The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, August 19, 1874, Image 1
- Columbus DAILY Enquirer. FRANK WESSELS, {, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1874. YOL. XVI—NO. 192 DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY Twelve month*, to idveoee #8 00 Biz month*, “ 4 00 Three months, “ I 00 One month, “ 75c, Weekly Enquieke, one yeer a oo Sunday Eaqumsm, one jeer 2 50 Sunday end Wisely Emquxbmb to gether, one jeer - 8 00 AireHlilei ■eloe. Wtek, Dally,.. .... $ S 00 .... 6 00 .... • 60 .... too law ..... 17 On W 00 tt 60 .... 86 00 48 00 _ ... . _ _ ilia ty threo montha. Vot Jtertj oord* a liberal ml trill ba mad*. Weekly rate# will Invariably ba ana-third the Daily. “”‘ien au advertisement la changed more than . in three month* th** advertlaer will be ehsrg- with the cost of coapotltion. Vorelge edver- lleer* mn»t pad aa do thoee at home. The Augueta Tragedy. ‘ Cold-Blood.d Murflar of Oapt. A. F. BIO MUKDIBBB IIHIUUI.I HOT. I* Prom th. A.gut. UhroaM., Mb.] YMterday afternoon, .boot T o'olook, A. F. Bntler, .gent of the Sooth Corolla* Uulrond, who, with his wife end n child of Ur. John Terror, hnd been to the oemeterj end was returning with them in a street cnr to his residence, rung the : bell at the intersection of Broad and Mar- bury streeta for the oar (Mo. IB, driven by - * Mr. Hare) to atop. The oar immediately « halted, and Oapt. Bailer walked to the ;.i‘ rear platform, followed by hia wifa and ' the child. On reaohing the platform he ' ' 1 .. found a mnlatto, named Osbriel Morrel, ■ sitting on the steps on the side where he expected to get out. Osptsin Bntler re- 9 quested the men to more, sad pushed him slightly with his hand. The mnlatto got .SI SP»“d stood on the platform, while Capt. Bntler daaeendad to the gronnd and put ont his hind to bis wifa to help her dowu. Aa he did this, Michael Murrel, a brother of Gabriel, violently poshed Mrs. Bntler down ; while Gabriel himself drew a pis tol, pointed it at Oapt. Bntler, and drew the trigger. The weapon wen disobarged, and the ball, speeding upon its ter- ribla mission, struck Captain Bntler immediately over th. l«ft tempi, and penetrated to the brain. Oapt. Bntler stag gered baok and fall heavily to the earth, the blood pouring in torrents from the wound. Agonised beyond expression at seeing her haabend so bra tally shot down, Mrs. Butler screamed in tbs most heart-rending manner and called for help. Several gentlemen and a number of colored people rushed to the spot to render all possible assistance. Ueesrs. Hyams, Boulette, Btnrmsn and Rayner, together with three colored men, picked up Captain Butler, who was iu convul sions, and oonveyed him to hia reaidance at the corner of Greene end Mnrbnry streets, where he wee soon waited upon by Drs. H. F. and A. B. Campbell, L. D. and DeBaossure Ford, Robert Eve, and others. The fiendish asaasain, as soon as ha committed the fonl deed, jumped from the platform of the ear on the aide oppo site to that where he was first sitting, threw down bis pistol, in Allen h Whe- look nix shooter, and ran towards the • northwest corner of Broad and Marbnry 'Streets, with tba expeotation, evidently, of making hit esoape. Bat in tbit he was disappointed. At the time the shoot ing occurred Policeman W. D. Tinley , was walking down the pavement on the month side of Broad street, n short 1 distunes below Mnrbaiy, end on hearing 2 the shot wheeled quiokly and saw ,2 the mnlatto running. Ha immediately '.gave chase, palled out his pistol and or. acred Murrel to stop. As the Utter paid . Aao heed to this Mr. Tinley fired. The ball passed between Marrel's lips, slightly cottiug them. The mnlatto than tnrnad, muttered some indistinct words, ard put hia right hand in one of his pockets. Thinking that he wen about to draw n pintol, Mr. Tinley corked his own weapon and leveled it at ths mulatto's breast. Tbs scoundrel then threw up his hands as a s'gn of surrender, and w«a taken in oharge by Ur. Tinley. In the meantime Policeman Sharp had rushed into the large crowd of negroes who had gathored from .11 quartern and sailed Michael Mur rel. The fellow seemed disponed to re sist, but the officer promptly brought his club down with foroe upon the head of the mnlatto, who then qnietly yielded. Cbief Christian, who had reached the spot, ordered the policemen to tike their prisoners as rapidly as possible to the guard-house. Policemen Tinley, Sharp and Cotter immediately moved down Broad atreet with the prlaouare and har ried them to the