The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, April 25, 1889, Image 4

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THE COUNCIL MEETING. An Uninteresting Session Held Last Night. The Last Action In the Cow Ordinance, and the Bovine* Must go —The Members Wunt the Board of Health to act in Public and not Hold Secret Meeting*—Will They do so or llesigii? The city council met in regular ses sion last night. There were present Mayor Colson, Aldermen Ullnian, Parker, Bostwiek, Atkinson, Madden and Penniman. The minutes of the last regular meet ing were read and confirmed. This part of the proceedings will be gratifying news to the persons in favor of all cat tle being penned, as the minutes of the last regular meeting contained an ordi nance to that effect. The minutes of the called meeting were read and continued. The trial of appeal cases was contin ued. Petitions being next in order a small hatch was produced. A petition from 1). IT. Mann asking permission to trans fer iiis license to Mr. Callahan, was re ceived and granted. The actions of the health officer in detaining all vessels at quarantine was approved, and it was resolved to sus tain all lus future actions where it was lieccessary for him to act under his own discretion. Tiie resolution passed by the board of health in regard to employing a secre tary and holding secret meetings, the substance of which has been in The Times was read and created some diseus sio). Alderman Ullnian made a motion to the effect that City Clerk Nelson he re tained as clerk of the hoard. Clerk Nelson desired to be heard and stated that it would be impossible, prob ably for a month longer for him to at tend the board’s meetings, if they were held elsewhere. Alderman O’Connor sustained Clerk Nelson’s statement and desired to be placed on record as bitterly opposing tiie Board of Health holding sessions where the public or newspaper men would be omitted. This roused Alderman Penniman, and lie desired to know why the Board of Health wished to hold secret sessions. Alderman O’Connor stated that they did not wish the public to attend every meeting and offer suggestions as to the best way in which they should act and that he knew the members would re sign before they would meet in public session. Alderman Penniman replied that they could resign if they thought best as that act was in their power, but he would never consent for them to keep their actions a secret. This was a center shot and the question was called for. Upon a vote being taken, it was unanimously decided excepting the vote of Alderman O’Connor that the clerk of the city should act as clerk of the Board of Health. The action of the Board of Health in promoting J. C. Oreen sanitary inspec tor with B. A. Fatmi assistant, was sustained. t hr. Botsford’s resignation as a member of the Board of Health was accepted, and J. M. Dexter elected in his stead. The communication of B. and D. B. Atkinson to run a drain pipe was re ceived and referred to the sanitary com mittee. On petition, certain members of the Defiance Fire Company No. 5, were declared exempt from taxation. A letter to Messrs. Goodyear & Kay from W. Scott West in regard to sew erage, was read and received. Mr. Edgar Dart appeared on behalf of the Dixville citizens and requested council to place two hydrants on Lon don street. The matter, after some discussion, was received and referred to the committee with power to act. The chairman of sanitary committee called the council’s attention to several •hanties in the city that were nuisances. An ordinance was placed on its first reading requiring owners of dogs to pay a tax of $2 on each of same. All accounts approved by the finance committee on motion were ordered paid. Council then adjourned. FIRE AT JESUP. The Altamaha Hotel Destroyed—Loss Estimated at SIO,OOO. The Altamaha Hotel of Jesup, with all its contents was destroyed yesterday by Are. The fire was first discovered about 0 o’clock and was burning on the outside of the building, one part of which had been saturated with oil, evidently the work of an incendiary. The building was a large double story one and contained many rooms occupied by boarders, the telegraph and express offices and the joint ticket office of the Brunswick and Western and S. F. & W. railroads. Everything in the building was a total loss, nothing that was at all vuluable be ing saved. The guests of the house bare ly escaped with their lives. The building was owned by the Plaut System, and was valued at near $7,000. The furniture and goods in it were worth at least $3,000 making a probable loss of SIO,OOO. It is safe to presume that it was fully covered by insurance. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Mr. L. M. Lee, of Savannah, treasurer of the Charleston and Savannah, B. & W., and S., F. & W. railroads isjin the city on a business trip. Mr. M. V. Hughes, of Baltimore, who has been spending the winter in Florida, is in the city stopping a few days before continuing his journey North. ’ Mr. G. A. Letford, the able advertis ing representative of H. E. Bucklen & Co’s., famous remedies, was in the city yesterday putting in some good work for Lis house. Mr. A. Simpson, so well known to the tourists as clerk of the Oglethorpe hotel, will leave in a few days for Cooperstown, N. Y., where he has been engaged by the management of Cooper’s (House. A HAPPY MARRIAGE. The Union Yesterday of Two Popular Young People. The marriage ceremony of Miss Myrtle F. Goldsmith to Mr. Harvey L. B. Wiggins, was performed yesterday, at the residence of the bride’s parents tiie Kev. Henry E. Lucas, rector of St. Marks Episcopal church officiating. The wedding occurred at 10:05 o’clock, and the happy couple left on the steamer City of Brunswick for a visit to St. Augustine, Fla., at which place they will spend several days. The bride is a young lady of many lovable traits of character, ‘and num bers tier friends by tiie score. The groom is a young man of excellent business ability and has numerous friends here and abroad. The following persons were present at the ceremony and showered best wishes for their future happiness on the young couple : Mr. and Mrs. L. Goldsmith, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lehman, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Stacy, Mrs. J. W. Wood, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Geo. D. Hodges, Mrs. 11. F. Wig gins, Mrs. L. Wiggins, Miss Dollie Colesbury, Miss Marie Gillicau, Miss Jennie Goldsmith, Miss Bessie Spear, Miss Ida Moore, Messrs. G. AY. White, Jr., B. A. White, 'Valter B. Cook, W. 11. Dyer, J. M. Wiggins, D. W. Krauss, A. B. Kowe and J. O. Bostwiek. THE ATLANTA FISHING CLUB. They Will Arrive In Brunswick on May XI. The Atlanta Fishing Club will leave Atlanta on Saturday, May 11, ar riving at Cumberland Island the follow ing day, in time to enjoy the first barba cue of the season. Refreshments will be served at all hours, and the order of the day will be, “Go as you please,” und dond got left. Such is the decision of Mr. Harry C. Stoekdell, president of this famous club, of which only fifteen members are al lowed to join its annual excursion in search of rest, repose and relaxation. Here is a notice printed on the invi tations: The trip this year will consume about ten days or two weeks, as may be agreed upon. We will have exclusive control of a dwelling which will accommodate about fifteen. If you can go, please sign below and return to H. 0. Stockdelp. The favored few who contstitute the membership of tlrs club, are Mr. H. O. Stoekdell, Mr. Ed 8. McCandless, Mr. Zach Castleberry, Mr. A. B. Andrews, Mr. Clark Howell, Sr., Mr. Percy Magnus, Mr. Phil Haralson, Mr. J. Stovall, Mr. J. C. Freeman, Mr. D. N. Freeman and Mr. J. T. Stoekdell, of Atlanta; Mr. B. M. BlouDt, of East Point; Mr. H. C. Fisher aud Mr. P. M. Hamilton, of Newnan, and Mr. S. T. Blalock, of Fayetteville. The jolly fishers are bent on having a good time this year, and for that purpose have selected the Cumberland fishing grounds, whioh arc unexcelled for royal sport, on the South Atlantic coast.— Constitution. MRS. BESSIE MILLER-pTOX’S Rtoilal—The Ac.kmiwlcdgeii Event of the Season. The people of this city will have a good opportunity of showing their ap preciation of high art at L’Arioso Opera House Friday evening. Kentucky’s gifted artis Mrs. Bessie Miller-Oton, will present a programme of costume recitals, superior to any tiie people of this city have had the pleasure of en joying. Mrs. Oton is naturally a gifted elo cutionist and lias had the advantage of best traning that could be secured and after years of careful study she has be come thoroughly proficient in her art. Among Mrs. Oton’s selections for the evening is “Little Mischief” a costume recital that she presented at the last Y. M. C. A. entertainment, the rendition of which brought forth rounds of applause. This is an opportunity that the public may not have again soon of hearing one of the finest elocutionist in the South, or perhaps the United States, and they should not fail to take advantage of it. Of Mrs. Oton the Louisville Courier- Journal says: So spirituelle was her acting, so true to nature all her gestures and facial de lineations, that it was easy