The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 08, 1874, Image 1
J MIT Hint Columbus -A.3ST3D Ar JDJl.XJLTZ' Enquirer. VOL. XVI. terms DAILY, WEEKLYr’AND SUNDAY yiBfQITIRMR. ALFRED R. CALHOUN, Proprietor. Twelve months, in advanoe $6 00 Six months, 4 00 Three months, 2 00 Due month, 75o. Weekly Enquibkb, one year 2 00 Sunday En^uibeb, one year 2 f»0 Sunday and Weekly Enquirer to gether, one year 3 00 Advertialiiff Batca. square. i Week, Daily, I - DO J •• “ 6 00 i Month, ** 8 00 ., •• “ la oo 1 gqnare l yoar 42 00 The above ia with tho privilege or a change a month*. For yearly tarda a liberal din- lien nu advertlnemont la changed morn than iu throe month* tin advertiser will he charg- rith tho coat ef composition. Foreign udvcr- i muat pav as do thojo at home. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1874. NO. 82. OEOKUIA MEWS. —Col. Tho?. Hardeman, of Macon, has consented to delivei' the address at Grif fin, on the occasion of the Confederate Memorial celebration. —Ann Hant, a negro murderess, who escaped from the Elberton jail, is still at Is'■pe. A reward of $200 has been offered for her arrest. She is under ssntonoe of dontb. — V military company, called the ‘‘Southern Rights Guards,” has been formed in Perry, Houston, and Governor Smith has ordered an election for ufiloora to he held this week. —The Home Journal is informed that Colonel II. L. Deunard has purchased a third interest in the Houston Factory. Lost year it paid about twenty-five per cont. on tho capital invested. —The Houston Home Journal Bays that in view of the scarcity of ohango iu Per ry, it is proposed that the merchants ol the place form au association and issue five or ten thousand dollars worth of tickotB, According to our orude ideas, this would be banking, without legislative license or incorporation. —Thero must bAve been a great demand for styptics at Thomasville during the Ronsion of the Modical Association, and no ilobut the doctors had to prescribe liberally. The Times says that the young Indies- who decorated the oourt-house and city hall had bleeding fingers, and the young men who assisted them had bleed iug hearts. —Tho Thotnasville 7Hmes learns that on Thursday night an alteroation occurred at Camilla botwoon Bus Hurst, Marshal of that place, and Hill Humphries, nnd that Hurst shot Humphries throe times—in the side, in the neok, and in tho left arm. Tho presumption is that such wounds must prove fatal. It is said that Hum phries was ad'vaooing with an open knife when Hunt shot him. —The recklessness with which many people «UU pay high prices for artioles bought on credit, was shown at an admin istrator’s sale in Upson county last week. Payment was to be made on the 1st of November next (ont of the cotton crop, of course). Corn brought $1 35 per bushel—25 per oent. per bushel, or about •to per cent, per anr um above the cash price; fodder, $l 7;» per 100 lbs.; cotton seed, 21 cents per bushel; a mule $127, Ac. ALABAMA NEWIi —The Eufaula News of Saturday re ports the cortt crop in its section as very due, and the farmers now busy planting cotton. —The Livingston Journal says: Cotton planting is well advanced in north Sum ter, and we have, heard of ono planter who finished several days ago. More or less has been planted throughout the county. —Birmingham was evidently greatly alarmed about tho report that the Savan nah A Memphis Railroad was to rnu around her. But Col. Jones' letter re- Rtored her equanimity, and all is now Bereuo in the Duke's dominions, —The Montgomery Advertiser says that Mr. Elias A. Leake, who was shot so badly by the negroes who violated Mrs. Leake, slid who were qniokly hung there for at Bryan, Texas, was a member of the old 4th Alabama Regiment, nnd was a RHtiorons, impulsive and devotedly brave —Judge J. Q. Smith has granted the injunction Against the