The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 19, 1874, Image 1
Columbus _A_isrn> JD^.XJLTZ' irer. VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1874. NO. 42 TERMS OY TUB DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY UXQUIM1R. ALFRED R. CALHOUN, Proprietor. Twelve months, in advance i Sir months, Three months, “ Dno month, “ (Vkekly Enquired, one year Sunday Enquirer, ono year •nhay and Weekly Enquirer to gether, one year i8 00 4 00 2 00 75o. 2 00 2 50 a oo AdvcrtinliiK Kates. . Daily, $ 00 17 00 20 00 22 60 1 Pqture 1 year 42 ( Th" ubovo i« with tho privllego of a change (•wry t!iroc mouths. For yearly cards a liberal dis- c >ulit will bo made. 'I'lio Weekly rates will invariably bo one-third of tho Daily. When an advertisement is changed more than on.: - in three months th* advertiser will be charg- 1,1 with tho coat of composition. Foreign udv- h must pay as do those at homo. lUEORGIA LEGISLATURE. > Kany Bill**—Correct Printers vs Ijifurrect Initials—Day’* Ac tion — Col. Petfcrson Tliweatt. I Npooi il Correspondence Enquirer and Sun.J Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 18, 1874. I Tho Legislature continues to consider more private bills. This is too bad, when matters of u public interest are to be re garded. It is disgraceful that business should bo frittered away in such style, wrote the other day, or meant to do so, the Macon and Brunswick Railroad, in stu ul of tho Brunswick and Albany Rail road, as your paper had it. Your printers are first-class, aud I know they follow copy; sol cheerfully assume oil blame. All said regarding tho Brunswick and A1 bany applies to tho Macon and Brunswick Railroad. Tho man who can stay hero and seo hours wasted in useless discus sions is mightily tempted to use anything as “wrongly” as the legislators use valu I able time in trifling, for which loss they are paid amply by tho State. Senate. Mr. Simmons ottered a resolution which was adopted, that Henry Clews, having failed to furnish tho Governor with a statement of tho sales of bonds by him, as agent of the State, that the Gov ernor is instructed and required to bring suit against tho said Clews. Mr. Kibboe offered a resolution in structing tho treasurer to burn certain bonds which have been paid or retired. I and to keep a record of the same. I Tho following were passed : To abolish I the office of Tax Receiver aud create in I lieu thereof the office of Tax Assessor, I with the additional section 13 that com- I missions allowed Tax Collectors bo the as allowed ins ection 9259 of tho new •ode; the Tax Bill, as amended; to pro* rent monopolies in tho transportation of I freight; exempting from taxation tho roal and personal property of blind persons to the amount of twenty-five hundred dol lars ; to exempt said blind persons from payment of poll tax; to creato a new coun ty to be known as tho county of Nichols. Brown’s bill about education was ta- [ bled. House. The bill to ropeul tho lion law passed by a large majority. Bills were also passed : To amend the | charter of tho Atlanta & lookout Rail- >ad Company ; to render certain pro- 1 perty liable to levy and sale, now exempt by law, for purchaso money in municipal and State and county taxes ; to repeal I chapter 3, beginning with paragraph 1394 I and ending with paragraph 1409, of tho | Code ; substitute by committee regulating the praotico of surgery, medicine and pharmacy in this State ; to regulate the manner of giving iu land for taxation, and the sulo and redemption thereof ; to j amend section 2939 of tho Code ; to amend the act creating a board of eom- I missioners of Meriwether county ; to fix I and dc-tiuo tho foes of Ordinaries iu home- I steads and