The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, August 18, 1874, Image 1
*.» u '■ I 1 .CMS Columbus AND TDjL.TT.rr Enquirer. FRANK WESSELS, {iSSuSBlwuml.} COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1874. YOL. XYI.-NO. 191 DAILY, WEEKLY*" AND SUNDAY •WQOxaim. Twwlrt raonth*, in ilnui..........#8 00 Mi nootbn, “ 4 00 Thru month*, “ S 00 Ou month, 11 75c. WnzLT Enquomn, on* ymt 1 00 8un>*T Exquma, on* ;iu >60 Busd.y nnd Wmau.x Eatqcuu to- golbir, on* jrrar 8oo ...» 3 oo ... 5 00 ... 5 50 ... too ... IS 00 ... 17 00 ... *>00 ... St 50 Ifcra. Moallu. In jmrl, wh > liberal will be mIi, Weekl, rate* *111 Innrtekl, be •..-third Dolly. _,n mi adnrtlMBMt la llnpl Bon thee • te three moetke tke edeertieer *111 be ekerg- rlth the ooel of oeMpeeltloe. rerelge edrer- • meet per ee de too.. et keae. OMMM IIWI. f —At a meotiag et Franklin Springs in the interest of the Blberton Air-Line BsilranA, on Thursday last, between four and flee thousand dollars were sub scribed. —A firs on Friday night in the ware. room attaohed to C. E. Hills A Oo.’a fur niture store in Borne, destroyed good, to tha amount of about #800. The Uommtr. dal rays that the Ira waa sithsr tha work of an incendiary or sponlanaona combus tion. —The employees of tha JStna Iron Company, near Borne, offer a reward of #160 fur the arrest of John W. and Thog. Johnson, who are accused of murdering an inoffensive deaf negro named Ander- aon Maul, in Alabama, and tbs Stonewall Iron Company of Alabama offer an addi. tional #100. —The anit of Mrs. Sears against the Central Ba lroad company, tried at Qriffln on Friday, resulted in a verdict of #10,000 in favor of the plaintiff. The ground of the suit waa the death of Ur. Bean while to the employment of the oompany, by nn accident, for whioh the verdict hold, the railroad oompany liable. —According to some statistics taken by the Savannah Newt from the last report of the Comptroller-General, the gross re ceipts in premiums, for the year past, by the different insurance companies doing business in Georgia amounted to #000,. 000, and the gross losses to only #266,. 000. —IBs Boaster RepubUean is informed that a Storm of “hot wind" last week completely destroyed tha cotton crops of Measm. Joseph Crawford, Benjamin High- note, Daniel James and J. Moody, in the lower edge of Marion comity. The storm lasted half an hour. Other vegetation waa also parobad. It is pot known how far the storm extended. —Last Saturday evening, as two ne mo men, named Harris 'Dixon and Jack Gumming, were driving along the road near WarUien's store, in the upper part of Wubington county, they were caught in a storm and both killed by a falling tree. They lived about an hour after the tree fall upon them, and both expired nearly at tha same time. —Tha Macon Telegraph thinks, after inquiry into the matter, that Henty Wil liams, tha colored preacher about whom there was such a row at his chnroh last week, lias borne a good character both in Augusts and Maoon ; and that Augustus Watson, the Augusta negro who made the charges against Williams, is a bad charac ter. It also says that tha division in the church remains unhealed. LYNCH LAW IN AVHVITA. Caps. A. F. Butler Wardered - Tha Near* Murderer Killed. Augusts, Aug. 17.—Cept. Butler, who waa shot by a negro, died at II o'olock last night. The citixens were so exaspe rated at the unprovoked murder that sev eral hnpdred of them armed theqiselvea and marohed to the jail where the Mur. rail Brothers were confined. Both of them were taken out aud carried to the Parade Grounds, and a jury waa impro. vised. Both Gabriel and Mike Murrell asserted their innocenoe. After three hours of investigation, and on sworn tee- tffuouy of eye witnesses of the murder, Gabriel waa taken back to jail, and Mike shot tq death at 8 o’elook this morning. THU MUBDIR or GIFT. BGTLXB. The following dispatch of the day be fore, nut sent to this office, states the crime: Auousta, August 15.