The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 09, 1874, Image 1
NCT fruit Columbus ^intid ZD.A.IX/X" Enquirer. VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1874. NO. SSI PAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY i-iwQumun. ALFRED rTc^HOUN, Proprietor. Twelve months. iu ndvimoo no i naUlr0i WASHINGTON. U0XGRF.HN10XAI.. KoilRtO, Wasuinoton, April S.—The morning ; hour was occupied upon Uilln of a private Six months, Three months, ** One month, A'kkkly Ehquibrb, one year Sunday Enqoihbb, one year Sunday and Weeki.y Enquirer to gether, one yeer AclvertiniuK Kitten. 3‘juare. I Week, Daily The above ie with the privilege of-a change ,very three months. For yearly carde a llberul die- ,o>iut will he made. The Weekly ratet will luvarlahly l»e oue-thlrd uf the Dully ace in th I with tl advertieement ie changed moi lithe the advertiser will hi ef composition. Foreign UKORUIA NEWS. —Houghton Institutue of Augusta, Hiipporteil'by the city, 1ms 334 pupils en rolled. —Tho number of interments in Augus ta for the month of March was f> 1—of which 25 were whitos and 29 blacks. - The*Superior Court of Stewart coun tv will commence on tho tth Monday of this month. — New Irish potatoes made thoir ap pearance iu the Savannah market on Sat urday, and sold readily at forty couts per quart. —There woro 172 estimates deposited tho Angnsta cotton pool. The lowest 3 3,918,203, tho highest 4,408,284, tho average 4,178,883. There were sovoral I'stimfttes below 4,000,000. —Home wont her pile on tho Kentucky Lottery, and got back $112. Bill Aip now foels like Marius when he was sur veying the ruins, and Willinghnm like llrutos after the battle of Phillippi. •The Lumpkin Independent learns that Miss Mittie Tompkins was severely burned, at a concert in Outhbert on Tues day night of last week, by her clothos taking .lire from a match that had been thrown upon the iloor. A liue looking boy baby, apparently about live weeks old, was found at the foot of McIntosh street, within a few foot of the river bank, in Augusta on Monday morning. Mr. D. D. Maomurphy, Clerk of the Court, charitably adopted the child and had it taken care of. —A match* factory is about to bo es tablished in Atlanta. To prevent misap prehension on tho part of the young la dies, wo will add that it will not under take to fix up matches such as are said to be “made in heaven," but those whoso name aud composition auggest a relation to tho other pluce. —We leafn from the Sumter Republican that James Pritchard, of Webster county, waa shot in the left breast, and probably killed, by ono of tho female inmates of the house of a Airs. Williams, on Satur day last, while ho was attempting to enter the house. Mrs. Williams and others who are in the house are to bo arrested. —The Lumpkin Independent reports that ull tho county bridges iu Stewart have boon repaired by the parties to whom they were under contract ; also, that Charles H. Adams caught a “bob-tail wild rat" on Friday, which weighed twenty-five pounds. If its tail had not been bobbed, tlioro would have been a continuation of weight. —The Ordinary of Fulton county, on Monday, mado an order appointing a Kiiardian for Daniel Shehane, on tho rep resentation of Cornelius Shehane that Daniel was “a habitual drunkard.” This appears to us to be a proceeding more lawful, us well as more likoly to bo of lasting good effect, thau tho womens cru sade movement. —Tho Griffin News rolatos what it calls a singular coincidence that happened iu that place a few days since. “The old Hag staff erected by 8wuyze, from which to ily tho stars and stripes over the con quered ‘rubs’ fell, and iu falling struck a ‘fifteenth amendment'squarely on the top of the crauiuui, knocking him down and hurting him severely. The old darkey cocked un eyo aud remarked, “Jest so ; gwine hack on us niggers at last!’ " —The pi ice of striking a person with tho toe of a boot has boou variously fixod by the courts in a number of cases of as. KHultaiul battery. We have only oue re port of damages awarded for hitting with >hn heel, and us that may establish u stan dard in such eases, we make n nolo of it. of a shoemaker iu Lutup- Freelinghuysen presented a memorial largely signed by tho New Jersey manu facturers, usking tho imposition of o Hpecitic duly of oue ceut per pound on the present ad valorem duty on tin operated ngainst American ami iti favor of English merchants. Referred to Cotumittoe on Finance. * Johnston presented a similar potitiou, signed by dealers iu Norfolk, Petersburg, and other Virginia cities. Hume refer- Ogleshy presented a memorial of Jas. Beeson, uBkiug the appointment of a del egation, composed in part of women, to visit the tribes iu the Indian Territory, uud devise means to improve their condi tion. Referred to Committee on ludian Affairs. Carpenter said severul weeks ago ho introduced a bill to provide for u new election in Louisiana. It was important that the bill should bo disposed of. lie bad consulted with the Senator from Lou isiana, West, who desired to speak on the bill, aud he (Carpeuter) now gave notice that ou Monday next, after tho expiration of the morning hour, he would move the tienute procood to tho consideration of that bill. He hoped it would bo passed upon without reference to a committee, as there wus no necessity for such reforeuce. House. A roport was presented adverse to the petition for an inquiry as to the violation of tho eight hour law ou th© Now York Post Office building. Tho bill bridging tho Arkansas river at Pino Bluff' passed. Petitions regarding the tin tax v forrod to the Committee on Ways oud Moans. The currency discussion occupied tho day. Tho debate closes to-morrow. Confirmations. Ilenry C. Johusou, Commissioner of Customs; George 3. Fisher, of Georgia, Consul at Buriat; Beuj. F. Bell, Post master at Aiuerious, Ga.; Fabius Stanley, Roar Admiral, probably to the command of the Pacific squadron. A Quent ion of Verne ily—Wlio 1 Right? Tho Sanborn investigation brings out a question of voracity between the Assis tant Secretary and tho Solicitor of tho U. S. Treasury, Barfield, who, on the stuud, ou his examination as a witness, stated that he had no responsibility mnttcr of executing the law. That rests Bolely upon tho Secretary of Trosury. lie nevor asked tho Secretary to give any one a contract, or suggested anything iu ref erence to tho per cout. to begiveu. Refer ring to tho lute testimony of the Assistant Sooretary, Sawyer, that he, Barfield, had solicited a letter from him in behalf of Dr. Presbey, tho witness slated tlmt ho never solicitod any such letter, and that no such conversation os (hat detailed by Assistant Secretary Sawyer ever took placo. Ho was quite positive ou this poiut. MOUTH CAROLINA. Whitleiuorc'n Dclotfiitloii Before tlie CoiiirreftNioiiiil Committee. Wasuinoton, April 8.