The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, March 25, 1874, Image 1
Columbus ^vimid DAILY VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS. GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1874. NO. 70. terms or THI DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY; 30 SQUIIIWH ALFRED *. CALHOUN, j Proprietor. f WASHINGTON. OOMUBKSSIONAL. Nennt«. Wabhinotoji, Maroh 24.—West intro- Twelve months, in advance #8 00 duoad a memorial of the Orleans Grange 4 00 j of Louisiana, for an increase of duty on Q 00 ! "agar. He remarked that the present Six months. Throe months, One mouth, (VreeLT ENQUXBWt <*“• J** r Sunday Enquirub, one year gnsD.iv anil Wbem.1 Eronumn to- gether, one year..... Advertising Batoa. I Month, $ 8 00 5 00 ti 30 8 U0 1* 00 IT 00 20 00 22 50 ! .. *i 26 00 l Square 1 ynur •- 42 00 Th* above (a with the prlvltac# of a change #T*ry three months. For jreariy card* a liberal «l!a- touut will be made. Th® Weekly rate® •Ythe Daily. When an edvertteomeot 1® ohaagod more than •uo® in thrao month® th® advertiser will be oharg- eJ with the cost of composition. Foreign adver tisers must pav as do those at home. ■rtll Invariably be one-third GEORGIA HEWS. Mr. M. 11. Turner has been elected President, and Henry Burns Secretary of the White Msnufdotnring Company of tiavitunab. —\ revival of religion is progressing in thu F rst Presbyterian Church of At- Uuta, ami a number of persons have been converted. —The Star pronotinoes the Public School system of Griflin a suocoas, and lays it promiRos to be the best and grand est enterprise in that city. —The Thoniaston Herald has ascer tained that the whole number of Houae- •toad exemptions passed in Upson ooanty up to this time is ninety-eight. —A party of hunters killed one hnnd- red and three rabbits, besides a few hawks, owls and other game, in one (Jay, in Upson county. —Mrs. Norman, a widow lady near Preston, Georgia, was burned to death a few days ago, by hor clothes catching Are while she was cooking. —The two negro women who poisoned a colored sister iu Elberton some time ago have boon tried, convicted, and sentenced to be huug on the 1st of May. —During last week petitions for dis charge iu voluntary bankruptcy were filed ia the District Court at Savannah for Ed. H. Norwood of Harris, and Wm. J. Chest- nnt of Stewart, —Col. Thos. F. Jones, a prominent lawyer of Clay county, died at his resi- donee on the 14th inst., of pnomnouia, brought on by exposnre while he was suf fering from a broken arm. —The Early County Hats oan hear of only one mill dam in that county which was not broken by the freshot. Much oorn that had been planted was washed out of the ground. —The Augusta Constitutionalist under stands that the fifty-fifth anniversary of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows will bo celebrated by tho two Lodges of that city on the 26th of April, iu an ap propriate manner —Tho Washington Qatette exultingly announces that there has been a very largo incroaso in the acreage of grain planted this season in Wilkes oounty, and heads the announcement *‘a return to reason. ” —Tho rohident members of the Georgia Teaoherw Association, have selected Prof. W. D. Williams, of the Georgia Aoadenr of the Blind,to deliver the address of wel come to the members of the Teachers' Association upon their assembling in Ma- oon early in May. —Poter Gashay, a Bibb oounty Peniten tiary convict, who escaped from the chain gang several mouths ago, returned a short tirno since to his old “stamping ground,’’ and killed another negro man named Ben McNair, in whose company he found his wifo. Peter is still at large. —The Monroe Advertiser thinks it more than i kely that all corn that was planted before the l»9t heavy rains, and which