exemptions. Bills wore lost or tabled : To strengthen I the landlords’ lion ; to protect tho State in the sale of kerosene oil ; to repoal tho I act providing for an annual collection und | publication of agricultural statistics. A bill was introduced : To rotuove tho capital to Milledgeville ; and tho ono to regulate tho weighing and sale of cotton, | and provide for public weighers, was in definitely postponed. memorial of col. p. thweatt. A memorial addressed to President and | Seunto, from Colonel Peterson Thweatt, making certain propositions relative to making an examination by him of tho books of Comptroller General and Treas urer during the administration of Gov ernor Bullock, was referred to the Senate ounnittee on Finance, and the House had read aud referred tho same document. WASHINGTON. [SPBCIAL CORRESPONDENCE KXQITRKR AND SUN.] Washington, Feb. 15, 1874. It looks to me as if tho financial opin ions of Congressmen are gradually under going a change. Of the iuflatiouists; but a few of the extreme Southern uud West ern members still cliug to the first notion that tho Government ought to issue a larger addition to the greenbacks now in circulation. Tho scheme of Mr. Dawes, chairman of the Ways and Means Com mittee, is gaining recruits. This scheme authorizes free banking, and it is con tended will cure the evils under which tho business interests of tho country now suf fer. Some who were loud for inflation ut tho opening of tho session, Rtraugo as it may appear, have espoused tho Boutv.ell policy of doing nothing, the belief being that this is tho wiser and safer courso un- dor the present circumstances, trusting to time to bring tho remedy. It is not im probable that when the clouds have lifted you will discover free bauks erected into positive law, nnd find the Secretary of the Treasury iuviting bids for a temporary loan. Tho army nnd fortifications bills have been passed by the House. Tho appro priations committee was successful in car rying their economic theorios iu both in stances. Tho army bill provides for tho reduction of tho file of tho army by con fining enlistments for tho coining year to 5,200. Nearly five millions of dollars are saved to the Treasury by this bill. Tho Military committee, falling in with tho principle of the appropriation bill, will report a bill providing for tho reduction of tho army, cutting off five regiments of infantry. Tho President will bo required to retiro all officers who havo reached tho age of (52 years. The stall’ will bo reor ganized, aud only a certain number of graduates of the Military Academy will be commissioned each year—the balance to be mustered out. Tho fortifications bill appropriates money ouly to exposed seaports on the ocean fronts. More de pendence is placed now on guns of heavy calibre and long rango than iu stone walls, aud our own war showed that mud-works will stand more cannonading than solid masonry. SOUTHERN CLAIMS. The following exhibit shows the amounts claimed and the amounts allowed by tho Southern Claims Commission since its or- gunizition, tbreo years ago, and will bo uf interest to your renders : Claims. Allowed. Alabama .$ 503,439 $129,855 Arkansas .. 74(5,0(53 153,81(5 Florida 43,313 21,1(58 Georgia .. l,tl0,U»4 83,531 Mississippi .. 1,319,2(57 212,808 North Carolina.. .. 543,173 8(5,902 South Carolina... . 592,801 30,035 Tennessee . 1,12.5,280 189,635 Texas 7(5,859 4(5,92(5 Virginia . 2,G88,r.(i7 522,221 West Virginia.... X 1,497 3,882 Tho nomination of Sum Bard as post master at Atlanta still hangs on the Ex ecutive willow of the Senate, aud the mortal Bard is thus prevented from using his lyre. Iu the meantime other ambi tious and patriotic citizens of Atlanta are buzzing around hero in the hope that the Senate will put hemlock in Sam's post- office cup. Among thoso now hero are Messrs. Rackafellow, Pretty man and Wills. Chattahoochee. 