The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, March 20, 1874, Image 1
Columbus -AJNTXT JDJLULTZ: VOL. XVI. Hirer. TEBMS DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY larff qviuxixi. ALFRED R.' CALHOUN, 1'roprlctor. Twelve mouths, in advance $8 00 | Six mouths, “ 4 00 Threo inoutbs, “ 2 00 | one month, " 7r»o. Weekly Enquirer, one year 2 00 | Sunday Enquirer, one year 2 50 | Sunday and Weekly Enquirer to gether, one year 3 no Advertising; ltulen. | S'luure. | 1 Weak, Daily, $ a 00 I { Month, “ 8 00 Va 00 , “ 25 00 | 1 Pi|uare 1 year 42 00 The above is with the prlvilcgo of a change y throo months. For yearly curds a liberal di«- it will be made. 1 The Weekly rates will iuvariahly he one-third | of the Daily. When an advertisement is changed more than _ in throe months the advertiser £ill be cliarg- I id with the cost of composition. Foreign adver- 1 tisors must pay as do those at home. THE ALAMMA FRESHET. I OVERFLOW AT BKLMA-ONLYUNE TRAIN FROM MOXTbOMEHY DEATH Oft' A MANTER car m ?j»8tirtl 10 the HKQUUUR-SUN.J Selma, Ala., March 19, 1874. Tbo Alabama river is very high, fiev- I oral warehouses and depots are cut off I from direct communication with the city t account of high water. Parties going I from here and there take a long circui- | tons route. hoped communication with Mont gomery will be re-established iu a day or High water has caused some damage to I the railroads, and mnr*h to crops that are 1 planted. FROM ERY. Montgomery, Ala., March 19, 1874.— ] Trains Mil perhaps go through from here |lo-morro\v to Atlanta aud Columbus. The bridgos are sound, and tho dumago i from the washing of tho embankment, laud overflow of prairie laud near Sliort- ir’s. W. II. Daniels, master car builder of like Western road, died this morning. ltail communication with 8«lma and I Mobile is not yet re-established. No through trains wont out from here [ to-day, except on tho South aud North I Hailroad. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MARCH ‘20, 1S74. WASHINGTON 7 . .ONtillESSION Al,. ' published statement, and thnt thoir oepi- ; *»> > 9 only #0,000,000. It has been fur- , tber ascertained that tba basis for this | overissue has been loaned to the Cftptain- I (leuorul; no loss than #50,000,OOOin paper House. currency without specio to bock un WvsHtuoTosMarobW.-The Legisla-! lho aote ,. In P adaition to J. cress “ l>r °' ! im “ eu ”' i iss > 18 - » very largo quan- lit >’ of counterfeit bills have been Washington, March 19.—Spencer, from discovered, and this has oroatod so much the Commerce Committee, reported fa- j exeitoment iu Havana that specie is going forobly on the House bill appropriating up rapidly, and marly porsons are ox- #00,000 for tho improvement of the | changing their currency for real ostato. mouth of the Mississippi river. I,aid There has been great activity of owners ovor • 1 ,)f paper monoy, they being far rnoro _ Neuute. , anxious to hovo property iu buildings lhe Committee on Pensions repo, ted thou to hold any quantity of depreciated unfavorably on the private 1,111 paying ! currency arrearages on pensions. It involves the A„ effort being made to introduce paying of several millions, and the com- foreign specie into Cubs, as currency,has rnittee propose a general bill, not been very successful so far. Tho specie has only gone into the ports and out Again in foreigu trade. The discovery of theao facts, the Cuban letters state, has thrown tho financial DOMESTIC. I CiivRgo’a Major Rcfuaes to Veto LI* quor lilcenaiiitt. Ohioaoo, March 19.