The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, August 25, 1874, Image 1
Columbus D-A.II/3r Enquirer. FR4P?WESSELS COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1874. YOL. XVI.—NO. 197 rt jftlLY, terms OP TBS WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY 4 00 2 00 7Ro. 2 00 2 r»o 3 00 TwaWa nioutlui, in advnno* $8 00 Hi-r months, “ Three months, “ One month, ** ftiaii*! Exquibbb, one year Sunday Enquibkb, one jeer Rumdat and Wkulli Enquibee to- - gethar, one jeer Advsrtlilav SatM. suture. I Week, Daily, $ 3 uo t " ;; 5 00 “ rrrrirrrmmrrrrrirrrriin lSHo •• woo “ 2i 50 “ “ 25 00 1 ?quart> 1 year 42 00 The above te with the privilege of a change every three months. Foi yearly cards u liberal die* count will lie made. .... \ TI.c Wntkly ratee will Invariably be one-third «f the Daily. When an advertisement is changed more than gac? in ihr.-H months the advertiser will be ch&rg- ad with the cost of composition, foreign adver- t pavas do those at home. HISTORICAL RMIHIICKSCR. a f'V'fBS BEAL AUTHOB OF “OLD BOBfiU.'I, THB SOpT BEAU.” I the Editor of the Atlanta Herald ([Noticing in the Golnmbna Enquirer. a taw day* ago an article from Major blhoun in whioh allusion is made to Col. H. Sparks, of New Orleans, now in his city, es the original author of this Fell known and popular old song, I called E his attention to it. The following letter | is in reply to my enquiry. < ol. Sparks is perhaps a* well if not better known in he Sou: h than any other man of the old jirne of aristocracy and wealth for which 9 great Southwest became so famous ^terior to the war. He is the anthor of highly interesting book entitled “Mew- t of Fifty Years.” The Colonel is now over seventy-five jar* of age, but atill retains his health, pstituiioiial vigor aud great mental nngth to a remarkable degree. He ■tbeyt-d as his personal asaociates and ppanions of the long ago snch great onages as Daniel Webster, Calhoun, Jaci sou, John Bell, Slidell, and fc of the statesmen of note who flour- I in those times. In conversational Iters the Colonel is unsurpassed, and \ familiarity and aoquaintanos with all f prominent men and publio incidents I a half century back makes his society plly charming. He, together with bis client aud talented lady, have been nding the summer at the Kimball ^‘u8e, and the two have been the oentie great attraction for the number of in- VF.ORU1A HEWS. —The Augusta Constitutionalist says that the health of Hon. A. H. Stephens has greatly improved during the last three weeks. —The Greenbboro’ Herald is reliably iuformed that Dr. W. Moody, of that county, recently cut 10,(H>5 pounds of Bermuda hay from one acre of land. —Charles H. Hitters, a German, com mitted suicide in Savannah on Wednes day night, while under the influence of liquor ant! laudanum, by jumping from a fourth story window. —A correspondent of the Augusta Constitutionalist writes that Gen. Toombs expresses his willingness to ran for Gov ernor st the next election—says that it is the only office he has any desire to hold. —Jesse Hendricks, charged with killing T. J. Bridwoll, near Augusta, some two years ago, has been arrested iu Camden, 8. C., und surrendered to tho Georgia authorities on a requisition by Gov. Bmith. —Gov. Bmith .has appointed Dr. Flew- ellen, Superintendent of Public Works, Receiver for the Macon & Brunswick Bail- road, rice Mr. George H. Hazlehnrst. No reason is announced for this change in tho management of the road, and it is not known whether or not other changes are to follow. —Tho Washington Gazette states that about 10 o’clock on Saturday night before last, Joseph Coffer and James Gilbert were found near the public square, both badly out with knives—one having eleven and the other s x woundB. They had had a fight, all alone by themselves, and re fused to tell much about it. It wan sup posed both