The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, February 24, 1874, Image 2
jD&Utf gntrtu w CJOLl'SI llt'S: TUESDAY FEHKUAKY 24, 1H74. IHOTIi'B. Twouty-flve por cont. will bo uridud to all subHcriptiooH uot paid in advunce. This rulo will not bo departed from. All funeral, obituary, and marriage no- ticoH must bo paid for at regular rates. Resolutions of Granges und other bodies, ordered published, will bo charged for. Anonymous communications invariably ignored. Letters requiring answer should con tain stamps for return postage. Latk advioos from Buenos Ayres say that the Asiatic cholera is Htill raging there, claiming thirty or forty victims a day. Is Mississippi) tbo Lioutenaut Govern or, Bocrctary of State, Superintendent of Public Education, and the Speaker of tho House of Representatives, are negroes. George Weed, a native of Connecticut, but lately n citizen of Savannah, was killod in Clsy county, Fla., on Saturday, by a man named J. M. .Jones. No par ticulars. A hiiaiu' engagement in Northern Africa is reported as having boon brought on re cently by a Sultan of Soudan invading Egyptian territory with on army iu pur suit of slaves. An Egyptian Govornor gave him battle, and after a tight of six hours, tho Souduti army of 10,000 was de feated with heavy loss. PnitsiDKNT Grant is reported as having snid, in tho course of a conversation with Southern members of Congress on Wed nesday last, that “us far us it was iu his power ho should hereafter strictly follow tho policy of conferring uppointmouts iu the South on those whose loyalty and character wore such as to outitlo them to his favorablo consideration, llo was of tho opinion that tbo no-culled carpet bag element had not contributed much to the good of tho party in that section." Tint Washington National JfcjmUican of Friday, in its Department News col umn, says that the report that the Com mittee ou Civil Service Reform had sub stantially agree J to the hill introduced by Mr. Smart, providing for tho apportion ment of the Department otlices among the members of Congress, “is promature,” as tho Oouimittco has only discussed the bill. But tho tone of the Jlepublican iu its editorials shows that it approheuds a serious attempt to pass this measure. Baui''h nomination still “hangs tiro" iu tho United Statos Senate. A Washington special of Suturduy to tho Atlanta Consti tution Hays there is a “free light" for tho PostOtlicoof that city, and that tho chargos made by Congressman Freeman against Bard are tho following : First—lie a Democrat. Second—ilo aided in expulsion of colored mombors from Georgia Legislature. Third Ho is not a oiti/.ou of Georgia. Fourth—lie is not the choice of tho Republicans. Aaron Alpoorin Bradley was Bard's witness on tho suaond charge. Bradley testified that Bard aided the colored motubors. Judos Erskink, iu tho United Statos District Court at Savannah, hist wook, made an important ruling respecting the force of a crop lien in binding the prop erty of a bankrupt. Tu a case in which proceedings to foreclose a lion were com menced after tho mortgage lmd been ad judged a bankrupt, Judge E. granted a temporary injunction restraining further procoodiugs therein, but addod : “This injunction 1 grunt Nolely on the grouud that tho levy was made after tho bank ruptcy of BasH, but at the same tiino 1 remark that no exemption will ho nllowod out of proporty held under a judgment obtained by virtue of what is known as a “crop lion," for it is purchase money un der tho laws of this State, and I must follow tho State law iu this, if this bo a crop lien.” T1IK SIEETIMU TO-NHiHT- Tho Toaipuiauce meeting to-night will bo held in tho maiii body of the Baptist Church, and it is to bo