The Sun and Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1874, August 28, 1874, Image 1
Columbus .A. INI3D Ar ZDjA-IXjTT Enquirer. FRANK ^VESSELS, {,K B VaiRP.£SL} COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1874. VOL. XVI.—NO.' 200 TEEMS OP THE jAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY vxrqirmaixi. 'welvu months. in advanoe $h OO ?»»t month*. 44 4 00 Throo montha, 44 2 00 iOue mouth, 44 75c. Weekly Ekquiiurb, one year 2 00 unday Enquires, one yanr 2 50 nday aud Weekly Enquires to- ether, one year 3 00 Advert!*! nff Rate*. Reek, Daily, $ :» CO I ' “ “ 6 UU ,». 44 •• so 8 “ •• i:» oo iS « *• “ 17 O-i 4 •* 20 00 ft •• “ 82 OU <4 “ “ 25 00 1 Ana re 1 year 42 00 The above ia with the privilege of a change every tore" months. I’oi yearly cards a liberal die- conai.wiU be iua*b*. . Tie*Weekly rates will iuvariably I* oue-tblrJ Wilen mi advertisement is chaugeJ more than oaee In il.r«« months th* advertiser will bo cbarg* *4 with the rest of composition. Foreign adver tiser* njnst par as do tboso at home. UEOHUIA HEWN. .*—The DeoiooratH of Marion couuiy u< minuted M»j. E. W. Milieu, of i Vis a, mb their candidate for llep- ative. I —Gov. Smith has commissioned ltich* Eaters, jr., of Gonion county, as Iterirato Commissioner from Georgia to he centennial <ih.bilion of 1870, vice icwia Wala Smith, resigned. -The coroner’s jury in Augusta, to in stigate the killing of William Simmons [E I ward Owens, found it to be an net nastifiable homicide, and Mr. Owens i discharged. rA fight occurred in the country near ffiu, uu l uesdsy, between Ales. Futrsl l William Liudsav, brother*.in-lnw, in *i Lin Isay shot Fntral w th a pistol, ug li m instantly. It i* Raid that the uity grew out of Futral’s charging lay with abusing his (Futral’n) wife fig his absence at court. iTho Centra'. City of Albany, says: “oris from all portions of this section ate that cotton has been cut off at one-half by the drought, and the pillar also has commenced feeding i the cotton of many of our planters, S pea crop is also cat off, and sugar lias ceased growing. The potato is very fine, and the yield will be «n**u Uy large. ~Mr. A. M. C. Russell, of tho Albany Cfatiral City, publishes a card in which hRfta.NB tint Colonel Carey W. Styles, ed itor of the Albany Newt, made an as-.auIt on him on the 2lgt instant, attempted to Slap his face, Ac , and that it was on ho comat of article* concerning Styles pub li*ed in the Central City. He says that attack was altogether unprovoked, hsva not yot Been Colonel Styles’ vor- 1 of the affair. -The Macon Telegraph reports the dement of the dispute among the abers of the colored Baptist Church ‘ i city, out of which grew tho row ofore noticed. Tho charge of the nents of Rev. Henry Williams, tho iher, was that the letter of dismissal the Augusta churoh, which he ©x- • a forgery. A committee was to Augusta to investigate this charge, Upon thoir report that the Augusta i had not granted Williams such a as he exhibited, the Macon church 1 th it he was no longer its pastor, Ome of the negroes in Savannah I in a very disorderly manner, and ;ul to ex site a riot, on Monday af- bocuuse of the arrest of David South Carolina negro, win 1 a store in Savannah and proceed curse out its occupan s aud bretk i generally. A white constable and constable finally overpowered id proceeded towards a magistrate’s } followed by a crowd of negroes [were very abusive, particularly to- I* ihe colored constable for “’sisting kite ra m ’gainst his owu color.” Ar- ] at tho office, Huggins made a dnsh 1 magistrate, but was secured and The officers carrying him to the i f dlowei by a crowd of hooting iBulting negroes, but making no rush cue the prisoner. •-e-Atlanta, that tolerated Bullock and Mfldgett and cherished Kimball, cau't (tffififlt'ie martins that inhabit the eaves •■il other little nooks of that groat city. It MjRs charged that Ihe filth accumulated bir roosting places produced offon- “dors aud might cause sickness; the r turn, d iooso upon them the sports . ^^Jlfoith ibeir guus aud the boys with • irffpbpR and rocks; great numbers wore atipj^tcrod, but the multitudinous birds oxtermiuated nor driveuoff; aad Oow thero is a