4 ONUREMNIONAI-. Scimte. Washington, Feb. 18.—Tho Herald'h Washington dispatch says tho Democratic Senators havo agreed to a courso of ac tion which will euablo them to support Carpenter's proposition for a now election in Louisiana. They intend to ask the Senate to recognize tho McEuery govern ment as tho legal government of Louisi ana, and if tho Senate refuses to do so, they will then support Carpenter s resolu tion for a new election. Tho Senate is considering tho alcohol traffic. Washington, February 18.—Tho bill appointing whiskey commissioners to control the alcoholic truftic provoked a sharp debate. Ferry, of Connecticut, Raid tho subject proposed to bo covered by this bill properly belonged to tho func tions of tho State Governments, and ho thought it his duty to warn the Senate what they wero about to do when all such bills interfering with tho jurisdiction of the States were brought up. Wright thought this a very proper subject for Congressional legislation. Conkling said the whole object of the bill was to constitute an inqniiv, and for this reason he saw no force in tho objec tions of the Senator from Connecticut. Ferry said ho hud objected to this bill because of its tendency. It was based Soott’s amendment to provide for the FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. redemption of the national currency by gold or United States interest bearing notes, was defeated by a vote of 30 to 28. Tho following proviso was defeated by a vote of 40 to 1(5: That tho Secretary of tho Treasury shall once in each mouth Hell to the highest bidder, for United States notes, coupon bonds equal to 85 per cent, of the additional bank circula tion issued during tho month preceding, which bonds shuli bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, payable quar terly, and tho principal shall bo payable at tho pleasure of tho Government, after ten years from their date, both principal and interest to bo paid iu gold coin ; but noue of these bonds shall bo sold at less than their par value, aud United States notes received iu exchange therefor shall never bo reissued, but shall bo destroyed. Adjourned. No Executive session. House. Tho House passed a bill making Reve nue Cutter Relief a boirding station at Mobile Bay. Washington, Feb. 18.—Iu the House Wilsbire was sealed by a veto of 135 to 129, aud took tho ironclad oath. A bill providing that any person who shall bo couvicted of the crimo of man slaughter in any U. S. Courts, in any State or Territory shall bo imprisoned not exceeding 20 years and fined not ex ceeding £ 1,000, was amended to exclude casoh now under prosecution or offences already commmitted nnd passed. Bill punishing for extortion any officers or persons acting under nutLority of tho United Stales by a fine uot exceeding $500 and imprisonment not exceeding three years. Passed. Bill that no person shall bo prosocuted, tried or punished in any United States court for any offence not capital, or for any fine or forfeiture) under auy penal statute, unless indictment or information shall bo found or instituted within five years, excopt in case of persons fleeing from justice. Passed. The bill to provide for deducting any debt duo tho United States from any judgment recovered against tho United States by such debtor, passed. Tho Judiciary Coimnitteo niado an ad- verso report on tho memorial for an ac knowledgment of Almighty God and tho Chiistiau Religion in tho Constitut.ou of tho United States, laid on the table. The House considered the bill for the froo distribution