The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 02, 1874, Image 1

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maaiBiBSBBsssBsaBasmm aa t,, • *.
Columbus *
TERMS bad pursued the thief into the fork
or tub °f Horae Shoe creek end Rig Warrior
pletely iu their power. The thief made
his escape, however, by swimming his
horse across the creek, and while doing so
K »borts levelled his gun to shoot at him,
when Ratclitl remarked that it would be
00 better to capture him alive—not to shoot.
4 oo Roberts taking down his gun frotu his
•i 0 q shoulders, accidentally fired it oft', the
contents lodging iu the bock of Ratcliff's
‘•' c> head, killing him instantly.
fwolve mouths, iu advauoe..
mnths, “
1 Uree months,
month, “
frilly Enquirer, oue year.
SrsDiY Enquirer, one year 2 f»
slxday au d Weekly ENQUIRER tO-
b .ether, one year........ 3 0
Advertising Kntes.
Vwk. Daily, $ ? «
To the Nurffcoits, Field and llospl*
t«l. of the Armlea of the l.nte
Confederate States.
For the advancement of scionce—to
rescue from oblivion all the important
1 “ J; 7 00 | medical and surgical facts developed with-
•• •' ”!!!.!!!!!!!!’!!!!!!!!!!!!! vS so i in t ? 10 araiies of the Confederate {States
• •* . 25 cn I during the late war—it lias been deter-
Pquaro l yoar 42 uo mined to call a Convention of the Cou-
The uLove la with the privilege of h « lmnge ! fedorate Surgeons, field and hospital, to
ry ti'.ree^uiontha. For yearly card* s liberal >!•«. 1 moot i n Atlanta, Georgia, May 20tb, 1874.
Immediate action is considered abso-
•nit will bo liuuie.
flu- Weekly rates will invariably l.
(the Dally.
advertisement is changed more than
„ iu three months the advertiser will he charg-
wllli the cost of compoeitiou. Foreign udver-
must pav ns do those at home.
lutely necessary. Since the war many of
tho most talented of the medical staff
have died, and yearly others are added to
the list, and their valuable medical aud
surgical experience entirely lost to the
For the success of this great Scientific
and Historical Assooiatiou, it is earnestly
recommended that the ox-Coufedorate
surgeons of each of the Southern States
at ouce take such steps as will secure a
large delegation.
The co-operation of the medical staff of
the late Confederate Navy respectfully so
Resides the contributions to science,
the social features of the organization and
The San Jacinto from Savannah for
Sew Vork carried thirty boxes of green
peas on her last trip—the first shipment
of the season.
-Gov. Smith has appointed John T.
Henderson Judge of the County Court of
Seaton; and Egbert R. Roper Judge,
, | Jumes C. Rartow Solicitor, of tho
,,, .sity Court of Rockdale.
Mr. Charles Gilbert, of Conyers, says j t^e revival of old army associations will
bo of no secondary interest
to the Court of Claims. Passed
The California Legislature, by a joint
resolution, asks Cougress to placo unsold
lauds granted to railroads from Missouri
to the Pacific at the disposal of the pro-
emptoriot settlers.
The Sonato devoted most of the session
to a consideration of the third section of
tho Finance bill.
The oommittce reported iu favor of
authorizing the organization of national
bauks in the States and Territories having
a less proportion than tho State of Now
York, on basis of wealth aud population,
until each State and Territory has an
amount equal to the proportion is
sued to New York.
An amendment to insert Pennsylvania
iu lieu of Now York, which would increase
the national bauk circulation about $124,-
000,000 was rejected. Yoas, 2.7, nays, *20.
An amendment to reduce the volume of
fractional currency to $40,000,000,
aud iu case emancipation should be de-
| creed, then tho owuers of slaves to be in-
| damnified.
MannavlinncCts Nountorial Election.