newspaper controversy jMrflbijfhether they are really a nuisance or Dot, It is well to settle that little qaHtion while the excitoment is up, hut it might have been more agreeablo to tbt martins to have settled it as a prelimi nary instead of a sequel. ALABAMA SEWNi -—Till Union Springs Herald reports till arrest, on Tuesday afternoon, of a young man supposed to be Win. E. Lacey, woo killed a man named Hart in Andalii- tit, Oovingt n county, Ala , on the I9ih inst. He gave his name as E. C. Shearer, and laid he lived in TaUahis-es. —The McCall wing of the Radical p irty of Bdllock county, Ala., have nominated R full county and Legislative ticket iu op position to the blaok ticket. For the Legislature they have nominated Cain Bogin and L. S Speed, colored, and S. D. Havelin, white. —The Montgomery Journal says that ;recn, on the 17th iust., an alter- k place between Smith P. Juhn- Thotuus J. Salter, in which hot ere used, pistols drawu, and in five minutes Johnson was a dead a shot in the head from Baltic’s —Tuskegee Nem, of yesterday, *™*™phark-H J. Lewis, W. S. Menefee, kbter, and W. G. Brewer, Esq., l j lined the Democratic Club hey have renounced Radicalism forms; the Civil Bights bill ibe swallowed; and thoy have paly out on the white men’s side, by properly bolong.” [Star, of Evergreen, says: “On ■nst., at the section below Castle- lion, in this county, two negro - out about skinning a buf that had been killed by the oars wfcfliApe struck the other oa the head' wkfc Hiok sad killed him. The mur- dim Mosped.” -Th» Eoion Spring. BmM hu tho boUm of th* eddiea* of tho proprietor of this paper at the picnic at Gueny t »u, Ala , on Friday last: * At about 12 o'clock Major A. U Calhoun, of tho Colnwbus Enquirer, took ihe stand, and delivered ouo of ins adrair ihle addresses. Toe Maj *r paid a glowing tribute to llie So ith, snul especially to tho fair sex, and then prjceedea o show up what he s’yled our uu nerons f »llios. with apt illustra- tio is, aud showed us the way to a better and brighter future He log oal y proved a 1 he slid, and urged upon the leidiug oiti- zeus the nojessi y of forming a commit toe to devise way.* aud means to induce immigration.” TELEGRAPHIC NOTES. —Blot, culiuary artist, is dead. —The Yorkshire, England, st'iken were won by Trent. —The gathering of the coffee crop iu Hayli will begin next month. —The sUarner Westphalia, from Lon- d m, has broken her shaft and is proceed ing slowly. —Tho C.ty of Pekiu arrived at New York f <om the trial trip at 1 o’clock joh- terilay morning after aitisfactory proof. —Tho Sheriff of Tunica county arrested thirty-four of the nugleaders of the late Austiu, Mississippi troubles. ae Irou Convention at Pittsburg advanced the pric s of bar, sheet and plate iron about tix dollars per ton. —Reel’s elevator, fronting on Water street, Buffa'o, New York, was destroyed by fire on tue 25th. Loss, $150,000—ip- auranc**, $15,(100. Three hundred ftennonitesarrived iu New York by the stemuor City of Chester from L ve pool, Suuduy, aud on Monday started for Dakota. —Chambers Bro kers’ lumber sud saw mill, with a Urge um >unt of lumber, and iiuker A Co.’s l oiler works, iu an adjoin- ebonse, wore destroyed by fire in Musoautine, Iowa. Loss, $75,000. —The Republican Convention of Kin- sas organ zeii »t Topeka. The resolutions ite thencli evemeuti^bf Ihe Republican party duriug the war, aui favor free banking. —Parties to the Russoll-Smoot fued, at Oweutov»n, Ky , agree to deliver them selves lo the Federal authorities with tho understanding they will bo protected uutil the Court decides tho differences —It is tr>w st ded that tho duel between tbo Cubau Goueral J’osad i nnd DeConts, of ihe Spanish paper of New York, took p ace yeslerdiy morning, resulting iu tho fatal wouuditig of DeConta. —A fire on Sunday morning at Buoua Vista, Butler county, Penu., destroyed about thirty buildings, oousUting of stores, offices and dwellings. Loss $75,000. In surance light. Tho flro is supposed to be incendiary. —Reports of the Railroad Convention in Boston, Tuesday, on the reduction of freights was accidentally omitted. The Great Southern F eight Line, via Charles ton, was tbore repioseuteJ, and aoted in harmony with tho meetiu —A woman sud six children, each with a placard affixed to them charging a well kuown broker.