The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, December 23, 1897, Image 2
The Brunswick Times- EVERY MORNING BUT MONDAY. Brunswick Publishing Company, Pub lishers and Managers. OFFICE l ln Oglethorpe Block, F Street. M j lELEPQONB NO 31. V SUBSCRIPTION RATES. I Delivered by Mail or Carrier. fl One copy, one year |5 fl One copy, six months ul One copy, three months Onecopy,one month One copy, one week im Sunday Edition, 8 pages, per year 1 (si Ten per cent, discount on all subacriptioiß when paid in advance. fl Correspondence on live and clean subjects i J solicited. Addreßu all communications to Tula Moknino Times, Brunswick,Oa, Wdß Official Organ of fhe Cify of Bruns] _ wick and County of Glynn, I TO SUBSCRIBERS: 1 Subscribers are requested to notify the nfilfl when they fail to get any issue of TntTiuifl Attention to this matter will be appreciated ifl the management. ■ Advertising rates will be furnished on afl plication. ■ Orders to discontinue subscriptions and afl v ;r'list incuts must be in writing. 9 Thk “little, busy B” is keeping ul liia record of getting there . M Thk Times has been deluged will compliments,both spoken and written on its Christmas edition. ® Mr. Bkach, despite contrary predic tions, was decidedly the only pebble, remarks the Atlanta Journal. : g-ii ui Thk promotion of Mr. Beach makes another election neoessary within the next two months. Brunawiok never gets out of trouble. Thk man who signs his name to an agreement with no intention of meet *g the obligation thus imposed, has a at tier lax idea of his business re sponsibility . Editor Stead calls Emperor Wil liam “the New York Journal of Europe.” In other words, we are now to have “yellow royalty,” as well as "yellow journalism.” Thk girls in a New York cigarette factory struck heoause they had to work under a foreman who parted his hair iu the middle. This is anew assertion of feminine independence that may lead to serious results. Tnk comnussionership is not the iirat state ollice to which Jake Beach lias been appointed. When Governor Atkinson was flrst Inaugurated, he named the South Georgia leader as an otlicer of his stall'. Mr. Beach declined the pluce for the sole and sufficient reason that it carried with it the title of “colonel.” The entertainment to be given this afternoon by the Excolsior sooiety of the Glynn High school, should be liberally attended. The proceeds of the entertainment are to be devoted to increasing the number ot books in the library of the society . The program promises a rare literary treat, and The Times bespeaks a large audience for the members. The admission fee is a small one, and will not be missed; while those who attend are insured a pleasant evening. THE PRISON COMMISSION. In the appointment of the flrst pri son ccmtnisBion and board of pardons of Georgia, Governor Atkinson com bined, in a remarkable degree, per sonal fitness for the places and politi cal sagacity. It is a singular coincidence that the appointments dictated by political prudenoe should have been the ®aine as those recommended by publie senti ment . The significance of the appointments) from the standpoint of state politics, is great. In naming Hon. Jacob L. Beach, the governor lays the founda tion for a strong Terrell campaign in South Georgia, the stronghold of the du Bigoon movement; in the selection of Gen. Clement A. Evans, a former political opponent, there is manifest a desire to placate the old veteran ele ment. Politically speaking, the gov- ernor hag manifested a shrewdness that must be higrbJy gratifying to that