Boston, April 1.—Dawes lift, Adams
: lft, Hoar 74. Bau^a G, Curtis 7ft, Pierce
Washburno 1, Whitlior 1, Wendell
Washington, April 1.—West presented
a memorial of the oitizous of Alexandria,
, for tho construction of a breakwater ' Phillips 1. Adjourned till Friday,
ill lied fiver at Alexandria. lteferred to j sten.,,i,i.,',b7tu«fcy « Uj.
Commerce Comuiitteo. ..
Memphis, April 1.— Two young men in
Merriuion, from tho Committee of tl)i9 cily ^olil iwo-tenthe, a elnb of <0
Claims, reported a bill referring cotton ! holds five-tenths >f the ticket which
claims of the heirs of Stephen A. Douglas i j rew n 10 capital ; rizo in the l.ottisvillo
Lottery drawing.
Zumincr, committed suicide by
hangings 1a m1 ^nturday. He was uffiicted
with an incurable caucer in tho faco,
vfbiah was gradually eating uway the, and this, it is supposed, drove him
to his death.
—A hostile correspondence between
Colonel Alston of the Atlanta Herald
uml Colonel Clarke of tho Cumtitution is
H aiJ to be pouding—having grown out of
the letter of District Attorney Farrow,
heretofore alluded to. Wo hope that the
report is iucorrect.
—Alligators far in the interior of Geor
gia continue to bo reportod. The Fort
* Valley Mirror mentions one, six feet
lung, that was killed near Houser's mill,
iu Houston county last week. Next we
expect to hear of thorn at Toccoa Falls,
or oil Stone Mountain.
—One of our Georgia exchanges ac
cuses another of “hooking" ita urticle
beaded “Pay the Printer." Now we in
sist that the appeal “pay the printer" is
the common property of tho Georgia
press, aud any paper may appropriate it
without being licensed of “hooking. "
—The Herald says that the Atlanta
merchants subscribed to Mr. J. Adger
Smith that they wuuld need (and would
Import through Charleston) about $40),-
nUO worth of foroign goods this year,
llrookery, hardware, drugs, and certain
tiues of dry goods are principally what
they will take.
—Tho Howe Sowing Machine Company
proposes to establish a fuctory fur the
making of those machines in Atlanta, pro
vided the citizens will subscribe $1.7.7,000
to its stock, tho company Hob9cribing
$.11.7,000. It is Raid that both Macon aud
Augusta have offered inducements for the
locution of such a factory, but Atlanta is
preferred by the company.
—A constable ran a colored chicken
thief, in Houston county, three miles be
fore he captured him, and at laRt had to
knock him down with a lightwood knot.
11 ul this occurred in Alabama, the thief
would at ouce have been “released on his
own recognizunce,” and perhaps the con
stable would have been indicted for hit
ting a man who had only robbed a hen
— lhe Griffin .Star of Saturday con
tained the announcement that Mr. F. 8.
Fitch had withdrawn from that paper;
and it is stated in the Telegraph of Tues
day that Mr. Fitch contemplates starting
an evening paper in Macon during the
neit fortnight. We always had a likiug
for Fitch, and we hope that he wi ! l suc
ceed in whatever newspaper enterprise he
tuay embark in, aud no matter how un-
propitious the condition of affairs may
*oom to be.
—The Atlanta Herald reports an inter
view with Hon. Wui. L. Smith, of Flint
River, Michigan, who is uow in Atlanta
aud contemplates making that city his fu
ture hom*. He is a capitalist, and tho
iuterost which ho ha. manifested
i of $0,000,000, was also defeated.
Tho free banking amendment was i
Gen. Harvey Brown, of the Cuited
States army, is dead, aged 78.
—Tho Conrt-hoiise of DflcAtnr county,
Iowa, is burned, together with all the rec
—A bill passed tho State Senate author
izing the Executor of tho estato of Edwin
ForroHt to compromise with his widow.
