The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, December 23, 1897, Image 3

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Is the place to get your
Christmas photos.
Instantaneous por
traits of children a suc
cessful specialty.
I am representing the old reli
able Ludden & Bates Southern
Music House, of Savannah, Ga.,
and am now prepared to furnish
Steinway, Math.nsh.ek,
Sterling and Huntington
Pianos, and
Mason & Hamlin and
Sterling Organs
at low prioes and upon easy terms.
We also have a few special bar
gains in instruments having been
used, shopworn, eto. Give me a
call and I’ll save you dollars.
A. J. McVEIGH, “fcSSWK."-
Orders Executed o”er Our Private Wires
For Cash or on Margins.
Local Securities Bought and Sold.
Telephone, 530.
Board of Trade Building, Jackson Building,
Sayannah, Ga. Atlanta, Ga.
Brunswick Representative.
Investigate our Big Bargain Sale this week !
f Special Bargains in [
I Every Department 1
s £
Special Bargain Days for 7'wo Days Only.
The opportunity of a life-time.
I Monday & Tuesday \
\ Dec. 20 & 21. I
Prices Cut in Half.
Big Bargains in Holiday Articles.
Call and examine our stock. ' No trouble to
show goods. Courteous attention to everyone.
kC j£k I ££ EEZ FR 9 SB .
d? takes mailed
w jf women through
W the whole period
o f pregnancy in
safety and com
fort. It is used externally and it relaxes
the muscles so that there is no dis
comfort. It prevents and relieves
morning sickness, headache and rising
breasts, shortens labor and preserves
the mother’s girl- -
ish form.
SI a bottle at
druggists. !T \
Send for a ff <(}
copy of our Ulus- ty M
trated booklet .T
The Bradfield Regulator Cos., Atlanta, Ga.
of firearms and bicycles
done with neatness and
and dispatch.
All Work Guaranteed.
Cor. Monk and Grant Sts.
6-15 P. O. KESSLER
Comfort and Convenience.
Is the portable grate. Burns coal
in the open fireplace. Reed E. La-
Holland herrings, Milahner herrings
at DeVoe’s.
The Trains Will Run on a Different Time
table Beginning Today.
Beginning at 6:50 p. m., November
27, a change goes into effect in the
timetable of the Plant System into
Brunswick. It is gratifying in one
respect—the train which has been ar
riving or pretending to arrive at 11:40
p. m., is hereaftes due at 10 p. m.
Whether the freight oars will be still
a portion of tliis train is not made
known in the announcement of the
The new schedule is as follows:
Train No 91 will leave Brunswick
at S :20 a. m.
Train No. 93 will leave Brunswick
at 8:15 p. m.
Train No. 92 will arrive at Bruns
wick at 10 p. m.
Train No. 94 wilt arrive at Bruns
wick at 12:50 p. m.
Notice to Shareholders.
Brunnswipk, Ga„ Dec. 11,1597.
The National Bank of Brunswick.
The regular annual meeting of the
shareholders of this bank, for the elec
tion of directors and the transaction
of other legitimate business, will be
held at its banking bouse, between
the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m.,
Tuesday, January 11, 1898.
E. D. Walter, Cashier.
Stockholders’ Meeting.
There will be a meeting ot the stock
holders of the Brunswick Savings and
Trust company at its banking house,
at 10:00 a. m., on Tuesday, January 11,
1898, tor the purpose of electing its
officers and directors for the ensuing
year, and for the transaction of such
other business as may oome before
them. L. A. Fleming, Cashier.
Christmas Holiday Exursion Bates 97 98.
Tbe Plant System announce excur
sion rates between the principal points
in the territory of the association for
Christmas holidays, of one and one
third for the round trip.
All Over the World.
Ail parties desiring to take trips to
any part of the world should call on
Capt. O. Johannesson, who is the
Bruuswick agent of all the fastest and
best steamships afloat. He can make
you rates to and from any foreign
The Happenings of the City as
Caught by “The Times"
Brief Statemeuts of the Many Things That
Make Up the Busy Bound
of Life.