oily of Montgom- ery, prayed for by a number of citizens, restraining the levyiug of a tax to pay interest on the city bonds given iu aid of •ho South and North Railroad. The bill asking tho injunction made averments de nying the legality of the bonds and al leging great irregularity in the issning of them. —The Eufaula News has an account of a horrible affair which occurred iu Bar- hour county, between Eufaula and Groou- ville, on Thusday morning last. A negro hoy, sevonteeu years of ago, named Na than Newton, had married ihe daughter of a uegro named Daniel Brooks, lie proposed to inovebis wife to his own res idence, io which Brooks objected, and persuaded the girl not to go. Nathan weut back on Wednesday laid,to see if he emild not persuade his wife to go with him, and Brooks set his dogs on him. Nut ban fled, and the dogs followed him home. That night Brooks and two other Mgroes, armed, arrived at Mr. Alstou Nhere Nathr.n was living, accused him •dealing the dogs, and forced him to e company them to Brooks', where they whipped him to death with a buggy trace Ihey then fled, and have not yet beon ar rested. The World** Consumption of Cotton. According to Mr. Feohen's report, which is highly commeuded by the Eu ropean press, the following is tho present consumption of cotton in tho undermen boned countries: KngUn<l WASHINGTON. COXOIIESfltlONAL. Senate. Washington, April 7.—Morrill, from tho Finanoe Committee, reported unfa vorably on the bill to provide for the re sumption of speoie payment and for free banking. • Senator Sherman, from the Finanoe Committee, reported back the nnvy finan cial bill, and asked to be discharged from farther consideration, as the action of the Senate yesterday had covered all legisla tion regarding them. So ordered. Morrill, of Maine, from the Finanoe Committee, reported adversely to the bill to provide fox free banking and specie re- ption. He said that he regretted to make the report, whioh he did by order of the committee. He would not undertake to disclose what look place in the com mittee, bat it is well known that it is made up of odd numbers, and is one of seven members. Three favored the bill and three opposed it, and tho seventh number is a little mixed. The report seems to be unfavorable. In view of what had taken place yesterday, the adverse report was very appropriate. He asked that the bill be placed on the calender. * Private bills ooonpied the.balanoe of the doy. lions*. Tho Committee on Revision of Laws re ported a bill for tho consolidation of the Northorn District of Alabama. Ordered printod and recommended, with privi lege to report. Adjonrned. Nomination*. Commodore Leroy, Rear Admiral; W. Jones, Postmaster at Dallas, Texas. Confirmation*. McKenna, Postmaster at Shreveport; Griffith, Postmaster at Frederioksburg, Va.; Freeman, Postmaster at Lexington, Va. By request of the delegation from the ruling organization in Houtli Carolina, they appeared before tho President to-day in reply to the charges made by the memorialists from tho Tax Payers' Con vention. They were accompanied by both tho Secretaries from that Stato, and a part of the Congressional delegation. L. C. Carpenter,of the Daily Union,spoke for tho delegation, and answered the tax payors in an address of about fifteen min utes’ duration. Tho President listened, and «t the close of Mr. Carpenter's marks said the answer appeared to be full and conclusive. He also said ho had not been oorrootly reported in his remarks to the other delegation. The delegation claim that their roception has boon all that oonld bo desired. They aIho visited the uovorul heads of departments, will appear before the Judiciary Commit tee of the House Wednesday. Washington Mote*. Washington, April 7.