—Capt. A. F. But ler, looal agent of the South Carolina Bailway, was shot this evening at 7 o'clock under the following oimumstanees: He was, accompanied by bia wife, on a street car returning from the eametery on his way home. In getting off the ear at the corner of Mulberry street, an intoxioated negro was sitting on the step obatruoting the passage. As he and his wife ware in the act of leaving the ear, Capt. Butler pushed the negro with his hand, telling him to got up. Gabriel and Michael Mur rell, both of them being impudent ne groes, were together, one sitting on the steps snd the other standing on the plat form of the car. Michael poshed Mrs. Butler as she waa in Ihe act of bains «*- sisted out, and Gabriel pulled out a plstpl and shot Capt. Sutler over the left tana- pie, the ball penetrating the brain. Th s negfeas ran after the snooting, but wet > pursued and captured by the police. Gi - briel was slightly wounded in the fat e before being arrested. Capt. Butler a still lingering, bnt cannot live. He waa one of the best citixens, and universally respected by all classes. THE SCHOOL POPULATION. From the Atlanta Constitution, 15th.] This will not be enumerated again for four years. The enumeration returns of 1878 are used for the eight oouuties whose school commissioners failed to make returns this year, namely: Bryan, Charlton, Dade, Floyd, Jefferson, McIn tosh, Wiloox and Wilkes. There are 48,391 more white children than oolored. Of whites, there is a gain of 2,922 over the census of 1870, but 10,- 266 leas of blacks, or a decrease of 13,- 334 of both races. White. Colored. Total. ceniuaormo an,350 iso.uo 407,605 Batumi 1174 2X1,811 172,800 304,171 2,028 15,250 13,334 The comparative atteqdanoe is thus ex hibited by the oensus of 1870: White. Colored. Total. 6 to IS 218,810 130145 407,505 Attendance 57,142 10,351 77,403 NoiMttondanoe 151,217 173,705 330,012 That is, over every third while child attends school; also over every eighteenth oolored child, being an attendSBsb oT over five and one-fourth of the whole number. Of the Confederate soldiers under thir ty years of age—entitled to a pro rata apportionment of the sohool fond—about twelve and one-fifth per oent. are in three counties (of the 13(1), Chatham, Floyd and Thomas. The number of illiterates between ten and eighteen yean of age are not report ed this year from sixteen counties—Bry an, Bullook, Carroll, Chatham, Coffee, Dade, Floyd, Forsyth,- Jefferson, McIn tosh, Monroe, Morgan, Stewart, Sumter, Wilcox and Wilkes. Murray county is estimated by the State Sohool Commis sioner ; ana estimates are made of illit erates of all ages for Bibb, Lee and Sohley counties. Only Savannah of Chatham, and Jonesboro of Clayton, are reported. Those also failing to report the number of illiterates over eighteen are Irwin, Madi son and Murray. Dougherty county is estimated as above. There are very marked discrepancies between the enumeration returns of this year, so far as returned, and the census of 1870; as near as can be ascertained. Exaeu of oonsui (about 41 per coat.).... 170,074 Take for butanes the olty of Savannah: Coniaa 1870 oannot read, ton anil over.... 1,549 Returns 1374 oannot read, ton and over... 5,311 Exe.ii of oeniua (over 27 per oent.) 2,338 The discrepancy lies mainly In the number of negro Illiterate!. White. Cot'd. T and write, 10 toll Returns 1874. oannot rend, 98 2,49ft 2,462 ten to eighteen 98 946 1,088 Bzeess of census Oensus 1810, oannot rend 3 1/21 1,524 nnd write, 21 nnd over. < Batumi 1874, oannot rend, 688 6,403 6,991 eighteen and over 206 6,068 6,273 Exoeas or oensus 388 1,336 ijls Total excess of oensus.... 2 3,212 than write, and In tue State thereare 50,040 Whitt. CoTO. Total. Gents. 1370, cannot read and write, 10 to 21.... 52,500 130,725 103,234 ‘ oannot Eroeee of oonaue 30,876 53,200 103,175 Canaua 1570, oannot read and write, 21 snd over, 52,4M 212,012 275,342 Return. 1574, oannot rand, over eighteen... 21,755 135,537 153,4>8 Excel! of eeuans 4'‘,654 75,276 116,930 nereona In Georgia reported table to read, 44,500 are white Jolored—excess of colored, 150,- Total oxoeee of ooniuo.. 30,540 139,474 221,11a Of tue 248,402 1 tbla year as unal and 104,003 are oolored 054. White. Col'd. Ex. ofc’l'd. Total. Bstween six and alghteen 22,633 57,493 44,723 90,052 Over olghteon.. 