hoped tlioro will bo a largo attendance. Tho hull particularly intorostod, and they should bo out in foroo. While wo havo uo> believod in total abslinonco or pledge wo cannot avoid the fact that there much intoxication in our city, and that many of our brightest men are made tho victims of strong drink, do not endorse the singing and praying mode adopted by tho women of Ohio, Kentucky ami Tennessee for tho sup prossiou of tho sale of ardent spirits, am we have no desire to interfere with tho rights of luou licensed by the nation ni city. What we should like to boo is t moral suppression .of that too comm tendency to drink to excess, which marks so many of our very best peo- plo. In our desire to aid this cause we do not wish to “oast stones,” for wo havo during the years of our manhood advocated moderate drinkiug, and we can say candidly wo set an example of our theory. Wo never became cntaugled iu tho fascination, but wo remember many a gallaut fellow equally strong now sleeping in a drunkard's grave. And, after all, it is uot our owu tastes or pleasures that should be consulted in this matter; for if our habits are tempting examples to othors to stop beyond the limits of mod eration, wo fear Mich moderation may have its moral rectitude questioned. However, we will hear what our friends have to say this evening. We oaunot imagiue their actions as iu nnv way in terfering with the rights of any of our citizens, and so for as they tend to the | Congr. On Thursday, tho question father, mother or child, that waare nearor J was first taken on Senator Cameron's to the living presence, and wo can hold amendment to the Finance bill, and to closer communion with the images that tho surprise of its friends, it was defeated are ever alive in our hearts. Columbus by a vote of 2(i yeas to 30 nays. This ^ does not lack in msthetic taste, as can be amendment provided for free banking, ^ seen by tho many beautiful homes in and with certaiu restrictions. ; ho voto was , around our city; but if we were to take our then taken on Senator Gordon's amend- j ideas of tho people's taste and culture from ment, which was defeated by the same j our cemetery, we would bo forced to voto—20 to 30. Henator Cooper's amend- i place tho standard very low, for wbilo ment, providing both for free bankiog ( nature has done muob, art has done but uud for tho convertibility of legal tondors little to make the place attractive. We ni.l admuuiali all iu the first Mou- should nut be ed to said applicant. into gold nt tho Treasury Department, then substituted for Mr. Morrimon’s amendment, but before voting on it tho Seuato adjourned, at a lato hour. Those proceedings attracted tho most intense interest, both in tho Senate Chamber and tbo lobbies. On Friday (having by some proceeding, not yet reported, again taken up Morri- inon’s amend merit instead of OQOper’R), tho Senate adopted Mr. Morritnon's sub stitute, by a voto of 28 to 2.">. It instructs tho Finanoo Committee to report a hill iding for un iucrenso of tho National Bank circulation ho that tho whole volume thoroof shall not oxoood $ 100,000,000. But it will bo observed that the voto wus a very close one, and tho Senate waH not full as when Cameron's und Gordon's nmoudmonts were rejected. aro informed by gentlemen living in tbo city that the trees thoy plant by the graves of their doad are stolen by thieves, and that floral offerings are deliberately carried off the graves by the very queer class of people who on Sabbath days make the grave yard a placo of assigna tion. Surely the Sexton has some control over these matters, and can protect tho graves. If be has not tho authority or force, Council should give it to him, and he should have