would recover. —Atlanta is still in some trouble about her custom house building. Mr. A. B. Mullett, supervising architect, writes from Washington to tho Mayor of Atlanta that the Secretary of the Treasury will not accept the lot offered by the eity, and unless the oily offers the Westmoreland property on Marietta street, the Secretary will take no action until Congress meets. —Says the Atlanta Herald: Two ne groes, Lotus Free aud J. Tarpliu New, who kil ed a negro for hia money at the Tecumseh Iron Works in Alabama, were caught Wednesday night in Paulding county by the Deputy Sheriff, H. Brass- wtll, and sent on in chains yesterday morning to Alabama. Free makes s full confession, while New is reticent. They were parsing under the name of Johnson. —Tho Sumter Republican says that last week u man was found *near a mill at Sinithville, in a culvert, dead and head less. Th^t e \v«s no olue as to who cut his hoad off, nor why it was done. He bad been seen walking through Sinithville about a week previous drank. He had two shirts, which appeared to be all the baggage ho ever had. SPAIN AND THE UNITED STATES. Spain Demands Indemnity. THK EXITED STATES REFUSES AND IS PRESSING! HER CLAIRS. —The Saudersville Herald says: At noon it is almost sickening to look over gent guests who daily throng its par- ! the fields of cotton once so promising. But I give you Col. Spark’s own i Yeaterda) we asked one of the best far- i9 together with the original “Roesnm 1 wars in tho county what tho thought would Beau.” be tho damage to the cotton crop now, Atlanta Ga., August 21 1874. I evea should we have rain in two or three w w u ’ . . ’ 8 * * days. His auswer was, from one-third to ... ! one half. Many stalks have no living Dear Sir: l am obliged to you for ; forms or bolls for half their length. ^h^ ,U,bU 5 1 special from Cartersville to the At- ,° f lantn B ‘“ te9 ‘l“t Mr - A - M. Green, »ng. on* eo popular throughout the | a ymlIlg lawycr Atl.nL, sou of Dr! vjy* _ . ....... r i James. Mercer Green, of Maoon, on a ‘T* 1 ““** 1 8ead ‘ visit to Cartersvillo, was found on Tbuts- and they are the first that were ever | d orni entirely ilMen8lble in hie to the air, which became famous | be J at tUe g ot(d anc f rera , iued ’ BO nntil j" , th « ! Friday morning, when he eould be par- AS* “■J*? inspired t j a u y aron8ed- Some hope of hia reoov- , W ;' n 1 ®. r “ b ’ entertained on Friday, but he J m L r S . ‘ «““ 8 » llltd «y- Hi " at,aok waH eon. \ t n0t ““““'y ;° r 1 gestion of the brain, atato, aa the reason and oansos for 8 „„ , , „ ay will form a theme for a chapter ! ,, muVi , rm K members of Gen. A. I second volume of the “Memories' Colquitt s brigade of Georgia y eara /* j volunteers have determined upon a y I located in Mississippi and I ™»nion, to be held in Atlanta ^uced the practice of law. It was , °. n t J 10 V* October next, du- rnicUt of the noblest race of peo-) State I air. An invitation is ex- ave ever known. Amongst these 11 5^ e aQ d pwrates of ,o equally remarkable, but very tho bn 2 a(l9 to b « present on the occasion Quo was a school master, who reforr «il ,A ' h « resident members will te old, and who had been teaching ' P lovlde ft capacious hall and some other neighborhood for over forty years. ! accommodations for those attending. 