21,750 131,037 114.871 158 493 Grand total 44,809 204,033 150,044 248,452 Many interesting and ligniftcant de duction may be drawn from a compari son of the oensus tablas of illitaraov for for tan yearn before the oivil war ana for ten years sines in relation with tha in crease and doorcase in population. ILLITERATES. White Colored Total 1570—21 and over 52410 2120.2 275,312 1800—20 aud over 43084 678 44257 Inorease 11743 112339 231085 Id 1870 there wars 1,090 illiterates of all ages foreign born, aud in 1860, 707 who were twenty years of age, and 400 in 1860. White Celored Total 1150—20 and over 4 554 573 44257 1550 412011 417 41507 Ineroaoe 2484 100 2590 The iuoreaae of white population from 1860 to 1870 was 47,870; of white illiter a ten, 18,746 ; nearly 89:67 per cent. The increase of whits population from 1860 lo 1860 was 69,978; of white illiterates 9,484; nearly 3:66 per cent; showing a decrease of white population of 22,609; an increase of illiterates of 16,26? | increase of nearly 36:02 par cent. The inorease of the oolored population from 1860 to 1870 waa 79,444 ; increase of oolorad illiterates 212,839 ; 267:28 per oent. Increase of colored population from 1850 to 1860, 81,085 ; of colored illiterates 106; 0:13 percent., showing: decrease of population, 1,641; an in crease of illiterates 212,233 ; an increase of 267:15 per cent. Twlagraphla Mstu. —W. H. Beta has been appointed In spector of Customs for Alabama. [Search tub criminal records of Georgia and Ala bama for information concerning him.] —Large delegations, including those from Savannah and Charleston, arrived io assist at tha International Schautxenfost at Baltimore. All wall. —Two Halifax miuan fall 900 fact down a shaft. Hope broke.' Shortest Tinas on Xaeard. Sabatooa, August 16.—The time (1:16) made by Pioolo in tha mils and one-eighth race today is, for that diatanoo, th* fast est time on record. Pioolo ix owned by ,x.Q«t. Bowie, of Maryland. The Mev. Ohonejr Chicago Case. Chicago, August 17.—In the Circuit Court this afternoon Judge Williams ren dered a decision in the famous CheDey- Whitehouse ease. Application was made to Judge Williams last spring by counsel for Whitehouse of the controversy for an injunction restraining Itev. Jas. £. Cheney from preaching in Christ Church, and the organisation from further use of the eburoh property. The case was argued for several days, and was taken under advisement by the Judge. The Court de cides that the objections to the form of the original bills were not well taken, and are therefore over rated. Improvement or the Mleelaalppl. Nxw Orleans, August 17.—Major A. D. Banks, appointed by tbe Mississippi Levee Commi.ssioo io collect statislies of pout and ante-helium productions of the alluvial lands proposed to be protected by Federal aid, is here collecting facts. The Commission to report on the im provement of the mouth of the river are in aaaaion in New York. It has been de cided to send a sub-commission to exam ine Ihe mouths of various European rivers that have been deepened. SHIP HEWN. Savannah, August 17.—Arrived: Ilo- dalla, Isaac Carver. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. FRANCE. BONAPAETIST DEPUTE ELECTED—li'MAHON TRAVELS. Paris, August 16.—Prisident MaoMabon left Paris last night on a tour through Brittany. Complete returns show that the Bone- partist candidate for tha Aaaambly was elected, having received 20,000 votes. The ltepublican candidate polled 16,000 and the Legitimist 6,000. movsmrnts or sazine and others. London, Auguat 16.—The Doily Newt says Marshal Bazina has arrived at Spa, and M. Bouher has gone to the Chattean- de-Arenivaburg, to consult with the Em press Eugenie. Paris, August 17.—MsoMahon has ar rived at Lemans. Ha met with Ml enthu siastic reception. To-day he visits tha barraoks and workshops, attends a ban quet aud reviews the troops. From Le mons he will prooeed to Seville. Complete returna from the election in the Department of Calvados yesterday, for the vacauey in the)Assembly,show that DeLanney, liouapartiat, raoeivad 40,794 votes, and Auburt, Kepublio&n, 27,272. KN GLAND CRICKET SND BARE BALL. London, August 16.—The American ball players appeared at Sheffield yester day, and a game of cricket between the Sheffield Club and twenty-two of the Americans was begun. The Americans won the toss and went to tha bat, making 132 in their first inning. The Englishmen then went in, and when the game waa aiispeuded for the day they had four wiekets down with eleven runs. During tbe afternoon the visitors gave an exhibi tion game of base ball, in which the Bos tons beat the Athletics by a aeon of 19 lo 8. The weather was fine, and about 10.000 spectators were present. Fire at Urera Brier ffprlaff*. Green Bbier Spbinos, Va., August 15. —A fire occurred this inorniug at 4 o'clock, destroying Worsham’s olnb room, Wm. J. Colwell's handsome residence and stables. Tbe fire originated in the sta bles. Loss about #10,000. Partly in sured. Damuge to Springs property is slight. THE WEATHER. Dbtartuzmt or War, Washinuton, August 17, 1874, Prohabttiliet.