The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 03, 1874, Image 1
mMnmau. i< m i *■' Columbus -A-ISTID IDJ^TUTZ: Enquirer VOL. XYI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 3, 1874. NO. DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY M3VQUIH.HH.. ALFRED R. CALHOUN, Proprietor. Twelve months, in advance Sis months, 44 Three months, 44 Oue mouth, 44 (Veekly Enquirer, one yoar Sunday Enquibbh, one year Sunday ntid Weekly Enquirer to gether, oue year Ailvcrllning Knten. $8 00 4 00 2 00 75c. 2 00 2 no 55 00 WASHINGTON. t'OKORKMNIONAL. 1 .square 1 yoar 42(h) The above !■ with tho privilege of a change ,. T ory three motitiia. For yearly carda o liberal ilia- toil lit will be mailo. The Weekly rated will Invariably bo one*third of tho Daily. When an ndvortiftemnut in changed more than oilc« in throe months the atlvoi liner will be ctinrg- iJ with tho oodt of composition. Foreign adver tise r.i mudt pav as do those at home. 1SEOROIA NEWS. —One 4 hundred and fifty convicts are busy at work renovating the Atlanta State Fair Grounds. —Another suspected counterfeiter of pickles luft Atheus very hurriodly latoly. Ilo called himself Hudson. -Mr. John Pirkle, a citizen of Jackson 0l ,.i ly, near eighty years of ago, was f ( ,mi I dead in his bed one inorniug of lust week. —The City Council of Augusta has or dered the issuance of $250,000 in 7 per cent, bonds, for tho purpose of comple ting the work of enlarging tho canal, «feo. —Jerry Mtirris, Esq., the oldest printer in Augusta, and one of the oldost citi zens, died in that city ou Monday. Ilo was, at the time of his death, koepor of lbo city cemetery. —The citizens of Griffin, in a largo meeting held on Monday, instructed the Council to issuo $10,000 in scrip, or cur rency, to pay some notes of the city and tako up its mutilated currency. —Tho Constitutionalist states that Messrs. Rerckmaus and Beasman have taied to make tho Eucalyptus or Fever troo tlourish in tho neighborhood of Au gusta, but without sucoess. —The Milledgevillo Union tells of a Washington county muu who paid to a doaler in its city one dollar for “as many oranges as ho could eat,” and thereupon proceeded to eat three dozen before stop ping. —Wo learn from tho Athens Watchman. that the burn and stable of Mr. E. J. Sharpe woro burned on Wednesday n ; ght of last week, with two mules, a milch cow, carriage, Ac. It is believed to have beou tho work of an incendiary. —The Macon Telegraph learns from the U. K. District Clerk in Savannah, that tho applications for bankruptcy in tho South ern Judicial District of Georgia sum up 1,111 in number, and embrace failures ranging from $000 to $8,000,000. —A. W. Lawliog, a deputy sherifT from Greensboro’, North Carolina, attompted to commit suicide in Atlanta, on Tuesday, by taking six doses of morphine uud a tublespoonful of laudanum. He is in a critical condition. lie had been drinking hard before taking the poison. —On Tuesday morning Mr. John A. K.ophons had the suit instituted by GbU. Tooiubs in the Superior Court of Fulton county, in the name of Hon. A. H. Ste phens vs. Tho Western & Atlantic Rail road, dismissed. He stated that it was commenced without tho knowledge of Mr. Stephous. —From a table published in tho Fed eral Union we learn that tho Board of Physicians of the Stale of Georgia have liconsed 620 Physicians to practice, and have rojected 24 candidates. Number of Apothecaries liceusod—upon diploma 31, after examination 32. Druggists licensed, D. Physicians educated at regular medi cal colleges aro not roquirod to obtain license from this Board. —Dr. C. C. Harrington, who is charged with being the principal party in tho rob bery of Mr. It. 1*. Speocor in Atlanta (an affair with which tho difficulty hot ween lledell aud Chisolm had sumo connection), has beou nrrested iu Memphis, aud car ried back to Atlauta. He says that Spen cer was not robbed, but only “cheated’’— i distinction perhaps hotter known to gamblers of his stripe than to common people. Senate. Washtnqton, April 2.