had not made its appearance above gronud, will rot. If this shoald prove to be the case, it will bo a heavy blow to onr farmers, who are already greatly behind hand. —The Augusta canal is about seven miles long and one buudred feet wide. It takos the w tor from the Savannah river at one poiut and empties it at an- otbor. There is room along ita line for st least tou times the machinery that it now drives. A similar canal at Columbus would double the natural wafer power now available. It is not really needed now, but it could so easily bo cut, and af ford so much cheap power, that it will doubtless bo mode at pome time In the future. ALABAMA MEWN. — Mr. John Frazier, perhaps the oldest citiz m of Montgomery, and for a loug tiin 1 City Treasurer, died on Sunday last, lie was a model of honesty and sincerity, and w-iH warmly OHtoeuied by all who kuew him. —Tho Montgomery 'ournnl saya that the Senate Oomraitteo on Elections will report next Monday that Hon. George E. Span^er is entitled to the seat from Ala- buiru in that body. We suppose thit this information cornea from Spenoer. —Pi.-rsous from tho country repott that during the recent freshet all the creeks in this county were higher than they were ever known to be before. Considerable destruction to stock by drowning ia re ported on aevoral plantations. Col. Robert Llgon bad four fine mules drown ed on his plantation on Catoma creek, nine miles south of the city. One mule on the Btrnes estate place, adjoining Col. Ligon’a was also drowned tho name day. Fenoing, in many places, was entirely method of rating sugars enabled the re finers to impose on the government to tho prejudice of home producers, and stated that he would, at the proper time, endeavor to have n law passed to remedy that abuse. Referred to Committee on Finanoe. Mr. Morton presented a lengthy memo rial from oitizenaof Texas, alleging that the late Governor Davis was not permitted to servo oat his constitutional term by more than three months, and also alleging that the November election was held in violation of law. Referred to Committee on Btlvileges and Elections. Tho colored soldiers of North Carolina, who allege they have been defrauded of bounty, memorialize Congress for relief. Merrimou, as a reason, said he knew of a number of suoh soldiers so defrauded Finance resumed. Short executive session. No Southern confirmations. House. The House has taken up the Georgia oontested election case, and by 2 o'clock Rawls will have ceased to be a legislator. After a three hours’ discussion, which nobody paid any attention, tho vote was taken up on tho Georgia con tested election case, and Uawles, the ait ting member, was unseated, and Sloan the contestant, admitted to his seat by a strictly party vote, except that of Ben ning, of Ohio, Fort, of Illinois, Shoma ker, of Pennsylvania, who voted with the Democrats for Rawls. After that, the Houro went on in after noon and ovening sesHions with the bill to regulate the interest of State railroad commerce. Washington Notes. No Cabinet to-day, on account of Dent's funeral. Stanley Y. Trott has been appointed special Treasury agent and assigned to duty in South Carolina. The following aro the delegates from the Charleston Chamber of Commerce to W&shingtou : Col. Robort Lathers, S. Y, Tuppor, President of the Chamber, Hon Geo. A. Trenbolm, Hon. Henry Gourdiu, Hou. Wm. Aiken, Lonis D. DeSausure and Gen. James Simons. They will ar rive at the Arlington Wednesday. Congressional. Washington. March 23.