—The Mayor re- I fused a committee of ladies to veto the I ordinance allowing saloons to keep open ■ Sunday. It was mainly upon this issue i elected, and he could not honestly | veto the ordinance. Tlio Xew York 4'ommnulats. New York, March 19.—Tho French res- Inleuts in this city celebrated this evening Itlie third anniversary of tho uprising of ■ tho Paris‘Commune, by a banquet and Thero was a large attendance, and ■among the invited guests were the NVork- |iugiiieu’s Committee of Safety. Addresses ) delivered in Frenoh and English ap propriate to the occasion. The proceeds I wore devoted to the benefit of the widows land orphans of the Commune. |Heavy Rail Robbery—A Colored Dri ver Takes (|uly S'200,000. Kiuhmond, March 19.—A colored mail Idriver has robbed the mail of some $200,- | (| W) of postolUce orders and drafts, a few |°f which ho used. Those received will be istorod to the owners. FEI. EG It A 1*111C' X OT EM. - —A white worn in, the wife of a color- M m m named James Freeman, liviug at jUnmingtou, Conn., brained her daughter, Piiod is, wiih au uxe, yesterduy morning, ileal uuy was the cuu e. —It is stuted a detective was killed by ike Vmingor brothers, in St. Clair county, ilu., Tuesday. Ho belonged to tho puty vko weut from St. Louis privately, iu tbo J°P 0 “f capturing the Gad's Hill railroad fohbers. —The Londou Daily Ne<rg and Tele. give the following accurate account lS;e treaty of peace with the Ashuu- i *m King agrees to pay to Groat Britain I war indemnity of fitly thousand ounces gold, aud renounces all claim to Adan- Assio, Dinkers, Akim and NVassaw, iud withdraws hiB forces from the purls tke coast belonging to or under tho otectorate of Great Britain. He uu- Bsrtakes to maintain a good road from foomnstie to Prorine, to protect uier- Ikjiridiho transported over Haid road, and rill prohibit human aicrificus; also swears b« peace with England. General P'olsley does not expect tho eutiro amount I'f the indemnity wilt be paid, but regards Ike other stipulations as of vastly greater Importance and more likely to be ndhered I? . ^ garrison will bo maintained by the fetish at Prashru. 1 Japan paper discourages the send- l“b' uf more youthful Japs to the United Tirtcs to be educated, on account of the 'll associations with which they eoiue in intact. Conceruiug the demorulizition fy civilization, it Buys that thoee Japanese truths who have returned home put on 0Ve r their relatives, snub good folks pko have never seen tho glories of the I kited States, and show that they had de veloped an inordiuate taste for beer and ►so strange words which moral people, without understanding. Htill iiiHtinctively |6cog n j se M vigorous profanity. Thl* i«, i“Je«d, a lorry report. The bill authorizing tho employment of aliens as engineers and pilots passed, and goes to the House. The bill for tho relief of Jas. Connell, of Mobile, Ala., passed, and goes to the ] condition into a state of chaos, and do House. The bill establishing bonded ware houses for storage aud clearing at Now Orleans passed, and goes to the Presi dent. A resolution asking for an elaborate in quiry from tho Secretary of the Interior was passed. The Army Appropriation bill was re sumed. Stephenson, of Kentucky, ottered an amendment conferring upon the Court of Cluitna jurisdiction to hoar aud determine ' claims of citizens of the United States who remained loyal during the war, or who took and maintained inviolate lho oath prescribed by the President's procla mation of December 8, 1803, of tho fol lowing character: First—For supplies taken, furnishod or used by competent civil, military or na val authority, iu any State of the