—Wadleigh, of New Hampshire, succeeds Sumner ou the Committee ou Privileges aud Elections of the Senato. By a vote of 33 yeas to 19 nays, tho Senate ndoptod tho substitute of Morri* mon, of North Caroliua, for the third sec tion of tho committee's bill. The substi tute provides for the issue of $ Hi,000,000 additional national bonk current y. An amendment submitted by Thurman, for tho payment of a portion of tho cus toms duties iu legal tenders after June 30, 1874, was rejected. Thurman moved a nou-concurrenco iu the Louisvillo and Portland canal House bill, aud asked for a committee of confer ence. Objection was made aud tho mo tion went over. llouae. An ameuduieut to the bill in relation to the Louisville and Portland caual was de bated, and the bill laid over. Aluska fur question occupied the first part of the day. The bill to appoint a civilian commissioner to investigate the matter failed, by 102 to 111. An amend ment is pending that tho officers of tho navy shall accompany a special agent of tho Treasury to investigate tho matter. Banking and currency occupiod tho bal ance of tho day. WaNliluiftoii Notes. Nomination : E. Hobbs for Postmaster at Newborn, N. C. Confirmations: Wilson, Appraiser of Merchandise at Savannah ; LaFayotto McLaws, Collector of First Georgia Dis trict ; Snyder, Collector of Sooond Texas District; Hobbs, Postmaster at Newborn, N. C. There wns an extra session of tho Cab inet to-day. Tho President wants to go to Now York. Tho Republican delegation to oppuso the prayer of the South Carolina Tax- Payers, have arrived here, and tho Judi ciary Committee of tho House havo pro mised to take up tho case to-morrow. and young Norton, grappled as iu a death struggle. Kiekstou had grasped in his right hand a largo bowio-kuifo covered with blood ; and in Norton's right baud was a dragoon’s pistol, two chambers of which had been discharged. There is no living witness to tho terriblo affair. NELMA, ALA., HACKS. * Selma, April 2.—Selma Exposition Jockey Club, first day. First hurdle race, ono and one-half mile, was won by Chief Engineer. Time : 3:194. Fireball secoud, Joe Johnston third, Nuslivillo Horry fourth. Second race, half rni'o dash, was won by Lutetia. Time: 54 secoud*. Vander bilt second, Boll of Australia third. Third race, mile boats, heat two iu three, was won by Bessie Ijoo in four heats. Time: 1:53$, l:f»3j, 1:53} 1:58$. Tohitlm socoml; Lucy aud Fauuio dis tanced. TOWN VS. A 11AII.ROA1K Town Uet« 8100,000 lfniimire*. FonT Scott, Kansas, April 2.—Iu tho District Court yesterday a vordict of ouo huudrod thousand dollars was reudored iu favor of Fort Scott against the Kansas & Texas Railroad for a broach of contract by failuro of tho company to locale the machine shops boro. Tho case will bo taken to tho Supreme Court. RHODE INLAND ELECTION. Providence, April 2.—Tho election yesterday showed a light vote. No Dem ocratic nominees. Several Prohibitionists woro badly hoatou. Burnsides and Hench man. for United States Senator, seem to be ahead. foreignIntelligence.' grown previous to last yoar, ou baud lath March, received from tweuty-five counties in Illinois, producing about 33 per cent, of tho cutiro crop, show l,9.*»l),- 01)0 bushels ; thirty-two counties in Iowa, producing about 10 per oout. of the whole crop, report 1,.“it0,000 bushels. Assuming that the counties not reported hold pro portionate amounts with those making returns, the aggregate of old corn hold iu tho interior March lath would he : Illi nois 4,850,000 bushels, Iowa 3,775,000 bushels. Tho nrnouut iu other States is iusiguitlcaut. MARKETS. IIY TEI.EORAIMI TO KNOUIKKR. Honey amt Stock Narketa. London, April 2.