Newspaper Page Text
NO. 105.
^^SL mm
.a..... $3 6ft
........ ft 00
1ft 00
IT 00
00 tbo lSib diy of kugmL Tho ootmtioa
wonMtM to repreetitiikm oft follow:
Ohoaibon 18, Om 10, Ooooo 10, Bm
— 1 Th* MM of tha State PA Ate. Babin.
aoB,wUoh had baa Mot. lh*Gity Coort
of Moatgoraory for rararal days, wo* oon-
•tadsd on Saturday by . verdtet of guilty.
Mr. Mobioooa te th. tax oolteotor of
Montgomery, and th. ehsrg* against him
wm psrjwry ia m eOdavtt white ha mad*
ranoaming tho Meoaato of • haw i.
faulting tu ooilastor. Iho Boliattachad
I 1 ™ op tho pnaasnttenaf tho mm to
oobomI employed by tho cilia***: hot
wha Iho vsrdict» roodond ho omt
*0» o adv trial—o motion whteh th. pros*.
ootiBg ooooool apparad oh tho gronnd
thot ho hod m right tomoko o nutton ia
tho tera^^hd^ndg* hod tho aotloo ...
i ~ u zrTg22uf: m » t> » ,,ir1 od-
OfMtM mosh internet
$**"!■ «UI lavartatay te *»•«
1 i niiiMft !• ataiH mti Umb
*£jzzsrs jm.5iy.iu *. *»,
4b. Obaftas a BooVoh. o* Iko old.
Zj mo* lapootod altiraua of Thom-
jbMkdMk.. ^ .
jft, lMijr Oohotp Faatery too ra-
» raw on* of thn Odum fra mot*
,, jwr pah
.Ik. Covington BnUrpritt tayo Mr.
a 8mm, who la twooty-ntao
Tblralhaagratof thoOwwU
.m plow, «•■ aaoood loot
(or oalty $>,000.
-iiotber wry oM My ha I
uhl bafora th* pnMte by tho Georgia
D in.. I. W ll.H ft.Hl.tnH M
-V. Imre from th. Journal
I hr. I. A. G. Anderson's too oUl-
8luU, Jr., white b* bought ot th.
_ H Fair and ouriod to Us homo ia
bbMutj, ob Saturday baton loot bit
; ihm. Smith'd oight am oo bodly
1 * “ “ 2W»-
, 5) ioeha lag oad 4 wido, fall
th* baggy, a lively a if it had jut
ntakso from th. orwk, rad with no
of bruiaaa.
Wmimm, May t.—Th. Senate, on
> mutton at Ferae, paood a raolutloo ra-
quoting tho Mona of Bapraeantatlvaa
rothra to tho Burnt, tho MU
(oar doyo ago, appropriating
$00,000 fa tho idUot at piraai suffering
from th. a Baton ol th* Mtrattdffl rirar.
Poao oaid ho tronid move to in aria* tho
approprlatta, whan tho MU ohoald ho
Mgr h-k tho Sonata
toon .loaplid tho day.
A tango nnaharof MU. arm latro-
ha deprived of it fa mtaoondnst, mrar-
talnodoad dwkrad by tbo jadgmrat of
tha oonrt, oftor opportaaity to bo hard
ha boon offarad, bofm a Judgmut
doborrlag th* attorney, to randorad. Ho
moot hot. aotlN of tho gronado of oom-
pUiot ogoiaat him,and ampl* opportunity
ot axplraatton ud dsfsnaa, laaooordaaw
with tho ralo of natural jwtioo applioa-
Mo in aU mom. Aporimptory muds-
io dirootod to th. oontt bolow to ra
nter* tho potittonat’o naaoo to tha roloof
Mr. JoaHra Ftelddolivorad tho opinion.
—A thouoaad dolloia worth of pravi-
Mono wm purohoood by tho lmaWnaa
BoUat Commit tw yrotordoy in Louisvilte.
—Bono to rootavo ooolribaUona to th*
roU.f land will bo pkood ia aU plooa of
■auaaont and eharohaa of Loaisvill*
doling tho wook.
