The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, August 11, 1874, Image 1
Columbus AND UJlTTjIT Enquirer. FflANK WESSELS, {^SnSS&SS.} COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1874. YOL. XVI.—NO. 185 Txra&fts or tii DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY wrqvniaii. Tw.lve month., in *d?ano* $8 00 Six oionthn, “ 4 00 Thn* month*, “ 2 00 Ods month, “ 75o. (Veklt £»4tnsnn, on* y**r 2 00 Sondai Enquibu, on* yaw 2 SO Sunn and Vr'nmcnT Smooth* to- geth.r, on* jwl S 00 Adnrtlaltiff lain. ✓ 1 Wnk, Dally t 3 00 t " “ 6 00 3 " “ 6 SO 1 Month, " 100 3 “ « 13 00 3 " n on 4 “ “ *0 00 6 “ “ tl 60 3 “ “ *6 00 1 Bqintro 1 yew 43 00 The .bote le with the priTilflf* of n chan*, .eery three months, hot yswly cards a liberal dis count will be made. The IVeokly rates will larariwly ha ona-thlrd When tin edrertleemant Is abanyed more than once In three months th-> advertiser will be charg ed with the cost of composition. Torolgn adver tisers must pav as da those at home. mmau saws. —Brinkley, who was tried last week in Oowet* Superior Court (or tb* murder of hie wife, was found guilt; end sentenoed to bn hung on th* 25th of September. —The Thomsoton Herald mentions a . oase of sickness in Marion count;, sup- ’ poaed to be yellow fever, bnt states that the patient was recovering. W* hope there was a mistake as to the kind of fever. —Millers inform th* editors of th* Borne Courier that there is very little wheat coming into market there, and also that they are unable to pnrcbaae any at present prices. Farmer* are holding back for higher prices. —The Comptroller General has sent to each of the Tax Collectors in the State a blank digest in book form, entitled “Sta- tis'ics of Agricultural Produots,” to be filled out and returned by the let of De cember. Tbi* information is to be con solidated for the Legislature. —Mr. W. O. Connor, Principal of the Georgia Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, left Cave Spring last week, taking wi h h m one of th* deaf mute boys, iteinbeck, for the purpose of canvassing the several oounties of th* State, with n view of increasing the number of pupils in the institution. —A shocking tragedy occurred in Griffin on Saturday. William Hartnett and Thomas Feeney quarrelled about a cock fight. From words they drew their pistols, Feeney shooting first. His shot entered Hartnett's left breast, in the re gion of the heart. Hartnett fired imme diately and shot Feeney through tb* head, killing him instantly. Hartnett was able to walk a little after th* shoot ing, but his wound is supposed to be necessarily fatal. The fight ooourred in a bar room, and the sad result may be at tributed to liquor and the earryiog of deeply weapons. —A row between the pastor and some of the members of one of the oolored churches of Atlanta was pushed so far as to lead to the arrest ol some fifteen mem bers, on Saturday, at the instsnoe of the preacher, who is a colored man from the North. The preaoher, Johnson, bsd sum moned one of the members named Vine Were to trial by the church for the use of “sinful words” in opposing a contribution for the aid of a traveling Northern preach er. The trial resulted in the oonviction of Ware, and when Johnson announced the decision to him, be rushed at the preaoher with a stiok. Johnson raised a ohair, hut they were prevented from fighting it out in the church. On Satur day morning when Johnson went to the ohurcb, he found it nailed up and a card on the door stating that it was dosed till a suitable pastor could be procured. He then had the parties arrested, and they were bound over in the sum of fi200 each. We condense from tb* report in tha Herald. Auuunwa. The Brooklyn Nuisance. Bea Batter 4k ('.. Call aa Mealloa. New Yoke, August 10.—Ben Duller, Thomas Kinsella, and B. Tiaoey called on Moultou this morning; wbat for, no one knows. Beeober is in town at bis home. Tracey says he will not cross-examine Moulton, as he is a client of his. Sherman says Beeober's statement is all ready, aod will be given to the Committee to-morrow. New Yobe, August 8.