— Consols92a92j. Erie .’M J. It is expected a change in hunk rate will he made. New York, April 2.—Stocks active. Motley 4. Gold 13J. Exuliuugo—long 485$, short 488$. Governments strong. Statu bonds dull. RAILROADS. ISOTICK. AI. AH A HA NEWS. —Hon. David Clopton is proposed for Chief Justice of the Supremo Court, by the Montgomery Ledger. A good nomi nation. —Tho Mobile Register annoftneos that strawberries are getting plentiful in that market. The crop promises to bo aluu- ilnut. —A revival meeting in tho Cumberland l’rehhyteriau Church at Huntsville has just closed. During the meeting ninety- liva persons made profession of religion. —During tho last thirty days Mobile lias had six fires, five of which aro sup posed to have been incondiary The amount of insurance lost by tho fires is $81,150. —The Advertiser says that several citi- 7.'>us of Montgomery drew prizes in the h misville lottery, two gentlemen gettiug ' J’' each. In the aggregate more money "ill come back than was sent away. t —A meeting of officers of the State Grange is now in session at Montgomery. Gel. Win. II. Chambers, of Russell coun ty. in Grand Master. It is understood that business of great importance is under consideration. —The Livingston Journal is responsi ve for tho following : “Wo are told that 1,1 the course of a trial in tho County Gourt, the other day. an attorney was cross-examiniiig a rather obstinate wit- uess. Finally, tho negro remarked : ‘leu needn't ax me no more. l.esG! jus what Norman told mo to, an Iso game to teli no more.' * —A New York lady has reported on her v *nt to a bar-room. After describing the horrible paraphernalia of tho bar, she goes °nto state: “In the rear, upon a table, the soul-destroying, awful game of faro "ns being playod by a crowd of maddened, excited men. This game of faro is played with two sticks, four balls, aud auy uum- her of pieces of chalk." AGRICULTURE. What the Agricultural Bureau Knows About It. Washington, April 2.—Among tho sta tistical investigations reported in tho cur- rout monthly of the Department of Agri culture, are tho following: Au inquiry concerning the most profitable crop iu ouch State aud section of a Stute, its rela tive cost and profit in comparison with other crops, showing tho effect of soil, climate aud other circumstancos ; in pop ularizing tho encouragement of local specialties ; the tendency of agricultural improvement indicating progressive and non-progressive localities, and illustrat ing tho prevalent activity of tho rural mind. Tho main points of this progress relate to the economy and efficiency of labor, systematic and rational process for its employment and advanced skill iu its direction. cott n.J Another series of returns from about throe hundred cotton growing comities relate to tho quantity of the present cot ton crop, local causes of injury and tho comparative prominence of oaob, espe cially those duo to insect ravogoa,showing the progross of tho catorpillor, areas vis ited, aud tho character of injury; with other collections of facts bearing upon tho crop. tobacco. Another' investigation may he consid ered a virtual census of a lurgo portion of the tobacco area, being a direct estimate, with the aid of County Assessors, of tho number of pounds, number of acres, aud value iu planters' hands iu 140 counties, which aggregate a production of 2IS, 000,000 pounds ou 320,000 ncros. Tho same oouutios, in 1800, returned through tho census 170,000,000. Tho same ratio for unreported areas would make tho to tal production 370,000,000. Tho apparent iucroaso is forty-one per cent., but tho real differeuco is vory little. Tho census does not return tho full amount. GEORGIA GRANGERS. Direct Trade Union—Election oi OllicerN. Atlanta, April 2.