—The House sub committee had another session this morn ing on the subject of tho South Caroliua grievances. The Wuiltemoro delegation occupied tho eutire session. Congressman Elliott mado an argument against the prayer of the memorialists on constitutional grounds, and protested against Congressional interference, lie hold thut the evils compluiued of cuu be readily abated by conciliatory tactics on tho part of tho memorialists in their pnr- ty. lie said the thoughtful Republicans of that State were ready and anxious to eo-operato with them. Tho Supreme Court of tho United Slates, in tho matter of Texas vs. White, held doctrines op posed to the spirit of the prayer of tho kiri, Us., who lust week struck his wife* „ • .. ,, , rl ., •III! the heel of n bool, au,l was ttunl 'uomorialiala; mil in the case of lough vs. Maryland, maintained that tho Fo lend Governuiout cannot interfere to rovent the abuse of the taxing power iu State. Wbittomore followed in veighing against therefor $10 25, —A reporter of tho Atlanta Constitution lutorviewod a reformed opium cater, tho other day, and loarned from lnm that the drug had ut first a pi. as- uralile aud alleviating effect, but ho had to keep increasing the doso until "he averaged uhout fifteen grains of morphine day; then his life became one of misery; ho could not quit; and ho realized Satan’s expression as given by Milton, “ Myself am holl." He was filially cured by a pat- qit antidote, of which he says the very first dose “sustained him" nm\ took nway all appetite for opium. ALABAMA NEWS. —Coal has been sold from barges on the black Warrior river, lately, as low as "it cents per bushol. —Tho Tuscaloosa Times says that tho rtver rose fifty-five and a half foot at that Cll y during the recent froshet. —There were forty-three iptorraonts in •ho Montgomery cemetery for tho month of March—19 whites and 24 colored, fourteen of the number were paupers. "The Board of Directors of tho Selma, Marion A Memphis Railroad Company, have olected Messrs. J. C. Neob*y and !•’. Apporaou, of Memphis, to the vacua- ®. ,e * th§ board caused by the resigna tion of Gon. Forrest and Col. Meek. "The following nre tho tickets for bovernor and Lieutenant Governor, pro posed by correspondents of the Wilcox "****: 1st. Judge Win’. It. Smith, of tuscalooaa, for Governor, and Dr. It. H. trvin, of Wilcox, for Lieutenant Govoru. 2d. Hon. C. C. Luugdou, of Mobilo, •or Governor, and Col. W. Brewer, of Lowndes, for Lieutenant Governor. BTKAMER I.OKT. Pitnsontfern and Crew Waved. Jew York, April 8.—The Genoral Trans-Atlantic Company’s steamship Eu rope, roported by cable us abandoned, is believed to bo one of the fastest aud safest vessels on the liue, after tho loss of the Villa du Havre, having beou built in 18GG at Glasgow, Scotland. Sho was lengthened last year at New York, and altorod from a side-wheel to a propellor. Her passengers (400 iu number) aud crew ere saved. I.osa Over Two Millions. Tho valuoof the steamship Europe, was $1,250,000, aud was insured iu French Insurance Companies for aljput two-thirds its vnlno. The cargo wns very valuable, consisting chiotly of silks, wines, sardines Her agents think that iu this trip she certainly carried a great quantity of lino goods for the spriug trade,and the value of tho cargo is not less than one million. The gronter part of the goods probably is in sured. It is thought that all iho papers of the ship and mails are saved, as it ap pears there was plenty of time to transfer It must have been iu the hold of the Bsel. 1 he loss of tho Europe falls with lieavi- 88 upon tho Trans-Atluutic Company at this time, as they had just completed thoir arrangements to run weekly steamers throughout the coming season. The Greece, with tho rescued passen gers, is expected to-night or to-morrow. No further particulars. London, April 8.