The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, April 25, 1889, Image 3

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SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. I’ori of Brunswick. April 25,1889. High Water at Brunswick 10:32 a. m. 10:58 p. in. Low Water at Brunswick 4:32 a. in. 4:37 p. in. , ARRIVED. Schooner Otello, Bond, Boston. VESSELS IN PORT. Bark Annie Berner. (Ger.)4l9 tons, Schultz —Stilwel!, Milieu & Cos. Bark Maria A Kathe, (Ger.) 419 tons, Lass- Btilwell, Milieu A Cos. Bark Hilda, (Nor.) 506 tons, Tornesen—3. fc>. Thomas. _Bark Arica, (Nor.) 621 tons,Svensen—W. D. heelwright A Cos. Bark Der W auderer, (Ger.) 608 tons, Krohn —Aug Schmidt. Bark Irene, (Nor.) 427 tons, Olsen—C. Downing Jr., A Cos. Bark Kosa, (Sw,) 416 tons, Oilman—C. Downing Jr., A Cos. Bark Sicliei n, (Nor.) 590 tons, Johannesen— J. S. Thomas. Bark Glengarry, (Br.) 666 tons, McHenry— McDonough A Cos. Burk Saron, (Nor.) 481 tons, Johnson—at Quarantine. Bark Hannah Marla, (Buss.) 616 tons, Ekqvist—Hunter, BennA Cos. Bark Prince Alfred, (Br.) 531 tons, Bennet— C. Dowulngylr., A Cos. Bark Souveuier, (Nor.) 491 tons, Lunol— In ballast. Bark Charlotte A Littlefield, (Nor) 548 tons, Molter. Bark Atlas, (Nor) 500 tons, Petersen, Gars ton Dock—Hunter, Benn A Cos. Schooner Hattie Darling, (Br.) 81 tons, Kelley—Frank D. Aiken. Schooner B. L. Burt, (Am.) 720 tons, Wy man—N. Emanuel. Schooner Emma C. Cotton, (Am.) 333 tons, Ayres—W. D. Wheelwright A Cos. Schooner Willis S. Shepard, (Am.) 451 tons, Shepard—Hilton A Dodge Lumber Cos. Schooner Flora Kogers, (Am.) 4.7 tons, Francis—Hiltou A Dodge Lumber Cos. Schooner Willie L. Newton, (Am.) 366 tons. Smith— W. D. Wheelwright A Cos. Schooner Nellie S. Pickering, (Am.) 266 tons, McKeene—Hilton A Dodge Lumber Cos. Schooner John Bose, (Am.) 595 tons, Allen —bound for Darien. Schooner John H Williams, (Am) 515 tons, Longstreet—Coney A Parker. Schooner David Clarkson, (Am) 279 tons. Van Aman—railroad iron. Schooner Susan H. Bitehie, (Am) 513, tons, Perkins— railroad iron. Schooner Jose Oluverri, (Am) 629 tons, Arey—awaiting orders. Schooner J. S. Hopkins, (Am) Bennet— railroad iron. Schooner Hurry Prescott, (Am) 412 tons. Turner— Stilwell, Millen & Cos. UP FOR THIS PORT. Bark Unicorn, (Br.) 521 tons, McDougal— Bosario sid. Feb. 4th. Bark Progress, (Nor.) 431 tons, Buenos Ayres, sld. Jan. 20th. Bark Theta, (Nor.) 518 tons, Buenos Ayres, sld. Jan. 21st. Bark Boudevennen, (Nor.) 436 tons, Lud wigens Bio Janerio, sld. Feb. 19th. Bark Delphiu, (Nor.) Port Natal sld. Feb. Util. Bark Zelmira, (Port.) Bio Janerio, sld. Feb. Ist. M Bark Data, (Nor) 470 tons, Hansen—sailed Trinidad, April —. Consignees. The Brunswick and Western railway con signee list is not published, owing to the refusal of C. Moyer, agent, to furnish the Times with the information. Per K. TANARUS., V. AG. B. B: J. L. Keller, E. H. Mason & Cos., C. M. Tilton, S. Mayer U un man, Lung A Moody, Mrs. M. L. Adams, J. B. Dilion, Ellis, Young A Cos., Hopkins, D A Cos., C. Downing, Jr. A Cos., Max Nest, A. Kaiser A Bros., Koseudo A Torras, Glauber A Isunc. THE CITY WE LIVE IN. Tt ituk the 1 urgent compress in the world. It has one of the finest hotels in the United States. It has the prettiest scenery of any city in the South. It has the lowest port charge of any city in tiie South. It has handled this season about 130,000 bales '<f cotton. • • > 1 It is traversed lit all directions by street railways. It has a line of steamers to New York and one to Savannah. It is the home of the winter tourist and summer excursionist. It has a back country of fine farming land awaiting development. It will, in a few years, become one of the most important cities of the South. It has a flue system of graded public achools, steadily being improved. It has the finest harbor, all things consid ered, on the South