The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, August 26, 1874, Image 1

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YOL. XVI.—NO. 198
or TH»
Twelyo months, in advance $8 00
Pit'.u/n'ntls, “ 4 00
Throe months, “ 2 00
One month, " 7So.
'.Vkesm Enqviub, one year 2 fid
Sukjut Ekquibo, one y**r 2 so
brNDAT end WtttLT E*<juib*b to
gether, one yeet 8 00
Advertising Kates.
m -
1 Month,
<1 «
. $ S 00
. 6 00
. 0 50
. • 00
. 13 00
. 17 0<»
. 20 00
. 22 60
1 Rqnare 1 year 42 00
*'■ JiA The above is with the privilege of a change
* '^*very three months. Foi yearly cards a liberal J<s*
fount will be made.
, ,.a.a.Tno Weekly rates will Invariably be one-third
'2S»th<- Dally.
" vjRlWlieu un advertisement is changed more than
'.VfBci' in three months th* advertiser will be rharg-
IB with tho cost of composition. Foreign alter-
. tterp must p.v as do tlioso at home.
The Swindled Hacks.
ir. Bcdfleld Letters In the Cincinnati Com*
marc la!.]
If n visitor to the principal Southern
jities has a human heart, he will bo
ouched by the many evidenoes of distress
f among the negroes on nfloount of the fail
ure of the Freedman's Savings Bunk, lu
Nashville eighty-live thousand dollars were
lost, the deposits ranging from one
l to several hundred. In Augusta over two
(hundred thousand dollars were scooped
Into the gull trap, and the disconsolate
depositors are the bluest set of black mor-
lets between the oceaus. At Oharlestou I
learn that over two hundred thousand are
pat, and in 11 chinond over a hundred
housand. In some of these cities 1
are acquaintances whose colored etn-
oyoH are among the sufferers, and
urn them I learn details distressing and
imiliating. I hear of a porter who sup-
rted his family, and in three years
ved $150 for the gull trap; of a
boot black, who bad deposited
I savings of two years, $40; of ». w.-t-li-
woman who had saved $60 from \s.> h-
ng shirts at teu cents each; of a boy
irho had ouveil $45 from working in u
brick-yard at thirty cents a day; of a
Irayman who bad accumulated $300 from
pis scanty earnings; of a chambermaid
Who had saved $100 from her poor salary
pf eight dollars a month; of a poor blind
Food sawyer who had saved $70 from
two years* hard work; and of a thrifty
nai'kot man who had $1,100 in the trap
Uong with his less fortunate neighbors,
nt no better prepared to hear of the loss
f their little all. I had heard much of
he failure of the bank, and had seen the
.rray of figures expressing the loss, along
pith accounts of the villiany by which
~ e ruin of the bank and its branches was
oomplished, bnt the full picture of the
£ calamity iu all its distressing details was
' not presented to my mind nutil I visited
the Southern cities, where the aotnal suf-
-isrers are. The record of this oritne
gainst the poor negroes is one of tho
sanest and blackest in the whole history
I- man’s iniquity.
.Another Report of Row. Caster.
Bt. Paul, August 23.—Gen. Custer, in
epott of his expedition to the Black
*li, Buys: “I referred in a former dis-
ct to the discovery of gold. SnbHe
It t examinations at numerons points
bfirm and strengthen the fact of the ex-
enco of gold in the Black Hills and
- of the water courses. Almost every
i ih produced gold in small, yet paying
antuie*. A brief halt on our rapid
kiroh prevent* anything but a very hasty
luuiuutiou of the oountry in this re
set; but iu one place, and only one
dihm my knowledge, where so great a
npth was reach d. A holo was dug
(ght feet deep. The miners report that
key fouud gold among the roots of grass,
pd from that point to the lowest point
ched, gold a as found in paying qnan-
It has needed no expert to find gold iu
he Black Hills, as men without former
xperienoe in mining, have discovered at
be expense of little time and labor. As
mvideuce of the rich pastorage to be found
l this region, I can state that my beef
.•rd, after marching upwards of <>00
eil«s, is in better condition than when I
xtel, being now as fat as consistent
Nth matching. The same can be said of
iy mules of the wsgon train. The horses
f the command are in good working con
Ition. I have uever seen so many deer
\ there are in the Black Hills, elk and
* have been killed. We have bad no
sion with the hostile Indians.