—Tbo Direct Trade Uniuu of tbo I'.itrous of Husbandry was organized to-day by tbo olection of Clou. A, II. Colquitt at Preaident and twelve Directors. Tbo mooting was largely nt- toudod, all parts of the State being repre sented. It expects to control all tbo cot ton exported from Georgia. TF.Itltlltl.b tltltUMt IN’ srtAILl. Jealousy—Vive Person. Killed. San Fbancisoo, April l.-A dispatch from Austin, Nevada, to-night, gives the particulars of a borribio tragedy in Smoky Valley iu that State. It appeara that Christopher ltiokston bod been for a long time jealous of bis wife, iu consequence SPAIX. Armistice-HI)boa Mot Included. London, April 2.—Tho Times says it has advices from tho scene of war beforo Bilboa to April 1st, which show that tho Republican troops havo taken no position since March 25th. A throe days’ armis tice, in which Bilboa was not included, was agrood upon for the burial of tho dead. In themeantine tho bombardment of tbo city continues. Guueral (Jubulloro Do llodas with 5,000 men is advancing by forced marches to tho assittauco of Marshal Serrano. ENGLAND. London, April 2.—Tho Marquis Devonshiio Vs dead. lloclicforf Cumins; to llic United klntcM. A dispatch from Melbourne says Henri Rochefort and his party havo sturtod for London, via California. CANADA. Ottawa, April 2.—lion. A. J. Smith, Minister of Marino anil Fisheries, loaves for Washington to-day to tako part in the negotiations connected with tho fisheries uud reciprocity treaty between Cuuuda aud tho Uuitod States. TELEGKAI*HIU NOTEM. —The Hudson river is free from ico. —Tho First l'eunsylvauia regiment 1ms roturued to Fhiludolphia, from Susque hanna. —Tho coal miners at King Valley, noar Columbus, Ohio, havo struck. Tho po- lieo havo boon sout to keep ordor. —Heavy frost nt Memphis, TeunoRSoo, Thursday night, and some ice was formed. It is fonred the fruit crop is soriously damaged. —Tho Mayor of Philadelphia has signed tho $1,000,000 Centennial hill, which was passed by the City Council yesterday. A copy was transmitted to Washington last night. —A dispatch from Vico President Clark, of tho Erie Railroad, who is now at Sus quehanna Depot, says there is no trouble on tho line now, an l that everything $is working well. —Humbert, the county Treasurer of Orangeburg, S. C., was jailed yesterday. lie is cbargei 1 with being n defaulter in $30,000. Smith, the county Treasurer of Fairfield, wus jailed two days ago. Others aro suspected. —The Baptist Eoilcsiastieal Council, which has been engaged for some two woeks in Chicago, ou ihu tiial ot Kev. Florence McCarthy of the Union Park Church, on the charges of unchristian ami unministorial conduct, preferred by tho deacons of his church, conclu ded its session Wednesday. Tho mojority agreed upon a report, withdrawing from tho accused the hand of ministerial fel lowship, hut not advising tho Church to expel him from its membership. A re spectable minority of tho Council disa greed with ibis conclusion, and will prob ably make their views of tho ease public. Mt'l'KEHE COURT OF GEORGIA. JiicIkiiiciiIm ltcmlervil Mart’ll 3ht. From the Atlanta lteralil.] CHATTAHOOCHEE CIRCUIT. No. 34—From Harm county. Elizabeth Emory, oxtrx, vs. Junius G. Smith, mo tion to set aside judgment. Decision ro- versod, MeCay, J. James Mobley, O. R. Russell for plaiutiff; L. L. Stanford for defendant. No. 35—W. C. Cherry vs. Win. T. Smith; award of arbitration. Judgment affirmed. Trippe, J. Counsel same as above. No. 3(5—From Mariou county. Morgan, Kemp aud J. McGill vs. J. M. Lowe. Or dinary. Debt; payment affirmed. War ner, C. J. No. 37—From Mnscogoo county, ltobt. Budkins