—No further informa tion in relation to the siukiug steamship Europe has yet boou received, except thut tho necessity for abandoning tho vessel caused by tho chokiug of her leading pumps. The origin of the accident to tho Europe is not yet known. No lives were lost. DEMOCRATIC'VICTORIES. THE NAME KF.HIII.TN FROM ALE QUARTERS. OHIO. Cincinnati, April 8.—The Democratic majority iu city will lyt ubout 50,000 ; in tho vicinity about 2,800. Cleveland, April 8. —Tho Democrats gain threo iu the Council. The Ropubli can loss since 1872 is 7,898. UON N KC’TIt’UT. Hartford, April 7.—Revised estimate returns of yesterdayfiT eloctiou givo the totnl vote as 91,071 ; of which Harrison (Rep.), for Governor, received 40,042; Iugersoll (Dorn.), 40,784; Smith (Prohi bitionist), 4,820; scattering, 19. Ingor- soll’s plurality, 0,742; majority over all, 1,897. IN I>1 AN A. Milwaukie, Ind., April 8.—The Inde pendent Republicans elected the Mayor by 700 majority. The Lyons's tickot was generally car- riod iu tho smaller towns. IIIIWNOURI. Kansas City, April 8.—Tbo Democrats were successful iu tho oloction hero yes terday. St. Joseph, April 8.—The Democratic ticket has boon elected in this city. Since the negro population began voting, there haR beeu geivu a Republican majority at every election until yesterday. Democrats Carry Nt> Eon In. St. Louis, April 8.—Full returns of the election in this city yesterday shows n choice of 5 Democrats and 3 Republicans, aud 4 Independents to tho City Council, which wiil stand, with members holding over—Democrats 14 ; Republicans 5, and Independents 4. MANNAC1IUNETTN SENATORIAL ELECTION. Boston, April 8.—Fourteenth ballot— Dawos, 90; Hour, 79; Curtis, 72; Adams, 10. Fifteenth ballot—Dawes, 91; Hoar, 05; Curtis, 72; Adams, 19; Sundford, 11; Washburno, 7; Judge Hoar, 2. Boston, April 8.—Four ballots for Sen ator woro taken to-day. The lust ballot, which is tho 17th from tho commence ment, resulted as follows: Dawes, 82; lloar, (It); Curtis, 72; Adams, 10; Sanford, 11; Banks, 7; Washburno, 5; Devon, 4; scattering, 4. TELEGRAPHIC NOTEM. —A crevasse threo miles above tho Bordeaux, iu Louisiana, in 200 feet wido. Fourteen plautatious are Hooded, uud tho waters aro spreading. —Tho decision regarding tho Now Or leans, Mobilo A Texas Railroad is unfa vorable to tbo bunds, but the cuse is post poned for further proof. —It has transpired that Oliver, tho Secretary of tho Montana Insurance Com pany, has swindled that concern out of $10,000. Ho has left the city. —Doonoy Harris, the well kuown New York pugilist, was shot Tuesday night twiue iu the shoulder and once in the stomach, by another rough, during a drinking quarrel. Harris, whose wounds are serious, was takon to the hospital. —Tho Mayor and Public Cammission- ors uf Dayton, Ohio, have issued a procla mation requiring the police to keep tho bauds uf womon away from saloons, as their presence ou the curbstones pro vokes indecency. —A joint resolution, presented by the selocted committee of the New York Legislature, fully endorses the Governor’s message upon the presentation to tho respective House. Three Senators voted “No;” tho Houses voted unanimously aye. —The tivo mile boat race betwoeu Win, Scarf, of Pittsburg, and George Brown, of Halifax, champion of tho Provinces, to row live miloH in shell boats, two miles aud a half with a turn, for $2,000 a side aud the championship of America, takes placo ut Hpringileld, Mass., iu June. ■In the Rhode Island District Court, yesterday morning, proceedings in bank ruptcy against tho A. A W. Sprague Man ufacturing Company were UiHcuuliuuod and dismissed. This wus an issue of Iho Bank of Commorce against the Spragues, which would have closed thoir nulls, now working under the trustees, aud would have ousted thirteen thousand workmen. —Tho seventy-ninth annual session of tho New England Conference of tho Methodist Episcopal Church mot in Bos ton yesterday, Bishop Janes presiding. A resolution protesting against repeal or nuliffcation of tho prohibitory law,and also against the enactment of the license law to sustain iu uuy way tho traffic iu liquor, was adopted. THE WEATHER. New Orleans, April 8.