A Coolie Horror.
i -June 8, the Italian vessel Napoleon
areri, sailed from Maeao, with a crew
Joirfy men, aud having on board 063
dies for Callao, and 8,000 packets of
I works. After a lapse of two days
interpreter discovered a plot among
1 emigrant* to seize on the ship. Ike
‘ tin immediately ordered one-half of
l to be confined in the hold, but the
day those that remained ou deok
thomsolves with knives, belayi ig
, pieces of wood—in short, anything
could lay their hands on, and at-
ed the crew, who defended them
es with muskets and revolver-*. 1 he
•woHes then massed oo the forecast lu and
‘MbAre to the vessel, hoping that the crew
would set to work at the pumps to extin-
‘gofeh the flame*. During that time they
had also freed their cow rules and mur
dered the few sailors they could get hold
of. The captain, seeing what they were
Mug, ordered the boats to be lowered,
r ‘mM left the ship with the remainder of
n. Borne sailors who remained on
with the doctor, the m<"'azine
l and the interpreter, were tinab.p to
Int the flames reaching the flic
ks, aud tho ship blew up, scattering
fragments of the mutineers in every
ition, under the very eyes of the os-
1 erew.
The Choctaw Corner Trow hies-The
Truth or the Natter., August 25.—Reliable in
formation coucoruicg the Choctaw corner
trouble, between whites and blacks, is to
the effect that the white* were informed
tho negroes were going to sack and burn
the town. Two hundred and fitly whites
organized and got ready, bnt the negroes
did not come to time. Some of the lead
er* were arrested and jailed, when it was
found that negroes had come among them
from Mobile and New Orleans, aud told
them that Presidunt Grant had sent them
to organize companies and seise live grow
ing crops.
One of the ringleaders was aires'.ed at
a camp meeting, in Wilcox county, by an
officor, assisted by the negroes present at
ill* meeting, and jailed.
It is belioved that an organized effort
is being made to foment discord aud
strife among the races for political
Choctaw Corner negroes say they had
no grievanoo to complaiu of; they
acted only on what they supposed to be
Gen. Grant’s authority.
That Kentucky Trouble.
1 he following dispatch was not received
at this office as it should have been, Mon
day morning. It explains a dispatch wo
Louisville, August 22, 1874
A special dispatch to (he daily Commer
cial, fiotu Lam-aster, Gerr&rd bounty,
Keuiucky, dated 1) p. in., says:
We are liaviug a terrible war between
the whites and Micks. Fighting has
been g >ing on at interval since Wednes
day. Friday in .ruing the negroes s'aot
Fred Yeukoy. Tins so exasperated the
whites that they took possession of the
town this morning, and tiring has been
going on ever since. The negroes are
fortified in the residence of Hon. Win.
Hellers. It is thought that two of them
were killed this evening aud several
wounded. The whites set fire to an out*
bou-e near Sellers' for the purpose of
burning the blacks out, and while they
had the negroes surrounded, tho United
States troop * marched into town to quell
the riot, and were ttred on by both par
ties. l ho tire was returned, and several
wounded on both sides.
Utter.— Mr. Hellers’ dwelling has been
The Commercial says that this trouble
is not between tho whites and blacks, but
among the friends of Bellersaud Kennedy
(both white), which has been brewing
since, aud which had its origin in the re
cent election. The first named is a Re
publican and tho latter a Democrat, aud
the connection of the blacks in the affair
is purely from tkoir friendship for the
contesting part es. The oitizens, irrespec
tive of party, hold a meeting on Thurs
day, and appointed a committee to wait
on the principals and endeavor to settle
their misunderstanding otherwise thun by
Three companies of militia have left
hero for the soeue of troublo.
Later advices report that all is quiet.
erH.tloni.1 i.mi.. Match.
*o Biuhcu, Augaet 25.—Crowd, are
i witaeaa the International Hwitn-
fatoh for the |ohampionabip. The
anti will ba token out in the surf
(at 1 o'clock, to tho atake boat, three
i ehore at 2 o'oloek. The men
lire and awiin for the ahore, and the
| to land will reoeiva the title of
•pion of the world,” and atakea of
-..I* 000 '
, JMiIbm DsMserstle Ossvsatlss.
- - Hmvox Rouge, August 25.— Every par
ish but three ere represented. A good
feeling prevails. &. H. Mbit Is perma
nent President.
1! EEC lllCli ft WE All* IT.
New York, Augu-t 2Beecher has
made au affidavit cont lining an explicit
denial of tho ohargot made in the allega
tion of thocomp'a ut brought against him
by Theodore Tilton, exoept the specifica
tion that he, Tiito ', had been married to
El.zibe h Morchaidv, now Elizabeth R.
New York, Augut 21.—The Herald
publishes a synopsis of the forthcoming
report of the Beecher investigating com
mittee. After the summing up, the com
mittee find Beecher not guilty of the
charges preferred against him.
Rochester, August 24.—Miss Busan
B. Anthony, in an interview with a re
porter to-day, relativo to the statemeut of
Bessie, implicating Miss Anthony in an
improper tete-a-tete with Theodore Til
ton, donios the statement, and says that
she never heard that the girl Bessie was
anything more than a servant in Tilton’s
house, and that Bke was half idiot, and
that Mrs. Ti ton had frequently said bIvo
could not instill into the girl’s mind the
first elements of truth.
The New Postmaster General.