—Judge Morris, Tilton's counsel, said to-day Tilton has not yet commenced his suit against Beecher. The papers will be served just as soon ss they are prepared. The suit wbioh Tilton proposes to bring against Beecher has no reference to the action of the committee whatever. The action of the committee will neither hasten nor de lay the commencement of th* notion for a moment. In order that there may be no further question to the propoeed proceedings, the notion will be brought in the Supremo Court precisely as stated. It will be an notion against Mr. Beecher for oriminsl connection with Mrs. Tilton. The amount claimed will be in aooordanoe with the magnitude of the suit. Bnt in this con nection Mr. Tilton's purpose in bringing notion is not to receive any pecuniary benefit, but simply to vindieat* his good name against the atrooion* slanders to which he has been subjected. So far as Tilton is concerned, the oase will be .teased for trial at the earliest possible ay. The report of the oommittee will have no effect on Tilton's case at law. OEM. BUTLEB’s OPINION. Gen. Butler, who was in this city to day, told a reporter that he never gave an _ 'uion in a case notil he had aeon the evidence, and in this case he had not seen the evidenoe. —Dr. W. W. Caldwell, of Greenville, recovered out of «n old well, a few days ainee, $800. —A p-enter in Shelby county offers to bet that be will gather 600 boaheUof oorn from five aorta. —The Enfaula Netrt learns from gentleanm from the lower oounties of Al abama, that large numbers of obicksns down there are dying of cholere. —The Radical Convention of Lee coun ty, in session at Opelika on Matnrday, in structed it« delegates to the Congressional Convention to aupport the nomination of Iaaao Heyuinn. —We learn from the Enfenls Timet that some of the Radicals of Barbour county are getting tired of being led by the nose by King KeilH, and propose to get op an other conuty ticket. —The Mobile Register hears thst a atrip of oouutry, extending east and weat, above Union and in the neighborhood of Man tua, in Greene oouuty, is suffering much from drought, there having been no rain of oonseqnenoe ainee the 1st of May. —A negro boy named William Thomas wan fonnd dead near the pnblio roed near the plantation of Peachy Gilmer, in Mont gomery county, on Friday night, having been hhot in the right eye. A coroner’s inqnent was held, bnt nothing was elicited in regard to who did the ktUiug. The in vestigation was to bo continued. The boy was about fourteen years of age. LOUISIANA* ■sdlcal leadsstless. New Orleans, August 10.—In the Re publican Convention Antonio Dnbnolet, present incumbent, was nominated for 8Ute Treasurer by a Urge msjority. There were more votes cast than there were del- gates present; but on motion of Frank Moore, the opposing candidate, nomina tion was made unanimous. The resnlts of the convention have been an unexpect ed victory of the Caaey-Pinohbaok faction over Kellogg, Paokard A Co. The con vention has adjourned tine die. The clos ing proceedings were apparently more or derly and hannonipaa. It ia nodaratood that the nominations will reoaiva tha united support of the party. C. 8. Nash, oolored, of 8t. Landry, was nominated for Congress from tha Sixth District. Ap|a(atai Collector. Washington, August 10.—8. Bnreh has baon appointed Oolleotor of Customs ah Petersburg, Va. , MOULTON AND THN OOMMITTEE. The question was to-day asked of a gen tleman connected with the case aa to what the committee proposed to do if Moulton should offer a statement, but should de cline to submit to a cross-examination ? The answer was that the committee would then decline to receive Monlton’s state ment at ail; end if he (Monlton) should then make pnblio his statement, they would simply have to go before the oouu try on such a statement of facts, and let the people decide the question. It is cer tain that the oommittee would receive the Moultou documents if he should elect to turn them ovor without any statement ; but should he weave those documents into a atatement, in wbioh he should charac terize thoBe papers aod draw eoDolusions from them, end then deoline to submit to a cross-examination, the oommittee would certainly refuse to accept such statement. WHAT MOULTON HOLDS. It is amid that