0 was James Rossum. He was f ~ ALABAMA NEWS. in his habits. On Monday pg, neatly dressed and oleanly sha le went to his duties in the old [ house, where two-thirds of his life en spent, and ansidiouBly devoted f to the duties of his vocation un day evening. On the morning of ay he arrayed himself in his best, voted the day to visiting the ladies I neighborhood. He was a welcome it every house. This habit bad con- so long that he had aoquired the let of “Russum, the Bean.” The name wsa Cox, who waa a rolliok- 1 fellow, and the beat vocalist I kew. He was in song what l’ren- l in oratory, and they were boon 'lions—both died yonng. was frequently at my offloe, and be occasion whilst he was there, i walked by the door, and his age Vrout in his walk. Cox looked at , after a pause, turned to me and 1 in quite s feeling tone, whioh isuuie at pleasnra, and its elo- is indescribable: “Poor old ome of these sunny mornings found dead, when be shad have nerul, and all the ladies will r th being present, I know.” «r he left the ofloe, and being tor, I seized the ideas and wrote tka following doggerel lines. Soon after Oos returned, and I handed them to him. Ha got vm walked, and hummed different ataLuttNlne fell upon the old Methodist tune, iu whioh they have ever since w.iys considered Cox more en- e authorship of the song than Is of lines have been written by as many persons, and almost fit many have claimed the authorship of Um lines; but this is of no moment. I ultirp no merit for my line*, but every thing'for Cox's singing them. I have seen him draw tears from the eyes of old and young With the feeling he threw into the •ong t * * a some soft, fanny morn Id*, then so neatly shall dress me as white as the snow— iw ooAn shall press me, ir: Poor Boesum, tho beau. to be burled, I reckon, •111 all like to ao; m at tho toot or my oolBn, old Rosaum, the beau. a doten good followa, all aUggerlng go: »hole in tho meadow, ■ Boesum, the bean. a couple of domloks, be hrad nod tho toe ; to scratch on it— Boesum, tha baau. —It is stated that application will be made to Congress, at its next session, for an appropriation for opening the Coosa river above Wetumpka to navigation. —The Radical delegates from the First Judicial Circuit of Alabama, while at Montgomery, nominated G. \V. Craig, of Dallas, for Judge of that Circuit. —Tho delegates of the Seoond Judicial Circuit, while attending the Radical State Convention at Montgomery, nominated C. S. G. Doster, of Autauga oounty, as their candidate for Judge of the Circuit. —The Tax Assessor of Talladega ooun ty was killed by tho train of the Selma, Rome and Dalton Railroad, at Talladega, on the night of August 17th. Supposed suicide. Peter Danzey, negro, was committed to Clark county jail Tuesday night. He confesses that the negroes were preparing an insurrection at the instigation of tho negro Andrew Jackson, and that the ob ject was to murder the whites and take possession of thoir lands, houses and other proporty. TELEGRAPHIC MOTES. —Bristow is at Cape May, Robeson at Boston. —They shot a Deputy United States Marshal, in Missouri. He was trifling with still bouses. —Mr. C. Alexander, President of tho Equitable Life Insurance company, died suddenly last night, in New York. —None of the great prizes of the Bal timore National Schutzenfest go South. Numbers of Southern delegations attend ed. All had a splendid time. —The steamer Tagus, on her next trip from New Yoik to England, will take out ten looomotiven for the Russian Govern ment. —The s^hoon ir NeTie Crofell, from Savauuah with a cargo of lumber, is re ported ashore off North Point, near Bal timore. —The Court, iu Now York, decides that General Butterfield’s commissions on stamp**, Ac., exceeds the amount short in his general account. The prosecution cries quits. loses good ft round In sr , tksbaas! W. H. Sfarss. Washington, August 24.