—Yotaevdsy narly 900 Hattons wm
raoaiaotad in Mow York, in noraragtisnsa
of oaaabor of mow of nmoli poxboiag
reported among thoir ooantrymw.
—Th* oatasrn boa ad tiala—Atloatio
tiproa wa unowitohod yootaiday, aar
Plymouth, Indiana. Sororal wm hart,
■ad th* haggago, mail, and thru othoa
—Th* Truatow of th* Maw Toth Oy-
proa Hills Owaotory bar* odTorod a plot
of ground for tho burial of mtmhora of
tho proa who may dlo without having r*.
lotisno within roooh.'
mvtku MKTMnwinr irnca-
Lomonixa, May A—Ivory State io
ropraontod In, rad all tho bishop* m in
■ttondoae* upon, th* Ganoral Ooaforono*
of th* Mathodlat Mplaopol Ohurob,
ruth. Ha porta nbow a fraternal fataing.
Prom th* Ohureh abroad, a fovorablo
aituation io (sported, and also of tha book
Bil* in trodmsod rathntUing tho Mono
of United State* bonds; by Butter, far
fn* basking, to gin .Uotteity to our-
ranoy; by Young, of Georgia, for aiding
oortain water roatoo; MU far mohiag ad
ditional appropriations for oof.ran by
tho Mississippi omr&w.
Wrohiraton Motoa.
Tha Tnraary wiU aril gold this monUS
ao follows: On tha fimt and third Thun-
days $1,100,000; on th* oaoand
fourth Thaniteya $1,000,000 rash,
lag An milUona in all.
Tho Snpramo Court opoat laatwaokin
iMpmlion gf AftoiftioM, in
aipootad to adjourn yootarday to tha rog-
alar tent on tha aaaond Monday in Otto-
bar. Twanty ar thirty mm dooWona
will oovar aU lha oast* bofm th* Court.
Mom* Spraiah ttttes ia tiontelana—on* of
Oateb OusMng'a—rad aonral conAaaatlon
oaata, tomaia to bo d*otd.d.
Th* OommtUoo of Wqr* and Mi
wUl rooommrad a topoal of th* moioty
tew. They And aom. fault with th* un-
anthfaotory mranot in which aom. of th.
Troaaury Dopartmwt gav**.
-Tb. (itisMa of Oabtln,
mtj, hav. dftormiaad upon building
inborn to ply botWMO DubUa and teo
■tnlkndg. on th* Oooaao. Tb* no-
■uf stow kM bin iibmibid, M**i
pwl»teoi«Bt Mogora has agrnd to
$ » rniubl. froighthoute rad plat-
■ atTlba bonkTf th* rivor at th.
‘AhahaAytf Mr. H. G. Tamar, afar,
id Pita Mia ..ante, wa. found on th.
hat April w.ighted down with rooks
MRftkp Uft bmd split op§p it if
inut Ha had hteri mtetaag from
a. dm whan fouata A mo all
not moaoy had bow Ukra from hi.
Ait, hot them ia yat no ala* whteh ia-
aiM th. maidotor.
Hr. lira K. Young, of Brooks
iiy, *m on total bofora Ooaum'staonor
>Ji>« *t Sovranta, on Thutndoy, on a
n. ol tiling lobMOo and whiakoy by
ril Io hi. plantation huda, without
•mr, in othar words, ho bought by th.
“Styud*appll«dthorn asthayand-
itautidm. rlommrat on th* iajua-
* of pnnitaing a planter for auoh as-
nuotaHao. to hta hand* would bo nao-
■ A. it ia aeoocdiag to a law of Uie
ta (.vwnmrat,’* tho paoplo muatob-
—A atria of bad foaling that has for
tbn* .listed botwora th* polio,
not Atlanta and tb* Fadoral aoldi.ra
tt* harnaka, culminated on Friday
At ia a ngalar akirmtah, ia whioh An-
wwa uaad, and ono aoldter was i
•yuoaadM. Thoauldim Amrily
■M, hot on Staurctay aaad* prwora-
mtera rmtoWal of thoaoataat,and teat
“Otay and throtawing damon-
taooa. Tha oitlswa armad thamaolvM
*". u “ polio, in amsting thorn. They
»* laaOy brought to onUr, and aom.