City Hall. At tha cor ner of Monument and Brood Gabriel Mur rel said to Polioeman Tinley, “If I get out of thie aorape it will make a Christian of This was sll be said on the route. These words would seem to amount to a confes sion of guilt and was so looked upon. At the gnsrd-honse, however, both asserted their innocence. They were locked op in a cel!, but e rumor being in circulation that a movement looking to the lynching of at least one of the prisoners waa on foot, it was deemed aaf eat to transfer them to the jail for aafe keeping. They were accordingly taken down to that bnilding and turned over to Deputy Jailor A. B. Crump, ths Jailor, Mr. Bridges, being *b. sent. The prisoners werepiaced in sops rate cells and looked up. There was great excitement iu the eoaamunity when the report of the outrage waa circulated, and many of the oldest and oooiaet heads wers iu favor of summary puniabment tor the scoundrel who committed the terrible set. A lsrgs number of oitiseus assembled around Cspt. Butler's residence, all ex pressing the dsepeet ooueern in regard to the ocourrenoe and hopes for the wound ed man’s recovery. But these hopes were not destined to be fulfilled. The physicians used avery etort in their power to preserve ao valuable a life, but God willed it otherwise. At 9 o’clock it wee evident that Captain Butler waa sinking rapidly, and Rev. Mr. Kramer, of the Epiaeopal Church, of which the wounded man was a member, offered up fervent prayers in hia bahalf. Anxious friends hovered amnad, wiping tha (see of the sufferer and ministering to him-an much at possible. Hia hair was clotted with gore, while bin clothing was saturated with ths orimaoa life-cnr nut. A portion of tha brains protruded from the wound, and blood fiewed freely from it. Shortly before 11 o'olook it be. came evident that the unoonsoious man had but a few moments to live, and his wife wss therefore led into the room. Over thst last sad scene—the heartbroken wife parting forever with her husband, all unconscious of her presence, we draw a veil. It is too aaored for outside eyes to gaze upon. At 11 o'clock Captain Bntler quietly breathed hia last. About 10 o’clock it began to be whis pered that the two men implicated in the shooting would be teken ont of the jail and hung. A short time afterwards a large body of men marched to the jail. The bell at the gate waa rang, and upon tha appearance of Mr. Crump, he was oommsnded to open the gate. In the presence of suoh a formidable force, he had no alternative but to obey. The gate was aooordingly opened, and a por tion of the crowd proceeded to the cells of the Murrells, took them ont and car ried them off in the direction of Bass- ford's briok yard. The men composing the erowd were cool and determined. They were ell armed. Gabriel Murrel, it waa said, waa consid erably under the influenoe of liquor at the lime the shooting took place, while Miohael also seemed to have taken e drink or two. 8o'clock, a. m.— Justus we are going to press we learn that the orowd decided, npon the sworn testimony of a witness who saw the deed committed, that Mi chael Murrel was the guilty party, and aeoordingly shot him to pieces. Gabriel waa plaoed in the guard bouse. Our in formation obtained early in tha evening was aa atated in tha promisee. ALABAMA HEWS. —Cora of this year's growth was sold in Montgomery on Mondsy, at the market prioe. —Judge Bnateed held court In Mont gomery on Monday. It ia to be hoped that hia little pistol waa left at home on this occasion. —The Eufaula l?etes says it is estima ted thst there are over three hundred col ored edults in thst oity who have no visi ble means of support. —A negro man of Henry eonnty, Ala., lately carried to the jailor of the county a written order for his own imprisonment, for theft. But he did not know the con tents of the paper which he carried. —The Henry County Register has not heard of the oaterpillar doing rauoh dam age yet to the growing oottou crop, but understands the “boll worm" is playing aad havoo with the oottou fields in its im mediate section. —The Montgomery Advertiser of Tues day stye it is informed that Judge Bus. teed ia preparing to sue it for libel. It promises in a few days to give him on opportunity to add several oounts to the indictment. —The Choctaw Herald reports that on Saturday last a band of negroes took a man of their oolor into the woods and in flicted on him about six hundred lushes, because, they said, he had informed the whites of their proceedings before the late