Uuion. Second—For tho use and loss of ves sels or boats while employed in tho ser vice. Third—For tho use and occupation of real estate by the army of the United States. Fourth—For damage to or destruction of real or persouul property of auy citi zen, whenever the same was destroyed by competent military authority as a military necessity. All claim now pending bofore tho Southern Claims Commission, Quarter master General, Commissary Geuerul, Third Auditor of tho Treasury, or any other department of the Government, ore to be transferred to tho Court of Claims, which Court may appoint Com missioners—not less than one for each Judicial District—for the States recently in rebellion, as well as for tho States of K-ntucky, Missouri, Maryland and West Virginia. For a speedy determination of ponding cases, the Attorney General may, whon ho deems it expedient, appoiut a compe tent person iu each of the said judicial districts to assist the District Attorney in protecting the interest of tho Govern ment. In regard to such claims, in all cases where judgments for an amount exceed throe thousand dollars, either party may appeal to the Suprome Court of the United States. The amendment further provides that the Southern Claims Commission shall bo abolished. Pending the discussion the Sonato held an executive session, and afterwards ad journed. YYu* hi n if to n Notes. Thero were no Southern nominations to-day. Confirmations—Prince, Postmaster at Augusta; McDonald, Postmaster at Char lotte, N. C. ltejoctions—Mahlon Stubbs, agent for the Kansas Indians. This is tho first ub- nolute rejection this soHsiou. Other nomi nations which failed were withdrawn. Admiral Porter is much bettor. Judge Dent is hopeless. The Committee on Civil Servico Re form propose a commission of three to arrange the details of tho tariff collec tion. Salary five thousand dollars oach and a clerk. foreign intelligence. IN ti LAND. stroyed tho calculations of all foreign morebants trading with Havana. Meeting; of lumen I. London, March 19.—Parliament reas sembled to-day. The Queen's speech re cords the relations with foreigu powers, and alludes to the mnrringo of the Duke of Edinburgh as a pledge of friendship between tho two great empires. How Kellogg Holds a lull HnuiE From tho New Orleans Plcnymm Governor Kellogg, wisely deeming thero were very mauy officeholders who might belter bo out, and nu.ny hi nest citizens who might bet or be in, during the last sossion of the Legislature, posi tively declined to send itr a majority of the names for confirmation or appoint ment—tho same being toiribly Hguiticant to office-holders, aud causing a rattling of dry bones, which, to u daily visitant at tho Governor’s office, gives an insight into how desperately the Executive is be sieged by seekers after place. By the laws of (lie Stale, thero aro about a thousand offices to be filled by appointment of the Governor; tho names of tho holders, however, are ordered to bo sent into tbo Senate for confirmation, otherwise they aro to bo considered va cant. Now, of course, if these names aro not sent iu, very naturally they can not bo confirmed ; and, therefore, tho Ex ecutive has tho battlo in his own hands, aud can chop off heads at will. Tho Senate, on the other hand, can, if tho names aro sunt in, refuse 10 confirm them, and thus hold tho balance of power. Understanding this Hist fan*,'members of tho Senalo and lIoiiM) a ho doniiud to have friends appointed, besieged the Governor night aud day, looking to tho confirmation or ronppointiuont of those iu whom they felt this interest. Tho Governor, however, manfully