•bra urntad, by * Captain and oom-
•I from th. barraoha. A fow hour.
>noa. to tbta, Mayor Spanoar and th.
■anadant of tb* garrison had agrmd
» a somprontiaa, by whioh diaordorly
Mi", whmi arrwtad In th. city, w.ra
,,•** *0 th* borraaka for trial; but
• UeraU my. that tho Chairman of th.
Jto.Omualraloo.ra and B*oord.r
•uhton daolaro th*y will not b. bound
Foreign miaaiona want addlttenal ptt-
Onronnrm, Onto, May A.—Th* Homan
Catbolio Arohbiahopa an arriving to
night from all puna of th* country to at
tend th* Oonvontion to bo bald nail
wook. Th* objoot of th* Oonvontion has
not boon promulgated, but it ia aUppoaad
to ba for th* purport of ooatidariBg th*
advisability of inoraariug tha number of
Arohbiahopa Modoakay of Mow York,
Baitey of Baltimora and Wood of Phila
delphia, ud Bishop* Modoakay of Louis-
vUlo, O'Connor of Pbiladolphia,
Hava. Jamt 0'Bi.Uy and A. J. McDon
ough of Philadelphia hav* arrived.
mvm nw coimum rinr-
Wraaiaoioa, MAy 4.—Tbo Suproma
Ond ^au-almy 4Midftd lift QObllOfetiOC
nUUng to tho Bttdtal property, and aav-
oral othar ataailar oaaaa, bolding that th*
prooaadingu in th. Dtotriet Court, ia pur
saanaoof whteh th. pony arty was sold,
ad pamd full aad f
foaribla title to th* purchasers; sad, not-
ulthatandiag th* aabaoqarat ropral of th*
law undo* whteh th* ptooaoding* took
plaoa, tha daoraoof th* Oireoit Court
whioh ravarsod th* dam* of tbo District
Court was thamfor* rovoruad.
Mr. Jaatioa Strong dolivarad th* opia-
■Dry land appoand on th* bond oppo-
Hoateomory on Saturday for th* Srat
tem about two wooks.
uunty to abound in
Th* Bcgitier re-
™ »* exploits of a hunting pvty who
day, 148 lubMta, 11 opo.-
Jy*** wttdoat It also toll. >>f a
*>»WUd « bold oagte measuring
*« fart from tip to flpT
~ T A»grond Jury of La. couuty, in
r.ryrt Pirated on Soiorday, «-
ibo-ahoUtioB of tha offlom of
eollmlor rad
*«• ho
aaaaosor, rad
aad osiUetod
rad that tb*
by tha
of tho sorer*! baste. They also
•j^jraad th. abolition of tha City Court
■*ha Xsasutiv* Oom
imittao of tb*
^Maroarional District hav* called
*«et OoBVMtion to saaot ia Opelika
Lima Boon, May A—Tha aituation is
unchanged. Both parties have reoeived
relnforoamanta, rad sent about an aqual
number homo. Confederate soldiers hold
gonorally aloof. Th. agrat of tha Asso
ciated Pram claims that am
tempted to amaaatnata him. [Mora.—
This ia a common event.]
On. Muster Arreete tha Mi
Judge* or tU* Btate.
Sc. Lotus, May 4.—A apaoial to tb*
Dtmoeral from Little Book my* i
Judges Settle ud Beunett, of tb* Su
preme Opart, wer* arrested teat afternoon
on their arrival par Mamphte train, at Ar
gent., opposite Littl. Bonk, by Captain
ffillirau, rating undar ordara of Gov.
Baxter. Th* Judges rafnaad to b* ar-
reatad without proper authority ; whan
upon Copt. William made a rignal, and
band of armed men entered tbo era with
ooeked revotvam, ud Segrte rad Bmuttat
wm forsibly taken from the train, rad
np to the time when the dtepatob wa*
written they bad not bran hoard of at
Little Book.
Tbe Supreme Court wee to oonvaB* in
Little Book to-day.