disturbances at Choctaw Corner. —Selma Echo:—Sam Whitenton, son of J. W. Whitenton, wss killed in the store of Mr. Barnes, below Pine Apple, by a negro man on Tuesday night last. The negro's objeot was to rob the store, and he murdered the young man to ao eomplish his purpose. TELEGRAPHIC HOTEH. —A distinctive fire is raging in the vi- oinity of Ottawa, Canada. A repetition of the devastating fire of 1870. —Colonel B. S. Fisher and son, of Cin cinnati, were drowned about fourteen miles below Harrisburg. —John Mcllhenny, aged thirty years, suicided yesterday in Philadelphia by taking laudanum. Basinets trouble and a love affair are the supposed oanae. -Franklin Simpson, aged twenty-two, shot himself through the heart, in Phila delphia. Grief at the death of his mother is supposed to have affected his mind. —Jack O'Brien and Levy Speer, prison ers in the Fottaville jail, Pennsylvania, made their escape by means of koive-i, and oord used to scale the high walls surrounding the prison. KENTUCKY. rsiLUnn or Tun tobacco chop. Louibvillb, August 17.—The Courier- Journal to-day publishes reports from correspondents in fifty oounties of Ken- tuoky, representing seventy-five per cent, of the tobaooo orop of the entire State, wbioh indicate an unparalleled failure of the orop from the aggregate eetimate, and that under the moat favorable future con ditions, the crop of 1874 will be only 13 per cent of an average. OELAWABE. WAOIS on >K HUMO. GaoaoiTOWM, August 18.—Yesterday 200 men employed in building a break water on the Frankford Railroad, wbioh runt from Georgetown to the Maryland line, went on a strike. They oame from Franklin, a distance of fourteen miles, and marched to the Eagle Hotel, where A. Y. Smith, of Pitteton, Pa., who is chief contractor, boards, and threatened to hang him unlesa they were paid off, pro ducing at the same time a rope with a hangman's knot to the end. Smith ex plained by sayin£he did not employ them; thst they must look to Crnmlish and the sub-contractors for their money. The oitizena then interfered and proeured for them promises that the money wonld he paid iu two days. Washington Notes. Washington, Angust 18.—Bristow has gone to Cape May. He feels confident, unless the money market materially changes, of being able to plaoe the four- and-a-balf per cent.'s during the present year. The Marine Hospital at Pittsburg has been ordered sold at suotion. The Second National Bank at Leaven worth, Kansas, has gone into liquidation. Danth of s Prominent Etnson. Hamilton, Oak., August 18.— B. Her- rit, Grand Seoretary of the Anoient and Fran and Aooepted Masons, died this morning. HOI TH CAROLINA. NEGRO FACTIONS AGAINST UAOH OTHnS. Charleston, August 17.—Rowley and Jones, negro member* of th* Legislature, each at the head of a faction, are seeking to control ths oounty iu which George town is located. A Rowley meeting was broken np by the Jones faction, and one colored by.slander dangerously wounded. Banners were sent oat, and armed Jones' negroes poured into th* town daring the night. Borne of them next morning at tempted to kill Bowley, and at midnight Thursday there was a heavy firing, which was found to be an attaok on the boose of Jones, who was slightly wonnded. Some other slight ossnalties also ooonrred. On Friday Howley’s honse wss attacked, and Bowley, to save hia life surrendered to the Sheriff and ia now in jail. Bator- day at noon tha eMitensent wan still in tense, and the town filled with armed ne groes. Hone bat Bediosls were engaged in the riot, bnt the white oititens are alarmed lest some careless word or act should oanae an attaok upon them, which they have no means of meeting. Gen. MoDowell, to whom was sent a dispatch, oalling on Gen. Vogdas for troops, answered that it was a matter for the action of the Slate authorities and he coaid not interfere. Jones, the leader of one of the factions, is in Charleston. He reports that the jail where hia rival, Bowley, is oonfined is still guarded by armed negroes, and that United State* troop* must be sent to restore order. He brings with him the necessary papers to sustain his demand for such help. Thompson ths colored Philadelphian, who was wounded on Wednesday, earns with Jones. THE HEANE8T OF MISCREANTS, NINE CHISELED TO DEATH—BIX BASLI WOUNDED, Hew Yobs, Angust 18.