-.’ firm with rubbing them of $5,000, were arrested on Bro>td and \V»ili streets, iu Now York. As they marched back and lorth quito a crowd gathered around them. — 1 he sUipmentHof tobacco abroad from Richmond, Va , just no*, are very heavy. Ouo firm iboro is fil ing h contract with France for $8,000,000 worth of tobacco, and another has a similar contract, which it is now c-rrying out, with Austria amoun ing to $(i,()00,000. —The late-t estimates in regard to tho extent and • fleets of ihe Indian famine show that 800,000 natives aro still depend- o ton ch.iriUbla relief. Further diet tens is ihreateried. The worthor has been ex cessively dry, nnd unless rain falls soon the harvest will prjvo a failure. — the si cretary of tho Emigration Board o-.t : males that for the presort year (he etn grat oa to tins count y wid be abou 35> 1,00 I, which w ill bo 130,OUO less iba i iu 1873. Ihe.steiun rs leaving No a York for i>.tir >pe <arry l.rgs numbers of e u grautu who are returning to their homes. — fosiah Shove, a confidential clerk of Curiis, M rry & C j., siationors of Nass-m street, New York, was arrested, charged by the firm with having embezzled funds lo the amount of $35,0(10 comm;lied to him for making purchases. Tho defalca tion was discovered by exatning tho books during Shove's stiiuunr vacation. —A rencontre took place Sunday morn ing at Hondo son, N. 0., botwten T. W. Taylor, sheriff aud Souator elect, aud •bis A. Osborno, a prominent lawyer, m which tho latter was shut from his hors- by Taylor. The shooting wan done with a double barrel gun. Osborne was shot three times before he fell. —On tho 10th instant, a little girl, named Angie South, living with her pa rents, throe miles oast of Evans, N. Y., mysteri. u-ly disappeared. On Sunday morning last hor body was found, u mile and a half from thoro, badly decomposed. Foul piny is suspected, and tho corouerof Buffalo is now holding uu iuvestigatiou. —-In consequenco of a rise in tho Mis sissippi river, caused by the reoent lioavy rains, a log boom of *the Kt. Anthony Bdotu Oo , above tho Falls of Si. Anthony, broke, aud one million sud a quarter foot of logs went over the falls. The loss about $12,000. The river at this poia£ now full of logs, and it is inferred a: other break has occurred. Considerable daiuHge to dams at the falls has boon done by escaped lop —T. W. Cardozo, colored, State Super intendent of Ed n ation of Mississippi, was urrest« dm Jackson on an affidavit made by S. C. Carter, charging Cardoza with fr.iudulently issuing jury aDd wit nesses ceriideates while circuit clerk of Warren county. He was brought to Vicksburg, appeared before a justice of the peace, waived examination, and fail ing to give tho required bond of $5,000 was seut to jail, —The Republican Stato Convention of North Carolina nominated J. J. Bagley for Governor, A. H. Holt for Lieut Gov ernor, and E. G. I>. Iloldon for Secretary of State. Tho resolutions, after eulogiz ing tho Republican party, p<y attention to finance-, and while recognizing green backs aud national bank notes us superior to any other pap jr currency that has over existed in tho United States, yot demand the earliest practicable resumption of specie p i\mont«. opinion is that there will not be any trouble with the Indians but can bo eon- ' trolled by the U. 8. force. —Governor Furnas, of Nebraska, ha* j issued a circular to set tho true stato of j * IT airs in that State before tho people, j He says the information received from ' FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. THE INTERNATIONAL CONOUKSH. Brussels, August 27.