faction of wbn’.h he is the leader. There is not s candidate, present or prospective, for any state uili :e, who ia not vitally affected by this latest phase of the political kalendoecope. A man may dress as well as his own good judgment and the assistance of an artistic tailor may elect. He may take his “tubs” but if his digestive organs are out of order, he will have an unwholesome appearance. His complexion and the white of his eyes will have a yellowish cast. His tongue wili be coated, appetite poor, his teeth rusty, bis breath abominable. He is one big, unmistakable sign of con sumption. The quickest, surest, easiest way to cure this trouble is to take l)r. I’ieroe’s Pliasant Pallets. They are made of refined, concentrated vegetable extracts. Nothing in the least harmful enters into their compo sition. They hunt down all impurities, and “make them move on.” They are the product of many years’ study and praotice. Dr. Pierce cannot afford to put forth a worthless article. Address with 21 cents in one-cent stamps, to cover cost of mailing only, World’s Dispensary Medical Associa tion, Buffalo, N.Y., and get a free copy of the “Medical Adviser.” For Over Fifty Years. An Old and Well-Tkikd Remedy. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children v/hile teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, sofleus the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug gists in every part of the “world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. All the celebrated makes of fine im ported and domestic cigars can be found at Isidor Mayer’s. MONTHLY SUFFERING. 'Thousands of womeii are troubled at monthly inter- \ vals with pain 9 in the head, „ back, breasts, joky! shoulders,sides yglSSOjl hips and limbs. But they need 'Kgj not suffer. JBm These pains are symptoms of dangerous derangements that can De corrected. The men strual function should operate painlessly. makes menstruation painless, and regular. It puts the deli cate menstrual organs in condi tion to do their work properly. And that stops all this pain. Why will any woman suffer month after month when Wine of Cardui will relieve her? It costs SI.OO at the drug store. Why don’t you get a bottle to-day? For advice, in cases requiring special directions, address, giv ing symptoms, “The Ladies’ Advisory Department,” The Chattanooga Medicine Cos., Chattanooga, Tcnn. Mrs. BOZEN* LEWIS. ot O.navltl., Texas, toy.: “I was troubled at monthly .ntervuU with terrible paint In my head and back, but here been entirely relieved by Wine ot Cardui.’’ THE TIMES: IBRUNSWICK, GA„ THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1897. P.... Is the basis of good health, ■ MIC Bteady nerves, mental, B I-. J physical and digestive **strength. If you are ner vous, enrich and purify your blood with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. If you are weak, have no appetite aud desire to be strong, healthy and vigorous, take Hood’s Sar saparilla, which will tone your stomach, ireate an appetite and build you up. HOOCI’S S parHSa Hie Best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. , , ~ cure nausea, Indigestion, rIOOU S IIS biliousness. Price 25c. SHifiiKG REPORT. ~ >OKT OF BRUNSWICK, Dec. 22, 1897 IOBBKCTED DAILY BY CAPT. OTTO JOHANN EBON WITH K. H. MASON * CO. ARRIVED Louise Adelaide, Am bk, 565, Orr, Pem imluco. -Harding, Nor bk, Jorgensen, i’emamluco —Satilla. Winnegance, Am schr, 251, Paris, New York —Satilla. CLEARED. Kelyingrove, Br ss, 1714, Ryder, Wil mington, Churchill. BAILED. 