The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, March 21, 1874, Image 1
BfiOSSES Columbus v Ay ^ -^nsriD V DAILY VOL. XYI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 21; 1ST I. TERMS )AILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY IHIQCIBBB. ALFRED R. CALHOUN, Proprietor. .$8 00 . 4 00 . 2 00 Twelve montliH, in advance... months, lhroe months, “ (N'kekly Enquirer, one year 2 00 Sunday Enquirer, one year 2 r»0 unday and Weekly Enquirer to gether, ouo year 3 no AdvertlNiiiR Kitten. ,|U»re. Week, Dully, $ a 00 " “ . V*2 fiO Squire 1 your 42 00 The above Is with the privilege of a change very three mouths. For yearly curds a liberal dia- ..uut will bo made. The Weekly rates will invariably bo ouo-third if tlto Daily. When an advertiaoment is changed more than ii,ee in three months tho advertiser will ho charg- ,1 with the coat of composition. Foreign udvor- ,, >rs must pavm do those at home. WASHINGTON. NO. <>7. ALABAMA RAILROADS. UAI> BREAKS OX MONTGOMERY A UtMULE AND MONTGOMERY A ME EM A RAIEROAIIM. No Communication with Mobile or ScltNn> Special to the Hnquiber-Sun. Montgomery, Ala., March 20, 1874.— Several bad breaks on Mobile A Mont gomery road. It will bo three or four days before tho lino will be repaired to Mobile. Trains to Atlanta go through to night. Coturauuic.ition to Selma has not been resumed. It is feared there is a bad break betweoa hore and there. THAT VOLCANO. Wlint (lie North Carol I u initft Nay. Knoxville, Tenn., March 20.—Bold Mountain is botwoeu Crooked creek and Broad river, in McDowell county. The mountain extends into Rutherford coun ty, and is usually called Stone Mountain. People within twenty-five miles have boon alarmed for twenty days by the quivering of tlie earth and sounds like artillery tiring. All attribute the phenomena to Bald Mountain. Some fifty dwellers upon the Raid Mountain slopes say it scemod ns though the mountain was giving woy. Cattle, alarmed, have left their usual ranges. People had gathered in one lo cality and were frightened into prayer. Preachers of tho various denominations were prosent. It was stated that an acre of tho mountain's peak had sunk and smoke issuod therefrom. A STORY FROM NORTH CAROLINA. A Volcanic Eruption Anticipated. A dispatch from Raleigh, N. C., to tho Uerulil contains Iho following : “The inteuRest excitement prevails hore at this moment over the startling discov ery of the commencement of an astound ing physical convulsion in the midst of a country which for hundreds of years—as Jar buck as tradition extends—has lain un disturbed in the perennial growth uud maturing of superficial nature. Bald Mountain, in the western part of this Stuto, is in a Htate of volcanic erup tion. "People who have recently arrived here are eager with the information that tho farm houses and cottages along tho sides aud the base of tho mountain have been thrown down by the rocking of tho great mass to its foundation. Many of the in habitants have fled in foar aud terror to seek safety elsewhere from the terrible devastations which may result from tho amazing phenomena. A thin vapor issues from the top of the mountain, and heaving of fire and lava from the deep bowels of the earth is hourly expected, 'lh?r<! is a low rumbling sound of mighty volume constant y nudmle over the entire surface of tho mountain, and the snow •nulls as fast as it falls from tho heavous. A messenger who arrived this morning if in search of some scientific man who will visit the scene and make a report upon •he natural events that may occur. Tho newspapers will despatch correspondents to-ui jrrow." I’UK 11,S OF THE TRAPEZE. An Actor FallN ami is Killed. New York, March 20.