—Iu tho Interna- coun'ips, together with personal { tlonal Congress tho summary of its pro- ohsiirvat on, warrants the a«serUon that while crops are shorter than for several >oils, there is by no means a failure of sin H grain. The corn will average from a half to no crop ; r-»o s very short. Tho fruit is moro iu quantity, but inferior in qudity. No o-se of immediate need has y et been reported. At quite a number of points on the oxtieuio border help will be required soon, and must bo extended through the winter. TUE PLAOmsTKAWIAM. THE DKOCT1I AND THR ORASSHOPFIRS. Tbo St. Louis Republican of the 20th has been permitted to publish the follow ing letter to a lady of 8t. Louis : Manhattan, Kas., Aug. Hi, 1874. You wi 1 all feel sympathy for us, I know, when I tell you we have had no nun* yet, and the grasshoppers are still with us as bad as ever! Nearly three mouths without r«iu; g a«shoppers tor two months, and excessive heat aud dust uearlj all that time! I uever felt so dis heartened and prone to murmur! Over and over agaiu we have had heavy storm clouds, thunder and lightning directly over us, and fe t confident of relief; a few drops would fad, and (except for a slight cooling of the atmosphere) that wou d be ull. Every tree is stripped, the maples, wil lows, fruit trees, bushes, grass, weeds even—all greenness gone—and it preseats such a singular, dreary sight; looking like November with the heat of summer. Ou oar seven pe «ch trees not a leaf is left, and tho fruit euteu away and the pits left hanging most forlorn! The “hoppers” aro thick upon them from root to stem, now eating the very bark, and many, many a young tree will be killed. We cannot step out of doors with comfort, for thoy n-e in swuruis sud blind us, and ut night I have to take off every article of • lothiug separately,and carefully hunt the pests. They are very destructive to cur- taius and clothing. In hanging out the clothes from wash, the artiobs have to be watched with lynx eyes, nud taken in as soon as dried, or tiioy would be ppotted and eiten in a few minutes. But thero is no use trying to make you understand the nuisance ; you cannot form an idea of their horrible de struction without witnessing it, nor the disgustingly nervous feelings they give us. Tue trains are often stopped by clogging up the trues. Even the plants iu my house I am unable te preserve. They have destroyed my geraniums, my calls lily, etc., though I have kept them in the parlor aud endeavored to protect thorn. MISSOURI DEMOCRATIC CONVEN TION. niPEAL OP partial taxation dxmanded. St. Louis, August 27.-—Among the resolutions of the Missouri Democratic Convention is this : Resolved, That while the West is heav- ly burdened to sustain the man ufactories of the East, a sum of upwards of one hundred millions of dollars is annually collected from us in he shopo of a revenue tax on distille 1 and fermented spirits, the products of our grain, aud on tobacco which, by another n j nst provision of the same law, producers arc prohibited from selling in tho best narkets. Wo, therefore, demand in the ipirit of justice that this law be repealed; io that we may thereby be relieved from this unjust and partial sys'em of taxation. BALLOTINO. On the firs*- ballot for Governor, Cock erell received 111 votes, Harden 89, Nolemau Hit, McClelland 22—neoessary to a choice 1G2. Tlie Presidency—General Hancock uu Aspirant. Washington, August 27.—Tho Norris town (l*a.) Herald says that General W. 8. Hancock spout several days last week iu writ'ng to his friends in Norristown and its vicinity, nnd that while in conver sation with some of oar citizens be in’i- m&ted that ho was an aspirant for the highest political honors, and that his name would be offered ph a candidate for Frcsideut in the next campaign, staled that there would be a number of candidates brought forwaid, but there were certain considerations which he thought entitled him to party favor. PerniNylvunlM Democrat*. Pittsburg, August 27,—The Democrat ic Convention nominated Warren J. Woodward on the sixth ballot for Gover nor. John Lstta Westmoreland was nomi nated for Lieutenant-Governor. Wnsbiniftoai Personal*. Washington, Aug. 27.—Sherman comes to-morrow. JoweU’s commis-iou as Posluiunter- General has been signed by tho President, who camo to the White Houso this morning. Two p'jstoffice officials, the Superin tendent of foreign mails and the super intendent of tho money order system, have boon detailed to attend the Berno (Switzerland) Postal Convention. Death of a Veteran. New York, August 27.—Ottis Dyre, a veteran of the war of 1812, died in this city Wednesday; aged 87 yoara. He for. morly lived in Montgomery, Ala. Georgia Commissioner of Agricul ture. Atlanta, August 27.