—It baa been ascertained from a reliable source that Spain, instead of oarryiug into effect the understanding of the Fish-Polo protoool— namely, to investigate tha oonduot of those of her authorities who have infringed on the Spanish laws and treaty obligations, and to punish those who may have offend ed—haa made a demand for indemnity in tha affair of the Virginiua, and for other al’eged wrongs suffered by Spaiu, owing to the filibustering expeditions fitted out in this oonutay and landing, or attempt ing to laud, men aud muuitiona of war on the Spanish-Amerioan cosat. To this demand our Government has replied in firm but courteous terms, as serting the untensbleneas of the position of the Spanish Government, and remind ing it of the remisaneaa or inexcusable delay in making reparation for the wrongs suffered by American oitisena in person and property. The lateat information from Miniatar Cushing is that he ia still preaaiog our de mands on Spain. It seems certain that the clause in the protoool, providing for the reciprocal re clamations, shall be the subject of con sideration between the governments, will not end satisfactorily, in whioh caae it will become the subject of arbitration, aa per educe ment, provided the eonstitu tional aaaent of the Senate of the United States shall be given to it. ALABAMA. TH* BACK TROUBLE. BBOUN. Montgomery, Angnet 24.—Trouble, are reported between the whites aud blaoke iu Ckootnw oounty. The white* weie in formed the blaoka intended to attaok them unaware., and gathered in force to repel. In dne time a orowd of blacks appeered, but made do attack. A orowd of them went to a nunpeoted negro, took him out, and whipped him. The whipped negro, on being releaxed, fled to the whites for protection. Haying be bed been whipped for revealing the black oonapiraoy. Offi cers went to arrest the lynchers, and car ried e poaae, but the negroes fled on their approach. Several shots were fired at the retreating riotan, but without damage. Qniet waa thus restored, and no further trouble is apprehended. BBSCHBR-flLTON. THE PABT1BS IN ©OUST—TILTON COM- HBNcaa suit aosinst Basons AND TUB PAPERS. Naw York, August 24.—Mr. Morris, Theodore Tilton's counsel, is to-day pre paring the complaints against the various newspapers whioh, it is claimed, pub. lished libellous artloles against Mr. Til ton. Damages are laid at 950,000 eaoh. The only papers named are the Brooklyn Eagle, Tribune, and World. Bait against Beeoher will be first prose- outed. Moaars. Traoy, Sherman and Sterling are preparing their answer to the complant of Mr. Morris. ■tabbing AEhlra i/ Aaf»U and Hamburg. ■Augusta, August 24.—Sunday night, a white man named Ed. Owens undertook to removo a oolored man named William Simona from the hones of a negro wo man. Simons resisted and Owens stabbed him, from the effects of whioh he died. The evidenoe before tbe ootoner's jury disclosed tbe fact that Simona was drank and disorderly, and that Owens interfered at the request of tbe woman. Tha jury returned a verdict of justifiable homioide. A white lad named Burns, stabbed an other named Antry, fatally last night. In Hamburg to-day, Preston Sima and Tom Carter, both colored, got into e dif ficulty. Sims was seriously stabbed by Garter. The Uta Kentnefey Trouble. Washington, August * 24.—Elaborate dispatches from Lancaster, Ky., indicate that, while the trouble waa not strictly a fight between races, both chiefs were white, and the trouble grew from a con test between candidates for Glerk of Court. Sellers seems to have been sup ported by the negroes, who were barri caded within tbe premises whioh were burned in order to dislodge them. Fed eral soldiers olaim that they were sub jected to a fire from both parties, sad skedaddled. The tronble waa suppressed by the Kentucky State troops, acting as a poaae to tbe Sheriff. FORKICN INTELLIGENCE. •PAIN. BBCOGNITION OF THK BBPUBUC. Vienna, August 24.—The Trtue an. nonnoes that the Austrian and German Charges D'Affaires at Madrid, were notified Friday last of tho recognition liy their respective governments of President Serrano as chief of tbe Executive power of Spain. EN&LAND. riaa in aouTHAiirTON. London, August 24.