refused to do this, and accordingly thero aro now more than 580 vacant offices in tho State, the present incumbents only remaining in until thoir successors nre appointed. Very naturally, thero is a great outcry, and tho friends of tho unconfirmed rally nobly, but wit bout avail; tho Executive being stolid and, though re •< iving all ap plicants with a smile that is both child like and bland, immediately forgetting nil about them ns soon as they are out of the door. One instance related is peculiarly hard. A certain member of tho House hud promised to got for a certain friend tho position of tax collector in one of tho country parishes, and was to receive in return livo hundred dollars. Tho money was promptly paid over, but tho mem ber, when ho came gaily in for his ap pointment tho day after the adjourn ment of tho legislature, found it had boon already given to some ono else. Of course ho tore his hair and wailed dis mally of tho ingratitude of republics; hut as tho legislator was powerful no longer aud nothing more than any other citizen, he had to return thesheklos and be silent. Falliuif l»y Proxy. [From ‘-Our Monthly Gossip,” In Lippincott'a Magazine for March.] Apropos of tho New Year's visit which some persons make in extraordinary num bers, a singular experience is said to have been achieved by u gentleman whoso identity we may conceal under tho namo of Smith. Mr. Smith, being very busy on tho first day of tho year, concluded to discharge lho oeromonies of tho season by sending round his oards to tho ladies of his acquaintance, and for that purpose drew lip a list of names which reached tho round number of fifty. 'Then giving directions to his now valet to leave ut tho houses indicated on tho list n package of hu'f a hundred cords, which ho would find ou the parlor table, our man of bus iness weut oil', highly satisfied with his arrangement. On returning at night lie asked if his Mercury had distributed all bis cards. “Yes, sir," was the reply, “and there wore two cards over." “Two over ! how so?" “Why. there wore fifty-two iu tho pack, and so I brought back tho jack of spades and the queen of diamonds!" Tub lean '. Stanley RelicTen Livingstone Demi. London, March 19.—Stanley writes to the Nw* that, after careful investigation, ho is convinced that Dr. Livingstone is : ga j 0 0 f M horse, extends only to sound- j ea( ], Mid “warranted sound goes nofur- ft'U.iM'E. 1 tlier. It is a common practice with deal- .;ov.r.....e»t su.mlncl. j «»«»«• unSISfiwtauSSh Veumillek, March 1!>.—After along aD expression aoiiM rover in law, il would, ilobata in the Aaaoinbly to day, a resolu- to avoid pohaiblo cuiitlovaray and uiiaun- tiou offered by the Left, censuring the dorataudiug, be best UUU J ! ila nml fimiilitvlli Government for its action in refereuco to the nomination of Mayors of cities, was defeated by a majority of G-- —The National I Are Stork Journal ex I plains that tho word “warranted, used i SPAIN. Cnrlisl Advance dt-tiuite aud comprehensive; for instance, the following: "llo.eivi d of A. B. $200 for bay mare Kate, warranted only six vonrs old, sound, free 1 ruin vice, and quiet to ride and drive. ' Tho wuriautytobe valid must, of course, be past at tho timo of the sale, and constitute a part of the Madmd March 19,—Tho Carliat forces transaction. A warranty after the aaio Ir Oenera, Soballo eu.orad Hint with- void, for U » given w.thont a legal co under Genoral Soballo out opposition Financial sideration. —Josh Billings has an entirely bald head. It is related of him that once, whon he was at the Zoological gardens at Paris, tho day being warm, ho lay down ou one of tho benches and went to sleep. After a while ho was awakened by a Benue CT’BA. Trouble»-OvorlH»u<* of I lie Hauk. New York, March 19.