Judge Stephana, eleo of tbo Saprama
Court, wee on tb. train, but Jt
bte presence w.t not known, elu be, too,
would beve been tt reeled. Tb. affair
oraated grata excitement in Brooke'
ownp, end aerioue trouble ia apprehend
ed, unices Go!, ttoee interfarae for th. ra-
teaa. of th* Judgaa.
Maxtor par Agont Mteuvuwa
Waamuorou, May 4.—Judge Bora, rpo-
oUl d.I.gat. from Gov. Baxter, who had
bran in Washington for .bout n wrak sat
ing in eoojunotion with Ooograaamu
Wethirs, and Marara. Pika A Johnson,
counsel, and rapmaaaUtivan for Baxter
left Washington to-night for St. Lonte,
thrara to Arkurra, having submitted tbe
Dexter rid. of tb. oara to tha Praaidrat
ud Attoraay-Gsnaral.
Jodga Bora today received » telegram
from Littl. Book stating tbta Baxter bad
nothing to do with street of tb* two judg
es in Aigonte, oo th* old* of tb* rivor op
posite Littl. Booh, and diravowo *11 «*•
spondblttty for it.
81; do. doUrembl* in Joly rad Attghtt
8 T-18; do. notMng bolow low middling*
dottvorobi* In Juo ud Jaly 8 7-lA;
ml** of Amoriora 7,600.
LmmaooL, May 4,8:Mr. x.—Cotton—
OrioooA notbieg bolow good ordinary,
tbippod May and June, 8 V-lOd.
LrmrooL, May 4, 8 r. w.—Salta of
upland*, nothing bolow good ordinary,
aUppad In April Bid.; April Ud May,
Mil Orteana, nothing bolow low mtd-
dUnga, dallvaraM* I*, Jana ud Jaly, 8
Mnw You, May 4.-Cotto. dull; oaten
168 baloo; uplradi 17i; OtlranolM.
PataMoopoMdrafollow.; May 178-M;
Jan. 17 1848.17; Jaly 17|nl7 *9-88.
Maw Yoax, May 4.—Cotton dull; oalra
' 680 Ulm; nplrad* 17); Orlraa* 184;
i ta.aipte 119.
Fatanm riowd taro.g; ml*, of 10,800
Oallfarnla Buttsr In roll$, SSo,
nw wdVtry le*.
Fl$h and Flih Rot,
kite, k«gi Hi telf tarmh.
Ptai Apple Oraea,
Mamma, U»f A—Advtoas ftraa Prra-
th* Miaa., slate tbta th* leva* broke Sat
urday afternoon, on. aad n half miles Ite-
tow that plaoa, aad at OUaoov*, 90 mlteo
below, white raothar mvam la hourly
expected at Prideh. Water in pouring
through tha airvamt at OtaAeh Point,
which ia now 1M yards wide.
Th* print* ten* at Wolaat Bond,
Aik., to aho brokra, iaaadattag Vali’a,
Paiqoainon'a ud other risk plratattorm,
Hi* two named having over storm han
dled Mias In oottou pirated. 1
Appeals have soma In from balow Ma-
polaou for more anppUaa for lb* suffar-
Tha Battaf OommitU* an badly
wgagadln Ailing order*.
Tho Aewn toWtel* Irolnud.
Lownon, May 4.—Th. Quran WUl prob-
nbly vteit Inland next rate mu with the
Dak. aad Du abase of Edinburgh.
Mr. JustiM Clifford dissented, holding
tbta the pro leading* won rtaommon law,
ahoold ban bran toted by
juries; rad, no* being w tried, they wer*
iranMolwt to page a valid title; bat that
if they wm ia admiralty, ra maintained
by tbs Omut, than they wan laaofictaat
to pm tb* Utte, beoaxa* in rash proraed-
inge tbs defaalt of tho party ohargad to
not a eonfradon of th* abargs, bat im
poses npoa tb* Gonnmont tbo noeoority
of proving its truth tho ram* ra If th*
party wm pnraot, which wee not don*
in thee* oases.
Th* tax ran of Btookdal* vs. Airatio
Insurano* Company, from tb* Circuit
Court for Louisiana, which also ranted
with it thirteen othar oaaaa, was decided.