—Last night some miscreant entered the stable of Patriok Dwyer and stabbed nine fine horses. Six were found dead whon the foreman en tered this morning, and three others are not expeeted to live. Eseh horse was stabbed ia the flank. Tha Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals offers s reward of one hundred dollars for snob information aa will lead to th* arrest and conviction of the offenders. The three horses lay writhing in agony, and giving utteranoe to their distress by pitiful groans. A great number of ani mals had. suffered deep cut* in the front of the hips, from whioh the intestines pro truded, nod the not hsd apparently been oommitted with the intention of inflicting as mneb torture aa possible upon the poor brutes, without immediately endangering their lives. Search being made abont the premisee, a large and sharp chisel, covered with blood, was fouod, which, it is supposed, was the instrument used. Saratnon Rave*. Saratoga, H. Y., August 18.—Th* first rsoe was sweepstakes for three year oId->, $100 entranoe, half forfeit, with $700 added, second horse to save hia stake- two miles. There were nineteen nomina tions, nut of whioh fonr started. The rsoe was won by Culpepper, by half a tengtb; Planter second, font lengihs aUearfof Grior-tead, Yandalite last. Com plaint of fonl riding baring bean en tered by Planter's rider against Culpep per, tbe Jockey Judges decided in favor of Culpepper. Time The Carver raoa was won by Carver by a length, London seoond. Tima 2:40, Second race was a free handicap sweep stakes for two year olds for a purse of $500—one mile. Six started. Aristides took the lead at the start, and kept it to the finish, winning by twelve lougtLs, Amelia second, Holbrook third. Tim* 1:40). Bloody ASTroy—Two Killed and Four Wounded. St. Louis, August 18.—A shooting af fray ooeurred yesterday on the Tennessee side of the Mississippi, near Point Pleas ant, in whioh Albert Holl nod a young man named Frenham were killed; Joe DArnell was mortally wonnded, end Cap tain Cole and two brothers named Cole were seriously wounded. The difficulty grew ont of a rivalry which culminated in a law suit between Captain Cole and Holl, who rau competing ferry-boats to that point. — Freedman’s Bank. Washington, August 18.—The Com- missioners of the Freedman’s Savings and Trust Company, have directed their sever al ngents hereafter to return to depositors their pass books as soon as thay shall have been verified and balanoed, upon tbe sur render of tho receipts given therefor. They have also made provisions for the payment ou demand for all special depos- its mado since June 20th, 1874, the date of the approval of the act, nnder the pro- visions of which they were appointed. THE WEATHEE. Departkent or Was, > Washington, Aogust 18, 1874.) Probabilities.—Vot the South Atlintio and Gulf States, on Wednesday, east to south winds and partly cloudy woather will prevail, with higher barometer, alight changes of temperature and coast reins in the latter, and with slight change* of barometer and temperstnr* in the former. SHIP NEWS. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. RSrOLAXD. BkftK BALL CLUBS. London, August 18. —Several bsss ball clubs have been formed in England, and manuals for ths instruction of plsyera are published here. Bats, balls and other article* used in playiug the game hare been imported for sale. FBASCE. RETURN—BAZAXNE's XAOAPK—VIO- TOU HUOO KNOCKED DOWN. Pabis, August 18.-Ex-President Thiers has returned to Paris with his health completely restored. Colonel Villett, aid-de-camp of Marshal Bacaine, wss examined yesterday. He denies all complicity in the esoape. The rope atory gains credence. Several ex periments have been msde, and proved that thedesoent whioh Bacaine is reported to have made from the terraoe is not dif ficult. London, August 18—6 a. m,—A special to the Daily Telegraph from Paris reports an alarming accident to Victor Hugo, while walking. While walking in Passy, Mr. Hugo was struok on the head with violence by a pole which projected from a passing cart. He fell insen-ible ou the sidewalk, but afterward recovered sufficiently to walk to his hotel, although the shook was severe HPAIN. BKOOONITION of.thk republic. Vienna, Angust 18.