-From private advicaa received from Havana of tbo date j “ an a“wbe“'he" ‘opened ilia of March 11, the Caban niercbnnts in , g he follml that aotnetiug covered bia tbia City have learned that Cormnia. (a J c0 . He began b. straggle to free him- Q(l0ICe SimDSOn LOttOfl bCCU aioner de la Diluda has been engaged iu aeif, and the next Reiter l imn PoImoii for 4'nt«rplllurn. Said the Opelousas Journal last fall: There is ono little cotton crop near Ope lousas which the worms have not stripped of its lenvos, and was not saved by poi son. The owner of it, Mr. A. Steen, and his son tied a piece of cotton baggiug, long enough to roach ncross two cotton rows, to a pioco of rope, and, ono of them holding ono end of tho rope and the other holding tho other end, they went up and down tho cotton rows, when the worms first made their appearuuce, dragging it over two rows at a time. Tho worms wore about half grown, and at that ago thoir feet or holders are weak, aud tho lenst shaking of tbo cotton makes them fall oft. They also at that age aro not ablo to crawl back. Mr. Htoen’s method kuoeked thorn all oft on tho ground, and they diod thore. He wont over his cotton, or that part which had worms ou it, twice, and saved it. Two porsons can go over twenty-five acres a day. If tho worms appoar again he will ngaiu sweep thorn « ft'. THE WEATHER. Department of War, ) Washington, March 19, 1874. > Probabilities.—For tho Southorn .States southwest aud northwest winds, shifting to southeast in tho Western Gulf States, unchanged temperature and partly cloudy weather. ~ markets" BY l'ft:Li:«JKAI*ll TO EXUIIREK. Moucy aud Much Market*. London, March 19.—Erie 39,'. I’, March 19.—Rentes 19f. (JOo. New York, March 19.—Stocks dull. Money 3. Gobi llj. Exchange—long 485, short 48S. Governments strong. State bonds quiet aud nominal 1’arib, March 19.— Specie increased nullum francs. New York, March 19.—Money inactive at 3a4. Exohaugo dull at 485. Gold dull at iLJull^. Governments strong- little doing. Stute bonds quiet aud nom inal. Provision ftlui-krlH. Liverpool, March 19.—Broadstufl's arc quiet. Fork dull. New York, March 19.—Flour dull nml declining. Wheat dull, heavy ruU un changed. Fork firm at $lfi. 12jal(i.75. Lard firm—steam at 9 7-1(». Freights heavy. Louisville, March 19.—Flour quiet nml uuchuuged; auperflue $4 25. Corn U9a 7n. l’rovisions quiet. Fork $15 25. Ba con—shoulders l»;{; clear rib sidos H~‘; clear sides 9jj; sugar tyirod hams 12; plain lOjf. Lard—tierce 9|; keg ftj. Cincinnati, March 19.—Flour quiotand steady. Corn firmer at (»2aU7. Fork in fair demand aud firm; country $15; city $15 25. Lard firm; steam H$ : kettle !>n 9{. Biicon source and in good demand; shoulders (J^; clear rib sidos 8 ; ,'; clear sidos 9. Whiskey firm ut 90. St Louis, March 19.—Flour dull aud unsettled; dull business. Corn inactive; ill for No. 2 mixed on onst track. Whis key dull at 92. Fork firm at $15 30; small lots $15 75. Bacon firm and active at G£a" for shouldors, clear rib 9, clear 9jju|. Lard—9 asked, 8^a^ bid. Poitou Market# Liverpool, March 19—12:30 p. m.— Cotton act ve and firmer ; uplands 8-jd., Orleans nj ; sales 18,000 bales, including 4,000 for speculation aud export. Sulos of uplands, nothing below good ordinary, shipped in February and March, 8jj ; do., deliverable May and Juno, 8j|. Later.