Washington, August 25.—Postmaster
General Jewell arrived here this morning,
and ropAired to (be Post Office Depart
ment, where, he remained a few honrs.
lie leaves to night for Long Branch. Mr.
Jewell will be sworn in and assume the
duties of his office about the 1st of Bep-
Emigrants Returning to Europe.
New York, August 25.—The Secretary
of tho Emigration Board Htates that the
steamers leaving here for Europe carry
large numbers of emigrants returuiug
—Two German war vessels arrived at
Santander, Spain.
—Myriads of grasshoppers are in tho
Kansas air, going South.
—The Evansvilta tow boat, Durell, col
lapsed. Two were killed and throe mor
tally hurt. Tho pilot only escaped dam-
—Iu the International Congress at
Bmssolls, the Gorman delegate took lead
in the deliberations. Tho representative
of Great Britain was silent most of tho
t —R**v. John H Glondenuing, of Jersey
City, h>vs made a formal request of the
Presbytery-of Jersey City for an investi-
ga'ion of the grave charges made against
his character. The clerk of the Presby
tery replies that tho next stated meeting
will be held iu October, when the subject
will ho considered.
—Gen. Eli Murray, United States Mar
shal, left Louisville, Ky., ou Monday
afternoon for Fnnkfort, whore he will
take command of the Federal troops sta
tioned there, end march to the aid of the
Walker-Ru'sell party. There is some fear
of a collision between the State and Fed-
tral troops.
Washington, August 25.—Toe Chinese
govern mem, tome time ago, oornpl lined
to our own that an American naval officer
was engaged with the Japan expedition
agaiust For most. Considering this an
offence against Chins, in order to remove
the cause of complaiut, the navy depart*
meut has revoked the leave of absence
heretofore granted to Lieut. Commander
Cassell, aud he will, therefore, withdraw
from the expedition in which be was only
s volunteer.
Paris, ’August 25.—The Prefects of
Departments in the South have received
special instruction to use every effort to
prevent the sale of arms to the Carlists.
Lisbon, August 25.—The Government
has issued orders directing the Spanish
Federalist refugees in this country to de
part at onco.
Madrid, August 25.—The conscription
is being euforoed throughout the oountry
without opposition.
London, August 25.—The Market Lane
Express says: “The bu’k of the wheat
crop is now safe. Another week ct fine
weather and the fields will be dear.
Price* are now receding in consequence
of the belief that the orop is fnlly up to
the average. Prices are very low in
France, and the English wheat is still be*
ing reshipped from there.
Department of War, \
Washington, August 25, 1874.)
Probabilities. —During Wednesday, over
the South Atlantic States, higher barome
ter, slight changes of temperature, north
east to southeast wiuds, and clear or part
ly cloudy weather will prevail. Over the
Gulf Stites, slight changes in tempera
ture and pressure, variable winds and
partly cloudy weather.
Xtsey and Block Markets.
London, August 25.—Weather fair.
Erie 30. Oousols 92fta92j|. Iv6w fives
41^. Street i below bank rate.
Paris, August 25.—Routes 63f. 60o.
New York, August 25.—Money 2 per
cent. Gold 109). Exchange—long 487$;
•short 49t>£. Governments dull. State
bond* quiet and nominal, exoept Tenues*
so s, which arc stronger. Stocks dull and
a little lower.
New York, August 25.—Money 2a2^,
Sterling dull, 7$. Gold 9§t9$. Govern
ments dull aud steady. States quiet and
Provision Markets.
Nf.w Yo.k, August 25—Flour dull
and heavy. Wheat dull and declining.
Corn quiet and unchanged. Pork firm at
$23 00 Lard firm; steam 14ja>4 9-16.
Turpentine quiet al 35u35 j. Rosin quiet at
$2 15a l 23. Freights quiet.
St. Louis, August 25 —Flour quiet aud
weak ; sin ill Du-ono h Corn firm and in
fair demand—some sales higher; No 2
mixed, 68a69o on track aud iu elevator.
Whiskey steady at 98. Pork firm at $24,
cash; $17 for sellers all the year; $17 50
for sellers lust half of February. Bacon
strong—10c for shoulders; 13|c for clear
rib; l32o for clear sides. Lard firm at
Cincinnati, Aug. 25.—Flour dull and
drooping; family $5.15*5.30. Corn firm
and scarce at 68*70. Pork firm at $23 25.
B*oon firm; shoulders 9}; clear rib sides
I3j; dear hides 13}. Lord unchanged
but quiet; summer r4*l4}. Whiskey 96.
Louisville, August 25.—Flour $7.40
a8.25. Pork quiet and unchanged at
$23.50. Bacon in fair demand but high
er; shoulders 9}*10; clear rib 13$; dear
sides 14. Lard l«>}al6}. Whiskey 90.
Cotton Markets.
Liverpool, August 25—Noon—Coilon
drill aud unchanged; upland* 8}; middling
Orleans 8}a8|; sales 10,000 bales, includ
ing 2,000 lor speculation and export.