Atlantic coast. Brunswick, Ga., has a population of 10,00 people—an increase of 5,000 in four years. It is nearly surrounded by salt water, and is nearly sixteen miles from fresh water. It has a large amount of manufacturing en terprises in operation and in contemplation. Brunswick has a land-locked harbor, in which all shipping is absolutely safe from all rough weather. It has a splendid system of waterworks, distributing an ample supply of pure, health giving artesian water, and is lighted by electricity and gas. It has the lowest death rate of any seaport city in the United States, and as low a death rate as any city of like size in the United States--8 per 1,000 per year. Brunswick has never had a cyclone, and Prof. Maury, in his physical geography, predicts that it never will, and gives good rea sons in support of his predictions. It is contiguous to the finest hunting grounds east of the Mississippi, stretching 100 miles along the coast and extending Into the Interior from thirty to fifty miles. It has $250,000 capital stock in national banks, with about $45,000 surplus. Anew bank will be started with $50,000 capital, to be increased as exigencies require—as soon as a State charter can be obtained. It is the place where Northern and South ern capital alike is seeking profitable invest ment, and it is the place that is rapidly looming up as a seaport and manufacturing city. It is the terminus of tw r o great lines of rail read, with Western and Florida connections, which are pouring millions of dollars of freight into our harbor for export, and ship ping vast quantities of goods to the interior It Is on a peninsula with deep water arms of the sea on its eastern and western boun daries; our two railroads traverse this pen insula, which is but one and a half to three miles wide from north to south, and by side tracks thown out to east and west can reach, at light expense, over forty miles of availa ble deep water front. It is located in the extreme western curva ture of the Atlantic coast, uud is, therefore, nearer all western, northwestern and south western points than any coast city nortli or south of it. It is 500 miles nearer San Fran cisco than New York, 182 miles miles nearer St. Louis than New York, 127 miles nearer Louisville than New York, and this advan tage is maintained for all western, northwest ern and southwestern points. Two Little Girls. I have two little girls—one two and the other four years of age. They were both very badly afflicted with eruptions on the face and neck. Sometimes when they would strike the sore* airslnst anything they would bleed as long as ten minutes; they were In fact so patnful that we had to tie up the hands of the younger one to prevent her from scratching on the flesh. They Buffered In this way for about eight months, during which time we tried several re medies without any relief. Seeing Swift’s Specific was recommended highly; I discarded all other remedies and bought on e bottle of It, and ■rave to the children, and It cured both sound and well, and they a re now entirely free from any sort of trouble. There Is nothing aa good for blood and skin troubles as a. fj.B. W. L. WOOPWkND, Bowling Green, Ky, WHICH WILL IX BE 1 Which is the falreßt, a rose or a lily? Which is the sweetest, a peach or a pear? Merry’s coquetlsh, and charming lg Miliy • Dora is gentle and fair. K er Bweet as a flower was her face when I kissed (Love is the romance and glory of life ) Miliy, my playmate, I love ’Mike a sister." But Dora I choose for my wife. That is right young man, marry the girl you love, by all means, if she will have you. Should her health become delicate and her beauty fade after marriage, remember that this is usually duo to functional disturbances, weaknesses, irregularities, or painful disor ders peculiar to her sex, in the cure of