0. C. Wehrun, Am schr, 876, Cavalier, New York, Hirsch & Co—New York. IN PORT. BTEAMBHIPB. Colorado, Am ss, 2322, Risk, New York, Mallory Bine—New York. Wennington Hall, Br ss, 1913, Hostler, Tjilatap via New York, Churchill. Werneth Hall, Br 55,2668, Williams, Liv erpool, Wm Johnston & Cos. SHIPS. Palamos, 8p shp, 1201, Mas, Santos, Southern Pine company. BABES. Amalia, 8p bk, 419, Roca, Cadiz, Padrosa. Xenia, Am bk, 1059, Greene, Santos, Brodbead. Felicina Ferrari, It bk, 823, Repetto, Marseille, Downing Cos. Bruce Hawkins, Am bk, 540, Gurney, Sierra Leone, Hilton-Dodge—Boston, Borinquen, 8p bk, 840, Noguerolos, Ha vana, Moynelo & Cos. Irene, Bp bk, 548, Roca, Carthaglua, Padrosa. Gler, Nor bk, 746, Amundsen, Liverpool, Downing company. Progreso, 8p bk, 740, Menendez, Cartha gena, Padrosa. CJara, It bk, 567, Scarpa, Marseilles, Hunter, Benn & Cos. Latawa, Russ. bk,528, Osolin, Maranham, B. Padrosa. BRIGS. Robert Dillon, Am bg, 431, Wyatt, New York, Hirsch & Cos. Darpa, Br bg, 344, Bradley, St. Servan, SCHOONERS. City of Nassau, Br schr, 78, Kelly, Nassau, Ft D, Aiken—Nassau. F. C. Pendleton, Am schr, 388, Burges Nsw York, Emanuel—Elizebethprrt. Francis C. Yarn ell, Am schr, 471, Bowen, Portland. Hilton-Dodge—Philadelphia. James G. Beecher, Am schr, 729, Dunn, Savannah. Baxter & Cos. Julia Elizabeth, Br schr, 80, Sweeting, Nassau, F. D. Aiken, Nassau. Erie, Am schr, 219, Brown, f anta Cruz. Gladys. Am schr, 646, Colson, St. Pierre. Hirsoh & Cos. Peerless, Br schr, Kemp, Nassau, F. D. Aiken—Nassau. Annie L. Aenderson, Am sclir, 407, Ar royo, Torras—New Xork. Ctias. K. Bulkley, Am schr, Townsend, New York, Southern Pine company—New York. Wm. H. Swann, Am schr, 729, Davidson. Cienfuegoa, N. Gregertsen. Nelson Bartlett, Am schr. 609, Willey, Providence, Hilton-Dodge—New York, RECAPITULATION. Steamships, 3: Ships, 1: Barks, 12; Brigs, 2; Schooners, 14. Total, 32. Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic Cures Fever In One Day. PUPILS IN A PLAY. The Christinas Entertainment of the Exeel sior Sooiety Will Bea Good One. The Christmas entertainment of the Excelsior Literary society, of Glynn high school, will occur Thursday, December 23, beginning at 7:30 p. m. The entertainment will be given at the Mansfield street school building. An admission fee of 25 cents for adults, 10 cents for children under 12 years of age, and 10 cents for all public school children. The following is the program : FIRST PART. Instrumental Solo—" Directory March,” Clifford Gordon. Recitation—“ Vulture of the Alps,’ - Rita McKinnon. l ocal Solo—“ Serenade,” Grrgk Janie Symons. Recitation—“ The Russian Xmas,” Banks Ida Borehardt. Violin Solo—“Bcena de Ballet,” Miss Winter, Miss Rosalie Borehardt, ac companist. Recitation—' Halt Way Pomis,” Lvdic Jeffers. SECOND PART. Fabci Comedy—“ Champion of Her Sex.” Mrs. Duplex, a widow with money and a mansion Miss Ida Borehardt Mrs. Deborah Hartshorn, her mealier. Miss Elizabeth Lorentzson Florence Duplex, her daughter, Miss Franc“s Wrench Caroline Duplex, her atep-daughter, Miss Marie Wimberly Rhoda Dendron. 1 friends of I Miss Lcola Calvin Polite Nay, ) Florence, | Miss Lydle Jeffers Katie O'Neil, the cook Miss Mamie Boss Maggie llouovau, the housemaid, Miss Nella Webster n.i .ii Huyler’s candy for Xmas, W . J, Butts, tbs druggist. Metropolitan Orchestra WILL ACCEPT ENGAGEMENTS IN THE CITY. For Rates, Etc., address Wm. Deal, Leader, Oglethorpe Hotel. mtTCMTO U. S. AND FOREIGN PATtNTS PROCURED. Eugene W. Johnson Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes. 11729 New York Ave.. "Washington, D. C. Office established 18(18. Charges moderate Correspondence requested. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. "••kadale Iu Kffact December B, 189 T. fcl No. | No, No. .Vo. Northbound. | ir#> *3 is £▼. Brunswick ... 5 45n! oti fl4op 80p Ar. Everett... 0 30a 10 80a UfJOp 92bp L 7. Jesup. •••• ll *<&** i0 06p “ Surrenoy — •• Baxley I'lZty lO 54p “ Ha/Jehnpst W s?p " Lumber City \'X/\ ... " Helena fco2p i2o4u “ Mißler 218 p * Eastman 2 40p 12 S9a “ Empire ' 0 Lv. H awki?;3vill9. 2 ±0; ■• : ■ CooFiran 8 10j 1 14a * Macon 8 I>oa 4 4£i 7lfip 2 35a * Flovilift 9 38a 5 58p fc 05p * McDonough 10o8a 640 p 3 4{rp Ar. Atlanta. U l(*a T 4oi f>46p 4 45a Lv. Atlanta 2flQn 5 OCt- 5 o<ta 5(X)a Ar. Chattanooga T &.p; 0 804 9 EOl 9 3t'a Ar. Louisville 7 27a 7 89] 7 80n 7SOp Ar. Cincinnati, (,). & 0. 7 3ra 7 2th 720 p 7 20p Lv. Atlanta. 77 4 15p ~ .. ~5 aOn Ar. Birmingham. ... 10 OOp . 1143a '' Memphis. 7 4Ua ... ... 9 30p 44 Kansas City... 7 lua . 6 o6p Lv. Atlanta !200n 11 60) Ar. Washington.... .... 6 42nl 9 40) " NewVork 1243,) 1 621;, Southbound. N '; o \ S '[ G |-'“ 4 Lv. New York. 4 iiOpiVl 15a “ Washington 10 48p:!l lon Ar. Atlanta. SJSpj 3 l(fa tv. Kansas City 6 3lp lu 40a “ Memphis. 9 OOp 6 30a “ Birmingham 5 55a 4 1 Tin Ar. Atlanta 11 80s 10 SOp Lv. Cincinnati, Q. & O 8 00p 83 'a 8 30a 8 30a “ Louisville 7 45p 7 45a 7 45a 7 45a Lv. Chattanooga 8 OOailOOOpjlOOOp 650 p Ar. Atlanta 1 ljp| 00 5 00a 10 40p Lv. Atlanta 4 20p| 0 20a 8 10a 10 65p “ McDonough- 52tp|015a 910a “ Flovilla 5 onp: 0 50a 9 53a At. Macon 7 OOp 8 lea 10 EOa 1 05a Lv. Oochran 11006a .. 225a £.t. Hawkinsv.ile |i6:a 7~ ,k fimpire .... tin lf'a 7777! " Rastman . . ilOiOa 3odat ■ Missler t'l 17a ? Belena... 11l 36a I.L. ’S'ss a “ Lumber City 12.iep “ Hazlehurat 112 55p J 1 31p “-j'i 52n " Burrency j v. | Ar. Jseup •, 2 3sp B *.'6'4Ba Lv. Everett 8 3o>>| 7 05p; 8 30a Ar. Brunswick 7 45a! 4 SOp 1 8 OOp! 7 24a Nos. 13 and"!!—"(3‘lNCrS'NATI TndYEoh g)A LIMITED." Solid Vostibu’ed Tridn of- Pullman Dra ving-Room Sleeping Oars and through Vest inled Coaches beiween Clncin nutl, 0., and Jacksonville, Fia., via Chatta fcooga, Atlanta and Everett. Pullman Vc Tihuled Sleeping Cars between Kansas City, Mo., and Jacksonville, Fla., via Birmingham, Atlanta and Everett PuUman tesrtbuled Drawing-Room Sleep ing Cats between Atlanta and Brunswick This car, southbound, will be placed in Union Station, Atlanta, at 0:00 p. m., for the recep tion of passengers. Passengers may remain in ■orthbound car in Unton Station, Atlanta, flUvll 1 HiO A. £Q. . hot 13 and B—Pullman Sleeping Cars be tween Atlanta and Chattanooga. Northbound •ar is placed hi Union Passenger Station, At lam*' ready for ocoupanoy of passengers at B.VO p. m. Far.4n*ers may remain in south bound oar in Union fetation until 7:00 a. m. Noa 9 and 10—Chair Car between Atlanta fend Macon. Connection at Union Depot, Atlanta, for all poinc-8 north, caat and weat. YT. H. GREEN , J M CULP ■‘stterr fefeY W. -A..TUP.K S. H. KARUWick. Oen’l Pass. Agt. Asst. Sen’l Pass. Agt Washington, D. Q. Atlanta. a. M3& CUMBERLAND ROUTE SUMMER SCHEDULE. Effective July 5. BRUNSWICK - CUMBERLAND - FERNANDI NA LINE. Daily Except Sunday, Going— Leave Brunswick 7 :::o a in Arrive Cumberland Island 10:00 a ill Arrive Fernandina 12:00 a m Returning— Leave Fernandina 1:30 pm I .cave Cumberland Island 3:30 p ro Arrive Brunswick 5:30 pm W. M. TUPPER & Cos., Managers. Brunswick, Ga., July 26, 1897. H. H. RAYMOND, General Passenger Agent. BOOK roR mes FREE. NO FEE j(-\ UNTIL CURED- Dr. Grady’s wonderful , , Jj Irish Invigorator, the Si 101 l greatest remedy for Lost