—Iu the House v to-day, General Young's bill for certain Georgia rivers, which includes the Oosta naula and Coosawatcheo (#30,000 for the former and #10,000 for the latter), was passed. Ilia bill paying #300,000 to ante-bellum mail contractors failed for want of a two- thirds vote, but its friends expect its pas sage when it is reached in regular order probably within thirty days. Senator West introduced a bill to-day appropriating #50,000 for the removal of the Bailey dam, near Alexandria, on Red river. He alao called up the bill appro priating a deficiency of #30,000 for work at the mouth of the Mississippi ; but, on dor the pressure of the finanoe question, the bill went over. ALABAMA BOA BN ALL RIGHT. Modilr, March 24.—All railroads lead ing from this place havo been repaired, and all trains are running on sohedule time. No delay anywhere. Bala or ttie Helms, Rome and Dolton Railroad Decreed. Sslka, Maroh 24.—Chancellor Turner, to-day, decreed the sale of tho Selma Rome and Dalton railroad and all the property of the oompany, including four hundred thousand acres of public land The decree was on the suit of Johnston A Stowart, trustees of first mortgage bond holders. It is tho most important case ever adjudicated ia Alabama. The plain tiff's wore represented by Messrs. Brook*, Haralson and Ray, and the defendant by Mossre. Pottos, Dawson and Tillman The road to be sold is 236 milos lung, and one of the mont important thoroughfares iu the South. ChfUioollor Turner hold that mortgages to Gassaway B. Lunar, executed July 1st 1872, is a first lien on the road from Sel ma to Bine ftfontriain. Tho mortgage to Chas. G. K.lwarda, trustee, exooutod Jan uary 10th, 1855, is a second lieu on 100 miles of tho road from Helms. The rnort gago to W. P. FoIIowh, trustee, is a first lion on tho public lands, and the mort gage to Johnston it Htewart is a first lien on the road from Blue Mountain to Dal ton, 101 miles, and upon all other proper ty acquired since August 8tb, 1800, not appurtenant to the road from Selma to Blno Mountain ; also, tho Ashby branch. Chanct-llor Turner also held the receiv er's certificates as a first charge on tho gross proceeds of dales. MACON (GEORGIA) RACE®. Macon, March 24.—The Spring meet ing in the Central City Park opened to day under the auspices of the Central Georgia Jockey Club. Weather floe. Track good. Attendance large. First race, two mile dash, over eight hurdles—won by Chief Engineer, beating Fire Ball, Lanty Lawler, Nashville Ilkiry. Time, 4:21. Seeond race, half mil© daub for two TELEGRAPHIC' NOTE®. —At Elmira, Now York, there was a #200,000 fire yesterday. —The Erie Railroad has resolved not to re-employ tho striking laborers. —There was a #82,000 fire at Woosto*, Ohio, yesterday. —A fire in New York avenue, Jersey City, yesterday, destroyed #50,0(H) worth of property. —Dr. 8hophe has surrendered to the Illinois authorities to answer a charge of forgery. —Gov. Herbert, by special request of tho President, fills the sad office of pall bearer at Judgo Dent's funeral. —The Mississippi leveo was broken near Bolivar. No serious damage done in the Hunflower region. —Troops from Detroit .ve gono to Gowan, Michigan, to quell tho lumber diHturbances. Rival lumber companies have opened the Hood-gates and two dams have beon destroyed. Cramp’s shipyard, at Philadelphia, with machinery valued at #100,000, was burned yesterday. Several vessels at tho wharf, I Deluding tho steamer Pennsylvania, which Brady saved, narrowly escaped. —Owing to tho Union Printers' strike on the Picayune and Times, of Now Or leans, yesterday, those journals have no paper this morning, but have compositors eu route. Tho Pee aud Republican issue. Plenty of work for printers at fifty cents per one thousand ems. —Gus Mayer was arrosted iu Now York yesterday on a dispatch from the Mayor of Charlotte, N. O., accusing him of steal ing #200 and a horse from hia employ in the latter city. The accused was on the eve of starting for Brazil. Gov. Woodson, of Missouri, sent a Quiet and steady, 2,‘J77.balesat ll»$al7; net receipts 667. Savannah, Maroh 24.