The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 20, 1874, Image 1
*HB—e Columbus AND DAILT Enquirer. L. XYI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1874. NO. 43 TSBMS OP Tint , WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY UIVQTJIllBIl- FRED R. CALHOUN, Proprietor. mouth 8, in advance $8 00 ntUs, “ * 00 months, “ 2 00 outh, 11 Uio. Y Enquirer, one year 2 00 y Enquibeb, one year 2 /i0 Y and Weekly Enquirer to- or, one year 2 00 AdvertlaluK Bate*. 1 “ .« 6 50 “ 8 00 ’ 1. . 18 00 17 00 .. 20 00 .. 2‘J 50 .. ‘ 25 00 p 1 year... 42 00 bovo in with tho privilege of a change 'hreo months. For yearly cards a liberal dis- •ill bo made. tekly rates will Invariably be one-third ally. advertisement is changed more than eo months tho advertiser will be clmrg- h the cost of composition. Foreign adver- t pay us do those at home. RGIA LEGISLATURE. Hotly Won** Adjourn—Who* loy Do-Atlanta’a Cheap Did Itefreshlng Night, Etc. !ui n'spondence Enquirer and Sun.J Atlanta, Feb. 18, 1874 th Houses have been all day on pri- bills. CoramUteen were appointed ■ertain the status of business—Roe soon adjournment could be effected ut detriment to public interoat. The •luturo is wearisome beyond expres and expensive as Jim Fisk’s courte- The State wants more legislators ewer representatives. The twaddle W hero goos for the proceedings, jy one of the little bills offered repre to the State so many dollars a word, body ought to adjourn. That is the way to advance the interests of the . Legislators, dear Legislators, come Meuatc. e resolution instructing tho Govern \ Henry Clews, of New York, was d, so was the bill to exempt from duty certain volunteer military com and to amend an aot allowing ik traius on Sunday. > Governor sent in information re ing the Macon and Brunswick liail- bo following bills were passed: o incorporate the Southern Land Man uring and Labor Society; to pre- bo a mode for applying for homestead alty and porsonalty under certain cir- stances all at night was granted Southern torical Society. House. iho following bills were tabled; o umeud an act allowing stock trains in on Sunday; to authorize the Ordi of Talbot county to issue county r change bills for repairs of Court- to authorize tho several counties a State to regulate the sale of spirit- liquors ; to ohaugo the meetings of [General Assembly ; to amend the pe jeode ; to declare in full force tho act ting cortaiu privileges to tho Colum Guards. ^ho following were lost : 0 donate the capitol bnilding in Mil- evillo for a collego to the colored le; to exempt from juty duty certain neyruen printers; to allow Atlanta to e $100,000 of sorip ; to authorize the uption of land sold under execution etherize tax collectors to pay over tax to county treasurers for educa ul purposes ; to repeal the act amend the oct protecting the people in the of koroseno oil ; to mako it penal to without paying taxes, and to provide [the punishment for parties so voting equiro Solicitors General to prosecute ruoys nt taw for failure to pay over ney ; to authorize Sheriffs to take titles Ifeil estate as security on bail bonds xeinpt disabled soldiers from poll tax 1 e following were withdrawn : , o strengthen landlords' lion9 ; to es ‘ish a legal rato of interest; to change : lino bot ween Marion and Chattahoo je counties, he following were passed o alter and amend section 4.'