—'Governor Smith has commissioned Dr. Tho*. P. Jonos, of ceeding* have bora ruiul and approved The due of tho final sitting will ha np pointed to-day. Ihe Prince of Wales has arrived hero on his way to B.rlin. •PAIN. OABL18TS DEFEATED—CHIEFS ARRESTED. Madrid, August 27.—The Gmlists at tempted to carry Paycerda tty assault. Tbreo cjIuiuuh attacked tho city at differ ent points, but all were driven book with heavy losses. The chief of artillery 1ms beon killed, aud more than half of their cannon are dismounte 1. Paris, August 27.—The Carlist leaders Sparia aud Visoouut Do La Torre havo been arrested by tho Frouoh uu horities at the Port Yendoro, on the frontier. They showed false papers, nnd havo been tukou to Preguetiax, where they aro now. Tho authoriti s are ke piug close watch on the frontier and tho Carlists are con sequently straightened for provisions. NO RECOGNITION BY RUSSIA. London, August 27.— Russia has again iuformed Germany that sho soes no cause to modify her attitude on the Spanish question. Tbo provincial correspondence declares that tho friendship aud good uu- of tho three Empires is un impaired. GREAT BRITAIN. BIG STRIKE ENDED. London, August* 27.—Tho Daily New» announces that in Be fast the strike has ended, aud all (he operatives, forty thou sand in uumber, have resumed work. FRANCE. M'MAUON RKTURN8 TO PARIS—REMAINS DISCOVERED. Paris, Aug. 27.—President MacMuhon arrived in Paris at midnight. It is reported that during tho reoent excavations at Vuubois the body of Leo nora l)i Vinoi was discoversd in a state of perfect preservation. Lonif Branch Race*. Long Branch, August 27.—The first event to-dsy was tho selling race for nil ages for a purse of $51)0 —one mile and a half. Qui s wou; Stoekwood second; Mary Constant third; Wizard fourth; Mrastrcl tilth, with Eleotric bringing up the rear. Time, 2:48^. The second race was for a purse of $500 for two-year-olds—one mile. Bay minster won by four lougths; Auiilla second; Gaatinet third; Scrambler fourth. Time, 1:48. Third raoo— mile hosts—substituted for the four-raile-heat race. Five horses started. Race was woo by Jnok Frost; Fadludeon second. Corning third; Audu bon distanced. Time, 1,45$, l:4Gj, 1:40$, 1:49, 1:53$. Fadladucn won tho first and second heats. -la reply to n telegram from Gov. j Groe.-e county, Commisaioner of Agri- O.born, < i Kuusas, requesting arms nnd ! eultuie. ammunition for the defending of tbo i - — ■ •*—-—• southern border of tbo SUto from tho ; Bowen Dawngect Only •190,000 threatened invasion of ho,tilo Indiana, | Worth. the Secretary of War aays tho debt of j Yobk Autm.t n Bowen hen that Slate on arcount of arms, emmnni-i «“• Au «";‘ ““ tion a it equipmout furniatied bv the , commenced proceedinge for $100,000 general government amounta to 117,000, a giin-t Ihe Brooklyn Eaylt, and #60,000 end he does not feel authorized triisuo j t ^ UDSt tbe repor t e r who famished th. .i t more th.u the 6fp(l oeihines end SO,- I “ , V Soil round, of ammunition furnished ss “ Ua 3«d «»1»" tntervmw. Th. r.porUt Ut. u July lest. Is army oirolss th. j was bails J in $2,000. firstly fan. New York, August 27.—John 8c*hatle- burg to day was committed for trial for plsoiug a leg on the Canursio Railroad . yesterday for fan, by which h locomotive • went down an embankment, Ibo engiuoor | was badly brni-ed, and two passetigor | cars full if excursionists narrowly es- • cap id demolition. lleward for Ike Jail Breaker*. Nashville, August 27 —Gov. Br >wu has offored $5-)t) reward for the arrest of the jtil breakers, and offers assistance to the Sheriff, whom ho directs tj summon a posse of tho best citizous to maintain j order. Nothing later has boeu received from Gibson county or vicinity. Free Commerce and No Tarlir. | Springfield, III., August 27.