Sales of uplands, nothing below good
ordinary, deliverable in September and
October, 8.
Sales of uplands, nothing below low
middlings, deliverable in August, 8 1-16.
Sale* for shipment of uew crop on basis
middling upland, nothing below good or
dinary, 8.
Sales of shipments of now crop, on
basU of middling uplands, nothing below
low middling, 8}.
2:00 p. m.—Sales to-day* include 5,400
bales of American.
Sales ou basis of middling uplands,
nothing below good ordinary, dolivery in
August, 8.
Sales of shipments of new crop, basis
of middling uplands, nothing below good
ordinnry, 7 15-16.
New York, August 25.—Cotton steady;
sale* 1,629; uplauds 16§; Orleans 17.
Sales of futures: August 15 ll*16al5jf;
September 15|al5 27-32; October 15 15-32
al5 17 32; November 15 U*82at5 13 32;
December 15$al5 16 32; January 15 7-16a
15*; February 15 11-16*15 13-16; March
15 lo-16al6; April 16 3-32*16 3 16.
New York, August 22.—Futures closed
barely steady; sales of 27,800 bales, as
follows: Soptetnhor 15$; Ootobor 15j}a
13-32; November 15 5 16; December 15-
11-32; January 15 7-16; February 15 21-32;
March 15}.
Cotton barely steady; saloa of 2013 bales
at 16$al7; net receipts 115.
Boston, Angast 25.—Quiot and un
changed; middlings at I7}c. ; Bales 150
Mobile, August25.—Unchanged; mid
dlings 16o. ; net receipts 74 bales ; ex
ports to continent 51 ; sales 50.
New Orleans, August 25.—Quiot aud
unchanged j 16} for middlings ; net re
ceipts 25 balo* ; sales 250.
Augusta, August 25.—Quiet; middling
15}o. ; net receipts 121 bales; sale* 31.
Charleston, August 25.—Quiot; mid
dlings 15$; net receipts 63; sales 150.
Memphis, August 25.—Weak and un
changed; low middlings 16; net receipts
23 bales.
Savannah, August 25.—Nominal; mid
dling* 16, net receipts 121 bales; sales
,8 biles.
date, the Ut-rural Mae of
sts will leave U -lu l>u
El)' ESI)A i S aim 8 tTURJ
DAYS at H oYlook a. m., and
ceived a t*r 7:46
aa„18 ltn
f eiRui re*
W. JOHNSON, Agent.
nlihed my office, In anticipation of the bnalnesi
isa'on whleh Is now opening, with new mate
rial, I am better prepared than ever to do
every description of work desired by
And the Public Generally.
An examination of Prices and Stook Is
ed, guaranteeing Good and Reliable Work
man* alp, with Promptness.
Qaorgl* and Alabama Legal Blank*
Of every description un hand, or printed at
short no doe.
Railroad Receipt Book*
For thedlfljrent Roads, of various sizes, al
ways on hand, and also mads to order at short
Infict, tha esta’ llshmont is oompleto, and
facilities unij'le to U > every description of work,
from a Visiting (Jard to a Poster, an 1 from a
Receipt Book to a Royal Ledger, or a large
Quarto Volume.
Many additions havo b;en mado during tie
past season, and Ills now very complete, and
work In that line cannot be surpassed for flnhh
and durability*
Having an immense quantity and large as
sort ment o' Type, sevoh Press * run by S'earn
Power, an 1 ono o the in extensive stock» of
Pa|h r, Hi 1 m i L iter Heads, Cards, Tags, Ac,
•vsr brought *o O dumbus, n > delay can oocur,
or satisfaction Ml to be given, both in Prloe
and Quality of Work.
Remember the place,
(OpposltoNew Postotflce Building)
Randolph Street, Columbus, Ga.
My Country Frlen Is and Patrons will i loaso
remember the above, nml rend tUe r ordorj to
aug 28-tr CO.UU10..H, Ga.
Kill the Cotton Worms I
Paris Green and Arsenic.
tOU S.Vi.E i»Y
.u,i tf
Publishers’ Agents,
Ho. 2ft Pnik Row, New York,
Are antkarlaed ts Contract tmw Ad*
vsrtlslug In owr paper.
y!4 tr
Cream Cheat*, Pin* Apple Cheat*,
New Maokaral In kit*,
Flour from New Whott,
Oat Meal, Ry* Flour,
Whoat and Corn Orlta,
Onnnad Fruit* and Mantt,
Cider Vlaagar SOo par gal.,
Karoatn* Oil, 40o gallon,
Sugar of nil grad**,
CoS**, Rio* and
All parekam Mlnnl.
»»*r if ______
Praotloa in State Supreme Court or
In U. S. Dlatriot Court.
will ar«ue tidlrcves for a small eotn-
pen stl n. In some • a as tho fee will not ei-
tno expon-e of a visit tot ec tpliol. ]
ur*ue applications U
Judge Krsitne.
au^ll mz4
F l_
Rpa^lry'* MU', consisting of t*c*ntlit.g. Inch
Uortrds and Khrathing. Also a good lot of first
Class l umber on l.aud.