vs. John MolnitVey; garnishment; judgment affirmed. McCay, J. L. T. Downing for plaintiff ; Ingrain A Craw ford contra. No. 38—From Muscogoe county. T. S. Fontaine vs. tho Engle A Phonix Manu facturing Company ; complaint; judg ment affirmed. Trippe, J. Russell and ltaiford for plaiutiff; C. 11. Williams con tra. No. 39. Muscogee—John Doe ex deni., W. J. Tinsley ot ul. vs. Richard ltoo and J. A. L. Lee, ejectment, judgment affirm ed. Warner, t . ,J. A. 11. Chappell, J. M. Russell and L. T. Downing for plain- till'. Blnndford and Crawford, contra. No. 40. Muscogee—J. W. Paco, admin istrator, ct ah, equity, judgment revers ed. McCay, J. II. Bouuing and J. j M. McNeill for plaintiff. Ingrain A Craw ford, Chappell A Russell, Thornton A I Grimes, contra. No. 41. Muscogco—Thomas Bird vs. the State, burglary, judgment reversed. Trippe, J. W. A. Little, Solicitor Gen eral, T. W. Grimes and Charles Coloumti, contra. No. 42. Muscogee—Park A Iverson vs. i’iedinout A Arlington Life Insurance Company, case for libel, judgment affirm ed. Warner, C. J. U. J. Moses and M. Blandford for plaintiff. Ingram A Craw ford, contra. No. 43—Muscogee. James Trott vs. Daniel R. Bizo, caso. Judgment reversed; Warner, 0. J. 11. L. Denning, (J. K. Kussoll, for plaiutiff. Poabody A Bran non, contra. No. 44—Muscogee. Calvin C. Johnson vs. Peter Proor, equity. Judgment af firmed. McCay, J. Ingram A Crawford for plaintitf. Peabody, contru. No. 45—Muscogee. Meyer A Lowon- steiu vs. McKee Bros, aud Chattahoochee National Bank garnishee, garnishment. Judgment reversed. McCay, J. 11. L. Benuiug, G. E. Thomas, lor plaintiff. It. J. Moses, Ingram A Crawford, contra. No. 4(5—Muscogoe. Alfred Prescott vs. Jumo.s T. and ltobt. It. '1'hwealt and Jno. King, garnishoe, garnishment. Judg ment affirmed. Tripp, J. No. 48. Muscogee—Mary Johnson vs. John Quinn, Administrator. Complaint. Judgment reversed. |Wuruor, C. J. G. E. Thomas, plaiutiff; It. J. Moses, cou- Litlcst from Until HountiUn. Special to tho Wilmington Journal.) Harris’ View Pinnacle, Bald Mountain, Volcanic Regions, March 27th, via Salisbury 28th. 1 Returning from Marion Wednesday morning, I reached tho piun.iole of Bald Mountain to i»y, hiving thoroughly ex plored Stone Mouut.iin jostorday. The last violent shook occurred on i uosday evening. The people on Stone Mountain are still much alarm- d, and really more uneasy than ever. Tho precipitate flight of Parson Posey, who was the first minis ter that inaugurated the prayer meetings, caused much consternation with tho su perstitious. There are as yet jno outward bigus of an eruption. Scientists and newspaper reporters aro pouring in mountain) from every section, who aro ofthe attentions paid.,. her b, • ,o..g ^ man named Norton, and they bad fre- « _ . qneut quarrels about birn. Yesterday a ] crop Kcport-I'rolmble Inert man named Orstorphns tveut to Hick- tro. No. 49. Muscogoe—J. J. Bradford vs. W. G. WoolfolU, ot al. Case. Judgment affirmed. Warner, C. J. Pou, Bland ford and Crawford for plaintiff; Peabody A Brannon, contra. No. 10. Muscogoe—Josso J. Bradford, trustee of Howard Manufacturing Com pany, vh. tho Water Lot Company of Co lumbus. Illegality. Judgment reversed. Tripp, J. U. J. Moses for pluiutiff; 11. L. Donning, contra. No. 27. Talbot—North and South Rail road Company vs. R. M. Wiufroe. As sumpsit. Judgment reversed. McCay, J. Cbas. II. Williams for plaintiff; Cary J. Thornton, contra. London, April 2.—Bullion decreased £500,000. Paris, April 2.—Rentes 50f. and 75c. New York, April 2 —Money easy at 4a5 per cent. Exebauge dull at 485$. Gold strong at Il3$ull3$. Governments dull, but strong. State bonds nominal. I’rovlwion Harketn. New York, April 2.—Flour quiet and steady. Wheat quiet and unchanged. Corn firm. Pork firm—iuoks at $16.75. Lard firm—steuiu at 9 1-1(5. Freights firm. Cincinnati, April 2.