the moet notable of the Beecher documents held by Moulton is a letter of apology quoted ao effectively by Tilton. It is written iu a scrawling hand on three pages of legal cap. Moulton bad rheumatism iu his right hand when bo wrote it. Beecher's signature is an inch and a half below the last line. It presents every appearance of having been written in the dark, as Beecher claims. MBS. TILTON FEAR8 NOT. Mrs. Tilton says she does not fear what Moulton may testify, as her reputation cannot suffer. She denies ever making any confessions to him. There is a dis crepancy, however, between her testimo ny and Dr. Storr’s letter, which may re quire explanation. MLS. HOOKER IN THB CASE. The reference of Moulton in his lettor to a certain Mrs. Hooker, who he alleges was a witness to the intimacy between Mrs. Tilton and Beecher, ia explainable aa followa: “Mrs. Hooker waa then un der the influence of the Woodhuil party, imbibing their free love doctrines. She fanoied that Beecher held the same opin ions, bnt laoked the courage to practice them. Bhe resolved, thereupoo, to make him a convert, however unwilling he might be, and then expose hiB praoticea and theories to his congregation. Tilton and othera disuaded her and after an in terview with Beecher let the matter drop. Dr. Butler, an eminent physician from Hartford, after an extended examination of the lady pronounced her a monomaniac on the subjeot of free love. INSANITY NOT HEREDITARY, The Tribune publishes an interview between Tilton’s parents at Key Port, N. J., and one of its correspondents iu which they indignantly deny the existence of hereditary insanity. A lady cousin, on the father’s side, has her mind unsettled on religions subjects, but no one has died insane in the family. About the Ross Abduction. Troy, N. Y., August 10.—A special dis- p%tch to the Tiine*,(roin Bennington, Vt., announces the arrest of a woman named Flynn, who baa a ohild answering the de scription of Charles Ross, the kidnapped boy. She tells contradictory stories. Psrtlcalan ef the Arrest. Philadelphia, August 10.—Private dispatches to the friends of Charles Roes from Burlington, from the Chief of Po lices, state the fact, first, of a woman there having a child resembling Charles Ross, and that she gives evasive answers. Another dispatch requests an aocurste description of the misting ohild. A third diepatoh from Beunington, but not signed bg the Polios Chief, a«ys that the ohild, on being questioned, said: “My name ia Charlie Hose, bnt this mama aays I must not tell any cne." Child Resembles Dooerlptfoas. Benn.noton, Vt., August 10.—Mrs. Frederick Hamilton, formerly Mary Flynn, of Bennington, Vt , has been arrested to day, with a child in her possession that corresponds with the description given of Charles Ross. He has the same oolored hair and eyes; his hair has besn recently ont; he is about the same age; talks plainly; saya his nsme is Charles, and that he had a nice home onoe. It ia a sin gular coincidence, but there are other oir- oumstances connected with the oeae which make it improbable thst he is the ohild. Frederick Hamilton is an employee of P. T. Baroum’s show, now at Boston, and is in correspondence with his wife. She says the ohild came from New York. Officers await a farther discretion of the boy from Philadelphia. TBMMEMKI. Bloedjr Affray at Rooter vl lie. Memphis, August 10.—Parties who ar rived from Somerville this morning state that Albert Reeves, Republican candidate for Sheriff, who was shot by Burton Fri' day, died last night. His brother Paul was dyiug this morniog. Judge J. G. Reeves, another brother, who was shot at the same time, and Oscar Burton will both recover. Everything waa quiet there, and the Chickasaw Guards, from this city, have returned, The Democratic Victories-Rejoic ing at Ralolgh. Raleigh, August 10.—The oity ablaze with enthusiasm, oelebrating the Democratic viotory of Thursday last. There is a torch-light procession, and speaking at several points. Among the speakers ia Mayor W. F. 0. Gregory, of Petersburg. The State is Democratic by not lesa than 10,01)0, with seven Demo cratio Congressmen, and the Legislature three-fourths Democratic, The Collyer-EEwordo Prise right. Pittsburg, Pa., August 10.