of Congressional docu ments, seodR, and county and exchange papers. Adjourned. WasliiiiKlon Hems. The House Committee on War Claims heard thonrgumont by Judge Casey, liold- that paymout to a firm bocauso of the dis loyalty of one member thereof, should not bo withheld by the Government for debts contracted therewith and acknowl edged. Prof. Piorco has resigned tho Suporin- tendency of tho Coast Survey. Capt. C. P. Patterson succeeds him. Prof. Pierco accepts iho position of Scientific Adviser to the same Bureau. Mr. Stephens continues to improve. ENGLAND. London, Fob. 18.—Parliament, exactly stated, is: Conservatives, 351 ; Liberals and Home Rulers, 302. Gladstone has nominated ono of his colleagues for tho poo rage. Disraeli arrived at Windsor at noon to day, and immediately procooded to the Castle. Largo crowds guthored at all of tho stations on tho route, aud warmly cheered him as ho passed by. SPAIN. Bayonne, Feb. 17.—Tbo Carlists nro bombarding Borgn. THE RECENT FI11E IN LONDON. London, Fob. 18.—The ruins of Panti- chueoon, which was buruod last Friday night, are still smouldering, but notwith standing this, tho insurance companies havo already set men to work socking sal vage, and a nurnbor of racing cups and much jewelry, which were stored in tho building, havo boon recovered uninjured. Thousands of spectators watch the pro gress of the work. It is suid tho loss of one insurance company by this fire is ho heavy that it is crippled. Madrid, Feb. 18. -General* Morionos and Pronio do Rivera have joinod forces near Porleyalot. Another Buttle in 4'ulm. Havana, February 17—A heavy en gagement has taken place in tho central department, of which tho Havana jour nals give the following account : General Barconez with 3,000 men and four pieces of artillery, attacked the main forco of the insurgents near Navar- ju. The lattor was 5,000 strong, under tho command of tho Marquis of Santa Lucia, tho Cuban commandcr-in-cbicf. The battle lastod seven hours, and re sulted in a success for Gen. lkirconcz. The Spanish loss was fifty killed and ISO wounded. Tho rebels took no prisoners. Their losses are not given. The insur gents aro sotting lire to farmhouses in the central department in all directions. General Burriel has sailed for Spain. It was not Sonor Sola, editor of Gorro Frijjio, who was arrested for taking part in the recent attempt at riot, but another person of tho same name. PE N NNYI.VA NT A » V N HI PA I. ELECTIONS. Philadelphia, Feb. is.—Stokcloy’s ma jority is nearly 11,000. The Democrats gained members of tho Common Council in three wards. Stokely is tho prcr.unt Republican May or, and has now bouton McClure, Iho nominee of tho lloformod party, which was supported by Forney. Tbo Mayor, elect, presides at Iho Cenlonniul ceremo* nios. This fact caused tho race to bo exciting. Reading, Fob. 18.—The Democratic candidate for Auditor is elected by 250 majority. There is a Democratic majoii- ty of three iu tho Common Council, and a Republican majority of one iu tho Se lect Council. Altoona, Feb. 18.—Tbo entire Demo cratic ticket has been elected. Gillen, for Mayor, has oyor 300 majority. NEW YORK. THE ACTION OF THE GRANGERS. Albany, February 17.