IfflwMßiai/sl* - Manhood, overcomes pre- oidUlt.GttAlTy matureness, and stops a 1 Success for 50 years unnatural drains and 250,000 cured. losses. All organs enlarged BETTER THAN GOLD. BOOK and BOX of MEDICINE FREE. All letters confidential and goods sent with full instructions free from observation. Ad dress CRYSTAL MED. CO, Lowell. Mass. TEE NEW STABLE J. M. Brown & Cos. Offer Indue aments to the Public Trade. Messrs. J. M. Brown & Cos., who have begun a livery business in the building formerly by Putnam’s stables, wish to call attention of the public to the fact that they have a flrst-class lot of stock, and excellent facilities for giving the best service. Mr. J. M. Brown, the manager, has bad long experience in this particular line of business, and knows its every detail. He will pay particular atten tion to the drayage and transfer ser vice, and promises promptness and efficiency in filling the orders ot this sort. Give them a trial. MALLORY STEAMSHIP LINE. lew w, MiH Qnd Boston Sailing From Brunswick, Ga,. Direct to New York. PASSENGER SERVICE. PROPOSED HOURS OF SAILING FROM BRUNSWICK FOR PORT ROYAL ANDREW YORK October 27 COLORADO 7:50 a. m. November 5 ; Rio GRANDE 2:00 p. m. November 12 COLORADO 7:00 a. m. November 10 Rio GRANDE 12:30 p. m. November 26 cOLORADO 6:80 a.m. general information, steamers, trains, rates, etc., apply to any railroad agent, or to CHAS. DAVIES, Agent, 220 W. Bay St, Jacksonville, Fla. ~ _ A.P.MURPHY, Agent.letnandiua. Fia H. H. RAYMOND, General Southern Agent, Brurswiek, Ga. C, H. MALLORY & CO., General Agents, Pier 20. E. River, and 3G3 Broadway, Coney & Parker, —DEALERS IN COAL AND WOOD, Rosendale and Portland Cements, Ct satr.on and Facing Brick, Rock Lima, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths, Sewer Pipe, Chimney Flue Pipe and Fittings, fire Brick and Fire Clay. 'Telephone 18 *IS!3 PAY PTBERX GRATES That Burn Goal in the Open Fire Place The Club House or Port able Basket Grate will do it. See us also for Wood Mantels t Tiling MONUMENTAL WORK, IRON FENCING. ETC. Brunswick Marble and Granite Works, REED E. LaMANCE, Proprietor, J. M,Madden, a. H. Lane, W.B.Cook, W.NresßAuM, President. Vice-President. Cashier. Asst. Cashier THE —- MERCHANTS & TRADERSBANK OF BRUNSWICK. CAPITAL, SIOO.OOO. ■VN SURPLUS, *Io,OCO. DIRECTORS: JamesL.Foster, J. B. Wright, C. D.Ogg, M. Kaiser, Moses Isaac, A. H. Lane, J. Jl. Madden, A. G. P. Dodge, jr. . Accounts of All Solvent Institutions Are Solicited. A Savings Department Is Maintained in This Bank and Accounts of Women and Minors Are Solicited. C DOWNING, President. E. D. WALTER, Cashier. E. H. MASON, Vice President Tn e N ational 3ank of Brunswick CASH CAPITAL $l5O 000- Deals Liberally With Its Patrons and Friends BURGLAR PROOF SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT, THE BAY IRON WORKS. Founders, MatWnisls, t’oilcrmakers and Biaeksmitlis. Saw Mills, Locomotives, Boilers, Engines, Printing Presses, Dynamos, Mo tors, and all kinds of Electrical Machinery neatly aud promptly repaired. We will respond to calls on Marine Work At All Times-Night or Da-. We will furnish all kinds of supplies and materials for the trade at lowest: prices. All our work will be done by first-class mechanics. Satisfaction (guaranteed. 629 Bay St. Engums' and Brunswick, Ga. Atlas Engines „ Portable and stationary boilers, shafting, pulleys, belting, pipeing, injectors and fittings, sawdust and coal-burning grates. Twenty carloads for quick delivery. Get our prices. Come and see us. Lombard lion-works and Supply Cos., capa err¥ B aoo U HI* Aiumsta, Ga.