whioh Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is Kuarau jeed to give satisfaction, or money refunded See the printed certificate of guarantee on bottle-wrapper. For overworked, " worn-out," “ run-down ” debilitated teaohers, millinors, dressmakers seamstresses, "shop-girls," housekeepers! Cursing mothers, and feeble women gener ally, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon, being unequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic, or Strength-giver. Copyright, 1888, by WORLD’S Dis. Med. Asb’w. Dr, PIERCE’S PELLETS regulate and cleanse the liver, stomach and bowels. They are purely vegetable and per fectly harmless. One a Dose. Sold by druggists. 25 cents a vial. 18 CALLED THE Wonderful Ghill and Fever Expeller It cures the chills ami fever, touts up the system, gives an appetite, bringing strength and health to the •offerer. UPPMAN BROS., Wholesale Druggists, Sole Manufacturers and Proprietors, Llppman Block, Savannah, Ga. rC. E.HOYLk HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, Landscape and Fancy Paint ings of All Kinds. Graining, Kolsomining Glazing, Hard Wood Finishing a specialty. Estimates cheerfully given on all kinds of painting. Orders by mail or at shop promptly at tended to. All work guaranteed satisfactory. Shop corner F and Union streets. BRUNSWICK, GA. New Store The New York Bargain Store Have decided to open anew store on the corner of Monk and Oglethorpe Sts. where they will sell the cheapest CLOTHING, SHOES —AND— Gents’ Furnishing Goods Ever sold in this city for cash. Goods must be sold REGABDLESS OF COST. One trial is all we ask. Call and see us. $2O SUITS FOR $lO. All goods In the same proportion. Cheap John & Honest Charley. CAN CER-SK D5 SWIFT’S SPECIFIC has cured thousands of this fearful disease, many of them after all other remedies had failed and the case was regarded hopeless. It seema to cure by forcing out the poison through the Cancer. The World Ought to Know It. The world ought to know what S. S. S. has done for me in the cure of a malignant Cancer, which was so bad as to be considered incurable by the physic ians in Chicago, where I went to be treated. The hospital surgeons gave mo up, eaying they could do nothing for roe. One of my neighbors sent me a copy of an advertisement cut from a paper in regard to Swift’s Specific, and I began taking it. I got relief from the first few doses; the poison was grad ually forced out of my system, and I was soon cured sound and well. It is pow ten months since I quit taking S. S. S. and I have had no sign of return of _e dreadful disease. Mrs. Ann Bothwell. Au Sable. Mich., Dec. £9, ’BB. Wo will mail a pamphlet on cancer treatment to applicants free. isss PROFESSIONAL. DR. ALFRED S. DANA, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Newcastle street, opposite Moore A Val entino’s. Oilice hours until 9a. m.; 12 to 2 p. in.; 6to 8. p. m. C. P. GOOYEAB. W. E. KAY. GOODYEAR & KAY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 23 Newcastle street, Brunswick, Ga. 0. W. TUCKER, Physician and Surgeon. Office and Booms in Madden’s Building, Up Stairs, 201 Newcastle street. Office Hours: 8 to 9 a. m., 3 to 4 and 8 to 9 p. m. BRUNSWICK ABSTRACT OF TITLE COMPANY. —u — Cyrus M. Shklton, Attorney at Law, Manager—Crovatt block, room 4, Newscastle street, Brunswick, Ga. Complete abstracts made of all property in the city of B unswick and Glynn county from the eailiest period to the present time. DR. J. A. BUTTS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Newcastle, near Gloucester street. Office hours 9 to 11 a. m. and 3 to 5 p. in. Resi dence coiner Union twid Howe streets. Of fice hours Bto9 a. in. aud 2to 3 p. m. Tele pi lone call No. 33. attention given to diseases of the tiiroat aud lungs. rrOHI (Prickly ABh, Poke Boot, and Potassium.) CURES