au assistant to aid him in watching and working. A few huudrod dollars expended under the direction of some gentloman acquainted with land scape gardening, would completely change the appearance of the cemetery. But if this cannot be done, Counoil, alway: ready to assist a good oauso, should that tho Sexton is enablod to koop the graves sacred, and tho offerings of tho living from being stolen from the breasts of tho dead. DECISIONS OF THE SC THEME COURT OF UEOKUIA. Delivered In Atlanta, Feb. 17, 1*74 Condensed from Atlanta Constitution. Joseph Porter vs. State. Gaming from Fulton. McOay, J. On the trial it was proven that the par ties played for “chips," representing cer tain Hums, which were redeemed by tho dealer at tho price they represented. Held—That this was playing for thing of vuluo, and tho conviction w ri B ht. Judgment affirmed. Thomas Ware vs. State. Murdor from DoKulb. McCay, J 1. Whore on trial of A for murder it was provou that A uud B came to the place whero deceased wus nt wot;k, and the killing took place after an altorcatii which A and B joined Held—That it wus not error to permit State to prove that B had, iu A’s prosouce, not long beforo the killing, ankod witness if deceased was at work at tho pi was killed, especially when it was further provon that A thou said ho would givo do- consed u lick if lie said what ho had hoard he had said. 2. It is not error for tho judge, in i murder case, after charging tho law appli cable to tho facts proven, to fail to charge tho section of the Code which provides “that all othor cases standing samo footing of ronRon and justice shall be justifiable homicide.” When tho jury, without boing misled their verdict of guilty, recommend to mercy, tho verdict is not thoroby illegul the verdict not being founded solely or circumstantial evidenco, and tho Court will not hour affidavits of jurymen that they misunderstood tho elFoct of their verdict. Judgment affirmed. Oharlos McCay rs. State. Larceny from Fulton. Twite, J. On trial of defondant as principal, ho cannot bo couvicted ns accessory. Judgment affirmed. L. DoGive vs, Mendor & Tumlin, sumpsit from Fulton. Twite, In a pending suit to enforce mechanic's lion, and the proporty on which tho lien is claimed has been sold by legal process, tho pnrehasor cannot make himself a party and tender issue. 2. That the purchaser has a mortgage on tho proporty, does not affect tho ques tion. Judgmout affirmed. North Gooigia Mining Company vs. Chas. Latimer. Equity from Fulton. Mo- Cay, J. 1. On tho trial of an issue arising on a contract betwoeu A. and B. C. D., all par ties being present and eugngod iu fixing tbo terms. A. is uot au incompetout wit ness because one of the parties to the the rnuttor”—“it was forced by groat other part has siuce died, national cxigoncos to tako tho course it j ”• When tho owner of tho land suppos- , .. Tf , .a. , ., . . ed to contain miuorals, mudo a contruct lid. If tlio 1 lines Had said vartu oxi- . , .. ' & ; with another, stipulating that tho othor goucioH, it would have stated tho case j might tost it nt his own expense, uud if moro correctly; for tho spirit of there- tho land contained tho mineral, coppor, hellion was outirely dead before “recon- 1 equal to the Duck Town mines, tho per- stmotiou" wus cummitUd tu the uuyruou, j »“'* t0 b - U Z , . r b , .M it at ft fixed price, the pneo to rise niul if anything has occasionally fauued it ^ WAH bettor or less good than tho into a flicker of life again, it has boon tho ' Duck Town mines; aud after tho test wj veiy oxoohsor, consequent upon tho ho- mudo a mine was found, believed to 1: utuwid of limvor ou innoruut uud vicious e< l u ‘ a to , the 1 ? auk , To . w “ ,uin0B - “ Iul . * k6 . . 