Address B BRAR1.Y,
AURfi tf Columbus, Qa.
cuurts, of (lllfsrsat States, for dssertloa.
No publicity required. Nu charge uutll divorce
glinted. Address,
M. HOUSE, Attorney,
tnySOjUwly 104 Broadway, N. Y.
Important to Farmers.
M R. T, J. 8TKVKN8 Is well known to
Tlauters of Georgia and Alabama at o
tb« most reliubln «ud efficient GIN-M BIGHTS iu
the country. Whersvtr he has worked he has
given satisfaction ; uud, as ho prouosss to make a
tour lu a short limn, plnutoni i.coding Gin repair#
should hand iu their natni*s and location. “Wot*
v ell dons is di. no.” inh*4 dswtf
These are French Flirtation Cards, and toll how
it is done where they know how ; and are Just re
ceived from Paris I Aro very nobby I Ouly 20 cts.
««« I III. ILL- V Il<1 “ ‘ “ * “
St. Clair Street, Ounliy's Building, next to
Proer, lligea k Co.
Real Estate Brokerage & Insurance.
KM^K, lit MIRfclSdlON,
To Merchants' aud Moohnuics' Bank, thin olty.
aj.rltt if
For Sale.
* ML
and M *' Wiley E. Jono-s within a mile of tho
citv. Ne-it dwelling with tour roomft and a
colonade In front, wi h n«ai Howe, yard and
garden Two-room kitchon, kooiI well n r
water. Ac., &o.; cue acre vuda quliter ol land,
all under aood leuccH. Pri oi'-U cusli. L uot
sold shortly will no rented. Apply '
For Kent or Sale.
T h e two story HKI JK
DWELLING. 8 ro in* and baec* f
ment with lire places, now occupied t>yi
Mr ft. Patten. Northwest oor..ei or Randolph
and Troup streeth. Ap; h to
aug23—ti i eui E ta e Auent.
Real Estate Agents
in the City and country, and will adrertiKa th
same fat private sate; FttKF OF OU AUG K, uuleu
the property is sold.
For Sale.
VACANT LOT OF LAN u, being the west pot
tion oi the “Nance lot,” oo Bryau o reut, adjoining
tho lenideuco of lion. M. J. Crawford. Call t>o >
if you want a bargain. lcl>12 ti
CITY LOT No. 001, ou McIntosh streor, wit!
three dwelling* on tho Bume. "’ill Imj sol
together or separate, at » low figure, for cash.
VALUABLE CITY PHOl'KllTV, flltnsted in th
biMim-eii centre oi the city. \\ ill fcell at a gree
Craoa A Black wall's Pickets all kinds.
Extra Ch-'los Elo, Old Ooveramaat Java ai
Mochu Oof##. Boasted Coffvs.
Bast brands Hams and Breakfast Strips.
St. Louis Pearl Grits, BO ft Sir $1.
BlsokwsU's Durham Brook lug Tohaeoo, 76c ft ft,
Lorlllard'a Bright and Dark Osatury Ckswlag
Have Them Copied and Enlarged by
Home Enterprise!
vzfv Moonn
Oil or Wat
at-ary i
dolph wtivs
*prk dm e at lm
daisy o- riak. f^Cot.OKING d m
southwest corner of Broad en 1 V
Safe and Paying Business Already
Established, for Sale.
. ftvorak's ts »*.
•nsnsasrs aud country a'rohent# would do
w* il to call, as I aro determlo d to nduen my
Isrgw and wall sslsctsd ■t^**k -
jstft 2m
Wsst’s Extra No. 1 Ksroosns Oil, 4
Purs Otdsr Vlnagar, Me ft gallon.
[fehl dllm] Trusts*
Grocery House
■ /*
/ .^,40 ;v . .j e . - K fh ■ frit vao.r. <5
■ iJ
1 origlimto from Indigestion
I vonoh for its
Nearly all dh
and T orpidity of t « i.ivt-r. and rolls) U
ximiHly sougiit a'lsr. If the Liver is Regulate J
its actum, hoelth is almost Inv iriablv secured
V. ant of action in tho Livsr ctunes lleadarhs,
. putinti, Jaiiudice. Pain in the Sliouldor#,
Cough, Chills MssiiiuHS . w our jtoum h. Had Twite
lu the Mouth, BLiouh Attacks, I'ulpit-v Ion of the
I loin t, Lepreasiuu of Spirit*, or tli- BiU'-n, and a
hundred oibor syinpioui*. f-»r which BiMMON8'
l.l Vh.Il KKUUL ITOK U tlx- boNt n-medy that has
»r beon ilieron rt d It arts mtldh , effectually,
I lining a simple vogetnblu comuoun I. can nr no
injury iu any quantities that it may be taken, li
is harmless in every way ; it has been ust-d for
forty years, and buudrods of the good aud groat
from all part- of the country will
btlug the purest aud best.