to image her an artiste of long experience. Her emotions all seemed to well up from her own soul and take possession of the character she impersonates. THEY WILL CONTEST. The Floyd Rifles of Macon Drilling Nightly. The Floyd Rifles of Macon held an enthusiastic meeting at their armory on Monday night and commenced their regular drills, preparatory to entering the St. Simon’s Encampment. They will also enter the drill contest at Macon on May 20, and will have the advantage of drilling for that contest. The drill team selected that night are Sergeants T. C. Drew and F. Stewart, and Privates Shirah, Mcßae, Parker, Morgan, C. Stewart, Millirous, McGill, Boler, J. Brown, Bittick, Callaway, G. Davis, Sanders, Moore, Henry, Dunlop, Hyman, Wood, Holmes anil Wilcox. The Telegraph remarks that there is a progressive element in the Rifles which is seeking to restore that once favor ite company its prestige in military cir cles. Whnt the County Needs. Glynn county should issue bonds for the purpose of raising enough to build a decent court house and out of town schools, and the city of Brunswick should do likewise for the purpose of erecting handsome school buildings and equipping the same as well as a suitable city hall. Is there no financier who can show us the practicability of the plan? We sure ly feel the necessity of these buildings. Buckleii’s Arnica Salve. Tire Bust Sxlvklu the world for Cuts. Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, chilblains Comes, and all Skin Eruptions, and postlvely cures l’llos, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or monoy refunded, Price *5 cents per box, For gale by Geo. D. Hodges. THAT GREAT DAY When all Shall pay the Last Trib ute to the Heroes. The Gravea of the Confederate Dead to be Decked With Flowers by the Hands of Noble Women —The Prop-amine for To morrow’s Exercises—All the itusluesH Houses In the City to Close. Friday is Memorial day. No one should forget it as it is only once a year that they are permitted to pay their respect to the dead heroes. There is no one but whom can devote a few hours once a year to the memory of those who died in defending our country. And it is proper that all should attend and take part in the Memorial exerci ses. The Times hopes that every busi ness house in Brunswick will close their doors in order to give the clerks a ehauee to join-if& procession. As stated hi Voro-Uie Memorial address will be made in L’Arioso Opera House after which the procession will be formed ana hiarcii to the cemetery. Mr. A. L. Groover will be orator of the day. lie will be introduced in a few appropriai -e JTnarks by Mr. Edwin Brobston. Capt. Mallory P. King will be mar shal of the day, as-isted by Messrs. 11. 11. Howard and 11. R. Hopkins. The procession starting from tiie opera house will in all probability be formed as fol lows : Atlantic band. Public school children. Brunswick Biflemen, Light Horse Guards. Mayor and council. Orators of the day. Ladies of the Memorial Association in carriages. Citizens in earrings. After these all civic organizations according to senority. Owing to tiie great dust that will be raised by the tramping of horses, Mar shal King has decided to let the school children go in front of them. The line of march will be from Monk to Newcastle, down to Mansfield, thence out to the cemetery, where the pro cession will form on either side the Con federate graves, leaving space for the children to go through and strew flow ers. As they pass on other organiza tions will follow until the Riflemen arrive, who will close up and fire a salute, thereby euding the ceremonies of the day. The programme as arranged, it is hoped will be satisfactory and will be a credit to the noble women who so well care for the graves of the Confederate dead. Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. I)r. K 1 g’s New Life Pills, Bucklen s Arnica S;:ive an -. Electric hitters, and have never handled remedto i that -seU as well, or that have given surit unlrdbal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to 't daranry them every time, and we stand read® to rein* the purchase price, If satisfactory g resits i> A fVluw the >:ie These remedies haw* woiftXdr great popularity purely on their munis. (ie rD. Hodges, Drug gist. ' T CITY BREVITIES. Flies are about. Purasols are seen on the streets. Excursions will soon be in order. Straw hats are the popular headgear now. Fishing parties are frequent and num erous. The fever for bicycle riding has seized the boys. Stawberries are daily seen on the din ner tables. The indications for an unusually heavy fruit crop this year are