The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, March 28, 1874, Image 1
Columbus IDJLXXj-Z- Enq uirer. VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1874:. NO. 755. TERMS or THE DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY BirQirEXiiixi. ALFRED R. CALHOUN, Proprietor. Twelve mouths, in effvanoe $8 00 4 00 2 00 7f»c. 2 00 2 no WASHINGTON. i'OXOREIBIONAI.. ■•note. Washington, March 27.—Hills to re- Have the political disabilities of Wm. L. Cabell, of Texas, and Thos. Hardeman, of Georgia, were passed. This is in the face of the adverse re ports from the Judiciary Committee. Finance occupied the day. No action. Gordon introduced a bill to authorize Advertising Rate*. «qunre. 1 Weok, Dally, « io 8 oo a •* ’ “ la (to a “ “ n oo 4 “ •* so no 5 “ " 2*2 50 t( « “ 26 00 I Square 1 yoar 42 00 The above ia with the privilege of a change very tlireo months. For yearly cards a liberal die- e-third count will be made. The Weekly rates will invariably be of the Daily. When an advertisement is changed more than once in three months the advertiser will be charg ed with the cost of composition. Foreign adver tisers must pav as do those at home. Six mouths, “ Three raontbB, “ One month, “ * Weekly Enquirer, one year Sunday Enquirer, one year Sunday^ and Weekly Enquirer to- ( gather, one year 3 00 i the settlement of accounts between the Atlantic and Gulf and the W esteru Rail roads, of Georgia, and the United States, upon the same basis that similar claims were settled with the Tennessee Railroad. Referred to Committee on Military Af fairs. Adjourned to Monday. House. The House discussed the Currency bill all day, and will continue the discussion to-night and to-morrow. No Help For Mouth Carolina. Replying to the delegation from the South Carolina Tax Payers’ Convention, the President expressed sympathy for the people of South Caroliua, and said that the condition of affairs was as much to be deplored there as in Lonisi- ana ; but since it was a sovereign State, he could 8eo no mode whereby tbe pend ing evil could be cured, either by the Ex ecutive or by Congress. The matter was one which rested entirely with the people. Instructions lo r. I. Tax Collectors. The Commissioner of luterual Reve nue has addressed a circular letter to all Collectors of Internal Revenue, calling their attention to a recent decision of the Supremo Court, where it is held that tbe Government may have an action for tbe recovery of taxes, not only of such as are assessed, but also of tho-e which are not assessed, and likewise of those which, on account of the Htatute of limitations, are not accessible. The Commissioner says : “I desire tbut you will exert yourself to discover all cases in your district where any taxes cannot now be nssossod owing to the lim itation of section 20, act of Jane 30th, 1804, amended, and section 5, act of March 2d, 1807. Without a waiver of these limitations by the tax-payer in all these cases, you will notify the delin quents that, if they make a written waiver of their legal rights under these statutes across the faoo of their returns, the tuxes will bo assessed without penalty; but in cases where delinquents neglect or re fuse to take this course, you will at once report the facts to the proper United States District Attorney, referring him, at the same time, to the terms of tbe above meotioned decision of the Supremo Comt. Iu view of the importance of ac tion in this matter, collectors are urged to prompt action. Washington Notes. Sanborn failed to appear before the Committee on Ways and MeanB. Com pulsory summons will bo issued for the Gth of April. Governor Bard has filed his bond for $120,000, and