—Cabinet meet ing unimportant. Full attendance, ex cept Belknap. II. Euffiy, for many years chief clerk of tho Navy Department, has gone into the bonking business. John N. Hogg t coeds him. Senator Edmunds id in his seat, short sojourn in Florida has improved him in appearance, and in other respoots, He will not bo so hostile to the South hereafter. Charlotto Cushman is playiog here, a*d goes hence South. She has tho vigor of thirty years ago. tions held in tires State yesterday the Re publicans olected their ticket in the fol lowing places : Kalamazoo, Corunna, Fen ton, Albion, Coldwator, Ann Harbor, Hillsdale, Grand Haven, East Saginaw, and Allenpa. The Democrats eleoted thoir ticket iu Milesport, Huron, Pontiac, Battle Creek, Bay City, Grand Rapids, Lansing, and Muskegon. The Temperance ticket was elected in Ypsilanti, People's or Whisky ticket in Flint, and Reform ticket iu Iona. IASSACI117SETTB SENATORIAL ELECTION. Boston, April 7.—Twelfth ballot— Dawes, 37; Hoar, 78; Curtis, 72; Adams, 1G. Thirteenth ballot—Dawes, 9G; Hoar, 81; Gurtia, 71; Adams, 1G. Among the scattering Butlor received one vote. 8 viUbr faiid! .** * ’ Italy Holland. ^RdViiavtaaVoua THE ELECTIONS IN THE AND WEST. EAST Democrat* Hwtcp Connecticut, and Elect a 17. S. Senator. THE WEATHER. Department op Wae, ) Washington, April 7, 1874.) Probabilities.—For the Southern and South Atlantic States east of tho Missis sippi, clondy and rainy weather, with fresh and brisk south winds. SHIP NEWS. Savannah, April 7.—Arrived : Ida, Lily, Raynor, Langet, Emily, W. R. Brugan, John, Number Two, WyomiDg. Cleared : Mallory, Moro, Elsie, Sawyer, Mystic, Minwoli, Ponelpo, Oasis, John S. Lee, Browuard, Minnai, Elaworth, Crocker. MARKETS. New Haven, April 7.—Tho election has resulted in a sweeping Demooratio vie tory. Returns received at the Palladium office up to this hour, a few towns only being wanting, gave Ingersoll, Demo, crat, a plurality of 5,70b, over Harrison Kopublioan, and a majority of 1,GG! Smith, Prohibition, received a little ov< 4,G00 voles. Tho Senate stands—18 Democrats to Republicans, and tho II<>use is heavily Democratic. The two candidates for Governor residents of this city, which gave Iuger- soll 4,111, liarriHon 3,549, and Smith, Prohibition, 25G. Tim elou.ion has been tuado by the people, and is heavy. The Democratic majority in tho General Assembly renders the choice of a Democratic U. S. Sena tor au easy matter. Democratic Majority 3,<S00—The Legislature Overwbelraluffly Democratic. Hartford, April 7.—The majority of lugorsoll (Democrat) in the State is not far from 2,500. The Senate stands—Democrats 17 to Republicans 4. House—Democrats 143 to Republicans 90 ; Independents 2. OHIO. Democrat* Win. Columbus, Ohio, has goue Democratic by 1,500 majority. INDIANA. Evansville, Indiaua, wins a Democratic victory. ELECTION*! IN OHIO. The Democrat* Win a Mayor. Cincinnati, April 7.—At Dayton the cleution was quiet. An extraordinary vote was cast by the Democrats to elect the Mayor and their city ticket. Th* Repub licans have a majority in the Counoil and School Board. Pequia elects an anti-crusad* oity ticket. Council a tie. MICHIGAN. Democrat* Ahead, Detroit, April 7.—At tho charter elec- ANTI-IN ELATION. The New York Leglalature** Lec tor o to Congress. Albany, April 7.—In tho Assembly a resolution was offered and referred to the Ways and Means Committee, with instruc tions to report to-morrow, endorsing Gov. Dix'a message,and doclining the judgment of the Legislature of the State of New York that it is the duty of the Admin istration at Washington, and of Congress, to stay the poraicious and ruinous policy of increasing the volume of irredeemable paper currency, and to take measures for the speedy resumption bf specie payment. Copies are to be sent to members of Con gress. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE NEW CALEDONIA. Escape of Rochefort. London, April 7.