—Steady ; fair demand; middling 1(5), low middling 1f»g, good ordinary I4j|, ordinary 12,); net re ceipts 2438; exports to Great Britain 349, continent 2472, France 3253; sales 2500— last oveiling 3000; stock 221,281. Mobile, April 8.—Quiet ; middling 10, low middling I5.}»), good ordinary l ljs); not receipts 359; sales 500; stock 42,989. Boston, April 8. — Quiet and strong ; middling 17); not receipts 41; oxpoita to Great Britaiu 910; sales 200; stock GOO0. Galveston, April 8.—Steady aud in fair demand; holders asking higher; good ordinary 14 middlings 10f|; net receipts 090; exports coastwise 50; solos 1000; stock 55 300. Savannah, April 8. —Very qniot; buy ers and sellers apart; middlings 10,); net receipts 787; sales 301; stock 55,579. FOR SALE AND RENT. To Rent. ^FTKR April Oth, two Furnished HKDg«| ROOMS, Kitchi room uud parloi M. Enquirer Odin For Rent. t) LA HO K ROOMS, with sid-intr if pr Department of War, ) Washington, April 8, 1874.f Probabilities.—For tho South Atlantic States increasing south to east winds and cloudy weatbor and rain. SHIP NEWS. . tr L, Box 184. House aud Lot for Sale ON LOW Hit PART OK IIIIOAO NT. »pIIK lot li no re; the lutiiio lias thr.- I large ro.itnx, hull mid nil ncroimtry BfittSfl out-lmil«Jinfra. Will he Hold clienp Iu II I'ttidi “ For Sale Low. SCHOLARSHIP IN TliK MEDICAL COL IK AT EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. ovO tf APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. CHEMICALS—PURL ! FOR HOME-MADE FERTILIZERS, AT LOW PRICKS. E. C. HOOD A BRO. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. ENGLAND. London, April 8.—The Government de frays the expenses of Liviugstonos fu- noral, which takes pluce at Westminster Abbey. Tho sovorignty of the Fiji Island has beeu lurmuly tendered to Great Britaiu. A rumor exists that Disraeli marries the Dowager Countess of Chesterfield, but the Post denies it. SPAIN. Bayonnk, April 8.—The town of Gero- na has paid a heavy contribution loviod by the Carlists. Gen. Haboll, a Car- list, haH established a Custom House at Lajungura. tho memorialists for a refusal to partici pate in tho conventions forming the now State government, and douying the char ges of the extravagant use of public funds ; also holding that Uxutiou iu South Caroliua is uot excessive. Next Wednesday thoro is to bo another hearing for both sides. Governor Porte lias prepared a written statement of tli South Carolina grievances, for tho Souato Judiciary Cohimitteo, which will bo read before the Coimuittoo next Monday by tho Hon. W. W. Boyce. A STRANGE PROCEEDING. Enquirer-Sup spocial.j Opelika, Ala., April 8.—Six men, well nnnod and closely disguised, culled at tho jail iu Opolika last night about 1 o’clock, and forced Mr. Benton, the jailor, to de li vor up to them Mr. B. F. Moore, of Tal lapoosa county. Moore had boon com mitted tho day previous on a charge of murder, which occurred some four years ago. No clue yet os to who tho disguisod parties were. Thoir disappearance was mysterious us their presence. Leb. —Tho New York Methodist Conference commenced itH eighty-fourth sossiou yes- I writiug, “mi hart beets ownly for the mi terday in New York city. I darliu huuny.” Arrent of n Texas Murderer. Special to tho OalveMon News.] Indianoi.a, April 4.