—-Cotton a shade easier; middlings 1515-10; not receipts 1,082; exports to Coutiuent 1,107; salos 1,083. Mom mb, Maroh 24.—Cotton dull aud nominal- -accurate cannot bo given ; mid dlings 10}; not receipts 380; hales 500. Charleston, March 24 —Cotton quiet; middlings \0; low middlings I5(j; good ordinary 14$; not receipts 572; exports to Great Britain 8,160; sules 500. Boston, Maroh 24.—Cotton quiet; mid dlings 10}; uet receipts 150; gross 4.736; exports to Great Britain 171; sales 260. Nkw Orleans, March 21.—Cotton quiet; middlings 10}; not receipts 3,811; exports to Continent 1,602; sales 2,000- last oveuiug 2,000. Galveston, March 24.—Cotton strong and iu fair demand; good ordinary 14{j; net receipts 195; salos 3,500. THE WEATHER. Department ov War, \ Washington, March 24, 1871.» Probabilities.—For tho Southern States, Northeast and Southeast winds, higher barometer, rising temperature and ge ally clear weather. SHIR NEWS. Savannah, March 24.—Arrivod—Wyo ming, Maria, Emile, Anno, Belle, 1 ley on and Ada Fuller. Cleared—Moggie Molvey, 0. W. Holst, j Four Sisters, Kbodeiia Blow and Jane Fish. Sailed—Seminole and Alliance. OPELIKA DIRECTORY Doctors. DR. I. T. WARNOCR, Surgeon end Physician. HlftUghtor'fl Drug Store, Lnilr Now Advertisements. A UEVI'M WAMtl) *5 ,r. .10 III - .1 tn-ii. N. II Hi, TimTFrr.vjr»V.v $78 TO A « E ,^?;r.r; i '"'W" •' Hnm.hvy. mossago to tho Legislature yesterday, calling attention to the fact that a band I of outlaw h exist iu tho State who rob and j — murder with impuuity ; that ho has not | I ho employment of tbn velocipedes adequate power to bring tho desperadoes i y c< * ,ntnti, *}0 n,Miri '* *‘i I ranee has led to to punishment, aud asks that proper leg- formation °f u company or society to islution bo had at unco. > supply these locomotives on credit, like _ sewing machines, clothing and pianos, re- FOREIGN INTELUGENCE. i ESM j ami indeed, perhaps, the telegraph itself it* • ...... and postal caidN. Strong nnd light young j porters, provided with a lligon of good Paris, March 2 4.—Iu tho Assembly to- j oil m their vest pocket, can turn twenty day a protest was presented r< questing j Danes a day, nearly us much as a deputy, tho dissolution of tho Chamber. Tho protest is flignod by Gatubetts. Kollin, Lacour, Ponroto aud Barode. ITALY. —A Missouri criminal has just been Rome, March 23.—The King to-day ro- j Hontenoed to tho penitentiary tor ninety- nine years, but he stands Homo show of getting out in Bovouty-four years and throe months, undor tho three fourths ; and fur more than a first-class <1 1 niftut clerk, u captain on full pay ; clergyman earns. A. J. va n i;iis, Attorney tint! I'miiiNollor at lott*. Tailors. J. It. C>AM1*RELL, Tnllor, i* amt MftLius in lit.* LtUodt Slyl***. ImiiIuk ut-atly done. Dentists. Western Raiiroad of Alabama. ■jj® ' 0 -ft. j; j ’ 'vfcjw u t.'' \j u ;uu i 544 HOURS TO NEW YORK NIKE HOURS FASTEST TIME! i$35 50 Faro to Now York! I Now Tort anl Mot,- Crloans Hail Lino, ( L 6HCU 1 TOPS kidi'm-V (ii’oat Reduction i" (lie IYi« of FRUIT TREES. oeivod three thousand persons from all parts of tho kingdom, who came to con gratulate him on the 25th anniversary of j rulo. his accession. Cuban Mutter*. A Now York Herald special from Mid- j rid says that the government coutoui- , i plates the promotion of Gen. llurriel to • the rank of field marshal, for eminent services in Cuba. The commission of I Jose Conchas, who has been appointed to ; sucoeod CJapt. General Jovellar, is under stood to embrace tho Government, of Porto Rico, as well as CuhA ENGLAND. Cotton Pool. Barber Shops. lli« . ill). York “Flnmcittl thru inking tho m >n»*y. II p« t0 lUUHt oiicIobo IliH I too to Koiwoll Hint;, Rseta BxcliaiiR-. Tl.f the National Fm-Iiiihr The re. \H d-lfl lido," J Hotols. ALARAMA IIOINK, t to liueiiieea |iorliou o| G10 city Q. VS AI.LKN, I A DAMN HOI SI,. ii po to 0|>«i||Lh, U* mire to « WKriYKKN It A l LUG AI) IV, 14 V1ISOV, FOR NEW YORK, DAILY. d'JRUBEBA. tIntel All < Aebnnlen tlxpcdltlon Returned. London, March 24.