—Additional dispatches from Melbourne givo some particnl tho escape from New Caledonia of Henri Rochefort nnd his companions. It ap pears that thpy obtained permission from tho nuthoritios to go on o fishing excur sion. They succeeded in boarding a bark and stowed themselves away in the hold, where they remained until tho departure of tho vessel, when they made thoir ap pearance on deck. MEXICO. Peace—Execution of Murderer*. New York, April 7.—A Ilerald special from Mexico, dated 2d instant, says the revolutionary movomont iu Cbiuuapas against the Governor has beon suppress ed. Six of the assassins of the Rev. Mr. Stephens have beon condemned to death. The trial of the priest Ochoa and other parties implicated in the outrage is still pending. Congress opened yesterday. Peace prevails throughout Mexico. NPAAN. Mciff of llltbon. Madrid, April 7.—Serrano has again beguu a furious cannonade on the Car- list's positions before Bilboa. His fire is nut roturnod. A largo number of Car- lists are deserting. It is expected that Serrnno will make a grand assault very soon. TELKURAPIIIG NOTED. —A man named Dennison, of San Francisco, engaged iu a quarrel with an other named Downey, at Solias City yes terday, when Downey shot Dennison, who died iu a few minutes. Jealousy and an April fool led to tho futal quarrel. —In a mootiug of the Conference of Baptist ministers, held at Philadelphia, resolutions were presented by Dr. Hen son, strongly opposing open communion. An amendment offered by Dr. Board- man, favoring this, was voted dowu. The original resolutions were then postponed until the next meeting. They will doubt less bo carried by a large majority. There is a strong fight on the subject between Drs. Board man and Heuson. MEDICINES. opt ready lor iiuni DICJf, NAUSEA. IT * It Is tlio Ch BY TELEGRAPH TO ENQIIIBEI. Money and Stock Market*. New York, April 7.—Stocks weak.— Money 4. Gold 18|. Exchange—lung 485$, short 488$. Governments strong. State bonds quiet and nominal. New York, April 7.—Money 4. Star- tha moi ling steady. Gold 13|aJ. Governments from pi strong and aotive. State bonds quiet. Provision Market*. DYSPEPSIA Liverpool, April 7.—Breadstuff’s firm. Armed i Wheat 12a 4a8d, good red winter. Cora S h *»R»? 38s Gd. Lard 43s Gd. New York, April 7.—Flour firm.— Wheat lo better. Corn dull and un changed. Pork quiet; mess $10.90.— Lard firm; steam 10 l-ltia$. Cincinnati, April 7.—Flour firm, but not qnotably higher. Corn dull at 63aG7. Pork $17. Lard strong; steam 9$; kettle 9|b9L Bacon strong; shoulders G$; clear rib sides 9$; clear 9$a9§. Whiskey quiet at 93. Louisville, April 7.—Flonr quiet and nnchanged. Corn quiet nud unchanged. Provisions qniet. Pork $1G.50. Lard —tierce 9$; keg 9j{. Whiskey 93. Cotton Market*. Liverpool, April 7—Noon.—Colton quiet and unchanged; sales 12,000 bales, including 2,000 for speculation and ex port. Sales to-day include 8,800 bales Ameri- Sales of Orleans, nothing below low middlings, shipped in April and May, 8$d. Sales of uplands nothing below good ordinary, deliverable June and July, 8 1-lGd. Liverpool, April 7—5 r. m.—Sales of uplands, nothing below low middlings, do- llverablo in April 8; do., deliverable in June and July, 8 3-1G. Yarns and fabrics at Manchester qniet. New York, April 7.—Cotton quiet; sales 1,227; uplands 17$; Orleans 17$. Futures oponed as follows: April Ifila 1G 7-1 <1; May lOfalG 18-1G; June l7ja 17 5-10; July 17 lt-lGal723-32. New Yonx, April 7.—Cotton quiot _ sales of 2,15G bales at 17$a17$ ; net re ceipts 1,591. Futures closed steady ; sales 22,000 bales, as follows : April 1313 32*7-18; May lGjf; June 17 7-32; July 17$. Memphis, April 7.—Firmer and in good demand; offerings light; low middlings 15$; receipts 993; shipments 1,085; stock 42.49G. Auuubta, April 7.—In good demand; middlinga 15$; receipts 241; sales 353. Charleston, April 7.