—Bill Taylor, ono of the meu who killed Sutton aud Slaugh ter, on tho steamer Clinton Homo weekH since, was arrested in Cuoro and brought down on tho train to-day, escorted by a large body of citizens, and lodged in jail. It is said the train bringing him wus tired into twice by his friends, llot times are anticipated if he is kept here. —Tho now city directory of St. Louis, just published, puts tho prosont popula tion of the towu at 473,5(10 souls. —In a breach of promise case at Fort Wayne, tho lover was found guilty of Savannah, April 8.—Arrived—Sun Jn- oiuto, Now Wabeno. Cleared—Ship Uagnar Runor, Philadel plila, B. Taylor. Sailod—Loo, San vDemaudor, Charles Moore, Loretta Fish. markets! BY TELEGRAPH TO ENQUIRER. Mouey and ktook Markets. Paris, April 8.—Rentes 59f. and 85c. New York, April 8.—Gold opouod at 118;). Stocks dull. Money 4. Exchange— loug 485), short 488). Governments strong. State bonds quid. New York, April 8.—Money oasy, 4o5. Exchange quiet aud firm, 485). Gold steady, 13)ag. Governments strong and steady. States quiet and nominal. Provision Murkeln. New York, April 8.—Flour quiet aud firm. Wheat quiet, but steady. Corn quiet and unchanged. Pork quiet; moss $17. Lard quiet; steam 10 3-lGa). Liverpool, April 8.—Broadstuffs quiet. Beef 8Gs. (id. Lard 44s. (id. Bacon— 4Is. 3d. for long clear middles; 42s. for short cloar middles. Louisville, April 8.—Flour quiet sml unchanged. 'Corn quiet and unchanged, 70a72. Provisions quiet. Pork $19.75. Bulk moats—shoulders <»), clear rib 8j}, clear 8;f. Bacon—shoulders 7, e‘ 9.J, cloar 9jj, sugar cured hams 12al2). Lard—choice 9), keg lUjJ. Whiskey 93, St. Louib, April 8.—Flour dull uud uu changed—supeiliue winter, $3 75a I 25: extra winter, $4 50a5 HO; double extra, $5a5 50. Corn active uud higher—No. 2 mixed G4aG4: t l on track. Whiskey stoutly at 92. Pork stiff at $10 75al7. Bacon 11 rin—shoulders, Cl ; clear rib, 95 ; cloar 9jaUj. Cincinnati, April 8.—Flour quiet and unchaitgcd. Corn dull and drooping at G3a07. Pork firm; country mess $ Iti 75; city do. $17; buyer until April $20. Lard excited; prices higher; steam sold freely at 9 : {; kettle 10. Bulk meals quiet and firm; shoulders (J; clear rib sides 8jJ; clear 8;J. Whiskey quiet at 93. Potion Marketn. Liverpool, April 8—Noon.—Cotton qniot aud unchanged; sales 12,000 bales, including 2,000 for speculation and ex port. Sales of uplands, nothing below good ordinary, shipped iu March, H I-K'.; do., shipped March and April, 8 1-1(5. Liter.—Stiles of uplauds, nothing bn- low good ordinary, deliverable June and July, 8 i-IGd. Sales of uplands, nothing below low middlings, shipped in Murch, 8 l-IGd. Sales to-day include 4,000 bales Autcri- Sales on a basis of middling uplands, nothing below low middling, shipped in April and May, 8)d; do., middling Or leans, nothing below good ordinary, uhippod in March, 8 3-lbd. Liverpool, April 8—5 p. m.—Sales of upluuds, nothing below low middling, deliverable April, 8d. ; sales of Orleans, uothiug below low middling, shipped iu April aud May, 8.}. New York, April 8.—Cotton dull; sales 840 bales; uplauds 17); Orloans 17). Futures opened as follows: April IE 10 7-1(1; May 1G 1 MGulG : ‘; June I7)al7{; July 17 19-32ul7 21-32; Septembe New York, April 8.—Futures closed steady ; sales 1«»,5(H) Idles, us follows April Hi 9-32, May Hi 21-32, Juno 17 a5-32, July I7)u7 52. Got ton dull ; sales 1272 bales, ut 17) al7) ; nut reooipts 812. Memphis, April 8.