The city council meets tonight.
Hon. J. L. Beach is expected nome
this morning.
The small boys are awaiting the
coming of the circus.
The streets were crowded with holi
day shoppers yesterday.
Miss Connie Smith, of Gardi, is the
guest of Miss Kuby Dart.
Col. H. T. Dunn has returned from
a business visit to Macon,
Attorney Eve has moved his office
into tbe Scarlett building over Mad
den’s plumbing shop.
Mr . E. J . Triay, tbe electrician, will
leave today for Philadelphia. Mr.
Triay will go on a coastwise schooner.
For Rent —Dwelling house, 211 B
street. Possession given January 15.
Apply at this office.
For Rent—“ Bay View Cottage,”
Richmond street. Good condition.
Apply to J. M. Madden.
Mr. VV . A . Rideout left last night on
tbe Southern for Atlanta, whence he
will go to Texas, on a prospecting
Mrs. R. A. McCranie, of Wayoross,
arrived yesterday, to spend tbe holi
days with her sisters, the Misses Hum
Mrs. W. 11. H. Morrow, who has
been on a visit to her friend, Mrs. D.
W. Krauss, fifes returned to her home
in Jonesboro.
Pure blood is absolutely necessary
for perfect health. Hood’s Sarsaparilla
is the one true blood purifier, and
great health giver.
Allie Jobanneson returned home yes
terday from Milledgeville, to spend
Christmas. Allie has been one of the
brightest pupils of the military insti
tute at Milledgeville.
The supreme court has affirmed the
decision of Judge Sweat in the case of
Tucker vs. the mayor and council of
Brunswiok, suit for damages to proj.
erty by reason of a faulty drain. TANARUS! e
plaintiff got a verdict in the superior
oourt, and the supreme court sustains
the verdict.
Chill and
Cures Fever
In One Day.
To Lay the Pipe.
The new sewer main pipe will be
laid during the next week, under the
supervision of City Engineer C. S.
Wylly. The city made no claim on
Waring, Chapman & Farquhar for tlie
cost of the additional pipe, and will
bear the total expense itself.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
failstocure. 25 cents. The genuine
has L. B. Q. on each tablet.
§J% The Most Princely Gift
Bestowed By Santa Claus
swJrC&h sY %.Toi M' Ui Isa jewel rich and rare, act in ar Jstic
ryQ&'\} y ,'Y\ VSsr V device,or with a combinaton of colors
JtSri \ f QS&i f a °d effects in rubies, diamonds, sap
tjl A them in necklaces, la a e pins, stick pin,
|r 1 ) 1 'V A Jiljo bracelets, rings, earrings, ladies’ and
Kents’ gold and silver watches and
Everybody is Delighted With Our Hoi
■***" I Fine'^li^boli'ml > chc’lpeß , |?' 1 ° U ' 1,ol "'“ y
C. J. Doerflinger. - - sos Newcastle St’
Our Stock-*-
Is large and complete, and
We can suit you in both
quality and prices.
Presents in Jewelry!
Silver Novelties, Cut Glass,
Purses, Gold Pens, Canes,
Silverware, Fine China, Fine
Lamps, Clocks, Silver Pocket
Knives, Etc., too numerous
to mention.
Free! Free!! Free!!!
For every purchase to tbe amount of $1 that you make
we give you a ticket in this drawing absolutely free.
Drawing will start on November 1 and end on Janu
ary 15, when a committee of three will conduct the
First prize: A Fine Ladies’ or Gents’ Bicycle. Sen
ond prize: A Fine Mantel Cathedral Gong Clock
Third prize, a Fine Banquet Lamp and Globe.
The Jeweler and Optician - 215 Newcastle St.
Examiner of watcheß for Southern railway. Time received daily at
11 o'clock from Washington,
Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon
and Provisions,
Grain, Hay and Bran A Specialty
204 grantsumu! -a Brunswick, Ga.
Estey 0 rgan Go.