Th* opinion ratabllahod tb* following
That, whether th* tax
aridag from
tunings of corporations for th*
year 1869, b* viewed ran tax on tha
shareholder or on tha corporation, It was
intended to tax th* earning! for that yrar
by tha notion whteh limited tb* donation
of tb* inoaora tax; that aeotion 17 of tho
rat of 1870, oonotoning certain Motions
of tb* low of 1964 to extend tho Ux to th*
you 1870 te valid, baaanra it i* not an ot-
I to axarcira judicial power
by eonstenatinf * sttant* for tb*
Court, bat te a mod* of continuing
or reviving a tax whioh might hav* bran
supposed to hav* expirod, ra Hite manly
imposed a tax retrospectively. It was
within th* lagialatir* power of Congress,
rad tb* era* differs from u effort to in
vade private righto, over whioh Congress
bra no powor whatever.
oaaraor OOXTXHVT.
Ex parte Bohiaoou, original. Ia this
ossa, th* Jodga of th* United State* Dis
trict Oo«rt far tb* Western Ditariet of Ar
kansas debarred tb* praoHMoner for a re
fusal to anrwar asrtain Interrogatories re
quired by th* Court in a proceeding be-
fora U. In answer to tbo alternative
write of maadamas issued by this Court,
His Honor raid that tb* language of th*
practitiooar, “ I shall answer nothing,"
in oooneotion with hie
id bis manner, was saoh
M to merit summary rad
vara punishment, and it was aooord-
iagly inAtetad. This court bolds that tb*
power to debar attorneys ora only bo sx-
•roteed wham them to euoh eonduct oo
tb* port of parties complained of aa show*
them to b* unAt to be member* of th*
prafamtan They hold tbair oflra ra
parte daring good behavior, ud ora only
A iptftitl tton BftMiftiftt Io
tba Timm ray* a daputaUon of volunteers
tram Bilbo* vteHod General Manual (tea-
oha, who bad bran operating in th* rear
of tb* insurgents, and informed him tha
Cariteta had retirad.
Mannat, May 4.—Coaoha Immediately
had avacratad BUbra, ami th* tetter ra-
pli*d by telegraph, granting to Concha
th* honor of Amt raUrtag th* oity.
A dum hm bin inu4 Miuag fov i
Uvy of all pannes Hibl* to d* military
daty ov*r nlnatara yam of ag*.
Msnain, May 4.— Marshal Herrano en
land Bilbao Batarday. Tharate grata
rejoicing hare over tb* dottvmara of tho
•ify. Saturday aesning there wa* a graaral
nination. Tba municipality hav* arat
coogrta alatory dispat ah aa to Manlml B*r-
ruo, ud Geesral Oonoha. Small parties
of th* OarlisU ar* rarraadoriog to th*
Bepubtioaae, bat th* auia body of Inanr-
goota have retreated in great disorder in
th* direotion of Oaipnxooa.
An attempt was mad* yataerdsy to lo
rn rinate BraorPiy MargaU. Tb* mu,
who teas yet nnknown, trad twte* ta him
without offset, and than shot ud kilted
Angara M 7-98ral8$t Sralombra 17)«l8j
October 17X8-88*17); November 1T|*
11-16; Deoember 17Jal79-16.
Boeroer. May 4.—Cotton qntet; mid
dling* lTjo.; eate* 800 ; stock 6,000.
CnsnuNTOW, May 4.—Cotton quint;
jnlddlingo 16J*l«|, low middUog* 16Ja
161, good ordinary 161*.; not nooipta
885 bslta; oxporto to Grrat Britain 9,969;
•ale* ISO; otoek 18,789.
Mnw Oilmans, May A—Cotton doll rad
easy; middling* lTle.; net receipts 1,196
bales; export* to Grata Britain 8,768, to
OamHnrat 9,893; aalaa 8,000; stock 106,-
Savannsx, May 4.—Dull and uoohang-
ad; middlings 16); net reoaipta 889; aateo
966; atook 89,908.
Mouxm, May A—Cotton doll; raid
ing* 16); low middling* 16); good ordi
nary 18); nat raoalpte 867; aateo 100;
rtook 86,808.
