The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, April 10, 1874, Image 1
yT fli/gfi PBff r Columbus * ■ajntid Ar ZD-A-IX/X" Enquirer. yol. xvi. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1874. NO. 84. TERMS OF TUB UEOKUIA NEWS. DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY q -«r8 n U vr n “»b. Jl ' ttt0f,e ' n cen '" !>er XlilfQUIRXIZI. —The Hpring term of the United Stales J Circuit aud District Courts will commence ; in Savaunuh on Mouduy next. I —Lawton, No. 12, Atlantio and Gulf •—l. , Kniitoad, is now known ns DuPont. Mail Twelvo months, in advaune $8 00 matter should bo bo directed. Six months, “ ALFRED R. CALHOUN, Proprietor. Three months, “ One month, “ 75o. <\ r EEKLT Enquirer, one year 2 00 Sunday Enquirer, one year 2 r»0 Sunday und Weekly Enquirer to gether, one year a 00 Advertlaftnir Rotes. Square. 1 Week, Daily $ 3 00 The Weekly r >i the Daf When t For yearly card* a liberal dta- arill Invariably be ouo-lhinl advertlaome' n Id throe rnontha tli-* advortlaer will be charg ed with tho coat of composition. Foreign adver tisers must paras do those at home. THE FINANCIAL BILL AN PANNED. The following is the Fiuanoial bill as passed by the Senate of tho United States on Monday. It has yet to go to the House, but the House has, by test votes, indica ted its acceptance of an increase of tho currency to the amount authorized by this bill: A bill to provide for tho redemption aud reissue of United States notes. B it enacted by the Senate aud House of K 'present,stives of the United States j of America iu Congress assembled, Thut the maximum amount of United States notos is hereby fixed at $40 >,000,000. Section 2. That $40,000,000 in notes for circulation, in addition to Buch circu lation now ullowed by law, shall be issued to national banking associations now or ganized and which may bo orgun zed hereafter ; aud such increased circulation shall bo distributed among tho several Stutos as provided in section 1 of the act entitled “Au act to provide for the re demption of the throe por centum tempo rary loun certifi ates aud for an increase of national bank notes,” approved July 12, 1870. Seo. 3.—That each national banking association now organized or hereaf ter to bo organized, shall keep and main tain, as a part of its roserve required by I law, one-fonrtb part of the coin receive! by it as interest on bonds of tho Uuitod States deposited as security for circul i- ting notes on government deposits; and that hereafter only one fourth of the re serve now proscribed by law for national banking associations shall consist of bal ances due to an association available for tho redemption of its circulating notes from associations in cities of redemption, and upou which balances uo interest shall bo paid. Keo. 4.—That nothing in this act shall be construed to authorize any increase of the principal of the publio debt of the United Stntos. The President's approval of the bill is now regarded as certain as its passage by the House. The Now York Herald, which had for days been persistently clamoiiug for a veto, hod assurances from its Wash ington correspendent on Monday that tho President would sign the bill. ItB corres pondence now insists that it will effeot but little iu the way of expansion—which is probably correct. We copy from the Herald a report of an interview with President Grant on Saturday : Tne question having been raised wheth er the President will sign