—Juntos Sylves- •(“f. at the opera house last night, in the 'Ii*Mp for Lifo,” missed Lis calculation, •md not catching the rope, fell to tho floor nfUm stage, lie fell only about seven feet, but his head struck a piivate box, nnd waa injured so severely that ho died •n a few minutes. Ho was only 2o years old. COX44REKSIOXAI.. House. Washington, March 20.—Dawes gave notice that ho would bring up tho four hundred million bill next Mouday. The House proceeded to tho Georgia contested election case, the majority re port being in favor of Sloan, tho contest ant, against Rawls, sitting member. Several speeches on Sloan vs. Rawls, but no action. District of Columbia matters occupied the balance of the day. Senate. The California Legislature protests agaiust further subsidies to the Pacific Mail Steamship Company. Motion to limit speeches on tho Finan cial Bill to ten minutes failed. The Army Appropriation Bill passed, with tho rider affecting Southern claims strickeu out. Goes to the House for concurrence. The Fortification appropriation bill was passed. Lewis introduced a bill removing the political disabilities of Dabney H. Maury. Stewart, from tho Committee on Rail roads, reported unfavorably on the Senate bill granting aid to tho Atlantic aud Groat Western Canal, aud tho Committee was discharged from its further consideration. There was an executive session. Fortification Kill. The Fortification bill gives tho follow ing: Fortress Mouroe, $30,000; Moultrie, $20,000; Pulaski, $20,000; Jackson, $30,- 000; St. Philip, $30,000; Taylor, $20,000. Statue of Southern Claim*. The following is an explicit statement of the presont situation of the Southern Claims bill, as passed by the Senate : The Appropriation bill, as it came from the House, did not affect iu any respect tho laim for property in the rebellious States, but it proposed to augment the Claims Commission by two new members who were to have jurisdiction for all claims for property taken in loyal States. This proposition was rejected by tho Senate, and that body further amended the House bill by requiring special appropriations by Congress to pay tho awards of the Quartermaster aud Commissary General for loyal States property. Wunlilngton Notes. Full Cabinet, except Fish, who is sick. The Comptroller calls for a statement of the condition of National banks at the close of business on February 27th. Nominations: J. P. Billingsly, Post master of Marion, Ala.; Frederick H Sclienck, of Maryland, Consul at Barce lona. Confirmation : C. P. Ramsdell, Mar shal of Eastern Virginia. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. .Soldiers Fifty Dollars a Thousand. Among the Aahanteo allies of tho Brit ish forcos undor Sir Garnet Wolseley, wore 11,000 men provided by Kings Ansa and Attn. These monarohs, with a noble patriotism, required uoither pay for them selves nor their troops—only a few hun dred muskets with some powder and lead, which, of course, were supplied. Tho ac tual sorvices of other native troops were secured ut fixed rates, which, regarding the belligerent nature of tho services, were not high. The Kings were paid A’10 or $.10 in round figures per month for every thousand of tho colored troops brought iuto the field. Tho chiefs, an- ; sworiug in rank to our Major-Generals, ! we suppose, roeeived five shillings a day, while lUe fighting men woto paid tluoo J pence a day for provisions, but nothing for fighting, that being included iu tho j 110 douceur to tho ebony sovereigns who owned them. Taking everything into ' consideration, England got lior food for ! powder at a cheap rate. Of coarse, she put her colored allies in front, where thoy couldn't well run