—Firm; middlings 1(5; receipts 1097; exports to continent 1120; sales 500; stock 34,01G. Galveston, April 7.—Dull; good ordin ary 14}, middlings lfij; receipts 804; ex ports to oontineut 1805; sales 400; stock 54,090. New Orleans, April 7.—Demand good; middlings lGjj, low middlinga 15jj, good ordinary 14$, ordinary 12$: receipts 2073; exports to Great Britain 25(H); sales 3000, last p. m. 4000. Boston, April 7.—Quiet; middlings 17$al7$; sales 250; stock 0,000. Savannah, April 7.—Buyers and sellers apart; middlings 16$; net receipts 815; sales 913; stook 54,598. Mobile, April 7.—Firm; middlings 10; low middlings 15$; good ordinary 14$; receipts 455; experts to Great Britain 880, to Franco 3,749; sales 1,200—lost evening 1,000. THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. Tbla unrivaled Medicine ii warranted not to enn- aln a si agio par licit of Maacuav, or any mineral aubetAncv, but in PURELY VEGETABLE, ug those Southern Hoots nud Herbs which viso Providuuce has placed In rouutdea •Ivor Diseases most prevail. It Will rare all Dlneane* rauned by Dcrnuire- ment or the Liver and Rowel*. Simmons’ Liver Regulator or Medicine inentlr a Family Medicine; and hv being > foi nfforing aud uiuny a dollar in time tills. ■Ivlng ivoi Forty Years’ trial it is unqualified testimonials sons of tho highest charact i vlrtuci id food may bo faced wlthou IT HAS NO EQUAL j Medicine in the World I MANUFACTURED ONLY UV J. II. ZEILIN A CO., MACON, OA.. and I’lill.ADKLl'IllA. Prim, $1.00. Sold by all UruggiatK. RAILROADS. NOTICE Columbus, March 22, la‘ QN and after Tueadny, 24th instant, the Passen ger Trait: will run us follows daily (Sundays ex cepted): I.eavo Columbus ,.0:00 A. M. Arrive at Troy 6:05 P. u. Lhv# Troy a. m. Arrive at Columbus .2:25 P. M. Freights will bo shipped by by th s Truitt aud packages weighing not over one hundred a ml fifty (i WJ pounds will he received daily for transporta tion W. L. CLaKK, rech22,12w Bup’t M. k 0. It. It. Western Railroad of Alabama.. ritf ryr ijj' \j\j-‘yy the best:advice that can be giveu to persons Buttering from dys- ,, bilious complaint, colic, consumption sick die, fever and aguo, nervous debilliv, or of , Isorder affecting the slomach, the fivo'or kidneys, is to tono. cleanse, and regulate these Im- i,riant organs hv the use of DR.1 UTT'S VKOKT- DLK LIVKK PILLS. They act very mildly, yet lornughly restore tho functional action of (lie igestivo organs nud tho intestines aud renovate le whole system. They produce neither uausea, ripiug or weakness, aud may he taken at any mo without chango of diet or occupation. Pi lee 25c a box. Sold by all druggists. DR. TUTT’S HAIR DYE ossesses qualities that no other dye does. Us —Some time since we stated that the Alabama coal mou had been shipping coal to Cuba. We have seen a roturn of a cargo of coal which was shipped to Hava na on the schooner Evelyn, by the Ala bama coal tnoD, which has resulted very favorably. It was sold to the Havana Gas Company at nino dollars per ton in gold. It tamed out gas as follows : Montuvalto coal, 8,743 feet of gas; Cahabn coal, 8,750 feet of gas; NewcoHtlo oqitl, 8,781 feet of gas, with 1,G11 pounds of coke per ton. The Newcastle coal gave tho best results, producing two bundrod pounds of coke more than the best coal. The ageut who visitod Cuba had tho coal thoroughly tented on loootno- tiven, ht'oumers and gas works, and it gave such satisfaction that ho brought back orders for 500 tons for a gas com pany, 800 tons for a railroad, and 400 tons for a large coal-yard in Havana, and contracts are ready in MaUnznn for 20,- 000 tons at niuo dollars, gold. This only proves what we have always said about the great mineral rosourues of Alabama, aud the vast wealth whioh is undeveloped in our State. We leurn that onr coal men will tuuko regular shipments hereafter to Cuba. We hope tho railroads will see the necessity of reducing their freights, as the froight amounts to moro than all tho other expenses combined. [Montg. Journal, An Old Way to Raise Blisters.