an act increas ing the legal tender circulation to $400,- 000,000, iu connection with the proposed increase of national banking capital, it can be authoritatively stated that such au act will be promptly signed by the P-osi- dent. Iu this conueotion the Premdent has said that the proposed enactment re specting the legal tender circulation wuitld only be regarded as definitely settling 4 00 j —Mr. J. II. Sovior, of Covington, New- 2 oo ton cotiuty, informs tho Atlanta Constitu tion that he has three-quarters of uu aoro of clover growiug iu Covington, w'hich is now twenty-one inches iu height. —Tho celebrated duelling pistols that wout “dowu the river” brought only $23 at tho coustubre's sale in Atlanta. The people of tbe capital are too intent on business to appreciate properly any other branch of civilization. —Eight hundred shares of tho stock of so ’ tho Gas Light Company of Augusta were sold at auution on Tuesday, in lots, and brought from $41 to $41 87$ per share. Ten shares of Langley Factory stock sold at the same time for $122 62$ por share. —The Police Commissioners’ Court of Atlanta, ou Tuesday, dismissed a polico- mnn on charges of drinking liquor and neglecting his duty. Tho Constitution | closes its report of tho tiial by the grati- ' fying announcement, “the chairman, iu honor of his debut as judge of tho Police Commissioners’ Court, will treat the corn- miisiouers, counsel aud reporters to night. ” That may be all right, as well as acceptable, but it Bcetns to us rather odd ly assoiiated. —Tho Supreme Court of Georgia, Tuesday, rondered judgments of affirm ance in tho following cases: D. F. Gunn vs. W. II. Calhoun, from Houston; Pe ter Harris, executor, vs. Theo. Tisereau ot al., from Bibb ; Cicero Tharpo vs. Al- bort G. Foster, from Bibb ; J. Ii. Itoas & Sou vs. W. It. Jones, from Houston ; Jnu. A. Howard vs. J. B. Barrett, from Hous ton. Judgments of reversal were Twiggs; Wilcox, Gibbs A Co. vs. John A. Howard ot al., from Houston; E. W. Engruliain vs. John Lnidler et al , from Houston ; John A. Howard vs. C. C. Dun can, from Houston. It modified tho in junction of the court below in the case of McWilliams A Co. et al. vs. Mayor and Council of Rome. WASHINGTON. TELEGRAPHIC NOTEN. —Treasury agent Jayne, at Now York, bus resigned. —Tho confirmation of Bell, postmastor at Americus, Ga., was reconsidered and recommitted to the Post Office Comm ttee. —Two fishiug boats capsized off Keno sha, Michigan. Four men were nboard of each. One was seen lashed to one of the boats ; the others were drowned. A terriblo gale is blowing ou tbe lake. —A special dispatch from Pittsburg says tho Mayor of thut oity has beau in structed by tho Police Committee to ar rest any women found crusading against saloons, together with persous following them, ou account of their interference with business and disturbing the public peace. —Sanborn offers to collect tho five mil lion income tux from persons now' in Eu rope for 111 teen per cent. He would ac cept tho small por cent, because informa tion of the unpaid taxes is already iu his possession. Under his contraot he se cured $470,000, whereof the Government receive ! $213,000 and his expenses were $156,000. —The Texas mail stage, containing olevon pissengers, including Bit-hop Gregg, Mr. Bruckenridge, President of tho National Bank of Shu Antonio, and three ladies, were highwayod by four inon, who got $3,000. The coach was the regular one from Sari Antonio to Austin. Tho highwuyment occurred 23 miles from Austin. CONUBENNIONAL. Senate. Wabhinoion, April 9.