good. People with weak eyes are anxiously awaiting the street sprinkler’s arrival. The Atlantic Band have promised the public an open air concert this evening. Let every one talk up the Y. M. C. A. entertainment and make it a grand suc cess. The pionic season has been successfully inaugurated, and pionics are daily tak ing place. Mr. A. A. Bubers, “Old Sergeant” of Macon, is in the city on his way to Fernandina. Lieut. Charles Wood, of Macon, re turned yesterday from a successful fish ing trip up the river. Mr. A. E. Wenz has started the founda tion of a tabby building on Bay street opposite the old custom house. Sheriff W. H. Berrie left yesterday for Jesup, where he will get a prisoner and bring him here for safe keeping. Blow pipes are coming into season in the juveuille world and there is no need to teach the young idea how to shoot. The cemetery is taking on a beautiful appearauoe, and on Memorial day it will be one of the prettiest places in town. These are the uncertain days just be tween the two seasons. Tourist travel is becoming spasmodic and faint and the summer work is scarce begun. The fine weather of the past month has given the local weather prohets some thing to talk about Borne predict a long drouth, others an extended wet season. Better to brace up and take it as it comes. Mr. A. J. Mason who hasj charge of the the yacht Seminole, will In no manner be re sponsible for any debts contracted by the crew. np-'Z4 3t LEMON ELIXIR. Its Wonderful Effect on the Liver Stomach, Rowels, Kidneys and Itlood. • Dr. Mozley’s lemon elixir Is a pleasant lem on drink that positively cures all biliousness, constipation, Indigestion, headache, malaria, kidney disease, dizziness, colds, loss of appe tite, fevers, chills, blotches, pimples, pain In back, palpitation of hear! and ull other dis eases caused by disordered liver, stomach and kidneys, the first great, cause of all fatal diseases. Fl'ty cents and #1 per bottle. Sold by druggists. Prepared ouly by H. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, Ga A Mistaken Idea Corrected. The public scent to think that the Board of Health have stopped all bag gage from Flordia from coming here. This is a great mistake and tiie re port should never have been started. Mayor Colson received a telegram from the mayor of Jacksonville, yesterday, asking if a party of three from that city would be allowed to pass through here with their baggage, and immediately wired back that nothing would be done to prevent them from coming. This surely 'ought to satisfy anyone. Brunswick is not at all alarmed and it is unfortunate that the report was started. The Sunday School Convention. The Sunday School Convention will soon be here, atul ample' preparations should be made for receiving the dele- gates. All the churches are interested in this matter and tiie members should not be backward in securing homes for tiie visitors. The reception committee are hard at work, but can accomplish little without the help of others. Brunswick lias a good name for hos pitality, and it would blacken it forever if a crowd of delegates were to come here to a Sunday School convention and not be provided with accommodation. Carved Walking-canes. Richard Purcell, a white prisoner in the city jail, is occupying his. sparejtime in carving neat walking-canes out of old spade handles. The carving is very good and shows that lie lias some talent in that line. Richard appreciates Jailer McDonald’s kindness toward him, and to convince him of that fact lie has presented hint with one of the sticks. The Hospital Association. The ladies of the hospital association are preparing a pleasant surprise for the public on April 30, the opening night of the “Carnival.” TUe public may well watch for this date, as the entertainment in store for them will be appreciated when seen. The Garbage Crematory. Part of the stack for the crematory was carted to the grounds yesterday and the balance will be carried there to-day. The work on the crematory has been somewhat delayed by the stack not being finished, but it is safe to say that the first test of the first garbage crematory erected in Georgia will take place in Brunswick on Saturday next. The Leading Baseball Paper of America. The Mew York Sporting Times, published every Sunday, Is the brightest and most com plete baseball paper published In America. Each Issue coatalus a complete history ot base ball from ocean to ocean, and no one that Is In terested In the popu'ar American game should be without a copy. With each Issue there ap pears portraits of the leading ball-players, man agers and athletics, Price, 5 cents per copy and can be bought from any newsdealer or rrom The sporting Times. 