—The trains arriving here last night and this morning brought Urge delegations roughs to witness the Collyer-Edwards prize fight, which takes place to-morrow morning, New Yore, August 10.—Philadelphia, Chicago, Cincinnati and St. Louis are well represented in numbers. Yesterday a Urge number of sporting men vUited Collyer at his quarters. Both men are in excellent condition. Collyer weighs 136 pounds and Edwards 132, Betting is about even. The steamer L. C. McCormiok will leave at midnight for the scene of the fight. To prevent arrest, the first of the principals will not be taken on board at Pittsburg,, but picked up en route to the battle-ground Probably not a dozen meu in the city know the exact locution of the grounds, and the destination will not be snnounosd until the boat has left the wharf. Pas sengers who oame up on steamers that evening state that the authorities of West Virginia are on the alert, and will do their utmost to prevent a fight. Grasshopper Doatraetloa iu tho West. Washington, August 10.—Oapt. Man A St. Leals Abortionist. St. Louis, August 10.—Msdsms Forti- meyer, midwife, was arrested yesterday on the charge of procuring abortion. The | BO n, commanding Camp Buggies, iu dead body of a young mulatto girl named oorumuoication da’od July 31st, 1874, and Lima Miller, was found in her house, and another young woman, name unknown, was found lying very sick and in great pain. One of the infanta was also found in the boose, partially burned. The foetus was discovered in a store. It is stated that the Madame has practised abortion several years, that a number of infants or foetuses have beeu cremated by her, and that several highly respecta ble persons in the city are involved in the matter. The coroner will hold an in quest on the body of Lena Miller and tho remains of the infants to-day. the Fastest Rochester, N. Y., August 10.—It has beeu arranged that a trial to beat Gold smith Maid’s time of 2:15$ will take plaoe in a free-for-all race on Wednesday, if a good day and good track. On these conditions failing, the next good day and good track. The purss for that race has been increased to $8,000, and the horses entered for it are Goldsmith Maid, Judge Fullerton, American Girl and Henry. laratofi Recce-hell I up of Feels- Saratoga, August 10.—The following pools sold to-night First race—Reform $400, Acrobat $400, Stampede $300, Rutherford $900. Second race—Wanderer, $100; Carver, $65; Moonbeam, $30; Auboo, $10; Dia- volo, $10; Cateaby, $70; Red Dick (filly), $35; King Amadeus, $50; Quits, $40; London, $65. Third Race—Katie Pease, $625; Wan- dsrsr, $800; Felloworsft, $126; Gov- $3*. Foreign Intelligence. received at the headquarters of the army to-day, states that the grasshoppers have destro/^d almost the entire orop of corn, oats, potatoes, Ac., in the Loup and ad joining valleys. Capt. Munson suggests that the farmers who have suffered this loss be employed inbuilding the post and hauling material for the same. He thinks it would prevent much suffering during the winter. The report was forwarded from General Sheridan's headquarters to the Adjutant General of the army, whose attention is invited to the suggestion of Capt. Munson. Postal Card Contract. Washington, August 10.—It is stated on the hnthority of a prominent official of tha Postoffise Department that con tractors for furnishing postal cards have never yet furnished a oard equal iu the quality of tbe paper to the requirement* of tbe original contract. The oontrsot is for four years, and has three years yst to run. Drowned Parties Recovered. Atlantic City, August 10.—The bodies of Doffloy Sharpless and Miss Annie Rob erts, who were drowned while ont sailing, were fonnd yesterday in tbe inlet. It is supposed that the bodies had been buried in the sand and washed out again by the late storm. All the bodies of the disaster have now been found. Dcatli of Bishop Whltehense. New Yobk, August 10.—A dispstch from Chicago announces the death of Bishop Whitehouae, of Illinois, in that city, ibis morning. SPAIN. Den Carles Interviewed—Fair Prem ises—Down «pn Modern Educa tion— Hopeful of Success. New Yobk, August 10.