—Sales of uplands, nothing be low good ordinary, shipped in February, 8 1-1(1; do. deliverable in March, 7 15-10; do. deliverable April and May, 8 1-10 ; do., deliverable May and Juue, HI.10; do., nothing below low middling, shipped in February, 8 3-10; do., shipped in Feb ruary and March, 8 3-10; do., deliverable April, Hjj. Sales of Orleans, nothing be low low middlings, shipped iu February, 8j. Liverpool, March 19—3:30 p. m.—Of tbo sales to-duy 9,100 wore American. Sales of uplands, nothing below good ordinary, shipped in March and April 8 1 -1 fid; do., do., April and May, 8^d; do., do., dolivory in April, 8d; do., do., deliv ery iu April and May, 8d; do., nothing below low middling, shipped iu April and May 8 3-lti. 5 p. m.—Cotton one-sixteenth higher; sales of uplands, nothing below good or dinary, shipped in March aud April 8d; do., nothing bolow low middling, shipped in March and April, 8 1-1 fid; do., do., do livory iu March, 8d; do., do., delivery in May uud Juno, 8 1-1(1, New York, March 19.—Cotton easier ; sales 2233 bales ; uplands at 1(1 j, Orleans Hijjo. Futures opened as follows: March 15 9-lfi, April 15 11-1(1.125-32, May l()Jal(ij|, Juno KJjHh, July 17j^a3-l(K New York, March 19. Cotton dull and lower to sell; sales 3,198 bales at KHalfiji; net receipts 2,002. Futures closed steady: sales 2,275 bales, us follows: March 15; April 15 21-32; May 1(1 7-32al«Jj; Juno 10 23-32; July Galveston, March 19,—Cotton firm, demand good; good ordinary Itj; mid dlings 1G;|; net receipts (J5ii; exports to Grout Britain 2850, to couliucnt 580; sales 4000. Memphis, March 19. -Cotton quiet; low middlings IF]; receipts 11,821; shipments 1589; stock 49,151. Savannah, March 19.—Easier; mid dlings 15 \ a j; net receipts 1491 bales; exports to Groat Britain 1855; huIcs 1285. Augusta, March 19.—Steady: mid dlings 15^; receipts 221; Hales 838. Charleston, March I!' — Quiet ; inid- { filings 16ja£, low middlings |5al5j. good ordinary 14^; net receipts 888; exports to 'Great Britain 2,202; to Continent 0,712: | sales (J.OOO; stock 41,282. I Morii.k, March 19.—Easier at quota- j tions; middling 15.,'alb, low middlings j 15, good ordinary lj: net receipts 208; sales 500; stock 59,255. New Orleans, March 19. - Cotton loss j active; middlings 1G^h|; low middlings I l.'.jaj; good ordinary 14 j: ordinary Uj: | net receipts (1551; exports to continent 1 1000; sales 2,500—last evening 8,500. Boston, March 19. —Quie» and strong: middlings lbjilb; : iw* receipts 2, gross 3860; exports to < , 300. MEDICINES. RAILROADS. NOTICE. NO. <»(». | JASSKNOKUS for MoiUgonii'iy run louv«* Co luiiilmit ou Mohilo nml Glum I Phhhoiij'I'v Train at ft o'clock |». in, on Tnemlnya, Tlmt-mlny* amt Sal unlays, iiihI arrive at Montgomery at II p. m. ratnoilay. W. L. CLARK, inch I Sup’t M. k (I. It. II. THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. TIiIh iiiirivrtlcil .Meiliriitc m \« orrniiU'il not to con- tain a Riiiglc particle of Mkiutry, or any iuJiiiioiH mineral mibHtanco, but is 1* l K ft: I.Y V ■'.<« F.TA R 1.1',, j • •intHliiiiiKtlioHoSontliorn ltoota and Herb# which an nil «ino Provblcnco placcil in coiintibH I mIh'I'o l.lvor I)|Rimm>N moht prevail. II will I vnr« nil IHxcatnst rnmn'il by ItcraiiKi'- mentor tliv Liver and llowels ! Simmons' Liver Regulator or Medicine l* t»miin'ntly o l'amlty Mciticlno; amt hy I'cImk rcinlv lor iniiio-.liatu resort will hiivc niaiiy an hour of MilTciiiig nml many a dollar Iu timo amt , «bn tors’ hills. Attvv ov»m Yovty Years' trial It is still receiving the most umimtlirUI t«*ntIiikmiIuIh i > lls virtues • <oiii p *isoui of tho liigli.'Hi i haracti r ami i capon- j Mibilily. Kmliiout phyilcluus roiiimcinl it as lho must KKKKrn ii, KPKcmr