—For th* South Atlantic and Gulf State*; on Tuesday, northeast to southeast winds, partly cloudy weather, higher hatoaeter and alight changes of temperature with occasional rain areas in the latter. MARKETS. BY TE LEU RAFU TO ENQUIRES Money and Ninels Merkels. London, August 17.—Erie 30a33. Paris, August 17.—Bentes 63f. 85o. New York, Auguat 17.—Money 2 per cent. Gold 103]. Exchange—long 487j; short 491. Governments dull, but strong. State bonds quiet and dull. Stooks dull; a little off. London, Auguat 17.—Street rete £ be low bank. Provision Market!. New Yo.k, Angoet 17.—Flour fair. Wheat a shade better. Corn advancing. Pork quiet; mess $28 7ft. Lard quiet. Louisville, Aug. 17.— Flour unchanged. Corn quiet end unchanged, et 74e82. Pork doll and lower, at $24. Bacon firm in fair demand—Hhonldera clear rib 13jul3$, clear sides 18$. Lard 1G|a16||. St. Louis, August 17.—Flour dull and unchanged. Corn dull and unchanged; G8?atift for No. 2 mixed, in elevator. Whis key Hteady at 98. Pork firm at $24. Bacon strong; nmall lota; 9$ for aides; 18 for clear rib; 18^ for clear aidea. Lard firm; only jobbing sales. Cincinnati, Auguat 17.—Flour steady. Corn steady at <jft&67. Pork dull and nominal at $28. Lard firm— summer 14 J; jobbing sales of kettle at 16^, with a scarce stock. Bacon steady—shoulders clear rib 12£, clear 18. Whiskey steady. Celten Market*. Liverpool, August 17—Noon.—Cotton steady; uplands 84&8$; Orleans 8jj; sales 12,000 bales, including 2,000 for specu lation and export. Sales on basis of middling uplands, nothing below low middlings, deliverable in September and October, 8j. Liverpool, August 17, 4:30 p. m.— Sales to-day 7000 bales American. Hales on basis of middling Orleans, nothing below low middling, delivery in October and November, 8|; sales ship ments of new crop, on basts middling up lands, nothing below good ordinary, 8j. ft:30 p. m. —Hales ou basis of middling uplands, nothing below low middling, delivery in October, 8 ft-10. New Yoke, August 17.—Cotton easier and nominal; sales 182; middling uplands 17; Orleans 17$. Future* opened aa follow*: August 1 ftj; September lft$alft3-32; Ootober lftjfalOSS ; November 1ft$alft!MG; December lft 17-32alft 1.3-18; January lft$a 15 19-32; February 15}al519-32; March lft^alC; April 16$. POSTPONEMENT! Fifth and L*#t Concert IN AID or TH* Public Library of Kentucky. DAY FIXED AND A FULL DRAWING ASSURED Monday, 30th November, 1874 LAST CHANCE FOR An Easy Fortune! anticipated, and in till concerned, that it nnit •II. The tluy I# now abaolutcly fixod, a*nd I lit* re will be no variation from tlm programme Let it be borne ill miud that The Fifth Gift Concert 18 TIIKLABT WHICH WILL KVER BK GIVEN UNKKK THIS CHARTER AND UY Tint 1'KKtf- KNT MANAGEMENT. Th*t It will positively nnd uuequlvorally Uk# place a* announced on Monday, SOth November, that the muelc will be tbe beat the country affords, snd that 80,000 Cash Clfte A (KIR COATING $2,500,000! will bo distributed by lot among ticket holder#. List of Gifts. ONE (IRANI) CASH GIFT *260,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 100,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 76,000 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 60,000 ONE GRAND CASH GITT 26,000 6 CASH GIFTS *20,000 each 100,000 10 CASH GIFTS 14,000 each 140,000 16 CASH GIFTS 10.000 each 160,000 ao CASH GIFTS 6,000 each 100,000 26 GASH GIFTS 4,000 each 100,000 80 CASH GIFTS 3,000 each 00,000 60 CASH GIFTS 2,000 each 100,000 100 GASH GIFTS 1,000 each 100,000 240 GASH GIFTS 600 each 120,000 600 GASH GIFTS 100 each 60,000 19,000 GASH GIFTS 60 each 960,000 GRAND TOTAL90,000 GIFTS, ALL GASH *8.600,000 PRICE OF TICKET!). Whole Ticket# $ 50 00 llalvua 35 00 Touth, ur each Coupou G (Hi 11 Whule Ticket# lor 600 (Ml Ticket# for 1,000 00 'erdons wishing to invest,"should order prompt ly, either of the Home OiHce, or our Local Agent#. Liboral commissions will be allowed to satlsfac- tory ageutn. Circular# containing full particular# furnished i application. THO. E. BRAMLETTE, Agent and Manager, Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky. For ticket# aud information, apply