—A fire eu the docks ocourred in Southampton last night. The shipping, in danger of destruction, waa removed to a piaoo of safety. The flames were oonflned to the work shop* of the Koyal Mail Steamship Line, whioh were destroyed. Many workman are de prived of a situation by the fire. A large number of them also loet their toola. DEATH OF AN AUTHOB. Sydney Dobell, a well known English writer, ia dead. ANOTHER FACTORY BURNED. By the burning of Morely’s Stooking Factory at Nottingham, five hundred per sona were thrown out of employment. Loss 9600,000. OOLUEST IXFLOSION. London, August 24.—A colliery explo sion near Staffordshire killed eighty-fonr persons. CANADA. HORRIBLE AOCtDKNT. Toronto, August 24.—Last night, while Bev. Mr. Day waa praaobing in Holy Trinity churoh, hia eldest daughter Mary, about twenty years of ago, and a young son ten yoars of age, were at home. Tbe yonng boy ploked up e gun whioh bed beau carelessly left loaded in the bed room, and pointing it at bia slater, said: “Do you want me to shoot yon ? n at the asms time palling the trigger. He lite rally blew the aide of the yonng lady'e heed off. Three Rlaeleelppl Negrete Haas Car Rape. Bbook Haven, Miss., August 23.—The three negroes who at 3 o’clock on Sunday morning last foroibly entered the resi dence of Mrs. Bnentey and violated her person, were taken from Jaii and hung by the citizens, about one thousand of whom were present. Johnson waa captured on Sunday \ the other two were taken at Canton, and brought here this morning end lodged in jail. They all oonfeesed their guilt on the gallows. —Jason B. Viiltae, a lawyer, formerly of Miohigen, one of the moat inflnantial citizens of that plaoe, was instantly killed Monday afternoon, near Chattanooga, Teun., hia horse running away and throw ing him against a fence. THE WEATHER. Department of War, ) Washington, August 24, 1374.) Probability.—During Tuesday, over the South Atlantio end Gulf States, the pressure will increase somewhat, with slightly lower temperature, wiuda veering to north, and clearing, bat partly eloudy, weather. ■HIP NEWI. MARKETS. RT TRERMAPH TD BRRUIRRR. Hemep eel ■teak Hmrkaee, London, Angnet fit.—Console filteHl. hew Loans 4|. Pante, Aaguat **.— Beatee «3f. Sl|o. New You. August 24.—Moneys par sent. Ooid 102}. Exeheage—long M7M short 401. Governments strong. Stele bonds quiet. Stocks doll. Naw You, Angnet 34.—Money more active end loaned freely at S per sent Exchange doll at 407}. Gold ItMnUO. Governments firm. Mates qetet end nominal. Maw Yoxe, Angnet 04.—Flow deli end heavy. Wheat doll end nominally lower. Corn qniet and naoheaged. Ton qniet, at 122.7(012.17}. Laid firm; Mm 14}. Lomevtua, Ang. 24. —Tloar eeehenged. Pork #28 SO. Beooa firm; abonlden »M; clear rib aides IS}; dear aides lM. Laid ICjelB). Whiskey M. Cincinnati, Angnet *4.—Ho nr doll Com firm. Pork qniet ud unchanged at •26 00. Lard 16. Baton firm; ehonld. ere 0|; deer rib 13} ; alter eidaa It}; deer doting } higher. Whiskey tern at 26c. St. Louie, Angnet 14 —Floor dull end unchanged. Corn higher; (7}aU tor No. 1 mixed in dsvator. Whiskey firm at 08. Pork steady at $04. Beooa firm —small lots; 0}el0 for shoulders; 164 for deer rib; 14 for clear aide*. Lord stiff; steam 16}. Savannah. August 24.—Arrived—Pro. mesai, fofty-two days from St. Helena, for orders. Ship Gnardian Ames, thirty- six days from Bristol; and ship Golden Bole reported at Tybee for ordaia. She will come to this port. NBW OFFERS I NEW IDEAS I LivaerooL, Angnet 04—r. m.—Cotton easier—prioes declined a fraedoe; aplaada 8}; middling Orleans 8}a8}; sales 10,000 bales, including 0,000 for opssalallna end export. Sdea on basis of middling e plan da, nothing below good ordinary, delivery la August, g 1-16; do., nothing below low middling!, delivery in September 0}. Seim on basis of middling Orleans, nothing below good ordinary, deliverable in Angnet, 84. Salta for shipment of new crop on bade middling npleod, nothing below good or dinary! 1*16. Seise on basis of middling uplands, nothing below lew middlings, deliverable in September end Ootober, 8}. 