>,781) of code rolative to running of Saturday nt trains on railroads was passed by stitute ; to incorporate the Cotton Giu tnal Insurance Company of Georgia; ‘eolare in full force aeotion 4097 of the [do; to provide for the settlement of an un- usted claim of C, P. McCalls against the te; to fix tho fees of the county troas- r in, to create a board of commission- of, and to provide a common school tom in Houston county; to change the > of holding Stewart Superior Court; change tho line between Marion and ley; to create a Board of Commission- for Marion county and repeal an act ating same passed in 1872; to amend act creating u criminal court in Meri- ther; to prevent the sale of liquorwithin Hall Square for the erection of a new Cap itol. This is a very clever, but thin dodge. Atlanta agreed to furnish a Capi tol if the Legislature wonld go there. Tho body accepted, and Hi Kimball's rat tle trap of an Opera House was furnished. Now Atlanta wants tho State to erect a marble building costing a million or more, all for tho benefit of Atlanta mechanics and Artisans. The Stale can't see it. We always feel sure of a short session when the Legislature meets in Hi's Opera House. The body is afraid it would fall. Judging by the general legislation, a fall would not hurt much. BEFIIK8HING. It is very refreshing to see Joe Blown and Hi Kimball worshipping in church to gether, and then going home arm in arm. Muscogee. UEORUIA* NEWN. —Tho people of Athens are talking about the establishment of water works. —Mrs. Maria J. Wostmorelaud is an nounced to deliver lectures iu Georgia at Augusta, Atlanta, Macon and Savaunah. Hon. Phil Clayton, of Greensboro’, whom Gen. Grant has appointed Consul at Valparaiso, was a “straight Democrat" in tho Presidential contest of 1872. —The tine residence of Mr. M. T. Walker, at West Point, was consumed by fire on Tuesday evoniug. Loss between three and four thousand dollars ; no in surance. —Tho Savaunnh volunteer soldiers will aelebrate Washington's birthday, the 22d inst., by a grnnd parado on Monday, the 28d, the anniversary falling oil Sunday this year. The MardiGras carnival in Savannah was an interesting and showy affair. All participants and spectators enjoyed it greatly. This was the Hecoud celebration of the kind in Savannah. —Some of our Georgia exchanges men tion the appearauce of peach blossoms. It is to be apprehended that Jack Frost will steal a march ou these premature de velopments of February. —The Atlanta Constitution classifies tho members of the Georgia House of Rep resentatives, religiously, thus: Methodists 51, Baptists 45, Presbyterians (J, Bible Christians 5, Episcopalians 2, nnd Spirit ualists 1. Sixty-seven aro not connected with any church. —T. D. Corey, charged with embozzle- wout from tho Froedmen’s Bank at At lanta, is iu confinement under guard, and his case will be tried before tho Superior Court at its next term. The statement is repeated that depositors are not likely to lose anything, as his securities are con sidered good. Porhaps so. All Rome turned out and ran down to the wharf, through a beating cold rain, Tuesday, to catch the first sight of the now Oosteuaula steamor, “Mary Carter,” which was roportod coming down the river. Bnt it turned out to be a “false alarm,” and the good people went home with less enthusiasm, but wiser as well as wetter. “Bill Arp” nearly got even on water. TELEGRAPHIC >OTF.,H. HOMICIDE IN ATLANTA. PENN BEDELL KILLED BY GAINES CHISOLM. [Special to the Columbus Enquiror and Sun.] Atlanta, Ga., Feb. ID, 1874. A difficulty occurred this afternoon, about 0 o'clock, between Ponn Bedell and Gaines Chisolm, two well known sporting men, in which Bedell was shot with a pistol by Chisolm. Bedell lived about two hours, dying abont 8 o’clock to-nigbt. Accounts vary much. Chisolm was ar rested and is now in oustody. Both men had the reputation of being reckless char acters. The shooting was done very quickly. Tho men are, each, about thirty-five yoarR of age, reared in Columbus, left here only a few years ago, and gamblers by profession. Bedell, the deceased, mar ried her9, bnt hi9 wife died long sgo. He wus much liked by his friends, though considered desporate when aroused. Chis olm, the slnyer, is a mau of the sarno stamp. Bedell, it will be remembered, was un der a bond of $10,000 for killing a po liceman iu Atlanta several years ago. He has been tried twice for murdor, and each time the jury could not agree, and a mis trial was the result. Ho