has his commision as post master at Atlanta. Confirmation—Alex. 15. Kotchum vice Hogebon, General Appraiser of Mercban dise. The President has withdrawn Hall’s name as postmaster at Galveston Full Cabinet. B. Artholdi, the new French Minister, has arrived. UEORtiU NEW*. —Jackson county, Ga., (high above the “cotton belt”) last year produced 8,000 bales of cotton. —An engine on the Georgia Railroad, at Rutledge, ran away on Monday night and collided with a train. Not muoh dam age done. —'lr M. C. Brown, father of ex-Gov. Joseph K. Brown, died iu Cherokee coun ty, on Wednesday night, llis age was 87 . years. —Mr. John Huff, of Gwinnett county —an old mao, and the father of thirty children—committed suicide by cutting his throat, on Tuesday. —The Augusta Ice Company have al ready commenced the manufacture of ice. With two machines at work, the company can make thirty thonsaud pounds per day. —Mr. Youngblood, living nearNorcross, accidentally shot himself with his gnn, on Friday evening, as he was preparing to go hunting; and it is feared that the wound is fatal. —The Savannah Nem office is now illu minated with kerosene oil, instead of gas, at a great saving ; and the News says the kerosene gives much tbe best light. The price of gas in Savannah is $5 50. —The Griffiu New a learns that there nre a great many farmers in that section who will not bo able to run their farms through the summer unless they get aid from moneyed men. —The Augusta Exchange has passed resolutions favoring Government aid to the Texas Pucitio railroad, and requesting members of Congress from Georgia to advocate an appropriation. —The Barnesville Gazette, of the 2(»tb, says: “The protraoted rainy weather has thrown the farmers in this section very muoh behind in their farming operations. Those who have planted corn expect to have it to replant.” —Mr. Sol. Page, of Lee county, carried to Albany, last week, thirty large, well cared hams, of his own raising and paok ing, and fonnd a ready sale for them at the highest price. No wonder that the Albany News is enabled to boast of the prosperity of Southwestern Georgia. ALABAMA NEWS. — I hree attempts were made last week, iu one night, to burn the town of Bladon Springs, in Chootaw county. —Jasper N. Haney, a lawyer in Selma, was arrested on Monday last on an indict ment found by the grand jury for libel upon the Hou. Goo. H. Craig, Judge of the Crimiual Court of Dallas county. —The State Journal estimates that it will take $30,000 to rebuild the bridges over the public roads iu Montgomery connty destroyed by the late freshets. —Judge Cunningham, of the City Court of Montgomery, has deoided that an ordinance of that city, which punishes with imprisonment a refusal to pay hack hire, is unconstitutional. —In the City Court of Montgomery, on Tuesday, the Solicitor entered a nol. proa. in all the oases against th« doctors and lawyers who were charged with violating the revenue laws of the State. —Eiward Phifer and Louis Kazalas had a dispute on the Spring Hill road, near Mobile, on Sunday evening ; tbe lie was exchanged ; Knzalas struck Phifer, who drew his pistol and warned him nut to strike again ; soon Ktzalus struck again, and thou Phifer shot him dead. —Mr. A. it. Walker writes to the Mo bile Register that last year he plautedfonr acres of cotton iu the swamp, and one- eighth of an acre of ribbon cane in the piuey woods; and that the cotton yielded $fil, and the caue $70. Tbe Register says “comment is unnecessary." —A Baptist congregation in Mobile were wrought up to a state of considera ble excitement and alarm, on Sunday nigh\ The gas lights in the church sud denly wont out, and just then some one outside