—Law A Frocks’ liquor store, on But
tery street, in San Francisco, was burned
yesterday morning. Loss about fifty thou
sand dollars.
—A largo number of loading merchants
in Boston lmvo signod a eall for an anti
inflation meeting in Fauuiel llall, Satur
day evouiug next.
—Proceedings in bankruptcy against
the A. Jk. \V. Sprague Manufacturing
Company, were instituted yeatorday by
tho National Rank of Providence, R. 1. it
| caused intenso excitement among tho
business men all day, and extraordinary
- i efforts wi re made to induce tho suspeu-
Tho railways of the South, with their
usual courtesy, will no doubt grant excur
sion tickets for this most import nut occa
S. P. More,
Surgeon General C. S. A.:
Hunter McGuire,
Medical Division, Jacksons Army;
S. II. Stout,
Medical Division Hospitals,
Army of Tennessee,
And many others.
Atlanta, March 28, 1874. '
Preparatory of the convention hereto
fore called by the above circular, a meet
ing of tho physicians of Atlanta was held
this day. J. P. Logan in the chair, aud
E. A. Flowellen, Secrotary.
The following resolution wos offered by
Dr. \V. F. Westmoreland and adopted:
Resolved. That W. F. Westmoreland,
J. J. Knott, V. U. Taliaferro, Chas. Pinck
ney and E. A. Flewellen, bo appointed a
Committee of Arrangements to prepare
for tho Convention of Confederate States
SnrgeoQs to assemble in Atluuta on May
20th, and to iufortn the surgeons whose
names ere attached to the call of their at
tention. J. P. Loo an, M. D.,
E. A. 1'llwbllen, Secretary.
Newspapers of tho late Confederate
States favorable to the convention will
pious© oopy.
Store Trouble Apprehended In l*euu
aylvnnln—Troopn Anxtoua
to (Jet Home.
Susquehanna Depot, Pa., April 1.-
Eight hundred troops are here. A renew
al of tho trouble is apprehended upon
their withdrawal. No violence or disturb-
ances are reported, aud everything is
quiet. The strikers cling together and
remain firm. Those whom the company
intend employing will go to work
shops to-day.
New York, Apyl 1.—A dispatch from
Susquehanna Depot says : After tho men
were paid off yesterday ufteruooo, thir
teen hundred of them, who had boon dis
charged, paraded the streets, headed by
bands. A ineetiug was subsequently held
at which it was resolved, if the company
wished to employ them, it must be
Vice-President Clarke addressed them,
Htating that the company was willing to
re-employ somo of them, if they
"ling to abide by the rules.
siou or discontinuance of the proceedings.
There is a call meeting of the stookhold-
tier discussion at the hour of adjourn- \ aolim ,0 r0, l"°» Ul16 airoctoi-H lo
rnent. ^ m '
Rainey presented a memorial of the
Republican Central Committee of South
Carolina, us a counter statement to that
of tbe tux-payers, presented yesterday
This uni it till'd MrdU'ltn* in **it i'runted not to con
tain u fliti|clt> intrude of Minin ay, or nay lujution*
mineral subcunrc, but In
Pl'BEliY UlilETAIIlii:,
contuiniiiK tlnmc Southern Hoot* mid lie rim which
an all wine Protidcuco hitH |ihiccd in countries
where l.iver DIroamoh moat prevail. It will
cure nil IHhcjimcm i'iiiinhI by HerauR**-
incut of the lilvcroiitl Hoods.
Simmons’ Liver Regulator or Medicine
Is eminently a Family Medicine; and by helna
kept toady tor iinntudi.tto rcoit will nave many an
hour of Bii(Veri»i; and mmy a dolhn in time and
dm tors' hills.