2:80 p. M.—Sal as to-day tool ode 6, MO belts of American. Seim of uplands, nothing below lew middlings, deliverable In Angnet, • l-H. Seise of shipments of new crop, on bade of middling uplands, nothing below good ordinary, 8. Liverpool, August 24.-4:80 P. K.— Cotton, sales of uplands, nothing below good ordinary, deliverable to Angnet, Sd; uplands, nothing below good ordinary, deliverable to Sept sea bar end Ootober, 8; uplands, nothing below low middlings, deliverable September Ootober and No vember, 8}; soles of Orleans, nothing be low good ordinary, deliverable in Angnd, 8}; Orleans, nothing below low edddUog, deliverable ia August, 8 8-18. Naw Yobe, Angnet *4.—Cotton (reap, tog: ealee 448; uplands 18}; Orleans 17. Futures opened aa follows: Bepteml IS 15-32; October is}; November is}. New Yosa, Angnet 24.—Fatales oioeed steady s seise 30,800 balsa, ea follows : September lSja 17-32, October 15} bid, November 18} bid, Deoember 18 9-32a 6-16, January 16}el6-8I, February 15 17- 32.19-82, March IStoSUt, April 18 18-18. Cotton doll; sales 1107 bales at 18}e 17a. ; net raoeipte 4 bales. Savannah, Angnet *4. —Colton nominal; middlings 18o. ; net raoeipte 88 ‘ sales 20; stook 4848. New Oslbahs, Angnet M.—Dell and nnohanged; middlings 18}-, Set reeelwti 160; exports to Greet Britain 8,818; sdm 250; etook 10,880. Boston, Angnet 24.—Dull ud weak; middlings 17}e. ; sales 100 bales; etook 8,000. Ceabliston, August 14. — Middlings MISCELLANEOUS. Hotioe. " 9 “ d 10 “““ - sexto te W. JOHNSON, A geek. Kill th» Cotton Worms! WITH NOT ALL’S COMPOUND, Poris Groom oa4 Anomie. roaiAta it E. 0. HOOD It BRO. eegl if W. W. SMARM A 00., PuDllohoro’ Agents, Ma. *8 M Raw, New Task, As* - - - FtmUm In Watt toprmM Oenrt w I* V. R. Dletriet Onert. I F Osessel wtll taralM Atoireete at Brisk, I will ernes iRetreeaee hr a swell met- Inn. Ia tome raise the tee Wtu set ea. ke eapeam efe vblt Is th. eaUwl I lee jrmeet er ergae appUeeUoae is HOM'D E. GLARE. 100,000 TOUT SMOKO CLASS LUMBB1 f r sols •» E BosolRy’ff Mill, ooQuitting of HcmnUlLg, list Kmt4s ma4 Iktsthluf. Alio a good lot si First l LnW on hsud. B. BBAfiLT, Oolmabcs, Oc. S^JSJ saeii magi if j^BBOLUTB DIV0B0M OFT AIM BP VMM •win, st 4l«»nm! Blmtss, B*r Mwrrtii, Ms. VofNUMtg n^ilNd. Mm Mmigi stMi Ufoss M. IIOUSM, II Br.m4woy % M. T, Important to Farmers. BTMVBNB ts wall kmowm lo IBs K B. T, J. FUslon ssot rollsl rolUhlo mail cllolsst OIN HBIOHTI la istr/. Whomvor ho has worked ho has gives ffAtUfmotloa; mud, so ha procoeoff to ouiho m tosr la m abort timo, planters i.»*<!lrnf flln mtmlrs ahocld haod im thi u nnin»R mud tomilon. “Work m«M d«nm (• tww* tit na." mlA4 dmwif R. R. R. RICH. RARE, RACT FLIRTATION CARDS! These ara french flirtation Curda, sod loll how II la dams where tboy know hnw ; mnd mro Juh t rt. from For hi Ara rary noiihy I Duly Iu eta. ao. J. MR1PM A LO., lit S XU KrmukfoU, tail In MEDICINES. ae« TMftett, at tM Ike, eat nileMa elwefe eeeleaelf •eeaklener. If Melt lalueeUm, ieellh I. elawM lei evertekly «e»er»A samses MamAmoho, la Ik* fhoDldaaa, 161; I 111; 3.641. to to, net receipU IS; atoek Yellow Fever ea Iki, Beard. Naw Yoex, August 33.—The ship Wm. Wilcox, from Havens for New York, was spoken on the 16th. The Captain died that morning of yellow fever; tha tint end seoond mates, with several othen, hod died previously, end there were only foor men fit to work, with no one to navigate the ship. Tbe bark Evangeline, whioh arrived here to-day from Sagua, loet three men from yellow fever. Heikj-rayae DiMenlty Adjneted. Wabrkntom, Va., August 24.—The dif ficulty between Col. Moeby end Cept. A. p. Payne bae this day been amicably end Ward Beecher was to preach at the Twin I L j- Mountain House, N. U., caused a luge | ' ,onora ) ) y ad J u * ted - —The deficits of the levy of the cash ier of the Citizena’ Bank of New Orleene, and S.