raised the cry of “fire.” In the rush for the door, in the darkness, seve ral ladies were slightly injured. —An eagle was killed in Coffee county, a few days since, measuring 8^ feet from tip to tip. When first seen it was after a coupl** of deer, and now aud then would alight on first one and then the other, bu rying bis talons in them. The deer were running for life. A gentleman out hunt ing saw them coming, and when in shoot ing distance fired on one of them. The other shopped and he, too, was shot. The eagle, perched on a limb near by, seeing them both shot down, alighted on one of them and went to eating, but a fatal shot, at that juncture of the game, brought him down. There are said to be numbers of them in that section of the country — South Alabamian. Matthews Will Case.—The celebrate ! Matthews will case is to be tried iu the Probate Court of Russell county, before Judge Appleby, on the 3d day of April. A large amount is involved, and the cose, from the peculiar circumstances, will elicit much interest and attract general attention. The proponents of the will presented for probate are represented by Hon. M. J. Crawford of Columbus, and Colonels McDonald, Marlin, Judge Waddell and MoGehee, Esq.; and the contestant* by Colonels M. J. Blandford, James M. Rus sell, Lyman W. Martin aud Judge Mat- thbwe. Thirty-nine subpoenas have been issued to witneasea and a panel of jurors sum moned.— Ruticll Recorder. MASSACHUSETTS SENATORIAL ELECTION. Boston, March 27.—Fourth ballot stood as follows: Dawes 95, Hoar 78, Curtis 74, Adams 15, Banks 7. UANI4INU OF SOUTH CAROLINA MURDERERS. Columbia, S. C., Maroh 27.—Two colored men wore hung in Sautter to-day, and a white man in Abbeville, for murder Siuce reconstruction, murders have been as common an larceny was before. Several other murderers are to pay the penalty in a few weeks. FOREIGN TniTuiGENCE LATER FROM BALD MOUNTAIN. Area of the Disturbances—Opinion or a Scientist. [Special to the N. Y. Herald.] Marion, N. C., March 23, 1874. I reached here this morning, after rid ing all night, from Chimney Rock. Fri day afternoon I found myself able to make tho ascent of Stone Mountain, which K new established as the seat of the most jrious disturbance. Stone Mountain is of the same range os the Bald Mountain, lying seven miles north east, and the shocks have extended be tween the two. With a guide I crossed Stone Mountain, and at one minute past four I experienced quite a shock, which frightened my horso ami guide so much thut both seemed About to leave me. Descending upon the southern side, I made the circuit of the Knots aud joined a party of students, professors and re porters at tho Widow Nan’s, qii the north side of the mountain. Here we experi enced a second shock, which shook preacher Logan off a rail fence upon which he was sitting, and a Udder, whioh was resting against the side of the house, was thrown down. Groat excitement pre vailed among tbe people, and some forty- four candidates foa baptism on the fol lowing Sunday began to bo douced at once in spite of the cold and rain. Friday evening the party separated in order to get accommodations at the dif ferent farm-houses, with the stipulation that we should meet the following morn ing at Chimney Rook to interview Prof. Dnpre, Professor of Natural Soienoe, Wafiotd College, Spartanburg, South Caroliua. Saturday morning wo met the Profes- r, and at tor going through a portion of Bald Mountain with bim held tbe piivate interview at Justisu’ Tavern. Tbe people bad board of the contemplated interview, and gathered from fur ami wide about, tbe hotel. It w.n impossible to keep them out of the room. WHAT THE PROFESSOR SAID. “I