—I remember (says a correspondent of tho Medical d- Surgical Journal) that when I was very young they used to raise blisters with boiled hammers. Old Dr. Twitched, of Keene, (pcaco to his ashes !) onco wanted to blister some ono in a farm house, fur from homo. He had nothing with him to do it with. He asked his wife to find him a hammer. The article was brought out, put in a tea kettle over the fire, aud after the water steamed and bub- bled woll, he lifted it out, and gently touohed it to his patient iu a half dozen spots over the seat of pain, with n posi tive effect. Boiled hammers were for many years used in that neighborhood for pleurisy, and every old lady knew nothing was equal to a hammer ; and thero was a long dispute whether it should be a claw- bamtuor or not. 1 thiuk the yea* finally conquered. FOR SALE AND RENT. To Rent. J^FTKIt April «th, two Furnished HKD ROOMS, Kitchen und Subic, with us room aud parlor. Addru»n npl tf M, Knqnii For Rent. l) LAK01S ROOMS, with aide outranc ot parlor aud kitchen, 1’artle. can family House J»2S tf House and A dining sneo, with ut an board wit if preferru 41 located. Address L, Hox Lot for Sale ON LOWKU TAUT OK IIIW All ST. 'I UK lot U acre; the house has three I large rooms, hull and all ueressury it!tl ouf-huildiiiRS. U ill he so.'d cheap to a cash For Sale Low. SCHOLARSHIP IN TUB MEDICAL COL LEGE AT EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. novG tf APPLY AT THIS OFF! STOVES AND TIN WARE. Stoves, Stoves NATHAN* CROWN,# (Opposite Sun Office) Columbus, Oh., w° stock ( WAKE, IIOUSK-FUK OVKS, J8E-FI TIN WAKK, at wholesale Manufacturer of TIN, SHEET IKON AN 541 HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME! $35 50 Fare to New York New York and Now Orleans Moil Lino. WESTERN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, Columduh, Ga„ March 2d, 1X74 TRAINS LEAVE COLUMBUS DAILY For Atlauta, • • • 10:40 a. i Arrive at Allan iery mid Selin: Bom ofula, Eruptive KIsuih-h Ihe Skill, St s Fire, Erysipelas Blotch"* Tumors. I r. and Suit Rheum, Scald Head, Ri inatlHin, Pain and Knl-irK-ment of th le Weak uuss, Sterility, I.Hicorr 9s, Womb Dl<eas. s. Dropsy, White 8a«ui Syphilis, Kidney and Llv- r Complaint, Meri t ” t, and Piles, all proceed from impure blooi DH.TUTT*N KAllN A I* Alt ILL A U the ery ml Purifier kn hill, agi-i the Keep the Blootl Healthy ml all will ho well. To do so, uothiug has e non offered that cun compare with this vuluu « M«»n«ic’: FOR NEW YORK, DAILY, New Advertisements. WORKING CLASS WVUi"" Ploy men t at, d.> , i free by mail. A.Mt'.'j J, I," *Tx c^iu'sfamt - young* ■ O . i::i Cm,, M N , w *,„ k ; ,,, lu >2500 A YEAR MS* Combination Prospectus N«%lc>* Sure and I SOMklUIMJ that Mil puv ynu./\TYif1TY1*m TO D0.M*:S'.P,MP1T LARGE CASH WAGES GUAR JC It£12. ANXEKDjmL ALL, either t. t. „r , >,t , lw done during leisure time at) our, „,’ |lu> ^ Sagents SS ISk Millions of Acres RICH FARMING LANDS l.V NKItUASKA, • NOW FOR SALE VERY CHEAP ! Tm Vf.iv (mill, Inlirnt ally (I nor rent. Di*itcri|itiro l'»m|ililol, .III, Sactlonnl »l.,|n, nolit Tho Pioneer, handsome Illustrated Paper, .ontalnlnir U * *od Law, mailed free to all purls of l! O. F. DAVIS, ipiulMioncr U. P It. it . world. Add m, Nel $78 AOINT8*- r v samples for ut. amis. Y IIRIUE, Broml'v New V.,rk. | RUPTURE Kf B ( TRUSSES ^YaM'-dwi^,,.! i'm.m highly polished. ill sour, to u, •> tint, strapping or Mrtliitur iiu|.l. t.ui.ti..