—Among tho declarations of the Democratic Con vention is the following: Free commerce aud no tariff, except for revenue purposes. The Killing of Three Dear*. NARROW ESCAPE OF LIFE. Mr. It. 8. Pitt un, of West End, very recen ly, while passing through a field of corn in Florida, cams up m three bears eating roasting ears lie killed one, and inorta ly wounded another, whoso awful moans caused the mother to come to its rein f. The old bear immediately, being infuriated, d ished at Mr. P., who being young uml active, and having only an cuip'y gun, made his esc <pe t»y out-run ning tho hour. On the l3th Mr. P. went with a negro into tho hammock to get white oak to make cotton baskets, lie camo upon three more be-irs, who were robbing n yellow jacket nest in the root of a tree. One large boar immediately reared upon its hind b gs and commenced growling and dashed at Mr. P.. who only had an ax*. Ho sprung tip into a tree. At (hat time his dog tame to his reseuo, nnd one of the bears run up u tree, and tho other two ran off. The negro and tho dog kepi tho boar up tho irou until Mr. P. could return borne nud get his gun, nud ou his return ho t-bot master Braiu through the heart.—Atlanta Herald. —Wo understand that one day last week Nidi. Davis, Hr., in n speech in front of tho Court-house in Huntsville, declared “a colored man who will desert his own race And vote for a Democrat is a d—d sooundrol,” and a Democrat asked him: “How is it, Nioh., if a white man deserts hi* race and vote* for a Radical?” hu Nieh. evaded answering the very pertinent quostion.—I hi ntm illc Democrat. THE WEATHER. Department ok War, ) Washington, August 27, 1874.) Probabilities—During Friday, over the South Atlantia and Gu'f States, lower barometer, slight changes iu the tempera ture, ea it to south wi d-, cloudy or partly cloudy weather, aud rain areas, are pro bable. SHIP NEWS. Savannah, August *27.—Arrived—Ori ental. Sailed—Earl, H. Poytor. MARKETS. IIY TKLEG'RAPII TO ENRUIRER. Mouej and Vtock Market*. London, August 27.—Bank rate, 3 per cent, discount; stivot rate, 2 percent. Krie 29}. New York, August 27.—Money 2 per cent. Gold 109|. Exchange—loug 4»7); ihort 490\ Government* firm. State bonds quiet. Stocks dull and lower. New York, August 27.— Money 2*2$. Stetliug quiet aud unchaugel. Gold steady. Governments Btrong, little more doing. Staten qui. t and nominal. Paris, August 27.—Spocio decreased 2$ millions francs. Routes 58 and 52}. New York, August 27.—Shipments of *p*eie to Europe to-day $217,000, mi wkioh $150,(M.(> was gold coin. Provision Market*. Nxw York, August 27.—Flour quiet and unebun>>ud. Wheat a shade firmer. Corn firm. Pork steady at $22 75a22 87$. Lard firm ; steam 14.j. Cincinnati, Aug. 27.—Flonr dull. Com higher, 70h73. Pork stea ‘y at $23u23 50. Lard steady; summer 14. Bioon quiet; shoulders $9.70a75; clear rib $!3al3.25; clear $l3.70al3.75. Whiskey steady. Louisville, August 27.—Flour and onm unchanged. Pork unchanged at $23.50. Bacon firm aud in fair demand; shoulders 9|; clear rib I3g; clear sides 14. Lard 10|. Whiskey 97. Uoltou Market*. Liverpool, August 27—No'ui—Cotton steady; uplands 8^; Orleans 8|a8j}; Halts 4,<00 bales, including 2,000 lor specula tion and export. 1:30 p. m.—Sales on basis of uplands, nothing be'ow low middlings, deliver tble in August, 8 1-1(5; do. September, 8 1-16. Sale* of shipments of new crop, on ba sis of middling uplands, nothing below good ordinsry, 8. Sales to-day incluJo 8,400 bales Ameri can. New York, August 27 —Cotton firmer; Bales 2,242; uplands lOj; Orleans 17^ Futures opened Armor : September 15 l-l(>iil(>; . October 15|; November 15 7-l«al5j. New Yo »k, August 27.—Futures closed firm; sales 28,290 hales : August 1(5, Sep tember 1*5 15 l(5a31-32, October 15 21-32, November 15 17-32a!>-l(5, December 15 9- l(ial9-32, January 15 1 l-l(la23-32, Febru ary 15 25 32al3-lt>, March 10 3-32a5-32, April 10 5-32ujj, M^y lOjidMO. Cotton firm; sales2430bales at ltJjfal7 f |; net rocoipts 30. Mobile, Auuust 27. — Quiet and un changed ; middling 10c ; net loceipts 10 halos ; sales 50 hales. New Orleans, August 27.—Quiet and unchanged; middlings 10$ ; uet receipts 14 ; sales 300—lust evening 3.000. Philadelphia, August 27.—Quiet; mid dlings lO^c; uet receipts 0 Boston, August 27.—Quiet; middlings 17^; noi reoeipts 9; sales 200. Baltimore, August 27.— Dull; mid dlings 10$; uet receipts none; dale* 200; spinuers 50. Savannah, August 27.—Steady; mid dlings 15}, net receipts 153 bales; sale* 82 bales. Memphis, August 27.