for iivsi-ii'ma or i\ihui:ntiok. Aimed with this ANTIDOTE, all ibiualcH ami t is flu* Cheapest, Pii Moilli'iiu* iu lho World ! UAMIKACTUHII) ONLV llV J. II. /.ft'.II.IY A CO., MACON, (IA.. aud I'll I I.A PEI,I'll 1 A. I’rh'o. $1.00. Subl by ail DniugiHlN, * bA dcod.w I y THE BEST ADVICE rnn In* given |m prisons siill.'iiiig from ilvd- a, Idlimis ComplaIni colic, coiisiuniition sick disorder nlTcrtiiig ll'0 sloinnrh, Ilia live • nr special hlcHHings of the certainly of ils h -nlliiK i in in unity from dnugor, lung romplaliil if I ovory your—would I. rhc k.d in ns l.i jnni Persons with a seated coin l>, who I. l»iKh l rest at lllglit, Will tlml hy lukii g Hie I- \ p.. to ongoing to hod they will pujoy iiuhrok. u a and ralrcshiiig rest. Having a vary plea •ash*, it is easily administer, d l>> rhlldr. n by all druggists. l,nb»ratoiy 4s ii'.d Mi Coni Western Railroad of Alabama. ... aSrO’-lll; l-' : EViP'W 1 tf’U 1 W 'n w 544 HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME! $35 50 Fare to New York! New York and New Orloaas Mail Line, WESTERN railroad ok alar am a, Coluhuus, Oa., Mutch J.l, IH74. TRAINS LEAVE (tOl.UMIlOS DAILY Kor Atlanta, - - • 10:40 a. m. Arrive at Atlanta, • 12 i*. m. For Montgomery mid Selma, I ini m. Arrive at Monlg’y, 0:4 r » a. m. Arrive at Selma, • ||0| a. m. FOR NEW YORK, DAILY. (Tin * ■*!> . hoi III. ARRIVE • -Pill, leav ii.. (Il’eellV III<*, 8. C , I >1 a. Ii ■ a. in , O Icons ll*|* II , Richmond lit PhltadcTpiii Mlocpliiu Ciirs Run to C'linrlwllf*, TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DULY A l la ii I a . CM \ RLOTTE' Dam ill. a u7 p. iislilugtoii I Hull iiii.ii e I. .1 Atlanta, d.niigoiiiery and Selma Change of Schedule. Southwestern R. R. .rrflrr*i : ,'jiW4 T« ■<***« *»»*'; 'WJWW w wl 4NUKU AND MAIL TRAIN. U;:m i*. m. (Dally) DAY FitKlUIIT TRAIN. . t’.»| ii in I,iih ■> :io a. s:. (Sunday except e at ColiiuihiiH (l.'ilA i*. m. , Macon M:*iO a m “ e al Mac.>u a.IHI I*, m. V1 R(1 (t. POWERS, Eng. and Hup'l L. CLARK, Agent. mall Change of Schedule. V'T 11 H'T ,; '*•■■■• <ur u-' usi ■o w 5 uv Moiut.e ,t uiiiAHii R ', i t'ollllc bi|n. Oil , Dec. i, I h7:l. J AND AFTER In:' :i|», WEDNESDAY, CuLUMiiON dully,S'ni lays cx. i pled, ;i:l,0 p. »i DRUCS AND MEDICINES. J. I. GKIPF1N, IMPORTED :Dmp& Medicine^ PERFUMERY ANl> FAIVCY (vOODN, AT RLIIK I D PRK I S. Fit El (HIT AND ACCOMMODATION l.e.ive Columbus Momlays, W. dues.lays and Fridays al - - ■ figgi a Arrive at Troy, - t o:, i* Leave Troy on Tuesdays, TIiiiih.lays and Saturdays at - - 4:00 k A. i ivo at Columbus, • . 2 i, i* deed L. CLARK, H«i|>'i All goods guar. fully prepared ut jaU deudAwly 4#' I .1 t. 01(11* FIN, CARRIACES. COLUMBUS CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. My Stock of BUGGIES, PHAETONS and SUNDOWNS, IS NOW COMPLETE, and Mill b- -.11 LOWER Ilian such woik vx.i, . v. r -dl.i.d in tho . * ' A ." II. 'I I.- . TH0S. K. WYNNE, Opposite Perry House, Columbus, Ga. EOH CASH. CIGARS. THE NEW ORLEANS CIGAR STORE. Good News to Smokers I .1. Newman X Co. HAVE JUST OPENED A RETAIL CICAR STORE At 141 Broad St., Columbus, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &c„ DELICIOUS ! LOUIS BUHLER, Tho Tobaccoist, 'I'.iiei '»lll«e, I".ii-'- uilb IIEIiVig'n' 1 A new lot of “Culebras” Cigars Delicious indeed, at reduced prici i. Two new brands of Cigars, Pcrrique Smoking Tobacco, Lone Jack Smoking Tobacco, Eureka, Durham Srnok'g “ Fine-Cut Cigarette Tobacco, Fine-Cut Chewing “ Finest Plug “ Kv, i l.t'i'iglit liflrtt, A n< w ;..i .,i il. “Rustic” Pipes. (.'all an I cxuihini* 1.01 1^ III III.LIt, ut Drilniii 1091; Halos jibe examination of the allmra of tbo ttl0 p„lb. ‘I bo ustricb bad observed ‘ buauisb bank, and baa aaoertamod Ibat of j us bbald bead, and mlnlak- that institution baa issued #104,000,000 j it f or ona of its e«RS. bad begun to !n paper nurreuoy, ine.eadof $60,000,000, Junou i. for fbo purpose of hatehTng.