-«. t ly, light, rule and dural le. l i.ulWtol hlng. at Philadelphia l:Wl Mecping Cars Run to 4'liiirlotto. TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY From Atlanta, • • • 0:24 A. u. From Montgomery aud Seltua • 2:111) r. u. Tickets for salo at Union Passenger Depot. CIIAB. P. BALL, General Bilp’t. R. A. RACON, Agent. | mac 1.1 tr Change of Schedule. Southwestern R. R. ] J j *]■ iV • * *lj O N and after SUN D V Y, March 1st, 1X74, train* will run us follows : PASSENGER AND MAIL TRAIN. Leave Columbus - - • 2:1101*. M. (Dally) ; Hard Bn l.y all ivo Col ti mI •ive at Coin v* (Macon TRAIN, i. (Sm.d«y < W. L. CLARK, Agei VIRGIL POWERS, Eng. i Thomas Gilbert JOJ3 PRINTER BOOK-BINDER AND Blank Book Manufacturer, (OKI Bun Office Buildiug,) HAN001.1*11 NT., COLi'DIHUN, UA. AM i Til lllspn V propa od lo oxecuto with nentness dors for PRINTING ol uv- ory dosoriptlon, vU: LETTFB HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, STA TEMENTS OF ACT BUSINESS AND VISITING CARDS, LABELS AND SIIILTING TAGS, HAND BILLS AND CIRCULARS, SOCIETY BY-LAWS, PAMPHLETS &c. LEGAL BLANKS. Railroatl Rceeipta, Bills Lading, Ac i book or loose, Blank Books of all kinds, with or without printed heads, made at ';hort notice. Giving my entire personal attention to Job Printing and Binding,! .uuounbled to till alb dors promptly .at LOW CASH PUIUt guaranteeing .-atlyfaet l..n, Urdera from ahr« If partlod woro pit A full iitoul Ijogul Hlanka alw id rocelv entlui Sond (or Prlco List ioorgl.-i aud Alabama Notice. N AND AFTER APRIL 1ST, O N AND AFT) tl.v Boat. .1 Roofing and Outtering done promptly ami iu tho beat manner. lie mil it it* h cull, fueling tuuo irml that he car give entire aatiafactioo. Price aa low oa the loweat. Come and ae« before you buy. oct26 eodawtf URDAYS The Sat nr Itohlcola. INI) WKDNKSDAYh ACTS Of the Last Legislature, you BAI.K BV , w. J. CHAFFIN. oovlfi tf DRUCS AND MEDICINES. J. I. GKIPF1N, IMPORTED ►Dmtts &M etlicines^ PERFUMERY AND FANCY GOODS, at iti;ni’< i:n i»kiri:« «*•!. *4- Pre.crlptl All goods guar fully prepared al JalX deinUwly J. I. GRIFFIN a I ht. cUREs' Neuralgia, Piles, Lcadaohe, Diarrhoea. Soils, Old Soros, Lameness, Eiarno, Soreness, Toothache, Scalds, Sprains, Hoarseness, Ulcors. Wounds, Soro Throat, Colic, Eruisoc, Ehoumatism, Ilomorrhagos, teBSMC' ay. N. V. Bei itih'lph For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, AND ALL THROAT DISEASLS, XTiato WELLS’CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UPjDNLY IN llld'i: BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by brugnlutv 4w Tlie Iiluli» «*t nieillml tinlli«>ritl<>w of I'.nro|M* Hiiy tho utmnKeia Tonic, Purlllor nnd DeohiMruont known to tho medical world Ih JURUBEBA. It iw iwxia- ticcuy «f vital fnrccx, oxhnimtlon ol tint norvotiH itypiem, rextorex vigor to ihe tlohll- Itntetl, clo'tnxuH vitluted blood, romuvi - vohldo oliplriictloiirt und IICIN directly on tho 1 Ivor nnd .spleen. Price 41 n led' le. JOHN Q,, 1CBL HIP : sv|is?4 lUm jhsiflSr icHl. ilgSf s §.:* >fj2 B I? 4 ??* 1 [A ’ WE WANT JOB PRINTINC. Letter Press and Card Printing. JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF LETTER, BILL II E AD AND Statcmont I *:i,]>or, AI AD. VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS All of Wlilcli !"• f.irni-l.oO |,r.iiU’J al .burl nut]os, at wiw . ".i IUtm. Railroad Receipt Books, Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks, on hand. Tlios. Gllloort, PRINTER and BINDER, Sun and Times Building, COLUMBUS, BA. BOOK AGENTS at onco, to fell two of the meat popular wuihn evor published : U. S. BONDS KerTSiwafe. 1 by M.5.V. W. K. Handy. and MARSHALL'S LIKK OF Gen. Robert E. Lee. w Send for Circular at once. TURNBULL BROTH I RS, 4w Baltimore, Md, I Dr. Nnce’it Cm- r tnrrli Itomodyl fi tircft by Hiuuilil, lionl-§ rigpro|>ortlOf ii« dlhCUNC . ivhrn the Bystom li men put In p n rh lcr with Doctor to act spcclilcally, uimju tho tli-c: l perfectly npnllcd to En?c»t and cltantncrs In which xores nnd | ' exist,and from which tbtchnrp.c m> M'i:n,t( i.i s! VITTKill A KIN Choice Simpson Cotton Sect FOR SALE. «ed from Molccled Mulhs, hy E. T. SHEPHERD.