was to have third trial nt tho next term of the Fulton Superior Court. Death has ended that action. Both men were constantly armed. Mubooger. WASHINGTON. CONGKKNNIONAL. The residence of R. J. Watson, near St. Louis, burned. Loss $40,000. Collector Russell, of Bostou, has tel egraphed a withdrawal of his resignation. —The Ohio State Grange passed reso lutions endorsing tho women's temper ance movement/ —Fifty men in Porter &, Deckey’s cot ton works at Kensington, Pa., have struck for higher wages. Troubles in the shoo trade are apprehended. —Charles B. Wallace has boon to Mo bile and given an appeal bond to the Su premo Court of the United States in tho Alabama «fc Chattunoog* Railroad case for final adjudication —Stcpheu nnd Abbie Kelly, Foster Woods, Miss Sarah Wall and Miss Mari etta Flagg, of Worcester, Mass., have re fused to pay taxes becauso ladies can’t vote. Their property is advertised for sale to-morrow. —In the U. S. Circuit Court to-day, at Providence, R. I., in the case of Mrs James vs. tho Atlantic Delaine Company Judge Clifford rendered a decision which in effect admits plaintiff's claim for about $088,000. The case has been iu court fifteen years, and may be carried to the U. S. Supreme Court. —A mass meeting of tho citizens of New Orleans passed a scries of resolutions closing thus : Resolved, That wo claim now at the hands of Congress, as we have in the past, recognition of tho Government elected November, 1872, of which Gov. McEnery is head, or in default thereof, that the present ■Government bo suspended by rnilitury provisional rule, and uu election ordered under Federal auspices as the best that cau bo accorded. Fltflit With Indians In T Special to tli* Uaheitoti N< wl] San Antonio, Feb. Hi. —On the 5th in stant, Lt. Col. G. B. Buell, Eleventh In fantry, with a detachment of tho Twelfth Cavalry (colon d; und some Toukawa In dian scouts, struck an Indian camp in the vulley of the Double Mountain fork of the Brazos. Twelve Indians were killed and their entire stock, over sixty head, captur ed. The soldiers suffered terribly from the excessive cold weather. —Kandy Gannowuy, a freed man, of this county, emigrated to Liberi i a few years ago. At that time ho had accumulated some money, and after selling off his ef fects, it is said, he started to tho home of his ancestors with $ 1,20.) in specie. lie had been warned by those who had visited Liberia that it was not the land of promise ho had pictured to himself, but go he would. He has paid dear for his experi ence. lie had to steal away from Liberia, and has succeeded in reaching his o!d home, a wiser mau. His moans, however, were not sufficient to bring his family back, and ho had to loavo thorn in Now York. We think there will bo no more emigration to Liberia from this section.— Federal Union. The Ice Chop.—Tho ico companies do not make a very promising report of their i progress up to tho prescut tirno. Only llouao. Washington, February ID.—The House passed the bill miking tho course of study for Cadet engineers at Anuapolis four years, instead of two. Ncuato Tho Senate this morning passed several bills of an unimportant character. Uouac. Nogley, of Po., presented a memorial of shippers, merchants, &o., of New Or leans, agninst military interference with tho mouth of the channel of tho Missis sippi river. Referred to committee. The House then took up tho bill for tho distribution of public documents printed by the authority of Congress, and of soed furnished by the Agricultural Depart ment, for the free exchange of newspa pers botwoeu publishers, and for the free transmission of weekly newspapers by mail in tho county whore published. No action. Adjourned. NOIIAtC. Two hundred bankers and business men of Chicago have petitioned against an in crease of currency. Langly said he had hoard of this peti tion before, lie knew mnny of those who had signed it, nnd among them were men who were the first