SYPHILIS Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Syphilis, Syph ilitic Eruptions, Scrofula and Scrofulous Erup tions, Ulcers and Old Sores. Rheumatism and all diseases of the blood ; all those that have resisted other treatment yield steadily ami surely to the wonderful power of P. P. P., the great Blood Purifier. SCROFULA Is an impurity in the blood, producing Lumps or Swelling, causing Running Sores on the Arms, Legs, or Feet, for the cure of which use P. P. P., the greatest blood medicine on earth. All these diseases yield readily to the power of P. P. P., giving new life and new strength. BLOOD POISON Cured in its worst form ; sometimes in cases with Erysipelas, where the patient was in Eternal Pain aud given up by the physicians. In some cases Scrofulous Ulcers broke out till the party was a mass of corruption; a bottle of P. P. P. was procured, aud the disease yielded quickly. RHEUMATISM And in all Affections of the Blood, P. P.P. stands alone and unrivaled, and some of its cures are really wonderful. If you suffer from anything like Syphilis, Scro fula, Blood Poison, Ulcers, Did Sores, Rheuma tism, or any disease of the blood, be sure and give P. P. P. a trial. P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root, and Potas sium) is no secret patent medicine like the many on the market. Its formula is on every bottle, thus giving a guarantee of its purity and whole- that no other blood purifier does give, LIPPMAft BROS., Wholesale druggists, Sole Manufacturers and Proprietors, Lippman Block, Savannah, Ga, Ask Your Retailer for the JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE OR TIIE JAMES MEANS $3 SHOE. e. According to Your Needs. fss&s&fc. -JAMES MEANS 84 SHOE reSHWkflis light and stylish. It fits like a f C fit- A !“* perfectly easy the first time it <2, r '\A ‘I"??? 1 - Kwm satisfy the most i vVN. fa< i!?. io " s V JJMLS MEANS (O. YxTs.® 3 BHOE Is absolutely the B <$- only shoe of its price which E YxO. has ever been placed ex l*Jz. ’ GpXOi Wnrively on the market wjTr'Mr.- in which durability bjSai£f*.3 lb. -la considered before 4MMHA.Lt A 1.1 mereout •A <<B for Ih s ,Tstn PS S H nf Means 82 Shoe for Boys 8 J. MEANS A CO., Boston. Full lines of the above shoes for sale by Examine W. L. Douglas $2 shoes tor gentlemen and ladies. TAYLOR & FLEEWOOD. ■ a Who are Weak, Nervous and Deblli- Rjf toted and suffering from Nervous illl I! IN Debility, Seminal Weakness, Nightly IMI UN Emissions, and ail the effects of early 111 I 11 evil habits, which lead to Premature IVI Vll Decay, Consumption or Insanity, send for Pears’ Treatise on Diseases of Man, with particulars for Home Cure. Cures guaranteed. No cuke no pay. J. S. PEAKS, 612 and 614 Church street. NashvUle. ’lVnn. “Gud anti Man," By the Rev. Henry Truro Bray, M. A., L. L. D. This book is elegant in form and most beautiful in contents. It is the book for the times; it is in fuet a revelation. Size, 9x6. Sent postpaid for $2. Send stamp for circu lars. Agents wanted. Hour Pubi.ishixo Company, Box 306 St. Louis, Mo. My father had for venrs an eating cancer on 1 under lip, which had been gradually growing v. oi until it had eaten away his uudor lip down to t gums, and was feeding itself on the Inside of I cheek, and the surgeons cold a horrible death v soon to come. We gave him nine bottles of Swiff. Specific, and he has been entirely cured. South Easton, Mass. W. B. Latbroi*. Swift’s Specific lias cured my cancer, which w\ very bad. lam nowin fine health—never both Have gained 25 pounds since I began taking Swiff* Specific. R. S. Bradford, Tiptonvillc, Tenn. A young man near this town had an eating cancer on his face, which had destroyed his nose and v.:. ■> eating towards his eyes. Asa last resort I put him on Swift’s Specific, and it has cured him entirely sound and well. M. F. Crumley, M.D. Oglethorpe, Ga. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, ATLANTA, OA _ SCHEDULES. TIME TABLE NO. { OF TIIE' COVINGTON & MACON R. R. In effect Monday, December 10, 1888. No. l. Fast Mall, daily No. .3, Local Freight, dally, except .Sunday No. 5. AccommodationTT Sunday only | STATIONS. P.M. A. M. A. M. p.M, P. 11. A. M. .... 900 700 ..Lv..Macon..Ar.. 625 600 .... 924 710 ...Massey’s Mi 11... 6 14 5 45 .... 942 i 16 —Van Buren 608 5 35 .... 10 00 7 22 Roberts 6 01 5 24 .... 10 30 7 35 Morton 5 48 4 54 .... 10 48 1 42 Grays 5 40 4 36 .... 11 12 7 43 Franks 5 32 4 12 . ... .... 11 24 7 54 Barrens 1 26 4 00 11 ® 1 5" Wayside 5 23 3 54 .... 11 48 8 05 —Bound Oak 5 15 3 36 P. M. .... 12 28 8 19 Hillsboro 5 00 3 00 l2 52 8 27 Grasslleid 4 52 2 36 .... 122 841 MlnjlsW 438 206 .... 1 <lB 848 Moiiucelil),.... 430 1 48 .... 242 9 19 MaCiien 40012 52 .... 306 9 32 .......Marco 347 12 28 •••• 330 9 42 ...‘...Godfrey 336 12 10 4 5a 4 40 10 35 Madison 3 02 11 10 10 57 5 49 5 49 11 21 Florence .J... 2 27 9 57 9 35 6 31 6 30,11 41 .. Farmington ... 206 9 32 9 32 6 oO 650 11 50 Gould 1 45| 9 21 9 21 i 08 7 08T1 59 ...Watkinsville. .. 1 36; 9 10 9 10 7 44 7 44|12 17 Whitehall 1 18j 8 50 8 50 6 20 8 20,12 35 Athens 1 00 8 30 8 30 A. C. CItAIG, General Passenger Agent. A. J. McEVOY. Superintendent. 'THE ’W'AY FBOM BRUNSWICK TO Savannnali, Macon, Atlanta, Chattanooga, Memphis, Nashville aud Cin cinnati. IS VIA THE 4 HOURS QUICKER TO ATLANTA THAN ANY OTHER LINE ALSO THE PICTURESQUE ROUTE. AND THE PLEAS ANTEST liOUTE TO THE EAST. Schedule in effect January 13, 1889. No. 12. No. 14. No. 28. iv Brunswick 3 20 pm 11 30 pm vJesup 5 lu pm 235 am 7 2.>am v h astman 810 pm 610 am 12 23 m lvcocnran 8 stipm 651 am ar Macon 10 25 pm 820 am 345 pm lv Macon 1030 pm 835 am 400 pm ar Atlanta l 50 am ll 59 am 10 00 pm lv Atlanta 200 am 12 25 m arltome..... 4 60am 3:spm ar Dalton 613 am 448 pm ar Chattanooga 740 am 615 pm M, & C. R. R. lv Chattanooga 835am| I 7 00 pin ar Memphis 8 20 pm | J 6 10 am N~C. & ST~I. K. K. lv Chattanooga...?.....1.. | l 25pmln 50pm ar Nashville .{.....|...1 | 700 pm: 515 am lv Chattanooga. *..J7.. I 7 fo ami 7 10 pm: ar | Cs#pm| 8 40 ami BRUNSWICK TO SAVANNAH. !v Brunswick.....' 111 30 pm l 320 pm I arJesup 2 00ami 4 50pmi lvJesup 3 49 am j 545 pm j ar Savannah | 6 15 aml 7 45 pm [ Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, Jacksonville to Cincinnati via Jesup. Macon, Atlanta and Chatta nooga without change. Palace sleeping cars between Brunswick and Atlanta without change by trains ll and 14. Ask for your Tickets via the East Tennessee. Absolutely the shortest line Horn Brunswick to Chattanooga and (Inclnnatl. For tickets and further information call on J. F. NORRIS, Ticket Agent, Brunswick. Ga. B. W. WRENN, S. 11. HARDWICK, G. P. and T. Agent. Ass’t G. P. Agent. Knoxville, Tenn. Atlanta. Ga. Cumberland Hoi TO FLORIDA. Tli© B©e/u.tiful Steamer CITY^ISIwiCK . Has been recently rebuilt and refur nished throughout. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT! AND AFTER DEC, 17, 1111. Leave Brunswick, (Daily) 10:50 am Arrive Fernandina 2:50 pm Leave Fernandina, via F. K. & N. Ry. 3:00 pm A> rive Jacksonville “ 4:15 pin Making close connections for all points In Florida by River or rail. JOHN B. WRENN, Gen’l Fr’tand Pass. Agt. J. F. NORRIS, Ticket Agent, (Foot F Street.) SCHEDULE. BETWEEN St. Simons and Brunswick. Leave Brunswick at 7.30 a. m. and 2.00 p. m. Leave St. Simons at 9.30 a. m. and 4.00 p. m. Standard time. DAILY SCHEDULE BETWEEN BRUNSWICK & DARIEN PER STEAMER BESSlE—Sundays excepted. Lv Brunswick.. 7:30 am ILv Darien 2 pm Arrive Darien.. 