linvo examined carefully into the na ture of these noises, and my questions have been made with regard to tho lead ing facts stated by tho people, as connect- evith tho broad theoiy of volcanic movements. The noises that have boon hcaidoutho mountains are common to both earthquakes aud volcanic uiovo- monts. Ah tar as I have heard, tbe explo sive noises that have begun those rum blings aro characteristic of vulcanic movements. The limited nroa of the noise and shocks seems also to favor vol canic movements. This does not embrace more thau ten or twelve miles. All shocks have been between two large rivers (the Broad and Catawba), both of whioh head from theso mountains. If this was an earthquake wave it would not be so limited in its area, and, uh a volcanic movement would be extending at so great a distance from tbe sea, tbe question remains to be decided. May not this bo an earthquake wave, limited in its aroa by tho two largo rivers bound ing it? Brother Logan hero asked tbe Profes- r if bo thought there was any danger, which there was a negative reply. The preacher said that after tho shock at Widow Nan's and tho sudden departure of the newspaper man and the scientists the people had become moro demoralized, than ever, nnd that, as he hod to preach to them on tho following day, ho wished to have it from onr own lips that we were not scared and that (hero was no danger. We gave him ample assurance and left at nightfall for Bald Mountain to observe os to the reported bright lights to be seen t‘ ereupou. Wo saw a bright haze throngh the mist, but being unahlo to traoo it to its source, attributed it to at mospheric influences. During Sunday, whorever I rod* the people flocked to tho roadside, making the most diligent inquiries aud displaying the utmost anxiety. They seemed to bo as much disturbed by our coming as by tho volcanic movements. No shocks have boon heard since Friday afternoon. TELEGRAPHIC' NOTES. —Lowell Cook's tannery, at Pittsburg, Pemtsylva i, has been burned. Loss $75,000. —Lawrence, w ho killed his wife's father in a family quarrel iu Pittsburg, Penn., was hanged by u mob. —At Detroit, Mich., a sail boat, with a man, wife and daughter, was capsized, and tho woman was drowned. —Bishop Milner has petitioned Judge Woods for tho reloaso of tho Grant pa rish (La.) prisoners. —Tho Goodhull A Aders woolen factory aud William Bullock’s residence, at Kit- Unring, near Pittsburg, Penn., have been burned. Loss $100,000. THE WEATHER. Dhpartuknt of War, ) Washington, March 27, 1874. > Probabilities.—For the Southern StatcB, northwest and southwest winds, rising barometer, with .ucreasing cloudiness, aud rain iu tho Gulf States. SHIP NEWS. London, March 27.—The ship Charles A. Faruell, from Savannah for Rival, be fore reported strauded on tho Island of Anvilla, will probably bo a total loss. Four hundred bales of cotton have been landed in good order aud takeu to Elsi nore. Savannah, March 27.—Cleared: Ju niata. Arrived: Khodelln, Blew, A. K. Ste vens. London, March 25.—It is reported that Ralph Waldo Emerson will receive the nomination for Lord Rector of tho Uni versity of Glasgow, to succeed the Right Hon. Benjamin Disraeli. MARKETS. MEDICINES. THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. Tills unrivaled Medicine in v nrrantod not to con tain a singlo particle of Mercury, or any injurious mineral substance, but In PURELY VEGETABLE, containing those Southern Roots and 11 or Im whioh an all wine Providence him placed in counlrioH whore Liver Diseases most prevail. It will cure nil DUounor mused by Deruuiie- meiit of the Liver uud Dowels. Simmons' Liver Regulator or Medicine d by being kop niliently u Family .Modi, in ready lor imiuediato muon will have lua ol suffbriyg and many a dollar iu tiin ny i BY TELEGRAPH TO ENOUIRER. Money nnd Stock Market*. London, March 27.