—A Iiernld cor respondent has interviewed Don Carlos. reply to the question regarding the Cortes, he said it should be elocted fully and fairly by the nation. Tbe Cortes, which should reflect the feelings, interests, wishes, and sentiments of tbe people, ought not to be a more body of faotioos politicians, alike powerless for good and strong for evil, promulgating doctrine* for the oven brow of sooioty, and ending with barricades. I wish Spain to march onward to progress and onlightment, and not remaiu behind the other natioua in soienos and education, without which 8pain will tie outstripped iu the raee for wealth and prosperity. But something ia radically wrong in the modern current of thought, and the systems of education in the world are rushing into gross material ism and unbelief, which, unless oheoked, must end iu the extinction of the human raee. The fault thereof being tbe modern Godless system of education, and modern methods of investigation. To-dsy’e sa vants will bs oalled fools by tbe savants of twenty years hence, for wishing to dis card truths that have borne the teat of ages. Spain ahall never submit, if I oan help Religion and education assist each other. Science, without religion, is blind. Adding, with a smile, “I am, at present, occupied with other matters. When the enemy is conquered, and my throne restored and peace and order pre vail, then ia the time to consider educa tion." Touching Cuba, he said he would offer free pardon and amnesty, and would guarantee a government devoted to tbe interests of the inland. He said he was opposed to slavery, and would abolish it with all speed. Carlos is very sanguine of the success of his oause, declaring his prospects fa vorable and giving good reasons therefor. The Carl lets Advancing. Bayonne, August 10.—Gen. Dorregary, commanding the Carlista’ army, has re sumed the offensive in Navarre. He has oaptured tbe town of Layuardia through the treachery of the inhabitants, and is now advancing on Pueblo with the objeot of cutting the railway between Mianda and Logrono. Some of his men reeently fired ou the railroad train, and severely wounded the engineer, who is an Englishmen. The Republican General, Blanoo, with eight battalions and twelve pieoea of artillery, is advancing to retake Layuardia. Becogoltlon of the Republic. London, August 10.—The Daily Tele graph says it is reported that Russia has consented to recognize the Republic of Spain, and all other powers will follow, Garlflsta Moving on Barcelona. Madrid, August 10.—A dispatch from Barcelona says that the inhabitants ate greatly alarmed. A body of Carlists, numbering 2,000 men are marching ou the city, and (here is not a sufficient force of Republican troops to oppose them. Germany will Recognise the Ho« public. Paris, August 10.—Prince Hopelope, the Germau Minister, has informed the Duke De Cszeas, Minister of Foreign Af fair s, that Germany intends to reooguize the Spanish Republio. CANADA. Fire In Montreal. Montreal, August 10.—A quarter of million dollars flee ooourred here. One life was lost. Tbe fire originated in Hen demon's saw mill, ou the bank of the canal ENGLAND. Rial at Portomonth London, August 9.—A serious liot has ooourred iu Portsmouth in consequence of tbe pier authorities closing the thor oughfare. The mob, consisting of sev eral thousand persons, destroyed the ob structions to travel. Tho police charged upon them repeatedly. Many policemen aud rioters were severely injured. A re newal of the rioting in feared. Paris, August 10.—Tbe report thst Germany is negotiating with Spain for the cession of Hantona is denied. M. Thiers is very unwell. GERMANY. What France Will l)o-Rloti, Re. Berlin, August 9.—The Cologne Ga- tette says tbe French Government has agreed to recall the war ship Enrique from Civitia, and that vessel will proba bly quit the station sho has so long occu pied before tbe 15th inst. Tbe Emperor William has approved tho verdict of acquittal iu the case of Captain Warner, who was tried by court martial for his conduct in tbo Mediterranean at tbe time of tbo insurrection at Cattagens. Last night an armed baud of forty per sons quitted tbe town of Inola and pro ceeded to Cologne, destroying tbe tele graph lines and disarming the railroad watchmen as they went. The party was pursued by a military force, aud was ar- New York Doctor Held for Trial. New Yoee, August 10.