—The morning hour was occupied iu the consideration of bills of a privato naturo. The Committee on Claims reported a bill for the relief of the Methodist Church on Arlington Heights. House. The Committee ou Ways and Means offered a bill repnaliug moities. Ordered printed and recommitted. Bauking and currency was resumed, aud after au exciting discussion the House voted down the previous question, and postponed tbe bill till Tuesday next. The House then adjourned. CINCINNATI. Democrats Nweep the City. Cincinnati, April 9.—The official oount of the city elootion gives Yapel, for Judge of the Superior Court, on both tickets, 29,289 votes; Baudor (Dem.), Police Court Clork, 5,943 majority; Boatman (Dem.), Trusteo of Water Works, C.888 majority; Lichtendahl (Dem.), for Direc tor of City Infirmary, 6,513 majority. foreignIntelligence. ENGLAND. London, April 9.—Jolm Macaulay, brother of the historian, is dead. The Fniniiie In Indlia. A special to tho Times, from Culcutta, reports that 5,000 natives have diod from ise and starvation at Hatooul. Tho mortality from famine is sensibly abated by the relief measures of the government. NPAIN. Bayonne, April 9.—Tho Curlist Junta here has rooeived dispatches from Ma drid asserting that at tho council of war held iu tlmt city it was concluded that tho plan of Marshal Serrano for forcing the defiles of Somorrostro is impracticable. The Carlists also announce that Gen. Concha lias left Madrid for tho North, to confer with Marshal Serrano. London, April 9.—The Standard pub lishes a dispatch from Madrid that Ser rano returns to that oity, and that General Concha succeeds him in command of the troops operating ngaiust the Carlists. Boston, April 9 —Cottou quiet and firm; middlings 17$c; net receipts 75 bales; gross 1,553; sales 200; stock 6,000. Galveston, April 9.—Quiet and in light demand; good ordinary 14§; middliugB 16$; receipts 640. Savannah, April 9.—Quiet aud steady; middlings 16$; not receipts 937; exports to Coutiuout 2,75.; sales 580; stock 55,375. New Orleans, April 9.—Quiet nud steady; middling 16$; uet recoipts 627; exports to Great Britain 9457, to France 1041, ooastwiso 1038; sales 2500—last i*. m 2100; stock 21,265. Baltimore, April 9.—Quiet; middlings 16$; exports coastwise 195; sales 380; stock 9487. Charleston, April 9.—Quiet; middling IGo. ; receipt:, 159 ; sales 500 ; stock 35,- 426. Augusta, April 9.—Demand good; mid dling 16c; receipts 190 ; sales 370 ; stock 1814. FOR SALE AND RENT. To Rent ^FTER April Ctli ROOMS, Kitchen ami Stable, with i room ami parlor. Addroas apt tf M. Enqi For Rent. ^ I*Al’.OE ROOMS, with aide entra of parlor and kite lieu. Part lea cn family on vory retuonable terms, Houno is woll located. Address Ja25 tf Furnished RED m VIRGINIA. Ex’Hcnnfor Hunter Elected Treas urer -Heavy Bond. liiuasroND, April 9.—Hon. It. M. T. Hunter was to day elected by the General Assembly State Treasurer, vice'Mnyo, re moved. T. Broocks, late Prcsidonc of tho Mer interpretation of existing law, about ! chants’ National bank of Petersburg, who which members of Congress had honestly 1 * a8 indicted yesterday by the Grand Jury liug aud misapplication of money and credit of that institution, to the amount of about $900,000, had his bail fixed to day at $25,000 for his appearance for triul the first weok iu May. THE WEATHER. Department of War, \ Washington, April 9, 1874.) Probabilities.