—Tbo meeting some lime since announced for tho or ganization of tho New York Stuto Coun cil of Independent Granges ■ was held in Albany yesterday, aud tho organization was perfected, with over fifty members, representing above a third of tho coun ties. Temporary officers and a tempo rary Executive Committee wero appoint ed, which committee is to report in refer ence to a constitution, &c., March 4th. The membership is composed of repre sentative and influential men of both po litical parties, and is to be considerably increased at an adjourned meeting. Tho organization is to be pushed rapidly in this and other States of tho United States. Tho following card has beeu called out by tho uctiou of tho Independent Granges : “To Patrons of Husbandry aud Farm ers of New York : For tho purpose of avoiding any confusion of titles which may arise in tho miuds of farmers bo- tween tbo order of Patrons of Husbandry known as Farmers’ Granges, and the po litical organization formed in this city to day, aud who call thcmsolves tho Amori- c-n Order of Independent Grangers, it should bo distinctly understood that there is no connection between tho two orders whatever, the order of Patrons of Hus bandry not being political in its character. fSigned) “Geo. S. Sprague, “Secretary N. Y. Stuto Grange. ' THE NEW YORK EOKUEKN. New York, Feb. l*.-*-The Governing Committee of the Stock Exchaugo has a slight clue to the forgery of yesterday, been made public, it is rumored a Brooklyn man oper ated heavy in Western Union Telegraph stuck yesterday, and admits making $20,- 000. Ho was examined by tbo Govern ing Committee, and all obtained was tbut he did operate heavily, and that it was his business, not Chat of tho commiltcos. NORTH4’AIIOLIN A STATE GRANGE Raleigh, February 18.—The Stiito Grauge, Dr. Columbus Mills, Master, met hero to-day. Ono liundml and thirty- four Granges are represented out of 235 Granges iu tbo State. Greeting was re ceived and returned from tbo Stuto Granges of South Carolina and Ohio. I ho election of officers to fill nnexpired terms resulted iu Dr. Columbus Mills, of Cubar- ra*, being mado Worthy Master, and Richard Williams, of Pitt, Worthy Over seer. About 300 Grangers are present. Tho body will bo iu session several days. Tho order is represented as rapidly in creasing in tho State, and already has 7,000 members. MARKETS. BY TELEGRAPH TO ENQUIRER. Money nnd N too It Markets. Liverpool, Fob. 18.—American secu rities active. Paris, Feb. 18.—Routes 58f. aud 80£t\ New York, Fobruary 18.—Stocks active. Money 4. Gold 12}. Exchange—long 485; short I88.V. Governments strong. State bonds quiet. New York, Fobruary 18. — Money freely offered at 4. Exchange dull at 485. Gold 12}*<g> 12). Govern ments strong and higher; considerable doing. States steady. I’rovlnloit Market*. New York, Fob. 18.—Flour dull and un changed. Wheat rather more steady. Corn steady. Pork steady at $15 50a$l(5. Lard houvy; steam 9 7-1(5. Turpontino firm. UoRiu unchanged. Freights firm. St. Louis, Fob. 18.—Flour quiet and weak for all except low grades; wiutdr super. $5a$5 50. Corn firnw; No. 2 mix ml 59 on track. Whiskey steady at 9(5. Pork dull at $ 15a$ 15 25, Bacon easier; shoulders 6j}a7; clour rib 8jja8i{; clear sides 8ja9. Lard steady. Chicago, Feb. 19.—Corn opened a shade firmer with fair inquiry, but closed dull and drooping at 7(5a79 for new Wes tern mixed. Pork heavy ; now mess $15 80. Beof unchanged. Lard steadier at 9 7-1G. Louisville, Feb. 18.—Flour quint and unchanged. Corn firmer; white 71a73. Provisions quiet. Pork $15.25uj. Bacon — shoulders 7a^, clear rib 8;|a^, clear '9 Lard—tierco 9ja2, kog lOa.L Whiskov 91 A. Cotton Market*. Liveupool, Fob. 18.—noon—Cotton a shade easier ; uplands 8 ; Orleans 8.}n;}; sales 12,000, including 2,000 speculation nnd oxport. Cotton to arrive 1-K! cheaper. Later.—Of salon to-day 7,000 wero American; sales of uplands nothing below good ordinary, Hhippod January and Feb ruary 7 3-1(5. Liverpool, February 18, I p. m.—Sales of Orleans, nothing below good ordinary, Hhippod February and March, 8j}d. New York, Fob. 18.—Cotton weak; sales 3,225 boles; uplands 1(5J; Orleans 10*. Futures opened as follows : March I5)| al5 7-10; April lfialfi 1-32; Juno 17: July 17jj. New York, February 18.