—Erie 35)nL Later.—Sharp speculation in Erie; sales at 3(1. Paris, March 27.—Routes 6i)f. and 85o. New York, March 27.—Stocks active and unsettled. Monoy 3. Exchaugo— long 485$, short 488$. Governments strong and active. State bonds quiet. New York, March 27.—Money easy at. 4a5; sterling steady at 5$; gold active at 13j|; Governments steady and active; States quiet aud nominal. Provlalou Mnrkel*. New York, March 27.—Flour quiet and steady. Wheat firmer. Corn a sluice better. Pork quiet at $1G 70. Lard quiet ; steam 9j(. St. Louis, March 27.—Flour weak. Corn steady. Whiskey 92. Pork active. Bacon advanced; shoulders 7a7|. Lard firm at 9o. Cincinnati, March 27.—Flour un changed. Corn higher. Pork$lG. Lard sltong. Bacon firm nnd scarce. Louisville, March 27.—Flour and Corn unchanged. Provisions in fair dornand, advanced. Pork $1(1. Bacon—shoulders (Jjj; clear rib 9; clear sides 9jj. Lard— tierce 9^; keg i)jf. Whiskey 91. Cotton Mnrkol*. Liverpool, March 27—Noon.—Cotton quiet aud unchanged ; sales 12,000 bales, including 2000 for speculation and export. Actual exports 10,000 hides. Sales up lands, nothing below »ood ordinary, shipped in February and March, 8 1-1 (>. hater.—Sales include 8200 bales Amer ican. Sales uplands, nothing below good ordinary, shipped February, 8j ; do., do., deliverable March, 8 1-10 ; do., do., de liverable April aud May, 8 ; do., nothing below low middlings, deliverable May and June, 8j$. Liverpool, March 27.—Evening—Cot ton to arrive higher. Sales of up lands, nothing below good ordinary, ship ped February 8 3-1G; do., do., delivered iu April and May, 8; delivered in May and June, New York, March 27.—Cotton quiet, held higher ; sales 90G bales ; uplands lGjj, Orleans 17c. Futures opened : April 15 13-1G, May 1G 7-1 Gal7-32, Juno 10 8-26, nud July 17 17-32. New York, March 27.—Cotton quiet and nominal; sales 2,2HG bales; uplands lGi; Orleans 17] ; net receipts G54. Futures closed steady. Salon of 40,700 bales as follows: March 15 15-lGnlO; April 1G l-32alG 1-10; May l(J$a 1(>17-82; June 17 l-32al7 1-1G; July 17 15-82al7$; August 17$al7 25-32. Providence, March 27.—Stock 1G,0()0. Charleston. March 27.—Cotton steady; middlings 15£alG; low middlings 154; good ordinary 14$. Salon 1,000. Modilk, March 27.—Cotton quiot aud unchanged; stock 47,072; weakly net re ceipts 3,324. Boston, March 27. —Cotton quiet and unchanged; stock 5,000. Galveston, Maroh 27.—Cotton—no de mand; nominal; stock 70,100. Nashville, March 27.—Stock 7,489. Shreveport, March 27.—Stock 3,G31. Montgomery, Maroh 27.—Strong; mid- lings 1 bill*. After ovnt Forty Yearn’trial it Ir still receiving the most unqualified testimonial* to its virtue* from persons of the highest character and respon sibility. Kuitueut physicians commend it an tho MOST EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOtt DYSPEPSIA OR IND1GENTION. Armed with thia ANTIDOTE, all « urn change* of water aud food muy be . 1 fear. Aa a itotnodv in MALAIUOU. i BOWEL COMPLAINTS, HUSTLE* ,t DICE, NAUSEA. IT HAS XO HQUA ! It in the Chi Mou.Hiie In tW World 1 J. II. 7.l:ll.IX * Cl) MACON, 11 A., nod I'll 11. A 1IKI.PI! I ■ I'll root, RAILROADS. NOTICE. -■U 1 Xlt* -u Lfitunn, Columbus, March W, \K71. |N and after Tuesday, 24th Instuut, the Pus* Loave Colunihti Arrive at Troy. Now AdvortiBomonts. WORKING CLASS ploy men t at home, day <>■ evening; no capital $2500 A YEAR-«a Com Ij i nation Prospectus. Nllrn Lilli I'rulll. 