The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, August 12, 1874, Image 1
9**4k\ A Columbus -A^lsTlD Ar ID-A-ILTT Enquirer. FJ^ f£S6ELS, MSPISS COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1874. YOL. XVI—NO. 180 TJBXUb&B DAILY, WEEKLY,-AND SUNDAY Twelve mas the, in advene, $8 00 Six qumthii.: ' . !* - 4 00 Three month,, “ 8 00 One month, 11 .......... 75o. iVnoa» Kxquimxn, one year > 00 *“ * *> Bmrn.v'end WnnCLT Ehquism* to gether, onsyaor...^ 8 00 Mvwtlalai IMh. Square. $8 00 l Week, Daily,.. 1 Mouth, ft 00 e 50 • oo IS 00 IT on 80 00 I 50 I1KIIIFIKB! MISSISSIPPI. ■EUBOKS ATTACK ANTI1 AID AKB KBPCLBBB—riCKT. IBS «OII« O.V. WHITES liniVI HELP WHICH IS FORWARDED. A Th4un4 IHIM. l.rrou.d „4 ThrMtw A* Kara the Town - Oriel* ef the Die tMeB ■UU. Ju M The above Is with the prlvilefe of a eh every three maths. Vot yearly saris a llhera count will Immadm Thp W»*W j nrn. «tu Uvaciabty ha eae-third When an advorttsensat Is shaafaft Mere them one- in thro* month* the advertiser will be oharg* t>d with the cost of eemposM** foreign advsr- ti****-* pa* m da those at home. Memphis, August 11.—A ipecial to the The Brooklyn Nuisance. Cariosity A howl KoaUaw's Mato ■ana*. Maw Yots, Angnet 11.—Monlton wax at bi« re.idenoe ail day. Be ret need to eay 'whether his statement would bo msdo pnWio today, and woald not answer any questions on tba anbjeot. District Attorney Window, Theodora Tilton, and MonMon'a atanographar were in attendenoe upon Monlton from an ear ly boar, and remained donated with him for an indefinite period. The house was beseiged by the newspaper reporters, bnt nothing definite could be leaned. Distriot Attorney Window, in oonvema- tion, said that it was more than probable that the statement vrontd not bo ready for publication for a day or two, ea the com mittee had to eorapara documents contain ed in it with those already in their poases- don. More then thia he wta unable to eay. Moulton's ■Boot—It Buna, wgoa Tilton. New You, Angnet U.—F. D. Monlton'a testimony waa vary bri,f. He ref need to give up doumanta to Aha eeamaHtso, ex cepting each ee bad baan dladad to, and of which extracts had been headed to the committee by Tilton. Thees show that Tilton had garbled letters for hie own ad vantage, end in soma eases had divided doenmenU for the purpose of heading in cumulative testimony. MMJSor WbltoBoneo—maOAontaro of C * " his Booth. Cbxoaoo, Angnet 10.—Bishop Whito- honee had bean sick bnt a little over a week. Previous to hla illness he bad taken a trip of twenty-one days. Daring that time he preached forty sermons. Hie effort, proved too mack for hie constitu tion, and he give np work. Beaohlag home, he wea not considered dangerous until Saturday evening, when he suffered ‘a paralytio stroke and baeam* uncon scious. Yesterday he loosed efficiently to reoogmse bis ehildren end raoaive the Holy Communion, bnt thenceforth de clined gradually until his death, which oeeuned at 9 o’olook this morning. His age wea 71 years. rite In WaatfieM, UaaaetiiaA Haw You, August 11.—A big fire at Westfield, yesterday morning, breaking oat in Deoker'a olothiag a lore. Flames spread rapidly. A whole block of build- tugs destroyed. The prinolpel cofferers were Pieieon A Murehooae, dry goods; Gales' drug store, Godfrey A Marsh, Baal Estate office; Umatwad * Co., Cabi net A Yable. The dames wen choked by the firemen trying to tear down the bnlld- lnga. Loss $400,000. Insurance light. lenleallea Declined—T.ria*, In IlHwwIs. Chicago, Angost It.—Gov. McCrary, who was nominated for Congreee by the liepublicsus in the Fourth Distriot, has tUcliasd. A destructive tornado passed through Dixon, Illinois, last night, and did great damage to the crops, fenoea and other property in that vielnity. ■•re Cbargee AginsS HavaaNyar. New You, Aogust 11.—Additional charges of a serious oharaster have been preferred egainatjklayor Havameyer, and forwarded to Albany. The Governor forwarded the Mayor n oopy of the char ges for his answer. They accuse him of abnsing the appointing power. Further charges are being prepared. It is rumored that Compt.oller Green has been indicted for malfeasance. Kauaaim wad Nebraska Crepe Be- etreyed. Washing to*, August 11.—Kn" ,M grass hoppers have litterally destroyed every thing in northwest and southwest Kansas and Nebraska. The damage inflicted ia far greater then in 1886. The corn crop throughout all that region ia totally de stroyed. Drowned at Cape May. Oaks Mat, N. J., August 11.—The bodiaa of the two ladies drowned while bathing, were found by the keeper of the new light-house at Hartford inlet. The lort boat was found bottom op. First Mala at Saltaaa- SnutA, Aug. 1 l.—Ths first bale ef new cotton wee received to-day from lb* plan tation of H. O. A i. A, ^Marshall in Dal- lea county. It waa oonaignad to H. Mayer A Co., weighed 6*0 pounds, cli ad strtot good ordinary, and sold at ano- Mon at 17)o. Bought by L. Mayar. 8:80 thia morning, says at 11 o’clock last night three ladies and two gentlemen ar rived here from Anatin in e skiff end re port considerable fighting late yesterday afternoon. mono MOKBT OAPTOBBD. The ooaamander of the poet (whose name we do not iaurn) diapetohed aoout of twenty-five men On the road to Cold Water Station, on the Mississippi and Tennsase* Railroad, and oaptnred a pioket of tweaty negroes who were sta tioned about twenty miles from town, and brought them in as prisoners and dis armed them. on KILLED AMD OXX WOUNDED. As they were being pat into the Court Hons* yard one tried to make hie escape, when he wee fired upon and killed, end in the melee which ensued another negro waa wounded, bat not fatally. naxoxs dbivx in to wxm. Later in the afternoon a larger body of negroes advnnodH from the south, and attacked the town, driving in the white akirmishers to the Coart House, where the main body of the whites were stationed. TO MOB OHABOUD AID BHPULBED. A charge was made by the whites, and tht negroes were repulsed, with a lose of several killed and wonndad. Fighting waa going ou when out informants left, and they were fired upon aa they crossed over to 8h!p Island. WHITES ASK TOB ASSISTAMCB. Memphis, August 11.—A second die- pitch from Helena says: Maj. Horn Obal- mera, of Hernando, has just arrived here for the purpose of oharteriog a boat to take men to the essietanee of the whites in Anatin. AUSTIX SOaSOUEDBD. He says e courier from Mayor Woodson, of Auetin, reaohed Hernando at daylight, stating that the town was surrounded by abont one thoneand negroes, and asking for help. AID BEET. A boat with two huodred men from Hernando and vioinity will be here at 3 o’olook, and in company with volunteers from this oity, will start at 4 o’olock for Austin. CAUSE Or THE DISTUBDAN0E. Dr. Smith, who is the unfortunate cause of tha trouble thare, reaohed here last night. Soma three weeks ainae, he wee attacked in the streets of Austin by a ne gro, end drawing a pistol fired at tba no- gro, but missed him end killed a little ne gro girl, which exasperated the negroes to such an extent that they oollected a mob and took Dr. Smith to the woods lo hsng him, which they would have done bnt for the entreaties of Mayor Woodson and the doctor's wife. Sines that time Dr. Smith has been a voluntary inmats of tha jail to prevent being mobbed, until last Friday, when some friends osme end carried him brother of Mayor Hendun, and on yester day, encountering Mayor Hendon on the stroet, began to abuse him, and finally SNAFPED A PISTOL twice in the Mayor’s face, wha then drew a pistol and shot him dead. Almost sim ultaneously, two or three shots were find at the negro by the friends of the Mayor, who bed collected there, among whoa area Oaaar Barton, n young man noted for being SB excellent shot and brave, who was charged with firing at Warren, when h* met hla death, by tba negroes, who had become very maoh in censed at the death of Warren and threat ened to kill Barton, who eboat 11 o’clock appeared on the streets, armed with a doable-barrelled shut-gnn and pistole. REPUBLICAN OFFICIALS flU OR THXM. Judge J. U. It coves, Albert Reeves, tha Sheriff eleul, and another brother named Paul, attempted to street and disarm Bur ton, and owing to a report that a body of negroes were marching into town, Burton refused to be arrested, end they opened fire on him, wounding him severely in four different places. nn nSTURHs to oompumuet. He returned the fire with a shot gnu, mortally wounding Paul and Albsrt and and then fell himself, bnt raising himmit on bis elbow, drew his pistol and shot J, G. Reeves in tbo shoulder, iaflioliag a daugorous but not fatal wound. HX XICUVXS THIUTK1M WOUND*. The party of negroes who had congre gated then opened fire on Barton, shoot ing him in a number of places, sad one rushing np put * pistol to his beak. In all, he rooeived thirteen wounds, and if any prove fatal, which the dootore doubt, it will be the last one mentioned. uaiAT EXCITEMENT FOLLOWS. The exoitement that followed wee in tense. Reports spread that nsgro run ners had been eem to the oeuatry to stir np the various colored societies, and Memphis was telegraphed to for aid. Many negroes left town aa waa supposed to proenre reinforcements, among whom was Williamson, who, in e speech daring the canvass, said if the civil rights bill was not passed, he WOULD BIDE IN BLOOD UP TO HIS BB1DLH BITS, was captnred lsst night, but escaped af terwards. VOLUNTEEBS ABBIVE. On the errivsl of tha roititsiy from Memphis, they found the oitinens in arras and the town under patrol. Their arrival was hailed with great joy by the whites, end at the earnest request of the eitiaens Capt. Duncan's Chickasaw Guards agreed lo romain till Monday, while the remain der returned home this evening. TWO BEEVES' CHAD—SUBTON BICOVHErKO. Foreign Intelligence. PRANCE. Maaalne Escapee. Paeib, August 11.—Great excitement in this oity, owing to the report thut Marshal Baiaina baa escaped. The par ticulars of hie esoepe ere not known. THX'WEAIUKI. Department or Wta, I Washington, Augaat 11, 1874. [ Probabilities.—Vor the Sooth Atlantia End Oolf States: high temperature, winds moaliy from eoaih and west, and partly oloudy weather, with generally higher barometer in the latter, and With lower barometer and posaibly occasional rain areas in the former. Prominent Incidents History of Columbus IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. MARKETS. IT TILIQIAPH TO ENRVIMER. Liter dispatcher state that Sheriff Al bert Reeve.) and Paul Reeve* are dead. Barton and Judge J. G. Reevee will ra- oover. Town qniet. THE PB1BB BIRO. The Edwarda-Calller Flfhl. PiTTanuuo, August 11.— An immense crowd of person* gathered at 12:80 thia morning to see the Edwarda-Oollier party off. The destination ia uncertain, but supposed to be Live Island, near Booth Forry, Pen n. Eleven Round* Fought — Cellyer Claimed Edwards Had Seme thing In Hla llnad and Refused ft# C#nftlnne. Pittsburg, August 11.—The pugUiate went into the ring at 3:30 p. tu. Up to 4 o'clock eight rounds hAd been fought, The first w«*a won by Collyer, and the others by Edwards, who knoeked Oollyer down on tha eeoond round. Oollyer re sponded stoutly on the eighth round. Betting was 100 to 25 in favor of Edward*. A second dispatch atatej that at the eleventh round a few exchangee were had, when Oollyer refused to oontiuue the fight, ou the ground that Edwards bad to Hernando, on leaving which the ne- j something in his hands. groes ooUeoted in large numbers and no tified the Mayor, that uuleaa he wha brought back and put in jail they would burn the town. fAustin is in Tunioa county, Miss., on the Mississippi river. Hernando ia on the Mississippi, opposite Helena.] AUSTIN 00MPLBTKLY SURROUNDED—WHITB BBINfOBGEMINTB FOB WARDED—PLANTA TION If BOKOES MABCHINO TO THE TO WE. Memphis, August 11.— 1 The third dis- patoh to the Appeal from Helena aays , ^ t , a at w a I vear olds: $100 entrance, $50 forfeit, that telegrams are being received from y ea ’ ' . . tin fnr men. Association to add $1,500. Dmmnoe two The Judge refused to allow tha claim, and ordered the fight to go on. Oollyer refuged, and tha Judge withheld hie deoiaiouH. [In u fight two years e^o Edwards’ op ponent claimed u foul, charging that Ed wards had bitten him. Edward* claimed it, but it did cot do any good.] Mowey and Stock Markets. NawYonx, Auguet 11.—Money easy at 3 per cent. Gold 109). Exchange—ion; 987) ; abort 491. Governments dull ao, strung. State bonds qniet. Nxw Yoke, Angnet 11—Money easy at 2). Sterling qniet at 7). Gold inactive at 9)n!i). Government, dull, little off. State, quiet aud nomin-d. Provision Markets. New Yobk, August 11.—Floor firm and quiet. Wheat shade firmer. Gorn dud end unchanged. Pork heavy, $24. Lard qniet at 14. St. Louia, Angnet 11.—Flour quiet and week; email business. Corn inactive, dosing lower to Bell; No. 2 mixed 65.65) iu elevator. Whiskey steady at 98. Pork quiet; email tote Bold at $24. Baoun firm; shoulders 9).9); dear rib eidea 18; dear aidee 18). Lard firm; email lota of re fined lii); prime hteam 11. Oinoihnati, Angnet 11.—Flonr dull. Gorn firmer at (ifetid. Pork qniet; offer ing at $24. Lard firm, at ISfall) for Hammer; kettle 19). Beoou quiet; ehoalders 9); clear rib 18; dear 13). Whiskey strong at 98. Louisville, Aug. 11. —Flonr nnohangad. Gorn firm, in fair demand; white 80.82; mixed 72. Pork quiet and unchanged at $23. Bacon in fair demand, but firm; ehonidem 9)*I0; deer rib 18); dear 13). Lard 164*16). Whiskey 96. Cotton Markets. Liverpool, Angnet 11—Noon.—Cotton Ann; uplands 8)s8|; Orleans 8}**); Bales 10,1100 balsa, including 2,000 tor specu lation and export. Hales on basis of middling uplands, nothing below good ordiua y, deliverable iu September aud October, 8 13-16. Livxbpool, August It.—Sales on basis of middling uplands, nothing below low middlings, deliverable in September and October, 8). Nxw Yoax, August 11.—Cotton dull and nominal; Bales 234; middling uplands 17); Orleans 17). • Futures opened ee follows: Angus! 16)al6); September 16 11-32.1613-32; Oc tober 10 5 32.16 7 10; November 16 1-32 al6 5-32; December 16 1-I6al6 3-16 ; January 16)al6 51U; February 1611-16. 16 9 16; Murch 16J.16); April IV). New Yoax, Aogust 11.—Cotton qniet: sales of 1,631 bales at 17); net receipts 31H. Fotnres dosed steady; sales of 21,800 bales, an follows: August 16).16 3-16; September 16j.l 6 9 82; Ootober 16 5-32a 16 3 16; November 16).16 5 32; Decem ber 16 3-32; January 16 8-16.16). Galveston, August 11.—Cotton quiet aud steady; good ordinary 14); net re ceipts 24; sale. 140. Boston, Aogust 11.—Cotton qniet; mid dlings 17); sale. 2(H); stock 8,0:4). Mobile, Augost 11.—Cotton firm; mid dlings 16; sales 50. Naw Orleans, Angnet 11.—Cotton firm? mid dings 16); low middling. 15); good ordinary 14); ordinary 11). Memphi., August 11,—Colton steady demund good; offerings light; low mid dlings 15)al6; reoeipts 23; shipment* 37; sdes 250. Charleston, August 11.—Middlings 15); low middlings 15); good ordiua ry 14); ust reoeipts 41; .ales 100. Savannah, August 11. — Unchanged; middlings 16); net reoeipts 49 bales. Augusta, August 11.— Quiet; sellers sskiog higher; middlings 15)al6; net re- oeipta 13; sales 30. From ill first Statement is 1827, Is Me Wilton KM, in 18115, compiled by John H. Martin. The undersigned propottt It publish in s volume of 150 or mere payee, a work water the above title, covering the period from the selection qf the locality far a “ trading town,” in 1827. to the capture and partial destruction qf the city by the Witeon Kidd, in 1865. The incident! will be derived mainly from ite neieepapert, which will be gleaned for thie purpoee with much core. It it believed that most of aw eitieene would like to have such incidents in this compact and convenient form, and will encourage the undertaking to the extent of the email amount aekedfor the work Each chapter will contain short biographi cal sketches or notices of the principal citizens mentioned in it, who have einee died. The volume will also embrace full information concerning the churches, factories, (£c., now existing. We do not propose to publish this compila tion with a view lo making money, as the small price asked for it will show. But at the same time we do not want to lose money by its publication, and therqfore we wish to limit the number qf copies printed to the de mand fur the work. With this object in view, we issue thie prospectus, inviting those who desire copies of the volume to send in their names. The price will be one dollar per copy for a pamphlet bound volume, printed on paper like the specimen sheet issued. A small number qf copies will also be issued on a su perior article of paper for $1 30 per copy. Payable when the work is delivered, which will be some time next Fall. TIIOS. GILBERT. May 12, 1874. Having had In our smploy an Agsnt that wo hovo dlaoovtrsd to bo simply ’a diminutively Insignificant and contemptuously unworthy, unreliable, Indo lent and dlsbonoat follow, through whom on Imprsoalon hat become current that wo ars about discontinuing our buslnat* In Columbui, wo dttiro to »*y that notwithstanding any and oil suoh representations that may bo or may have boon mode, wo ore dotsrmlnad to moke our Maohlne more prominently known than avsr. ae«T wily THE HOWE MACHINE COMPANY. Mow Advertisements. K-rMYOHOMA-’OY. or SOUL CHARM- JT 1NO.'” How either ni may lascinatv Mid train t • lo e and ada dona of any parsun they ehouM InsUntl.. Tbla aim, le mental ac quirement all cun j'OS'CM, Iree *>y me I, fir Mo., together with « marriage guide, Egyptian unde, Drains, lilb'a (o Ludiea, Wedding Nigh* Shirt, Ac. A queer Mtok. Address T. WILLIAM A CO., Pubs , Phil*. 4w For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness. AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS' CAR 7 OLIC TABLETS PUT UPODLY IN III-U6 HOXI'.ri. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Drug lit*. Aw Sabatoqa, August It.—Fits! nee to day wa. for the Kenver stakes, for three the vioinity of Anatin, asking for men, arms and amunition, and stating that un less the whites, who are surrounded in the eonrt-hoaee, nro speedily relieved, they will be forced to earrender or be cap tured. The steamer A. J. White has been obartered to leave nt 5 o'clock, nod will carry a large number of men well armed. WHITES OHAHOX THE NXOKOK8. Another dispatch to the same paper ■sys the negroes surrounding Austin were charged on the South this morning by e body of mounted whites, who killed four or five end captured twenty negroes. BXHPKCTIYE NUMBEBS. The bleoks number eboat 700; the whites have shout 200. Both parties are expecting reinforcements. * BLACKS MAECHINO TO AUSTIN. At present the whites have the best of th# fight. The negro bands on the plan tations opposite on the Arkansas side ore arming and marching on Austin in a large namber. TENNESSEE. Bloody Affair at Somer ville. Memphis, August 9.—In Somerville the election bed been hotly contested and many negroes had attended the polls daring the day heavily armed, end some bid openly threatened to barn the town. Daring the day a prominent negro poli tician named Cash Warren had earned sad abated Green Hendon, n young miles. Slakes olosed to-dey with flfty- Heven nominations, bnt only four started. Stampede won by fully three lengths ; Acrobat seoond, aud Reform third. Time 3:42. 01'be second race was for a purse of $609 for all ages; distance one mile end a half. Before the race pool* for Katie Tease sold fur $219 to SO against the field. Fellowcraft, amid great ex citement, won by two lengths; Ka tie Pease leading Governess by twelve lengths. The defeat of the favorite caused e greet sensation among the bet ting portion of the spectators. Time 2:48). The Iwdlna War. Chicaoo, Aogust 11.—Gen. Pope tele graphs Lieut. Geo. Sheridan that the In- diaus who have been maranding in South western Kansas have gone to the borders of the Llano Estacado, * country filled with game, and that they have an abnnd- auoe of ammunition. The three columns of troops now op- eratiug, will converge on the section named. Hteamer Bans Down a khNur, Nxw York, August 11.—The eonnd steamer, Oity of Boston, ran down the schooner Dsn Fray, with alt oa board. Two of the Fray's crew were picked up exhausted. District Attorney. Wasuinoton, Angnet 11.—N. S. Mc Afee bee been appointed Distriot Attor ney for North Alabama. MARY 8HARP COLLtut. Established In 1»A1. Thia old ,.ud cole* brald'i I 1 '*' • m * t-cUuoi t. in flit* |i ly liu. Uliy low* of \Wbofc>*tnr, on » I uintiiTlAi'd Mountain, Ttiih moo. (.01 it* mutual •mi-1 'll* of tou uiOii'li« ou thu &10N NAY IN KPT KM II Kit Still under t$ ftr- •ad only I’rosidt-nt, Z. 0 U&aveh, L L. U. horouglin ss un i (bontii (colled l»y any aclioul fttuluguo couLtiniti* •!> POSTPONEMENT! NEW OFFERS! Fifth and Last Concert Public Library of Kentucky. DAY FIXED AMI) A PULL DRAWING ASSURKD —OF— Monday, 30th November, 1874 LAST CHANCE FOK An Easy Fortune! A poftponrinoBt of lh« Fifth ('aimrt of tbo Public library of Kentucky ha* intm *•» ventral.v untivlp• t d. iind ia no mani oaiiy for the i^urout all concerned, tlut ft mint meet trie Approval all. The nay U now aUolutely fixed, aud there will bo uo variation Iiuta tba |iroKrauiiui» now an- uuiiucail. A aiifflclent numb rof tii keta had btea •old to h»v* vnablfd ui tu have had a large draw log on tbo 31at ui July, hut a short poati.onemaat w*a cfbddant-i preiereble tu a peiUai Urawia* Lot it bit homo lo lulud that The Fifth Gift Concert 18 vilM LAST WHICH WILL IVKK BE OIVKN UNDKK THIS CliAKTKK AND MY THM P**£- KNT MANAGEMENT. That It wl 1 j.ofiiiiruly and uaequlvueally tak< place aa abDovraead on Monday, SOth November, IliRt the music will ba tba baat the oountry kfforda, aad that 80,000 Caah Cifta •MbbOttlli a $2,500,000! will be dialrihutad by lot amuuq tinkat buldara. List of Gifts. ONE (IRANI) CASH GIFT $860,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 100,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 76.0UU ONE GRAND UAS11 GIFT 50,000 ONE GRAND GASH OITT *46,000 6 GASH GIFTS 500,000 each lbo.uuo 10 GASH GIFTS It,000 each 140,uoO 16 GASH GIFTS 10,000 uaob 160,000 NEW IDEAS! See the Grand Gifts Our Fireside Friend to its Subscribers Entirely new and aaprerrdented, and uoh aa will lalcreat every oat. Toa Mlaa It If yoa doa't scad for * ample* aad foil parftica* lare, which an Mat free 1 SEE THE GREAT WATCH OFFER! Volnma, thoroughly eitablinhed us the family muJ story Weekly iu the Un<on, baa tb« largest circulation, and the best appointed print ing and publishing eatablUhment and building in the Woat. Is a large, eight-page illustrated and original family Weekly, price $3.00 per year. Kvury suhar.Hher receives » magnificent premium aud a share in the distribution. Subtcribt now 1 WE WANT AGENTS. 6.000 each 100,000 4.000 aaeh 100,0u0 0,000 aaoh 00,000 2.000 •acli 100,000 1.000 each 100 000 600 ench 1*0,000 100 each 60,000 60 (Mil 960,000 l GlUUIUtiCrtS H. F. ABELL A CO. USVU JUST IIXCUIVXD Cream Chests, fins Appl* Chases, New Mackerel In kits, Flour from New Whoat, Out MmI, Ryo Flour, Whost and Corn Grits, Canned Fruit* and Moots, Cider Vlnogsr BOo per gel., Kerosene Oil, 40o gallon, Sugar of all grades, Coffee, Rlooand Oraekers. All S.NhSH. ttollvsnd. aagTtf ' edurikl‘011, !| 4vr 1 the H.dith e«nd fu _>e tiisl parlici Urs . W ■ I.M -1. u V T;’I> .-••ei.r. EMORY J/OLLtibrE. THE FALL HKNKIOM MILL OS»EN AllOUkr llih, 1*74. Location hntltht. moral and refined Tohcbiug thorough. I isiiphu • etrict. F'acvlty full. L’Larg. s ruasounhlu. b’.<i’ lui iht iniun tlon, address Kov. v>. L. eMITlI, ilgfitd, 1.1 Nashville, 1 tha educatloual upiltutiuiir lit the t’ port of tha Comm •*!< n** tha lint 01 Fouih ’i ncho'ild Fur Ot'aiogu Dr. W K W aR", Na hvilh, Taun. BETUEL COLLEGE! RUSSELLVILLE, KY. L#e#llon He withy 1 lt#*r<I Cheftp ENDOWMENT $1100,000! feud for a Cat.ilogue. Address, LK.'LIB W4GGKNKR, lw Chairman of tbo 6'aculfy. 200 Pianos and Organs, 21rw aud Smurad-lland, of F'ir*l«('iHS 4 )1uk« n :on All Cull, or 'll ill-it*: ty nr coiintry, during tli V AlKlid A ft'.N, Nu. Sh •101.• off red in No* \o,k and Diguun 10 lot until 1I1 •ypujntl lustrated "gu ffintdlero, i-bunii «, Ikho I RICH FARMING LANDS IN NKBRA8UA, NOW FOR SALE VERY CHEAP fas Years' Credit, Interval only 8 per rant. •and for “The Pioneer,” a baadiM/tue illustrated I'ap.-r, c<>ut,'tiuin* th> Homestead Law. A NK>' i>(JMUKK jn«t puli- lishad, mailed free tu ail pit GROCERIES. AK’rt F AKIN A, FINK TKABat low price* A Blackwell's Tlckels all k-adr. Ultra Choice Blu, Old Oovarnmant Java itnd Mucho Ouffue. Boasted Coffee. Heat lrand.1 Hama aad Breakfast Strips. It. Louis Pearl Ur its, 20 & fur $1. Riuckwull'rt Durhnm Smoking Tobacco, 7A< |t B>. nurlliard'a Bright and Dirk Century CbuWing Tobacco. Want's Kstra No. 1 Keroaana Oil, 4dc fi gi Ion •*'ira Older fluegar, 60c ft g*| aa. ROBT 8. CRANE, J"»1(fehl dll'.i | 20 GASH GIFTS 26 GASH GIFT* SO CASH GIFTS 10 GA>H GIFTS 100 GASH GIFTS 240 GASH GIF'TS 600 GASH GIFTS 10,000 GASH GIFTS GRAND TOTAL20,000 GIFTS, ALL GASH $8,600,000 PltlCK OF TICBIklS Whole Th-k. $ 60 on Halves *5 OU Tenth, or each Coupon 6 On 11 Whole tickets 101 60o no 2Tickets for - l.upo 00 persona wishing to invest, ahould order prompt ly, either of tba iiome 08to4>, or our Local Agenm. Liberal etitutaiiisloiid will be allowed to aaliHlac- lory agents Ciruulnra containing full particulars furnished ou application THO. £« MBA NLGTTE) A gnat aad Msaagsr, Public Library llmldiug, Louisville, Ky. For tickets and Infuiiiutiou, apply to Capt. C. A. Klink, Agt. Columbus, (la. UAVK lull 1 KlhU JUBUBEBA? ABB YOU W«ak, Ntrvous, or Debilitated ? Arc yon ac Languid that uny exertion require ui iio ot uu tffoil Iban you feel capable of uutking ? Then try JVRVBEBA, tlm wonderful Tonir aud •uvigouttor, w Ui 1. act. .0 bt ueflcUll.v ou the «e> retive oig-ms as to impart vigor to uli the vital forces It ia 110 alcoholic nppotia -r, winch BtimulatcH for a short time, < ul> to let the sutleier tail ton lower depth of mlHei v. but it ia 1 vigiitable tonic acting direi-tly on 'he liver end >ph-eu. 14 rrgulataa the Bon**la, quiets the J MV.. 1 liy -iki thu invalid feel like m champion FIRE EXTINGUISHER I Wl. JOHNNOSIg W. H. JOHNSTON, Caliakaa, Oa. drill, la. UI SOLS A0INTI FOE TBS ST ATI Of GEORGIA mmd EA1TERN ALABAMA csaxpioh i nix xxTmouzsBZU! Tha Champioa Self-Acting Kngina for cities, towns, and villages id tbe moat powerful self-acting Engines iu the world. The Stationary for Portable, -erior to all oth- ■Jii* “Si tL 0 m C .TO. b l . To Hal I road Companle* to supply them- iwtlvea, wear* propHred to offer great luducementa. Person* wishing any of th« above articles can Is supplied by addressing General Ageut, Columbus, or II. W. Johnston- OrlfBn, (ietirgia. Je263w-w tf W. F. TIGNEB, Dentist, Opposite Htrnpper'e building. Randolph 8t. Special Attention given to ibe insertion of Art!* ■ * Operative Dentistry. Notice. A LL psrsous having claims against the salats of J Warren Maa ey, deceaS-d, are hereby notified to preevnt tbs.-, duly antheaticatsd, to ara within the time by law. Ita apsratisn la ssot violent, but Ir cb<»racii<r.*fd b rf m'*»tg-at. u *»; un- p-iuent ex periences no Niiddon cli iiige, uo uinikud rusulte, but gradually Ida tioubls. “Bold their leniH, like ih« Arabs, And Hilenily et« al awuy.” Thia la no new aud untried discovery, but has been long u.ed with aoudorrul ri' reaults, »nd is proiiuunced by the high at medical million- tl-s “the most powerful touic an ulterauve known." Ask your druggist for it. Vor sale by W.M. V. KllWKH k CO., FARMINC IMPLEMENTS. HOLST E AD & C O , Columbus, Ceorgia. Gotten Gina, Colton Preaaea, Horae Povv. ra, Peed Cottiers, Ci«lor and Wine <HHm, Nowlaf NlncitlneM, Urais Halves, Plows, Hove, Throskvra mud Pan Mill*, Corn Mheller*, Horse ICisIten, Harrow* and Cuatlvsstors, ■uafc and Brikmlsle Ht:ytHe«, Spades, Pork*, Ac., Ac. AL 0, Geoifl* Raised Kuat Proof Oat*. Georglm and Tenneaaec If ye. Wheat, Bmrley, Clover and Grass Need. Chemicals f*r Ua.lny up Fertlll* sera ut koine. Addr.-t-H HOLHTKAB A CO., JsftO tf Agrltulturat Otpot, Columbus, (ia art of Court ag «■ ttL llandkerclilef. Fan. . » gayest th'ng out, Ooatiiued iu a l» ot of 4U p ’ge->. I lio Laugua^e of Flowers is i>om> thing ns». I'eu'l for one, only $5« ats. J. UBlDti A CO. Box 211, )raok!ort, Xftd. augi lui THE WHOLESALE Grocery House J. & J. KAUFMAN, No. 14 anil 10 Broad 8t., Coiambus, Qa„ xww caffmarLY ox maid a in, it 100,000 pounds Baeon. S00 barrels Flour. From 100 to 200 birrelt f ugsr. 100 bag* Coflb*. From 100 lo 200 barrel* Syrup. 200 barrel• Whithsy. 200 box** Tobacco. 900 “ Soap. 200 “ Oandlo*. 100 barral* Lard. 80 “ Macksrsl. 800 taok* Salt. 90 tl root Rio*. 800 ream* Wrapping Fapor. 100 oataa Potash. 100 " Sardines. 100 “ Oysters. 100 “ Pickles. 100 boxes Candy. 100 “ Otaroh. lOOgroaa f arlor Matches. 1,000 jtoumla LoriJJai-iJ'* tinuff. 20,000 Clgsri. 1,000 pouuds Green aud Black Tea. 800 bay* of Shot. 100 buses hud* *n«l Fancy Crackers. 100 “ Cheese iu season* 50 barrel* Vinegar. 30 casks ftcoich Ale. 100 dosen Wooden Bucket*. 100 dosen Droums. COURTING. S'’ Par**M au i riuwrrd, In ih STOVE* AND TIN WARE. J. I. OHIPFIN, IMPORTED XSTp ERF U MERY oT m *» m F ANCY GOODS, AT REDVCUHrMCU. All giu4V Pre-erli-llom e.n- fully pr--;*ur.3 hi mil hour-. J. 1. QJttrflS, jmle ilco-uwly 1 >u Ifssd fit*