away; but then, at fifty ! dollars a thousand, Sir Garnet could weil ; afford occasionally to be a little reckless of his native warriors. A ToiirIi Story. James Cooper, a colored cook on board ! tho schooner Alta Vela, now in New York harbor, wus recently found insensible in tho cabin. lie was sent to a hospital, when it was seen that his ears and mouth > injured iu a way that could uot be accounted for. When Cooper returned to consciousness, ho stated that, tho pre vious day, he quarrelled with his wife about money matters, and on returning to the ship told some of tho crew that ho was tired of lifo. Saturday morning ho procured two ounces of laudanum, which bo drunk, but this excessive dose made him sick. Thus disappointed, ho wont into tho captain's cabin, took a small re volver, and fired one shot in his light ear. Ho remained stunned for several ! minutes, and on coming to tirod a sec ond shot iu bis left ear. Tho ball tint- ! toned against ono of his tooth and ho spit it out. Ho ikon fired a third shot in ; hi« right ear, and remained unconscious ’ till his arrival at the hospital. 'There is 1 sail to he no doubt that there are two bullets in Cooper s bead, but, in spite of bis injuries, there is a strong probability 1 of liia recovery. — D/iiludtljt/iiii l.rdf/rr. T E LEG UA 1» H 1C X OT ES. New • York •—Three daily mails are due fro Orleans at Washington. —One-tenth of the horses of Ne Cl1 )’ are suffering from a now disease. —Fifty indictments huve been taken Against Jos. Franklin, of New York, for being concerned in forgeries of rail load bonds. He has been arrested ENGLAND. London, March 20.—The Daily Arm says it has been givon to understand, good authority, that Disraeli will adviso the early release of tho remaining Fe nians, as a Liberal measure, during the presont session of Parliament. Return oi Aslmntcc Expedition to England—Grand Ovation. London, March 20.—Tho Twenty-third Infantry, Royal Welsh Fusiloors, which arrived ut Portsmouth yesterday from the Gold Coast in tho troop ship Tamar, dis embarked this morning iu the presence of an immense crowd. They were met by tho Mayor and corporation of the town, who presented them with au address, and also a regimental goat to replace tho oue that died at Capo Coast Castle. Upon tho conclusion of these ceremonies, tho troops took up their march for tho railway sta tion, whero they had lunch before depart ing from tho town. The ontire route of march from tho dock yard to tho station was bountifully decorated, and crowded with people who were madly enthusiastic, cheer upon cheer greeting tho returning warriors. There were many affecting scones in the streets. The troops were attired iu tho same uniform thoy wore during tho Ashantee campaign. Tho woather was be-tutiful. Tho steamship Surmutian, with tho re turning Higbla of Portsmouth row. GERMANY. | Berlin, March 20.—Viscount of Gon- | tonal Broil, tho French Ambassador, is about to resign, in consequence of un pleasant relations with Prince Bismarck. 'L’ho adjournment of tho Reichstag is probable, on account of Bismarck’s ill ness. SPAIN. Reported Carl 1st Victory. jUdbid, March 20.-An order has Leon issued forbidding the publication by the a sad loot pross of other than official war news. A Wild-Fat Story. The Vicksburg (Miss.) Time* tells tho following in its issue of March I : “Ono day last week tho residence of Mr. Powell, near tho head of navigation on Sunflower river, was attacked by u gang of wild-cats, Mrs. Powell and tho ’ colored servant only being at homo. I Tho door being closed, one of tho cats j jumped thiuogti the window, when Mrs. • Powell threw a blanket over it ami throw I it out at tho back door. This ono was i soon followed by i.nothor, which she killed with a small axe. By tins time! the colored cook was attacked a short distance from tho house, an I she al irmed a white noighbor, who was ul wmk nour 1 tho place, who came to her assistance J and killed tho cat with a lint-hot, but not until the cook had been pretty well “chawed" by tho kitten. 