After evei Forty Vears' trial it is still reoeivtn«
the must iimpi tliiiimI testimonials to its virtues
from persons of tlu> highest di tradei and leapoa-
nihility. Eminent physicians romtiuMid it as tho
Artmul with this ANTIDOTE, all climates and
diaiiKcs ot water and food may lie lured without
f ar. As a Remedy in MALARIOUS FEVERS,
It is the Cheapest, I’uiesl, and Rest Family
Medicine in the World !
j. H. /<»:■ i.i.v a- to.,
MACON, 0 4.. and I'll II. A DKLIMII A.
Price. *l.0tt. Sold h» all Dnimrist*.
feh r i dio.Uwly
0 N
or Train will run i
Colunilnin n;t)0 a. m
Arrive at Troy o:03 »• a
Arrive at Columbus 3:2.1 p. «.
Freights will he shipped by by Ill's Train and
package* weighing not over one hundred and titty
(150) poll mis will Iih received daily for transport i-
tion. W. L. CLaUK,
iucb22d2w Sup'l >1. k Q. R. R.
Western Railroad of
'vlu'AGENTS *. u
A IIALL. 1 1 ’ . North Cliarle-
TT-i-tj** ? I
ni wiaui# \j uv wiw |
S35 50 Fare to New York!!
Now York and Now Orloans Mail Line.
Millions of Acros
Ten \oni'h* Crnlll, Interest only 0 per
Co turn inn, Ga„ Match 2d, is -
For Atlanta,
Arrive at Atlanta,
For Montgomery mid Selma,
Arrive at Montg'y,
Tho Pioneer,
a handsome lllustiuted
Homestead Law, nnilhd
Wot 111. Ad IrUHB
THE WEAT 11 Eli.
Departaient of War, i
Washington, April I, 1874. >
obabiUlU.1.—For llie South Atlantic
<1 lo the Judiciary Commit- i Staten, dearer and partly cloudy woather,
tec. . aud gontlo to fretdi winds, montly from
The bill to amend lhe mining act was ! northwest and aonthweat.
Tho Houho thou went into debase ou
the currency question.
WiiNliiiiUton \otca.
Thu Agrictiltnrn! Commit'eo of tho
House will report a bill authorizing the
Department of Agriculture t<» collect ape-
op* Ilka 12-27 p.
I all be given to p' Moim siilfci in* from
. C iinp'tiinl. rnln , * oiinilliptio
ratahliahuicut of a cotton factory in Ar- 'Fho strikers listened with apparent
l.m.» en™.m-, lK e8 ibe h pe that be an,I ( , itruruuw „ ud 9hllpl ibat if tbe men do
irienda whom he cuu inffnouoo will unto u,u . ... .
n*l!y ai.l in budding one. Mr. hmi'h | not g » to work to-day the abopa will bo
uicl lo the reporter ot the Herald
*6ttied upon Atlanta because Georgia i«
die only State iu tho South a white man
1 o »ld ive in un account of the poli'io-1 con-
'k'ion uf tlm other Statea, uurt because At-
liinta is unquestionably the buainoas point
°f Ike Soutti, aud ia the only point of im
portance in tho State where a man can
nvp in comfort all the year round."
—-L’ko Presbytery of South Alabama
"ill meet in Mariou on theaecond Sunday
"i April next.
% —Iu a recent affray in Jonesboro'. Law-
reDco county, Gal Bettis was tatally
►tabbed and* Jack Williams was badly
. ~Hon. U. C. Brick. 11
•Scotsboro Herald that he
'■ mdidate for Judge of
G iurt.
—Col. W. O. Sherrod,
county, is named by the '1 <
bamian it Time* for the p.*<
o r cssuiau at largi
cimena of wood from >dl parts of the
country for a museum.
Admiral Porter's friends are more con
Tho Assistant Secret ary if the Treas
ury, Sawyer, is before the t' jmmittee of
Ways and Means upon tlm Sanborn con
Debt statement shows a decrease of :’jJ
millions, la the Treasury, coin m!) mil
lions, currency 4i million*.