—Ten thousand peo ple witnessed tho lauding of the High landers at Portsmouth to-day. Several accidents occurred. The Queen lias ordered an inspection in Ilyde Park on Friday of all the troops of tho expedition which have reached home. Llvlnvatono’* IleiuniiiB. Aden, Araiua, March 24.—The Calcut ta, {with Dr. Livingstouu’s remains,has ar rived here. SPAIN. Bayonnd, March 24.—The French au thorities have conducted the Cure of San ta Crus to the frontier. MARKETS. IIT TELEGRAPH TO ENQUIRER. of April. 1874. •tali'. All Iftl-iH |.< day containing Hiihitv C. II. IIAGON, 0, F. WILLIAMS K. W. HKAltD, W. M. UK AD. Insurance. E. V. ROR'EN A NON, Gon«*ritl liiMiirHiM'** Atf^uta. i. Itailroit'l Hr. ft, nv..r H. M n« A R. M. Waters & Co., 56 Broad St., New York, receive Deposit Acoounts on favorable terms from Banks, Bankers, and Corporations, subject to oheck at sight. Loans made only on Cotton and Approved Stock Ex change Collaterals. mh21 d2m REMOVAL. AMYET & YOUNG IHVlu Treasury of Georgia, AiLiNTi, March, 14, 1874. Holders of lie Change Bills OF TUB Western anil Atlantic R. R., I HfUKD bofori* and dnriuji tho wm, art* hnrehf notlflnd tlmt they cun |irnneiit llmm for .•earn- iuetion at tho State Treaeury, on aud alter the First Day of April Next. Tho ptaon promntfng thorn will ho ruqnlred to accoinpauy litem with tho D.llowln*< amdaflt, GEORGIA, County. J.LA VK TOLL'MU 118 I liludi.lfililit 1.40 |> m., Ml Nlooj»li>ir furs Hun TRAINS A Kit I V K AT U LOOU, 1H lM.i to Clliiiloltr il.L'.MIll'S DAILY nun Montgomery and Selma ’J'Jrki’ta for ealo nl Union 1'um. i», CHAS. »'. KALI., i It. A. MACON, A ft** ut. Change of Schedule. Southwestern R. R. •' ’ > ’ , | m PAMHNUKU CnlumbuR LND WAIL TRAIN DAY FltKKillT TRAIN uly kuo ck of FAMILY (iKOCKIUKs, und wo.ih pltnuod to nerve thi-lr old ciiritouiert and many ones, AT THE LOWEST PRICKS. AGfNo charge for dray age inhl'i Important to Farmers. Planters <»r th>' irniHt rolhthlo i th« country. \\ h gi'ou Nattafactlon; j il.N-W KHJ UTS , J.e j/rojum -fi liny . “Work Dancing School. \ f»LLK ROSA GAUN0R088 has n>- iVi covered fro,,. Imr ill„o B H. und will cotnuienm her Third fetHion Iu Dancing, «t thu Planter*' lloti), Thurs day . March Sth, nt d and 8 p. .w. Twelve Le«Foun, »ii oo—pnyahlo In ndvt ACTS destroyed and washed away.—Montgom ery Advertiser. —Tho Grand Ooramandory of ffc« Knights Templars will moat in Mon’gom- ary on tho first Wednesday of May next, . Vanderbilt boatine which will bo tboGth of that month. This | year oldt-won \ anderbiU, beating il lake to that city de'ogations from all i D&tetia H. and Bello of Australia, iim©, the. Commands of this branch of Masonry Thev will make a public parada in the streets at that time, and a publt- oration will also be delivered in one of the churches. Tho Grand Lod^e. which ia composed of from fivo to sir hundred members, meets annually, and now Mont gomery ia tn have tha Grand Catumand- 54 J. Third race, mile boats—won by Lime stone in two straight heats. Time 1:50, 1:49. Bessie Leo second, Chief Engi neer distanced in first host. The race* will bs eentfnued throughout tha week. Money anti Stock Uarketi. London, March 21.—Erie !39^a$. Fuankport, March 24.—Bouda 98f. Paris, March 24.—Rentos 69 and 40. Nkw York, March 24.—Gold opened at 12. Btocks activo aud higher. Money 3. Gold 12. Exchange—long 485, short 488. Governments strong and activo. State bonds steady. Nf.w York, Maroh 24.