4l ... , , parties formed a stock company, and the negroes, which tho J lines now doploros. | owners of tho laud took one-fourth of tho But tho Times now awakens to a por- 1 stock in payment of the amount agrcod ccplipn of the ovils ot' tho kind of rulo uud rulers lo which South Carolina, Lou- ! ,1 " ,or “ ini , n 8 ' vl f ll ! 0 , r tho ....... , consideration (one-fourth tho stock) lsiuua uud Mississippi uro still nubjectod. j f n j r .,,,q adequate to tho vendor, the cost It says that “it is the duty of tho Ropub- | of testing with tho risk of losing the jt out these ovils so far i whole expenditure in esse of failure, was tho test of the consideration paid by tho NED HO RULE IN THE MOUTH.” A long editorial articlo iu tho New York Times ot tho 17th inst., taken in connec tion with othor pointed intimations from Washington uud olsewboru, shows unmis takably that numbers of the Republican leaders of the North are becoming alarm ed f for tboir party; on account of tho oxcushoh of the negroes in power at the South and their demonstrated incapacity tie. The Times is the leudiug Repub lican paper iu Now York, and is looked upon as n mouth-piece of its party—its relations with Gen. Grant's administration being evidently of a couflduntiul char acter. Iu the article to which wo ref or (and which wo would like to copy at length ur space to-day poruiittod; tho Times ussos particularly tho condition ot South Carolina, which it says is even verse than that of Louisinun and Missis- ippi. It thinks it au unfortunate event that “at a time when tho sad condition of ill -ms in Louisiana is attracting tho ntton- iou of tho wholo country, aud when Mis- •issippi has elected a steamboat porter to the United Stales Seuato only because his skin is black, tho proceedings of tho South ilinu Legislature lire more scandalous ut any limo siuce the close of tho It says that the perusal of a sketch of tho proceedings of tho Legislature will remove any doubt of tho unfitness of tho present rulers, and thut “in South Caroli mi negro domination in affairs is most pro- uouuced, and thoro its evils aro most ap parent;' that “the Legislature of South Curoliuu is apparently a gang of thievos, intent only upon plundering tho pooplo whom it is supposod to servo. Long prac tico has made tho Legislature of the Stato a perfected system of brigandage. Igno rant negroes, transplanted from tho cot ton fields to the hulls of the Capitol, where they have beou drilled by unscrupulous white ndvonturors, have naturally made ti mockery of government, uud bankrupted the State.” Tho Times goes on to say iliat iu most of the Southern Statos no disastrous ooo- M*qiiuuccH have followed reconstruction, “hut in thoso whore the negroes had a nu merical superiority, the rovorse, it must bo admitted, is tru.o” We of the South know that tho revorse is only true in any of tho Stutuu because tho rulo wus wrostod fro the negroes uud their white ullios bofore thoy hud tiuio to cause tho ruiu and cor ruption in tho throe States uamod, which now so alarms tho Republicans of tho North. Wo kuow, too, that tho wliitos of tho South anticipated these deplorablo suits of nogro rulo, and warned tho imes' party of what would follow fhe bestowal of powor upon a class utterly incapacitated mentally and morally, for its proper exorcise. Yet the Times says that “the Republican party had no choice M U8C0GEE COURT OK ORDINARY.