to Capt. C. A. Kllnk, Agt. Oolumbu#. Oa. ang7 d2tawswtd IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Having hid In our employ in Agont tbit wo hove dlioovirid to bo limply ■ diminutively inilgnlfleent and ooxtemptuouziy unworthy, oorilloblo. Indo lent and dlihonitt follow, through whom an improMton ha* bieeme ourrent that w* are about dlzoontlnulng our builniM In Columbia, wi dnlro to toy that notwithstanding any ind ill mob ripmontiMoni tbit may ha or may have baan made, wa art datarmlnod to moke oar Moohloa more prominently known than ever. THE HOWE MACHINE COMPANY. COLLECE8. GEOHGUA Pio Nono College, Maoon, Ca. OUTOBKR nth. 157!. H I. CONDUCTED BV RKCUI.AK 5RIK8TS, .Idl'd l>y Lay I'ruferaora, uuder the supervihiou of the Rr. Bit. W. H. OKOdS, D.D., Binhup of Peveuneh. Situated two mile# from the city proper, and occupying a lofty muinonce overlooking »he #ur- rminding country, thu Pio Nono College, with a delightful grove and recreation ground# covering forty-five acre#, afford# every advantage to tha under the car# of tho Bister# of Mercy. Term#—Hoard and Tnltion per annum, $260.00. For farther particular#, addreaa D avidson college. Next Seaaloa will begin Sept. 24, 1874. Healthy location. Moral atmoaphern. Strict ilia- Park High School, Tnakege*, Ale. A NNUAL Sosslnii begins September 14th, 1874. TbU school i« u private eut-rprl#*, depend ent on merit for patronage. It ha# had marked nuccoas during the twelve year# it lia# been nnd* r the control ot it# pr- aent Prim ipal, aa it# annual roll of over loo student# at teat a. The advantage# offered are: healthy location, refined and cultivated community, ample play- 8 round#, new, well arranged and comfortable uildirgn, oomiilete gynina#ium, good library, cheap board and tuitiou, thorough and flr*tt-clita# iuatruction by timelier# who are honor graduate! of Southern Univeraitlea, nnd «ho have profee- ■lonal pride, #kill and experience. Entire oxptnae# per aunutu ueed not *xceed $'-'00. Bend for catalogue augl'd wlmadeodlw NEW OFFERS! NEW IDEAS! Liver! Liver! liver! sinvciMioisrs’ HEPATIC, OR LIVER CURE, I# a purely VK9KTAHL1S PkKPAKATIOX, harm- le## aud effective— a specific for all deraugemauta of the Liver, Kidney#, Skin, Stom ach or Bowel#. This Medicine faa# been triad by thousand# aid baa never failed to give satisfaetion. $9»Try one bottle and be convinced. E, L. KINO * AOMS, Proprietor# and Manufacturer#, Columbia, 8. C. For sale by A. M. BKANNON, Agont for Colnm- but and Opelika. aptS-Uw*M. See the Grand Gifts Our Fireside Friend to its Subscribers Entirely new nnd unprecedented, nnd suck ns will Interest every one. You miss It If you don't send for sample# nnd full particu lars, which are aent free t SEE THE GREAT WATCH OFFER! OUK FIRK8IDK FRIKND i# now in it# Fifth Volume, thoroughly oHtuhliahod aa tho leading family and story Weekly in tho Union, ha# the largevt circulation, nnd tbe beat appointed print ing and publishing eBtablUhment and building in tho Weat. I# n largo, eight-page illustrated and original family Weekly, price $3.00 per year. Every subscriber receive# a magnificent premium aud a share iu the distribution. Subscribe, niuv I WE WANT AGENTS. We want a representative in every neighbor hood. Nothing equal# it for agent#, male or fe male, youug or obi. iMryt <Jath Wuytt undu Su perb Outfit, exclusive territory, which ia rapidly filling up. Must apply at ouce. Hubneribo by ■endiug $3 00, nnd receive the paper ouo year, a magnificent premium, a #liuro iu tho distribution, DR. ROGERS’. Vegetable Worm Syrup. A brave man may suffer pain, when inflicted upon himself, heroically ; but ho CANNOT SEE HIS CHILD SUFFER. There is no other malady, incident to childhood, that is accompanied with more indescribable wretchedness to the little nuffercrs than that PRODUCED BY WOKNN; aud when the pareut fully comprehend# the situa tion he will not deluy u moment in securing the most prompt and efficient remedies to insure the expulsion of the in .ruder#. This remedy may be found in DR. llOUERH’ VROUTABLE WORM SYRUP. Please bear iu miud that Roger#' Worm gyrup is the reliable preparation. Rogers' Worm Syrup is a palatable preparation. Rogers’ Worm Syrup is liked by children. Rogers' Worm Syrup positively destroy# worm#. Roger#' Worm Syrup leave# no had effect#. Rogers' Worm Syrup in highly recommended by physicians, and ia unquestionably