to close their doors last fall and refused to pay their depositors or pay them with uny kind of paper. He would hereafter present petitions showing tho prevailing sentiment in his country. Equalization of currency resumed. Cameron’s amendment, repealing all laws which restricted National Bauks, was defeated by 2(5 to 32. Gordon submitted a substitute instruct ing the committee to report us soon as practicable a bill for free banking, and providing for tho converting of United States Treasury notes into low interest bouds or gold coin at the option of the Government, and tho bonds convertible into Treasury notes at tho option of the holder. Referred—ayes 20 ; nays 80. WnNliliigton Items. The Chief Justice will not qualify until the 4th of March. Tbe Committee of Ways and Means heard arguments iu favor of tho reduc tion of taxes on leaf tobacuo and fruit brandies. Congressman Lutterell, of California, and several Virginia members addressed tho committee. The Attorney General has decided that lands granted Alabama to aid tho con struction of cortuin railroads in thatKtate, und which havo been in controversy be tween tho North nud South Alabama Com pany aud the Alabama and Chattanooga Company, belong to tho latter company. The Committee of Privileges and Elec tions continued the Alabama contest. Gen. Morgan addressed tho committee to day. foreign Intelligence. .ENGLAND. London, Feb. ID.—Dnraeli has accept ed the Premiership. Extensive cotton mill in Leads was de stroyed by the fire yesterday. Tho loss is estimated at $35,000. A largo lire is repoitod in Dundee nnd Shields. The London limes saya the Earl of Derby is to receive tho portfolo of the Secretary of State for the foreign do partment, Mr. Disraeli, First ^ord of tho Treas- ' ury. Lord Cairns, Lord High Chancellor. j Duke of Buckingham, President of tho j Council; Dnko of Richmond, War Secretary. Earl of Northumberland, First Lord of the Admiralty. Mr. Ward Hunt, or Mr. Hubbard, Chan cellor of the Exchequer. Mr. Gathorne Hardy, Homo Secretary. It is rumored that Mr. Gladstone will advise the Queen to elovato Mr. Chiches ter Fortescue to tho peerage. SIAMESE TWINS. REPORT OF THE AETOl'NY. Philadelphia, Feb. ID.—Tho formal report of the Siamese twins autopsy has been given. Tho bodies of the twins wore exposed upon a table at tho upper end of tbe hall iu front of the audience. Tbe plaster casts which were taken from time to time during the progress of the autopsy, were at hand, together with u number of diagrams, photographic views and drawings were used by tho demonstra tor, Dr. W. II. Pan coast, to illustrate the report. Tho bodies were also very fre quently tiNod by Dr. Paucoast for the pur pose of explainiug pusaages of tho ro- port. Intense interest was displayed during the remarks of the demonstrator explan atory of certain physiological peculiari- ities of tho respective bodies. Promi nent among these peculiarities, wan what Dr. Pancoast called tho fatty cord, which extended from the mucus membrnno of the stomach, to which it adhered in the direction of, but not quite into tho bond of union. Thoro were peculiarities of the umbilical aud liver in each body, to gether with many othor abnormal growths rarely ever found in the Ilnsmnu anat omy. SHIP NEWS. Key West, Fob. 19—10 a. m.—Tho Dic tator has just arrived at tho poial, and ia coming into harbor. Liverpool, Feb. 19.—The ahip Barham, from I’omiacolafor Harrow, put into Uoly- hoad yoHtorduy dismantled. New York, Feb. 19.