'Tho gentleman ! then wont to the relief of Mrs. Powell, at j tho house, when two of tho cats attacked him, and injured him quito severely be fore ho succeeded in despatching thorn. Four of tho pack wore killed nml several wounded before they could bo scared off. Tho hides of the four cats that wore slain were brought to this city yesterday on the steanfer I/zz >. A day or two aftor this attack tho carcass of a deer was found bu ried near this place, with evidence of its being tho work of this sumo pack of cats. This account comes to us through a relia ble source, and. wo can vouch for tho vo racity of it. 'Tho natives attribute tho at tack to hunger." —Tho American Congress, which con sists of about three hundred and sixty Senators, Representatives and Delegates, is made up out of tho following trades aud professions, as will appear by the otlioial Congressional Directory just pub lished, viz. : One theologian, ono stenographer, ono hackman, ono toachor, ouo actor, ouo contractor, ono chemist, two printers, throe lumbermen, four civil engineers, sevon bankors, eight physicians, ton ed itors, fourtoen manufacturers, sixteen agriculturists, oighteeu having no trade, twenty-fivo merchants, and 244 lawyers. —A correspondent of tho Troy Times, iu a letter about tho Asters, says that tho mo:ut ry of tho uuclo Henry has boon - tiroly neglected. Henry carried on tho trado which his fathor pursued in Wal dorf, that of a hntoher. Ho accumulated $300,000, and bequeathed tho on!ire sum to his nephew William. Peter Cooper was a frequent visitor to Henry's slaugh ter house, whore ho purchased scraps,ami wheeled them down to his glue kettle, near the swamp. In the past year there havo been two deaths in the Astor family, but prior to that, dunug aqnartorof’a century, only four. —It isnow intimated that Nellie Grant's marriage is fixed for next month. In deed, tho names of the bridesmaids aro given. Miss Barnes, daughter of the Surgeon General of the Army; Miss Cooko, daughter of H. I). Cooke; tho Misses Boric, niocos of tho ex-Socretary of the Navy, aud Miss Drexel, of Phila delphia, are tho five attendants said to havo been chosen. This will bo tho roo- ond wedding at tho White House since it was built for tho uso of the Chief Magis trate. The first was that of President Monroe's daughter, Miss Maria Monroo, who married her cousin, Mr. Gouvcruour, of Now York, in March, 1820. —The traffic in greenery at Christmas time in tho city of London is immonso. Covent Garden is tho groat market, and every approach to it is blocked with heavy wagons, some from tho country, others from the railways from nil pints of Eng land. from Normandy and Brittany. The mistletoe comes chiefly from tho last named countries, though iu some of tho southwestern counties of England fifty per cent, of the apple trees aro infested with this parasite. The oak also yields mistletoe. It sells at from i'5 to i'll per ton. Great quantities of holly aro brought fiom tho Now Forest and other parts. It is sold to retailers in bundles from six pence and upward. This beautiful shrub, with its bright red berries, with tho lau rel. tho ivy, and tho box, finds its way into the poorest household, who aro will ing to pay for a sprig of green to wel come (’hristnms. Tin* IIor €'ro|». The following flgtiros aro from tho forthcoming annual roport of Col. Hidnoy 1). Maxwell, Superintendent of the Cin cinnati Chamber of Cotumorco, pork packing of tho country : TUv wLol- nuiulior of liugn tm<-ki"l i» itic Went thin winter from Nov. 1 to Mardi 1, whb i{I n ilccrPK , *o rotn|mred with liiH Futures closed steady; sales of 20,400 bales, ns follows: March 15 11-1G; April 2,»-32ttl.'Mt»; May It;*'; Juno 10i|; July 17 5-10. New Orleans, March 20.