—William 8. Lloyd ha* applied tor .. Ilumcatead ex- WEAL ESTATE ACENT8. ELLIS & HABRIS0N, Real Estate Ageuts AND AUCTIONEERS, ILL ATTEND PROMPTLY TO THE SALE. KENT AND PURCHASE of HEAL ESTATE •I conutry, uud will advertise tb-j j buIo) FKKF OK CHARGE, unload V. M. BROOK P, Ordinary. MEDICINES. lieun party t ns it can" ; that the first thing to bo done is to “uudeceivo the negroes u conviction thut their proceedings have tho sympathy and support of tho Ropublicai party and of tho Administration.” Wi regret to see that it is party “exigency THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. This unrivaled Medicine id warranted not to con tain a single particle of Miscuar, or any lujurloui mineral aubdtance, but ia PURELY Yf UF.TADLE, containing thoae Southern Roots and Herbs which ail wiso Pr placed in mentor the Livernnd lloweln. Simmons’ Liver Regulator or Medicine Id eminently a Family Medicine; aud by hein; kept ready tor immediate resort will save many hi hour of Buffering and many a dollar in tiino an doctori' hi I Ik. After ovoi Forty Yoara’ trial It in still rercivim the moat unqualified testimonials to ita virtue from peraona of tho highest character ami rospoti Nihility. Eminent physician* commend it hb ill MOST EFFECTl’AIi SPECIFIC’ FOR DYSPEPSIA OU INDIGESTION. Armed with thin ANTIDOTE, all cliroatea change* of water and food may lx-faced with f.-ar. Ah a Remedy iu MALARIOUS FEVERS, ROWEL COMPLAINTS, RESTLESSNESS, JAUN DICE, NA«'SEA. IT HAS NO EQUAL I It ia the CheupcHt, Puroat, himI Heat Family Medicine iu the World ! MANUFACTURED 0NI.T 11V J. II. ZEILIN & CO., MACON, GA., and PHILADELPHIA. THE BEST ADVICE pepaia, liilini headache, fe any diaordei 0 unpliiirit, col! Br and ague, n affecting the i kidnoyi portant organa by the uaeof DR, A RLE LIVER PILLS. They act v< thoroughly restore the functional m debility, o irli. the livo guhite them. my ho taken at any DR. TUTT’S HAIR DYE podBPdsea qualities that no othor dye does. ] effect ia inatantaneoua, and do natural that it on not ho detected by the closest observer. It harmledd und easily applied, aud is in general u among the furthionahlo hairdressers in every lnr„ city in the United States. Price $1 a box. Sold everywhere. iu the City (at prl the prop, rlj sold. For Sale. VACANT LOT OF LAND, Icing th on oi the •‘Nunco lot,” on Bryan a root, adjoining io residence of ll«-u. M. J. Crawford. Call soon if you want u bargain. feblX tf CITY LOT No. Col, ou McIntosh street, with liree dwelling* ou the sumo. Will bo sold jgether or «ej urate, at a luw tlgure, for cash. ja-7 A DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT, with ten res grouud, iu Linwood, one mile from 8. W. R. R. depot; a very comfortable and desirable home. FERTILIZERS. FERTILIZERS. 300 tons P.taptoo Quano Company's Ammoniated Soluble Phoiphu,, 100 tona Langdale (English) A A Ammoniated Soluble Phosphatea 100 tons Langdale B B Ammonaifcd Soluble Phosphate*. 100 tona George Ober A Son’s Ammoniated Super Phosphate of Llmt 100 tons George Ober & Son's Genuine Phospho Peruvian Guano In Store and to Arrive. Planter* wishing genuino first cU« Dr<B , For Rent. A STORE HOUSE in the v at a cross-road, three mil Springs. A vory By Ellis &_ Harrison. 75 head Mules and Horses AT AUCTION. O N WEDNESDAY, tbo 25th of Fob’y 1874, 1 will sell at auction, without reserve, 7.7 lu-ad Horses and Mules, us Y^P good stuck as ever brought to thin mar ket. This Hale will he positive, and will tako place iu tin* city of Columbus, at the Livery Stable of Col. Robert Thompson, on Oglethorpe atreet, commencing at 10 o’clock Wednt-uluy morning, ' k Is sc-Id to close out a largo ought J. 8. BOYD. FOR SALE AND RENT. For Rent, CHEAP TO A CAREFUL TENANT, SMALL HARM within « mile .111 » hnlr uf Apply to J. 11, MARTIN, Euquirer Oflb For Rent. A*" A 1 tho city. fob‘J’2 ;t WO STORY DWELLING, CON- 1 onis, situated on OglethoipeUlSL street, convenient to the business part of tho city ftthll at* F. Q. WILKINS, For Rent. fJMIE SMALL DWELLING SECOND ut.r north of Male Public School, Jack- aun street. Apply to febS tf C. J. FREDERICK k RRO. V distinguished clergymn ; of this remedy, charnel >cial blessings or the ninetei ‘minty of Its healing effec inunity from danger, whel 11ilrcn or adults, adapt it for 1 it has attained. None w< ig complaint if they knew 1 of Now York, speak- rises it as “one or the oonth century," The >n going to hod thoy eases may ho arrested and consuinp- irge that sweeps away thousands •ould b- checked iu ita beginning. 