—For the Gulf and At lantic Statos oast of tho Mississippi, fresh and brisk winds aud clear weather. ThIvnewsT New York, April 9.—Arrived—Oity of Paris, Great Western, Truce and Virgo. MARKETS. DY TELEGRAPH TO CNQIJIBEB. L, box 184. House and Lot for Sale OX LOWER PART OF BROAD ST. i’HE lot 1* \i acre; tho liouao hni three «««%. I I.W-K-, rooniH, 1ml i aud »U m-coB^ry JjSfJ (-ut-buildinpB. Will ho Bold < heap to .» cash STOVES AND TIN WARE. Stoves, Stoves NATHAN CRuWH,*^ r0£9) (Opposite Bun Office) Columbus, Ga., W OULD respectfully invite tho attention of Ii friend* and ctMlumcn to Ms exti-ual ■took of STOVES. IIOLI.OW AND bTAMPKD WARE, HOUSE FURNISHING GOOD?, Ac. AIao TIN WARE, at wholesale and n ‘ MEDICINES. THE FAVORITE HOME REMEDY. Thl« nnrivalid Medicine i« immulml not to con- iln a siuale pirth-la of MucCAY, or auy Injurious iltieral aubsUnco, hut Is PURELY VEGETABLE, mtalnlug those Southern Hoots and Herbs which ii all wise Providemo hits placed In r.-untrtes here l.lver Dlsonsos most prevail. It Will ure all Dlsoases ceunihI by Derauife- incut of the Liver wml IIowcIm. Simmons’ Liver Regulator or Medicine Aft* nily Medlclm f suffering and ui i* Id I In. Forty Yeni d by being tullar in time aud ills still a*l flag unqualiAed „ ... iiiih of tho highest character and respon sibility. Eminent physicians cnmmoml It as the MOST EFFECTUAL NFKCIFIC FOR DYNPEPSIA OK INDIGEMTION. Armed wiih this ANTIDOTE, all climates and •hanges or water and food may |.e faced without ear. As a Remedy in MALARIOUS FEVERS, JONLKL COMPLAINTS, RKSTLE8SN ESS, JAUN DICE, NAUSEA. IT HAH NO EQUAL! It is tho Cheapest, Purest, aud Rest Family Medicine In the World ! MANUFACTURED ONLY lit J. U. ftEILIN A UO., MACON, GA.. and PHILADELPHIA. Price. 91.00. Bold by all Druggists. that peps I a, l headaehi THE BEST ADVICE «n ho uiveu to person* sutluiin fi< ui niplaiut, colic, affecting Ilia *, is to tone, cleanse, t organs by the use o debility, or of ach, the lira* nr i-guiate these Ini- ' UTT’S V KGK f- very mildly, y«l digestive organs aud the Inti .tines and reiinva the whole system. They produce neither nnusc griping or wenkiioas, and may he taken at at time without change of diet or occupation. Pi Joe 25c « box. Bold by all draughts. DR. TUTT’S HAIR DYE RAILROADS. IN'OTIC! IS. , March 'It. Ia71. QN and after Tuesday, 2 gor Train will run as foil 5:00 A. M. 8:85p. n. >pcd by by th e Train uud over ono hundred and fifty solved dally for tranuportu- W. L. CLaHK, Fup't M. A G. R. R. Western Railroad of Alabama. 544 HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME I $35 50 Fare to New York! New York and New Orleans Mail Line. WESTERN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, CoLumiUB, Ga,, March 2d, 1H74. TRAINS LEAVE COLUMBUS DAILY For Atlanta, - - - 10:40 a. m. Now Advertisemr nU. WUIIKjNG CLASS !!' j. \ T, 'n ,* , ' 1 ' Vr " \ ‘‘ ' $2600 A YEAR" Combination Prospectus. Arrive at Atlanta, Montgomery Montg'; ad Seim Arrive at Selma, FOR NEW YORK, DAILY, (Time 5 * hours.; LEAVE COLUMBUS 10:40 a. in. ARRIVE ut Op. lika 12:27 p. m., at Atlanta A: IS pm. LEAVE .. Oreiuville, S. C., 1:54 v II a lil.n 1 11:05 p. * P- r >o- ui Wasi.iiigton 4.:«i at Philadelphia 1:30 p. m.. at New York 6:15 p. m. bleeping Cars Run to Clmrlotte. TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY Change of Schedule. Southwestern R. R, tortained no