11:15 am lAr Brunswick.. .5:30 pm Standard time, Touches at St. Simons going and coming. J.W.TYNAN. Engineer and Machinist Sayan liali, Georgia., Corner West and Indian Streets ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY, boilers etc., made and repaird. Steam Pumps, GOVERNORS INJECTORS, STEAM and WATER FITTINGS of all kinds for sale, april l-13-’BS-ly. GROCERIES. ETC. LITTLEFIELD <£COL~ FORWARDING, SHIPPi/tO AND General Commission Merchants. Agents for New York and Brunswick Packet Line. ALSO Dealers in Ilay, Grain, Feed, Brick, Lime, Plaster, Hair, Portland and Rosendale Cement. april 14 and tf L>. GLAUBER, >l7 ISAACS Brunswick. Tliomasville, Ga GLAUBER & ISAAC, Gnii, Provision and Commission Merchants, BRUNSWICK, GA. Office and Wareroom in the former Freight House 01 the B. A W. R. R., next to Freight House of the E. TANARUS., V. A G. B. R. HEADQUARTERS FOR Dry Salted and Smoked Meats, Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Meal and Grits, Corn, Oats, Bran, Hay, Mill Feed. Consignments solicited. Parties wanting anything in our line will find it to their ad vantage to call on us before purchasing elsewhere. Highest market prices paid lor Hides. Furs, Wax, Wool, etc. INSURANCE T. O’Connor, Jr. W. F. Symons. T. O’CONNOR & CO., INSURANCE A.gts. Represent the leading Fire Insurance Companies ol the world, and the celebrated IBM LIH IBHAM fflHt’l Of New York. Assets over $120,000,000. The patronage of the public Is solicited. Office Madden’s building ■'!' ■ ' -.1. 1. —. 1 1 , J_ PLANING MILLS. Brunswick Planing Mills —and— VARIESY WORKS. J. O. VALENTINO, MANUFACTURER AND DEARER IN Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Newels, Scrolls etc. Rough and dressed lumber, Shingles etc. We ha ve re cently added another addition to our factory, and are now better prepared than ever, to fill orders promptly. Give us a call. H. IMI. MILLER, BRUNSWICK, GA. Headquarters for Harness. Fine Buggy and Wagon Harness, Saddles, Collars, Whips and any and everything that belongs to a first-class harness establishment. Mill and Turpentine Still Owners WILL SAVE MONEY by ordering from me, as I sell at the lowest prices and fill orders with dispatch. In connection with the above, I have an Upholstering department. Hair, Cot ton and Moss mattresses made to order at short notice. Full line of Feather and Moss Pillows. Furniture upholstered in the best of workmanship, and at lowest of prices. lam also prepared to lay carpets, pack furniture, etc. Repairing of har ness a speciatly. Harness and buggy oil at lowest market price. ‘•KLRNOLINK BALSAM,” THE GREAT RHEUMATIC CURE Tills wonderful Liniment is a pure extract from the yellow pine tree of the South, and is Nature’s own cure, if used externally, according to directions on every bottle, it is a guaranteed cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronchial Trouble, Sore Throat, all afflictions of tile chest and lungs, and a great relief to consumptives. The greatest remedy on earth for frostbites, burns, stings and bites of Insects and ani mals; wrens, sprains, bruises and all skin eruptions. Fernoline Balsam, used according to directions, is guaranteed to cure any of the above diseases, and to cure neuralgia, earache and toothache from one to five minutes. Fernoline Balsam is prescribed by all leading physicians and sold by all druggists and dealers in medicines, Price 50 cents per bottle . For sale at Lloyd A Adams, William Crovatt A Cos,. J. T. Rockwell, Hodges A O'Connor. At Wholesale by Lloyd & Adams, Brunswick, Ga. No. 6, Accommodation, | Sunday only | No. 4, Local Freight, dally, except Sunday No. 2, Fast Mall, dally. | W. S. BRANHAM, GENERAL REAL ESTATE AGT. Buys and sells real estate on commission. Gives personal attention to all property en trusted. Collecting rents a specialty. Will attend to all repairs, tax returns and insur ance without extra charge. Solicits a share of the public pntronage. Office In the Scarlett Block—Up-Stairs. BURR WINTON, CONTRACTOR, BUILDER -AND SUPERINTENDENT. Nos. 921 and 922 B Street, New Town, Brwaa wick, Ga. Correspondence solicited.