—The Coroner's Jury in the case of the death of Mrs. Potter, at Dr. Hchcferdeker's water cure establishment, found him guilty of neg ligence In causing her death. He was held for trial. ■Ineoarl Mwh Haags a Negro. St. Louis, August 9.—A mob of white man and negroes hung a negro at War- renabnrg last night fdr ravishing a whits child six years old, belonging to a re spectable citizen of Warrensburg. Victims aff tho Pat Rogers Disaster. Cincinnati, August 10.—Tbo unknown bodies sre fifteen sod hsve been buried, but careful descriptions of the persons and property sre preserved. The known loss is forty-aeven. THR WEATHER. Department or War, > Washington, August 10, 1874.) Probabilities.— For the South Atlsntio and Gulf States, lower barometer, high temperature, winds mostly southeast to southwest, and partly oloudy weather over tbe former, with oocaaional rain areas. ■HIP NEWS. Savannah, August 10.— Arrived—Rhoda B. Taylor. MARKETS. New Advertisements. they choose Inatantlv. Thl* nitu, le mental [Uirement all oan i-os-edF, iree by inail, for 6o., tog.Hher with it marriage guide, bjryptlni. Oracle, Dree ms, Hints to Ladles, Wedding Nish' Shirt, (to. A queer t-ook. Address!. WILLIAM a OO., Pubs , Phils. 4w For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY IN HLUE BOLES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Drug-t lsts. in MARY SHARP CULLtut. Established la 1151. This old «ud cele brate! re-tm-e .-chum l* n.iutte iu the proverb! • Ijr lieulthy town of Wluchratnr, on a bench t> ( nni'.t rlni d Mountain, lmu Raee. rommeuccr ita annuel eeesl >n« of ten won'h' on the FIK-sl MONDAY IN * Kl'T KM 11KU Still under ts Sr-i end only President, Z. C Qratm, L L. I). Fo UwrvuasQeM sad tkeitsuoM o education, la no excelled by any school in tbe 8 »«.th rend lot Catalogue containing ell *see tial particulars. 4w G. A W 4 |,M>L- Y Trei-urer. CSOCERIKS. H. F. ABELL A CO. UAYKJU&T HKCKIVAD Cream Cheat*, Pin* Apple Che***, New Maokerel In kite, Flawr from New Wheat, 0«l Meal, By* Floor, Wheel and Oorn Grit*, Canned Frulte and Moat*, Older Vinegar SOo par got., Keroten* Oil, 40y gallon, Sugar of all grodoe, Coffee, Sloe end Oreoker*. All parchaac* delivered. ang7 tf EM0KY COLLEGE. THB FALL I ENSIGN WILL OPEN AUGUST 19th, 1874. Location health*. Society moral end refined. Teaching thorough. I Ut iplin-- atrlct. Faculty full. Ct-arg-e reasonable. For further Informa tion, address He*. O. L. SMITH, 4* ouniry BY TELEMAPM TO ENRUIRER* Meacj aad Stack Markets. London, August 10.—Eric 30$a80$. Paris, August 10.—Rentes 92f. 90c. New York, August 10.— Stooks dull and lower. Money easy at 2$ per oent. Gold 109$. Exchange—long 487$ ; short 491. Governments active, and s little off for somd. State bonds dull and steady. New York, August 10.—Money easy at 2a2$ per cent. Sterling dull at 487$. Gold dull and heavy; declined to 109$a 109f. Rates for carrying $, 1$, 2 flat, *od finally 1. Governments dull and steady. State bonds quiet and nominal. St. Louis, August 10.—Flour dull and drooping; medium to ohoice grade** lOslo lower. Coro—No. 2 mixed better st 55 in elevator; cash 54$, in Angust; 65$ in Septsmber. Whiskey firm st 98. Pork quiet st $24. Baoou sotive aud advanc ing, except shoulders ; sales of cash end order lots at 9$ for shoulders, 12Is 13 for dear rib, 18$s$ for dear; shoulders 10, for buyers to September; clear rib 12$ for sellers lest half month; 12$, sellers first ten days in September. Lard—winter firm; kettle 14$. Cincinnati, Auguet 10.—Fionr dull. Corn dull et 68*65. Pork quiet sod steady; $24 offered. Boeon quiet; shoulders 9$a9$; dear rib 13; dear 13$. Whiskey in good demand but firm at 96. Louisville, Aug. 10. —Flour unchanged. Corn quiet, 63*72. Pork quiet aud un changed at $25. Bacon firm; shoulders dear rib 13$; dear 13§. Lard— 16$al6|. CsMse Markets. nan firmer; uplands 8$; Orlesos 8§s8$; sales 15,000 bales, including 2,000 for speed lation and export. Sales of uplands, nothing below good ordinary, deliverable in August, 8$; de liverable October, 8 5-16. Sales of shipments of new orop on s basis of middling uplauda, uotbiug below good ordinary, at 8f. 2 p. m.