterprise ! WHOLESALE Grocery and Provision House In Marshall, Ala. J. T. HOLLAND T AKES pl-iiHuro in notifying MorchimtH and IMantors of tlio huirounding country ihut In* ia ri'cviving u very Inrun stock of Urocorl.-H und WfHliTii Proiluce, which ho {iropoHos to hl-U on lih-iul turms uml iih low uh can l.o liuiiglit in any Soiiilicru city. Ho hint purcliaHcil liin entire Htock for caali, ho for.* Iliu Into a'ivauco in pricoa, and Iiim in store $-'0,000 wortli of liacnu, Ac., purchased at LOW FIGURES, and will keep his Htu k full up, so as to supply any dciniiuds. Huvin« localcd u, Marshiill where ho avoids liif'h taxon, and )iifc\iug no rents to pay, Ito is ouuldod lu soil as low 01 tin* lowest. THE RETAIL HOUSE OF Holland & Baker IS NOW OPEN, with a full liuo of Groceries and Staple Goods, ;n <ltin] KtUiitnd to tlio trailo. CHOICE TEAS. E XTRA Clioico MoyiiUH Vuuiik Hyson, i\ . r .o pr !»., “ •* *• G tin powder, l.7o •* Imperial l.oO •• Formosa Oolong, I :.o Frch Beef Tongues, li.-, to K.', cent, until. Italian Macaroni, 25c. Dooley's and Preston & Merrill's Yeast Powders. Gant's Sea Foam. Canned Fruits and Vegetables. I inn offering ut reduce,I Price,, Split Pea9, Navy Beans, White Kerosene Oil. ROBT S. CRANE, I -1 ■ I • • [Telit dtim] Tru.tee. H. F. ABELL & CO. i: .i:;st kk ut i.i 24 REGS ol Floiida rup, about i:t • Co to Pomeroy’s, VC IKXIIII K-N (Olt.MIK, For Ferris & Co's Sugar-cured Pig Hams and Strips, Terris Mild-cured N. Y. Bellies, Wright’s Ne Plus Ultra Mince Meat, far superior to Atmore’s, Raisins, Figs, Oranges, Lemons, Pre served Ginger, Jellies, Corn Starch, Serdines, Salmon, Oysters, Tomatoes. Christmas Egg9, Turkeys, Ducks and Chickens, Wine, Milk, Butter, Boston, Butter, Soda and Pic-nic Crackers, Snaps, &c. Mr. 'I.I' I'llllMIKON Will lo found nt tlie roini of tin.* J'ltlill. Dissolution Notice. rrm-: r-i.n 1 W 11.1.1 A MS, p T. .1 DKAHUK l« -tintt Do II. V II.Lid .1 I'KtKiK tv. iiono. lie lil’ iiHlrun poet fully rccomm . J. l’E.Mt'JE a t undersold. JOHN W. II0IU T. J. Pearce&Co., (tfucccMura to Williams, Piane A Hodoj Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 20 Broad Street, r > KSl'KCTFI I.I.V Huuoiitjoe to their friends aud V th" public that they will continue htibiui ps at II.. Ill at.iud, where they will keep a e, „d | stock Of 1 Groceries, Plantation Supplies, &c,, wiiult will le -,.id l.»w un«lstrictly foi e« s b. J"’ 1 ::m T. J. l'KAKCK A Co.