tbe best Worm Medicine in the world. Price 25 cents. For sale by ail Druggist#. JOHN F. IIKNRY, CURRAN ft CO.. Prop’r#, tt aud 9 College Place, New York. jy 17 wlm Notice. If AVTNG heretofore held stock in the Georgia XX Home Insurance Company, of Columbus. Georgia, I hereby give notice that I have sold aaid •tock and transferred the #*me, and under section 149fi of the Code of 1873, I am horeby exempt rom any liabilities of aaid Compaujr. ! Jyl9 oamOt A. WITTICH, Trustee, Bowery Academy. mUK exercise# of tbit School will X he reauined on Monday, the 27th of July, 1874 Hoard can bo had at $12.50 per month, payable invaviaolt in ad- Tuition in Literary Department for the term ot 80 icholaatic days, $13 00. In Mueical Department $4 per month, oue-half payable at the end of the fir#t two mouths, bal< auco at the close of the term. No deduction from tuition except in cases of protracted sickuees. The Principal and Teachers, bel'eving that nn' less the facts of any branch of study are acquired iu connection with the aBAaoxa upon which they are baaed are soon lost, they ailhera strictly aud literally to tho why aud wherefore system. “Hard Ktuhy” and close tiiirkino have Made, are making, aud will make, (as long as there are any) the practical, useful aud successful men of the to undergo cloeo mental discipline are nut aollo- I tod. Each patrou of this school is earnestly requested to meet the Principal, Teachors aud pupils on tha tuorniug of tho 27th, at 8 o'clock. For further particulars, addreaa the Principal, at Talbottou, Ga. J.G.CALHOUN, Prln. MIHH H. A. V. M1LLKA, Asa't. MR8 O' M. HKTIJUNK, Jy9 d2taw1m Mueical Teacher. cnocimta. H. F. ABELL A CO. HAVE JUST MCI1YID Crum CkiiM, Pine Apple Ohmi, New Miokirel In kill, Flevr from New Whitt, Oil Mill, Rye Finn, Wheat in# Corn Qrlti, Otnnn# FrulU nn# Mnnti, 0l#nr Vinigir Mo por got., Korotino Oil, 40o gillon, Sugar of oil grid**, OoffOo, Rloo on# Oraekon. All pnNkMM DllvwMI. augT tf EK'D FARINA, FINN THAI at low prices. Cross ft Blackwell’s Plckeb, all kinds. Extra Choice Rio, Old Oovornmaot Java and Mocbo Coffee. Roasted Ooffhe. Beat brand# Uam# and Breakfast Stripe. 8t. Louis Pearl Grits, 90 » for $1. Blackwell'# Durham Smoking Tobacco, 76o f I. Lorltlard*# Bright and Dark Century Ckawlag Tobacco. West's Extra No. 1 Kerosene Oil, 4Uo $ ga'.lon. Pure Older Vlaeger, 60c J! fallow. ROB’T 8. CRANE, _J-* 1 [Ml 5i2w| trajw. ST. CECILIA ACADEMY FOR YOUNG LADIES. This Institution Bt.vid# upon an ftniuonco uorth of tbe city of Nashville, overlooking the valley of the Cumberland river. Por beauty of aceuery and healthtuluey# It i# uuoqualed by any iiiNtitntlou in tbe South. Sickliest is almost unknown. Chalybeitto wu er iu con#tant supply is within the enclosure, nnd the purest White Sulphur Just outside tbe grounds. The course of study is thor ough and solid ; the system of thu school in accor dance with the best models in tbe country. Re tired, yet witliiu e wy roneb of the city. It lias for young ladle# all the advantages and none of the draw backs of city schools The Academy re fer# with confidence for verification of its past efficiency to Its many finished graduates, aud its pupils scattered throughout the South. Address MOTHER SUPERIOR, St Cecilia Academy, augl 4w Na-hvil'e, Teun. STOVES AND TIN WARE, Stoves, Stoves NATHAN MI, (Opposite Son Office) Columbus, Ga., 1XTOULI) respectfully invite tho attention of his YY friends and customers to hts extensive stock of 8TOVB8, HOLLOW AND rTAMPKD WARE, IIOU8K-PUKNI8IIINO GOODS, Ac. Also TIN WARE, at wholesale and retail. Roofing and Guttering don# promptly aud iu the beet manner. He solicit# a call, feeling assured that he e#tn give entire Natlsfaetion, PORTER’S IMPROVED Irou Cotton Screw ! C lOTfON SCREW8 FOR $60.00 AND UP- J wards, 1 am now making and keep con stantly on hand ! full stock of the above Screws, whioh have given such universal sat isfaction for aevorai years past I don't pre tend to make aujr better, but JUST AS GOOD a# anybody. My arrangement is just like tbe old Woolen Norew. whlo.4 1 (mechanically) be lieve to be tbe HEST lor the far mors. I ain making all tbe different slnd# of Screw# ex cept the Allum*. Also, 8UOAK M1LLH, KETTLES, GIN GEAR, and all other kinds of castings made of Iron or Brail, IRON FENCING, Ac. 1 fully warrant all of iny work. Order* solicited and promptly execsted. J. O. PORTER. Columbus, Ga., Aug. 10, 1874. wlm* Wood. Wood! QE8T WOOD, ready sawed, $4.0Uper cord. Wood •awed for 50 cents por cord. Orders filled prompt ly on appllcatlol to tho febtl If MUSCOGEE RANUF'NG 00 THE WHOLESALE Grocery House J. Sl J. KAUFMAN, No. 14 ami 16 Bread St., Columbus, Ga., KKKPR COKITANTLT OI MAID AID IT 100,000 pound! Baeoi. 