—The Net* Free l*re«s says it has reliable information that ths Pope will Boon recognize Marshal Serrano as President of Spain. London, August 18 —The recognition of the Spanish Republio by EngDnd, Prance and Austria is officially promul gated. ^ ^ —•A terrible fight took place reoently between two women in Chili, under the following circumstances: One of them, who had lately given birth to an infant, having to make a journey to Uanoagua, left it under tbe care of a neighbor who had a child about the same age. A few days afterward the mother, who had gone on the journey, returned, home, and was told that the child had died in her ab sence. She insisted that the surviving child was hers. Who said she knew the child to be hers, and was not going to be deceived by the stratagems of her neigh bor. Tbe other callej all the saints in heaven to witness that her child was the living one, and not the dead one. The dispute finally ended in blows and tha in- tervention of the police. The oast has gone to the tribunal, aud Another ques tion like that decided by King Solomon is now before the Judges of Rancagna. MARKETS. BT TELEGRAPH TO ENQUIRER. Money nnd Stock Markets. London, August 18.—Street rate £ be low bank rate. Erie 30J. Paris, August 18.—Rentes G3f. 90c. New York, August 18.—Money 2 per oent. Gold 109$. Exchange—long 487$; short 491. Governments dull, but strong. State bonds dull and nominal. Stuokn active and higher. New Yoke, Aug. 18.—Money easy 2a2$. Gold steady. States quiet and nominal. Provision Market** Cincinnati, August 18.—Fionr quiet, but steady. Corn steady at 65aG7. Pork nominal at $28. L»rd firm—Hummer 14 j. Bacon firmer—shoulders 9ja9$; clear rib sides 12|al3; clear sides 13$. Whiskey steady st 97. Louisville, Aug. 18.—Flour unchanged. Corn quiet aud unchanged, at 74*82. Pork qniet and unchanged, at $21. Bicuu firm and in fair demand—shoulders 9|; oiear rib sides 13$; clear sides 13$. Lard 16$ a 16}. Whiskey 97. St. Louis, Angust 18.—Flour quiet and unchanged. Corn dull; scarcely any do maud; No. 2 mixed 03 »$ bid. Whiskey steady at 93. Buoon very qniet, only jobbing and order trade. Lard firm at 16$ for biunil lots refined. Cotton Markets. Litbbpool, August 18—Noon.—Cotton quiet; uplands 3$aH|: Orleans 8|; sales 14,<4)0 bales, including 2,000 for specu lation and export. Hales on basis of middling uplands, nothing below low middlings, deliverable in August 8 8-16. 2:30 p. m —hales on basis of middling uplauds, nothing below low middling, delivery in Ootober and November, 8$. Hales inoludo 8,00u bales of American. New York, August 18 —Cotton steady; ■ales 1919; middling uplands 16$; Orleans 17$. Futures opened as follows: August 15 31-32a 16 1-16 ; September 15 15-16 16; Ootober 15 23 32a 15 25-32; November 15$al5 21-32; December 15$al5 21-31! Jauuary 15jjal5^; February 15 U-16al5 15-16; March 10al6$; April 16$; May 16 7-16al6$. New York, Angust 18.—Futures closed steadier; sales of 19,500 bales, as follows : Angust 1531-32al5-lG; September 1531-32 alG; October 15jja25-32; November 15$a 21-32; December 15jja21-32; January 15 2l-32aU-16; February 15 13-I6ai5-1G; March iG l-16a$; April lG$&jj. Cotton steady; sales 2547 bales at 16$ a 17$; net receipts 430; cotton by sail 7-32, steam \. Boston Angust 18.—Quiet and easy; middlings 17$; exports to Groat Britain 82; sales 150. Galveston, August 18.—Cotton nom inal; good ordinary 14$o; net receipts 93; exports to Great Britain 1,371. Havannah, August 18.—Quiet; mid dlings 16$; net receipts 184; sales 19. Memphis, August 18.—Offerings light; demand good; low middlings 16c; receipts 16. New Orleans, Angust 18.—Cotton dull and unchanged; middlings 16$; net re ceipts 7; sales 150. Mobile, August 18.—Cotton quiet and unchanged; middlings 16c; net receipts 2; sales 50. Charleston, August 18.—Quiet; mid dlings 15$; net receipts 37; sales 150. Auousta, August 18.—Cotton in good demand; middlings 15$; reoeipts 71; sales 123. • IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. Hiving had in our amplay an Agon! Mat wo hava dtaaovarad to bo almply a diminutively Inslgnlfloant and oontamptuouaiy unworthy, unrallablo, Indo lent and dlahonast fallow, through whom an impression baa baeeme onrrant that wa ara about discontinuing our buainoM in Qelumbui, wo doalro to aay that notwithstanding any and all suoh reproaaatatleao Mot may bo or may bava baan mada, wa ara determined to moke our Moohluo more prominently known Man ovar. THE HOWE MACHINE COMPANY. COLLEGES. GEOUOIA Pio Nono College, Macon, Cb. T HIS new and magnificent College will open for th* r* caption of stndontM on TUK8DAY, OUTOBKK 6th, 1874. It la CONDUCTM) BY 8KCUL *K I'RIKHTS, aided By Lay Professor*, under the supervision of the Rv. Rev. W. 11. 0K0.4S, D.D., Bishop of fiavannah. situated two mile* from t he city propor, end occupying s lofty eminence overlook!