—Quiet; little do ing; quotations unchanged; low middlings 15ial5jf ; receipts 33. Charleston, August 27. — Dull; mid dlings 15j; uet leoeiptu 132; sales 25; stock 3,(574. Norfolk, August 27. —Dull; low mid dlings 15; net receipts 189. Galvfston, August 27.—Quiet, good ordinary 14; net receipts 399; sales 135. Augusta. August 27.—Dull and nomi nal; middlings 15jo ; net receipts 08 bales; sales 101. POSTPONEMENT! Fifth and Last Concert GILBERT’S PRINTING OFFICE BOOK BINDERY. •pJAYIH® EXTENSIVELY REFUR- ntnh*l my oflloo, In anticipation of 'he buelnoea ma od whl h la now open tig, with ne <r mate- rial, 1 am tettar prepared than ever to do every deaerlptlon of wotk dealt ed by Merohanta, Corporations, Societies, Railroads, Steamboats, And the Publio Generally. An examination of Prlooa and Stock P tak* ed, KURrantoelDk GjoiI anil hellablo Work- maua-lp, with P.ouiptuesa. Georgia end Alabama Logal Blanks hand, or piloted at Railroad Receipt Books For tho <1111 iron wuys ou hand, • notlco. Inf tot, the oata* lla’tunnt I* o-uupleto, and faoslttio* 1110,1010 doevury iIchtIj tionol work a VlihlngDard to a Toiler, an i from n Uooelpt Book to a It y*\ Ledger, or a largo Quarto Vtlume IN THE LEPARTMENT OF BOOK BINDING, Many addition* have b en made during tVe paataeaeon, and It la now very complete, an J work In that line cannot be eurpas*etl for flnbh and dnrablllty.. Having an Immense quantity and largo irimontot Type, aoreti Pr«aa a run by S'eatn Power, und onoo the m irt 0xicn.1ivo alock« of Paper, HI l and Litter Iloadrf, Oarda, Taga, Ac, ever bronght o C dutnbuu, n>> «!«Uy cau oounr, BdtlRfaotlon f,.U to bo glvon, both In Prloe and Quality of Work. Remembor the place, OLD ACM AND TIMER OFFICE, (Oppoalto New Poatolfloe Building) Randolph Afreet, Colnmbua, Ga. My Country Frlenda aud Patrons will | letiae remembor the above, end .-end tt.o r orders to groceries. H. F. ABELL & GO. 1IAVK.TUST RKCKtVKD Cresm Chess*, Fin* Appl* Ch**s*. New M*ok*r*l In kit*, . Flour from N*w Whoat. Oat Meal, Rys Flour, Whost and Corn Grits, Conned Fruit* and M**ts, Cider Vinegar 50o per gel., Keroaen* Oil, 40o gallon, Sugar of oil grodoe. Coffee, Rio* end Cracker*. All MrskssM delivered. in Atn nr th* Public Library of Kentucky. DAY fixed ami A FULL DRAWING AS8URED Monday, 30th Novembar, 1874 LAST CHANCE FOR An Easy Fortune! i uu L*ip t d. ai.d ii oiiReniMl, Hi uy U Hut t i uo vuriutlun iruui t ed. A Hiiflb iern mm, 1 l»itv« otiaOietl 11* to I 1 th>* ::int o' July, i>u iddoroi pru.fiaid- > Ln i h .swing. Li t It hu Lome in tninu ihut The Fifth Gift Concert 18 "’UK LAST U IIIC/I WILL KVKIt IIK GIVEN UNDER TIMS OHAKTEIt AND 1 ENT MANAGEMENT. That it wid poiitivHly THE 1'HKS- t|uivocully tuke Monday, 30th November, I lint' the iiinnic will be llie bent the country ttflords, ! and that 20,000 Cash Cifts AOOBEQATINO $2,500,000! will bo distribute J by l-*i uuioug ticket holder*. List of Gifts. ONE OKANII CASH (JiFT 1X50,000 ONE UK AND DASH GIFT 100,0*10 ONE GRAND CASH OIK I 75,000 ONE OK AND CASH OIFT 60,000 ONE OKAND CASH UTTf 'J6 0u0 6 CASH GIFTS *20,000 ouch 100,000 10 CASH GIFTS each I4o,ooo ]ft CASH OiFTS Jo,000 0licit 160,000 •JO CASH GIFTS 5,000 each 100,000 •Jo CASH OIFTS 30 CASH GIFTS 60 CA>H GIFTS 100 CASH GIFTS 240 CASH GIFTS 600 CASH GIFTS 10,000 CASH GIFTS lOO.OUO 00,000 100,000 100 000 120,000 600 each 100 each 60,• 60 each.. GRAND TOTAL20,000GIFTS, ALL CASH *2,600,000 PRICE OF TICKET*. Whole Tickets t 60 00 ii ut vms 25 00 lontii, or ouch CuUpou 6 00 11 Whole tickets MWOO 2.% Ticket* fur 1JXW00 1 trione wishing to Invest shutiul. rd«r tiroonit- ly, either of tho uonie Olfi e, or our Local I.iberu. cotDtniseious Will be ellowi-J to autUluc- lory ageota 1 ir< uiuru coutai"iug full imrliculura furnished ou application THO* E. nUAMLGTTE, Agent and Manager, Public Library Building, LouUvilH, Ky. For Ucketa sod lufo mstion, apply to Cspt. C. A. Klink, Agt. Coin tubus. 0*. aafT Ciuwawtd THU*. GILBERT, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. JOHN BLACKMAK, St. Clair Struct, Giinhy'* Building, next to Preor, lligus k Co. Real Estate Brokerage & Insurance. For Rent or Sale. T he two stiiuy mi.ijk . • DWELLING a ro ma and ha.