-ssaasier. cashier of Joseph Her nandez, have been adjusted. Both par ties ere iu New Orleans. —The announcement that Bev. Henry inflnx of people to hear him, the stages being loaded with visitors from all the hotels and the towns in the violnity The number aggregated about 1200. No allusion whatever wee made to tbe fSigned) Eppa Hukton, Jakes Kzite. —On end after the let of September, prox., customs duties payable entirely in gold, to Havens, will not be reetoved. See the Grand Gifts Our Fireside Friendto its Subscribers Entirely now and unprmcedoaUd, mud sack •a will lutoroat every oae. Tod Miss It If you dom't aeud for iDMplea mud fall |artki« Imra, which ara aawt free! SEE THE GREAT WATCH OFFER! family mud atory Weekly in tho Uo<on, baa tbe Urgent circulation, mod the l>»at Appointed print ing mud pub'lahiog establishment and building in the ttVst. Is a I trgu, eight-psgu illustrated and original family Weekly, price |3.00 per yaar. Every subscriber reruivoa a magnificent premium and a ahar# in tha distribution. Subtcribt tiok 1 / WE WANT AGENTS. We want a representative In every neighbor* hood. Nothing equa's It for ageate, male or fa* male, young or old. Large Oath Waget and a Su perb Outfit, exclusive territory, which ia rapidly filling up. Must apply at once. Subscribe by sending $3 00, and receive tbe paper one year, a magnificent premium, a share Iu the distribution, Mobile, August 24.—Deli end on- ohsngsd; middlings 16; ast isssipts 100; salss 50; stook 4,014. Galveston, August *4.—Marks! anist end steady; good ordinary 144; middllaga 16}; not raooipto 28 balae; salsa 78; atoMi 9,639 bales. Msnms, Angnet 94.— Market steady and nnohanged; low middlings 18;rsostpU 98; sbipmsnls 91; stook 6,289. Augusta, Angnst 24.— Modsrste ds- mand; middlings 18}; reoelpta 11; ship- ts 188. PORTER’S IMPROVED Iron Cotton Screw ! C IOTTON SCREWS FOR $W,00 AND Up. J wards, 1 am now muktac and hasp eon* stantly on bmnd a full stock of tha above Borswa, which have given such unlvaraml sat* lifaetlou for aevarmi years p »fit 1 doi't prm* tend to make any batter, but JUST AS GOOD as anybody. My arrangement la Jnit Ilka tlm old Woolen Scr ‘* ‘ -.- Have to be the J » rtlN*. ....— Alao, SUGAR Ml ES, GIN GEAR, and all other kinds of oaailnca of Iron or Brass, IRON FENCING, ko. I fully warrant all of my work. Orders solicited aad promptly ex seated. Colombia, Ga,, Ang. II, 1174. * w«m« OniiMt Vmltr ti th IN Cefcq k I1S.OO. IS IT POSSIBLE THAT Im. J. EMMETT * CO. Offer to sell m Good Family levlng Ha* ehlaa, (that will do as lac aad as wl<.e m ramge of r ork aa npj machine In Ibe Market,) with flail Table TfGGHIw and Black Wmtaal Ton, “ finished, all for FlftME Ballan T It Is _ only possible, bnt a tact. If you are deabtfkl of It, send for a Circular, Friee List, Ae, Tbe Uauufmclur«ra do mot hesitate to ckmllenM the world to produoo a better, or even as gooda V.achlne for the Money. IeIib I aasli Hast ef aaMea la Ike Liver „ OoGatlpatlea, Jaaadiee, tala la Oeagh, Chills, IWaalaasa, Aaar IsMaek, lad fate latSaMeatb,Mimas Attache, Palattettsaaf the ■cart, Raptmalaa af Spirits, er the Blaee, aad a kaadred maker symptoms, fur which ■lMlfONr UFBB BBOULATOB la tha heat remedy that haa ever kata discovered. It acta mildly, effectually, aid beiaff a simple vegetable co itltias that it i to those smart and active. full particulars, to I aroma guaranteed by I aad TaUa, with L* J. KMMBTT A OO., Qifi , l Af'tt Bvaaklya, N. Y. Baas 44. Pnivcival Oarioa, Fclvom Me., Baaeatv*. IMsiia# state what pap. r yea saw this I hub gtviif laduM, vii Tdk k #10.00. A Valuable Plantation FOR SALE. I OFF MB for sale the valuable ptaee ham aa tbe NILL PLANTATION, oa Flint river, three lee north of Bverett'a Station, Mouthwssteva Ballroud. The entire place, containing about 1,100 acres, will be sold oa exceedingly favorable terms. I will sell, If desired, the Jouea piaco separate. This place contains 1,300 acres. The levees ua th* place have been recently put more productive lands are uet la he healthy. Flue settlements Mr. Wooldridge, ea the plantation, wtll Shaw the plaoe to any eae deetrena ef looking. T. E. HLAMOHAHP. THI MET ADVICE that eaa he given to pei peps la, billons aomptalnt headache, (hvar and a«t . „ any disorder effecting the sMumch. the live.