Tho momoriul of tho South Carolina
tax-payors, as well as that of Ilnur oppo
nents, being now before llio Judiciary
Committee of Congress it is expected
that the whole matter will be considered
on Friday. The filar
says :
“Thoughtful members of Congress of j
both parties express themselves as greatly
impressed by the representations of Iho
delegation as to the distressed condition
of affuirs iu South Carolina, aud there is
uo doubt the committee will give tho mat
ter attentive consideration, to see if Con
gressional action can be constitutionally
applied for their relief.
Money iukI Block Markets.
London, April 1. -Consols at
Erie 34^.
New York, April 1.—Stocks dull Mo
ney 4. Gold I3j). Exchange—long 48.‘»,
short 488. Governments steady. State
bonds quiet.
New York, April 1.—Money firm at I a 5
par cent. Stalling higher al 48.74. (»• Id
wcukerat 1134*113$. Governments s :on<
| and steady. State bonds nominal.
■ ’revision Mnrkcfa.
i. New York, April 1.—Flour quiet and
steady. Wheat dull and declining. Coin
dull and heavy. Pork steady at $H»..**0
Lard heavy ; steam !* ll-HJn,. I'Voights
Cincinnati, April I. Flour quiet and
unchanged, with only a limitod jobbing
demand. Corn dull; mixed G4aG7. Laid
firm at kettle !tj|al2. Bacon firm and
scarce; shoulders ti*a7; clear rib 1)4; cleur
Whiskey firm and higher at
Louisville, April ’. Flour quiet and
unebutigod. Corn quiet and unchanged.
Provisions quiet. Pork easier at $1G.
Bacon—shoulders 7; clour rib It; clear
sidos t»j. Lard—tierce, keg, 104.
WhiBkey 01.
St. Louis, April L—Flour dull aud low
er at $3.77*0$4.2.7 for superfine winter.
Corn firm nnd in fair deiimml at t!3ai*."*\
fur No. 2 mixed in east elevator; G2j reg
ular. Whiskey steady ut 32. Pork high
er at $1.7.fifi up tho country; $Hi.00a$l<*.
2.7 hero. Bacon linn—shoulders 7: clear
rib'Jju.j: clour sqjes Lard steady ut
Cot Ion Market*.
ii"iiilii li", fnvor
anv (list
* iti'liilliy. or of
h, tlm il\" • 'ii
Cguilltn llll'H ' illl
Arrivu al Svlmu,
■ 4a a in V It LIVE a!
aula 5:42 |>. iu. I.KAV K
At Inula
lilARLOm: S r. |». ia . U.i..>ralioi«» I I • 1>. in., I
l>aiivilli‘ 4:27 |». in , Un liiiii'iul 11 "a |>. in. M nvi I
at \N anlilii^luii 1.1" a. in., at llaltimo
al I'liiiMvlcTpli!•« 1:1" |* m , at N*'W V
Slri'|»lii|i Car* Hun
From Atlanta, ■ • '
From Munlguuii'l’y ami Fclina
Tlvlmlafor mth* at Unbiu l , a*a«*iiK<'i Depot
(’llAS P. MALL, U noral S
R. A. HA00N, AK'U't. (nuu
\ I,M ,
liialiiy puliNlieii. i >'
to Charlotte. I
nl.ul' l|<l
llmroiiRlilv reatoi" lli« Cuiirtiiinnt hcMou uf llie
1 ili^eit i\•• ui o'liiiN amt tlm i li ten t Iih'm ami renuvale
1 tli" wliule K)Hli>iu. 1 lie) |iioilnce m<itliPi mui"'i*.
j uripin^ or weakne**. amt may la* taken al any
4 illat.lll l<in*"Ml
Change of Schedule.
Southwestern R. R.