doubt, Mr. Boutwell’s and his successor's admin istration of tho Treasury Department. So if Congress should fail to pass the pend ing measure, tho Secretary of tho Treas ury would be at liberty to use the balance of tho legal tender reserve, now amount ing to $18,000,000. lie did not see how this could be otherwise. For instance, when the panic camo upon tho country 1 ait fall, there hud b eu accumulated in the Treasury a currency hulunco of over $13,0CH,000, which was promptly put out in purchasing bonds, as the speediest of relieving the demand for currency recourse could not have boon hud to the reserve, the Secretury would have been under tho necessity of selling coin to ob tain the currency necessary to pay tho I New York, April t.—During tho Fenian government indebtedness, or would have I excitement John O Mahoney, Head Cen- uuspended currency piymouts. That j tro depoct d witu Belmont & Co. twonty there was no doubt* ns to tho right to t m dollars, tukiug therefor bills of Boston, Apiil Dawes, 91; Hoar, ny i 15; S.iudford, 9; li 4; White, 2. 9 —Eghteeuth ballot: 72; (Jurtis, 74 ; Adums, Bunks, 7 ; Wushburue, til teres! I hr; Null. issue all or auy portion of the serve was best shown by the lim ited amount of tbe currency balance when the minimum amount of logrl ton demotes was iu circulation, but $18,000,000 of the reRorvo with uo authority to exceed the $400,000,- 000 limit, it would be necessary to hold it in reservo for any emergency. There was no reason for apprehending any further expansion of legal teuders beyond $382,- 000,000. There hud been much criticism as to the power of tbe Secret, ry of the Trer.snry to contract tho value of green backs. If the proposed uct, fixing the amount at $109,000,000, beo.imo u law, it would not, as he hud already «tid, ohuugo the existing law, nud the minimum would still be $356,000,000, to which point, in his opiuion, it could agtiu be reduced. With regard to increasing tho national banking cirunlntio.i, the addition of $46.- 000,000, with u redistribution of $25,000,- 000, in accordance with the existing act, wonl-i uudoubte lly give tboso portions of the country clamoring for more banking facilities ail tho cupitul they needed for years to come, and he had now no reason to belibve thi-t Congre-s would p m rnv measure which would not meet Lis unqualified approval. xclmnge upon Uothschild Jc Co., of Lon don, drawn in favor of ouo O’Leary. These bills were attached by the British Government, aud novor reached O’Leary, that j O'Mahouoy thou brought suit against Bul- uinod, I mont A. Co. to recover tho amount, uud asked tlio lato Judge McCuuu fer a rooeiver. Negotiations wore opened bolweeu the parties, by which tho money was to bo turnod over to O'Mahoney. Fending negotia tions, and before tho case was submitted to tho court, McCunn appointed Thomas J. Barr receiver, against tho wishes of both sides. Barr subsequently asked for an order allowing him to pay out in ex- ponses nud commission cous’dorably over one-naif of tho amount; nud now, after au interior decree and appeal, a decision is given, holding that the receiver, having been appointed through the wrongful in tervention of a stranger to tho suit, is not entitled to expenses or commission, and must restore tho full amount to Belmont & Co. A Rnltoon Collnpies In SI Id* Air* San Francisco, April 5.