* ! .ho sur rounding country, the Pio Nono College, with a delightful grove end recreation ground* covering forty-fly# acres, affords every advantage to the student. The Domestic Department and Infirmary are unuer tbe curs of the Bluer* of Mercy. Term*—Hoard and Tuition por anuum, $160.00. for further particular*, a tdreas D avidson college. Hext Heaaloa will beg I a Sept. f4,1874. Healthy location. Moral atmosphere. Htrint dis cipline. Thorough teaching. Moderate charge*. Seven professors. for Catalogue or information, apply to J. K. BLAKK, Chairman of the faculty Jo24 daw am] lb«t Ojjke, David ton OolUyt, N. Park High School, Taakegee, Ala. merit fur patronage. It ha* bad mark* 4 ■ucces* during the twelve year* it ha* Been und> r the control ot it* pr «eot Principal, as its annual grounds, new, well arranged and comfortabli aug!3 wimedeodlw GROCERIES. H. F. ABELL * CO. RAVI JUST IWIIVH) Cream Cheat*, PIm Apple Qhaaaa, Naw Maakarat iu kite, Fleur Mem New Wheat, Oat Meal, Rye Fleur, Wheat and Cere Qrlte, Canned Fruit* and Meat*, Older Vinegar SOo par gal., Karotan* OU, Me galien, Sugar of all grad**, Oaf**, Rio* aud Oruekar*. All patafcaaaa Bella****. UUgT tf LEGAL NOTICES. By ELLIS A HARRISON. I* Front or FREER, ILLGES A CO.’S, Car. Br*e4 «.d fit, Clair ItmU. POHTPONHD Muscogee Sheriff Sales. YTTILL ba sold on tha first Tnstday in September ” nast, batwasn tha legal hoars of asle, ia front of Preer, Illges A Co.’*, corner of Broad and St. Clair street*, Columbus, Da., by BUIa A Harri son, tha following described property, to-wit: Watt hair of lot No. 241, lying in tha 8th dlurlot In aaid eonnty, containing 10. acre*, mors or laaa. aa tha uropety of W. T. Wjruu, to satisfy a ft fa Isanad from tba Superior Court of Muacogea county, la favor of L. M. Bigger*, transferee of K. ft. Crane, va. W. T. Wynn, property pointed out by laid Diggers. Muscogee Sheriff 8sle. front of tba store Broad street, ColumBu., scribed property, to-wtt: The Colnmbue Steam Planing Mills altnatixl on lot 240 and that part of lot 2flS, In tha rity of Co- Inmbna, Ua, togothor with tho Maohluery belong Ing to Mid mills. Levied on aa the property of K. K. tloatchia* and ft. II Rnglamt, smvivor-, <• Mtieiy a 4. fa. tasuad from M a scopes fuperior Ooart ia flavor of Mary liudges, Adminit'ratrit. vs. said Oaotchias ft Mugland. Propeity poiaud aatlaaaldft fa. ftlao, at s*me time sad place, south half of city lut N». 101, with all tha Improvement* thereon, ia Columbus, (ia., containing oue-quartrr of an acre, mora or less, levlud on as the property of 1 homos Haglend, deceased, in tha hands of Albert A. tug- laud, executor or the odtate of said Thotuu* Bag- lat d. deceuaed. to aeiHfy two 0 la* issued from Justice’ Court*—out' iu favor of Kosutts A Lsw- hon,*nd the oihcr in f»\or of Welsh *0«. v*. Albert K. Jlaglsnd, cxroutur as aforesaid. Prop erty pointed uiit by defeiidaiit. Levy made nnd re turned to me By P. M. Comer, law ill con*ti«bl«. sug8 v 4t U. (I. IVftV, abet iff. Bowery Academy. % T UB axarclaaa of this School will Be resumed oa Monday, the 27th of July, 1874 Board can he bad at IliLfiO per month, payablo invamablt in ad- VAltCI. Tallinn la Literary Department for th* term of 80 «chola*tic day., ft 13 00. Iu Muaical Department $4 per month, ono-half payable at the end of the 0r*t two mouths, hub anco at the cloaa of the term. No deduction from tuition except la eases ot protracted eickness. Tha Principal and Teacher*, bel’evlng that an- les* the fact* of Hny Branch of xtudy ara acquired connection with the rcasons upon which they j based are *oon lost, they adhere strictly and literally to the why aud wherefore system. ’Ham BtBdt" and close tbinkinw have mads, making, and will make, (aa lung a* tker# ara any) the jinicNeai, mtful and tuccatful men of tha world, for this reason “11 am t-TOPt" I* the >tto at Bowery. Such pupil* as ara too delioato undergo close mental discipline ara not ■allo tted. B-tch patron of thUachool ia earnestly requested to meet the Principal, Teacher* and pupil* on tho morniug of tbo 27th, at 8 o'clock. For further particulars, addro** tbs Principal, at Talbottcn, Ua. J. U.0 4LHOUN, Prin. MI88 0. A. V. MIl.LBt, Ast'L MBS 0 M. BKTtiUNK, ly9 d2Uwtm Musical Teacher. ST. CECILIA ACADEMY FOB YOUNG LADIES. This institution stands upon an > miuonce north of the citv of 'ashville, overlooking the valley of the Cumberland riv«-r. For beauty of ace non aud healthiuIucs* it I* unequaled by any -tutitutioo with tho Be-*t models in the country tiro I, yet within *a»y re eb of the city. It bn* •ot young ladle* all the advautagi • and uoue of the dr.t i ack* of city uchoo!