, ami Pili'
ihi. ti:tt"
i* tlio most pnwi'i
ini'dlral rirlPiif*.
tin' Nyntaui; | rail ii
■ t m |.ii i <• Mood.
ul llluml Puritlar known
l I'litiir* into tlic c.ii mint inn
v imirliilii' Hj'i'iii ; rmiovuU'M
Chewalla House, j
tint onto, Alolmniiv
ty 11 F. Til A V KI.INU PUDLId iii-mI i< a|.«-. i-
l tally invID'il t«* giv« n* a i all. V\ i- w ill ilu llie I
Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness,
XT mo
PUT UP ONLY IN ill.i t. BOX is
j Sohl by DruRulHlA. tw
'■'In* liigli«'*»t iiM'dlt al MiillioriticM
ol i;urop«‘ .-ay tho *li.Mii*e.-l Tuni -. l’mlllor
ninl UoeliMmeat known tn the ineilb'id vvml'll*
It arrest a dneay *»l vital fiirfe*, evliam'ibni ■*'
tlm iiiTVotM Hjhloin, icstor*'- \ Igor In tho ilnblI
Itiltoil, rlo'lliHeA vltiiltml blniiil, rnumvi'r vc-leb*
(ibhlrneUmiH niut acts illrect ly mi I im I Iv-v an"
.spli'un. I’rleo 41 a but'le. JOHN <{. bid.
1,001). IS Platt St., N. Y. 4w
: 1^;'
; ' llPteSS §
vs ? ? - a.- 1
The H.ildiers are nnxiouHly awaitin,
dors to go horn.?. llie men of the first
Regiment, who are mostly leading busi
ness men in Philadelphia, ur.e especially j
anxious to g»t away, as their business
iio-'-Ih their attention.
TOWX,TA. I.OSkOF 1,11*1'.. j
Millkiibtown, Butler Co., Pa..
1st. — A tire broke out here at D3
a. iu. iti tho Central Hotel building
Liverpool, April .
HI Here ut Reports About tliKt I.lttle 12| 0(,0 bales, including
Bayonne, April 1.—Tho Carlists assert
that the uiovemont of Serrano against tho
ltoyolists, beforo Bilboa, has entirely
failed, and that there was no fightiug be
tween the 28th and 30th of Murch.
Madrid, April 1. —It is roported that
tho Oarlist leader, Hodica, was seriously
wounded in ono of tho recent engage
ments beforo Bilboa.
Madrid, March 31.—Troops to tho
number of 1.7,000 are on the way to te-
inforce Marshall Serrano, and it is report-
od tho ('ailists General
killed in the final attack oti
hurried on Tuesday or Wednesday.
tiHUM A N Y.
Berlin, April 1.—l’ob'r Audrcwshun-
sen, the German astronomer, is dead.
1,0N IM>\.
'I'lie Hcprcnaion in Money t'lrrlu.
, JjONdon, April 1. I ho Inrus acknowl-
... 1 Die exmloncB of » tinauml panic in
‘ y j Jjonuoo, nnd attril'utev il to tbn cifect of
IH ' ; tbc.H, 1 ill. which N’uw Vork and \ ienna
‘ ' have l.ron visited, Qonil.ined with Iho
' M0d lbo bulldlB «' “ S , H | depressing inllneme uf Iho India famine.
Seven persons were hurued todeutn. |
it fnruis lhe 'lie following bodies were recovered:
i l n „t hen KorabOarty, Plaasinlvilio; George Deel,
bu Supremo I f} ern , anj Capf. Oliver, oil operator: Mar-
j tain Phillips and Sanford Acerl. driiiora ;
"I T "" ,8 S‘5° other ono unknown. Kellie McCarty
mouof Con-! jumped from the third story window
j of Iho Central House, and is badly iujur-
■The Livingston Journal, of llie --’Tth, j e d, but still alive All lhe buildings ou
» “We hear lhat Iho cutworm i» in- 1 lto eabt Main street, from Freda-
flioiing serious injury ou lha young corn j ^ cery an j hardware store, inclnd-
m soma parta of the county. ; . tb “ CoBltll nud Hari.ud Houses, ope-
—About thirty esndidates for lha van- * n„ranl'a hardware store
OKs county offices are already annoitneod j ra house, Koed A Durant s r
,000 f-
spoculution and export
Sales of uplands, nothing below gimd
ordinary, deliverable Juno aud July, Hj ;
do , nothing below low middling, deliv
erable April, 8 1-10. Sales of Orleans,
nothing below low middling, shipped iu
March uud April, 8 ft-lfi.