—M. Barbier’i balloon L*‘s Eoours made an aHcension . yesterday afternoon from Woodward s j urmor bkI Gardens. When nearly over the town of J April 16 7-32,, May ,1 hundred feet iu —Mrs. Dalton, a widow lady who lived . the balloou collapsed, sank, and struck near Gainesville, was found dead in her ' tbe gronud with great force—the car. house on tho 3d hint. When discovert d, 1 she was sitting at her loom, with her hands erossed, her 'lead upon tbe shuttle, her breaRt upon the beam, and hor feet upon the treadle. She must have died ... _ while weaving. tbia oity last night. Honey nud Stock Narkcta. New York, April 9.—Stooks dull; i oy 4; gold 13$; oxjhauge—loug 485$; short 488$ ; Governments strong and ao- tive ; State bonds dull and nominal. London, April 9.—Street discount 7 1-16 below hank; no change in bank notes ; Brie 32$ ; Consols 92 to 92$. Paris, April 9.—Rentes 59 and 80. New York, April 9.—Money easy, 3a4. Sterling dull. Gold steady. Governments dull, and a little off. State bonds quiet and nominal. Provision ffarketi. New York, April 9.—Flour quiet and steady. Wheat firm. Corn unchanged. Pork heavy; iucrs, $17al7 50. Lard heavy; steam 10 3*16. Liverpool, April 9.—Breadstuff's quiet. Lard 44s. 9d. Bioon—41s. 6d. for long clear middles; 42s. 6d. for short cleur middles. St. Louis, April 9.—Flour dull and un changed—superfine winter, $3 75a4 25. Corn firm at 64$a65 for No. 2 mixed on oast track. Whiskey steady at 92. Pork opened firm, but closed dull, with a down ward tendency. Bacon activo und firm— shoulders, 0$a0$. Cincinnati, April 9.—Flour quiet and unchanged. Corn firmer at 64. Pork quiet aud firm; held at $17. Lard firm, stouin 9$; also salos ou private terms, it is understood, a fraction higher for kettle. Bacon firm and in good demnnd; should ers 7, clear rib 9$uJ, clear 9|. Whiskey steady at 93. Louisville, April 9. —Flour quiet and uuchunged Corn 70a72. Provisions ac tivo aud higher. Pork 17. Bacon- shoulders 7 ; cloar rib 9$ ; clear 9j|; sugar- cured hums 12. Lard—tierce 9j{; keg 10}. Whiskoy 93. Cotton Market*. Liverpool, April 9—Noou.— Cotton quiet; salos 12,000 baloH, including 2,000 lor speculation and ex port. Kales of uplands, nothing below good ordinary, deliverab'e June und July, 8 1-1 Cd; do.,nothing below low middlings, deliverable iu June and July, 8$d. 3:20 p. it.— Cotion—Salos of uplands, nothing below g >od ordinary, deliverable in May and Juno, St. Kales include 7,500 American. Liverpool, April 9—5:30 p. m.— Salos of uplands, nothing below good ordiuary, shipped in March, 8 1-16. New York, April 9.—Cotton dull; salos 358 bales; uplauds 17$; Orleans 17$. Futures opened as follows: April 10 7-32al6|; May 16|al6 21-32; June 17$; July 17 7-32; August 17 13 16. New York, April 7.—Futures closed 10,700 bales, ns follows : . ” 21-32, June 17$ _ 1 a5-32, July 17 9-10al 1-32, August 17 27-32 CUANO. “JURE PERUVIAN. IMPORTED DIRECT, A L for mio lit Govdi iiiiii'tit Prices. LA LASl'ERuUo lorsulc. GUANO. Liberal Terms! E me offering our ansnos till* soasou on tl W following libeial loruif: PlKENlX GUANO, per t WILCOX, GIBUS A CO GUANO, per ton of 2 ' u or 2000 IIm *57 l i MANIPULATED WILLC0X, GIBBS &. CO., tahlT wit Savannah, 0 J. II. HAMILTON, WHO’ K8ALK AND RETAIL DEALER IN Bagging, Tics, Bacon, Salt, Sugars, Coffee, &c. Always on hand, a full stock of Plantation and Family Groceries AND PROVISIONS. «MT Junctiou of Franklin, Warren and Oglethorpe Sts., Columbus, Ga. All purchases delivered free of drayage in tbe city and suburbs. fmy27 wl SMITH, VOGEL & HOPKINS, Dry Goods Merchants _ M1 September 17$ft5-16. ~ I . Cottou easier; sales 941 hales, at 17$ COHlIIliSSlOIl containing four men and two ladies, drag- I a *7$; net receipts 2,107. ging shout three hundred yards. Fortu- Mobile, April 9.