—Firm and in fair demand; middlings Iti^; low mid dlings 1 r»4; good ordinary Id,'; ordinary • 1 -: H0t receipts 1,087} exports to Great Britain 3,; Franco 3,080; sales 2,500; last evening 4,000; stock 272,050. Weekly not rooeipts22,478; gross 25,075. exports to Groat Britain 20,338; to Conti ; notit 5,022; Franco 3,080; coastw ise 2,DO I. sales 40,500. ! r..- Royal, March 20.—Weokly ro- coi^.rt 10; stock 170. Augusta, March 20.—Cotton steady; middlings 15j{; rocoipts 300; sales 080; stock 17,103. Weokly receipts 2,151; shipments 2,818; saloa 4,050., March 20. — Weekly receipts 551; shipments 1,085; stock 4,250. SavaNnah, March 20. Cotton tlnu; stock 02,310; oxports to Groat Britian 7,702: continent it,247; coastwise 1,07s.• Mobile, March 20.—Dull and nominal; )t much doing— salos 100. stock 58,70.3. Weekly not receipts 4,280 ; solos 000. Suivkvkport, March 20.—Cotton firm Weekly receipts 1,187; shipments 1,010; Hales 2,300; stock 5,400. Montgomery, March 20.—Cotton firm; eekly receipts03; shipments 547; stock 2,130, Nashville, March 20.—Cotton firm; Weekly rocoipts 2,415 bales; shipments 510; stock 10,725. Galveston, March 20. -More offorings; good ordinary 14,}; middlings 10j! ; stock 82,804. Weekly not receipts 5,533 ; exports to Great Britain 7520, continent 3110; sales 12,450. Charleston, March 20—Stock 12,102; exports to Great Britain 2,202; to Conti nent 0,712; sales 800. eekly not receipts 5,020. agon, March 20.—Quiol: low mid dlings ll.\; stock 0,405. Memviuh, March 20. - Quiet; stock 10,- 18. Weokly roooipts 7,13:5; shipmontH 12,- RAILROADS. OFFUT. M. A G. U U . I M mil 171li, i-;i , ACCOUNT of the 1o«H ..n\li,.,« Rri.h ahlppoi'd tiro ii>i|u-*t-tl not to tn*inl uny ficlahtM for rtlii|um*»t to Mohilo nml Depot until further not I re. .1. M. VUA/.KR, And NO'IICE. fcPT.'TO ■ S«JU U JW-W • ■•inMk ttV Now Advortisomonls. A MENTS WANTED. *r» to Hto N-'Wiirk" N J al, ‘ u 'l , l"" I'nilnl no,.. N. II. Win-.., $78 MtNilF*« TP. AOKNTS.-^mi <■!. tn.-t tntl, I lil- -Implf ini'lliiil ac liiiii'llt nil I'lin |, ,. t ; | lV II(||| | ! ( ■' 'w It It ■ umt • i ie K-icyi*t In a AN ACCIDENTAL CURE. tho f»,:i7:t,K|u board, is in sight i 8ticki “B ‘° evor T fo ’ D i namn niul timftev. Thev will laud to-mor A Nice Little Talc. Nicholas I. was very fond of masque rade balls, and one night appeared lit ono in the character of tho devil, with grin ning face, horns and tail, and appeared to enjoy his character very much. About 3 o’clock in the morning he went out, and throwing over him some furs, ho callod a coachman uml ordered him to take him to tho Quay Anglais. As it was very cold, ho fell asleep; ho found that the man had taken him in tho wrong direction, for tho Quay Anglais is ono of tho most elegant portions of St. Petersburg, while before him were only some miserable houses. Nicholas began to re monstrate. The coachman paid no heed to him, and presently passing through a stono gateway, brought him to a cemete ry, and taking a large knife from his gir dle, aud pointing it to his employer's throat, said, “Give me your money and your furs, or 1 will kill you." “And do you givo me your soul! ex daimod Nich olas, as ho threw- off his furs, and ed his personification of tho devil. The Russians are very superstitious, and the