1,liner. r,Trr, i • Troy. A11 ivi t'olumhii Freights will be shipped by by l packages weighing nol over one hue (130) pounds will ha received daily I (Ion. >V. I Train amt •d and fifty chttUXw up'l M. A 0. II. II. Western Railroad Alabama. of 54i HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME! $35 50 Fare to New York! New York and Now 0rloan3 Mail Lino. Price. $1.00. Sold by all Druggists WF.8TKRN RAILROAD OF At. A DAM A, CoumuUM, (Ia,, March i!tl, lf»71 TRAINS LEAVE C0I.UMB08 DAILY For Atlanta, . • I0i40a.m. Arrive at Atlanta, p. m. For Montgomery and 8elmn, I:«h» m. tinveat Jlontg'y, | •! Ij. A M. FOR NEW YORK, DAILY, THE BEST ADVICE pop*in, bill- iii oomplniut, colic, consumption sick headache, fever and ague, nervous d* bllity, nr of anv disorder aftoctlng the stomach, the live •or kidneys, is to tone, cltiim-c, aud regulate these Ini pot taut organs by the use of DR. I UTT’S VKGKT- c RLE LIVER PILLS. They not very mildly, yet thoroughly restore the functional action of the digestive organa nnd the intestines and renovate the whole system. 1 hey produce neither nausea, griping or weakness, and may lie taken at any time without change of diet or occupation. Pi lee ii.Vu box. Sold bv all drugghla. DR. TUTT’S HAIR DYE possesses qualities that no other (lye doi not ho detected hy the dot, harmless and easily applied, among llm fashionable tiairdi city in tho United Stales. P natural that it c ^ oB'-TUTTs A SARSAPARILLA V ^fNSDEUCV^J y Tot tin Hheuni.itbn Female W Whites, Wo Syphilis **■ i, Erupt I v • Hi ire, Krysipela id Sail Eliot llliitclie Skill, St An- iiihom, Rol!s, d. Ringworm, I Enlargement of the Hones, Sterility, lencorrhcea el se*. Dropsy, Wlilto .Swellings. I Liv- r Complaint, Mercurial Taint, and Piles' all proceed from Impure blood. DR. TUTT’N NAKNAI’AKIM.A i the most powerful lllood Purifier known lo lodical science. It enters into the circulation ml era 11cates every morhillo agent ; renovates ho system; produces a beautiful romplcxlon and allies the body to gain flesh and Increnso Iu relght. Urep the lllood lloitltliy ud all w ill bn well. To do so, nothing has ever men ottered that can compare with Ibis valuable ogetuble Ox trad. Price $1.00 u bottle. Hold by II Druggists. Of lice 4H Cortluiidt stieet, N. V. fchl. r » deoiUwly CURA. Havana, March 27.—'The banks refuse to discount currency. A decree makes stamped paper payable iu gold. The C'aiatbridire-Oiford Boat Rare. London, March 27.—Six to four in favor of the Cambridge crew. Every prospect for good weather to-morrow. Elvliitfatone** Rcmnini Identified. London, March 27.—Dr. Livingstone’s remains, in a lead coffin, are preserved in salt. The body was fully recognized at j Zanzibar. BUmnrck's Symptoms. Berlin, March 27.—Bismarck’s symp toms are discouraging. SPAIN. Around Bilbo*. Madrid, March 27.—The Minister of War has telegraphed the congratulations of the Cabinet to Marshal Serrano. London, March 27.—The Times' special from Madrid states a second renewed at tack on tbe Carliats before Bilboa, at five yesterday morning. At one in the afternoon the Marshal telegraphed to Madrid, that tho combat was obstinate on both sides, but the advantage i were with his tioops. Madrid, March 27.—Serrano telegraphs that his troops have driven back the Car- lists at the point of the bayonet, captur ing several villages. Several Carlist bat teries were silenced. This fighting is to raise the seige of Bil boa. Batonnk, Maroh 27.—Dispatches from the Carliata claim the advantage in the two deya’ fighting before Bilboa. .... i Weekly receipts 117; shipments 132; —Negro jurymen aro gelling into dis- Htock grace, even in South Carolina. The “ ‘ _ . w _ ... . . . Phivnix says a jury iu Camden was dis- Macon, March Lirin and in good charged by Judge Carpenter from an ut- j demand; middlings lo. ter want of qnaliflntiou to serve the! Weekly receipts 4 7G; shipments l,5a(); country iu that capacity. The same I stock 8,41.; functionary addressed twelve negroes se- , Savannah, March 27.