11 seated cough, which breaks their will find by taking tho Expectorant children. Sold ind 60 Cortlnndt thlS iloodtw I v person testing, and if that wns equal to to their j throe-fourths tho vuluo, tho consideration was fair und adequate. 3. In a bill filed for specific perform ance, if tho contract bo iu writing, is fair and just, is certain uud for au ndequnto consideration, and capable of being per- tbat is forcing the Times lo demand 1 formed, it is as much a mnttor of course this restriction upon negro rule, for it f° r n court of equity to decree a spocitic , . . . % , uerformauoe* us it is for a court of law to says that “this, the last great task of re- v .. „ nuaD nnA .. h i give damages for it in other cases ; and it curmtruoliun, cannot lio shirkml without ’ was orrot to re f UM t0 c hor K o Ibis hh law, endangering tho safety of the party." i iu a case whero the contract was iu wri- But it is somewhat encouraging to find ' ^ u fb ntider tho evidenco it was com- ,ha, even fo, ia forcing tho ' jtl ^ ‘IZ I inn* and its political allies to correct, as ( q nft te consideration, and capable of beiug far as they now can, tho blundo; milted iu their dealings with tho South. Wo had intended to refer, in this con nection, to othor indications of the un easiness caused at tho North by the ex cesses of tho Southern Stato governments still iu tho hands of tho negroes, but must defer it to uuotbor occasion. THU UU.1IF.TUHY. In this age, among civilized pooplo, there is a general desire to decorate aud ronder beautiful “the cities of the dead," whore loved ones rest aud where the present living must sleep “afterlife's fitful fever.” Shrubs, flowers and trees, land scape gardening and the sculptor'i performed. Judgment roversod. Trippe, J., concurred. Warner, C. J., dissented. HARRIED, At Columbus, Gn., 11th Februry, 1874, at Trinity (Episcopal 1 Church, t-y tho Kov. W. C. Hunter, CLARENCE S. CONN HU AT to LAURA YONGK. •laughter of R. P. Spcuccr, Es-j ,h-th of 8a\unnah, G<* >rgia. • individual aud goneral good, we promise have been made to assumo their most r hearty co-oporatiou beautiful forms in the oometeries of thii And other lands. The impulso that leads this decoration is ono of tho purest and nobloat, because the most unselfish of onr Mis propositions relating , nuturej. We try to compensate by onr and the finances, witbin “brings of beanty to the dead for itae IMPORTANT VOTES BY THE SEN ATE* Tho Seuato of the Uuited States, by it votes upon vari to the currency the last three or four days, has probably indicated tho kind of legislation on that subject which may be oxpected from this j ' va 1 real or imagined, when they lived, aud if no neglect, then stand by the grave of a Attention, City Light Guards, * Meet promptly at your Armory THIS (Tuesday) NIGHT at 7^ o’clock, foi DRILL. llj order of Capt. W. II. Williams. feb24 It J. C. CHENEY, 1st Serg’t. Administrath late of said county, dec’d : These are, therefore, to and singular, tho kiudred deceased, to show cause oi April, why letters should STOVES AND TIN WARE. Stoves, Stoves! rn^mm CRuWW PpSfljl (Opposite Sun Office) Columbus, Ga., ^yOULD respectfully Invito tho attention of his TIN WARE, at wholo