* The Academy re fers with couflriencs for verification of its past 1‘ltic ency to it* many flushed graduate*, and its pnpih scattered throughout th** Po>i*r Address MfflHEft B.vahkah, August 18.— Arrived—’Wor. outer, Hedges, Bsisgosu, Hooper, O. W. Lord, Colton, Sen Salvador, Hioker. sod, Stephen, G. Hart, Pierson, Olyn. wood, Anabarg. Crott ft Blackwell's Plckeie, all kinds. Extra Choice Bio, Old OavaraaMRt Java amd Moeho Coffee. Boasted Coffee. Bast brand* Hama aad Breakfast Strips, fit. Louis Pearl Grits, 80 ft for $1. black well's Durham Smoking Tobaooo, 76c $ ft. Lorlllard'e Bright and Dark Century Chewing Tobacco. West's Bttra No. 1 Keroaeae Oil, Me $ gallon. Purs Older Vinegar, 60s ft gallon. ROB’T 8. CRANE, ![fcbl JHi.1 Timm. Chattahoochee Sheriff 8ale. September next, before tho court-house door ia the town of Cn*«e*a, C'hattaBuocbeo rountv, Be tween th* legal hours of sale, the following lauds, to-wtt: Lot of land No. 137, lot of land No. 121, aud 166 acres of lot No. 120, all lying aar h of Norbl la creek, containing in all five hundred and sixty (660) a raw, more or l*es, of tho sixth district of satisfy i " maty, aug4 wtd JOHN M SAPP, feh«rlff FOR SINGING CLASSES. The Song Monarch!! By H. A. Palmer, Assisted By L. O. Kmemon A Book admirably fitted for tba um of Sing ing School Teacher/*, having, In addition to a compact theoretic c urse, more than 180 pages filiod with (liees, Quartet to , An, unes, ho , Ac., pleasant to sing anywhere, and constitut ing a agreeable oourse of atudy. A good book ttlso for Collage Choirs, for Seminaries and .Social Sings. Price 76 ota., or ft7.60 por doten. For Choir* aud Convention*. THE LEADER I 1* the Leader of all Church Music Booka tor 1874 and 1876* being tha first In the field *nd of a obaracter that cannot be i xeslied. By H. B. Palmm. of Chicago, assisted , HyL o Emerson, of Boston, containing also compositions from tue hands of large number* of Amerloau Murio writers. For Conventions, Obolrs ami Singing Classes. Tbo Lbadku has 86 pages of Singing School Musi •, tbo a< that. In 'he Song Monarch, and large numbers of new Tunes and Anthems, all i>y the Best composers Price ftl.- S, o 412.00 per dosen. Spa Ituen copies or tue above book mailed, p st-pald, lor retail prl* c. Oliver Dittos A Oo., Chu. E Dittos * Cot Boston. Til Brostdway, N. V. mytt dttawfwedsaat »w1y THE WHOLESALE Grocery House J. & J. KAUFMAN, No. 14 and 10 Broad St., Columbus, Oa.. inn coiortxTLi oa raid u*r 100,000 paundt Sioan. 800 barrel* Fleur. From 100 ta 200 barrelt Sugar. 100 bag* Coffta. From 100 ta 200 barrel* Syrup. 200 burrala Whltkay. 200 bona* Table**. SOO “ Map. 200 “ Candlaa. 100 barrel* Lard. 10 » Miokaral. 800 taaka Salk SOU raat Rio*. BOO ream* Wrapping Paper. 100 aa*** Pataih. 100 “ Sardine*. 100 11 0y*t*r*. 100 " Fiahla*. 100 box** Candy. 100 “ Otarah. 100 im: Portor mio>n. 1,000 pennd* LerillanT* Samir. **,000 Olgnra. 1,000 paamli Orara aad alack Ton. SOO tapafltat. 100 base* Rada and Wmmej oraafcan. MO ChssH la mason* M ftarvwla Vlsogar. 00 SMki Boot eh Ala. 100 dasaa Woodoa ftwakato. 100 dosss Browns. 4 And everything ia tho Qrooory lino, which they offer to th* trad* by th* package, as low a* any other Jobbing llonoo in th* Unit* i Htatos. nprl«6n* J ft J K * UNMAN. Chattahooohea Sheriff Sale. first Tuesday in Heptemb tr next, within the legal ally Murcugee, now Chettahoochm* i talning two hnndrad two aud ouu half U02U) aorvo, more or l*»>. as th* property of Hldrldgi; <3. W*bb, to satisfy a fl fa in fav»rof Win Hagly, nuttier. LaFa*eit* Harp, tenant in podaemb 1 MoNaaghtoa, „ . Superior Oonrt ot said oonnty, in favor o'.' Colum bus 0. Cody, vs. Leroy Pollard, administrator of Wm. N. MnNangbton. jyiMI td JOHN M. PAI'P, Sheriff. Chattahoochee Sheriff Sale. and else th* roaidnary Interest in and to nld dower, which e*asisl' of seventy (70) uomm, moro •r loos, of the sootlioost corner of *.|d lot So 20, whoraoa Is the dwelling house and 4/ther I Gild ing*. Levied on as the property of W. P. Jones, deceased, to satisfy a fl la issued from Juntio* Court, 1104th dial riot O. M., la favor of liewaid ft Stephens vs. C. 11. Jone*, admuiintrator of >Y. I'. JOHN M. SAPP, HherlfL MBAtty, end I will pass upon th* *1 •flea »a Saturday, the xfd August, 1874, at IU o'olook A. N. aagtl It V M. BttQOlfl, Ordinary. W. r. TIGNEK. Dentist* Opposite Strupper's building. Randolph fit. Special attention given to the insertion of Arti ficial Tooth, os wsll »■ to Operatlv# Daatistry. MM wly Liver! Liver! Liver! SXIMHvHOINrS’ HEPATIC, OR LIVER CURE, Is a purely VEOKTAfiLK PREPARATION, harm less aud effective—a specific for all derangements of tba Liver, Kidneys, Skin, Stom ach or Bowels. This Medicine has been tried by thousands end has never failed to give satisfaction. ftWTry one bottle and be coovinoed. E, L. KINO * SOUS, Proprietors and Mann'octurers, Columbia, II. C. for sal* by A. M. MEAN NON, Agent for Colum bia and Opelika. 