—Flour quiet and unchanged. Pork quiet, nominally $l(!u $1(5.25. Lard quiet uud firm; steam 9$a*J, kettle 9$. Bacon steady; shoulders (5j, clear rib 9a$, clear 9jj«$ packed; sales of clear rib al 8* loose, clear 9$ loose. Whiskey firm at 92. 8t. Louis, April 2.—Flour quiet, and weak; small Imsiuoss. Corn steady; for No. 2 mixed on track, (12s$. Whiskey steady at 92. Pork firmer at $1(5.25. Bacon firm; shoulders 7u.|; clear rib 9jaJ; clear 9$; spot 9$. Lard in good demand, firm ami steady; 9 for kottlu here, and 9j up country. Louisville, April 2.—Flour quiot and unchanged. Corn quiet and unchanged. Provisions firmer. Pork $16 25. Bacon- shoulders 7; clear rib 9]: clear sides 9$. Lard— tiorce, 9$; keg, 10$. Whiskey 92. Colton HnrketM. Liverpool, April 2—Noon.—Cotton dull aud unchanged; sales 8,000, including 1.000 speculation and exports. Total sales since last report 51,000, of which 8.000 taken as export, 5,000 speculation; stock in port 750,000, including 382,000 American; receipts 98,000, including 59,- ooo American; actual exports I 1,000; sales include 5,300 American; utloat 490,- 000, American 5501,0 H). Later—Sales of uplands nothing lie- low good ordinary deliverable Juno and July 8$; do. nothing below low mid dlings deliverable April 8. New York, April 2.—Cotton dull; sales 971; uplands 17; Orleans 17}}. Futures opened as follows : April 16$uj; May 16 9 16; June 17 l-32al-16; July 17 1-1(5; August 17 21-32; Hoptcmhor 17 j New York, April 2. Cotton dull and drooping ; sains 1 7955 baloH ul 17a 17j{; not receipts I 1255. New York, April 2. — Futures closed steady; sales 155,700 bales as follow; : April" 16 7-32; May ltij)n23 552; Juno 17 3 552; July 17$. New Orleans, April 2.—Oollon un changed; middlings dig; net receipts 922; exports to Continent 7,170; sales 1,300— last evening 1,500; stock 2559,742. Savannah, April 2.—Codon quiet; mid dlings 16; net receipts 1 51519; exports to Continent 3,55(50; sales 597; stock 57,5501. Galveston, April 2.—Dull, with a light demand; good ordinary 11$, middling I6l ; not receipts 985 ; exports to Fruucn 1701 ; sales 400 ; slock (53,73 7. Charleston, April 2.— Cotton steady ; middlings 15Ja16 ; net receipts 372 ; sales 500 ; stock 31,601. Mouilk, April 2.—Quiet and unchang ed ; middling 16c. ; not receipts 565 ; sales 500 ; stock 1582. Memuhih, April 2. — Quiot and steady; low middlings 15c; receipts 872; ship ments 81(5; stock 56,126, actual count. Augusta, April 2.—Quiet; middlings 15$; receipts 393; sales 313. Boston, April 2. — Net receipts 5, gross 8; stock (5,000. A Gihai d Railroad, IiiihIiim, Mimh - ', 1 s’ I. , X'llli iuktaiil, ll«" l'ttu follows daily (Sillulii)H Celliniluia 0:00 A.M. Arrive al Trey 5:0'i i». m. Leave Trey f»:(Kl A. Al. Arrive at 001111111*111 .'I.-.* »*. n. Freight* will 60 alilppett Ly by tli 1 Train atul |iiii-kitir«H W '-lRliiiiK net uver ote I111mtr.1l an.I Oily (Kaq |muihIn will be received daily Tor IrniiNporlu- tion. W. L. CLaKK, incli’J'Jd'iwr New Advertisements. \V0l!KI\(i CLASS" ft e.> bv imul"' ' A l:'.’ !' , ‘, '' ' ' . vo 1 • n 1;a •,, iv.. , ■„ ,, , ; \ , $2500.A YliAlt' Combination p rospoctcif?. 8»|iT M. A 0. It. It Western Railroad of Alabama. fer^T. TT11 !>*■••■■•<*' •tf -1*. U H' utf TJV 54* HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME I $35 50 Fare to New York! New York and Now Orloans Mail Lino. WKSTKKN KAILK0AD OF ALABAMA, CeiUMuoa, (1a„ March 2d, 1874. TRAINS LKA\KUOLUMHUd DAILY For Atlanta, • • - |0: |0 a. m. Arrive nt Atlanta, • • f*. IJ i\ m. For MontKomoi'y mid Selma, 1:00 a. m. Arrive nt Moilin'), - - (i I > A. M. Arrive nt gclllia, - - 11:01 v M. FOR NEW YORK, DAILY. (Time fit) „ bourn.) LEAVE OOLUMIIl'SlolO a in. Opelika l-:U7 in., nt Atlmiin 5:1- p in. LEAN K Altai Glee t llalliinei 1* b it New York ■ II Alt LOTTE Ml. 1 Danville :i.u7 p. lit. nt WnNiiiiigten 4:111 at l'bllndelpliin I . NIocptiiKT tarn Run to ClmrliiHe TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMIIUS DAILY Fruin AtInutH, « • • fi:«M A. »i From MeiilKoinery and Botina • 2:510 e. M Ticked Ter mile nt Union I’aiHoiiKor Depot. CIIA8. 