—Arrived—City of Boston. MARKETS. ile of the insane asylum at Mi Hedge- one-third of hu average crop has le; to provide for the manner of issu- Ln-eu harvested, uud, although the corn- county nnd municipal bonds; to pre- \ panics hope for more frost and an oppor- ,. , . ,.f . . ! tunity to fill their houses before the win- tbo destruction of inse j c | ofi6Hf tbe prospect for cousuaiera is “ds, applying Jbill to Richmond, Musco- no t promising. There is some convolution Dougherty and Randolph counties; ' in the information that the ice already ■ pr„vi ,0 for the beeping of inaane crim- iUwili J differ from tho ice that was served to new capitol m'siHlss. consumers by the New York companies Atlanta City Oooncil hw offered City! last nammor. — A'. Herald, 15(1. THE WEATHER. Depahtment of War, > Washington, Feb. ID, 1874.) Probabilities. — For Friday, for the Bouth Atlantic States, winds backing to southeast and southwest, with cloudy weather and possibly light raiu«; for tho Gulf States, winds veering to the south west, with cloudy weather and possibly rain. A Strnnco Country. The tract of country known hh tho Slate Range Valley is probably one of tho most curious that Southern California can boust of. lt is there tho immense deposits of borax wore discovered something like a year ago, and at that time tho whole lowor or centrul portion of tho basin was cover ed with a white deposit, breaking away iu some places in large soda reefs, in others resembling the waves of the ocean and in still others stretching out for miles in one unbroken level, from which tho sun re flected its rays with a glare almost unon- durablo. Bnt ono of tho most singular features in connection wiih this section was tho absence of rain thoro, until some three months since the spell was broken. Suddenly, and with soarcely atiy warning, rain commenced to fall, and for thirty hours it came down steadily, but unceas ingly, accompanied by wind, but yet a thorough, drenching rain. For two or three days it romaiued pleasant, when suddenly a waterspout was aeon winding its way through tho val'cy. It came in a zigzag course across tho upper end of the lake, striking the range of hills ou the east side aud coursing rapidly along them. The canons and gorges wero soon filled with water, which poured from them in fearful volume and spread itself upon the bottom. In a short turn; it was over, and the denizens of tho locality now look for another dry season of five years. The borax company now in operation there are said to bo doing well, and another set of works on a small scale will probably go in within a short time. Thirty-fivo hundred pounds of the refined article wore recently shipped to Han Francisco, and ten tous of crude material.—Los Angelos Express. The Philosophy of KuJn. To understand tho philosophy of this beautiful aud often sublime phenomenon so often witessed since tho creation of the world, and ossential to tho very exist ence of plants nnd animals, a few facts derived from observation aud a long train of experiments must be remembered : 1. Were the atmosphere everywhere, at all times, at a uniform temperature, we should never have rain, or bail, or snow Tho water absorbed by it in evaporation from the son and tho earths surface would descend in an imperceptible vapor, or cease to be absoibed by the uir when it wna once fully saturated. 2. Tho absorbing .power of the atmos phere, and consequently its capability to retain humidity is proportionally greater in warm than in cold air. 15. The uir near the suifucc of the earth is warmer than it is iu the region of the clouds. Tho higher we Ascend from the earth, tho colder do wo fiud tho atmoH- phere. Hence tho perpetual snow on very high mountains in tho hottest climutc*. Now when, from continued evaporation, tho air is highly saturated with vapor, though it be invisible and tho sky cloud less, if its tomp’eruturo is suddenly re duced by cold currents descending from above, or nnhing from a higher to a lower latitude, its capacity to retain moisture is diminished, clouds aro formed, and the result is rain. Air condenses as it cools, and like a sponge filled with water und compressed, pours out tho water which its diminished capacity cannot hold. How singular, yet how simple, tho philosophy I of rain ? What but Omniscience could , r 0 ... 