—Sales of uplands, nothing be low low middlings, deliverable in Aggnst, 8$. 2:30 p. M.—Sales to-day include 8,000 bales Amerioan. Liverpool, August 10, 5 p. m.—Sales on basis of middling Orleans, nothing below good ordinary, delivery September aod October, 8 5-16 ; do., uothing below low middling, delivery October, 8j) ; do., do., delivery September and Oatober, 8|, Sales of •’laments new orop, on basis of raid$, vjg upgads, nothing below low mid dlings, 8jj. Naw Yobk, August 10.—G-itton dull. sales 44 ; middling uplands 17$; Orleans 17$. Futures opened ss follows: Angust 16$al6 7-16; September 16 13-32ul6jj; Oc tober 16 10 16al6 15-32; November 16$i 1618-82; December 1615-16&161.3-32 January 16 17-32 ; February 1621-32*16] March 1613-I6al6]. New York, August 10.—Cotton dull and nominal; sales of 224 bales at 17$a$ freights to Liverpool steady on cotton: steam $; net receipts none. Futures closed steady; sales of 25,000 bales, as follows: August 16 3-16; Sep tember 16$; Oetober 16 8 1 Gal6 7-32; No vember 16$; December 16$; Galveston, Angust 10.—Nominal; good ordinary 14f; net receipts 44; sales 3,48" New Orleans, August 10.—Steady and unobagerl; middlings 16$; net n exports to Great Britain 2,639; sales 400. Charleston, August 10.—Middlings 15$*15]; low middlings 15§sl5$; good ordinary 14$; net receipts 18; sales 200. Boston, August 10.—Steady; middlings 17$; sales 200. Mobile, August 10.—Quiet and un- changed ; middlings 16; net receipts 40; sale-* 75. Savannah, August 10.—Nominal; ask ing higher; middlings 16$; net reoeipts 71 bales. Avgusta, Augnst 10.—Demand good, midaliugs 15]; net reoeipta 7; sales 263. Nashville, Tenn , It «cp< atnotu the educational itmtltutiou* of the In tbe report of the Comm sidouer of Hduca'ioi. at * anhitiKtou. It atnnd* fiftu on tbe bat of “eupetior kchooU” In tlm I'nib-d .-tuti-a, aud Aral i the llxt of Houtht'i i.idri'M jrhoole. For c-ttaloiui Dr. W B WaKII, Na hvill , T«nn. BETHEL COLLEGE RUSSELLVILLE, KY. Laeatlaa Healthy! Beard Cheap I ENDOWMENT $900,000! 49* Fond for a Catalogue. AddrMfi, 1.K4LIK W ttidHN Kit. 4w Chairman of tho Faculty. 200 Pianos and Organs, New and Soroad-Hand, of PlrkM'Inaa Makrrii, will bv Hold ni low pm™* r- rf4. li, or->n Install nicntfi, or for rent, in city or country, duriug tlm month, by 1I0KA' K W.ti KKH k AuN, No. llro.i way, than over bn?oro off rod lu New Yoik 8FKCIALTY—Piano* and Oigitu* to let until th< rent money pays the price of tbo li.atruineut. 11 luitrated Catalogue* mall- d. A largo uiacount t< Miniatcr*, Cliurtl*on, Rcboola, Lodgoa, etc. 4w RICH FARKIHG LANDS IN NKDKA8KA, NOW FOR SALE VERY CHEAP 1 Tea Tears* Credit, latereet only A per cent* Send for “The Pioneer," a handaotue llluatratod Paper, contniuing tb. Homestead Law. a Nila MJWilfcK jm-t pub- 11* bed, mailed froe to all parte of tb- ■re FARINA, FINE TEAS at low ptictfi. roe* 4 Blackwell’# Pickets all kis4e. Extra Okntoe lie, 014 Ooversmest Java and Moeko Coffee. Roosted Coffee. Beet brands Homs sad Rreekfast 1 tripe. 41. Louis Pearl Qrlts, 10 h for tl. UlaokwelPe Darken tasking Tobaeco, 76c ft ft. borillard'c Rrlgkt sad Dark Oestarj Cbowlng Tobacco. ffect’e Extra No. I Kerosene Oil, 40c R ga los. Pare Older Vlaegnr, Me ft gallon. ROB’T 8. CRANE, J*tt [febl dUml Trustee. HAVE YOU TKIK1) JURUBEBA? AUK YOU Weak, Nervous, or Debilitated ? Are yoa no Laagald that any exertion require in-»ro ol au (Quit than you fuel capabio of maklug! Than try JUBUBEBA, the aoud.rfu unit* and luvigomtiir, wlii- u ai te eo lumflci-illy i the serrutlve org-tu t a* to impart vigor to tbo vital forcoe It le uo alcoholic nppctix r, wb cb rtiinitlatee r a abort time, • nly to let ibe aiiflerer tall to lower depth of mlnory. but it le vt getah.e tonic acting directly on tbe liver «nd •pl-t-u. It regulates tbs Bowels, quiet' tl i-rv-'i, and givei ‘ * “ ■yatem aa to ao.t person. Its apsratten Is not vloleat, but b cbmracterited b> ni.atgvnl u--*e, iu# p.uieut » x- porlonct a uo auddan change, no marked result*, but gradually ble troubles ‘‘F«»ld their tents, line tb« Arabs, And sileuilj steal away. 1 ' Tbbi ia uo uiw and untried diucov* ry, but ha. beeu long u*ed with wonderful renio.'Ul rueu“ aud ia prououuced by tbe bigb at nmdical am In tl- a "the moat powerful tonic au alterative known." Aak your druggist for it. For aale by |y*4 4w i make the invalid feel like a u DRUGS AND MEDICINES DIAMOND kPEUTACLERl rested, ITALY. Troable at Bolagae. Berlin, August 9.