— Cottoi net receipts 880 bales; gross 5,329. Futures closed oasy; sales 12,(500 bales, as follows: February 15}; M *rchl5 11-32 alojj; April 15 31-32; May 1(5 |5.32al(i); June IG&ttUi 15-1(5; July 17 5-16:117*. New York, Fob. 18 -Cotton weak; Milos 3,(585, at 1(5.{m*. Host n. Fob. 18—Cotton quiet ; mid dlings MI.}; net receipt-? II ; exports to Great Britain 13 ; sales 250. Modile, Feb. 18.—Cotton quiet and easy ; middling 15*. low middling I4j}n:{, good ordinary 18j ; net receipts (5*0 : sales 1000. New Orleans, Fob. 18.—Cotton shade easier and fair demand ; mi idling 1(5.}, low middling 15.}, good ordinary 13./, ordinary 11$ ; net receipts *1.#71 ; sales 3000 ; stock 310,072. Philadelphia, Feb. is. -Cotton quiet : not receipts 1175. Galveston, February 18. Cotton un changed ; not roceipts 19(58 ; sales 1000. Charleston. February 18. — Market quiet and firm—middlings 15j}(#/>15\; Bow Middlings 15@15}; Good Ordinary I I'j. Net receipts 1(5(53; exports coastwise 79: sales 500 bales. Savannah, February 18 —Market eas ier; middlings 15} receipts 3980; exports coastwise 0(51; sales 777 bales. Baltimore, Feb. 18.—Market dull ami nominal; Low Middlings 15; Good Ordi nary 13}. Not receipts 95; gross 531; ex ports to Great Britain 102. coastwise 111; sales 4(51; last evening 287; spinners 20i bales. Memphis, Feb. 18—-Cotton quiet and steady; low middlings 14}.i15; leeoipts 790 ; shipiuuuts 1,358 ; stocks 09.150. Augusta, Fob. 18—Cotton quiet ; mid dlings 15 ; receipts 811 ; sales 873. Cincinnati, Fob. 18 —Flour steady, corn dull at 58»G0 ; pork dull, nominal $15. Lard dull; 8} for steam; $9a9j per owt. for kettle Bacon dull shoal dors (5’Jc; clear ril*Kj)tj ; clear sides 8;. Whisky firm at 95c. MEDICINES. f r U|.l THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. Tliin uiirtvnliMl Modlrim- I- v nrrniitoil not to con tain u slnglo particle of Mnirniv, or any Injurious mineral subHtaurc, hut I* 1*111E ViY V KG KTAIKLK, containing thosn Southern IPmls ami Herb* which an all win- Provid.mco hit* pltc«*d in c..untrh* ul.-i.. Li* *r Pinn.,-...h in-t |ni-vaiI. It will euro all IHmcunom cnusctl liy llwmiKO- meiit or tlic Liver out! Bowels. Simmons’ Liver Regulator or Medicine Illy a Family M.- liriii.-; ami by hoi tig lor iiiuiinili.itc resort mil hhvc many an uour ui sufloi lug ami many a .lollarin tlnm ami dor turn’ bill*. After ovoi Forty Your*’ trial il i* Htill receiving the uiOet testimonial* to it* virtue* li'un p-uhoiih of tho highest character and renpou- ■ihility. Km incut phy Gelatin commend it hh tho most r;n nun Ah specific kok BYNPKPSIA OB INDIGESTION. Arn»oil with this ANTIDOTE, all (lunate* ami change* of n liter and fond may he faced without fear. A* a Itemoly in MALARIOUS KK\ KltS, lh »\V KL COM PLAINTS, UK- i’LKS.<N KSS, .1 Al'N- D1CIJ, NATS hi A. IT HAS NO KUI AK! Jli. tt|)e*t, I'm. HI, and He*I Family M. d., til * World : J. 11. KKIMN & CO., M A CON, GA., and I’ll ILA DELPHI A. 6 U»L Sold hr all Druuglsis. REAL ESTATE ACENTS. ELLIS & HARRISON, Real Estate Agents Al\SD AUCTIONEERS, W rjl.L ATTEND PROMPTLY IlKNT AND IM IlGII ASK o DRY GOODS. ECONOMY! Do you know that you can Savo Money by purchasing DRY GOODS at the well known house of JOSEPH & BRO.? T1IKV ARK SKLLINQ TI1KIR IMMKNSH AND VAUIKD STOCK Ot Foreign S Domestic Drv Goods BELOW COST! Their Spring {Stock is unkivalkd: Or Call nud h« convinced. lobii .nr N °‘ 69 Broad Street. PEACOCK & SWIFT Call attention to tho foot that they ura «tlhng Dry Goods of eve y description, Shoes, Hat9, Clothing, &c., TO .'ASH III; VKIIIS, to plouso all who call To arrive 10th Inst., a new cairn of Spring Prints, &o. J |i15 PKACOCK A SWIFT. THE SALK, l KCIIASK of LEAL KSlATK ntry. and will mlverlis. ) FItKF Ml’ CIIAIUIK, in STREET TIGHT IN CT N<T.