—Quiet and denial moderate; low middlings 1; recoip 2G4; shipments 489; stock 42,771. Charleston, April H.—Quiet; middlings lG; low middlings 15)al5;j; good ordina ry I4)al5; receipts 1,183; sales400; stook 34,811. Auousta, April 8. - Demand good; mid dling loj}; receipts 222; sales 439, BOOTS AND SHOES. Spring is Coming! WITH LAHOK ADDITIONS OF SEASONABLE GOODS! " RAILROADS. NOTICE. fcN uiul after Tnemlity, .'III, in \V. L. CI.aHK, i22J2w Jiup"! M. A 0. R. R. Western Railroad of Alabama. >S^itfrT’1 f 14 [■■■■olnfo W 'U' Xru ' mm 541 HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME! S35 50 Fare to New York! Now York and Now Orleans Mail Lino. WK8TKRN RAILROAD OF AL/ftlAMA, Ooliimuun, (Ia„ March 2d, I>>74. TRAINS LKAYK COLUMRUS DAILY FOE NEW YORK, DAILY, i York 6:lft j». NIcopiiiK I'urs ltnn to 4'liurlotfc. TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY From Atlanta, - - • 5:24 A. i From Montgomery hikI Polina • 2:3U I*. » Tickets for dale at Union PnsHoiigor Depot. CHAR. P. HALL, Gonoral Rnp't. R. A. BACON, Agent. (much! tf Change of Schedule. Southwestern R. R New Advertisements. WORKING CLASS $2500 A YEAR Combination Prospectus. _Nul<»» Sure amt l»i CO , Pub's, PIiIIh., P,i. HOMKTIIINU that «il p»v \. n r\ TYiftTPiTnn T0D0.A«.Lc;;v^U^ LARON CASH UA'lKS HU All Jb KXlJfcj, ANTKKI) FUR ALL. t llher nex, yomm oi o|,|. , he .lone .lining hi si. to lime at your hnui.K, o, , SAGENTsSSdSr,; A HALL, Up a North Cluirhh street, H.tltmi. . . M.l. ,. v Millions of Acres RICH FARMING LANDS IN NEBRASKA, NOW FOR SALE VERY CHEAP ! Ten Years’ Credit, lute rest only (1 per rent. Tho Pioneer, A WEEK TO AGENTS— .•it ►. Him- „rti. l. . ..ut. I l.i- \.. ■ lor leu .01.18, .1. IIKIDH, 7u. Rioa.l RUPTURE a/VSt"': 1 ' TRUSSES JKriSKhh. highly puliKhe,). 1,. fro,,, „1, vay. N. f Japam L i S OUR STOCK or Brogans, Plow Shoes, 1 all mil r staple ( for Iho wanta „f t tple. is unexeelhil. Vo are well Hiipplie.l with Leather and Findings, N. II.—Wo pay the high,- irkot price for Dry WELLS & CURTIS, 73 Broad Street. MEDICINES. For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, tT»c WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY IN III.I'll BOX BN. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggists. 4w Tho hltfliost medical amiiorltiua ol ICurope nay tho strongest Tonic, PurlBor ami Doobulruont known to tho medical world i■: JURUBEBA. locay of vital i m N UXDAY-, Martii. lal 8 Tfflfbfrft : SKNUKR AN1> MAIL UKinilT TRAIN. DRUCS AND MEDICINES. •J. I. GRIFFIN, IMPORTED jDnip&Micim,, PERFUMERY FANCY (iOODS, AT KF.IimiD 1‘RH'RN. :THE BESTEAD VIC Er in.;-: LI VKit PIL DR. TUTT’S HAIR DYE lilt. H I T S S.t ItS A I* A ICI I.I.A body i„ g.,„ ||,...h and in,' pep (lie Ifloml 11,‘itKliy Notice. QN AND AFTER APRIL 1ST, ACTS Of tho Last Legislature, nm . U A I.K IIV W. J. CHAFFIN. POWRC Nouralgia, Piles, lioadaoho, Diarrhea. Eoilc, Old Sons, Lameness, Eurna, Coronean, Toothache, Ccaldo, Cprains, Iloaraonoac, Ulcoro. Woiinda, Soro Throat, Colic, Eruiaoa, Ithoamatisra, Ilomorrhagos, POKliBAC It itrroHtH IIrUuI, eloan/uri .Icon. Prloo . iJKin; IH Platt St., N. Y. vlgoi ■«tiy." pfi Jai-p-ilg |„o5i! mm, H ^5S ^ III- L" 1 f ■) ¥i Sj ■}.%»i H,iu j WE WANT F ■ I.ASN BOOK AGENTS JOB PRINTINC. Letter Press and Card Printing. JUST RECEIVED A FINE STOCK OF LETTER, J3 X X. I. I-I 1! A O ANIi S l.atn in <• 111, I 1 VISITING and BUSINESS CARI »iimi»r Vow Vii' n i iw. Railroad Receipt Books, Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks, on hand. TXio». Gillaort, PRINTER nnd BINDER, Sun and Times Building, Choice Simpson Cotton Scud FOR SALE. nnlaiwl I rum Molcrtvtl sntlkN, I.J E. T. SHEPHERD.