1 have devised such an admirable arrange- a tho Marquis of Salibury, m6nt f , )r watering ,l,e oarth ?-,SWW,/7rV that of Secretary of State for India. | Journal. It is probablo Disraeli will complete ! ♦ ♦ his cabinet by to-night. It is said the i —A correspondent tells this singular Marquis of Wostmiuster is to be mado a Rtor y : “Washington churches outrage , : decency m their begging operations. Ij I Duke. ; *as witness a year ago to one of thoho AMERICAN C'ONHL’L l.NM'LTED IN j ‘scenes.’ General Grunt was invited to CXBA. be present, and not dreaming of what Florida Bay, Feb. 10.—The steamer waH coining, after tho fernn n ho was Dispatch, which left for Havana Tuesday, to Uv “ 1 ” ' rH P ow « , ,, , „ „ . ! while three or four prole-sioual beggnrH reports that Oonaul Gou. Hull had boon coax „ a , whined, threatened, aud do- obliged to fly from the Spanish mob in nouuced the audience. Thoto present w ere 1 Havana, aud take refuge on board the i hesoechod to give ) apiece, $2/>0, n ... * T i it i l Nnd finally $100 oach. It came nlmost to . Bntiab Iron Clad, Ho bae not jet re- oaUing pr „ sent by nam0 , W|1 „ turned. glad to hoq that tho President *ruf used to, A fallen* an to the New Mlnintry. surrender to this highwayman's style of London, February If*.—The London [ begging. There he sut motion less for • Observer says the now Ministry will pro- . nearly two honrs und euchered the great I bably be composed as follows : ) ‘begging feat.’ " BY TELEGRAPH TO ENQUIRER. Money nnd Htook Market*. New York, February 19.—Gold opened at 12$. Stocks dull. Money 4. Gold 12|. Exchange—long 485; short 488^. Governments strong aud active. State bonds aotive. New York, February 19.—Money easy. Sterling exchange dull at 40D. Gold strong ut 112gnlJ2L Governments strong and active. State bonds steady; Tennes- hoch active at 86^. London, Feb. ID.—Consols 92^aD2j; new 5's 1014. Bullion has increased £250,000. Provision Markets. New York, Feb. ID.—Flour quiet aud steady. Wheat quiet. Corn dull nnd un changed. Fork steady at $15 80a 10 00. Lard steady; stoam 9 7-10. Turpentine quiet at 48J. Rosin heavy at $2 40a2 50. Freights firm. Louisville, Feb. ID.—Flour, quiet and unchanged. Corn, 71a2. Fro visions u shade lowor. Pork $15.00a 15.25. Bacon shoulders 7; clear rib 8j; dear 0. Lard, tierces Dja}; keg DjalOj. Whiskey Dity. Cincinnati, Fob. 19.—Flour utondy; corn quiet at 58a(51c; pork quiot aud weak at $15; lard quiet aud weak, stoam 8}c ; kettle 0. Klioulpors <»Jc ; clear rib 5 clear sldos 8J. Whisky active nt de cline 4-. Cotton Market*. Liverpool, Feb. ID—1». m.—Cotton easior, but not quotably lower; sales 12,- 000 bales, including 2,000 for speculation and export. Cotton to arrive stoady; no transactions. Lator.—Halea of uplands, nothing below good ordinary, shipped February and March, 7 3-1 Gd; sales of Orleans, nothing below low middlings, shipped February and March, 8 3-10; Hpot cotton—uplands 8d; Orleaus 8jd; Halos to-day include (5,700 Amoricun. New York, Feb. ID.—Cottou weak and irregular; sales 701 bales; uplands l(!3c; Orleans 10§c. Futures opened ns follows : March 15j ala 5-1(5; April 15£nl5 15-10; Mny lOiju l(» 13-32; July 17^; .August 17 9-10. New York, February ID.—Cotton weak; sales 1,314 bales at 1(»4 to l(5j; uet re ceipts 1,170. Futures closed quiet; Rales of 23,100 halos, ns follows : February 15 l-KJair*^; March 15 5-32a 15 3 10; April 15 25 32a 15 13-10; May 10 D 32ul0 5-10; Juno 1(5 23- 32ul0j; July 17 5-32al7j. New Orleans, Fob. 19.—Cottou irregu lar and active; middling 10^; low middling 15^, good ordinary 13}}; receipts 4,025; exports to continent 1,3D1; to Franco 1,7(53; coastwise 390; sales 2,000—last eve ning 2,0(H). Savannah, February ID.—Market quiet aud easy; receipts 2,311; ex porta coast wise 1,722; to France 1,431; to Great Britain 3,12D; sules 1,385. Charleston, February ID.—Quiet; mid dlings 15jJ; low middlings 15; good ordi nary 145; receipts 1,029; exports to Franco 1,750; sales 500. Boston, Fobruary 19.