\ N ATI. i, Fubruary 18.—A difficulty on thousands of memorials which had come here, aud which looked to tho f>>- j °‘^" jug d( . finit , turo adoption of regulations on the sub ject of tho liquor trufii ’. Ho deprecated it as making another step iu assaults upon tho Constitution, which had of Into years been so frequent, lie had heard Sen ators assert that under tho fourteenth amendment it was iu the power of Con gress to pass any law for the protection of life, liberty or tbo pursuit of happi ness. Morrill, of Maine, expressed doubts as , occurred hero to-day between A. B. Mul- i'ha general impression is the Colonel i to anything practical coming out of the j let, supervising architect, and Hon. Hon- 1 bill, unless there was sumo provision to I ry Kessler. Kessler was nominated by p y the commission. He moved an tho President for Postmaster of Cincm- aiiiuDilmout nppiopriating $10,000 for the nati, but for somo reason his name was expenses of the commission. withdrawn. Mooting Mullet, ho accused Conkling thought $5,000 would be j him of being tho cause. Mullet denied it. enough. He said ho could name plenty Kessler called him a liar. Mullet resonted of men among his constituents, men like this by hitting Kessler in the face, whore- Mr. Bergh, who wero willing to devoto j upon Kosalor took Mullet by tho hair and thoir lives, without auy compensation, for i jerked him around pretty lively for a tho benefit of society and to maintain minute, when tho battle ended, neither proper principleH. 1 showing any sigim of punishment. EaBily Finances resumed. 1 satisfied. HOL’TII CAROTIN A TAX PAYERS* CONVEXTION STATE GRA N GE. Columbia, Fob. 18. Tho Taxpayers’ Convention is still in session and (lie pro ceedings are very harmonious. A number of resolutions wero introduced to-day and reforred to Committees who are now in session and will report to morrow. Tho Stale Grange is also in Lossion and a largo number of delegates aro in attendance. Tbo greatest interest is manifested in the proceedings. I’ho Mis sion is secret. BOSTON HOARD OT Til ADI'. .MEET ING. Boston, Feb. 18.—At a 1 »rg ilyjattended informal meeting of ilui B jnrd of Trad a and merchants to-day, it was unanimous ly voted that they appeal to Iho President to reappoint Collector Bussell, who it is understood : on vents to ih. airaugouient. Resolutions and potilions against confir mation of Simmons wero agreed upon and will bo forwarded to the President and Massachusetts delegation in Congress T E E EG R A P11 It N OILS. —Nothing lias boeu heard in Savannah of tho Dictator. The general impression is that she is lost. I —Tho principal business block in Bryan, | Texas, was burned on tho 18th. L^s I $13 LOGO. Insurance $150,000. —A. M. Sperry, of Washington, Gene ral Inspector of tho Frceduion’s Savings Bank ami its branchos, authorizes tho statement that the dot.dcatkm at the branch at Atlanta is about >7,000, but it is fully covered by tbo def.iultei's bondsmen and his property. MISCELLANEOUS. !Dr. Wm, Olovoland, M i lloalor, l)U. T. T. TABER, For Sale. VACANT LOT OF I AND, I,, mg Iho we \ LCARI.K CITY I'ltOl'KItTY a in; i it a he i: nor.:; am For Rent. 'Tout: HOUSE in Iho viilh'v of Talhc By Ellis & Harrison. 75 head Mules and Horses AT AUCTION. / y N WKDNL'DA Y, tlx- J .th of I . 