coachman was so terrified that ho fell senseless on the ground, and tho emperor drove himself back to his palace. Itmuul tu Get u Subscriber Any Wny. [ From Him Detroit Free I r s* ; He was onco out on n jaunt in tho township of White Oak, Ingham county, , sticking to every farmer until ho got his j name aud money, aud it so happened I that lie came to a house where death had I culled a few hours before. The farmers ! wife was laid out, and the husbandman , and his children were grieving over her ; loss when the editor knocked at the door. • “What's up inquired tho oditor ns ho ! aaw the farmer • solemn countenance bo- j fore him. “My wife is dead, replied tho farmer. “Is that so? mused the editor, a little disappointed. “Did who dio easy f “Dropped off like a lamb. " I “Did she say anything ? I “Not a word—just went right to sloop like." “I didn't iw, continued tho editor, his face, “but what she might have requested you to subscribe «■».» w. . ... for tho Cascade, which you know is tho London, March 20.-The Larlists mill- bept 1)flpor in the county. If you want it, tarv agent in this city has received tho nl ta ko your name right 1,,Mlnr following dispatch from tho CarlUt Junta ^ in Bayonne: qq H . farmer huug off for a while, but “General Palacios reports that ho is before tho oditor went away ho had two marching in the direction of Madrid, with . additional dollars in hia pocket, and had twelve thousand men. after defeating with . Dfcr. nBo in mu 1um,uim Avt<rna« yii'hl of lur<l of nil kinds j» i litinl (pniia Ih) Diutimiho compared with tlm previous ymr (pounds) 191, mu Total yield of lard .7,',oi Avorano price paid, gross 1 Compared with tho pron-odiiiK yui Total cut oi Iiokh Jo. L'fiinpared with tho pniceriliiiH yi-ar.... f»'.*,7.'»i "siiiT’niTws. “ New York, March 20. Arrived—( dia, City of Austria, Sebastopol and Co lumbia. London, March 20.—The hark Eliza Oulton, from Suvaunah, is aground, nml will huve to bo lighteuod. She is leaking badly uft, and bus five fcot of wutor in her hold. Havannaii, March 20. Arrived: Cathe rine Sngard, Jarl, Enchantress, J. B. Mar shall. CIGARS. MARKETS. I >11 IV III III. Turpentine firm charge IIY TEEEG RADII TO EXOITRF.K. .Koncy mid .Stock .HiirhrlN. New York, March 20.- Money 3 per cent. Golding. Exchange—long 485; short 488. Governments strong. State bonds quiet. New York, March 20,- -Money ouwy, offered at 1; exchange dull at 485; gold dull at Govorumeuts strong and active; States quiet and nominal. I'rovision .IliirludH. New York, March 20.—Flour dull ami unchanged. Wheat quiet and heavy. Corn quiet and unchanged. Pork firm Lard firm; sten Froigilts dull. Louisville, March 20. Flour quiet and unchanged. Corn quiet at 70c for mixed. Provisions quiet. Pork firmer ut $15 75. Bacon quiet and unchange 1. Lard be: choice y ,c. Whiskey 00c. Cincinnati, March 20.—Flour un changed. Corn dull and declining, <52a<>7. Pork in good demand: huIoh ut $15.50, closing at $15,021. Lard firm: steam h'. kettle Bacon firm; shoulders Ojju'J, clear rib 8},tb, clear b,|a|, closing strong. Whiskoy firm r.t 00. < nttoii MiirkeU Liverpool, March 20—Noon.—Cotton firm; uplunds 8'd., Orleans 8} : sales 15,- 000 bales, including 3,000 for speculation ami export, actual exports b,ooo. Sales of uplands, nothing below low middlings, deliverable in March, 8. Litter.— Sales of uplands, nothing be low good ordinary, shipped in February and March, H J1 -lb; do. dclivorable in March and April, 7 16-Hi; do. nothing be low low middling, deliverable iu April and May, 8 1-10. Later.