04*6—tawfm. Those flpactacleo ore »aaafactar.«d from “Min ute Crystal Pebbles" molted together, aad are vailed Diamond on eeoohnt of their hardaeee and brilliancy. Having been looted with ike poierteeope, tks diamond leases have been fouod to admit Ifleea per oent. Isos heated rays than My other pebble Tbey are ground with great seientlfie eoeuroey are free from chromatic aberrations, aad pradao* a brightness end distinctness of vision not before attained ia speetoelee. Manufactured by the fipeuoer Optical Manufacturing Oo. Mew York For sale by roopouelbl* agent* In every city la th* Union WJTTIOII ft KIN W EL, Jewslere and 4>pticians. nr* sole agent* fur CoLnaBu*, Oa., from whom th*; nun only be attained. No peddiere employed. Do net buy a pair a ales* yon eea tba Wade wrt# mM Aeodftftrly G Cfab Jl auiuimsti .wi ui vuiaitsi* vi u: otowsky, deoansad, applies for leavb to sol* tba rani aetata belonging to mid dcoeased Those Are, therefore,to olte and admonish all K Isons Interested, to show cause (If any they va), within the time pretorlbud by law, why Inara to so 1 shunld not ba granted to sold au- plioont. Given under my baud, and offlol .1 signature, tkll August 4th, 18T4. F. 61. UMOOK.S, aug8-w4t* Ordinary. -MUPlXKIBN COUNTY.— Joseph V. applied fur 1 t.ursof adiuinUtration on the estate of Joaeph A. L. Lea, late of said eonnty, deceasurl; These ere, theiefur*, to cite end admonish all •id singular, the kindred and eredi or* of raid deceased, to sbow cause (If any ihey have) within the time preseribtd by law why Maid latura should net be granted te said appMeant. Ulvea uadsr my ofllsial signature, this August 1st,1874. nu^4 w4t F. M. BROOMS, Ordinary. IBO&OIA, MUftOOaBB OOUNTY — John II. I Mses’.y, Administrator of the estate or Jemre »y, dareeerd, applies for leave to e*U the ive) within the time preflcribed by law, leave to sell said reel estate should net be gran ed te said applicant. Oivea under fey bead and efflt'al signature, this JtOROTA, MU8C4NIBR COUNTY. — To all V3T it may concern—The under-iguod give* notice that he has Sled h * petition w th ib* Ordinary of Muscugri* touuty l» bo di* liarg.d •rotn hi» guardianship of the por-mn hikI pro, my of J -Im U. Unfit, aa imbecile. That at the reguiur term of nsfd C'ou/t or Ordinary to le In Id far paid eouaty. ou tho first Monday in v.ej*i-ml> >r n^xt, l»«* HI ephly foi tho «.uciiou <>l said p ditiou, and to I ditch iged from hi* said gunroianidiip. JAMES A. BKA1H OHD, *■« 1, 1674. Unsidian, Ao. nagdnewlia* $ * * s g Buckle aiimiaistrator of tiioeputo of Mr*. Oeruedt 0. Border*, dereaficd, npplle* for leave to tell the real eatate bebrngit g to aaid iiecea**d. Tkesa are, therefor*, inmla and mlnr.r iflh all . ’fauns interested to show caure(if any they have) within the time pr«*erlhed By law, why Isnvs to sell ahonld nut Bs gran led to eaiJ «pplt- tat. Given aader my oflieial signature this August 4th, 1874. * P. M. BROUKit. •U«8-law4t* Ordinary. ■le application for latter* of admin istration on tho mats of Julian Tbuma*, Into of •aid eonnty, decensed. Theit* are, therefore, to olt* and admonish all, and singular tbe kindred and creditor* of s i| t de ceased, to show crush (if any they Bare) within ths tl*ne pieirrlh. d By lew, why said letters •bould not Be granted to said applicant under my hand and official si^niture, s'BOHOfA, MUsCOOBH COUNTY,— J .-oph P *" Fon Ua* applied f*.r Letters of AdmUiv.r \,1 m d*6om* non an he estate of John '1'. Lloyd, d g\l. These are there ora te cite sud adr oni. n >i|i *• d singular th-km ir*d and creditor* of said de e..* ed to show cans# llfe'.y they ha\ej within ’he um* praseribad by law, why said letters should uot bo granted te said Applicant. Given under mv hand and oflieial slguMtre this 1st day of August, 1874. P. SI. B/.O..K ), angft—w4l Oidintry of' he ratal a of Hiram Fi.ller, late o < raid «ounty, lee’d, makes epp'lratien for dismi-iion; This* are, there ore, to rite and adui'oibli all l»%rti#a luirraated to ph«»w reuua at ti»o : ov.-u.’ r term of the Court of Ordinary, why ’-tter* o. «i, • mieslon should not be grant <1 to mid arpli- aut. WILLIAM A. FkKl.KY, tjM wm Ordinary,