1871. I will roll at ail. lion, will FOR SALK AND RENT. For Rent. 8.M ALL nWKLLING h For Rent. m GROCERIES. A New Enterprise! WHOLESALE Grocery and Provision House In Marshall, Ala. J. T. HOLLAND T AKES plaiumre la notify lug Merchant* and 1’luiitcrn of tho Huttoun.liiiK country that he h rccaiving a very largo Htoclc of Orocorh * and WuHtciu Produce, which ho nronoHu* to no 11 on liIm-i ul term* ami a* low a* cun ho bought in mv .'outhern city, lie h.i* purehHacd hi* entire Block lor ciihIi, holor. tho lute udviinco in price*, and liu* iu Htoro $41,1100 worth of Jlacon, Ac., purchased at LOW FIGURES, uud will keep hi* stork lull up, * ^ndTvmg » HUpply any dui soli a* low THE RETAIL HOUSE Of llollund &, Baber 18 NOW OPKN, with a full lino of Groceries and Staple Goods, J»88 .Urn] aJ»|it»d to tho tredo, CHOICE TEAS. IP-XTRA Choice Moyuno Young Hyiton, ft ro nr th, (iuupowder, 1.7 A •• “ “ Imperial l.flo - “ Formosa Oolong, l 6<i Fresh Beef Tonguot, O.’i to 85 cent* ouch, Italian Macaroni, 25o. Dooley’s and Preston & Merrill’s Yeast Powders. Gant's Sea Foam. Canned Fruits and Vegotal)le9 I ain oflcrit.g nt reduced Price*, Split Peas, Navy Beans, White Kerosone Oil. ROB’T S. CRANE, f''l I [lubl diimj Tru4tp.. H. F. ABELL & CO. HAVE JUST KBUUIYKD % \ | KKUri of Flotldu Hyrup, About 1.1 gallon* ,■^4- uach, HUit.ihle tor family un*. UnniB, Home-Made Fertilizers! " :rl 5,000 lbs. Sulphate of Ammonia, 5,000 “ Muriate of Potash, 5,000 “ Nitrate of Soda, 50 tons Nova Scotia Land Piaster, 50 tons Amn.oniatod Flour of Raw Bones, &c. t Ac. Go to Pomeroy’s, vi i<ooi3i:it’N < For Ferris A Co's Sugar-cured Pig Hams and Strtpe, Ferris' Mild-cured N. Y. Bellies, Wright’s Ne Plus Ultra Mince Meat, far superior to Atmore's. Raisins, Figs, 0range9, Lemons, Pre served Ginger, Jellies, Corn Starch, Sardines, Salmon, Oysters, Tomatoes, Christmas Eggs, Turkeys, Ducks and Chickens, Wine, Milk, Butter, Boston, Butter, Soda and Pic-nic Crackers. Snaps, Ac. Mr. f ('. I'lUniiKON ivill III fiuiiid ut the coun- ti-r nirl will lip plrusiil t,,„„iton ln« former cu. toni.’i * and fri' iid*. 1 in* jiatrouagoof tho public i* Dissolution Notice. ''I’ll h: f’P-*rt, ••r-'i. p I *"*•*> ‘ -a sung Ut wo-:, 1 WILLIAM! PEAR- t. X H”I» », I* thi* u.iv di--.-iv.-l |,y in itii .1 .oi.- :.! Mr. .1. U. ll-»I>0i- Hi • Th- bii-ilf- of tli" fii’ru will b' 1 rot tied l-> T. J. PEA HUE .v CO. c I! p ; ut hiving churn* th- firm will p - -n th'.n f-r paymout. -1 .-ill- lirmun rp.,uc.*f-d id itn-l - ■'ill uot gain bis suit against the State. Muscogee. THE WEATHER, Department of War, \ Washington, Fob. 18, 1874.) Probabilities.—For tbo Gulf States fulling barometer, southeast winds, cloudy **ud possibly rain. —Hartsman & Co., bankers at Dayton, Dhio, suspended yesterday. ship m:\vs. New York, Fob. 1 Jacinto and Huntsville. Attention, Culumbus Guards. is tu give noli f-.r ton day* that ion fur Third LI Columbus Guard* will bo bold u Saturday night, 7) j o'clock, Jhtli ! lly ordor of tho Captain. Fob. I'Jlh, 1*74, [td J.J EFFING’S BUCltr Notice to all Purchasers of this Eseolleat Compound Estract of Buchu. CJT-XD V»)L’H OKUKUS TO L. PIK1U.K \ CO., 0 f oluiuhuk, (in., und you will g-t tho Gt-numo, Original Extract. There IS »N*t) OUTSIDE AGENCIES—E IT 11K R SPECIAL OR GENERAL. 1 am individually Si do Proprietor. L. PIERCE. Wood and Blacksmith Shop. J. H. IvIOSHELL ; I I .WING taki’ii (loelfh'U.* Kl.i ksmilli .'!■ -j-. ULAPP, O. S. i March 5th, 18 Pl l'Kit EDGAR, .11 MUSHKI.L. It. \> 1I.I.I.\M8 T. J PEIEtF. J, \V. HODO. ttuiliuy M, 1H74. - f.: • . ..r v. ilium*, P. U. .. M- l -. 1 tu!.- pl-a-ur-in i. turning thanks to my In--i.:- and custi m-rs for tin* liberal patronu-s I.• • i --tofoi- • \ ' - ii.!.-iJ, and r.-spcclfully rooontm-n I i'- m I', ih- new linn -f T. J. PEARCE Jk Co . v. are d-tei min-d uot to b- undersold, j iJMnt J-jIIN \Y. HODO. T. J. Pearcedc Co., 'Ruccess'.rs to William*. Pearrn A node,) Wholesale and Retail Grocers. No. 20 Broad Street, Groceries, Plantation Supplies, &c,, tv huh will bo fold low and strictly for cash. -•‘ :l ;u » T. J. PH ARCS X UU: