The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, August 13, 1874, Image 1

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    /• / 1HI
YOL. XVI.—NO. 187
or THU
Twelve month,, in adruo, 98 00
4 00
Sis month,, “ ....
Three 'months, **
One month, “
(Vpeklt Euquibiu, one year,.
Sosdit Enquibkz, one jm...
Bundat end Wcsklt Esqurmu to.
getber, one yenr..
1 00
2 00
2 50
3 00
,e being in the midst of the enemy end
I subjecting the command to an immediate
DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY Th* XImnrrMitinn ! nttaok from ell side,, while
nnrQvnunt. ® * for it. Ho then ordered back the company
supplies which had been landed,
and Capt. Finly's company which had
been thrown ont as skirmishers, and call
ing the officers together told them he
felt it was his duty uuder the circum
stances not to take risks. To this most
of the officers objeoted.
Ool. Uorgan then resigned, and Oen.
Chalmers was eleoted ooinmander, and
landed st Shoo Fly.
Msurma, August 12 —The following
has just been received :
Hslbxa, August 12, 1874.
To That. H. Allen <t Co.:
Send up reinforcements by St. Francis.
Send gnus with filed ammunition, if pos
sible. 8end rations fur ten days for five
hundred man.
[Signed] J. It. CnAunas
From the above it would seem that
Oen. Chalmers had decided not to make
an attaok.
Memphis, Aug. T.’.—Excitement here
1 W..k, Daily,.
I S 00
6 00
3 •• “ 0 60
1 Month, " S 00
a •• is oo
3 «• “ 17 00
4 •• “ 30 00
6 •• '• 22 80
0 •• “ 26 00
1 Nqnsrft I 42 00
Th. ...ere 1, with th. pririlrf* of a
.vury tsrao aipuths. Hot yearly «*rd* a liberal dle-
connt .ill t>e mittle.
The WerUy rates will iQT.ri.bly b. one-tbird
- d« ti c
h at bom*.
Dear /inquire}': — Let onr people
retmn to reason. If tbora waa avar
a time when wa needed able, re-
liable men to represent ns in tbe
General Assembly, that time la now.
Hnsoogae connty haa borne heraelf wall In
the past, and laat session her Bepreeenta-
• BCMtfttro.
Relwfwreem.nts of Whites—General
Chalmers la Cmaaad - Negrwss
Probably Capta rod -Oaveraar
Ames Waa’t Aaswrer a Dis
patch—Dr. Bmtth aad
All Whlloa Praserlbod
by the Negroes are
Mbmphis, August 12.—A speoisl to the
AealonoAd, from Helene,dated noon, says
that in a light at Austin last night eight
or tea negroee were killed.
era ooming into the whites from tha hills
tiveswersmendoinghonortotheiroonnty. I * od “>• b#in B « linfo « ed from
- - **— -* The white.
The Hod. John Peabody is, I am glad
to know, a candidate for the Legislature,
and onr oonnty should sand him back
there. Men of energy, ability and a
thorough knowledge of Inw, are hard to
fl id, bnt when them elements are coupled
with integrity, honesty and experience,
as they are in John Peabody, we shooed
folly appreciate tbe man and reward and
be content with no other. Onr State ie
financially not “ont of the woods." We
need j'tdioioas legislation and experienced
oommittee men for the next few years.
Common Bunks.
■kermara of the ConMlUee Advliei
Meeeher to be Mum-Am At
tempted Compromise—
Moulton's Htotemeut#
Nf.w York, Aug. 12.— Pointed phrazre
of Mr. Sherman, a member of ihe cum*
mittee: "let, eveu now, I would not
advice Mr. Beecber to speak out, know
ing, as I do, tbe circumstances. I should
not tell tbe public what they have abno-
lately no right to know. This disgusting
basiuesM is sbsolntely shockiug. Beecber
bss held bis tongue."
Speaking of Mrs. Hooker, he said:
“She, it was very well known, waa a
weak-minded woman, and the Woodbull
I eople got hold of her and preyed upon
her weakeneJ intellect; bnt if Ueeohei
opened bis mouth end told hit* story,
there are distinguished citizeus who have
been mixed up in this matter who would
suffer, and iu his silence be has spited
their feelings. When I reflect on whet
would be the consequence of his telling
out what be knows about the whole busi
ness, I would advise him, eveu now, to
in regard to the Austin riot is becoming J keep silent, and explain away only what
more intense, owiug to the unfounded . ^ necessary to the committee."
rumors of youug men of this oily being j mother effort to compromise.
killed in tbe attaok on the place. I It is said that un.ither effort is nuking
to compromise, and, it is argued, goes so
far ss to ststo that Tilton haa been labor-
—'The Supreme Court of Georgia met
in Atlanta on Monasy, and took np tha
docket of tbe Bine Itidge Circuit.
—The citizens of Augusts hive estab
lish- d a -team laundry, and it starts with
guud prospools of taking in nearly all the
washing of the eity.
—Marion Oates, who was accidentally
aVv at Athens some time ago, is reported
much worse than he has basa. An sboess
has formed on his lungs.
—Tbe Savannah AViri says that Ban-
ban Horn, colored, died la Jefferson
county recently, aged 112. As is'e ss
last year lleuben frequently walked six
t.en miles to see his ebildren.
—The Lumpkin Independent boasts of
a ra ooou wig ling 16 j pounds, lately
caught in Stewart connty; also of a hogs
rsttleanake sent to tbe editor in a bag.
Thai '« iitor has sensational surroundings.
—The Home Commercial accuses Con
gressman Young while attending the
meeting in Paulding connty whioh select
ed delegates favorable to him, carrying
with him in bis buggy two jugs of whis
key, which he dealt out to tha votera.
—Iu Macon, on Sunday night, a man
n-m d Henry Daniels was shot by a wo
man n M it. Brand, and seriously if
not fatally wounded. Tbe woman bad a
bad reputation, and Daniels married hsr
a short time ago, but afterwards repudi
ated tbe marriage, saying that he wsa
drank when it occurred. The women
claims to have acted in self-defenoe.
—The Atlanta Herald has reports of s
bad shooting scrape at Fairborn, on Sat-
uiday. A in n named Dare Bains bad
had -tome tronole with the wife of Gas
Mo re, and Moore went into a field where
Bains was working with another mao,
a id shot him with a gan heavily charged
with buokahot. Bains bad dodged be
hind the man working with him. Btina
receiv-d thirty-six shot, and tbs other
uiau eight, and, strange to ssy, it is re
ported that both will reoover.
—The following carious oard appears
as an advertisement in tha Atlanta Herald.
It is aig ie ! F. A. Hall, and addressed
to the Cuy Recorder. We osn only infer
from it tbut's rights are fully reoog-
niz-d in Atlanta, and that obildrens
rights are inoludod: “Sir—I bid my eon,
this morning, to take a rag aad waah off
tha front windows of the store. He eeye,
‘My hands wore made for other parpoeea.'
‘But you must wash them glass, son.'
‘Ki-s my fool,” says he. ‘Son, if you toll
me to kiss your foot I shall be compelled
to whip you.' Heaaya, ‘Touch me if yon
dare, aud I will call me.' I knew I wee
st the end of my row. Now, Mr. Beeor-
der, tt appears from your raliog I shall
have to aak yonr permission to correct
him. If you gient this request, pleaee
send nut one of your grey cost servants
to take care of the old lady while I per*
form Home more disorderly conduct,
Also, I wish to h ive some poach pie for
dinner. If I will bring you s written
order from mv wife, can I have it?
••I Shall wait with time and patienoe
for yonr reply."
—Eighty-one dogs were killed by being
knocked in the bead with an ste, In tbe
Mobile dog pound, last Saturday.
—The Enfaula AW* sintis that there
is considerable sickness principally J*
phoid and intermittent fevers—in its
tl —Th* people of Montgomery are de.
manding a good bond of tbe tsz collector,
and talk of not paying taxes until he
makes one.
—The Montgomery Journal gi™« pnb-
lioity to a rumor that Jndge Minnis,
United States Dia'riot Atioruey, baa re-
signed, and that N. S. McAfee, Esq., of
Talladega, has been appointed to succeed
k'l^ptia Borne Courier learns that on
laat Friday night there waa quite a firs at
the Cornwall furnace, iu Cherokee conn-
tv Ala The coal shed, bridge bouse and
stables* were burned, end
bushels of cod. The fire originated from
eon) brought in from the pita. We sup-
peso the damage is some three or four
thousand dollars.
—The Radical Convention of the First
Congressional District of Alabama hsa
been in session st Selma alnco Monday.
Dp to Wednesday morning It had balloted
ninety-seven times in tbe effort to make a
nomination for Congress, without sno.
cess, or mnob change to the vote: JM
laat ballo ing stood—Haralson, negro, Is;
Bruoe, 24; Alexander, 32. Wa believe
/ that Brno* ia also a negro.
tbe snrroonding oountry.
AUSTIN bsbhiosded
and will probsbly be abls to keep the ne
groes off, bnt they need assistance in pro.
visions and ammunition. Several officials
from Tannins county are here.
Since yesterday morning
at Jaokson, for sssistanoe, bnt np to tbe
present time hsvs not beard s word
Memphis, August 12.—Ospt. James Lee,
of the steamer 8t. Francis, which arrived
from below this morning, ssys tbst after
tbe negroes, who bed Austin surrounded,
were repulsed yesterday, they disappear
ed, and the story was soon circulated that
they were
left unprotected on the surrounding plan
tations, which caused the men who had
been defending the place to start for tbeir
homes to protect tbeir families.
Austin was soon left without any de
fenders except one or two while men, and
tbe negroes cams in and took possession,
and proceeded to
and storea and help themselves.
At last accounts they hod committed no
sots of violenoe towards tbe few whiles
who were unable to get away; bat as they
feara were entertained that they would
burn the village.
Messengers were sent to Capt. Lee,
asking him to land there ; bnt be bad a
large number of refugees on board, tome
of whom the negroes bad threatened to
Dr. Phillips, late
of the Legislature, being one of the num
ber, and they begging him not to do so,
he passed on np withoat landing.
Gen. Chalmers name np on tha steamer
St. Francis to Peter's Landing, where tha
Bt. Francis met the whites with rein-
foroementa from here.
He was requested by the Deputy Sheriff
in the absence of the Sheriff to take com
mand of tbe men, and he went back wi:b
They will land at 0. K. Landing,
and endeavor to eat off the retreat of the
ngroes from the hill, and donbtlass era
this time the whole foroe
The negroes had no suapioions of tbe
approaob of this fores, and were too
to ha prepared to meet them.
la a man of well known courage and oool-
and bis being in command gives
assurance that no blood will be unneces
sarily ahad.
It is proper to state that
to do with this trouble, and that Mayor
Woodson and a number of other men
who have been proscribed by tbe negroes
are Republicans,
The following is posted about tbe oily:
“Meltable men wanted, to report on
board tbo steamer St. Francis at 4 o'clock ..... .. .
this day. Arms and ammunition will be 1 "ndor « ha 1.urination; that Mr.
farniahed to them. Also, 3(H) men well | Bt#cher is * ,lliu B to rt8 'B D “* »*e
armed and equipped, to report at same ! » n< * ,ho Kocie, >' r " ,u8 ” *® «»*•“ '*!
time and place About twenty good » nd th »' Ur rlil ‘' ,n » iU - «P on theB9 c0 »-
artillerists are wanted. General King ditions, again open the door of his house
White will assume command of the above t° kis wife.
foroe." I **°ULTON HAH other letters —BRIOHIlB’s
This poster has added to tbe excite- lawyer and beast butler advi«k the
mant. It is though? several hundred men Reaping them back.
will go to-night on the steamer 8t. Fran- | New York, August 12.—There is good
cis. Three piecos of artillery are expect- ! MtbuJiry for the following statement:
ed from Arkansas this afternoon. | That Frank Moulton only laid beforo
HELENA Negroes riotocs—WHtiBS KILLED the committee tLe lat'ers of Tilton and
at Austin—aov. AMics’ DISPATCH. I Boeoher, called for by the committee,
Memphis, August 12.—The Appeal'$ whioh were quoted from or reforred to iu
Helena special, dated 11:20 this morning, . Tiltou's Htateiuent ; that Moulton intoud-
says some thirty MissiBHippiaoH, atng- ed to hand over all the letters in his pos-
glers from the foroe which left Memphis sesNion, but upon consultations held at
yesterday for Austin, arrived hero this his bouse on Sunday and Monday between
morning on the steamer White, and put himself, his father, and Ben Butler,
up ut Ortawar’a Hotel. Tbe colored poo- 1 and B. F. Tracy, it was decided that
pie, unable to stand the presence of an ■ the beat conrae to pursue waa to stick to
a medsquad of men, became much ex- the letter of the requeHt, which was to
0l t e( ]' * | furnish these documeuts which bore upon
About 9 o’clock the Mayor obtained the owe as pre*enud in Tilton’s state
possession of the arms and had them |
remorse, fear and despair. The laat
named letter has remained in tbe custody
of Mr. Moulton from the day it was writ,
en np to the present time. A small por-
ion of it was inolnded in Mr. TiUon’a
sworn statement, a.l that Moulton pUocd
»t Mr. Tilton’s disposal. The whole letter
•conpiee two pages of foolscap paper, and
he intensity ot expression revealed in
the exttaot already published, ia ita pre
vailing t ue throughout. All of Beech
er’s letters, from which quotations *iv
made in Mr. Tilton’e statement, have
been laid in fall, by Mr. Mool-
before the oauimittee. It i*
established by Moulton’s avidenoe that the
ie ter of apology written by Mr. Beecber,
*n the eveniug of J »n. l>t, 1870, was, aa
has already been intimated, written by
Mr. Moulton, it Mr. Beecher’s dictation,
and Beecher htmself wrote the last line
and appended his signature.
7 he statement made by Mrs. Tilton in
her published denisl, and in her cross-ex
amination before the oommittee, are not
MUNlained by Monl’on’s evidence. He
atates that Mrs. Tilton oommnnioaied
with him freely and confidentially in re.
gard to the complication of tbia scandal,
regarding him as alike the friend of her-
'*lf, her husband and Mr. Beecher. Mrs
Morse also made a confident of Moulton,
depositing with that gentleman some itn
portent letters bearing on this oase. These
letters, together with others written to
Tilton, go far towards strengthening Til
ton’s position.
Wwwtftawll * tlsflla Ueae to larsps.
Ksw York, August 12.—When Wood-
holi A Olaflin were in oonrt yesterday,
their counsel pi dged his word that they
would appear when oalled upon, and the
counsel for the plaintiff tore pled that
kind of bail aa professional court any.
The women immediately left the oonrt
end proceeded on board steamer and
tailed for Europe.
He Escapes the Uentrjr, Descends
Cllffea s kept, and |« Mowed,
n Lndjr Taking- the Oars,
ta n Strange
p’soed on tbe wharf boat for shipment by
the fisrt steamer. On the arrival of the
little steamer Trader, the MisaissippiauN,
escorted by tbe Mayor, Sheriff, aud other
This was done.
It is n 4 de tied by a party who was
present ut the c<>n«u ta'ion tbut there are
other letters, bat tbe ex->ct nature of
their contents will not be divn'ged by
officials, nnd followed hjr a largo crowd of : Muullo0t ow tu hu fj £
nagroes, were marched on board of the
Trader, and Hbipped to Aufttiu.
There has been nothing reliable from
Austin to-day. Negroes report a tight
there last night, and that six or eight
whites were killed. Tbe following has
been received:
%i Avntin, Mist., Aug. 12.—Ool. Marion
Campbell, Heleua: You are requested
and authorized by me to suppress tbe riot
at Austin to the end that peaoe may be
restored aud life saved.
“Signed Anas, Governor."
Another special to iho Appeal, from
Helena, pays, a Mr. Sebastian has just
arrived from Austin, who makes the fol-!
lowing statement: Between 800 and 400
men, from Memphis, lauded at Bhoo Fly,
five miles below Austin this morning aud
marched into the town without opposi
tion ut 3 o'clock. The citizens had
doned tbe place the previous evening and
the negroes, after holding tbe place a fow
hours, aud sacking it, left for tbeir hotneH
The Memphiaus found about thirty ne
groes in the town, who surrendered st
once, eight of whom were arrested and
sent to jail ; the others were non-combat
ants, and wore not molested. Everything
up to the boar of 9 a. m., when 1 left,
was quiet.
At Trotter’s Landing, I learned that the
negroes were organizing for the pur|>oso
of retaking Austin, aud thoir pickets were
stopping everybody.
Col. Campbell, formerly Sheriff of De
Soto county, Miss., has crossed the river
here and gone to Austin to endoavor to
restore peaoe.
Florida Mods—Bolters Lock Ont
Mega lore—A Mew.
Tallahasser, August 12.—Tbs Repub.
lican Convention for the nomination of
Representatives to Congress, met at the
capitol to-day, and adjourned to allow the
Committee on Credentials to roport.
In the meantime the bolters took pos
session of the capitol and barred the
doors, refusing admission to the regular
Gov. Stearns was unable to quell the
riot. No fire-arms were used. The reg<
olar convention will try to meet to-mor
row in a private hall.
A MimHcaI Candidate s Forger.
Charlotte, N. 0., August 12 —The
late independent candidate for sheriff,
W. H. Houston, a prominent cotton mer
chant in this city, has been deteoted in
forgeries involving $12,685. The banks
here lone bnt little. Houston has ab
Bsvannnb Advertlser-Mepwkllewn
Savannah, August 12.—The Adcertirer-
Hepublic an, of thin city, appeared an a
half sheet this morning, announcing a
ure to ootain some modification,
unless compelled to do so by a higher
oourtof law.
Whether they invo've the criminality
of Beecher or not, or whether they justify
the charges made by Tilton, couid not
be ascertained.
Beecher's testimony.
Brooklyn, August 12.—The Eagle says
Boeoher will testify to-night. His srate*
rneut will till at least eight columns of the
New York, August 11.—Moulton
supported to have prepated two stilt
London, August 12.—The following in
terevting particulars of the eso ip < of Ba<
z tine from his prison on the file of St
Marguerite have been reoeived. The
apartments occupied by Uaz doe opened
upon a terrace, whioh was built upon
lonely and precipitous cliff overhanging
tho sea. The sentry waa posted on the
terrace, with orders to watch the prison
er's every movement. Sunday evening
Bitzaine walked upon the terraoe with
Colouel Villette, his aid-de-catrp. At 10
o’olook ha retired ae usual, app rently
to sleep, bnt before daybreak he had ef
fected his eaoepe. He must have crossed
the terraoe iu the dead of night, and
eluding the sentinel, gained tbe edge of
the predpioe, aud thence, by mcene of
kuotted rope, he descended to the see.
He evidently slipped during the de
scent and tors bis bands, as the rope was
found stained with blood iu several places.
Under tbe cliff, in a hired boat, were Ba-
ztine's wife and cousin. They reoeiv
him hr he reached the water, aud Madntne
le Marohale, takiug the oars hersell
rowed directly to a strange stoamer whioh
had been lying off tbe islaud since the
previous evening. They reached the ves-
uieuis—one cover ng, in writing, ».*v . , . . . . , ,
the u th.T,.hUuM B rstaiBm t ut 1 o..n. j "> l « were taken on heard, and
taiuing me principal pouts ot w« that ! the h tenner then pat to sea. It is though
Memphis, August 12.—News from Aus
tin is anxionsly expected this morning,
but as it is twenty miles to the nearest
telegraph station, it it not probable that
anything definite will be obtained beforo
The Appeal'i special from Helena, this
morning, after recounting tbe occupation
of Austin by tbe negroes, as already re
ported, says:
held R council, and stated that it was too
hazardous to make an asaault on the blacks
entrenched at Austin, owing to a
suitable number of ui.n sod .munition. , tui. “ ur “ ,D f* I ed.Ily VboTO w'hieh 7e'l.Ted "to
Be preferred lending et Moons, ebore suspention on socount of flnsnoi.l ember- . £ oweli , H c ', )nI1B ,, 1)(1I1 wltL the case.
Austin, where be conld place himself in a rassments. ' ton's narrative comoa iu due cours , t<
bstter condition, end Execntir. en- 1 c . toM| Vs.-t-eUd bp | -"."Tf Thfi^
tborlty. Acclamation. written by Mrs. Tilton st the reqne-t
OEM. CHALMISS' DXCisioK. Malok,' Oa., August 12.— Hon. Jss. B. ' of her husband and Cee -her ; tbe
Gen. Chalmers came on ‘ " l '
jeots to landing st Moon
landing nt 0. K. or Shoo-Fiy,
offioer. ugT*»iQK*itb j um , d g.riUe. on tbe sherp end ragged edge of enxiet/i
one. The latter n* ihe one which was
Beecher’s ftiends claim that the state
ment feuded to exhommite him, aud the
Herald Miys th u M mltou, iu leaving Dr.
Hlorrs’ house, left a loo a of jubilauoy be
hind, «ud had ihe appearance of a sadder
and wiser man. Hu will not appear be
fore the commit tee again.
Beeouur was yesterday closeted with
three lawyers, and it ib understood he is
pieparing a statement for immediate pub
No stepH have been taken in Tiltou’s
cruu. con. sui>.
Mrs. Tilton is still out of town.
The Herald says Moulton declined to
reveal to the o Jiumiltee all the fuots iu
his piiHStssiou, and it is uot probable they
will ba made public before any other
thau a Court of Justice. It is doubtful
if any others will be published tbuu those
already quoted from the Tribune, and in
fers troui ihe pie appearance of the
committee that Moultuu <i testimony was
favorable to Boecboi*. The committee
will meet again to-uight.
Tho Brooklyn Ary us says the state
ment submitted by Moulton covers more
thau twice iho number of pageH of inauu-
scr-pt used by Mr. Tilton m his sworn
statement. Moulton rests bis case almost
entirely on documentary evideuce, which
has been voluntarily placed in hie p m-
He-siou by Beecber, Tilton, Mrs. Tdiou,
Mr-*. Moikh, Mrs. Tilton’s mother aud
other pern ms. Moulton declares with
repented and earnest assurances that-be
pas preserved his friendly rein ions with
all parties to Ibe o.-tse during tbe long pe
riod covered by documents in bis pos
session, and that ho has sincerely do-ired
to effect a rcconciiintio i beta eon Tilton
and Beecher. Wheu tho attacks on Tilton
were m <de public by Beecher’s friends,
Moul'on felt compelled to come to tbe
support of Tilton, and approved of tbe
cou se taken by Til'ou iu self-defence.
Moulton finds it nee»-ssary to recur to the
bt-g nuiug of tho controversy. Tbe whole
difficulty, he states, originated in differ
ences between Henry C. Bowen aud Til
ton. lie gives the history of Tilton’*
serious oomplica’i ms wita Bo*on, and
step by stop traces the progress of the
breach between them, leadiug np to the
final complications between l'iiton and
Beecher, out of whioh grew the tri-party
complications Moulton makes incidental
alluvium* to some of tbe most * important
interviews mentioned by Frank B. Oar<
that they have lauded at Genoa, as the
steamer proceeded in that direction.
Democratic Convention at
tavl niDroin nohieatkh
Oils D. Smith Member of Board
of education.
•till BsltoUlsf fer C reel! JNdge.
Bpwlal tn ■.vatnsst-Snt.)
Ofkliea, Ala.. August 12—9 r. m.
The Detuocra'hi and Cons rvtiv* Con.
vention of this Di'trict nut in Op hka
to-day at 12 M. One hundred and fif y
deleg tes were present. The assemblage
was very harmon oils.
P. Paine, of Mi«i >n county, whs
elected chair iu m.
Tsui Bradford, of T l^sdega. W. H.
Chambers, of Rtmul 1 , J. R McDonald
end Judge E. G. Uichard*, <>f Chambers,
were put in nomination for Congress.
Tbe Convention adop‘od the two-thuds
Bradford was n miinated by acclama
tion after the eighteenth ballot, the other*
having withdrawn.
He ia e man of great ability and promi
nent as a 8'ate Legislator. H • is very
strong in the white counties, and is cer
tain to be it auy m m the Republic ms put
against him.
Otis D. (Smith, of Leo conn’y, was
nominated member of tho B iard of Ed
ucation on tbe third hdlot.
No nomination yet. The Circuit Con
vention is still iu Hesaiou.
We endeavored nt a late hour to obtain
tbe result for Circuit Judge, but could
not do ao, as the Opelika telegraph office
was cloned at 9 o’clock.
a mat er of interest we msutiou
that when tb« freight train loft Opetik
last af(ern *on the Congres-io uil ballottieg
is reported to have stood thus : Bradford
76, t hauibera 71
A report is current that McDonald
started off with a very considerable vote
First Into si Nwntgwmerj.
Montgomery, Ala , August 12.—Tin
first bale of new cotton was received to
dry and sold for 28j cents. It was con
signed to W. A H. 8tra*Mburger, who
shipped it to A Pro-k mer A Co , M 'bile,
by the first train. It weighed 400 pouodH,
and waao'.assed low undd iugs.
■••ting l» »wvwnnok—K ectlon
Bevlew af Ike Wheat Crop-
London, August 12.—The Mark Lane
Express, iu its review of the breadstuff
market, haa the following in regard to the
wheat crop: We are now in the middle
of the harvest, and new wheat shows
nothing to indicate more than the average
quality and growth, though Home of
shows more thau an average ripeness,
Borne of our cotemporanea say the crop
will be two-thirda above tbe average
others one-third and others about an av
erage, while some think it below the
An immense amount of wheat is yet
unharvested, stul an increase of rain
Would be serious.
There is great diversity of opinion
about crops in Franee and Belgium.
Closing ita review, the Ex/tress nays:
We do not Hen how the prices of wheat
Cdo be much depressed." #
Reystltoss ft accesses.
Madrid, August 12.—Tbe Government
has received a dispatch from Gen. No-
riones, announcing that his troops have
attacked tbe Carlii’« at Otesisa, in Ma-
varre, and oarried several of their en-
Foetal Arrangement.
Havana, August 12.—Through the ex
ertions of the American Consul-General
arrangements have been effected with the
Havana postoffl:o an horitie* by which
tbe mails for the United States will for
he present be made np in the Consulate.
Bfto al tu Khocirks-Si'n.
Savannah, Ga , Aug 12, 1874.
Graud Officers elected for ilia eufliiinp
year are as follows : W *riby G and Mir
ier, F. D. Jordan, of Bav -nimh; W.
D. G. M, J. B. Ri bardson, Btewait
oonnty ; W. G. Warden, L. G Seim* hm1< r.
Columbus: W. O. Becretnry, J. G. De.ty,
Macon; W. G. Treasurer, T A Bnrk*,
Macon; W. G. R**preHe'itniiv« to U'lileti
Grand L "1ge, G. N N N I’ljnl'-
Bsvaun b; D< tiiot D. G. M . 11 F. Ev
erett, Coluuibu'.
Therein a full Lodge. Will adjourn
sine die I bur»day i ight. Co iitubua d< e*
gation will be m home Satur lay uiortn. g.
Civil Rl|llti Mixed Hckeote En
Washington, Au>»u-t 12.—The D strict
of Columbia Comuiis ioMurs h ve iaMieri
an order oouso'idaliug the white and col
ored public sahouL of Washington, D,
0., and Georgetown, unde • a Ixmni of
fifteen members Five colored men, i •-
olodiog Fred Dougia-s, are appointed
mein* era of the board, aud two of the
white men appointed, beiug prooonuemi
advocates of mixed schools ; the iuipren
sion is general that the object of tbe
Commissioners in making this couso da-
tion is to force tipou tbe people here the
experiment of educating whites uttd ne
glues together. The experiment wus un
successfully tried in a mil ier.f- rm a tew
years ago, but it so damaged the wbi*e
schools that it took a year or two to re-
oover from the blow. This order wna the
work of Mesara. Ketchum and Dennison,
for tbe other Commissioner, Mr. Blaw,
has not been here tor some days.
The Radi Grieving-Civil Rlgkta
Did It.
Washington, August 12 —The Herald
contains the following, dated 9th instant:
Hupervisor Perry, of Nor h Carolina, nr-
rived here this morning, en route for
Maine. He saya tbe Civil Rights bill
what killed tbe Republican paity iu North
Carolina. He couce lc* a Democratic ma
jority of 10,000. Two yea • -go th:a offl
cia^was leader of tbe Radical party in
North Carolina, and organized tbe Btat«-
so as to secure n Republican majority to
effect tbe Presidential emupaign in 1872
Tbe sudden change bewilders him, and
Cotton Roller Except In Tenneaaeo
mid Arknnano.
Wahhino "N, Auwa-it 12. —The a . .u 1
report of Ihe Depart ui* ul of V^n u. •» e
will pr>>b-tb y not b«» publiab d 11 af er
tin* meeting • f 0 •ngre-a. The «». p . pn-
atiwu for prin uig th s r- p>r , coiurrty o
.••cedent, is to be disbursed. Kiibje. t to
the order of thcC inimiaHioncrs, ,n<l n •* of
the Coogr* salotial printer, a* h^re of * e.
Tue latter r-foacs tn print i’, m. e-»s the
pMpriatiou i- p* iced to hi- o.e ifr. wb ; ch
Oo oinisaion.-r Watts refuses »•» do.
The cotton orop present a a bet'er ap
pe trance now than at th* last iuun hly re-
tort, except ia Ttnucase and Aikansa .
Mnaaheknaotta Labor Deform Con*
South Fcomlnou m, Ma^b A- ;. u r
12 —The Atiuuu. B utn Labot U lorui
Oonvimtion semblodu. H rmony Urov ,
•S.uth Frimitguaui, tody, with .f ir
re; re entati n of wca ib. 'Ti e nt on-
iiuuo, however, w«a nut as l.rge ns w a
•xpootod, aa noiuinatioi s. as wed as a
pi .i form, had been propuhed.
E. M. ihamberiin called the Conven
tion to order and tho opouiug ad-
ilrOKH. He urged Ilia he r. rs to c u tu.ue
their eff orts for an eight hour 1 .w to ap
ply to factory op« rativew.
Tha Prise Bln* -Edwards Conceded
the Fight aad Stokes.
PivrsBUBO, AUiU t 12. —Barney Aaron,
0 dl * er's principal aeo ind, auu. uuc«'s *
You may telegraph up jq authority, that
Coll) er's seconds oouoede the stakes aud
tight to Edwards.
Baltimorr, August 12 — Uairoll. the
referee in the Coilyer-Ed wards p.iz** tight,
haa arrived hare. He positively stato i
his decision ia, that Edwards fsiriy won
ha fight, and Carroll will so decide ofll-
Washington, Augusi 12, |H74.j
Probabilities. —For tho Bouth Atlautio
and Gulf Htates: high tempora'tire and
partly cloudy weather, with south to west
winds, higher barometer aud coast ruins
in the former, and with slight chnug- a of
barometer and no th to west winds in the
Savannah, August 12—An ived— Her
man, Liviugs'O't and Amenca.
Cleared—Ruth U. D .ker.
Mencjr and Mtoek Rarkrla.
Paris, August 12.—Uei.tun 63*. 651.
NkwYoUK Anguat 12. —Money d 1 *t
•.Cl nt. Uo'd di.ll 109j l*'x h uge—long
khorl 491 tior>•nwion t- da a t)
.' ady, but iioiui'ittl. Btuie h nd- qm -t..
>t oka active, j to j higher from o o .-
he thinks it would have been better if
•everhl Hood red Abortions tn Seven Congress bad dispose 1 of the Civil Rights
Bt. Louis, August 12.—'The police have
considerable information in the Fortuue-
mesanre. H i grea* a vict » y ou the part
ut the Democr tx, he fears, wdL'i ooursge
illicit diatdtaries, and he «i l nek that mil
yer abortion case, but refuse to give it j itary posts be esiablsbel in p «rt-of the
out st present. It can be said, however, : g^te wbeie it haa been »u, pro ed.
hat she has made a confession to the |
..ffest «b.» .b.b« bwn i. lb. b B .i oe .. ! » W — 1, «*
e»ren >«.ni, .nd bM I Urcunw.*, Kt, Aom... 13-Uuloum
Hundred »hortion«, .oil Implinte. qoit. » Riob.r<l '1.0 brook, .well known bon
number of highly in o.n^r, we. .hut, and reported To'r‘.l
thj» city. It bu b..n her custom to burn 1 w und^, ntOil uisn e .i.mod, Monday, by
all tb. fo*tua(M, on tho ground, a. nb. O.u. Whtiiukor, « lawyer of tbi-
eXprcM.d it; “aahea tall no t»l«a" A oity. Tb. punionlare .re not khO<n.
German girl who waa aaut to the boapitul Whittaker bad alrea ly killed two men,
.he lay. will die. I and la i.gatd*d H . d».perat* ob.raot.r,
New Yoke. \iigua» 12.—M ney ea-y at
iskf. Biuriiug q n<*f «/ 4»7j Gold ity*
| tioveri iuoi.Ih dul', bu Heady.
u 1 and OQtmn l.
Prnvlaion Market*.
Bt. Lo«th. Angus. 12.— Fiouj qu»et <1
nuhang'd C »r* duii nu i ii.ib 1.!•*«?, mi
unit biiNiuesH ; No, 2, mx- d, 0 miij
hinkty Hie.atty n< 98 Pnrk (jmet ■» .*21
tmoutirui h an* -a cH Migh iy ntgh#—
« iiid. r- 9|. 1 ^, rlH..r ri«» l oi.-ar
« h (3j Lard firm a* ioj iui
.el'er al. year.
lxit'isviLLK, Aug. 12.—Flo iru icha’igs '.
lorn quiet u • uiich-t.-g^d ; wbil*- H i a2,
ui&' d 72. Pork an hanged a-. #25 11 -
■ •u du l an 1 lower—honi iers 9i n ear
ib 13, dear illj Lard .fijalfij, WuiHkey
.it 96.
Cincinnati, August 12.—Four Kle d.v
'ore atcudy at 64 66 P. rk n tui iy
i changed L*rd ti>m, auiuiner i3j 13^,
• nielli. Bac.iii H’etidy— hhouldur- 9j,
lesr rib 13, clear 13^a 3j. W'hiakoy firm
at 97.
Cotton Markets
Liverpool, August 12—Norm —Cot'on
ste.uiy; uplands HjuM| Orleans 8gn8}; Hah a
18,' mi b.ileH, iu ludiug 2,000 lor hpecu-
lation aud export.
2 p. M. —Bales on basis of middling up-
uudH, nothing below go- d ordita y, de*
.iverHble in August b 3 16.
Livkrimol, August 12—8 p. M — Of
a«lcH to-day 11,100 bulea aro America
6180 P. M.—B*les on basis of midddeg
uplands, uothiug below good ordinary,
delivorabln iu October, 8 6-16.
LivKurooL, Augusi 12, 6 p M —Sab s on
basis of middlit g upland*, nothing below
g iod ordinary, deliverable inOo'oberand
November, 8 6 16.
Nkw York, August 12 —Co*ton a«* atly;
sales 1,402; middling uplands 17; Orleans
Pulu-eM opened as f»*llowH: August
16jit 16 3 16; »S«»ptomber 16 0.32.16 11 32;
Ociobor 16 6 32 *16 7 82; November 16 *
16 1.16; December 16 l-32al6 3 32;
Jauuiry 16|al6 7 16; Folmia y I6j>16|;
March 16 7 16il6|; Aprn 16|(a16^.
New York, AnguH 12 — futures cloved
steady ; s»dea 17.900 Ira'oH, as f db ws :
Auguat 16^ .3 16, Beptenikmr 16 3 16a7 32,
October 16 1 32al-16, November 16 15 16
-*31-32. December 16 31-32.
Nrw York, Angnht 12.—Cotton steady;
demand good; sales of 2,260 bales at I7u
Boston, August 12.—Cot’o i quiet; mid-
dliu^H l~j; «aios 2ii; stock 8,000.
Charlr-ton, August 12.— Qu : e*; Di d
dling! 16jj; receipts 170; salen !«*; st ok
Savannah, Auguat 12.—Nominal, high
er prices asked; middlings 16{; uvi ie-
Qf'lptM 10; sales 16, stock 7,066
Augusta, August 12. — Co ton u go >d
demand, lower rate<; niidd'luge not
reompts 16; e*l^H6 p »3.
Meupuis, August 12.—Cotton steady,
demaud good; low middling* l.VJ 16;
receipts 3i»; shipments 9; flock 6,598.
Nrw Orlranm, August 12. — ottoa
firm; m>d lings ltijj; low uiid-Jling** J<»;
good ordinory Iff; «> dm-;ry llj: "i t r -
oeipts 212; sales 6’KI— l>*at eVe.nng 650;
•*took 16,837.
Mobile,* 12 —Cotton quail »»nd
unchanged; muidli-gi 16; 5i»; -fork
4,663.*8TON, August 12—Cot'on quiet
and um-h.mpr; or-hraj llj; nut
receipts 4; e*le-» 160* stoci 3,*»15,