-e- inent with llru tdaces, no a oouuplod i.j irPlsJI Mm. Patten. Northw at cor o. of Randolph aud Troup itreotB. Apilvto JOHN BLACK MAH, aug23—tf 1 e.wt b U« Ac out. ELLIS & HARRISON, Ileal Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, W ILL ATTEND PROMPTLY 'IO TIIK8ALK, HUNT ANU I'UKCUASKof UKAL Krtl A'lh in the City nud conn huujo (at private hhI<>; the property i« eoJd. For Sale. VACANT LOT OV LAND, being the woat |x>r- tiou ol the "Naiica lot,” ou ilryno « rent, adjoining the roaidunco of lion. M. J. Cruwfoid. Call eooli if you want a bargain. fobl2 tf CITY LOT No. GUI, oa McIntosh etreor, with three dwelling* on the saiue. Will be eolu together or separate, at a low Uguro, for cuidi. ja'J7 VALUABLE CITY PIIOI'KKTV, sHitatnd In the btiHini'xu centre of the city. W ill noil at a bargain, or to au acceptable party .in undivided interest. Tho property can be uiu Je lo pay » larje A DESIRABLE llt)UAK AND LOT. with ten acroa ground, iu Linwood, ou» uiile from ,i. W. U { U. depot; u very comfortable and di-nimbi.: born. II0U8K with flro good rootnt. wltliiu 200 yardp of 8oiithweeU-ru Railroad depot, out-half nen- ground. For Rent. A STORE HOUSE In the valley of Talbot county, ' ■* " * '* ChnlyUate rjca A Block well’* Ptckcla, all kind*. Etlra Choloe Rio, OM Governtaent Java u*d Mooho Coffee. Roosted Coffee Boat brand* llom* and Breakfast Stripe. 8t. Loots Pearl Orlte, 90 b for $1. Dlock well’s Durham 8mokluK Tobaoeo, 7Ao p BE Lorillord’e Bright end Dork Century Chewing Tobacco. West's $xtre No. 1 Eeroeene Oil, 40o ft gallon. Cider Vinegar, 60c * gallon. ROB’T S. CRANE, THE WHOLESALE Grocery House J. & J. KAUFMAN, No. 14 and 16 Broad 8t., Coiambus, Oa.. KKKPH l«mr*KTLT ON HIND ADULT 100,000 pound* Baoon. BOO barrel* Flour. From 100 to 200 barrel! f ugar. 100 bag* Coffee. From 100 to 200 barrel* Syrup. 200 barrel* Whlikey. 200 box** Tobaoeo. 600 “ Soap. 200 “ Candle,. 100 barrels Lard. 60 11 Mackerel. 600 eaokt Belt. 60 tl roe, Rio*. 600 ream* Wrapping Piper. 100 one* Potaeti. 100 “ Sardines. 100 " Oyster*. 100 *< Pioklet. 100 box** Candy. 100 “ Sterok. loo gross I nrlur RatebPi. 1,000 pound# Lorlllnrd'e Inaff. 20,000 Olgnra. 1,000 pouuda Green and Blaok Tot*. 200 bags of Shot* 100 boxee Soda and Fanny Cruolsera. 100 •• Cbeoee la aeaauu- fiO barrola Vlnega». 20 cask* ficoloh Ala. 100 dosen Wooden Uuokets. 100 doeuu firooine. Aud fvorythlng In the (Irocary line, v hU-li they otlur t-t the trade by the package, ns !«.w as any other Jobbing lljiiae iu the United MuL'H. Aprlfl fim J kJ KAUFMAN. very dobiiaMe location CREAT SARCASM ! Safe and Paying Business Already Established, for Sale. M DRUO STOCK AND BUMNE8B ON favorable to* m«. lumera aud country ncrchanti would do rail, od I am d^tmuiu d to r^uoe my large aud well selected C. J MOFFETT, Q KOIUJIA, MUdCOOKK COUNTY — John II. Mareoy, Aduiiaistrstor of ilia entate of Ji W Mas.ey de eas d, appILs for leave to sell the real fatale belong Ug to laid di-ceam-d ; ab-se ere, therefore, to cite aud admonish ell part 66 ioteiested to show o use (:f any they have) within the time prnacrihed by l**-, w leeve to sell eeid rial estate should not be gran to said applicant. Given under u y hand and oflio al signature, this V b day of Angnat,lb74. a«g« eawla* F. M. BROOM, Ordinary. STOVES AND TIN WARE. Stoves, Stoves fe NATHAN CBuWN,p-i (Opposite Hun Oltloe) Columbufs, Gsi., Roofing and Guttering d *ne promptly and In the beet wanner, llo eclicite a cell, feeling assured that he c give entire natlsfaction. «ir* Price as low ea the lowest, route and r bo for o yon buy. */>t2A eodswt DIAMOND HFECTAL’LEft t These Hprctaeles are meuafaetured from “Min* uta Crystal Pebbles" welted together, and are called Ulemoud on eccobut of their hardneaa sud brilliancy. Having been tested with the polerisropn. the diamond lenses have bceu found to eum.t fllie*n per cent- Use heated rays than any other pebble. They e e ground with great eeUutitic accuracy, chromatic aberrations, sud product Spencer Optical Manufacturing Co.. Niw York. For sale by reaponaible agents lo overy city lo the Union. WITT ion * KIN8KL, Jeweler, and optidane, are sole agents for Colutobns, On., irom whom they oan only be attained. Se pedd.wrs employed. Do not buy a pair tinb-ee yeu •#« the trade ■ark ^ ooea deodewljr