- wbich tbe bank bad acknowledged in tbe.r - Bv '><>nge. FOR SALE. KNl»e<1 from k«*l«wt«*il Mlnlkt, by E. T. SHEPHERD. MILBURN, STUDEBAKER PLANTATION WACONS, AT COST! 2-llora* Iron AxL Wagon, north $115, fur $<15 ' !l*t llorao Iron AxIm Wagon, •* 81'.’(I, •• $100 ' I-Horae *• “ " “ $Lio, " $105 i ! <Od.*is rontainiiig the ni'.ney will I,, ptompily ! fill) d del.') lull -hippMi, ' t THOS. K. WYNNE, Oppoaile Perry House, Columbui, On. , L. L. C0WDK11Y. Now Advortisomonts. ,78 T ? AQXNTS—v»< I eii . .'ii i«. ,1. lilt IDE, 7ii7 Rrniidn <\, 4 w t ‘|> 8 ,\,V. ,, .V M „ AX '' V - " r «•)'). OIIAIU. ...,i ., *•"«' either fox may faselnal.. mi gain t o love and ulle. llmiH ..| any i*oru»n fV, wt,l ‘ " "uirrlage giil'.l.*, Kg vpi I > n i i 1. * llfea ini*, Him 1. 1.1 n- a We'.lillin - wfilfA’il'kr';. AN ACCIDENTAL CURE. made a |.|, |i,ira|nm <.| I let fipt "I Iwt> Ntaillpl I t*UI-.-4 II i r; Il I •.weals, u.i will bleak a 11esli ...III I dress Cii viui.n K A Co., p pills, naming llii- |* 11. i be -t.iin.i. | t| i *•' Veet, Kiu‘ RUPTURE i, , t;7V i T T TRUSSES >eii'i b)| I llu-l luted Cat il'vu F-lilldisblllel.l < Ll»7 ( Ilealuut atleel, I'll.lad. ||.h.u, and V.tT Ur.'iid way,N. Y. Rewnte .if J.pniih.mI linitatIons. I« Fo r Coughs, Colds, Hoarsonoss, AND ALL THH0AT DISEASES, TJ»o WELLS’CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY IN IIM i: iti »\ i . A TRIED AND SUHL REMEDY. Sold by UrngglHlA. 4>v lireat, Reduction in ilu- IYim of FRUIT TREES. Apple Trees Belli I" any | arl of Ilia State, |a-r express. C.O D. Addieas W. H KELSON, Proprietor of the 4I«*oi'i;iu !SiirM*i*y , Tit*' I»»«Im*m iiirillcul anlli«»riilcH ol I'.iiroju* miy tho atrongoiit Tonli', PurUlur ami Uouhhlnient known to the iiiodieul world I JURUBEBA. It nrrcHtH ilooay of vital lorees, oxhinialloii ol lho nervoiiH aystoin. rOBtorua vigor to lhe del,.I Haled, elo'imniH vitiated Idoo.l, voslelo •ilielruotlouH ami acts directly on the I.lver and Spleen. 1'rlco +1 n hotllo. .ItMl N M. K lil. I.OtiG, IK IMaURI., N. Y. 4a , |||| jpipj: want BOOK AGENTS r. S. BONDS I'.nt Delswaie, by R. v I W. Ii. Handy am. MARSHALL '' I,IFF OF Gen. Robert E. Lee. Ha- Heinl bo ('In ul.u al • in •». Tt'liXHlIIJ, imOTHEItS, lw Unit!rnoro, Mil, _ I»r. Suite’s Ul J^lnrrli It <* »»!«'<•> me > l.y ltd mil.I, licnl- L1 iliRp r "l»frl|es,to wliieiil \ il.o <11n<-:in<* ylelilH } w Lrn tho pvbIimii h.i. f hern put In jierfcel with lloctor ce’ii Coldcn J .licillcal DlMcovrry, whieh i lioiihl I he taken (■;:i nc ;ly to c,i ie< l hlof-i ami | I I VF.Iem, wlm Ii nro nlwnvs at fault, al . |lo ml ipeetllcally,ujmiii tLn di > ve Iplnmll »,f tbo nnso nml i'l Hian.l.ei ■ (.'alarili I’nnedv l.o.ild l.enpplo d w 'III I Hr. I»lci < c’h Nan.’il Di)ii( lir,i |xvLt« h mcli' It..* <■ .0 l • • 1 ulitrr/rclh/i<\iy\U I »-.;iil p iges an«l elmr cera | proceed l bo f ■ of i roatmont prove... . . lofTert $500 Hex*. :ir«l for ft e . e of| " ’ft in llrn'i” or ( • tarrn winch In* otcurc. Tho two iriedirlnes wl lluiilriunentjfor $2, hy nil ill n,v> >t u MISCELLANEOUS. Assignee’s Sale Crocket .v.CliiiiftikGlas!- M i: T. .1 D. vi: k b.c • • • JGOD8 un.I . ; I it*IN .- A Hooka I ATI, V RF.DI ' KD I’ll U I. - ULiRi'u') W A til'. For Sale at Low Prices. Take Notice. tharnto, I v DORA . ACTS Of tlio Last, W. J. CHAFFIN. Wood. Wood! MVXQOdIU M \N V NO Co