—Quiet; roooiptn 3; exports to Groat Britaiu 4(54; sales 200. hides. HIDES I HIDES! WE WILL PAY THE Highest Market Price FOB Green 1 Dry Hides, Furs and Beeswax, AT GRAY & CO.’S, No. 2 Crawford St. j*22 d2m Und«r lUnkin House. M. M. HIRSCH, Oglethorpe and Bridge Streets. Hides and Furs a Specialty. Will l*ay the lllgliont Market I*rlo« for Hides, Furs, Beeswax & Rags. All kinds Wrapping Paper and Paper Bags on hand. DRY COODS. MILLINERY. To Suit the Panic Times! Millinery Goods at Cost! W K havo on hand, imrclmaoil nt tho lowest whole- Bulo mihIi i»ric«*H, n large itml well tiHMirlori «tock of MILLINERY, boairiort 0LOVES, I’OILSKTH, und everything niuully kept in a tlrnt >.ia« Millinery KatnbliHhmcnl. Wo art. xutixhMl yi.ii will ho ploaHod with our detection if you will Hut mil und examine. We are uoxt to the New York Ptoro. HeHpertfr.lly, M118. COLVIN and octlB ly M1P8 DONNKLLV, ECONOMY! Do you know that you can Save Money by purchasing DRY GOODS at the well known house of JOSEPH & BRO.? TIIKY ARK 8HLLIN0 TITHIR IMMENSE AND VARIED STOCK O* Foreign; Domestic Dry Goods BELOW COST! Their Spring (Stock 18 UNRIVALHD! be convinced. No. 69 Broad Street. PEACOCK & SWIFT Cull attention to the foot that they aro m ir.u* Dry Goods of eve y description, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, &c., TO CASH IIIJVKRN, i will be ntire to plouan all win* WAGON MAKING. Wood and Blacksmith Shop. J. H. M0SHELL | RAVING taken GoetcliiiiM’ llhukamith Shop, I Wo ii all their > Work, Repn riigoiM, making of all «b lorse Shoeing, Ar. I keep cornttun'ly on In Indri of PLOWS iu getter i MISCELLANEOUS. Attention, Culunibus Guards. *3^ Tl ‘ elect it OolunibuH (Inurdt Saturday night, 7 By order of 11 Fell, tilth, 1*74, give notice foi ten duya that for Third Lieutenant of tho ill he held nt the Armory on t'olootoy '28th inat. '•‘plain. [td .1..I. CL AH', 0.8. Dr. Win. Olovoland, Magnetic llealor, Bll. F. F., lloiaiepathiat, uud MIIN. N. E. SMITH. Clairvoyant aud Klei trblan, H AVE taken ro.uiiH at the Planter’* Hotel, uh they will treat the ufllmted for a moil All kiudu of DiriuuioH MtirccriMflllly treated. Cull and ho i. febl4 1 . KOUOIA—MUSCO* IKK COUNT V.—Notim ' ' hereby given to ell pornoim nmeeriied make known tholy objection* (If any they have) it ill* he held for March nex Ht. Mary’* <.r the Co »ty. iiIhbIo it the tli nt Saturday ti tlie lending from the ob ar Bull errek, uud Internectiu I near Col. K. T. Hhi-plioid’ t bo made a Public Road, toaid of Com hi iHnioncr*. K. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. CHEAP GAS. G AS made from water, or Carbureted Hydrogen Gun, inaken the Hoftenl and most brilliant light In the world. Call uud H»o the npparut For Sale. r |'WKNTY 8IIARK8 IN MKRCHANTS' BUILD- ing and Loan ANHueintiou. Apply to A. 0. BLACKMAIt, fa hi 8 eodtf M. and ,\I. Rank. Administratrix's Sale. \ GRKKABLY to an order from tlx- llouorabW At Hiirh irlv Kith Inat., u new r,uo of Spring I J rints, See. J»' s PKA00CK A HWIFf. GROCERIES. lio th. ell, lifter tlx 8 of till) o! the pel county, ii of ten ileu und ul prop- 0 FAB MB. Ad ioutll. I Jiu I'd tin II bil ge Htock Of All •we, wl.i. h will b. i I any where in the of P KT |(B EDO A It. erty belonging to tl February 12th, D Railroad Sale of Unclaimed Goods. n. u I'n.i Coin of the public ill rnm: r«diowi | tilled Hill • will ri< II I, .1. If. MUSH ELL. iiy Marih l(i;li, i .Hewing III tic Ire, u rd, pay charge* un I. G. Marie—One bn BOOTS AND SHOES. YOUR A TTKNTION is respectfully called to Hie | x that we are SECOND TO NONE in Him uc inentH offered to buyera of HOOT* AAI) NIIOLS. Wo keep our Stock well a-H.-rled replenish HEAD he Dst of competitors for your trade. i OF It EE ATM Eft DEPARTMENT * r. II stock.-d. We have j.m . . . v.