Ament, May A—Cotton nominal;
middlings 16); rectapta 488; rates 109.
Bavanuan, May 4. — Arrived—Ad*
Amaa, Addle Jordan, Addis Bryant, Bn
obutrees, and E. M. Hays.
Ctesrsd—ChsrlraC Hlllter ud Batata*.
May A—Additional diapatebaa
from Bilbo* Mat* that bodlra of th* Oar-
lists oontinn* to surrandar to th* Bapnb-
lieu troops in th* bops of receiving am
Bilbos ta alraady begin alng to rasa me
its acral appeeruoe, and trad* ta raviv
Th* ohetrotatona which wm ptaood ia
th* river Nervion below th* olty to pre
vent th* approach of Government war
vmala have been removed.
Tb* mu wb* attempted to eraamteat*
Pi y MargaU was a* Inara* prirat H*
bad bran aonAnadin a l.natlc asylam
bat was raoratty dtaahatgad.
ST TlUOXiMI *• IMgnm.
Mouor and Mart Market*.
Lonooa, May 4.—Oonaola 98*98). Erie
Mnw You, May 4.—Stocks doll. Money
Gold 18). Eiohraga—long 4*8; abort
II. Governments aouv* rad a littl* off.
Htste bonds aotiv* at n littl* bettor
Losnoe, May 4.—Street rat* ) bolow
^uik nU.
Mnw Yonx, May A— Moray toay ta 8*4,
Sterling qntat ta 498. Gold wook ta 18).
Government* aotiv* ud steady. States
quiet; better prioas for aooa*.
CiacnmsTi, May A—Floor unchanged.
Cora Arm ta 68s70o. Pork in light de
mand ud holders Arm ta $17 86*17 60.
Lard strong ta 10)alO)o for steam; If
for kettle. Bacon quita rad Arm; ahou.-
dara 6)*7e; clear rib aide* 9JaS)o; etara
las »Js8)o. Whiskey Arm ta 95c.
Lodisvillb, May 4.—Floor unchan gad.
Corn active ud higher *1 8C*82o. Fork
Armor ta $17 50. Lord 10)*U)c. Whis-
key 92o.
craran Mark***.'
liivnuooL, May 4 — Moon. — Cotton
qoita and steady; ups. 8)a8); Orleans 8)s);
rales 12,000, including 8,000 apoentetlon
rad export; aalra of uplands aothing bo*
tew good ordinary, deliverable In May
8 8-16; d*. deliverable in May ud Jnn*
8); do., dolivmbte In Jnn* rad July
Osaata XtsNkttrWs. ykMtllWvtN.
6»N»*itrlN, okwriNj M99 Bm*
Use Aral*, tear* ra* teas.
a*< an ether vaiMka ef Vte* •rantaN, ta
eptM M
H-w OrtesM Ysllew otmlXta legar ll))e ■ $.
Onshta, VewOsnA UiraekM aad Meek Aagant
■stra Mas Temg Hyae*, ■aapratet, Inymkt
sal Slash Ins.
aa* ass Mil Tmt at lew phN. /'teaMall
e Mlsae eenpkN SNertNsaA
Dsoisy'a TsnI Powdw's, Out's In km.
but* A M.rrllt'a TesN Pawhn.
kpr 0*1*4 ahaetasre, Meal aad White 9m*.
Xxtrs Okein ONhu heller, Ms ft k.
•prt* [hhldra]
Western Railroad of
Cheiee of Two Rontee.
Mow Tort ud lfaw Orteani Min Ltn*.
wxarxXN xsiutoso ot A uses tax,
Oouma. Os., April Mth, l*T4
ter Hmtenxerr aad Betas, tiOO s. M.
Arrive et Mnntc'r, 1:49 s a.
Arrive et Set Be, 11:04 s. M.
At 10:40 e. n. Arrive OpeUk* at lMlp.N. At
Atleete 1:41 p. ■.
■y Atfsnta and Rlobmond Alr-Unn.