—Sales to-day of b,400 bales of American; sales of uplunds, nothing be low good ordinary, shipped in March and April, 8 1-10; do., nothing below 1 dlmgs, shipped THE NEW OH LEANS CIGAR STORE. Good News to Smokers! •I. Newman Co. HAVE JUST OPENED A RETAIL CIGAR STORE At 141 Broad St., Columbus, nihl tu m<-i-t (In' tli m uni lot Good Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &c„ thoy havo hihl in, ut aiout ox|ioiihu, u m upmNi-iuit DKLICIOI IN I LOUIS BUHLER, The Tobaccolst, On Hunch.I|>li street, u few •)>><>• m In lc.w the En- i|iiirer Onico, Iioiihu with HKD SION, Hurt Iterolvi il Thin Huy A new lot of “Culebras” Cigars Delirloiirt linleoil, ut roilui e.l |>rii*f h. Two now brands of Cigars, Perrique Smoking Tobacco, Lone Jack Smoking Tobacco, Eureka, Durham Smok'g M Fine-Cut Cigarette Tobacco, Fine-Cut Chewing “ Finest Plug “ Kv i Li light lietu A new .ut of tlume “Rustic” Pipes. j^)AM8KNl)KH8 for MmUgomeiy run li'.oe 1 it in hits on Mohilo uml Oiiunl Puiniiger Tr ut .1 n't lurk p. in. mi Ttionluy*, Thmrtiluvrt uml .*■ y*. utul urtlvo ut Mimtt'uinnt'y ut II p. iluy. \\ I,, cl. \It K, hlM-’w Sup ! .M. A 0 I! 1 NOTICE. Q l rr r i7n'l7.': : '*” v 'rv: - SJ m!— V- Mmitti' A tint uin Haiuiovii, ) i'nIumt-iih, (In., Mari h 2U, IS7I. ) ■ m.lill. il Unit III lit lleiahl .1. M. F RAZE It, Agent. Western Railroad of Alabama. ti-W~ ui/' iv 54i HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME! S35 50 Fare to New York! Now York and Now Orleans Mail Lino. WESTERN KAU.U0 All OF ALA It AM A, Col.llMlillM, (I A., Mill i li Jil. lhY l TIIAINH LEAVE COLD MRUS DAILY Fur Atlanta, ... m pi *. u. FOR NEW YORK, DAILY, • ml 11 n • | I Riltimni l u. ut H Urtiiin^t.-li I ut I'hihtili'lphm I m p in , ut New York n 1 • p. in Meeiilni; (nrN Kim lo i'liitrloflc, TKAINH A Kill V E AT 0OLU.MHUH DAILY From Atluntu, Mnntgninuiy uml Felinu mil- ut Union Phhmi'i CllAS. P. HALL, It A. It A CON, A mmt. Change of Schedule, Southwestern R. R. Tli jyfjfciuw*“_ v w: I after SUNDAY, Mini h It l-.l.limn- mn an foil..*h : AHSENOEK AND MAIL TRAIN, iimhiirt - Vtflki i'. m. (Dully) < )V DAY FHKIUIIT TRAIN. \ I ltd II. POWERS. Eng til. I Si L. Cl.AItlv, Agent in Change of Schedule. Z&r-ivn f : :> LWUIOU U U w v RUPTURE Kf t; ■ : iSFS , hulhiiig. Alu.ii rt |, lt tern. Inelmlinc 11 u 1 Un Uni'll Ifnhh r I tu I,l. - N ii'.ht Trip !■> nil .h'.il-i nliitinllrt. i Poj. Coughs, Colds. Hoarsoness, AND ALL THROAT DISEASLS, TTfeto WELLS'CARUOLIC TABLETo PUT 1*1* ONLY IN III,< a; HUXKK. A THIED AND SURE REMEDY. Huhl l»y DrutfttlHt.'. iw ''EDEOCHAPHY," \ »•*« hm»k . i, lh- |n n nml I ID annlrt i Tli- . 1 ■ I'' y -i I e linn hi I ru III III In hi I pi •• •• l.\ iiniil 1 Great Reduction in ihc I’rm «i FRUIT TREES. Apple Trees;7 r ',«;,r Peach Trees "• Sun t" any | n l .1 th- Htnto, p-i evpi.i,. do |». Adili -hi W. U M.I.NON. Pi npi ii'lni of th- (Jroruiu XurNt'ry, In / ngiHlii, (In. '■Tin* lilulirst mi lt ini I it ulliorlllrw ol I iiiro|m way tho strongest Tonlo, i'urlllor ninl linohstrumit known to tlm in oil lout wniM in JURUBEBA. It arrant h ileony of vital Iuit«h, exhaust loti ol tlm imrvniirt ny Ht ttm. roHlnros vigor to tlm <1 hi I llntml, 1'lo innert vltIii toil IiIuimI, romuvi’H vohIoIu iihrlruelImiH ainl iic.Ih illrei'lly mi llm I ivoi nml 1 *“ JOHN Q. 1C 101. r mid- Fobruary aud March, twelve tnousaua muu,e. ( ... which thebe- W V B i n0 ^ ‘ lo0p ® f Wttr » b ?? ' great low Ibe Kepul.lic«u edanm under cell ‘ iuJ “» mighty lork. A oorumittee of Council was » \unolnnilla “Ppoinled lo tender ber commander the 1 Collejo, near Ming'amlla. ^ M1 .art piece. freedom of the city, end tbe offieerH of Muiylnnillft ie e ^ c •me n»vy propose n formal reception. : uf Ouenua, forty-four miles soutueasl o —A meeting of tho itnporters of fl ro * ! tho city of Cuenca. J series of the Board of Trado of Now 1 _ - , adopted a memorial to Congiess THE WEAIHEK. fer tho abolition of tbe moiety system. 