Simmons’ LIVIk KKUbLATOU, tr lediri*
Is hsrmlees,
Is no dr Stic violent medMne,
ire to cure if taken regularly,
0 lot xicating beverage,
faultless family medicine,
Is tbu «beauest medicine in the world,
le given with s.» rty and the happisst results to
the most delicate Intent,
Doos not Interfere with biiKiness,
I)oi>« uot disarrange- ilia system,
Takes the placo of Quinine anu Bitters of every
Contains tlis simplest and best remedies.
fob* deodswly
The Song Monarch!!
By H. B. Paltaor, Msllivd by L. O. Ktncr-on.
A bn<»k admiral 1> DtUd fo- the uso of Sing
log No onl Tcaoh )•». h««la* Inamllii. n to a
compile t sorettr e urso, n or ha 180 p uo«
ffiUd with <t.ooft, Qu * U'to , A T», \i#v>, Hu »
no. pleasant o slug snywho e, nn> o-b tliut-
iou aui si Ngr«o*> looo rso til stu«iy. A g<«xl
book Iso tor t'olltgo Uhous, lor Sen li.arlos
and foot 1 Sing*.
Price 74 cts., or $7 M por d, ten.
For Oholrt tud Convention*.
1* the Lavtvr ol all Church Music Books or
1174 and MT4. being tho 11 rt In ti « Hold . uil or
a Ohara Ur that osnnot bo • xeoitod.
By U. R. Palmer of Uhfruro asslutoil
Hy L. U Em* 11 sow, of Hoston,
oonta nlng also eoiaposluon# inun ii.o hni.d* of
larao number# of Amsilsnu Mu* 10 wrlteis.
For Uonvoutlons, Choirs and Singiug i’Ihhs s.
Tbs Lbader has Id paxes of Slnglo* Eciinol
Musi ■, the same s« tkat In 'ho Sour Ainnutch,
aid Urge numbers of now Tunes aud AuiUems,
•11 i t tno host composers
Prtoo #1.42, or $12.00 per dosen.
flps lmsn ooplss of tns above book mailed,
p st-pald, lor retail pries.
Ollrar Sltm A Co., Oluw. X Eltton & Co.
Boston. 711 Broadway, N. Y.
nvW dStawfwedssatUwlr
No. 14 and IS Broad St.,
Columbus, Ga.,
IH* C#HT*mi Oil Mill) ABOUT
100,000 gounda Baoon.
BOO b*rr*l* Flour.
From 100 to 200 b*rr*li fugtr.
100 bag* Coffii*.
From 100 to 200 birrol* tyrup.
200 barrel* Wbi*k*y.
200 bon** Tobaooo.
100 “ So*p.
200 “ Cindl**.
100 b*rr*l» Lard.
SO 11 M*ok*r*l.
. >00 *»ok» Salt.
SO tl ro*» Rio*.
100 r*am« Wrapping Paper.
100 •**•» Pot**h.
100 “ Sardln**.
100 “ Oy*t*r*.
100 “ flekl**.
100 box** Candy.
100 “ SUrob.
100*ro«* Farlar HatohM.
1,000 ponaO* Lorillanl'* Suutr.
*0,000 Clean.
1,000 poaaS* OffM* aatf Black Taa.
*00 ka*sor *bak.
100 bos** Bada aad rau, Oraakcn,
100 •• Ok*M* la M
•0 banal# Vlaagar.
*0 aaaka Seoiah Ala.
10* di
And ...rythlOK la lb. Qroe.ry Ho#, which th.,
otter lo th. trail, by th. packtif., .. low m any
other Jobhlnit Uaua. la th. Uultwl Mat.
aprl* lm J A J KAlirMAN.
I* Front Of PREER, ILLGE8 t CO.'S,
Cor. Brssd aai Nt. Clair SI root*.
Muscogee 8hsrlff 8slos.
W ILL ho sold on tho first Tuerday lo Sopt- mhi r
next, hot ween tho Irgsl hours ol psI*-, lit
front of I'reor, lllgos $ Co.'s, coru> r of broad end
fit. Glair streets, Columbus, Us., by LIIIr A llnrri-
son, the following doscrtbvd pro, orty, to-wlt:
West heir of lot No. 241, lying In the Hthdhtrlct
in said county, cot t>imng 10 % seres, uvmo or
loss, on the propstv of W. T. Wynn, to satisfy n 11
fa Issued from lbs Funsrlor Cuurt ot UuKcngpo
county, In tavor or L. M. Blggsrs, irunsf.i
B Crane, vs. W. T. Wynn,
by said Blggois.
Tlw j-roj'C
jii tin in vi.
i«iU> to pay a i
! ri: AN1> LOT, with tnl
acred ground, in Linwoou, nun tnm- irom o. %». n.