—Cotton firm and lected as the jury, tho other day, in Edge field ; “Gentlemen, retire to tho jury room, aud if yon can find one of your number who can write the verdict, select him for your foreman." —There was a Hingular beauty iu tho death of Judge llirain Gardner, at ltock- port, N. Y. On 'J hursday evening ho road to his family concerning the deaths of Fillmore and Sumner, aud said quietly, “That is tho best way to go—quickly— when ouh is prepared," and wont to his room. But be hod not liuiHLod disrobing when he sank to the floor in greet pain and spoke uo more, his death oecurring next day. Judge Gardner was a man of high distinction and widely esteemed, and though in his seventy-fifth year, was still iu active lifo, having on tho day before his death argued a suit before a referee. quiet; middlings 1G; stock 1)2,497. Selma, Maroh 27.—Stock 5,389. * Augusta, March 27.—Cotton quiet; middlings 15j; stock 17,132. New Orleans, March 27.—Cotton ac tive and higher; middlings IGg; low mid dlings 15j|; good ordinary 14]; ordinary 12]; stock 203,805. Weekly not receipts 17,133; exports to Great Britain 19,992; to Continent 3,917; to France 1,458; sales 48,700. Times are Hard andMoney Scarce, RUT THK PROPRIETOR OF THE j Broad Street House 1 8 DETERMINED THAT THIA SHALL BE NO \ excuse for tho hunery and weary traveler ; , therefore offers the following reduced rules of j charge: 8INULKMKAL 2 $ .50 HKD *° SUFFER. LODGING AND HKEAKFAST 100 BOARD FEE WEEK 7.00 **- Faro aa good as any in the city. E. G. RAIFOKD, mb22 Si4t*w4t») Proprietor. IIATTAIIOOCIIEE COURT OF ORDINARY.— DRUCS AND MEDICINES. •J. I. GHIEF1N, IMPORTED Drop & Medicines, PERFUMERY FANCY GOODdD, AT REDUCED PRICES. I. Mr Proscriptions csre- Danv.lh. :i;*7 p. at Fhihulnlpliin kl«it|iiiig € TRAINS AI Atlanta, IM.II *>MKTIIIN(5 tin n-hlre.i JOHN K. POTTER . TO DO l"i'»nOU , f FIT J.U UU KM I'l.OY M AGENTS Kumco, l*,uSk * II.M.I, I 1 i North Clmrlcl mroot, Hnlllmor.. M,l Millions of Acres RICH FARMING LANDS IN NKIIIUHKA, NOW FOR SALE VERY CHEAP! '•>11 VtonV ('mill, Inl.rcl o.ilj li imt rent. Tho Pionoor, h li.uidiiiiuo lIliiHlnitnd I’upi-r, nmUluiUK 11■ iiiioht*'.id I.I.W, mulled fio.< to nil purl* or World. Address () F. DAVIS, Land CoriMiilaslou r II. F. it. It . tub*17 Iw Omaha, $78 A WEEK TO AGENTS.--'- .1 lilt IDE. 7117 llroi RUPTURE Kls.’v!, 1 ; trusses ss::! 1 , lo Clin .UMKUP I* I Mon Tii ko Change of Schedule. Southwestern R. R. MAIL TRAIN DAY FREIGHT TRAIN'. W. L. UI.ARK, A gel All goods gns> fully prepared nl JalM deodawly . I. GRIFFIN, STOVES AND TIN WARE. Stoves, Stoves HOTELS. Chewalla House, l.uluiiIu, Alulminu A. J. RIDDLE L WM. SMITHA, PROPRIETORS. qOJK THAVKMNO PUBLIC urn most nip.i l 1 " fully invited to glvo iih k mil. W.-wlll.h.ihi' best wn ran t» ploaae. tnhll 1 m I Rankin House, ColnmbiiM, C«a. J. W. llYAN, l’rop'r. ' Fuank Qoi.dkn, (!!ork. liuby llestaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Under the IUnkin JIouhk. mj21 dawtf J. W. RYAN, Piop'r. I ti-in!.l llird Uublicr n.nilr. M/htTrun. Sin I * v inuii <i i-xpnn. Hold hy nil iI<.uIiti. S'lid *or llliiHlti.I.' l Cut Gogin-. Extiild ilitii«>nti IH*7 l’lii'Httun Hiivi't, Fliiliididplna, mill 7.I7 wn>. N. > lli'witri' ot j.q iiniiod inilliillons. 4w For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ORLY IN IILI'li UUXE8. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Hold hy llrugtflHtft. 