Later.—SuleK to-day GOOD bulca Ameri
can. Sales of uplands, nothing below
good ordinary, shipped in March, 8,4.1, ;
do., do., deliverable in April, 8*1. ; do.,
nothing below low middlings, shipped in
March, 8 3-10.
Liverpool, April 1—G i*. m.—Cotton —
Sales of uplands, nothing below g> •» 1
ordinary, deliverable in Juno and July.
8^: do., nothing below low middlings,
and dipped in March, 8^. Sales of Orleans
nothing below uiiddlingHshipped iu March
and April, 8^.
New York, April 1. Cotton dull ; sales
GG'.t bales ; uplands 17c., Orleans 17^
Futures opened ns follows: April in;
r7*32, May Hi fi-IG, Juno 17 10-32.
New Yoke, April 1. Net receipts 71.7
Futures closed steady . sales 01 DO
bales, as follows : April 1G ft 32h3-1G, May
1G fi-lGil'J-32, Juno 17 l-32al-lG, July 17
7-lGal.7 3'_\ August 17 _'l 32a;, September
Cotton dull . sales 1143 bules at 17ajJ.
I’reights firmer: cotton, steam, jjn7 IG.
New Orleans, April 1.—Cotton firm
and fair demaud; middlings IGj; net ro-
, cuipts l,'.».7(»; exports to Continent 2,87.7;
u f jj K sales 2,000; last evening 2,100; stock 217,-
1 uieudienle during
lentrul Concha as
in Oulhoun oou'nty,"through the lltpuhU-1 Sink's Hotel nnd two other buildings,
run, and lbo oieetiun is yet aeven mnutLa | g 01 |tb, on the west aide uf Main street
Concha, the articles are thought to lie in.
spired by lhe Spanish party, and that
their object ia tu prepare Hie people of
I fromTted Fraukv'shehang Xortb, inelud-1 .be Island fur a manifesto of prominent
-The Clayton Courier s.vs Hit on tho Butler County Bank, United Ihpo : Hespauo Cubans, demanding at. accom
Thursday of last weak Mr. An Ire a n j'xnross . fflee, Miiiorstowu i modatloli betweeu the so-called I.ojan. s
ders, living sivon or eight mil**** tiom .i-* D , i ..« ! and IoMirgents, to bo inaugurated by tho
town, died very suddenly. H» went out Savings’ Bank, Woatarman s B'oc O. 1 , ..e.saiion ol hostilities and fol-
to work in his field after breakfast that t0 Schneider s billiard room on Slippery | tempori j . lb
day, aud not coming to dinner whan *h«* . t North side, from Frederick s boot ■ lowed by a orum • ^
horu was sounded, a little ivy was sent to • to Barnard's grocery basis of tho treaty to be made known, nnd
- where be was, and touml him ““ d •^^^Vdwe.ltoR. «»»tb .id. | include . pledg. that the tsland shall re-
•ad in the held * j , , ,, fcht to p re ffos \ main united to the crown of Spain: that
le .c r ei2an.aily [^"Jeluding aixtylnina buildings ,n | the people .hall elec, representatives to
killed by another while in pursuit of a „ ji oro perton , ar . thought to have I the Cortea that slavery shall only be to-
tors, thief in Walker eoouty. The da- Bot I terferod with by the consent of owners,
esastd. iu oompany with aavaral others, I nsan i. uru
Havana. April I
,-itv whoso editor wh* imuuuiouio u»huk , . ..