—The Best—
For cash or installment, -
H. T. DUNN & SON, Agents.
219 Newcastle Street
* * * If you need an Organ,
* * * call and see us and we
* * * will save you money.
All members of the Brunswick Ly
ceum association are urgently re
quested to at once pay their member
bership dues, to wit: Five dollars.
Payments can be made at my office,
room No. 7. city hall, during regular
business hours; or if more convenient
checks may be mailed to me. Postof
fice box No. 72. L. C. Bodkt,
_ ___ Treasurer.
Heinz’ best mince meat
two pounds for 25c, at .J. P.
fcTATE of Georgia, 1
Will be sold before the court house door, in
the city of Brunswick, said siute and county, on
Ihe 24th dav of December, 1897, within the usual
horns of slier It’s sales, to-wit: Between 10 a.
in. and lip. m on said day, to the highest and
best bidder, for cash, the brig Hebert Dillon, or
till tons net register, her hull, masts, sails,
tackle, boats, fun iture and equipment of every
character for the purpose of satisfying un
attachment issued by R. T. llitch, justice or the
pence, 2dtli di trictG. M., Glynn county,Geor
gia, on the Bth day of December. 1*97, in favor
of E. 11. Mason a Cos., and levied upon said day
on the property aforesaid, for the principal sum
of $(107.11, besides all costs, Haid sale made under
and by virtue of an order of the honorable J.
la. Sweat, judge of the superior courts of tho
Brunswick judicial circuit, passed on the lath
•lay of December, 1807, directing said sale to he
made under the provisions of section 54(>.‘J et.
seq. of the code of Georgia, of 1805, the said
property having been levied upon as the prop
erty of Silas (J. Evans, and others, as owners of
the said brig Robert Dillon. This 18t.i day of
December, 1807.
Wm. 11. Bkbuie, Sheriff.
State of Georgia. )
County of Glynn, j
Under and by \ irtuo ol an order of the su
perior cow! t of Glynn county, the undersigned,
as receiver in the cause of the Intel national
Rubber Clothing and General Supply company,
et ah- against K. Kogowin, et tl, equitable pro
ceedings pending in Glynn superior court, will
i-X pose and offer for sale ui public outcry, com
mencing at 10 a, in. on .Monday, December 27th,
1807,and continuously until the same has been
fully wound up and disposed of. all the stock of
goods and merchandise, consisting of nothing,
hats, boots, .shoes, furnishing goods, and all
other articles comprising the stock of F. Kogo
win, now in the storeroom at No. 207 Newcastle
street, in Brunswick, Georgia, w here said sale
will be held, as well as the books of account
and all other assets of said business.
Haid sale will be conducted in the following
manner: The stock will be divided into var
ious lots and parcels, upon which bids w ill be
first had? and then by • iVering tDo stock as a
whole, and the bid or bid- producing the best
results will be accepted. Terms cash. Sale
absolute. In the u eantime the undersigued
will receive any and all ofleis for the goods in
lots or parcels, or as a whole at private sale and
report the same to the court for confli ination
or rejection. f J his December ](i, 1897.
James 8. Wright, Receiver.
A Ll* Nervous tHheases— Failing Mem
ory, Impotency.KlecpUiHHnans, etc., caused
by AbuflO&nd other Excesses and Indis
cretions. They quUskty anti nurely
restore Lost Vitality in old or young, and
fit a man for study, business or marriage.
• Prevent Insanity and Cosumption if
taken in time. Their use shows immediate Improve
vent and effects a CURIS where all othern tail. In
nint upon having the genufie Ajax Tablets. They
have cured thoi sands and vill euro you. Wo a
positive written juaruntee to effect a cure in onen case
or refund the money. Price CO cents per packuge, or
six packages (full treatment! for $2.60. By mail, in
plain wrapper, upon receipt of price. Circular free.
For sale in Brunswick, Ga., by WILLIAM
fi i Mcmw.
Cigars and Tobacco.
French candy.
r J’afTy made fresh ev
ery day.
Eli Zissrunato,