4w '■'lii* IiIkIm>i»I ni<'(ll('Ul milliorlllox of l.urop*' Hay tho ntronKe»t Tonic, Purifier uud Doohfitruout known to the tnodlral world M JURUBEBA. It urroftl* 11ooay of vital forces, oxhatmtlon ol llm nnrvoiiH nystein. tuHtoroH vigor to thoilchll Hated, oloansnH vlLIntoil Idood, roniovcH vu.Gelo 11 hr I mu'! Ion h iiml nets directly on tho I.Ivor und .spleen. Price +l it lMit*Iu. JOHN 1*. KEI. LOGG, 18 l’lattSt., N. Y. 4w gw*e| my Hr i a fcrtil 1 ; pal! c .-2—5 m WE WANT g j ’e 4 £ 1 i| !?. 331 r-B 0 3 BOOTS AND SHOES. Spring is Coming! BOOK AGENTS utonro, to sell two of tho most popular works over published: r. s. uuNi)S;jrui^w^7 >V. K. llandy. anu MARSHALL'S LIFE OK Gen. Robert E. Lee. TURN HU M. BROTHERS, Daltimore, Nld. H I III I.AK'i SEASONABLE GOODS NATHAN CBuWr. Columbus ^yoqi.l) rrsprrtfully Invite Ga Assignee’s Sale OF Crockery ,China&Glass M U. T. J. DeVORK having aaslgncd h.s entire 8tork of CROCKERY, HOUHK FURN18I1 - ING GOODH and a Good IRON SAFE, togntlnw with his Books and Acmunta, I am soiling »t GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, at the OLD ST AND, on Randolph Street, between Broad and Oglethorpe. Parties indebted to Mr. DeVore will pleusn r^H ! and settle. MR. ROBERT A. ENNIS will have charg* of the Stock untM closed «/ut. mal dlinAwIt 1. ENNIS. Aeiignoe. — j Choice Simpson Cotton Seed FOR SALE. lalnd from NelcKtcrt Nlnllt*, hy E. T. SHEPHERD. W ARE, at wholesale anufactnrer of TIN, d retail. 811 RET IRON AN Roofing and Guttering rumptly and In l.u, I. lollnit, n^H.I, fiioH: BOILER MAKINC. GEO. T. GIFFORD, Boiler and Sheet Iron Worker. Brogans, Plow Shoos, l.l All Other Atap'e tioo'lt f-.r fh - II lenple, is iinexcoll. d. Wuaro well supplied with Leather and Findings, .nd cun offur Inducements to all < ..r l#u>< r N. R.—Wo pay the highest market | •. •• • In did-v. WELLS & CURTIS, 73 Broad Street. Jill aod.wlf DOORS, SASH, ETC. Oil luce, Ilolis. lirjMljMlaa !>•:i lilvor Complaint. Hix lo twelve lot* Hen, warranted to euro iicroftiloti* Swclll nerr nml .Soros nnd oil Skin and Blood Illscoaon. Hy lta wondcrlul l»cctorul pro|»ortios It will euro tho niOKt hevuro recent or lingering €oivtf!> In Imll tho tlmo required by any other inedlcluo and 1h perfectly wife, lnonrnlng cough, eoofjt- lug Irritation, end relieving' wmiw. Ndd )»y all DnigHsta. It. V. PIMICILW.D., World’* JDiaoenaurv. Huilulo. N. v mill I WACOM MAKINC. Wood and Blacksmith Shop, J. H. M0SHELL UHCOOKK COUNTY.—Whereas, terntors of the d, tins made ap- » of K. M. Wetita, cits and admonish all Administratlun uj»on tho late of said county, dec'd ; These are, therefore, to .... and aingular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to show cause on the first Monday in April, why letters should not be granted to said A illcant. WILLIAM A. FARLEY. Ordinary. For Sale. rpWKNTY SHAKES IN MERCHANTS' Bl. ing and Loan Association. Apply to A. 0. BLACKMAR. tskll sod If M and M Sank G t BORO I A—MUBC T T. D. Tinsley, . < will of Thomas Ragland i pi - ation to resign bis exo i These ar^, thrrfore. to and admonish sll j persons concerned to file th*dr objection in my f , . ! office, on or bt.-fo»e the first Monde; iu Msy next, i R y, ow cause (if any they h»vr) why said appli- it nhould not l»e permitted to resign his mid I U. BROOKS, ordii Our Seventy Pnijo Illustra ted Catalogue of DOORS, SAHFIF.S, BLINDS, STAIlt BAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, An., Mniltn. to »ny one intere-te'l in tu.l'.in,, ".. nr>. KEOGH & THORNE, 2.1 A JVi CANAL STREET, jv11 dAwly NEW YORK CITY millinery. }PRINC MILLINERY - , , | .|i \ ED a small lot of NEW STYLED U ‘ ‘. Hi HER NON ELTIES from th. .•lass Millinery VaU t- th« New Yoik Stnri MRS. COLVIN sod Mika DfNNELl.V