—There hsa been some excitement in Bologna, caused by the organization of Republican societies, but these have been dissolved aud the town is now tranqnil. BURMA Young Napoleon Invited to Rt. Fo- tersbnrg. 8t. Petbosburg, August 9.—The Geolot saya the Czar has invited the sou of the late Emperor Napoleon to this country to witneea military manmtivrea. EOME. Fonr Now Cardinals. Bomb, August 9.—Tbe Pope has de- olared his intention to ornate fonr new Oardinale. Theeu Spectacles ara muuulactured from “Min- ute Cryatal Pebbles” melted togetl; called Diamond brilliancy. Haviug been tested with tbe polariHcopi accohnt of their hardness and found to admit fifteen lea* heated rays than any other pebble, greuud with yreat aeleutiflc accuracy, diamond leuaca have b< per cei They freo from chromatic aberrations, and produce u brlghtneH-. and d inti net noh* of vision not before attained lu npw Spent , Manufactured by the Optical Manufacturing Co., Now York. WJTT1CII S K1NSKL, Jewelers and Opticians, are sole ageut* for Columbus, <Ja., from whom they can only be attained. No peddlers employed Do not buy a pair nai mark dfo »ned« . Bless you see tbe trade oetft deodawly For tale Low. * SCHOLARSHIP III TUH IIIDICAL COL- twa» AT lTANIVILLa. INDIANA* urt U APPLY AT THU ovrioa. Stoves, Stoves (Opposite 8uii Office) KQEJI Columhms, Ga., W OULD respectfully Invite the attention of bis filends mid niriluruor* to bin itxtei:ni\e stock of STOVES, HOLLOW AND fTAMl’W' WAKE, II0U8K-FURN1S11ING GOODS, Ac. Also TIN WAKK, at wholesale and retail. anufacturer of TIN, 8HKKT IKON AN PER WORK. Roofing and Guttering done promptly aud iu the beat mauner. He aotlcitn n call, fueling asaurod that he can give entire eatiefaclioD. -» low an tbe lowest. Como and ei-e THE WHOLESALE Grocery House J. & J. KAUFMAN, No. 14 and 16 Broad St., Columbus, Ga., Kin COISTAITLT OH SAND ABOUT 100,000 point** Baoon. BOO btrr.l. Flsur. From 100 to 200 barrolt fogir. 100 big* Ooffb*. From 100 to 200 barrel* Syrup. 200 barrel* Whl*k*y. 200 box** To bio oo. BOO » So*p. 200 “ Candle*. 100 barr*l* Lord. 50 “ Mackerel. SOO **ok* Salt. - BO tl. re«* Sica. 500 room* Wrapping Paper. 100 tee PotMh. 100 ** Sardinia. 100 " Oy*t*r*. 100 “ PleklM. 100 box** Oandy. 100 - Starob. lOOiroH I *rl*r MliafcM. 1,000 po*od. LoriUorO'. o.utr. *0,000 Oloar*. 1,000 pounds Greet aad Blank Tea. 900 bogs of Rhato 100 boxee Rod* aod Ftacy Cracker*. 100 “ Cheese la soasooe 00 barrels Vinegar. 90 casks Scotch Ale. 100 dosea Wooden Bucket*. 100 dosea Brooms. STOVES AND TIN WARE. I. J. GRIFFIN, IMPORTED PERFUMERY AND FANCY GOODS, AT KEDECEDj l-RICES. All goods guaranteed. Prt-rcrlptlous care fully prepared at all hours. J. I. OKIFFIN, JalS deodawly 10(J It road 8t. COURTING, u! Parasol au i Flowers, is Tbe art of -1th ‘ i Handkerchief, Fan. Ibe gwyeet thing ot Contained in a book of 20 ptgos. The Langua of Flowers is something uew. Send lor one, only 24 c- nt*. J. B1UDE A CO. llox 211, Frankfort, lad. augb lm u. R. H. HUS, BABE, BACT FLIRTATION CARDS! These are French Flirtation Cards and tell bo< It le done w* er j tbi-y kuow h >w ; nud are Ju-1 ceived from Pari * “ Bey ons. J. FARMING IMPLEMENTS. HOLSTEAD&CO., Columbus, Ceorgia. CMIon Ulna, Cotton Prcwt., Hon* Bowen, Fend Cutter*, CiiuruMWiu .mu., JlowlMff EwikUin, Or*.». Main., Flow*, Hoc*, Thmhm a.4 Fan BUI*, Corn Nhall.ra, lions Hnfco., Harrow* mnd CmtlrMion, Ink mnd Brnnbl, Oef ibe*, .pot,*, Fork*. Ac, At. 41.-0, fisergla Raised Huai Proof Date* Georgia aad Teuacsooo Hye* Wheat, Bor ley, Glower aad Gross Heodo CkeMleali for Wofclag up FertllU sere al homo* Addm* HO MITE AD 4k UO., JefiO tf_ Agricultural Depot. Columbus, Ga. N. J. BUSSEY, Agent AMERICAN Cotton Tie Company. Th* troS* iuppfl*d at l*w**t mar* hot ratot.