—Cotton firm; mid- ' NO. II® »*• alhID rll« nately, no liv^s wore lost, but all were in- dliugs 16c; low middlings lfijjc; good or- jurod more or lens, none seriously. The dinary 14$e; not receipts 329 bales; ox- ' v*„TV, 8MITH ’ Qf | party, excepting M. Barbier, returned to ports coastwise 113; salos 500; stock TO Do.srs^,.,,,^ I.A1IUK ( AS,I \\ A .K.< ll V A11 Kjsaij. ANTEKI) POIt ALL. either .ex i >11111 ^AGENTS A HALL, in>^ North ClmrtrH ntn-i-t,, Mil. 4w Millions of Acres RICH FARMING LANDS IN N1.URA8KA, NOW FOR SALE VERY CHEAP ! Teu Yearn’ Credit, Interest only n per cent. Ddcrlptlvo raraphlot, with Boctluiml Mnjm, nont The Pioneer, lllaatrnteil p,.p r. cal $78^^K.i?.^ E f T3 T,r:v n iiiuph-H for ton cents. J. lllflnE, 70. Hcmu.m i New York. la RUPTURE' V'" trusses iVrinirn.uM/’i'ir. 1 v'i 11.1; highly |i(i||*lioit. Fip" fr m ,.l ...11. .1- ,. 1, . N.Y, Beware of Japu CURES Noura'.^ia, Illcs, Loadaoho, Boils, Old Sores, Burns, Soreness, Scalds, Sprains, Hoarseness, Ulcers. Wounds, Sore Throat, Colic, Bruises, Eheumatism, Hemorrhages, POHMitf' Statement AI.SO, VISITING and BUSINESS CARDS I of which can bo furnWid printoil ■liort miliee, at low Caau Uatk-. Railroad Receipt Books, Bills Lading, Georgia and Alabama Legal Blanks, on hand. Tlioa. GrillDort, PRINTER ond BINDER, Sun and Times Building. BOOTS AND SHOES. Spring is Coming! Fo r Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS'CARP0L1C TABLETS l-UT UP ONLY IN lll.lll'l HOXKS. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Dnutliti. 4w The lilHlieht medical nutliurllicw of I'.uropc *ay the BtronticKt Tonle, PurlBor and boohRtruont known to tlio modi 11I world Ih JURUBEBA, It nrrofltn decay of vital forces, oxIinnHttnn ol tlio nervous system, restores vigor to tl <> mited, cleanses vitiated lilood, romovi vc 1-1,1 oliftruotlons and nets directly on the 1 Ivor :md Silicon. I'rlco <d ahot lo. JOHN ti. M.I. LUUU, 18 PlattSt., N. Y. 4w urns ilii? IWj pf S»l|-*3 -|a S“.I" WE WANT BOOK AGENTS enrpublMiodl U. S. BONDS l::;;!,.:',, 1 :::, R V. W. K. Handy. awd MAR-HIALL’8 LIKE OF Gen. Robert E. Lee. Q»T 8tuid for Circular nt onca. Tl'IlNUULI. BROTlIKKv, 4w Baltimore, IVlct. IH AMOM) NI*t:t'TAt’I.r.N ! IE ADDITIONS SEASONABLE COODS! W.AS"? Not oe. 0 N .i! AND A FT KR * P|M|, 1ST, 43,266. my!7 wly URDAY8 AND WEDNESDAY?. Tlio Saturday l.oal only will R .i tin hchlcola. ACTS Of tho Last Legislature, FOR SALE BY W. J. CHAFFIN novis tf Choice Simpson Cotton Seed FOR SALK. RnUeri Irons Helve tori Ntalks, E. T. SHEPHERD OUR BTOCK OF Brogans, Plow Shoes, Leather and Findings, WELLS & CURTIS, 73 Broad Street. . d Unit It hr 11111 or Tetter, IM111 on Inrr, ISoiiN. liryeiptlns l.lver Com plaint. Six to itvclw tics, w firm Died to euro Nrrofi: Kwrlliimn m.d Sort s nnd nil Shin It loud I)l»en«u‘«. Ily Its wr Pectoral jiroiicnlcs It will chip tl.-- _ r ii npeni , p Cough n cd by any otm r i- - , Mfc, looRcnlnifc.ini-Ii. 1 tatlon, and rclicvl . .. *nipp‘ ‘ World’s 1 FOR REED ORCAhib ! The Organ sit Home! B K8T Important to Farmers. Wood, Wood ! WOOD, ready aawtal, $4.00 r MU8C0UEK MAN F NU CO Oiiaiis. Clarko’s Dollar Instructor ■'on iti:i:i> oiigann. Oliver Ditson & Co., Chas. H. B»tuU 711 Brea fublodtUwaw