1*. BALL, General Hup' R. A. MACON, A1. I If Change of Schedule. Southwestern R. R. ijiirn; - i n j : • ■»' -LF *W~ \J u VV 0 s ■ch Ini, ls7l, traliiH PASSENGER 1* CelnmbiiH Millions of Acres RICH FARMING LANDS IN M MU ASK A. NOW FOB SALE VCKY CHEAP 1 Ten learn’ ( rctlll, 111 Iciest enl) (» per cenl. Dimerlpli\« Fiunphl. t, mil, S. . I1..1111I M.ipi, h-hi Tho Pioneer, $78 , A , W 1 ^5 K ;, T ] 0 1 s— 1 N%| III Idea ^Ter nth .1 MltlM., .. • , •. . . RUPTURE' 1 11 11 TRUSSES ' highly pelinhed. I It. m nil mm, in . Ii.u i UK. HllUppili:' el - |,n 1111 11 it | I, .mi. . I ... I cleiiiily, 61:111, . l 11.1.1 . 1 ■ ■ • i l bat lllllK A IW 11 > e 1. I ib* 1 |.\. , y 0 i . l.», |■ t: tel 11, In. Indii>v II111 I KnbI i 1 I I i-1 i< N i.'M Trim .. Sent by mail .1 \|.i. ^ . ,-old b\ ill %l«-i ■». S< e.l lei llllMlnli'.I 1 nl ||.. u. I. I • I I 1,1, Mi Ul7 fit.all.Ml «tlvel I’bllieb l|ib'.l, ilnl 7..5 way. N. V, M- n.'i. <*l J ip.iiiin .l in,ilnlD'in. 4w i'or Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, AND ALL THROAT DISEASLS, Uho WELLS’CARBOLIC TABLETS 1»IJT UP ONLY IN III.I I. IIOXtSB. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by DruKuInta. »w Tll« lilgIleal till'dii'itI iiiilliorillei ol l'.nr»|M> Hiiy the HtreiiKCHt Tenb'. I'lirltler nnd Dnoh^truonl. known to tho mudbml world i « JURUBEBA II nrreHli* decay ol vItnI h>roe.«, c\».:ii.m!Ion «•! (lie uorvoilH eyaleiii, umterc> \ i*: u I * - l be d. ill Hilled, clu'lUHUtf VII llitud blood, rviliovuj xe.-lelo obelrnctboiH atel iicIh dlreclly on tbo I . c. nml n hoi le. .lull N U. K I I. Arrive i Leave Mneeii Arrive at Mir Tim Wheat The St. Louin Republican Hays that Gapt. A. PUillipH, HUporintomlonl of the Neokuk Northern Lino packolH, ban just ruturued from a huKiucss viHit up tlm river to Kookult, nnd he Klaltm lhat tho wheat fields aro “a night to ho Heou." Evory whore along tho rivor, und from forty to fifty miios in tho iutorior which ho vihitud in his progroHH, tho ourlh wan a sea of tho hrilliunt groon of tho wheat with which it was howii. Gapt. Phillipa hIhtvs nlao that it was represented lhat tboro wus a largo increase of acreage iu wheal, and this is in accord with reports from ovury grain growing suction of Ihu West. Tho wiutor bus boon so louionl that thu farmois evuu N'orih aro making Imay preparations for thoir oats nnd corn planting, and it is bnlievod that with propitious weather those crops will bo largely sown. N\ nh tho blessing of a propitious season what a breadstuff pro duct may bo looked for ! --“a consumma tion devoutly to bo wished." In this in- orenfte of acreage in w boat,*with no more than a usual European demand, and noth ing in tho political or productive coutli lion of tho world to inspiro hope of extraordinary demand for broadstuffs.and consequently enhance priced, the ques tion is what Iihh inspire 1 farmers to this enthusiastic interest in whoat ruining, and when mostly it is regarded as tbo poorest paying crop they can labor on, and which is subject to morn easily damaging vie situdes of wouthor than uny other crop. —The Richmond (Kentuckyj Register says : “If all the returned Confederates should do as well as Gen. John D. 11 towards ^ populating the desolated South it would he hut a short time until tho places of those who were killed and those who died of diseases during the wai would ho filled by a new generation From a private sourco wo learn that Gen eral Hood has boon married just five yuars, and ttmt lie is now tho happy fath er of seven children. Gouaideriug his had the i luck during many of tho scenes of the are i l »tc war, we are inclined to think that tin long lane has taken a turn, and that i'rov idouco has smiled on him at lust." Wheat. Jacksonville, III., March 9.