73 Park Row, New York City. ROYAL P f RpYALESSfIfA 5 POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only by cans. Koval Baking Pow der Cos., lOfi Wall street. New York. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. wiolksalkTbusixkss houses. BRUNSWICK ICE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, C. Freund, manager. Manufactures pure artesian ice. C. DOWNING, Jr., A CO., Naval store dealers and dealers In hay, grain, feed etc. N. EMANUEL, Southern Yellow pine Company. Railroad crossties, lumber and shingles, cable “Arthui.” ROBERT S. GRIER, Wholesale ’dealer and bottler, celebrated Aurora ami Moreleln lager beer. Liquors, wines, and cigars, beereoolers and refrigera L. D. HOYT A CO„ Dealers In hardware, stoves, pistols, Cari tridges, agricultural implements, sash, doors and blinds. RETAIL HOUSES. L. MERIWETHER, Dealer in furniture, house furnishing goods, bedding, sewing machines etc. Sold on easy payments, or liberal discounts made forcash. Office No. 1(1 Monk street. SOUZA A MALLETTE, Fresh groceries, vegetables, poultry, fruits, candles, cigars, tobacco. Give us a call. Apr. 14. 1 yr, AT ONE CENT A WORD. Advertisements will be inserted In this column at one cent a word for each Insertion. THE OCEAN HOTEL BAR is coming to the front again—Baker Whiskey, E WALTER’S A COS Baker Whiskev sold • In Brunswick only at ZOl Monk street by quart, and at ocean Hotel Bar by retail. J. H, Clahk. FURNISHED rooms for rent. Apply at house formerly occupied by Mrs. Day. on Bay View, aprrSS at. FURNITURE, REDDING, ETC. FURNITURE l BEDDING. :o: WE FEEL A JUST SATISFAC TION IN THE KNOWLEDGE That our efforts, to introduce in this market, First-Class Furniture on easy terms and at prices which are such that we can calmly smile at compe tition. The constant increase of our business during the . past few years, is, We Think Sufficient Proof of this Claim. JJJWe invite you one and all to visit our store and be convinced of the superior style and finish of our goods. Our energies are spent in the interest of our cus tomers, as well as for ourselves, and as customers generally appreciate these facts, We Grant They Will Give as A Liberal Support, FEELING ASSURED. THAT THE BENEFITS DERIVED WILL BE MUTUAL. C. McGARVEY. Ward’s New Building, Monks st., Opposite L’Arioso Hall. apr!4<ltf _____ BROBSTON’S Real Estate Agency, ' 105 New castle Street. Will handle property for Brunswick Company and others. Property sold on easy terms. No trouble to show lots. Team always ready. apr24 u HENRY T. DUNN, Wholesale and Retail dealer in BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, And General School Supplies. PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER. ART MATERIALS, TOYS and FANCY GOODS, HAMMOCKS, BASE BALLS and TENNIS GOODS. Lamps in great variety. Music and Musical Merchandise; Wall Paper, Cur tains and Curtain Fixtures. All kinds of Glassware. A large assortment o Plain and Fancy FLOWER POTS. China, Crockery and Glassware a specialty. KAISER BLOCK. aprlldtf HOTELS. HOTEL ST. SIMONS, ST. SIMONS ISLAND. GA. Opens for the Season May Ist. For rates and information address, J. H. KING, Manager, ST. SIMON’S ISLAND. OCEAN YIEW. St, Simon’s Island Beaoli House! FINE SURF BATHING! BOARD $1.50 PER DAY. $ A WEEK. MRS. A. F. ARNOLD, St. Simon’s Mills P. 0., Ga. PULASKI HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Watson & Powers PROPRIETORS, FRONTING JOHNSON SQUARE. Refurnished and Refitted. Cuisine and Ser vice of High Standard. Entire Southern Ex posure. SATILLA HOUSE. WAYCROSS, GA. J. R. KNIGHT, Proprietor. Clean Beds and Good Fare. Near the Court House and Artesian well. CONEY & PARKER, Wholesale and Retail In ANTHRACITE and BITUMINOUS COAL. Brick, Shingles and Laths. Anthracite Coal, Egg and Chestnut size. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR Brunswick Brick Ms. And able to Furnish in any quantity. Just received, a lot of N Alabama Oil Pressed Fancy Bricks. All above at market prices. Terms Inva riably CASH. BAY STREET, BRUNSWICK, QA. A Safe Investment. ~ Is one which Is guaranteed to bring you. 1 satis factory results, or in case of taUure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised druggist a bottle of Dr. King’s New discovery for consumption. It Is guaranteed to bring relief In every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consump lon, Inflammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is lsplcasantand agreeble to taste perfectly safe and can be depended upon. T.lal bottles free at Ueo. D. Hodges' Drugstore,