500 birnli Flour. From 100 to 200 birrilt Sugar. 100 bigi Ooffbo. From 100 to 200 birrili Syrup. 200 birrili Whlibiy. 200 box** Tobioco. 500 •• Soap. 200 “ Oindlit. 100 birrili Lard. 50 “ Miokinl. 500 noki Salt. 50 tltrcM Mil. 500 riima Wrapping Papir. 100 oitta Potiah. 100 “ Sardian. 100 “ Oyitara. 100 “ Piaklaa. 100 boxaa Candy. 100 “ Staroh. 100*r*u Parlor Milton. 1.000 poo a*. Lombard’, gooff. *0,000 Clgon. 1*000 powada Green wad Blank Te*. 800 b*f* of Bkei. 100 boxaa Soda and Barney Crackers. Cheese la eeaeoa. LCCAL NOTICES. By ELLIS ft HARRISON. In Front o' PREER, ILLQES A CO.’S, Cor. ■rood **5 81. 8tn.ta. P03TP0NID Muscogee Sheriff Seles. W 1 ued from ths Superior Court of Mubcogoo eointy, la favor of L. M. Blggers, transferee of R. S^Crane^vs. W. T. Wynn. Property pointed out Muscogee Sheriff Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday In September next, between the legal houra of sale, In Boat of the store of Preer, lllges ft Co., Btoed street, Columbus, Ga., the following de scribed property, to-wit: The Oolsmbua Steam l’lauing Mills situated on lot 240 and that part of lot 939, la the city of Co lumbus, Ga, together with the Maohlnery belong ing to Mid mills. Levied oa as the property of R. H. Goetolilus end R. II. Hugland, survivors, to satisfy e A. fa. ls«usd from Muscogee Superior Court In favor of Mary llodges, AduiinlitrNtrlx. vs. said Geotchius ft hugland. Propeity poiutca ml In said A fa. Also, at sema time and place, south half of ojty let No. 901, with all the Improvements thertMin, iu Columbus, Ga., containing one-quarter of an acre, mote or lass, levied ou as tha property of Thomas Ragland, dsoaassd, In ths hands of Albert E. Rag land, executor of the eetete of said Thomas Bag- land, deceased, to satisfy two II faa Issued from Justices' Courts—oue lu favor or Rosette A Law- hon, and the other lu ravor of Welch ft Co., vs. Albert B. Ragland, susentor aa aforesaid. Prop erty pointed out by defeudent. Levy made and re turned to me by V. M. Comer, lawful constable, augft w4t II. G. IVKY, Sheriff. Chattahoochee Sheriff Sale. W ILL BB BOLD ON THB FIRST TUB8DAY IN September next, before tbectiurt-bouee dour lu the town of Cuseeta, Chattahoochee count v, be tween tbe legal hours of sale, the following land#, to-wlt: Lot of land No. 137, lot of land No. 121, and 150 •cree of lot No. 120, all lying north ot Nochiila crook, containing in all five hundred and aixty (680) a re#, more or lees, of tho sixth district of originally Muscogee, but now Chattahoochee county, Ua., as the property of Wm. A. Parley, to satisfy a II fa from tha Superior Court of this Chattihooohgg Sheriff 5*1*. w Chattahoochee county, < administrator of Abram Cobh v#. Eldridge G. Webb. Wm. B. Willis and Gillum W. Pollard, notlfler. La Payette Harp, tenant in po#se##itiu. Also, at same time and place, <7 acre# of lot of land No. 74, in the 6th district of originally Mu#- », now Chattahoochee county, as the projierty ’. N. McNaughtou, to satisfy a II fa tiom tbe Superior Court ot satdoounty, In favor of Colum bus C. Cody. ve. Leroy Pollard, administrator of Wm. N. McNaughtoa. JyM Id JOHN M. BAPP, Sheriff. Chattahoochee 8heriff Sale. W ILL he *ohl on the first Tueudey In Fcptruiber next, between the logsl hoars of * th-, in front of the Court House In cutsets, ths following de scribed property, to-wlt: All of lot of Isud No. 10, In the 33d district of said couuty, except the widow's dower therein, and also the residuary interest In aud to #ald dower, which consists of seventy (70) aero#, more or less, of the southeast coiner of etid lot No 20, whereon I# the dwelling house and other build ing#. levied on as the property of W. P. Jones, deceased, to satisfy u ft ta Issued from Justice Court, L104th distrlot G. M., in favor of llcwatd ft Stephen# vs. 0. B. Joust, administrator of W. P. Jones, dsc'd. Property pointed out by defendant. Levy made and returned to mo by J. W. Au.tln, coastal de. augl wtd JOHN M. BAPP, Sheriff. 