-d a large lot I »AK AND I ’■> H D. U AI’, Stray Mule Taken Up A T my Iiitnl.ii., i\ th- lir.t „r .litnunry. Tim ... m'i Imvii him l.y proving pr, p. il , puyli.K for tl.i, n.Ivmnis....... CHATTERBOX FOR 1873, HIH SALK JIY IS •to add largely to “LEVEL” All kll increase of their pair nage. ids of UKPAir.INO done in Hie h. st «,ty|e | f e puv th* If pi || K8!’ MARKET PRICK FOR" IMIV III BEN. WELLS & CURTIS, 73 Broad Street. p.i ■ SADDLES AND HARNESS. ■ NOTICE. T ilK nndersignoI, with the view of arranging his business to done it up st an early ds\, offers his eutire stork of SADDLES, HARNESS, TRUNKS, And other goods in his line, At Very Reduced Prices! FOB CASH OXIiY ! and to be convinced, please call and examine stock and | rices. N. II —All pr J. W. PEASE & NORMAN. Dental Notice. I VII. PIIHI.PS luia rcmoTHl Ilia oisn (o bla m. 1J I'l'-liro on HI. Cl nt Hiu. l, |i. ,.. r i,r ,1... Pr. Hliyterlan Clmnili. o, t< u CHEMICALS—PURE ! K.IK HOME-MADE FERTILIZERS, AT LOW .•KICKS. E. C. HOOD & BRO. 111!* I»PIU Wanted. \\'K will give nivu and women IIIM YI NS Vy THAT WIFE PAY troic 1 t- is perdu), can be pursued in your own neighbor hood; it m u rate chance b,r those . ut of etnpl.iy- quilitly do a* well a* men. I'articiib.?' It *. J Address J. I.AT II i VI A CO., | aug28 tf Wi Wanhitigt.iu . Itooloii. Musi. I L^ietui'e L'nuneN AN D FRAME MOULDINGS. rail and settle with. otlce. H. MIDDLEBROOK. C .lutnbus, January 1st, 1S74. eodae^ui silo, and am prepared to MaKK Fit OIK.- tn order. W. J. CHAFFIN. ndvl•') If LATE ARRIVAL OF MALAGA GKAPLN, I.O\DO\ LAYLIt I IGS, I.O.MIOV I.AYKIt UAISI.NS, Ail kiiKln of M IN, etc., at Xu. Broad Street. Profumo & Hoft'mau. A Now Enterprise ! WHOLESALE Grocery and Provision House In Marshall, Ala. J. T. HOLLAND T AHK3 pleasure In notifying Merchants and Planters of the sut rounding country that ho ih receiving a very largo stock of Orocories and Western Produce, which he proposes to sell on liberal terms and as low ns can he bought in any ■Southern city, lio has purchased his eutire stock lor rush, hofor> the late advance iu prices, and Inn iu store $j),ihm) worth of Bacon, Ac., purchased a< LOW FIG UKKvS, and will keep his stuck full up, sons to supply any demunds. Having located in Marshall whore he avoids high taxes, and having no tents to pay, ho Is enabled to sell as low as the THE RETAIL HOUSE or Holland Sc Baker IS NOW Ol*KN, with a full linctof Groceries and Staple Goods, ja28 dim] adapted to the trade. CHOICE TEAS. JjjjjXTRA Choice ftloyu •• Imps “ “ Formosa Oolong, 1 An Fresh Beef Tongues, OJ to K'l rout. oach. Italian Macaroni, 25c. Dooley's and Preston 4. Merrill's Yeast Powders. Gant’s Sea Foam. Canned Fruits and Vegetables. I am offering at roducod Prices, Split Peas, Navy Beans, White Kerosene Oil. ROB’T S. CRANE. f»hl5 [fobl ilbmj Trust*'. H. F. ABELL & CO. 24 HAVE JUST RECEIVED K KGS ..f Florida Syrup, about 1:*. ch, auititble for family iisa. Now Wt'Storn Hams, L'odtlih aud Mi.ckorul, Rio, Juva and Mocha LYft *, Hoastod Rio and Jatu Cuffeo, Dundee Marmalade, 1 Fruits of all kind*, Ale id I** * per do bot.lei Co to Pomeroy’s, AT KOOimrs ( OH.\i;i{, For Ferris &. Co's Sugar-cured Pig Hams and Strtps. Ferris’ Mild-cured N. Y. Bellies, Wright’s Ne Plus Ultra Mince Meat, far superior to Atmore’s, Raisins, Figs, Oranges, Lemons, Pre served Ginger, Jellies, Corn Starch, Sardines, Salmon, Oysters, Tomatoes, Christmas Eggs, Turkeys, Ducks and Chickens, Wine, Milk, Butter, Boston, Butter, Soda and Pic-nio Crackers, Snaps, Ac. Mr. T. PRIDOKON will lo found at tho com. t'-r hii I will bo ploatfd to wait on his former « u- turners and trmnds. The patronage of tho public i» respectfully solicited. UiCiO Dissolution Notice. T. J. PEARCE A < . ID DO r- rcttled bv ing claim- r payment for th-* liberal pattomi .d rva|H'ctfully re-cuim* of T J PEAKCK A C t to bo undoisold. JOHN W. H0D> T. J. Pearce&Co., rSuccoMOM to Williams, Poarro A Mode, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 20 Broad Street, Groceries, Plantation Supplies, &c., Which will lot -old low and ■trictly for <a*b tat T. J. PEARCE * CO.