—The ston's house, ami rocoviu* no t CW .uwanils for admission, broko open j tli0 ,.-, Ul u f March, uf the to his di the door. On the floor lay the naked body of Sirs, ltickstou cut iu pieces, and tbo bead split open. At her feet were the bodies of bur two little girls, tboir beads ^ nearly severed from tboir bodies ; aud near by wore the dead bodies of ltickbton ditiou of tho growing wheat, show that in seven of tho heaviest wheat producing Western Status, with tho exception of Indiana, tho average is 6 per cunt, above iou at the same date. Tbo prospect j f * f • of tho fruit crop continues excellent, THE WEATHER. Department op War, » Washington, April 2, 1874.) Probabilities.—On Friday for tho South 1 Mi-Idle States nnd lower lake ar or partly cloudy weather, fresh west and northwest winds, incrcos- DAY FREIGHT TRAIN. iiiiLiih 5 !kl a. m. (bun.In) * W. L. CLARK, An*.n LOTTERY. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. 10,000 Prizes to be Given Away, AmounliiiK to $*J.Tt),0(M), nil In Currency. riTiH8 < i.tcinr Kill it Iu. let I.v tli.' MAHo.N |(; ION 111 :. 1 HI )|.K, V A , ul i.iihIuk MA.mi ■ Dm in Tl.MI* folk. Th.'i iiHn i I Miuuuiry. Tt»o it will poHilivdy tako iiliico . a Tul'Nllil), llll' 7»tli of lit), |i*(, >i fin liter |>i»Mt|iomuin iit in |.’iuti tn(«.'il. LIST OF (1IFT8. HOTELS. Chewalla House, I'.hI'uiiIu, Alulmiiiu. A. J. RIDDLE Ul WM. SN1ITHA, I’RGI'RI KTGR8. fill K Tli A V Kl.l N*i ITIILIC irnml ich|...i I fully Inv Hi'<l to aivu m it cull. W •• will <!<• I In- Rankin House, ColltmbllN, Call.. J. W. HVAN, prop r. Frank Golden, Glork. IBihy llestiiiiniui, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Under thk Rankin House. myV54 (Uwtf J. \V. RUN, Prop Olio (>raii<l Cmti Gin Ono Gritii.l t'n.ili '.it'. Him Gran.I (’iihIi Gift Guo tiiaii>I Canti Sit Wti .lo Tt. Ut. M- II Ti. DIR KG iiLIIi.I.I, J.'liii igkk*. M . /!• I 4l.ll' IIIrA lilt, n (Juri'nw, II Tay l>.i I 111MU.|, \V||. ,i Gill.oit t’ \V.»ik..i, • •Ini R M. l'iiiii.'l, |* i, ' Tij.« S.imiiol I. w hi in, |i irtmilni •• n|.|.!y In I HIM , Kx| i... Ay.-i, ( '* i III III I.IIH, Notice in Bankruptcy. mill • ' • I uoi i»t on Hi. Mth 1 M-t »*. \ I' I - . 5 s.ii .ot in lUi.krui. m l .1- 11 v■ rj ,,t .ii) |,i . I of liny |ii.i|..-riy l.y I I a M ink i uj.i . ‘I y I.' IoiikIiik Unit..I S*nt.-1 .Murilml, m )|i m Siitouu. t’rlco * IzOtltl, IN Plait . fc iiitaa -is si. mmm HHsHwiSH T. WE WANT p? fe JS. nr CEl 3lSj 111 r~l' CD y BOOK AGENTS nt one,*, to H. ll two or tlm moat |.o|.nti U. S. BONDS WTiiilfm W. It. Iliunly. ami MAR-II A 1.1. 8 LI FI. "r Gen. Robert E. Lee. Atlantic f Statistics ot the umouat of old corn j mg occasionally to brisk. Stolen, or Ray II . 1, 4' k 11,11.:!, I/Ju/.n in fi . L. PATTERSON. CICARS. BUlILKirs CIGA R Fill PORI II,Tl! ON IDNMOI I’ll SKIM, Imported nnd Domestic 11 21. v n. n n, r.s Chewinq and Smoking Tobacco, k*'M J ill.tHH of I'll-*', Mill l-.MH Ull) llllll,' o| III i v-i i.roiiRlit li. r«>. Delpit New Orleans Snuff. Garrett’s Scotch Snuff. Lorillard's Maccaboy Snuff, I'ut lip in L lil.'H uikI j irM. A no! tier lot of ll„ ... “Rustic” Pipes. THE NEW ORLEANS CIGAR STORE. Good Nows to Smokers! .1. Nuivmuu *V. ( '<>. IIAVK J1»T UPKNKIl A RETAIL CICAR STORE At 141 Broad St., Columbus, Cigars, Tobacco, Pipos, &o„ limy l.avo lai-l in, Ml gr.-Ml . XI-. I.M.,, a inn. i.ilii. nl TI KMil'LL miOTIIMiS, Unltimoro, hH<(. m^m\ i»i % sion i) sri.« l it i t