Manufacturer of TIN, SHEET IRON AN COPPER WORK. Roofing and Guttering dotio promptly and in tho host manner. He solicits a call, reeling assured that ho cau ve entire satisfaction. Ad* Price as low as tho lowest. Come ami see before you buy. oct26 eodswtf 200 COOKING STOVES! FOR SALK AT PRICKS TO SUIT HARD TIMES’ W. H. Robarts & Co., Who iuvito the attontin of the pul lic to their large and compieto stock, consisting of Cooking Stoves, (Charter Oak and other first class patterns), Grates, Hollow Ware, Wood and Willow Ware, SILVER PLATED AND RR1TKNIA GOODS, Crockery & Class Ware, Pocket and Table Cutlery of our own iuiportatioi Manufacturers of TIN, COPPER AND NIIUUT IRON WARE of every description. Mm' Prices as low as tho lowest. ■epT ood6m J. W. Dennis. J. M. Dennett. Southern Stove Works, Columbus, Ca. J. W. DENNIS A CO. For Rent. 2 LARGE ROOMS, with sido ontmuce, with use ol parlor and kitchen. Parties can board with family on very reasonable terms, if preferred Homo is well located. Addr ns JailS tf L, Box 184. For Rent, O NE of the most comfortable Dwalllngn M in Wynn ton, the residence of Tlioi. f|5!| A. Gamak. deceased. Tonus easy. Apply-* 2 *-" 0. O. RAGLAND, Agent JslO tf for James Canink, Ex r. For Sale Low. SCHOLARSHIP IN THE MEDICAL COL- LU1E AT EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. uovC tf APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. feh‘J4 daodswlm WM. A. .TAMES, Ofllcu In CllJ W.r.-lioiiai-, Oglnli.irm next t„ Epl.cnp.1 cj. WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS. ROSETTE & LAWHONl WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Liquor Lealersl 121 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., H ave now in stoke a choice selection op puke and una ulterated Liquors. Home of which aro three aud four years old. The lui nnd wii Tli* pla< cupicd by Mr- Dwelling House and Lot For Sale. OFFER for Halo tho house and lot recently oc- “ i. F. K. Owens, in Girard, Ala. ; the dwel ing is comfortable pdrs can lie made desirable, tho Brick Yard, on Marshall’s eeu, ten nunu es walk from eitlier bridge. For rms, apply to C. A. Peabody, Enquirer office. CHAS. A. PEARODY. fohfi oaw3t DRY GOODS. ECONOMY! Do you know that you can Save Money by purchasing DRY GOODS at the well known house of JOSEPH & BRO.? THEY ARE SELLING THEIR IMMENSE AND VARIED STOCK Ok Foreign s Domestic Drv Goods BELOW COST! Tlieir Spring- Stock IS UNRIVALEDt Call and bo convinced. No. 69 Broad Street. fobll dtf PEACOCK & SWIFT Call attention to the foot that they are selling Dry Goods of eve y description, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Ac., TO CASH BUYERS, At such prices as will he sure to please all who will call To arrive ICth lust., a new case of Spring- I’rintH, &c. i l’EACOCK t 81VIFT. FARM BOOKS. -it" and admoniidi ail ind creditors of (aid the first Mou lay in lot he grnntsd to said WILLIAM A FARLEY, -inh day of March feb’J4 XI 1 at my office on F.\ lay, th txt, at 10 o'clock x. m. WILLIAM A. PARLEY, Ordinal y. .f, UKATHN, t lRU BOGS, UOUNTRY AN ONTO YE ; HOLLOW B ARK. I We guarantee our goods in j every reaped. Extra Piece* furnished to anj Move we make. 4#* Samplo aud Salesroom at J. If. BENNETT A CO.’S, | *ug31 d’JtawawGmJ 181 Broad S(. TIME BOOKS FOB PLANTATIONS AND FARMS Enables any one to keep accurate ac *****-* count* with their employees. Prlc $150. The form i* one furuUhod by a planter of mur experience. It-* use will enable a Farmer to eav many time* it* cost during tho year. Printed and for sule by THOMAS GILBERT, SUN JOB ROOMS, Columbus, Ca. 45" The Book will be forwarded by mail, o Stray Mule Taken Up A T my place opposite Cnlamhui, ahoutl^ the first of January. The owner** can have