H. depot; a very comlortnldo ami donirahlo Inurro.
1J0U8K with flv« good rooms, within 3UU yards
of Houthwestorn Ksilrusd depot, onv-half aciw
For Rent.
A STOKE HOU.SEin the volley of Talbot county,
at » cro#»-road, thn-o mile# of tho Chsly!>i-»i«
BpringH. A very desirnblo locution for u Dry
^ Pou bas applied for i.t.eisof administration
ou tho imtat-i of JoMuph A. L. Loo, into of said
county, deemmod
tho time
should not
Givi-n ui
1 show causn (If sny ihey have) within
^riscriba-d hy law why said Utters
be granted to said applicant,
der my official signature, this August
I. M. BROOKS, Ordinary.
that c»u be given to persons mi fieri or from dys-
pi-l kift, hiii'ius complaint, colic, conaumption sick
hcaduclio, fi-vor aud ague, nervous debilDy, or of
any disorder affertiug the stomach, the live* or
kidneys, is to tone, clt-am**, and rcgM 1 *** theso im
portant orgaus hy the use of DR. 1 UTT'S VKOET-
ULK LIVER >MLL8. They act very mildly, yet
thoroughly restore the functional action of ths
digestive organs snd the inf'stiors nnd renovate
tho whole nystem. 'I bey produce neither nsueee,
gripiug or weakness, nnd may be taken at any
time without chsug'i of diet or occupation.
Priee 26c a box. Sold )<y all druggists.
possesses qimlMIe# that no other dye does. Its
effect Is lustnntHueouo, and so natural that It can-
jiot he ilftccted by the cio*est oti^ervor. It is
harmless and easily appi<> d. and In general use
ainonc th- fiikiiioniiblc- hair ilre-vers n every large
city In the United State* Price 41 a box. hold
Tetter, end Salt Itheum, Scald Uead, Ringworm.
Rheumatism, Pain end hulurgomont of tho Bones,
Female Weakuo-s, Sterility, 1 .eucorrhasa or
Whites, Womb Di*e.isc«, Dropsy, White Hwelliugs,
Syphilis. Kidney end Llv-r Complaiut, Mercurial
Taint, and Piles, ell proceed from impure blood.
Is tho most powerful Blood Purifier known to
medical sciencs. It enters into the circulation
and eradicates every morbific sgent; renovates
the system; j roduces sbi-uuCful complexion end
causes the body to gaiu flo»h sod iucreaso In
weigbt ' Ksep ike IlMd HMlthy
and all will well. To do so, iiotmuq has ever
been offered tbet can compare with this valuable
vegetable extract. P ice fl.uu a bottle, hold by
all Drug gists. OMoeitf GortUndt sirsst, N. Y.
Stoves, Stoves
( In OSoa)
Columbus, Ga.,
W OULD rsspectfhlly invite tbs attention of his
friends end customers to hla extensive
WARE, I10U8K-VURNI8I1ING 000DB, Ac. Also
TIN WARE, at wholesale aad retail.
Manufacturer sf TIN, StlHET IKON AN
Hoofing and Guttering
done promptly end In ths t«est manner.
He solicits s call, fesliug assured that he can
give entire satisfaction.
A9’ Price as low as the lowest. Ct-me end s*v
before you buy. octt*> eodswtf
Muscogee Sheriff Sole.
U ILL bs sold on ths first Tuesday In September
Vt next, between ths legal hours ol sale, lu
front of ths stors of P.esr, lllges A Co.,
Bioad street, Oolumbns, On., tno loilowlng de
scribed property, io-wlt:
Tbs Columb'is Hsam Planing Mill# sltustsd on
lot X40 slid tuai part of lot rhl). In the < lt> • f Co-
lumbNo, Go, togither with tbs Vac.ilui-ry bt long
ing to said ml. Is. Levis I on as the |.r- pe. ty ol it.
M. Onotch.snd H. II England, su.v.v-re, *o
• ul fy s fl. fs. Is-asd fr« m hiUtcottso Miperior
Court In fsvor of Mary II • g- s, A>.m nl ran lx.
vs. sold i.s .tchius A England. Prope. ly pmnud
out In said fl fs.
Also, ol sumo time and plooo, ■ uth ImD of city
t No. 201, with on tho iropruv* mo t tl.ervou, in
Oniambus, us., ct utolnlog «> M n-quaiti r ol un m ro.
m<»re or less, h vi d t-n so ths pr. j srty of 'iln-mai
Baglsnd. uecoasi-d, In the h iu<f« o a l»ert t.. u g-
iai.d, • xo utt«r o< ths •state ot said 1 l.ouuw i «g-
Isnu. deceits d. to sotisty two ti iss ie*iitd Hum
JiiStlc s’ Ct uris—out lo hivor ol a LhW-
bou.snd the Other in favor ol Welch AC", vs.