8 &d against compromising palpable frauds u pon the revenue. —Another indictment has been found “7 { be United States Government, Department or Wail Washington, March 20, 18i4.> —A correspondent of tho Key West iliat on Cozumel island are vet to he seen tho walls of the first church over built on tho continent of North Amer ica Cortez was the builder, befoio he conquered Mexico. The foundation and walls aro vet partially preserved, each s ide having an elevation of about ten feet in places. Tho altar is overgrown with • , i .*i i .i .i.'.. .in nml Lima in places. i— ... - p.'nhahilitiet. —For the Golf States, , brU8 h, and wild flowors bloom and birds I 1 ' - 1 t nnriiiiim nml lIiwI uvr.r the tombs of tho curly advon- Broa|,fy n 7n‘g5ns”a«Dborn“'Holiy”5'v»n- j f.lliug temperature »nd Kinj ovor tho tombs of tbe early drowken, on the charges of conspiracy 1° uf*.u(her with occasional raiu. Hirers. ‘'•fraud the Govemmeul. cloudy weather. Liverpool, March I p m.— Sales of uplunds, nothing b. 1 .w low middlings, delivery in May and June, 8 3-lb. 5 i*. m.— Sales of uplands, nothing bo- j low good ordinary, delivery in March and I April 8; do., d'i., delivery in April and ! May, 8 1-lG; do., do., delivery in May j and June, 8 1-lb. New York, March 20.—Cotton dull; j sales of s:i<; bales; uplands lbj; Orleans I 1GJ. Futures openod as follows: April b> ll-llla ■; May lb^u5.1L, Juno lf> j»25-32. New York, Mirch 20.— Dull; sulos of 2.23b bales at lG$aj(: net receipts 025, MISCELLANEOUS. ACTS Of tho La6t Loyislaturo, HUt HAI.K ItV W. J. CHAFFIN. Wood. Wood ! jJKST iVOOIi, M,.«.p»r mr... W.i I itwi'il foi Vi i:unlrt j-.i (oi.I. Oriliim lilloil |iif>iu|it ly >>11 h|i|>Ii> ul mn (•« tin* f«»iit ir mrsniMiitmi*. I nuio L. L. C0WDERY. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE For Sato at Low Prices. Ueortfin Home llitiili It n i l<H nu. f-b22 Ini Take Notice. JN thirty -Isyii from this dnl-, Imviug llm i .d- s-nt of my huahmifl ih-H'tu, I Mil hocmim u Ftob Tripl-r. DORA J. FKIf.KH. FHhruury24th, J*7t Iih* CHEMICALS—PURE ! FOR HOME-MADE FERTILIZERS, AT LOW I'RKJKi* E. C. HOOD & BRO. 0 %2 it Fit ED HIT AND Ab’< OMADXIA I luN ail Friduy'rt iU U> ' .V 11vi' ui Troy. I Ghewalla House, Diiiuiilii, Alulmiint A. J. RIDDLE A WWI. SMITH A, PROPEI KTOR8. i IIK TRA \ KLIN-. I l RED .• n. .-I ■. «j.« • • I '.illy 111 \ 11 * * • I u.\' I,. . . nil. W. > .11 ih. ti. bent u.'.im t.. |.|. i-.. mill I 1 in Rankin House, ColuinlHis, (Mi. WE WANT ,.,„4«Y ahs BOOK AGENTS itloin., |.. Hill two o| tlm mi ut |io|nilur woiki I. s. BONDS L,:rv \v. K. 11 unity. a-i. Gen. Robert E. Lee. TURNIH'U, I1H0TIIHRs, i» Dultimoro, Md, J. \V. KYAN. I'rop' . Clerk. Ruby Itesfiiiirant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Under the JIaniun IIoi'ue. i».yZ4 il* ,f. \\ . It X \.\, I’rop'r. BOOTS AND SHOES. Spring is Coming ! \\ [Til I. 4 It*• K MiDITION < I SEASONABLE GOODS W1 S1W Assignee's Sale Ci'ockcry.CliiiiaiV Glass It T..I I- YORK '. •' ■> ' Tin- .oiiCMrim'l to flI- (lit-ir olj'itioi .' ill . , oil or hofoi- tlm flrut Moinht) n. Mn; to dhow Cftimo (if any th«) lint- , why nhi i .iiit •hould not h-imitt-.l to renpn 1 Oiviiii umliT my oflitiitl ■•Knutnri*. I ■ \ r 1 , • Ki th . tin la. I am -■lllllK u! •KIUK8, do Ol.l . I. I- lit Kihrmiry, 1u7t. M. UKlNiKH, ■Jrlmiry. STAND, on Rnmlolj.h rfli-i t Puili'rtliiM lo Mr.DcVoro will |.hiuio rail t*' Mil. K<>IU;itT A li.iv . . Imr •« o' til.. 81 oi k nut I rl.M-l out. nml IImA w 11 I KNNI8, AMiKii-u. f iv nt- Htyl-rt for M. i I, uml ii OUR STOCK OK Brogans, Plow Shoes, Leather and Findings, WELLS & CURTIS, 73 Broad St.out.