100 BO caikl Scotch Ain 100 donna Wondi 100 donna Broom*. la tbe Grocery Hue, which they - “ ** ' any And everything la tbe Grocery Hue, whlc offer to the trade by tbe package, ae low other Jobbing Home ia tha United Btutee. ^JidJJUUFIIAIl DIAMOND IMCTACLRI! Theta Spectacles are manufactured from "Min ute Crystal Pebbles” melted together, aad are catted vinmoed on eccobat of their hardneee and brilliancy. Having been tested with the polerlscope. the diamond lenses have been found te admit fifteen per cent, lees heeled rays than any other pebble. They ere ground with greet setentlftc accuracy, d ^ *nl* by responsible agent* In every ally In the D wrrnoH * KURIL, J.W.I.ra ud Optlelau, »r. *>U mat. tot Mubw, 0... Item wIm* Ito «* ooly a. aitolnrt. Mooudlanwiloj#. D- rat tmg . tor him yarn too %ko Onto Mite OtUItdAWlf . - Kmroa Jachoon has applied for Kxemption of Per sonalty, ind I will pass upon tbe came my ejfteej* Saturday, the 2td August, 1*74, nt IU g M. BKOGK8, Ordinary. /^RORGIA-MUSCOQEE COUNTY—F. \JT Relob. ndmlnlurntor of the estate of LI Gntowsky, deaensed, nppllu# for leave to sel the reel estate belonging to said deceased These ore, therefore,to olte and ndmonhh ull persons Interested, to show cause (tf any they hovt), within thu tlma prescribed by law, why Iunvu to su'l should not bu grunted to said ap plicant. Given under my hand, and ottolal signature, this August 4th, 1174. F. M. BROOK*, nugft-w4f Ordinary. /1KORGI A—MU8COGBB COUNTY.- Jcweph F. u Pou has applied for ktiers of admiuiatratiou on the estate of Joseph A. L. Lee, late of said county, deceased; These are, therefore, to olio and admonish all and singular, the hlndrsd end eredl or# of said deceased, to show cause (If any they have) within the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted to said applicant. Olven under my oIBcial signature, this August 1st,1874. augfi w4t F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. nKOKOIA, MU BOOGIE COUNTY. - John 11. a Maseey, Administrator of tho estate of James W- Masssy,ds<WMed, applies for Jenve to sell the real estate belonging to said deceased; These are, therefore, to olte and admonish all parties inteiestad to show osnse (If auy they nave) within tbe time prescribed by law, why leave to sell said real estate should uot be granted to said applicant. Uiveu under my hand and offle al signature, this 4th day of August,1874. augO oawlm* F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. BORGIA, MUSOOGBK COUNTY. — To all VJT whom it may cuiireru—The undersigued gives notice that he ha# filed li's petition with the Ordinary of Muscogee county to be discharged from his guardianship of the person and property of John D. Uoyd, an imbecile. That at the regular term of said Court of Ordinary to he held for #uid county, on the first Monday In Pentember next, ho Will apply for the s mcliou of said petition, and to be disefi rged from his said guardianship. JAM KB A IIKADtOKI), Aug. I, 1874. Uiiikidiaii, 4C. aegfi oawlm* G BORGIA — MUiTOGKR COUNTY—0. B. Luckie administrator of tho estate . f Mr#. Oorne'U C. Borders, deceased, iippliuD f r leave to sell the real estate helongii g to said i.ucoa#ed. These are, tlieietiire. to cite and adm n ish all person# interostod to show cauM<(if any they have) within the time preterit by law, why leave to sell abonld ffbt lie graufe.1 to said appli cant. , Given under my official signature this August 41b, 1874. augfi-lawit* G eorgia—mubcogbe county.-eiis« car ter has made application for letters of admin istration on the eetete of Ellen Thome*, latu of said county, deceased. /^BORGIA, MUSCJGBK COUNTY,—J isepli F w Pou has applied for hotter# of Adiuinistration dibonis non on the estate of John T. Lloyd, d»c'd. Thun arn there ore to cite and ail.i.onii-b all aud singular the kindred and creditor# of aaid d«< eas ed to show c«use (ifany they have) within ihu tin* prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted to said applicant. Riven under my baud aud ofiotal signatme this lut day nf August, 1174. F. M. BHO »KS. augft—wit Ordhury. C HATTAHOOOUBB COURT OF ORDINARY.— Whereas. George W. Fuller, AdmiuistrAtor of the estets of Hiram Fuller, late of said rouuty, dec’d, makes eppllcetlou for dismission; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all parties Interested to show cause at the h ovum In r term of the Oourt of OrJinary. why letter* of dis. BtMlon .hqold oo. DM —3ia Ordl.My,