Lily, -t ClIARLEMTON, April 1. ColloU
tho former lulu <»l Geutral Concha aa , n i ( j ( ji, ll ^ H iftbilG, not receipts 1,078; ex
Captain-Genera!, Ini'* i*'«ontly published ports to Continent 1,318; 1'ranco 2,8|7 ;
editorials poiuting out, among tho apecial sales .700; stock 3.7.22G.
advantages tho geneial good to tho land Havxnnau, April 1.—Cotton quiot and
that would follow the restoration of peace, , nominal: middlings H! ; net; receipts I
iuui fiuuiti exports to Continent 1,312: sales I .G
Owing to tho relations believed to exist 03,028.
between the editor ami Captain-Genera! Mkmwih, April I.—Steady and in fair
U(M'|i llie Hlootl lleollli.v
j.l all will In* well To do hi,, mill.ill" It
i'vii ..lift cl I lint etui cotn|i'irf> with ilii* vt
Noxra’^ia, Piles, Loadaoho,
Biarrhaa. Coils. Old Soros,
Lameness, Lurno, Coroness,
Toothache, Scalds, Sprains,
Hoarssnecs, Ulcers. Wounds,
Sere Throat, Colic, Bruises,
Rheumatism, Hemorrhages,
iiiurul <oKv.w-;ii
Empire Mills nnd (;i1 y
31 ills.
Reduced Wholesale Price List.
R»n Wl.ii. T,
Save Your (i fain Sacks
Rankin Hnnsp. T |wE want
I I It H'!'•■' I.ASS
Columbus, («a.
J. NV. l;3 AN. I'rop’r.
Frank (loi.m-s, Clerk.
Ruby Restaurant,
Bar and Billiard Saloon,
Under Tint Rankin IIouhf..
my24 ikwtr .». \7'. It\ \ l». «.|»*r.
f'Vfl Jill I'l IH11 •• I •
r. S. BONDS bT:,v
\V. K. Ilniely. and
MAR8II AI.L'8 I IK*. '*-•
Gen. Robert E.
Midi iIn* RED NL
demand; offerings light; lo# middlings
1.7c; receipts 3.7R; HhipmenU I.23G: stork
Boston, April 1 Quiet; midiliugs 17j:
net receipt** / 7", exports to Great Britain
•VO; sales 2ul); slock G,0<H1.
Administrator’s Sale.
", Mil Of Ibt
• '.f 11-r . W.-.I lia'f l*A N*». 17",
.{ lot No. I*» 1 l)ii)K won! o' d»«*
i«> wliol" of a ml tract < oiiImiiiiiik
lv»u. A ■mull p.irt of nunl liiud
| IIA'
Rim Ii.
Til H IM 1*1 It I MII.I.S
I. Ill V 8 K‘ <)N L HAND 0 It A IN
Imported and Domestic
l i iiNiinn n i >
Chewing and Smoking Tobacco
Dclpit New Orleans Snuff.
Garrett’s Scotch Snuff.
Lorillard’s Maccaboy Snuff,
A not !i«t lot of i Iii.-m
“Rustic” Pipes.
Good News to Smokers!
v Id>' d to Mr. .loin* (i.
• ft rapidr work •* idi die
it •»> tie b lli or April
« I ") ■ l"*»r All p. i-
The Organ a 1 Hon"*
.V. IVmvman .V (
At 141 Broad St., Columbus,
Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &o„
tlu*y I14V0 ImhI In, nt ^rr.»t ox; ,.**•, * n .»,;•*: 11. -in
• tb< k.
dir** I hum h mil. mel **ri.i".v, it t b •• !■»w •• - * pi .
t'oiiaiHloiit still* llviiix, lit •»' ol »ii.'»k« .* on Si, •
Clarke's Dollar Instrucft
I Oil Rl.l-D OIULI A'*-
3hw. II. Ditaon li