him by proving property aud X paying for thU adve •’ feb!7 lw Honnessoe Brandy, Peach “ Applo “ Cherry “ BouieHtio “ Jamacin Bum, Now England Bum, Holland Gin, Domestic Gin, Port Wine, Sherry Wine, Madeira “ Malaga Wine, Martin Whiskey, Bourbon “ Cabinet “ Irish “ llyo “ White Com Whiukey, Adam Crow’s “ Weller's Bourbon “ Bobertsou County Whiskey, Tom Moore Bye “ White Wheat Pa. Dew Drow “ Tho above is offered at wholesalo aud retail, in quantities to suit purchasers. feblS tf ROSETTE A LAWHOV DRY GOODS. J. KYLE & CO. 7 the- public, gene-ally, thut tlmir ” ' oiuplete injfrery den te. They iw-re bought dir-, correspond T>F.SP EOT FULLY announce to their friend-, cue JlI and winter stock ou DRY GOODS i* m consisting of every article usually found iu a first < Imsh Dry Good* lb the money panic in New York for money, nnd w ill he sold nt prices cash, a#* We still keep a large Hue of IRISH LINENS, OF OUR OWN IMPORTAY ALSO, A SPLENDID LINE OF Ladies 9 , Misses’ and Oliildren’s Shoes, of tho Latest Style and Best Mak< Beautiful Line of Carpets, Rugs, &c., at Reduced Pricei All wishing to purchase will do well to give us a call, a* we bought low und will sell rlu-<p forrui BIRGAINS! URGtilj M BUS!!! Important to Those in Want of Dry Good C ONTEMPLATING « sli-rkt charge iu our business, wo offer from this date our EXTIIJ NTOCK or DRUNK AND FANCY. GOODS AT ONE-HALF THEIB VALUE, and invite those in want to call, cxuiuiuu nnd ho couvinccd. No charge* made f->r iho»iq good*. Our Terms from this date will be Cash. Nogoedswillbt sold on longer time than thirty days. i:\ll und settle ut < JOHN McGOUGH & CO CLOTHINC. THORNTON & AGES, IVo. 78 Broad. Street. (Next door to J. W. I’oaso A Norman’s Bookstore,) Have Just Received a New Lot of Men’s and Boys CLOTHING, At a reduction of 20 to 25 per cent, on former whole sale cost prices, which will enable them to sell at less than Cost prices for the same class of goods purchased earlier in the season. As we were able to get a still further re duction of from 5 to 6 per cent, for the cash, we will at corresponding low prices. Now is the time to buy { Clothing at lower prices than ever sold in this section IKS'Call and see for yourselves. BANKS. MERCHANTS’ AND ME COLUMBUS, W. L. SALISBURY, Presid’t. G-BORGIA- A. 0. BLACKMAR, Cashier. FRESH GOODS ! PROFUMO & HOFFMAN Hare Just Received a Froth Lot of Dates, Prunes, Raisins, Figs.IChoice Apples. &c. feb22 tf Administratrix’s Sale. A greeably t<> «» order the Court of Ordinary of Miwcog* 1 will proved to*.dl.afu-rthoexpirtt‘‘ 0 “ e| , Dl day* front tho d He of this noiieo, i . f . one two bi.rae.lray, a* p rt of the person belonging to Hie «.»•• »' gdmrt Attention, Culumbus Guards . _ ... .lari tb* 1 ’flu* is to give Third Liei Columbus Guard* will be held «t t Saturday night, 7 1 ^ o’clock, 2«th ia. . CLAPl*. 0 * rjKORGIA—MUSCOGEE COUNTY.—Notice i* hereby given to hII person* concerned to make known their objection* (IT any they hnve) . be held for said county, ou the first Saturday in I Feb. 19:h, I* -», l*' 1 March next, why the road leading from the old IDl". 'Wm. St. Mary'* road, near Hull creek, and intersecting Magnetic Ileal.- the Lutupk n road near Col. K. T. Shepherds lfcIt ' quarter, ihoulr. not be i.-ado a Public Road. „ . DR ’ 1 * * ' 1 By order of th« Board of Commissioner*. Ilomo-patltlst febl4 td F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. A McDOl'GALD, Wood, Wood ! JJEST WOOD, ready sawed, $4.n> per cord. Wood •awed for 50 cents per cord. Orders filled prompt ly ou application to the fehXl tf MUSCOGKR MAN’F NG 00. H*S*!K All kind* of ItS. H. E. NIWITH- ud Eltctricinn tho P II. tel. * the Hfll-C D r m« Presbytei tu "> .» Dental Notice. ihyterUu Church.