—Money easy at 3}a4. Exchange quiet and steady. Gold 12al2fj. Governments activo and strong. State bonds dull ; little doing. Provision Markets. New York, March 24.—Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat dull and unchanged Corn quiet and unchanged. Pork firm at #16 50. Lard heavy; .steam 9 7-16. Cincinnati, March 24.—Flour quiet and unchanged. Corn firm at 63a65o for mixed. Pork held at #16 15. Lard steady; steam 9c; country kettle 9^c; city kettle •Jjn. Bacon steady, with only jobbing sales; shoulders tiga(i}a; clour rib sides 8jc; clear hides 9}c. Whiskey firm at Of tho Last Legislature, Louisville, March 24.—Flour quiot aud KOK KA, ' , ‘ m unchanged. Corn quiet. Provisions quiet. Pork #15 75. Bacon—shoulders 6;]c; clear rib sides 9c; clesr si les 9 jo. Lard- tierce ■ 9{c; keg 9Jo. Whiskey 92c. Kt. Lours, March 24.—Flour dull and j drooping; business small. Corn firm and , in fair demand; 02W»3o for No. 2 mixed enst of elevator. Whiskey steady at 91c. Pork firm nt #15 fill. Bacon firm and ! scarce, with sules of jobbing and order lots; shoulders 6}a7o; clear rib sido.s Hln 9jj; clear sides 9|a9jc. Lard held ut 8^c; j no sales. Cotton Market*. Liverpool, March 2 4—1\ m.— Cotton quiet; uplands hjd , Orleans 8}ajd.; saleH 15,000 bales, including 3,000 for specula tion and export. To arrive 1-16 cheaper; ( sales of uplands, nothing below good ordinary, delivery iu May and June, 8£d. Halos include 8,200 American. 4 P M —Sales of uplands, nothing be low good ordinary, shipped February and March, : sales of Oilcann, nothing j below good ordinary, shipped April and ( May, 8£d. HOTELS. Chewalla House, LuInula, Alabama i. J. RIDDLE dc WM. SMiTHA, I'JIOI'K i KTOit I UK TKAVHMKO 1*1 Ill.Vf l fully invited to Kl^uv u •■«!( N\ •• il«. tl... ' W K WANT BOOK AGENTS j nt ouoo, iii Hill two of the meat popular woikn | ovor jmblatied: | U. S. BONDS W. K. llau'ly. .m a ii - ii a li. m i.ikj: <>:• Gen. Robert E. Lee. runs hull iiiiotj!i:r v , w Baltimore, Md, JOHN .10NK J , Tt Treasury of Georgia, Rankin CJol ii in 1>i House, Holders of Overdue Bonds State of Coorgla STATE TREASURY IN ATLANTA, Kuby Bar and J. SV. KYaN. l'ro|/ Clerk. Keshuirsuil, Billiiud SaJoon .1. W. KVA V. W. J. CHAFFIN. Take Notice. Hound*, w Atln un, A an Itio Iml.l 'prefer. JN tbiliy BOILER MAKING. GEO. T. GIFFORD, jBoilea* TVEn,K.ra- and Sheet Iron Worker. Hun ' :'-U<> £: V. .ir ! r n ■ i.lB :1“< ■' (n //<-••/ '•'< 'irr/i " Inrh 1; ■ H Mraiinntcure. Thn l'v<M: "i1lclnM wUliH > in.,:.: I,l,f .r a, I V ■ l .In- . !■.. ACON MAKING. Wood and Blacksmith Shop ,5. H. KGS HELL February Jtith. I'll III l .nriu HiUlon.l ll»uk of Now Yolk. |‘ NO .NTEREST ON OVERDUE BONDS| WILL BE ALLOWED Wood, Wood ! KHT WOOD. roaUj iawinI, #4.00 | H .r r lly ord«»r of tho (hr nl* 13 taprl “DirectTrade l-uiou." To the Patrons ot Husbandry. JOHN JON K-t, Tr j on appliratlo febil If MUSCOOKB MAN V NO (JO Assignee’s Sale OF Crockery,China AGlasH DRUC8 AND MEDICINE8. J. It MO.-MIl.J I [ R T. J. L'. YoKK hn New York. March 24—Co|tou ,fooi>n°Ir,d| K I Bale* l,43:i baler; uplandii M.j; Orlcana 1.. hl , | look . , nrl A„, -U r.t.. Futnren opened as followa: April okkatlY rkdi.'ckd 1‘iuci 15 2M2»15 W-1B| May 16.',.lfialG 18-32, ST*NU. o„ Strori, Ii, Tone 1« 13-1 Gain 27-32; July 17**173.32. ■ , n ,. tbl „, t0 M r.P. V„r New York, Maroh 24.—Futures closed and ..til, steady; aalea IS,700 bales; March 15 13-I *a-MR. ItOW.hT A KNXIH 16- April 15 87-82; May inj; Juua IS 3T of ih. Si.,-a noiil -1—1 "«t, MKf- /*ly It ')M. j »*all«*wlt >• i. uitiri IMPORTED Drotts&Mefliciaes, PERFUMERY 'I TV. s< )1'k:E. FANCY GOODS, AT RKDITKD NtlCI’A. All g'wKle |fia/aatoe«l l*r**rr,p(|i,u« «ar«- fully prepared at *11 hour* J I f<I« H»«*4*l7 l«* IS-— 1 *<■ r For Salt). \* js .MPJtnu ll> ord. r ot the Cot wkl« I* »