Leeve Atlute *00 p. ■„ nBAHLOTra AM _
... Suvllle Ail p. m.. XlehNOBd Hite p. m. Ar
rive st Wasliisilcs 4:90 s. st Bsltlnere SSO e.
a., *1 Phtlsdelpais 1:90 p. a., si N BW YOuX AM
By Konnoaaw Rout#.
Last* AUsita 6:00 p. m., DfUtoa lftftft 9. m.,
Bristol 10:4ft a. mi., LyMobbari 10.4ft p m. Arflru
At WMhlBftOH ft:4ft A. At nUUMOTM t il A. ».
PkllAdAlphU 1:80 p. HI., At MEW VuMK ‘ ‘
BlMpfef 0
U 1:80 p. Ml., At MEW
OATS tho from AtUitA to L) Bchbar|.
trow HoRtcoRiory tmd BoIiha 8:80 r. ■.
TlokoU tor aaIo At Ualoe P—Afor Drpot
OHAft. P. MALL, OoaotaI 8«p»t.
B. A. BACON. AgtRl. UggiT
Change of Schedule.
Southwestern R. R
1 will ruA m follow!:
Loot* (MubM •
ArrifS At OolMWlNM
Loat# Maooo
Arrive At Wacom
• 8:00 r. M. (Doily)
• It:4ft a. m.
• 7:17 r. M.
• 7:*ft 9. M.
L*at9 GoInnbM! ft 80 A. u. (BaAdAy oSAOptod)
ArriT* AtOolmatoM Siaftr. m.
Lmato Maoom f-.ftO $41 “
ArrlT! At Maoob 8:00 p.e. “
Y1ROIL POWERS, BAg. ud 0Mp't.
W. L. CLARK, wil if
To B«nt.
^PTRR April fttb, two TuraioMd MEDj
ROOMS, Kitohti And BtiMo, with am of dininf
roou ud pirlor. Addreos *
Apl tf M, Inquirer OMo..
House and Lot for Sale
I niiotis^ $fi
I Urge room!, **•*> — - ,
owr-bDllmg!. Will bo Mold chenp
. tli. hoiuo bM throe mA
hill ind aU neewMarj
For !•!• Low.
Pftees Reduced!
Grocery House
No. 14 And IS Broad Ate,
Columbus, 0a.,
100,000 pDxxda l<*M.
ho Mrtdt fi«dp.
From 100 to BOO barrote tefw. ’
From 100 to BOO barrels Syrup.
200 barrola Wktakoy.
200 boxw Tub#***.
100 kuntete Lard.
$0 » Moekorul.
BOO DMkoSult.
80 U,ro6* Rio*.
BOO roam* Wrap pitta Fxpor.
HW f* Oyster*.
100 “ rtoklM.
100 box** Grady.
100 grass Farter KMakes.
MM pmik ImOMV Dank.
XOD hagsef Dhta.
10* dassa Wm
1M dwsa Bissau.
Aad everrlklag la th* Orenry lias, which they
oiler te the tnde hy the peekege, n lew u say
other Jobbtag Uoeee la the DatteC Plalu.
eprla «a 1. A J. XADMAN.
Oholoo White Shad.
“ Froth Boy Flab,
M0MI0 Oabbago,
“ Ooiory rad Lotto**,
Live and Droaaod Poultry,
Frtoh Country Bottaogo,
BparnMb t and Bookbonoo.
A Ohetoe Lot «f fresh
flannb nno Bagse luraklaa I aaaaA
wr!wA!r$) W^aiR^M) Aa^F^^^^Fm
Snap*, Oteaor Stupa, Lomoa
OcdSRt Ao,
Apple*, Onions, Pot'otora A Turnip*.
AIM eeesl Psatty SeppUee ead Peter Ow-erlu
"“ra PDIDOBN will he hud ta tbe eras-
* will he pleeetd to wait ra hie fuaer sm-
sed IHesds. Thsystn**ra*f mspUltsk
Of th. Last
Oktmloal* aad Perfumery,
a* mw nauan.
Wood. Wood!
JgBM WOOD, isody rawed,prosper sea*. Was*
raved fwHemh per sard. Order. *Bed preapt
lyra eppUcetlen Nth.