* cm kidneys, Is to tone, clran’f*, npd regulate theee Im- H. F. ABELL ft CO. MAY! JUST SN01IVRH CresM Chsstt, Pins A,pis Ckssss, Nsw Maeksrei In kits, Fleer from New Whest, Oat Meet, Rye Flour, WhMt aaS a,Its, 0um4 Fnilto mS Meets, Clffer Vlssfsr 90s psr gal,, Kstmses Oil, 40« gallott, Sugar ef all ireSee, *NL». ■ TEAlollfs^U.,. asms 8 BiMkitoir. MiksK ell kieM. •site 0k<4M Eto, OM Iiwnent SL LM.rmrlOrtU, MRhrSl. MeMwsilk 9etkem Swskle, totm, W. • ». tatUM's Mtgkt ee4 Dwk Osalar, Ohavlee Sttag Ut ^imt eel kmt. Nana' UVB IN0U1M, m Idiom la aoTr^S!# violet medicine, It tare to earn If taken regularly, la on latoa Mating beverage, Is a fruitless Many medtotoe, Is tha rhaaMSi moSUelae la tha murid, la given with safety aad tbahqppMat the meat delicate tafrat. Dee# net iatorfrre with haeiaeas. Pees not dlaarrungs tha ayatam. Takes the plaaa of ftalaiae aau Miters ef every Oeatalai the elmpisat aad haul raMadlta. worn BALM Mr AIM. M9NUH, OH ~ enocEniBs. WwtW ■eweMe.l Iimwi tM.40.% xalfae. FenOUw Vtsagat, leaggalKa. BOOT t. CRANE, 4*tDM 4tow | tom,. THE WHOLESALE Grocery House i. A J. KAUFMAN, No. 14 anti 16 Broad at., Columbus. Os.. SNCNHUHINUn A NOW NO,tot pwiate Bnn. SSS berrele Ftowr. Firm NS to 90S btrreii tnger. 100 tog* OMMe. Fr.m MS to 900 twrrd. Syrup. aSSbMwd. Wbtokn. 900 Hu, TiImm. MS barrd. LarS. 90S mmIwS.IL SO tUrM. Mm. BBS nmh Wrapplag ISO MM*F*tMk. MS Him OanSy. Ae4 ...rytktai It to. OraMT, lie., whlok tin. sprit fra J. A J. KAUFMAN. thoroughly restore tbe functional adieu tffce digestive argaaa aad tha InUstlues aud recent* tha whole system. They nroduoe neither aaassa. DR. TUTT’S HAIR DYE _ so aataral that It can storied by tha eteeest abaarvar. It la _ nod anally applied, aad ia la geaeml see __ _ the frshlouebU heirdresssre la every Urge eity la tha United I totes. Price 11 a box. Bold every whom. STOVES AND TIN WARE. Stoves, Stoves ^NlT&iicRuWM, (Uiru.Ii. turn Oik.| Oolumbuw, Oa. MM* rf/nOTM, HOI Berefrle, Iraptlve Blsesess or the 8klb. 8t. Au theay'a Fire, Kryalp -U., Nfotrb.., Tan-jr., BolU. T.U*r, IS. loll Rhotiio, :■■:■,Ii lln., 1, Rln^wurto. Ilwmllia, pAla aad Rnlarx«<a:«i,t c! it.. Emu,. Inal. Waakew, et.tllUy, iBuainliaa or Wkllaa, WawkNww«, Draw, wan. Bw.iliam, HMIto. Eidaa, aad U.-r CewRlalal. H.reotUl nlM, aad run, All |HMt fr<u> la,u. Wwd. RR. TCTI'I MRUTAUliU la Ikd eel genet*I llaad ratttar Reave M - ■ — II nun let# tka UfcalaUae Ik. HNMI pntKV a kmedtfkl aawftalae aad may tka Ml la (Ma 9wfc aad leirmi la ’eiiiMm Rise. HeeMf aad all wtll ka WML T» dam. attola, kaaawe kdde Hand tost ma earn, stlk IkM fttamkM offiawsa - *“■ "■» "* i! * Hoofing end Outtsring teas promptly nod In the beet manner. Be aal lei la a sail, tooling neaarsd IkM he ran give satire ■ellefretlea. IY Friee ns low as the lowest. Come und see bsfrveyou Lay. oetff wxiivtf MAKffIB IPMTACLRh f Tlieeo Bpectuelss ere munufuetnred trmim M Uiu- ute Cr/stal Pebbles" meltdtd together; sad are culled Diamond eu neeobiit of their hardueso and hrilliaosy., kma Imtad vltk Hi. polarlM*^, Ik. dimmed Imam kaxa kme bead te edam Him fm aasL torn kmud m,a Ikaa aa, otb.r ptblla. Tka, am (mead vltk ,nal rat..tide imnqi. em km tram MMMU akmrellem, ud pradura a ratxhlam. old dlalleMema at vtalea am Ufura aMalead Is MMm. Maeekannd br ika » mt (IpUml MaaMbra.rlaf Co., York. mle Iff ivipiaMlla «(deM Is wv| Mir talk. °\trrrwH * nihil, j.v.i.n ud opucua., enmMMmmDrOMamkea,^. IM vkow ika, eweelf maMMead. N.raddlra. 2* g* • J=>yrdAi p,