Albtrt k. Hagliud, cxve nor ns afori sa"!. I'r p-
srty pointed out by detend .ut Levy m H-> ■ n • ie-
turn d to mo by F. M. Comer, law nl cuu<-t -b o.
ana6_w4t II. U. lVhV, rliouff.
Chattahoochee Sheriff Sale.
tho towu of CUS«« s, Chet'S 1
tws*-u tho legal Lour# of sa-e, tbs loilwwiiig land#,
Lot of land No. 117, lot of lsod ^o. 121, oml 16a
oersk of lot No 1X0 all lying no* li n N rll la
creek, couta.n ng In oil fiv« b udr*d and -ixty
(68»> o lev, mor>« or Uos, ul thoo.x*h u.otiioi of
originally Mum-og-o, but n->w 1 h itl-thfaliOo
comity Ga., as the pr -petty of m. A. arl, to
•stlsty a ti fa Ttiu tho tup r or court of this
county, lu favor or kroetua u, Hood.
eu.4 wtd JOHN M RAPP. Fhrrlff
Ch*M*hoooh** Sktriff Sale.
first Tuesday In repteaih r next, within ib« legal
houif of si»io, tho loliowlug ds*odbed property,
Lot of laud No 18 la the 6th dlatilct of oriyln-
sly Mu c-igee, now ih ttiilioiicb-e v» uty.<on-
tain Ing two hlmJr-d two nnd one I a I .-0-U)
sorts muieor so ihsprop«>t of kidiitig G.
ootloty a fl la in tuv rot Wi- l-agiy,
ii.Utrstor <
These B pact sales ere manufactured from "Mia-
ut* Crystal Pebbles" melted together, end ore
colled Diamond
1 ou oocobut of their hardness sod
Having been tested with ths polorlscope, the
diamond lonoeo have boon fonad to admit • ft sob
por coat- loos hooted roys then any other pebble.
They a 0 ground with greet solontlfic accuracy,
ore free from chromatic aberrations, end produce
1 d plnCt
tiaie 0
land No 74, lu tht- 6 h dil
eogoe, no t Utisttahuo liee c .um v, m* tic j r--j.*-rt>
of W. N >icft*ugbi«n, 10 sut.aly a tl fi .. . s a
Superior Court » held conkiy, In Ihv.u « * o u.n-
bis L. tody, v-. Leroy Polmrd, Miliouiljt' ul
W01. N. Alr.NaUgiltoU.
)yi2 d.?' 11V M SAPP, "heriff.
Chattahoochee Sheriff Sale.
W ILL be sol 1 ou tho first Tik sd.vy In : ,-t.n ber
n. xt lotsoeu il.o legal hour* «.| 11 1 , in front
of tbe Court liotteo in u*«lIm, tho 10I tw n« do
scr.bud property, to-wlt:
All of lot of Isnd No xn, In tb < :<3d dMr;rt rf
Mid county, exetpt the wido*'« du»m ill ism.
and also the roaiduary inttrest in nt <1 to
dower, which 0 D'ist. or seventy t70/ in?io«, n.o o
or less, of tho southeast coidt oft Id l-n > XO,
wheroon la the dwelling h< uae and ntber 111.Id-
ing*. levied on ss the pr< party or IV. 1' ->ono#,
decooovd; to satisfy o 11 .a isotnai f.uin Justice
Court, 1104th dis'riot G. M., iu favor <>f Unwa d
A Stephens vs. C. B. -iou**, a im.n-*tisti.r ••( W. P.
Jones, dic'd. Property pointed out by de en<inut.
Levy made and roturaed to tue by J. W. Auatlu,
augi wtd JOHN M. SAPP, .* horiff.
Jackson baa applied for Exemption oi I »•
•uualty, aud 1 will iiooe upon tin* nu nt u
Saturday, ttu 224 August, 11.71, nt i
o'oloek A
aug12 2t
V M. BMOOKS, Onl oary.
VJr Rolou. administrator of the os ate of LI
Qutowsky, deceased, appliot for leave to sol
Ike real aetata belonging to said dcoeast-d
These aro, cite and an monish ull
K isons Interested, to show ause(il any tli-y
voi, within tho tlmo proscru ed by la «*, why
loava to m 1 ikoaid not bo granted to sold op-
Uivon under my kam
this August 4tu, 12T4.
• solo uoDti for Columbus. Go, from whom they 1 term of the Co<i
u only be attained. No podd.oro employed mimlon rhould
Do oat buy a pair 0 aloes you tee ths wads
!*♦ 00D deodswly JyH wka
_ Whereas, Oeorgo W Fuller. Ad ml Is
of tho estate of lllram Fuller, la»e of *aid comity,
dec'd, mokes %pp lesion for dlsmlMion •
These are, there 1 “
parties iu tore* led to
to cite and >tdui''ntfth all
__ a cause at the 'oV«mi» r
term ofTlie Court of Or Unary, why •• tier; o* di*.
not be g ont. d to oald ai pit > ~'